Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, June 12, 1947, Image 1

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    PORTtAnS. 5F.S.
ppner Gazette Times
Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, June 12, 1947
Volume 64, Number 12
C. of C. Sponsors
Week-End Closing
July 4th and 5th
Business Houses
Asked to Join in
Vacation Event
Seeking to pave the way for
employer and employee to en
joy a hrief vacation, the cham
ber of commerce is .sponsoring a
move to got the business houses
of Heppner to close Friday and
Saturday, July 4 and 5, which
combined with Sunday will
make a three-day vacation as
much as many of our people
have been able to enjoy for a
number of years.
Decision to launch the move
ment was reached early this
month when, after failing to ac
complish a double holiday clos
ing in connection with Decora
tion day, it was pointed out that
lack of understanding caused
several of the business concerns
to remain open.
This time, the merchants' com
mittee of the chamber points
out, there will be no misunder
standing and all places of bus
iness are urged to cooperate.
The committee has placed an
advertisement in this newspap
er announcing the closing and
there will be placards posted in
windows of all participating
places of business.
It is pointed out that by ef
fecting a two-day closing in
Heppner the Lexington celebra
tion will be given a boost. The
chamber feels this Is a neigh
borly thing to do.
At Monday's meeting it was
decided that the club as well as
business houses should enter
floats in the July 4 parade at
Lexington and efforts will be di
rected towards making a good
representation from Heppner.
Nuptials Solemnized
In Lawn Ceremony
A romance dating back to
grade school days came into its
own Sunday afternoon when
Miss Carolyn Bergstrom ?nd R.
D. Allstott Jr. spoke their wed
ding vows before a large group
of friends and relatives. A ser
vice in the yard had been plan
ned and the rain ceased long
enough for the ceremony to be
performed there.
The bride was gowned in the
beautiful white cropo do chine
and chiffon wedding dress which
her aunt, Mrs. Ililma Anderson,
had worn. The fingertip veil was
held in place by a coronet of
white satin and seed pearis. The
bridal bouquet was orchid and
houvardia showering from a
white prayer book. She was giv
en in marriage by her father
and was attended by her aunt.
Miss Kunice Osmin, who wore
i blue silk taffeta gown and
carried a nosegay.
The bridal party was met by
the groom, his brother Richard
and Rev. J. Palmer Sorlein. who
performed the ceremony, using
the double rings. Mrs, C. C. Car
michaei plavcd the wedding
march and accompanied Miss
Marguerite Olavey who sang "I
Love You Truly" and "Always."
The reception was held In the
spacious ranch home of the
bride's parents. Mr. and Mis.
John Bergstrom. The tea table
was presided over by Mrs
Georce Certson, Mrs. Fred Par-
rUh Mrs. Walter Becket and
Miss Leta Humphreys. The wed
ding cake was cut by Mrs. Sara
McNamer and Mrs. Lucy Rod
gers. Assisting about the rooms
were the Misses Jo Anne (haves,
Betty Graves, Beverly Yoatm
and Shirley Wilkinson.
The young couple are well
known in this vicinity, having
grown up in the Kightmile sec
tion. The groom, who Is the son
of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Allstott,
entered the service tx-fore grad
uating from Heppner high
school and is a veteran of the
KurotK'an invasion and was in
Germany much of the 31 mon
ths he was in uniform.
Mr. and Mrs. Allstott will take
up their residence In Heppner
after a short honeymoon at the
coast. For traveling the bride
wore an aqua suit, black acces
sories and an orchid corsage
She will continue her work in
ilio ninntv welfare office, The
groom Is employed at the Rose
wall Motor company.
C. K. Stalcup of Boardman tvas
transacting business In Hepp
nor Wednesday, coming mainly
to confer with the county court
relative to irrigating water ov
eiflowing the county highway in
his vicinity. Mr. Stalcup was a
resident of Union county lot
manv years where he engaged
In the logging business. He Is
a comparatively new resident of
Mrs. J. O. Rasmus will leave
for Portland Sunday to attend a
buyers week for dealers in wo
vm.n'u elnililoL'. A distilav of fall
mere handlsc will be at the dis
posal of the buyers.
History Of Moro Experiment
Station Story of Development
Of Wheat in Eastern Oregon
The history of the Moro ex
periment station, as told by Mer
rill Oveson, director, to the Mor
row county farm bureau meet
ing Monday evening at Lexing
ton grange hall, is the story of
the development of the eastern
Oregon wheat belt.
Set up in 1910 at Moro, fol-
lowing appeals from agricultur-j
il interests to the legislature in
1!XIS and 1909, the station h,as
studied and developed varieties
of grain which are used by most
growers in the territory east of
the Cascades.
Bulk of the work accomplish
ed by the station was under the
supervision of D. E. Stephens,
who served as director from 1912
to 1938. New varieties were de
veloped, tillage methods worked
out, new grasses introduced,
and a system of protective fal
low and weed control discover
ed which has proved highly ben
eficial to the wheat growers
In 1920 a series of outlying
nurseries was started, where old 1
One-Hour Parking
To Go Into Effect
One-hour parking in stated
areas on Main street will be put
into effect Monday, June 1G,
Dean Oilman, chief of police, in
formed this newspaper Wednes
day. With harvest close at hand
it is necessary to give all shop
pers an even break at the park
ing space in the business dis
trict, Oilman points out.
The district affected is the
same as last year and signs will
inform car drivers of the park
ing limit. The chief states that
the ordinance will be enforced
but hopes car drivers will coop
erate in making the rule work
able. The order will be in effect
between the hours of 10 a. m.
and 6 p. m.
Drivers License
Renewals Available
At Sheriff's Office
Every driver's license in the
stale of Oregon will have to be
renewed during the next two
years, but only a few thousand
vvill expire on tne June ju aaie sag0 0f pn carnations. Brides
printed on the card, it has been maj(is WPre her sister, Marian
innounccd by Robert S. Farrell
Jr., secretary of state.
The 1917 legislature changed
the Oregon renewal system,
thus making incorrect the print
ed expiration date on almost ev
ery license.
All driving permits now valid
jear a serial number prefixed
by the symbol "5!t." Only those
numbered from 5R to 5R 33,000
will expire in June. About the
same number will expire every
month afterward. Newspapers,
radio stations, service stations,
and other agencies will keep
drivers posted on the numbers
of cards falling due for renewal.
"A timetable showing just
when each block of driver's li
censes must be replaced is av
ailable from your driver's li
cense clerk or examiner or ser
vice station," Farrell said.
It was stressed that this pro
gram in no way affects automo
bile plates.
Information and renewals in
Heppner may be obtained at the
sheriff's office between the
hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. on
Monday through Friday.
'Pull out your driver's license
right now," suggested farrell.
If it's numbered between 5111
ind 5R 33.000, it has to be re
newed before the last day of
une. If It's numbered above
13,000, keep an eye on your
newspaper or timelame to una
out in advance when you'll have
to replace it."
In most cases no examination
will be necessary.
Noted Lyric Tenor
To Give Concert
Lorance Dossctt, lyric tenor.
will present a sacred concert at
the Church of Christ, Heppner,
on Wednesday evening, June IS
beginning at 8 o'clock. Mr. Dos
sett is an outstanding singer.
having recently traveled thru-
out Texas with Oscar Fox, fa
mous composer.
Mr. Dossctt has been promin
ent In radio and concert worn.
He presented programs over sta
tion KIIQ in Spokane for sev
eral years and was for four years
head of the voice work at North
west Christian college in Eu
gene. The public Is cordially Invited
to this concert. There will bo no
charge but an offering will oe
received at the concert.
A meeting of the Morrow
County Public Health associa
Hon has been called for 8 o-
clock p.m. Wednesday, Juno 18,
at the Francis Nlckerson home
In Heppner, All persons who in
the tins! have been interested In
ii.. ...-.-i. llinun nut-rent Iv
interested are urged to attend.
planting methods were compar
ed with the new. Mr. Stephens
also kept a rain chart by which
he compared the seasons here
with those of ttje corn belt. Sum
mer rains produce the corn in
that belt while the winter rains
make the wheat in this area.
Oveson said the station tries
to keep the experiments just
ahead of the problems as they
approach. About 95 percent of
the wheat varieties raised in this
area originated at Moro, he said.
Nelson Anderson, county ag
ent, talked on the beef show at
The Dalles, stating that Morrow
county beeves ranged in price
from 27 12 to 51 cents a pound
at the sale.
A motion that the bureau ap
prove senate bill 99 (Idaho pow
er dam) carried. The bureau al
so voted to sponsor a 4-H club
scholarship in the sum of $20.
The 4-H club band opened the
program with several numbers.
Rhea Creek grange hall was
selected as the locale for the
September meeting.
BOARDMAN . . . .
At a beautiful candlelight
ceremony in the Community
church June 6, at 8 p.m., Miss
Evelyn Venita Pearson, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. I. T. Pearson,
became the bride of Fred Willis
Picratt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Pieratt. of Woodland, Wash.
Rev. Donald Peterson performed
the ceremony.
The altar of the church was
beautifully decorated in local
cut flowers with the front an
archway made with pink roses
Mrs. Russell DeMauro (Frances
Skoubo) sang three numbers,
"Because," "Always" and "I
Love You Truly," accompanied
at the piano by Mrs. Fred Smith
The bride, given in marriage
by her father, was gowned in
white nylon, bodice style, with
finger-tip veil of same mater
ial, lace and insertion, caught
at top with an aqua pin. (The
dress and veil were handiwork
of her mother.) She carried a
white bible and bouquet of
white carnations, sweetpeas,
and rosebuds.
Miss Caroline Sicard was maid
0f honor, wearing blue with cor-
Pearson, and Anna Lou Beaver,
each in blue with corsages of
roses. Ringbearer was Barbara
Andcregg, in yellow, and Max
ine Sicard. wearing green, was
flower girl.
Best man was Vernon Partlow
and ushers were Roy Partlow
and Russell DeMauro.
The bride's mother wore navy
and Mrs. Pieratt was in rose,
each with corsages of roses.
Following the ceremony a re
ception was held in the grange
hall where the bride and bride
groom cut the first piece of a
three-tiered wedding cake topped
with miniature bride and bride
groom, and serving this was
Mrs. Frank Cole. Ladies pour
ing were Mrs. Chas. Anderegg.
Mrs. Sicard, Mrs. Rippee and
Mrs. Shattuck. The bride's mo
ther was in charge of the guest
The bride's going away frock
was navy and white. The young
couple will be at home in Wood
land. Wash., after a week's
honovmoon spent in Victoria,
Mr. Pieratt is employed as a
machinist in Woodland. He scrv
ed in the armed forces. Mrs. Pi
cratt is a local girl and was
graduated with the class of '47.
Out of town guests besides the
bridegroom's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Picratt, were his bro
ther Jimmie, grandmother, Mrs.
Alice Deulen. and cousin, Keith
Levitt, all of Woodland, Wash
A committee including Mrs
Elvln Ely, Mrs. Adeline Baker
and Mrs. Roy Ball entertained
the Ladies Aid silver tea in the
church basement Wednesday
afternoon. There were twenty
ladies present.
Tuesday afternoon at the El
vin Ely home was a lovely brl
dal shower, given for Miss Lois
Messenger whose wedding will
be an event this month. Ladies
entertaining were Mrs. Elvln
Elv, Mrs. Adeline Baker, Mrs
Wlllard Baker, and Mrs. John
Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Ransio
were dinner guests at the home
of their son and wife, Mr. and
Mrs. Daniel Ransier Jr. of Echo
Mrs. Frank Marlow has as he
guest this week her father, W
W. Ilartle, of Washtucna, Was!
Sunday dinner guests at the
D. F. Ransier home were Mr. an
Mrs. George Ransier and Mr. and
Mrs. Virgil Looker of Stanfield
and Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Hamll
ton and daughter of Boardman
Their son Kenneth and family
of Pendeltnn were home ovr
the week end and on Saturda
thev will leave for Cape Vincent
N. Y., to visit Mrs. Ransier's par
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Nelso
were In Portland Wednesday.
Additional Boadman Items I
Cloudburst Hits
Morgan, So. lone
Sections Saturday
Flash Floods Do
Damaqe to Roads,
Fields of District
A cloudburst in the Morgan
vicinity Saturday afternoon cre
ated a flash flood which did
considerable damage to fields
and deposited a lot of muck,
mire, stones and rubbish on the
bottom land at Morgan station
before receding.
Although the highway in that
vicinity was not damaged, trav
el was handicapped for several
hours before the crew got the
roadway cleared of mud and
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Nys passed
through the storm enroute to
Arlington with Mr. Ny's daugh
ter, Margaret, who was return
ing to Portland. They narrowly
escaped being trapped in a gush
of muddy water which swept
over the highway just a few feet
behind them.
Heavy damage was done by
the storm as it passed over the
south lone territory. A section
of the unpaved part of the lone
Gooseberry highway was wash
ed out and the surface was gul
lied for some distance. People
using the road are making a de
tour around the washout through
a neighboring field.
Precipitation brought by the
storms the first eight days of
the month has improved the
crop situation. Reports from the
Heppner and Gooseberry observ
ers indicate an abundance of
moisture at the present time. Up
to and including June 8, 2.18
inches had fallen at Gooseber
rywhile during the same per
iod 2.37 inches fell in Heppner.
Heaviest day was June 8 with
.G2 at Gooseberry and .86 in
Heppner. The Heppner station
recorded .16 of an inch during
the month of May.
V. L. Carlson reports 10.74 in
ches at his station from Sept. 1,
1916 to June 9, 1947. The 10
year average for his station is
Former Teacher Of
County Heroine In
Daring Turf Rescue
Numbers of our readers doubt
less read the report of a thrill
ng rescue at Seaside on May 30,
or heard the exciting radio ac
counts, and did not realize that
he heroine of the drama was a
former teacher in this county.
Mrs. E. J. Kennel ly, 7615 S.W.
Canyon road, Portland, who ran
Quarter of a mile across tne
beach, plunged into the waves
nd struggled 20 minutes later
o shore with a 45-year old wo
man who had walked into the
battering waves fully clothed.
evidently with a desire to drown,
the former Rose Mane Kron-
berg who at one time taugm
school in Morrow county.
Rodeo Scheduled
At Hughes Ranch
Rodeo minded folk will gath
er at the Art Hughes ranch on
Little Butter creek Sunday to
articipate in the second show
of that kind to be held there
this season. Sunday's show is
being sponsored by the W rang-
lers, Morrow county ruling ciuo.
which will have a part in the
day's entertainment.
At a meeting of the Wrang
lers Tuesday evening it was dis
closed that some will ride to the
Hughes place while others will
ruck their mounts, tor tnosc
who wish trucking service there
will be trucks available. All
Wranglers will meet at the
Ilennner rodeo grounds at 8 a.m.
The drill team will practice af
ternoon and evening Saturday.
June 14.
The club will have a pot luck
at noon at the Hughes ranch.
If you have a house for sale,
rent or lease, or know of anyone
who has, you will be conferring
a great favor upon J. K. nun
man, new resident manager of
the Pacific Power & Light com-
pany, by letting him know about
it. Mr. Huffman'sfamily is In
Ilcrmistou anxiously awaiting
confirmation of housing lacui
ties in Heppner and no house
The new manager is staying at
the hotel while looking for liv
ing quarters but so far has had
no hot tips about houses.
In last week's Issue our lone
correspondent reported that Val
Jean Clark was visiting her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Clark.
It was the former Val Jean Clark
she Is now Mrs. Harold Martin
of Pendleton and her husband
Is the contractor doing the plas
tering on the new home of Mr.
and Mrs. Edward Rice, south of
Wranglers Appear
At Condon Rodeo
Morrow county's riding club.
the Wranglers, took their riding
stock to Condon Saturday morn
ing and participated in the par
ade The club's drill team, com
prising 24 riders, performed on
the rodeo field during the after
noon show to the delight of the
Despite a rainsoaked field,
the program was carried through
on schedule, Jupe Pluvius taking
a layoff during the afternoon.
An unofficial report of winners
was given this newspaper by
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Erwin and
includes the following events:
Eulldogging: Wynn Powers,
first; Howard Johnson, second;
Harold Erwin, third, and Cham
pie Stocdkale, fourth. Calf rop
ing: Joe Stinson, Yakima, first.
Cow milking: Howard Johnson,
first; Joe Stinson, second. Bronc
riding: Leslie Kelly, Omak, Wn
first; Lynn Trueman, second;
Frank Johnson and Jack Roberts
split third and fourth. Melvin
Hodges, Condon, won the bare
back bronc riding event.
Betty Smethurst of Lexington
was a princess at the Condon
show, representing the Heppner
post of the Veterans of Foreign
Wars. Bonni Mortimer of Fossil
was queen and the other prin
cesses were Joan Huntley, Con
don, and Shirley Fletcher, Ar
lington. Heppner Rodeo association
was represented by President
Lee T.eckner, Secretary Jack Loyd
and Dirctors Cliff Dougherty and
Claud Buschke.
School Election
To.Ee Held 16th
The annual school election for
District No. 1 will be held Mon
day, June 16 at the council
rooms in Heppner. Approval of
the budget and election of one
director are the matters up for
To date no candidate for the
job of director has put in ap
pearance, publicly, at least. Miss
Leta Humphreys, retiring mem
ber, has stated that she is not
a candidate but this may make
no difference to the voters.
Monday's election will also
give the voters a chance to reg
ister their preference for a mem
ber of the five-person rural
school board. Ballots have been
printed and forwarded to the
five" zones of the county. Some
of the zones have more than one
nominee, but only one member
is chosen from each zone.
Zone 1 nominee is Willard Ba
ker; zone 2. Vernon Munkers,
Clifford Yarnell and Alonzo Hen-
derson; zone 3, E. Markham Ba
ker; zone 4, J. J. Nys; and zone
5, Barton Clark and Margaret O.
Appearing on the program of
the Morrow County Farm Bureau
meeting, Monday night were the
members of the 4-H beef club
when they played several selec
tions for th entertainment of the
farm bureau members. Club
members Louis Carlson, Betty.
Rieta and Jo Anne Graves, Du
ane and Ronald Baker, Faye,
Pat, Kenneth and Orville Cuts
forth Jr., and Gerald Peterson
and Barbara Sherman led by
Mrs. E. M. Baker arc getting a
lot of praise on their ability to
Morrow county's delegation
to attend 411 summer school
June 17-27 inclusive are Vesta
and Faye Cutsforth, Betty and
Jo Anne Graves, June Van Win
kle, Ruby Ann Rietmann, Car-
letta Olden, Lola Ann MeCabe,
Patricia Drake, Lorcne Mitchell
and Ora Ely. .
They will be leaving at 4:30
a.m. Tuesday, June 17 from
Beef Club Meets
At Peterson Ranch
A meeting of the Champion
Reef club was held Saturday at
the Oscar Peterson ranch south
of lone. Thirteen members and
12 visitors were present.
k Secretary Jo Anne Graves g:
f a report covering the import;
events at the wheat league sh
Secretary Jo Anne Graves gave
in The Dalles. Other members
added short reports about the
entertainment at the show.
Countv Agent N. C. Anderson
sent a letter along with the sec
retary to be read to the mem
bers, telling about the judging
tour scheduled for July 1 and 2
which is for boys only. Livestock
weeds and their control, and
grains will be the subjects stud
Next meeting will be July 6
at the W. K. Hughes ranch on
Little Butter creek.
Miss Eunice Osmin came
home from Salem to attend the
wedding of her niece, Carolyn
Bergstrom and R. D. Allstott Jr
Budget Rejection Means Virtual
Cessation of County Road Work
News Items of Interest Around Town . . . .1
By Ruth Payne
Mr. and Mrs. George Mead
celebrated their 57th wedding
anniversary with a family re
union June 2 at the home of
their son-in-law and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. Sie Walker. Six of
their seven children were pre
sent to help them observe the
occasion. Guests included Mr.
and Mrs. Phil Griffin and
daughter Mabel Marlene of lone,
Mrs. Harry Cook, Mrs. Lela Ka
senger and Mrs. Melvin Persyn
of Oregon City, Mrs. Flora Moy
er, Dell Moyer and Mr. and
Mrs. John Freeman of Hermis
ton; Mrs. Etta Dollarhide, Seat
tle; George Mead of lone; Mrs.
Nina Burkenbine and son, For
rest, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Grif
fin and daughter, and Stanley
Cox, all of Heppner.. Many
friends called in the evening to
pay their respects to the couple
who received many nice gifts.
Mr. and Mrs. V. R. Runnion
have returned from San Fran-;
Cisco where they spent the past
few weeks looking after busi
ness matters and visiting rela
tives, j
Mrs. Mary Wallace received ai
broken ankle in a fall Tuesday
evening when she slipped on the
wet concrete steps at her home
on Court street. She was treat
ed at the office of a local phy
sician and will be unable to
continue her work at White's
cafe for several weeks.
Bert Cason, Tom Perry and
Jim Morgan were in town from
Lonerock Wednesday looking af
ter business matters and visit
ing friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Cason were
in Heppner Wednesday from
their farm on Rock creek. The
Casons operate the former Perry
place on Rock creek.
Mr. and Mrs. Harley Anderson
departed the end of the week
for California where they will
visit relatives.
Mrs. Earl Bryant and children
of Lewiston, Idaho, spent the
week end in Heppner at the
home of her mother, Mrs. R. A.
Raymond Grady returned
home Saturday evening from
Beaverton where he had been
visiting relatives since the clos
ing of school.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Case of
Clatskanie were week-end visit
ors here at the home of his fa
ther, M. L. Case.
Mrs. Elbert Moreland and
children of Lexington were
shopping in Heppner Wednes
day. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ogle
tree and son Vern Bell, and Mrs.
Oglctree's mother, Mrs. Jessie
Batty of Kimberly, left Monday
by motor to visit Mr. Ogletree's
former home in Alabama and
other points of interest along
the east coast. They expect to
be away about six weeks.
Heppner was well represent
ed at the Condon rodeo Saturday
and Sunday. Among those at
tending the show were Cal Sum
mers, F. W. Turner, Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Greener, Mr. and Mrs. Dew
ey Britt. Mr. and Mrs. Sie Wal
ker and Mrs. Lee Beckner.
Mr. and Mrs. James Farley Sr.
ireturned Saturday from Hood
River where they have been vis
iting at the homes of their sons-
in-law and daughters. Mr. and
Mrs. Clay Clark and Mr. and
Mrs. Olcn Applegate. Mrs. Clark,
who underwent a major opera-
tio at the Hood River hospital
recently, is recovering nicely at
Jimmie and Marion Green re
turned home Tuesday evening
from Portland where they had
been visiting at the home of
their uncle, Joe Green. They al
so visited for a time in Gresh
am with their aunt, Mrs. Wal
lace Green.
New arrivals of recent date
include: A 7-pound son. Thomas
William, to Mr. and Mrs. Herm-
an Green of Lexington at Hepp
ner hospital, June n; a a'cm.
son to Mr. and Mrs. George Stea
gall of Lexington at the Corda
Saling home on June 5; a 7 l i
pound daughter,, Linda Sue, to
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Shepps of
Heppner at St. Anthony's hos -
pital in Pendleton June 6; an 8-
lb. daughter, Carole Lynn, to Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd Burkenbine of
Heppner at Riverview hospital
in Pendleton on June Si.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van Horn
ind daughters returned the end
of the week from Portland
where they had been visitim;
friends and attending to busi
ness matters.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Brown mo
tored to East lake Sunday to en
joy a bit of fishing. They were
joined by friends in Bend and
continued their trip from there.
Mr. and Mrs. William Buck
num motored to Portland Sun
day. They were accompanied by
Mrs. Nan GoUisteen who came
to Heppner to attend the funer
al services of her uncle, the late
E. L. Buckuum; and by Mrs. Or
dry Gentry who will spend the
summer In Portland at the home
of her son, Frank,
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Lindsey
and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Doherty
of Sand Hollow were shopping
in town the end of the week.
Mrs. George Snyder is a pa
tient at The Dalles hospital.
Miss Cecelia Healy is here
from Portland to spend her va
cation at the home of her par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. John Healy.
Mrs. Ralph Justus made a bus
iness trip to Arlington Monday.
E. R. Settles, who has been
employed in Heppner as an el
ectrician for the past few months
moved his family here from
Vancouver, Wash., the end of
the week. They have taken the
G. W. Thompson house on Gil
more street.
Kathleen Sherman has re
turned to Portland after spend
ing a fortnight here visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Sherman. Miss Sherman, who
is taking nurse's training at
Providence hospital will take a
special three-months' course at
St. Vincent's hospital upon her
return to classes.
Mrs. John K. Walsh arrived
Saturday from New York City to
spend a month with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Breslin.
After July 1 Dr. and Mrs. Walsh
will be located in Memphis.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Batty and
children were over from Monu
ment Wednesday attending to
business matters.
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Hammock
arrived the end of the week
from Portland to spend the sum
mer with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Meek. Mr. Hammock
attended Vanport college the
past term and will assist his
step-father in his electrical work
during the vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Bisbee left
Sunday for Bend where they met
their son Orrin of San Francisco
and daughter Kathryn of Ore
gon City, and journeyed from
there to East lake where the
family will enjoy a week's fish
ing. Orrin, who flew to Portland
from San Francisco, was ac
companied by his aunt, Mrs.
Florinda Beymer. During tne
Bisbees' fishing jaunt Mrs. Bey
mer is visiting Mrs. Irwin in
James Kenny and Herbert
Schunk, students at Oregon Col
lege of Education, Monmoutn,
returned the end of the week to
snend the summer in Heppner
Don Heliker of lone received a
torn ligament in his leg when
he was thrown from a norse ru
esday. He was brought to Hepp
ner to a Dhvsician.
Mr and Mrs. Emery Moore of
Dale were shopping in Heppner
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. bpieKer-,
meier of La Grande are the par
ents of a son, Gary Michael,
born June 8 at the La Grande
hospital. He is the grandson of
Mrs. Margaret Phelps of Hepp
ner. Mr. and Mrs. Harry O'Donnell
Jr. have purchased the small
house on Baltimore street from
p. W. Mahoney. Mr. and Mis.
Henry Happold who have been
living there are moving to the
apartment in the Engkraf du
plex vacated by Mr. and Mis
Cato who are moving to Boise.
Heppner and lone
Cross Bats Sunday
Heppner and lone will cross
bats Sunday afternoon at lone
in a regularly scheduled Wheat
Timber league baseball game.
With a prospect of fair weather
it is expected a good attendance
of fans will be present to wit
ness the contest.
Rain dampened the ardor of
followers of the great national
pastime in the district last Sun
day. Rained out at the end of
the third inning the previous
Sunday, when Condon came to
Heppner to play, the local team
was not in a mood to experience
a repeat performance and the
game with Kinzua there was
i cancelled last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Mat
thews returned home Wednesday
. f..m Pm-thind where thev snent
1 two WPOks while Mrs. Matthews
was receiving treatment for her
iovos sle appears to be afflict
ed with a rare eye disease and
is gradually losink her sight. It
is said that only throe or four
other similar cases are of re
cord in the I'nited States. She is
wearing glasses that are help
ing some and will have to have
them changed three or four
times a year.
Mrs. Grace Nickerson and Mr.
and Mrs. Francis Nickerson at
tended a state meeting of ab
stracters at Timberline lodge
June 2 and 3. They went in to
the lodge over the Mt. Hood
loop highway which had Just
been opened the last of May.
They pronounce the lodge a fine
place for conventions.
Mrs. Vernon Brown fell Sun
day at her home and broke her
left arm just above the wrist
She Is In the St. Anthony's hos
pital at Pendleton.
Opposition to the county'i
budget for the ensuing year has
been developing in recent days
and it appears that unless those
favoring it turn out and vote
rather than just hoping it will
carry there will not be funds to
carry on road work in the com
ing months as well as no start
on the county hospital.
On the other hand, farmers
are looking at the budget fig
ures and calculating what the
additional funds will do to their
tax statements. Many of them
feel that the hospital fund al
ready raised should be sufficient
to build the size and type of
hospital needed here, while oth
ers advocate doing the road
work by contract.
The court, on the other hand,
takes the stand that if the hos
pital is to be built now (which
has been urged by many of the
farmers) it will be necessary to
raise the additional funds to
meet the difference in building
costs since the project was first
launched. And in this connec
tion, the court wishes it under
stood that the total of some
3180,000 will be sufficient to er
ect the building and allow $20,
000 or more for equipping it. Do
nations from individuals and
organizations are expected to
complete the equipping. (There
will be no later request for $200,
000 or more for equiprnent as a
current rumor has it.)
As to the road situation, if the
budget is not approved there
will be little road work done
during the ensuing year. As
pointed out by Judge Johnson
last week, the county has com
mitments to meet on machinery
purchased, payment of which
depends on additional funds.
Having operated to a large ex
tent on sinking funds to carry
on the road work done in recent
months, there wiil be no money
from that source for meeting
these commitments, except the
regular road funds.
Rejection of the budget will
necessitate a reconvening of the
budget committee to appropriate
the funds accruing under the
six percent limitation. If such
is the case, the court says, the
road crew will be dispensed with
in about two months from the
beginning of the fiscal year,
leaving many roads unrepaired
and cancelling projected con
struction. An item of $2500 for cricket
control is included in the 1947
1948 budget and this too will be
canceled if the budget is reject
ed. Other items, such as increas
ed salaries and funds required
for setting up the rural school
board, must be provided regard
less of the outcome of the elec
tion. Members Observe
Union Society's
20th Anniversary
Wednesday afternoon marked
the observance of the 20th anni
versary of the Union Mission
ary society. The meeting was
held "in the Methodist church
parlors and an interesting pro
gram was presented.
Rev. S. Darrell Johnson, pas
tor of the Methodist church in
Pendleton, was guest speaker,
and talked on missionary work
in Africa.
Short talks were given by Joe
Jewett, pastor of the Church of
Christ, and Rev. J. Palmer Sor
lein, pastor of the Methodist
church, and Mrs. R. B. Ri, who
spoke briefly on the missionary
efforts of the Episcopal church.
Corsages were presented to
Mrs. Frank S. Parker. Mrs. E. R.
Huston and Miss Lulu Hagcr
who were charter members of
the society. Mrs. L. E. Bisbee,
another charter member, was
absent from the city.
Refreshments were served at
the conclusion of the program.
Janice Driscoll, little daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. James Driscoll,
was rushed to Portland this
morning to consult a throat spe
cialist. Lyle Cox, who was go
' ing to the city on business, took
- lVr. and Mrs. Driscoll and the
Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Dunham
will leave early Friday morning
for Portland to attend a stale
convention of chiropractic phy
sicians. Mrs. J. L. Hall is spending two
weeks in Portland visiting rela
tives and friends. Mrs. Hall suf
fered severe injuries In a fall
at the store a few weeks ago
and hopes upon her return to
resume her accustomed place at
Due to the tate convention
of the Oregon Newspaper Pub
lishers association June 20 and
21, the Gazette Times will
publish a day early. To do this
it will be necessary for cor
respondents and advertisers to
send In their copy Monday In
stead oi Tuesday.
Your cooperation will be
i greatly appreciated.