2-Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, June 12, 1947 EDITORIAL Tolk Things Over With Court Olio f the n.ast irr,iori.nt demons in recent joars Is tu be hrid in this county nrxt Tuesday. II involves the approval of a budget which calls for funds fir in c-xecss of the six per cent lim itation and for that reason should be thoroughly understood by iho taxpayer before entering the b,(Oth to mark his ballot. There is one source for obtaining information ar.d that is the county court. Time is growing slioit, yet in all fairness all who will vote next Tuesday should understand the requirements which n.ade it necessary for the court and the budget committee to include extensively in creased estimates in the budget. It is quite certain that the attitude so preval ent in recent years of "getting things done while there is plenty of money" did not direct the bud gcleers in their work. They were confronted with a situation in which they had no choice. The county's operation expense has grown along with the rest of the country and pre-war budgets can not be stretched to meet post-war costs. Anyone who has bought machinery, hired labor or in any other manner transacted business these past few years knows that a normal basis no longer exists. There are signs here and there that a readjust ment is setting in. but it is rot known how far it will move toward a normal level or how long it will take to attain th -t objective, if ever. The county's business must go on. even if not as usual, and in order to meet the increased cost of operation there must be more funds. Still on the Job The financial statement of the Morrow county committee of the Blue Mountain Council found elsewhere in this issue of the Gazette Times proves conclusively that our people have not forgotten the boys in the veterans hospital at Walla Walla. The good work canied on during the war years has not been neglected during the past year and there is assurance that the current fiscal year will see no let-up in the seriee to thse unfortunate young men. While the local committee has been on the i job in raising funds and obtaining gifts, two Walla Walla women. Mrs. Ralph Keser and Mrs. ! j Kalph Knudscn, serving as this county s Cray ladies, have worked faithfully in carrying out i the activities for which the funds were acquired, j Their great service is deeply appreciated as well i by those for whom they are serving as by those served. One has but to read the report to appre ciate the interest maintained by the local com mittee, so capably headed throughout by Mrs. Kalph Thompson (the Ralphs seem to have an edge on high spots in the council! and ably as sisted by Mrs. Ben Anderson, co-chairman, and Mrs. Laurence Eecket, secretary-treasurer. So long as these faithful workers remain at the helm the hospitalized veterans have the assur ance of not being neglected. Let's Take A Holiday Proposal by the Chamber of Commerce to close up the town July 4 and 5 in order to give the tired business man and the hired help a three day vacation should meet with the approval of all who find themselves not in a position to enjoy a longer holiday. If all competitive houses will close for the two days there will be no un easiness on the part of some that the other fellows are profiting at their expense. All of us can take a little rest, go fishing, camping, take in the Lexington celebration, or maybe mow the lawn and tidy up the place a little bit. A number of business houses will close for the two days regardless of the decision of the others. It should be unanimous and so advertised to the trading area to give people a chance to lay in their holiday needs the day before the 4th. Let's get into the spirit of the occasion and really close up for a couple of days. STATE BUYS BRAINS Highway traffic accidents are mi a sharp up-eurve and the Mate has decided to do some thing about it besides talking. The legislative interim commit tee highway development and revenue this week engaged the automotive safely founda tion of Washington, D. C, to make a survey and report on the tate s highway system. The foundation is a non-profit or- inization working in many states including California and Washington. The committee re- liiestod the state highway com mission to make a budget for xpenses including extra work 'o be performed by the commis mission. It is estimated expen ditures will be under $75,000. R. II. Baldock, state highway engineer, strongly endorsed the foundation. Study by highly rained technicians will be im partial with emphasis on coun ty roads, main highways and future military roads. MARRIAGE LAW OPINION SEVEHSED Attorney General Neuner has ruled that the 1947 law validat ing marriages and legitimatiz ing children affects only those 30 YEA From Heppner G.'.noite Tiir.es June li, 1917 The Morrow cour.'y chapter of the Red Cross launched its mem bership campaign last Saturday and as a result it now has a membership of 431 and $1,049 in the treasury. J. E. Higgs who has been back to his old home in Texas return ed to lone the latter part of last week. Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Swanson on election day at their home in lone a daughter. Mrs. Elizabeth N. Crawford left Tuesday for Philomath where she will spend the sum mer at the home of her daugh ter, Mrs. Frank S. Parker. visited at the home of her sis ter, Mrs. Frank E. Parker. Sheep Are Legal Tender for Auto The present high price of sheep made these animals a stfe and convenient medium of exchange when John Sheridan traded Harold Colin 100 sheep for a late model Oldsmobile. QoU man Oil Wat&i Jleat&il Automatic Temperature Controls Automatic Pilot Removable Burner Burner Asbestos Sealed Plenty of hot water . . . heats fast . . . fully automatic ... no work ... no worry . . . burns oil . . . A New Beauty! Marshall-Wells Store Case Cr Nikander, Owners Bert Palmateer of lone, ac companied by Miss Echo Gith ens. Miss Lera Githens and The marriage of Miss Mary SDencer Crawford left Monday Cypert, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. jn his Reo for a trip to the Val- James Cypert of Heppner, and j iey Mr. E. A. Hale was consmmated i . at Levviston, Idaho, on Wednes- At the Red Cross day program day, June 6. Mrs. Hale recently . held Saturday, Lonnie Copen- haver won first in the Ford rac es, going over the 25 milccourse in 53 minutes and 24 seconds. W. G. Scott of Lexington finish ed second, making the run in 55 minutes and 55 seconds. In the boys bicycle race following, Leonard Schwarz won first and Paul McDuffee second. In the free for all 100 yard dash, Jim Autamatic Cowins took first and Loyal Parker of Lexington, second. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Wra. T Crow in this city Saturday. June 9, an 8 1 2 pound daughter. The little girl has been named June Elizabeth. Mrs. E. H. Slocum returned from Portland where she attend ed a rec tal by her daughter, Miss Edith Thorley, who will graduate this month from Jhe Portland Conservatory of Music. John Erosnan has been ap pointed to the position of stock inspector for Morrow county by Governor Withycombe. Manager John B. Sparks of the Star theater received word Mon day from Arlington that the the ater at that place had burned to the ground at 2 o'clock Mon day morning. Misses Margaret and Coramae Crawford left Tuesday for Mel bourne. Wash., to visit at the home of their sister, Mrs. LeRoy Jones. A party consisting of Mrs. Phil Cohn, son Henry and daughter Eleanor, Mrs. B. R. Patterson and the Misses Lulu and Lela marriages which occurred before last April 5. In an earlier opin ion he ruled the date was next July 5. The law applies only to marriages where one or both parties did not comply with the six months waiting period after their divorce decrees were issu ed. MILK DELIVERY COSTS When a hearing was under way at the Capitol recently on price control of milk to custom ers we came near to being thrown out at least some dis tributors glared the intent. All we said was, "You should see how they distribute milk in a town in California about the same size as Salem. Producers truck their milk to stations in town. Boys distribute it as they do newspapers. They load up for a block or more, distribute any brand to any nome or store and eliminate costly duplica tion ot delivery service, ine saving goes to the customer and milk is three cents a quart cheaper than here." "Where is this place?" asked a frustrated distributor. It was time to say, "There is no such place, but how do you like the picture?" NEW VETERANS DIRECTOR W. P. Gaarenstrom was this week appointed director of vet erans aitatrs oy governor r.ari Snell to succeed Col George E. Sandy, who resigned. Gaaren strom is the third director to hold the office within the past 13 months. He has been with the department since its creation in June 1915. In tendering his resignation Sandy said, "The reason for this step is that I have been under medical care for the past three or four months. Now on medi cal advice, I am taking this re gretted action." He succeeded Hugh Rosson who resigned in May 1916. GOVERNOR'S STATEMENT In designating June 15 as Fa titer's Day, Governor Earl Snell said, "Let this day mark the strengthening of family ties, let us never forget that the home is the real basis of happiness . . . celebrate the day with proper observances in the spirit of this year's theme, 'Honor Father, Builder of Our Children's Fu ture'. .. recognize the important position which fathers have in the family and community." CAPITAL CORRIDOR ECHOES Construction work on 400 new cells at the state penitentiary in Salem will be done by in mates of the institution. .. State Budget Director George Aiken who was stricken with a heart attack during legislature has, resumed his official activities. . . Federal government will reduce Oregon's school lunch fund ap propriation from $476,944 to $150,207. . .Twenty states in the CHURCHES CHURCH OF CHRIST Bible school, 9:45: C. W. Bar low, superintendent; Mrs. Joe Jewett, primary superintendent. Morning worship, 11; com munion and preaching; sermon topic, "A Picture of the Match less Christ." Adult Christian Endeavor, 7. Evening evangelistic service. 8. Communion for those not able to be present in morning. Ser mon topic, "What It Is to be a Christian." Mid-week Bible study Thurs day evening at 8. ALL SAINTS CHURCH Holy communion, 8 a.m. Church school, 9:45 a.m. Holy communion, 11 a.m. o RANGERS ATTEND SERVICE SCHOOL Glenn PJarsons, ranger and Joe Gjertson, assistant ranger of the Heppner division of the Umatilla National forest, at tended a range management school conducted by the forest service at Lily White camp on the national forest at Baker which was concluded last week. Officials of .he Portland region al office conducted the school Representatives from eight Oregon and Washington forests were on hand for the instruction in range work, Including key forage species and key areas, plant identification, judging conditions and trends on range land, utilization practices and management. Emil Johnson, ranger of the Pomeroy district, was the third representative of the Umatilla forest at the school. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY J. O. PETERSON Latest Jewelry and Gift Goods Watches, Clocks. Diamonds Expert Watch & Jewelry ReDatrin Heppner. Oregon Veterans of Foreign Wars Meetings 2nd and 4th Mondays st 8:00 p. m. in Legion Hall JOS. J. NYS ATTORNEY AT LAW Peters Building. Willow Street Heppner. Oregon J. O. TURNER ATTORNEY AT LAW Plume 173 Hotel Heppner Building Heppner. Oregon O. M. YEAGER CONTRACTOR & BUILDER All kiwis of carpenter work. Modern Homes Built or Remodeled Phone 1483 415 Jones St. HEPPNER. OREGON Turner, Von Marter and Company GENERAL INSURANCE P. W. MAHONEY Attorney at Law GENERAL INSURANCE Heppner Hotel Building WUlow Street Entrance OK Rubber Welders FRANK ENGKRAF, Prop. First class work guaranteed Located in the Kane Building North Main St. Heppner, Ore. Campbell left Heppner Tuesday j union and several foreign coun- morning in the Cohn Cadillac I tries have adopted our Keep Ur for Portland to attend the Rose ! egon Green program. .. Oregon's Festival. j Insurance Commissioner Seth B. Thompson has been elected president of the National Asso ciation of Insurance Commis sioners at a convention in At lantic City, N. J. ..Motor vehicle registration in Oregon will ex ceed half a million this year.. . "Find a better name than Ore gon Vocational School and we might change the name of the new institution at Klamath Falls," say members of the state board of control. The state board of higher education has adopted a policy of making no exceptions in retiring employees who have reached the retirement age of 65 years. Over 200 such employees have been denied their request to continue. Phelps Funeral Homt. Jack A. Woodhall Doctor of Dental Medicine Office First Floor Bank Bldg. Phone 2312 Heppner licensed Funral Directors ftione 1S32 Heppner, Ore. Heppner City Council Meets First Monday Each Month Citizens having matters for discus sion, please bring before the Council Dr. L D. Tibbies OSTEOPATHIC Physician & Surgeon First National Bank Building Res. Ph. 11G2 Office Ph. 4B2 INC. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE TITLE INSURANCE Office in Peters Building IAMOND3 WOULD HAVE VEtW LITTLE VALUE IF IT WERE NOT FOR AN ENGLISH SYNDICATE that controls the marketing OF THEM , ii XvhHiB Fard clothf-a are of little value . . . y"U can't look your bt unless your w:irlrfbe h in good condition. Re pure, that what ever the occasion, ymr clothes are B-I-O-H-T. Call the MOR ROW COUNTY CLEANERS for pi' k up and delivery service. Heppner Phone 2632 Oregon Skill and Care Beyond Compare Morrow County Cleaners Thoughts For Hot Days If Greet the heat with a jaunty enthusi asm inspired by a new Jeel Cream Cold Wave by Duart Sun Spots, by Dermetics, insures pro tection from burnnig rays of sun for three or four hours. Promotes tanning and does not leave a greasy film. ALICE'S BEAUTY SHOP Phone 53 Edith - Alice - Ethel lone Post No. 95 American Legion announces a Return Engagement of Ken Davidson and his orchestra July 3 at the lone American Legion Hall Admission: $1 per person Morrow County Abstract fir Title Co. a. D. McMurdo, M. D. PHYSICIAN & SUtGEON Trained Nurse Assistant Office in Masonic Building Heppner. Orcaon Dr. C. C. Dunham CmitOFK.UTIC PHYSICIAN Office up stairs 1. 0. 0. F. Bldj Hau calls made House Phone 25X3 Office 2572 Merchants Credit Bureau Accurate Credit Information F. B. Nickerson Phone 12 Heppner Morrow County Cleaners Box 82, Heppner, Ore. Phone 2632 ' Superior Dry Cleaning & Finishing N. D. BAILEY Cabinet Shop Lawn Mowers Sharpened Sewing Machines Repaired Phone 1485 for apolntment, or call at shop. Heppner, Oregon Blaine E. Isom All Kinds of INSURANCE Phone 723 Heppner, Or. Heppner Hospital Beds available by reservation. W. P. BROWNE, M.D. Physician & Surgeon 5 K Street Phone 952 GENERAL ROOFING Colors to suit your home . . . Gilsonite your old roofs. Free Estimates Call 1282 Mrs. James Simmons and son , FOP. SALE 2-beiiroom house; Roseoe of Fox vallev are cuests j this week at the home of Mr. j and Mrs. Frank Davis. Mrs. Simmons and Mrs. Davis are sisters. utility room with laundry trays; butane pns fur heat, cook stovp and hot water. House and 3 lots in Lexington, St'iOO. Tumor, Van Marter & Co. We fteed Help HOW! Silk FinisherExperience not necessary but must be good ironer and mender 85c an hour - 40 hour week. Counter Girl -- and Marker - Checker Must be accurate 85c an hour -- 40 hour week. Heppner Cleaners & Dyers W. C. Collins ;rM FEEL UKt VCU.S FLYING'' . That's what Chevron Supreme Gasoline brings to your car, folks skyway performance adapted to the highway. War-born improvements in flying fuels paved the way for this premium gasoline a gasoline that is tailor-made for your car's requirements. Chevron Supreme mean quicker starts, extra power smoother performance in traffic and on the fipen road. Try it I lSUPKEMEj L. E. (ED) DICK Phone 622 Heppner, Oregon Who's the Atlas of our family . . . the mighty man of brain and power? Who's our Valentine " Our Hero MbWho's our lion of the hourPfe Who's the prince of all good fellows Who's as sharp as any lad Who gets the honors June 15th? Pop the question, it s our What to do for this lion-prince-lad, see Saager's Pharmacy CASOLIHl m