Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, June 12, 1947, Page 3, Image 3

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    ...-,,Hm-r, un-Bra, imp nix levying hoard of said cily will meet 1
uie purpose of discussing and considering th tax budget herei
aler set for the said cily for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 19
and ending June 3ih. UUH. anv tvi.nv..r r,r cni,i ,.it m,, .,
h, NOr"4'eQ,lS h,'rel,y iven l'"t on the 7lh day of July, 1917 at the
hour of 7:30 p.m. of said day, at the Council Chambers in the City
time and place appear and be heard either for or in opposition to
said tax levy as set forth or any item thereof.
, 6-30-'44 6-30-'45 6-30-'46 6-30-'47
Classification to to to to
7-l-45 7-1 -'46 7-1 -'47 7-1 -'48
City Superintendent $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 2,400.00 $ 3,000.00
lity Police 1,500.00 1,500.00 2,000.00 3,000.00
City Recorder 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00
lity Attorney 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00
City Treasurer 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00
Fire Boys' Salary 350.00 350.00 350.00 350.00
$ 4,250.00 ' $ 4,250.00 $ 5,650.00 $ 7,250.00
State Insurance 100.00 100.00 100.00 150.00
Bond Premiums 100.00 100.00 KK).(X) 100.00
Kire Equipment 500.00 500.00 500.00 2,000.00
Printing & Advertising 150.00 150.00 150.00 200.00
Auditing 200.00 200.00 200.00 300.00
$ 1,050.00 $ 1,050.00 $ 1,050.00 $ 2,750.00
Light 1,400.00 1,400.00 1,400.00 1,500.00
Streets and Bridges . 2,500.00 2,500.00 2500.00 1 ,000.00
Swimming Tank 000.00 000.00 600.00 600.00
Kire Insurance 150.00 150.00 250.00 2.50.00
Garbage Disposal 180.00 180.00 200.00 5,400.00
Building Repairs 900.00 900.00
$ 4,830.00 $ 4,830.00 $ 5,850.00 $ 9,650.00
Bonds 7,000.00 7,000.00 4,000.00 3,000.00
Bond Interest 500.00 500.00 250.00 80.00
$ 7,500.00 $ 7,500.00 $ 4,250.00 $ 3,080.00
Library 200.00 200.00 200.00 600.00
Others 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00
$ 500.00 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 $ 900.00
Bookkeeper 300.00 400.00 400.00 500.00
Assistant Supt. 1,800.00 1,800.00 2.400.00 2,700.00
Labor, Supplies, etc. 2,000.00 2,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00
Replacements 2,500.00 4,500.00 6,000.00 6,000.00
$ 6,600.00 $ 8,700.00 $12,800.00 $13,200.00
2,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00
Tot alKx en d iju res $273000 SgjiQjjOjMM-l0 - 0Q
Water Department $14,000.00
Road Tax Refund . 1.500.00
Licenses and Liquor Revenues 2.500.00
Swimming Tank 600.00
Fines 1,000.00
Estimated Carryover ... 10,300.00
Garbage Income 5,400.00
Total Estimated Receipts $35,300.00
Amount to be raised bv taxation for the fiscal
'p.nJLCli;UaLi.'!.njg' i'.18 $ 4,530.00
Outstanding bonded Indebtedness $ 5,000.00
Outstanding warrant indebtedness (None) '
Other indebtedness (None)
(Sixty percent (60",) of the estimated carryover of the 1916-1917
fiscal year is placed in a sinking fund for the purpose of defraying
the cost of construction and repairing cily streets, bridges and a
sewage system pursuant to Chapter 186 Oregon Laws 1913.)
Dated at Ileppner, Oregon, this 12th day of June. 1917.
By: W. C. Rosewall, Chairman,
B. C. Pincknoy. Clerk of Board.
lone News Items of the Week
Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, June 12, 1947-3
By Echo Palmateer
Mrs. R. L. Casselman and
granddaughter Janice are visit
ing relatives in Seattle.
At a city council meeting Tu
esday evening of last week
plans for building a new city
hall were discussed.
Rev. and Mrs. Alfred Shirley
were The Dalles visitors Satur
day. Daily Vacation Bible school
will close Friday. A program
and display of the children's
work will be held at the Co-operative
church Sunday evening.
Everyone is invited to attend.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buchanan
spent last week in Portland
where they visited their son
Robert and family. They pur
chased a car while down there.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Roundy
and children and Ralph Kincaid
stopped here one day last week.
They were on their way home to
La Grande from a trip to the
coast and Seattle. Ralph stop
ped at home and Rodger Kin
caid went on to La Grande with
the Roundys. They plan on go
ing to Portland for the Rose Fes
tival this week.
Mrs. James Lindsay and Mrs.
Ida Coleman returned Saturday
evening from Bend where they
attended the state grange con
vention. They reported having
a very enjoyable time.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lindstrom
and son Stephen and Mrs. Fan
ny Griffith left for Portland on
Monday. Mrs. Lindstrom is a
delegate to the Eastern Star
Oscar Peterson will leave for
Portland Tuesday as a delegate
to the Masonic convention.
Earl Morgan is at the home
of his son, Lloyd Morgan.
A cloudburst struck the Mor
gan community Saturday after
noon, doing much damage to
roads and plowed fields. One
and .38 inches of water fell in
45 minutes. A pipeline was
washed out that carried water
from a spring to the Griffith
farm. Water came down the
Lindstrom canyon, Buschke can
yon, also by H. O. Ely's and
Don Hcliker's, washing bould
ers and dirt into the roads. Deep
gulleys were washed in the
summerfallow. Some chickens
at Griffith's vere drowned.
Sam Crawford. Rodney Craw
ford and Tad Miller received
cuts and bruises when the
Crawford car overturned on a
curve about three miles from
Condon when they were coming
home from a dance at Condon
early Sunday morning. The boys
were taken to a physician for
treatment and brought home by
Franklin Ely. The car was be
lieved to be a total wreck. Ar
thur Stefani. Jr., had his car
slightly damaged when he stop
ped at the accident. The tail
light was knocked off the Ely ,
car. The three boys are able to
be up and around. j
Among those from here at-!
tending the model airplane con- '
test at Walla Walla Sunday,
were Mr. and Mrs. L. A. McCabe
and family, Ruby Ann Riet- :
mann, Rollo Crawford and Ted :
Palmateer. I
Miss Eleanor Aldrich, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Aldrich,
left for Pendleton Sunday where
she will work in the St. An
thony's hospital as nurse's aid.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Lindquist
who have been living in Herm
iston moved back to lone.
Mrs. Omar Rietmann left for
Portland Sunday where she will
altend the Eastern Star conven
tion there this wee.k She will
also visit in Corvallis. Mrs.
Rietmann is grand representa
tive of the district of Columbia
of Oregon.
Mrs. Agnes Wilcox who has
been a guest at the C. W. Swan
son home left for her home in
Portland Sunday.
The Maranathas made $40 on
the food sale Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Coates of
Ephrata, Wash., were recent
guests at the Walter Corley
home. Mrs. Coates is the mother
of Mr. Corley.
The PNG club of the Rebekahs
met at the home of Mrs. L. A.
McCabe Friday afternoon, June
6. Plans were made to have a
food and fancy work sale and a
tea at the I.O.O.F. hall in the
afternoon of election day, June
Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Esteb of
Okanogan, Wash., visited at the
home of Mr. Esteb's father, Sam
Esteb. Mr. Esteb is a state pa
trolman. Mrs. Walter Jepson is visiting
relatives in California.
Mrs. Lester Britton of Tygh
Valley and Mrs. Ned Carr of The
Dalles are staying with their
mother, Mrs. Alice Wiles.
A new roof has been put on
the I.O.O.F. hall and on the Vic
tory cafe which has helped con
siderably during the rains.
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Ely
purchased the Henry Gorger
property on Second street. Mrs.
Ely left for La Grande this week
where she will attend summer
school. She will teach the 5th
arid 6th grades in lone the com
ing year.
Mrs. Fannie Griffith reported
that there has been 3 13 inches
of rainfall since the first of June.
Dates to remember The Am
eca club will meet at the home
of Mrs. Earl McKinney June 18.
...The IIK.C of Willows grange
will meet June 20 at the grange
hall with a pot luck dinner at
noon and clean the hall for Po
mona The tegular meeting of
grange is June 21 The study
meeting of the Topic club at
Mrs. Roy Lindstrom's, June 11.
There wil Ibe election of officers.
...The Rebekahs will have a
food and fancy work sale and
tea at their hall election day,
June 17, in the afternoon The
annual school meeting at the
school house June J : t 2 p.m.
There will be election of officers,
director and approval of the
budget, also one member to be
elected from this zone.
From the lone Independent,
June 13, 1923: A good rain to
gether with a small amount of
hail visited this section Mondav
afternoon. A bumper wheat
crop is now a certainly. I
Pomona grange will be held !
at the Willows grange hall June
Mr. and Mrs. David Baker are
the parents of a boy, Robert
Henry, born at Pendleton, June
3rd. j
Mrs. J. W. Christopherson of j
Portland is a guest of Mrs. Del-'
la Corson. Mrs. Christopherson's j
son. Ernest Christopherson. and
family of Donald are visi'ing
relatives here.
George Ely and A. A. MeCahe
returned Monday from a fishing
trip. They were at Madras and
Culver and went down to Ihe
coast as far as Coos Bay.
Mrs. Eertha Severin, 7th and
8th grade teacher, states that
the following pupils have been
granted certificates of proficien
cy in the Rice system of busi
ness penmanship: 7th grade, El-
ise B.iuernfeind. Fern Joni",
Betty Griffin. Mary Jepson. Le
' Roy Brenner: Sth grade. Ronald
Baker. Bill Hubbard, Delight
Piddle, Ingfid Hermann.
Donald Hclikcr fell from his
horse Tuesday and Injured his
Walter Roberts is doing some
painting at the Oscar Peterson
The bricklayers will finish
their work on the Markham Ba
ker house this w-eek.
torn where I sit Jy Joe Marsh
Here's to
There's a line at the heading of
the Woman's Column in my paper
that reads:
"Women through the years have
stood Keepers of the flame . .
Pretty easy to see what it means ;
whether it's the flame on the hearth,
or the candle in the window, or
the feeling of warmth that sur
rounds a home.
It's the wemen who are guardians
of the things we cherish about
homelife who are tolerant of
ashes on the rug; the rings a glass
of beer can leave on tables; or the
comfortable but too-worn chair
that we can't bear to throw away.
From where I sit, those little
satisfactions become more and
more important in this world of
strife and change. Smoke ring
curling from a mellow pipe ; a glasi
of beer; a comfortable chair be
fore the fire. And I'd like to salute
the housewives "keepers of the
flame" whose tolerance and un
derstanding helps preserve them I
Oregon Drivers!!
BETWEEN 5R-1 AND 5R-33.000.
DON'T apply T T
number la otm SR 33.000.
Sm labia at rtqhL
Q: Apply where?
A: Any driver's Hretue
rlerk r examiner in your
Q: What ahout the print
ed expiration date on
your old li'ense'.'
U-nore It; see the table
the rlrht.
O If you drive out of
state before Its tine to
renew your o!d license,
bow ran you prove It to
;: e T li'f?
A: By clippine a renewal
table to your license.
Oregon Drivers' Licenses
These Number!
;n l to sr noo
5K 33001 to 5R "
5R CSOl to 5R 90000
5,rt W)l to 'Hll?
SR!32f 01 to SRlS.Wia
5fl,r,.0l to SRIMQO
SR.lMl to .'RZMO
SR '64001 to 5Ri;iM
SR397001 to 5R3300OO
jRlWOOl to SR363O00
5R14J011 to 5R1MIHJ
SHltfiOOl to .121000
-,Rt2r0Ol to fRtfZOOK
5R462frll to .'RW.Oflfl
5R!9"O01 to 3R52HM)
5R'2fi00 to 5R.VU00
SR. US! Ml to JR510O0
5R.V)4O01 to WK7l7
5RC27wii to r.Rwoooe
5KSIW01 to 5P.130t
TRS93M1 to 5R:2tl!00
5R72KWI1 to 5R75oo
5R75S001 to 5R792')0
Will Fxplra
These Montana
Jir iM
Am. 147
Sept. 1M7
Oet. IM7
Not. IM7
Dee. 111
Jjn. m
Feb. 1I
Mar. 194
Apr. 1M
Ma 194H
" June 1941
July 194"
Au. 19
Oct. 194
No. 1M
Dee. 1M
Jan. 1949
Feb. 1949
Mar. 1949
Apr. 1949
or over May 1949
S. FAREELL. Jr., Sec'y of state
Complete price for wall
designed 20x24 ft. factory
built home. Also other
sizes and utility buildings.
Bdilt to endure.
M. D. Hicklin
Beaverton, Oregon
4tHt & 5 fill
The Place to spend the
is aft Legist
Two Full Days of FUN and EXCITEMENT
We would like all business
houses to enter a float in the
parade that is to start at 10:00
on the 4th. Let people know
you are in business. All your
patrons will be there to see your
float, so let's not let them down
by not having one.
Folks, don't forget the big
Air Show beginning at 1 :00 at
the Lexington airport. You
won't want to miss the dance
because the music will be so
good it will make you want to
dance once you hear it. Danc
ing will start at 9:00.
C If you people haven't been
to a good smoker lately you cer
tainly won't want to miss the
one at Lex at 7 :00 July the 5th.
Come early and be sure of a
Everyone is Invited to Come and Have Fun
beauty 'loving, budget -wise women .
mrnm WymW
Taking advantage of lj
uofcW m;st u;u;ual I if m:
SfFfft I'll:
for your old fur coat or fur-trimmed
coat ... on purchase of any DUPLER
fur coat in stock!!
Mr. W. C. Troxel, Dupler's Fur Stylist
will be in our store presenting high-fashioned
1948 styles in this generous trade-in allowance
for your old fur coat
your precious
furs in
our modern
Special Dupler Feature)
More than a Cleaning
More than a Glazing...
Costs no more than
ordinary cleaning
Small Deposit holds your Selection
in our Layaway. Free Storage until Fall.
10 Months to Pay No Carrying Charge
Heppner, Oregon
Dupler's a family of furriers for over 1 00 years