Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, June 05, 1947, Page 2, Image 2

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    2-Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, June 5, 1947
And the Rains Came!
Tin-re has boon general rejoicing throughout
the wheat bolt and grazing soot ions this wook
over the generous rainfall. Faces that had
grown agonizingly long h.ive settled into their
natural stale once more as a feeling of optirhism
pervades rural and urban districts alike.
As far as grain crops go there will bo im
provement in yield. Wheat that had been esti
mated very low is now given a chance to yield
from two to five bushels per acre more, and in
some instances more than that. Gain in weight
will aid those whose crops are more mature.
Spring wheat will be materially aided as it
is not as far along as the fall sown varieties.
At this stage of the game it is difficult to fore
see what the ultimate average will be but ex
perienced grain raisers, men of long residence
here, are convinced that the figure will be well
above that given by the metropolitan press in
recent weeks.
Should Be Warning
The fire which destroyed one-half of a block
of buildings in Elgin last Thursday evening
should be a warning to other towns to look into
the matter of building safety. Particularly is
this true in relation to lodge buildings. The nar
row escape of thirty members of the Elgin Ma-
sonic lodge is something not to be passed over
lightly as "just one of those things."
It has boon mentioned in these columns be
fore that fires frequently break out around
stairways, shutting off outlets to lodge hails and
similar buildings. This fact causes us to inquire
just what would a group of people do if fire
broke out in one of our local lodge halls? Some
would be able to get out, but would all be as
fortunate as the Elgin Masons? We think not.
If fire escapes have not been ordered for these
buildings, something should be done about it
during the summer months.
Housing Shortage Still Acute
There may have been some improvement in
the housing situation in Heppner in recent
months but it is not apparent to the casual ob
server. Inquiries for houses and apartments are
still far greater than the supply and new peo
ple find it next to impossible to find a place to
live. How long this condition will prevail can
not be foreseen but it's quite certain that between
fifty and one hundred new housing units could
be used.
Housing is so tight here at present that it is
understood the local dentist will have to move
elsewhere unless resilience for himself and fam
ily is obtained real soon. This is a deplorable
situation and something should be done about
it. The town needs a dentist, the dentist needs a
house the has a wife and five children). Who
will come to the rescue and keep him from mov
ing away?
June 7, 1917
On Sunday. June 3, Loy M.
Turner and Miss Mary Ella Coe
were married at the home of the
groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
R. W. Turner.
War census day produced 621
men w ho registered in their var
ious precincts with Uncle Sam.
Cole Brothers circus scheduled
for June 29.
Henry Peterson purchased the
Eightmile ranch of Fred Esteb
last week. Mr. Peterson is just
breaking into the farming game,
having graduated from high
school last week.
Mrs. R. T. Brown, residing a
few miles west of Heppner, had
the misfortune to cut a finger
j o-'f her left hand while chop
ping nmdnng last luesday.
Max Buschke of Rhea creek
was in town Wednesday suffer-
irg from a badly broken wrist,
the result of the kick from a
Ford which he had endeavored
to crank. Max says he has en
countered the business end of a
mule many times but the old
Ford gave him the worst kick
he ever has had.
W. H. Padberg, extensive
wheatraiser in this county, add
ed to his holdings this week by
for Everyday or Special Days we are
prepared once more to offer you
A new shipment has reached us
POTTERY in full sets or by the piece
Sherbetsin open stock
Case Furniture Company
Li.. I ' - IkUliU'i - , .
.V ''-W ""
Lexington News . . . .
Mrs. Clarence Hayes
Word has been received here
of the birth of a son to Mr. ;4:id
Mrs. K. E. Morse of Eugene or.
May 2S. Mrs. Morse will be re
membered here as the former
Jerry Cutler.
Mrs. Belle Leathers of Port
land is visiting at the home of
her daughter and son-in-law.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Carniichael.
Mr. and Mrs. Owen Leathers of
Kinzua were here Sunday to vis
it their mother.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Davidson
have moved into the apartment
recently vacated by Mr. and
Mrs. Haycroft.
Mrs. Cecil Jones and infant
son, Kenneth LeRoy, have re
turned home from Mrs. Saling's
in Heppner.
Mr. and Mrs. Erne Smith of
Portland were visiting fi'uv.v..,
here Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Warner
rr.vde a business trip to Pen
dleton Saturday.
Mrs. Adolph Majeske and
daughter Audrey have left for
an extended visit to Mrs. Ma
jeske's people in Wisconsin.
Miss Edith Edwards and Mr.
Ray Kinyon of Spokane were
week-end guests at the A. M.
Edwards home.
For bigger profits from your hay crops, it's es
sential to produce properly-cured, leafy, palatable
hay of high feeding value. That's where the depend
able John Deere Side-Delivery Rake comes into the
Here's why! With its quick-detachable, curved
teeth, inclined frame, and floating pick-up cylinder
which conforms to surface irregularities, the John
Deere "foals." the hay into loose, fluffy windrows
with stems outside, leaves inside to cure the way
nature intended good hay to be cured.
It will pay you to check over the many advantages
of owning a John Deere Side Delivery Rake the
rake that's built extra strong for years of uninter
rupted, low-cost, leaf-saving service. See us soon for
further information.
purchasing the C. A. Rhea land
consisting of 2000 acres.
The dust in Heppner's streets
is getting deep now. We used
io urag uDout our dustless town
but now it would be an idle
boast. Let us go down in our
pockets and settle the dust.
During the past week the Pa
cific Telephone & Telegraph
company has been busy moving
heir office from the Humphreys
Drug into their new office in
the new Roberts building.
Word was received of the
depth of Harold Dunn in a rail
road accident this last week
Harold was a former resident
here when his father, Wm.
Dunn was conductor on the lo
cal branch.
Mrs. Hugh Githens was called
to Portland last week becase of
the death there of her mother
Mrs. W. L. Holcomb.
Joe and Kenneth Way were
visiting their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Dan Way, over the week
Mr. and Mrs. George reck and
Bert Peek went to Corvallis on
Wednesday to attend the fun
eral of their 'brother-in-law, Ed
Mr. and Mrs. Newt O'Harra
were in Weston for the Pioneer
celebration Friday and Satur
day. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Allyn and
daughter Maxine of Portland
visited over the week end at the
lleorge Allyn home.
Mr. and Mrs. Julian Rauch
left Tuesday for Spokane to vis
it their daughter Jean who is
attending school there.
Mrs. Ola Holloway of 'Waits
burg, Wash., was here for Mem
orial day and stayed a few days
to visit friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Marsh
all were in Ellensburg, Wash.,
over the week end.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Urey
of Eugene were visiting their
daughter, Mrs. Kenneth Peck,
over the week end.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Mun
kers went to Pendleton last
Thursday. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Miller of!
Salem and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mil-!
ler of Portland were visiting
here over Memorial day and the
week end. .
Mrs. Jack Forsythe and baby ;
daughter, Nancy Ellen, are
home from the Heppner hospi
tal. Dean Hunt and Roger Camp
bell left Tuesday for East lake!
on a fishing trip.
Claude White, who has been
in the hospital in Pendleton, is
home now and feeling much im- i
Miss Dorothy Cutsforth is;
home from school in Columbia.!
Mo. She flew home with her
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Orville '
Cutsforth, Saturday. I
Mr. and Mrs. Pete McMillan I
land family visited at the S. G. I
.McMillan home over the week ;
'end. From here f . v wore - -
j ing on a trip to the east, during
I which they planned lo wsu Mr.
McMillan's sister, Mrs. Eula
Markle, in Tennessee.
Penney 's is an Old Hand
at Saving You Money
We run our stores the way a thrifty housekeeper runs lier home.
don't sell on credit. We don't deliver. Cusli-aiul-rarry saves a lot of
money for YOU. We buy carefully, with a sharp eye for quality
(nothing's a bargain if it isn't good as well as cheap).
Yes, we're old hands at saving you money. Our customers know
it ami trust us. And we wouldn't sell out that confidence for anything
in the world.
ted y-v)i'Vpv J ,
Mrs. Edward Rice returned
Wednesday from a business trip
to Portland.
Now 1-3
We have a few Spring Coats for
Tweed mixtures and plain-in
sizes 2 to 14.
100 Pet. wool
These are fine quality garments,
but we need the room for new
stock which arrives in our store
- - t .
-VJiis, . 'J
. A
We've packed it full of value in quality of
fabric, generous cut, careful tailoring! A shirt
that outshines anything we've seen and we
know the market! Here's what you get: SAN
FORIZED! FABRICS . . . retain their original
size no matter how many washings! HUGE
ASSORTMENTS of fast color patterns-ALL in
twills or poplins . . . ALL good and sturdy for
long wearl As for style convertible collar, in-cr-outer
tails, two buttoned pockets! Here'
SUBSTANTIAL savings-for YOU1
tShrinkage will not exceed n
Men! It's Time to Buyl
We've slasher) dollars off
these all-wool checks and
plaids! Rayon-lined sleeve,
body. Some rayon-and-wool
gabardine coats, too!
Can't bo beat!
Reduced for Fast Selling I
100 fine W'ool checks,
glen plaids, rich novelty
weaves expensive (and
LOOK it!) fabrics! Rayon
lined and well-cut! Just try
to beat our price!
52 1
Style Not Luxury
1.98 and 2. 98
Pcnncy's thinks of your
wallet AND your appear
ance this summer! Palm
braids, Coeoanuts and Mad
arjasears in cool, porous
weaves to let in the breeze!
Assorted hands.
The Best Is None To Good For Our Customers
That's why we bid in a prize-winning Shorthorn steer at the Eastern Ore
gon Wheat League's 4-H beef show and sale at The Dalles last week . . .
that you might be able to buy a choice steak or roast from one of Morrow
county's finest beef animals.
2 '
r ymw-nrv
He. V j
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We bought Ingrid Hermann's Shorthorn steer-product of the Ferguson &
Sherman herd and brought to show form by Miss Hermann. (The animal
in question is fourth from the left.)
Court Street Market