Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, June 05, 1947, Image 1

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r Gazette Times
Heppner, Oregon, Thursday June 5, 1947
Volume 64, Number 1 1
Do not read this story if you
think the present boom of jobs
and fncome is written in indel
ible ink across the pages of our
economic future.
A vast majority of people rea
son prices will go down, and a
big majority of this majority
feel sure they will go way down
and wages will go down and
jobs will not be hunting men
hut men will be hunting jobs.
No one knows for sure. It all
depends on where the guesser
is milking his guess from.
If you are hunting a job, how
ever, or are thinking of mak
ing a change of vocation you
will be interested in the state
ment that 2000 employees of the
stale and its sub-divisions be
come eligible for retirement Ju
ly 1. One thousand state em
ployees, 600 teachers and 400
workers for cities,, counties, port
and drainage districts have rea
ched the retirement age of 65
years. Exceptions are for police
and firemen who are subject to
retirement at 60. After July 1,
1951 the age of retirement for
public employees, under the
state retirement act, will be 60
years for police and firemen 55
years. Persons under the retire
ment act provisions, with a few
exceptions, must be removed
from the payrolls by December
31, 1947. Employers may retire
those eligible at any time after
July 1, 1947, however, those who
desire to retain their positions
the rest of the year may be able
to do so under certain provi
sions. The objective of the re
tirement act is to provide $100
a month for each retired em
ployee but those retiring this
year will draw from $50 a month
and up according to their accu
mulated service records.
Twenty-six states have laws
covering limited access on high
ways. The states use almost as
many names in designating the
activity. In Oregon and New
York the word throughways is
used, in other states the laws
are known as parkway laws,
parkstrip laws, expressways
laws, etc. There is an urgent
need for unification of highway
laws. J. M. Devers, chief coun
cil for the Oregon state highway
commission, has been appoint
ed chairman of a special com
mittee of the national associa
tion of state highway officials.
"The first effort at unification
will be to select a name to be
adopted by all states." says Mr.
Devers, "that we may all know
what we are talking about." Mr.
Devers will attend a national
convention, the date soon to be
announced, to meet in New York.
The reclamation bureau's in
tention to build a dam on Ro
gue river has aroused the active
interest of fish cilhservationisls
throughout Oregon and a move
to Institute the referendum is
contemplated. "The Rogue is the
one river, above all others, we
should preserve in its natural
state as America's No. 1 trout
fishing stream," says Elmer
Church, president of the Izaak
Walton league of Oregon. "The
steelhead of the Rogue has made
Oregon famous in every state of
the Union. We intend to do all
in our power to maintain this
interest, said James Loder,
president of the Oregon Wildlife
The state of Oregon has a
complicated foreign problem all
of its own. It may or may not
pay $10,000 to four citizens who
were our enemies In the last
war. When Nick Bublnek, a Yu
goslavian, died in Astoria he
left no will or apparent rela
tives. His estate of $10,000 was
escheated to the state and Is
now in the general fund. A cir
cuit court has ruled that $10,-1
135 be sent to four citizens of'
Yugoslavia who have establish
ed their claims ns relatives.
The case may go to the alien
enemy property commission.
They have a record of tossing
such matters back to the states.
If the heirs bring the case he
fore the legislature it is doubt
ful if members would decide
that money amassed in this
country should he sent to re
cent enemy aliens.
Governor Earl Snell this week
announced the reappointment of
George II. Klagg as public util
ities commissioner, for a four
year lerm. Flagg was chief dep
uty under Knell for 8 years when
the present governor was secre
tary of slate. Other reappoint
ments Include: Fred Asndahl.
Portland, as a member of the
state hoard of architect exam
iners; John C. Veatch, as a mem
ber of the stale fish commission;
Frank lletlwer, as a member of
the state dairy commission and
Mrs. Bemice B. Farr, as a mem
ber of the board of cosmetic
therapy examiners,
Jaycees Launching
Move to Organize
Softball League
Midsummer evenings, in Hepp
ner will be enlivened somewhat
if plans formulated by the Jun
ior chamber of commerce are
carried out. The young men of
the town, through the organiza
tion, have launched a move to
form a Softball league with the
object of having a little fun
and providing a lot of enter
tainment for the public at a
time of year when life would facts pertaining to the many
otherwise be dull. measures introduced and inter-
. It lias not been divulged ested parljes may be relied up
just what course will be follow-; on t0 sum,iv the information,
ed, whether business houses
will be asked to sponsor teams
or if the town will be districted,
but whatever the plan is the
Jaycees hope there will be cheer
ful cooperation.
The junior chamber has been
considering the' matter of light
ing the athletic field so that
night games can be played.
Such a move possibly could not
be carried out this season and
present plans call for a twilight
session with possibly six or sev
en inning games. It has been
lound that in places where the
fields are lighted the Softball
games attract good attendance,
even with a moderate admission
charge,, and the possibility that
such an arrangement here
would prove successful are be
ing considered.
lone is going ahead with the
lighting of the athletic field
down there and the result of
that venture will be watched
with interest by those studying
a similar project here.
o .
Memorial Service
Draws Small Crowd
Despite the fact that many
people were in town Friday o
observe Decoration day, a com
paratively few of them turned
out to the Memorial day service
held at 11 o'clock in the Star
theater. Some consolation is felt
ny the veterans organizations
that this year's attendance was
better than last year but they
feel that the public shows a lack
of interest when it comes to
honoring those who made the
supreme sacrifice while in the
service of their country.
The program was carried
through as previously advertis
ed and those who attended felt
well repaid.
Veterans Cancel
Scheduled Dance
In deference to the Condon
rodeo, the dnncc scheduled by
the Veterans of Foreign Wars
for Saturday evening. June 7,
las been cancelled.
An effort will be made to ob
tain the hall for a later date,
but the veterans thought it the
neighborly thing to do in behalf
of th( Condon show.
A total of .31 inch of rain was
recorded by V. L. Carlson at
Gooseberry during the month of
May. The precipitation was re
ceived in four showers, .03 May
fi, .02 May 8, .23 May 19 and .03
May 31.
June started off better, ac
cording to Carlson. On the first
there was .47 of an inch, which
lefl the observer to state that
"this Is a wonderful help to
crops." With rain falling near
ly every day since the first, June
is apt to prove to be a wet
Corahell Nutting and Joan
Ilisler will leave Friday for Sil
ver Creek falls, near Silverton,
where they go as the choice of
the Heppner American Legion
auxiliary at the Girls State
camp. They will be in camp ten
Among former Heppner peo
ple here to spend Decoration day
was William Driscoll of La
Grande, brother of Mrs. Glenn
Hayes. lie is a passenger train
Covering 15 States Matter Of
Few Days for Flying Farmer
Time was, not so many years
ago when traveling over a con
siderable section of the country
required many weeks hut today
It Is boiled down to a matter of
days. That's one of the advan
tages of the airplane.
With a Irip to Missouri to
bring his daughter home, Or
vllle Cutsforth decided to take
a few more days and see what
the wheat situation is in other
stales. And what he got was a
birdseye view of the wheat
slates west of the Mississippi
no less than 15 of them and
what he saw was n lot of wheat,
lie Is now familiar with the
crop situation In Texas. Kansas
and n lot of other territory. In
the two slates mentioned he
found the crop situation good.
In Kansas it is excellent. Ruins
Lobby Good Thins
In Most Instances,
Peterson Believes
Lobbyists frequently abuse
their privileges and when they
do their activities should be
curbed, in the opinion of Rep.
Henry Peterson. This does not
mean that lobbies should be
entirely eliminated from the leg
islative halls, he told the cham
ber of commerce Monday, for
in the main their services are
valuable to the legislators.
It is not possible for the leg
isi-nnrs . hvp into all of the
leaving it to the solon's judg
ment in deciding the merits of
the several bills.
Peterson touched upon the
tax situation, explaining why
the legislature felt it was nec
essary to introduce a sales tax.
He expressed the belief that the
measure is a good one and
should help lighten the burden
on property tax, as well as re
duce the state income tax.
The club went on record fav
oring recommendation to tne
business houses that the town
close up on Friday and Satur
day, July 4 and 5, and that as
quickly as it is decided to do
so that fact should be advertis
The meeting was held in the
rear of the Elkhorn restaurant
where a neat little room has
been fixed up which will ac
commodate 30 diners. This will
be the permanent meeting place
for the lnucheons.
Missionary Group
To Observe 20th
Year Wednesday
Wednesday, June 11, at 2:30
p.m. the Union Missionary so
ciety will meet to observe the
20th anniversary of the organi
zation of the society. The meet
ing will be held in the Methodist
church and will be featured by
a talk by Rev. S. Darlow John
son, whose father was a bishop
in Africa for 24 years.
A history of the local society
has been prepared and will be
read at the meeting.
An invitation to the public
has been extended by the soci
ety to attend the meeting. A
silver tea will be served thru
out the afternoon.
Robert Scrivner, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Lee Scrivner of Hepp
ner, has accepted the position of
junior executive in the person
nel department of the Montgom
ery Ward store in Portland, his
parents report. Robert graduat
ed in March from the University
of Oregon where he majored in
psychology. He gained valuable
experience in personnel service
during the war, conducting ap
titude tests for applicants in the
air service to help place them
in the right positions.
Mr. and Mrs. Scrivner were in
town Wednesday, the first time
she had been in for five weeks.
The annual Degree of Honor
picnic for memliers and their
families will be held June 15 at
the old Herren Mill site on Wil
low creek. Bring a well-filled
basket and join the fun. Ice
cream and coffee will be furn
ished by the committee in
charge. ll-12c
Mrs. Raymond Huddleston
and daughters, Lorene and Al
ice, arrived Thursday with her
tflhnr Fr.mk Ttipnnr nftnr
spending a few days in Port
land visiting the Fred Alison
family. Mrs. Huddleston and
children came by air from Val
dez, Alaska, to Seattle, a mat
ter of seven hours flying time.
where Mr. Turner met them.
They plan to remain here
A. A. Scouten motored to
Portland Monday. He was ac
companied by his mother who
has been visiting here.
have been abundant and the
stands are heavy and even. The
crops are not quite so good in
the mountain states but most
of them will have good yields.
The trip was made without in
cident except for running into a
thunderstorm. Culsforth said he
was coming in for a landing
when confronted by the storm
and seeing a gap in the clouds
he hit for that spot and It gave
him a bad moment or two, (Jack
Forsylhe told him he should
never do that.)
The Lexington man may now
trulv he counted among the fly
ing farmers of the country and
It is doubtful If many other till
ers of (he soil can match the
distance he has made piloting
their own planes In the same
length of time.
PMA Aid Ordered
Curtailed Due to
Cut By Congress
Cutbacks in assistance to far
mers in carrying out erosion
control and soil building mea
sures under the 1947 agricultur
al conservation program have
been announced by E. H. Miller,
chairman of the state PMA com
mittee, because of the prospect
of reduced appropriations for the
current program year.
The state committee has sus
pended contracts with six lime
stone plants for furnishing lime
to farmers as conservation ma
terials, and has canceled all un
filled purchase orders for phos
phate and for conservation ser
vices such as land leveling and
livestock water developments.
County AAA committees have
been instructed to discontinue
notifying farmers of minimum
allowances for conservation
work, and to permit no substi
tution of practices on farm
plans already approved.
These actions were necessary,
Miller explained, because recom
mended congressional appropri
ations will not provide sufficient
funds to cover amounts already
obligated to farmers for conser
vation work under the 1947 pro
gram. County allocations of
practice funds and commitments
to participating farmers were
based on congressional author
ization of $300,000,000 for this
year's conservation program.
The report of the house appro
priations committee reduces the
authorized amount by about 45
Considerable curtailment of
both state and county commit
tee staffs and activities will be
necessary because of the reduc
tions ranging from 40 to 100
percent in administrative funds
tor the conservation, price sup
port, crop insurance and other
farm programs handled by the
committees, Miller added.
Rain No Deterrent
To Good Time at
Wallowa Lake Lodge
One would not deliberately
choose a rainy day to start on a
vacation but it so happened that
numerous Heppner people had
arranged weeH-end vacation
trips and the matter of a little
rain was not to deter them.
This was especially true of
several families who had plan
ned a week end at Wallowa
lake. Why what was rain, any
way? There hadn't been a drop
for weeks and almost anyone
would welcome a little soaKing
if the crops and grass would be
benefitted. So away they went
toward the land of Chief Joseph.
There were the Phil Mahoneys,
the Orville Smiths, the Walter
Bargers, the Afton Gayharts, the
Carl Whillocks, the O. G. Craw
fords, all of whom were register'
ed at the lodge, and Mrs. Fran
ces Mitchell and daughter Lor
ene who visited relatives in JO'
seph. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wilson
spent their week end vacation
on the Lostine river and at Mi-
nam lake.
There were showers and there
was sunshine. People were fish
ing on the lake, others were
horseback riding, one group
making the trip to Aneroid lake
to open the season at that alti
tudinous point.
Saturday evening was a high
light in the life of Bobby Ma
honey. He staged a marshmal
low party, doing the toasting be
fore the fire in the massive fire
place in the lodge. He had not
planned on other entertainment
and was delighted when a group
of Whitman college girls gath
ered round and sang songs for
an hour or so. Bobby's special
guests were Carolyn Jean Smith
and Jimmy Smith and the par
ents of the children.
Although frequent showers
prevailed Sunday, the Heppner
contingent was not ready to re
turn home, but business must
go on as usual and all were on
hand at the usual places Mon
day morning.
Among former Heppner resi
dents returning here for Decor
ation day was Mrs. Phil Brady
who came from her home at
Grand Dalles to decorate the
graves of her loved ones. She
Is the former Blanche Minor,
daughter of the late C. A. Min
or and cousin of Stanley Minor.
William, David and Miss An
nie Hynd and Nellie Doney left
Wednesday for Portland to spend
a few days, the men wishing to
attend a Shrine ceremonial in
the city.
Mrs. Fred Krueger and daugh
ters Jill and Jacqueline are vis
iting her brother and family.
the Walter Wrlghls for a week
or ten days. Their home is in
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Nikander
and sons returned the end of
the week from southern Califor
nla where they spent the past
lew months,
Queen, Princesses
Order Rodeo Garb
Queen Merlyn and Princesses
Shirley, Francine, Corabell and
Laurel drove to Walla Walla on
Wednesday, accompanied by
Mrs. Frank Wilkinson, Mrs. Paul
Hisler and Mrs. Merle Kirk, with
Frank Turner chauffeuring one
of the cars, where the royal
court of the Heppner Rodeo was
outfitted with cowgirl garb for
the forthcoming show.
Mrs. Ola Holloway, who came
from her home at Waitsburg to
spend the Decoration day holi
day in Heppner and Lexington,
accompanied the group as far as
Walla Walla enroute home.
Edwin L. Bucknum
Called By Death
Early Wednesday
Funeral services will be held
at 10 o'clock a.m. Saturday at
St. Patrick's Catholic church for
Edwin L. Bucknum, 78. who
passed away about 8 o'clock a.
m. Wednesday at the home of
Mrs. Walter Rood where he was
being cared for. Rosary will be
held at 7:30 p.m. Friday at the
Mr. Bucknum had been fail
ing for some time but insisted
in looking out for himself until
about, two weeks ago his sons
prevailed upon him to move to
Mrs. Rood's to be cared for. Mrs.
Rood had waited on him as us
ual at breakfast time and made
him comfortable. About 8 o'
clock Mrs. Edwin Busknum Jr.
went to call on him and discov
ered he was dead.
Born March 15, 1889 at Bing
hamton, N. Y., Edwin La Verne
Bucknum moved to Portland,
Ore., in 1907, coming to Hcno
ner to make his home seven
years later. He engaged in the
lumber business with Lee Slo
cum, operating a sawmill on
Willow creek for two years and
then came back to town and
followed his trade of plasterer
and cement worker for many
years. His wife preceded him
in death in December 1939.
Surviving are four sons, Ed
win Jr. of Heppner, Elmer J. of
Los Angeles, William J. of
Heppner and Jdhn G. of Los An
geles. ,. , o
Revision In Vets
Home, Farm Loan
Act Interpreted
Important revisions in the
Oregon veterans' home and
farm loan act. including an in
crease from $3000 to $6000 in the
amount the World War II ex
service man may borrow, were
explained by Director George E.
Sandy following certain inter
pretations of the new law by
Attorney General George Neu
ner. The act, including amend
ments passed by the 1947 legis
lature, now provide:
1. A loan of 75 percent of the
appraised value of the property,
not to exceed $6000. for the ac
quisition of a farm or a home
by World War II veterans with
at least 90 days' service who
were Oregon residents be! ore
entering the armed forces.
2. P.payment at 4 percent in
terest, over a period of 20 years
or less.
The veteran must own the pro
perty, and give a first mort-
gage to the state as security
when the loan is completed.
The term "acquisition" now
means purchase of real proper
ty and its improvement; pay
ment of balance of purchase
price and interest on a contract;
and refinancing of an existing
purchase money mortgage.
The act also now permits a
loan for the construction of a
new home on property already
owned by the veteran, according
to a recent opinion handed down
by the attorney general.
Another provision is that the
state can act as a lending insti
tution for the veteran seeking a
home or farm loan under the G.
I. loan guaranty after other
lending agencies have turned
him down. In these instances
the veteran may borrow up to
Applications should he made
through the Department of Vet
erans' Afairs, State Library
Building, Salem, or at 410 S. W.
11th avenue, Portland.
Scott Corbett of Portland was
a visitor the first of the week,
demonstrating a fog fire fighter
for the benefit of the city. City
officials are interested in the
equipment and are considering
purchase of one of the machines.
Corbett was a friend of LaVcrne
Van Marler's when both were
students at the University of
H. R. Jacobson of the Raker
Detroit Lumber company will
arrive in Heppner Friday from
New York to take charge of the
local office in the absence of
Robert V. Turner, manager, who
is leaving with his family to
spend a few weeks in California.
failure to Approve Budget
Will Curtail Necessary Work
And Projects, Court Explains
Farmer Group To
Meet June 9 at
Lex Grange Hall
The June meeting of the Mor
row County Farm Bureau, sched
uled for June 2, has been post
poned until June 9, according to
Oscar Peterson, secretary. The
postponement was felt necessary
due to absence of some of the
members from the county.
Merrill Oveson of the experi
ment station at Mora has been
billed to discuss arietal plots
and experiments at the Sher
man branch station, including
points on the manner in which
this station works in with the
wheat farming of the area and
of varieties grown in Morrow
county. He will also cover con
servation experiments and re
sults at the branch station.
N. C. Anderson, county agri
cultural agent, will treat on cur
rent agricultural projects being
carried by the extension service, j
urner xocai aim s.aiewiue piu
jects will be brought before the
meeting, including subjects un
der discussion at the "House of
Delegates" conference held in
Pendleton last week.
Entertainment will be provid
ed by the 4-H club band, and
there will be refreshments.
Delameter Bills
Public Auction
Having disposed of his ranch,
Joe Delameter is preparing to
sell off most of the equipment
and the remaining stock at a , ning's entertainment on the 4th.
big public auction Wednesday, I The Lexington airport will
June 11. The sale will be held benefit from the celebration, net
at the ranch, four and one-half returns from the celebration go
miles north of Heppner. ing for that purpose. Net ree
Delameter sold the place some j ceipts from the dances, which
weeks ago to Tom Michos, res-' will run both evenings, will be
taurant operator in Portland. ! divided between the airport and
During the years he has run the; the Oddfellows dance hall
place, the former John Hughes ' which the community plans to
farm, he has built up an exten-: build in the near future,
sive stock of equipment, most of Yarnell reported that several
which will be put on the auc
tion block..
V. R. Runnion will call the
sale, with Harry Dinges serving
as clerk.
News Items of Interest Around Town . . . .
By Ruth Payne
Miss Mary Beckett returned
to her home in Portland Mon
day after a few days' visit here
with relatives and friends. On
Saturday, the Beckett family en
joyed a picnic at the Tyndall
P.obison ranch south of Hard
man. Guests included Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Beckett. Miss Mary!
Beckett, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Beckett, Mr. and Mrs. Harley
Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Claude i
Buschke and sons. Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Beckett and daughter,'
Sharon, and Mr. and Mrs. Law-1
rence Beckett.
Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Anderson
of Seattle and Mr. and Mrs. W. I
C. Mccarty of The Dalles spent
saiuruaj in iuw.ii.-i '""b
relatives and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Smith mo-
tored to Stevenson, Wash.,
spend Memorial day.
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Keithley i
and family spent the
week end
in Baker with relatives.
and Sara McNamer motored to ! moved from the Case apart
Walla Walla for Memorial day. ; 's 011 Gale street into the
T n (lark and dauc ilor.
Mrs. Frank Riggs of Eugene are
spending a few days in Heppner
Irmkinc after business matters.
Mrs. Frances Mitchell and , b' Mrs- Anderson,
daughter Lorene motored to Jo-i Mr. and Mrs. Clive Huston
seph Thursday to spend the left Thursday morning for Med
week end visiting relatives. ! ford to spend several weeks vis
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Huston ofiting with relatives. They ac
Lyle, Wash., were week end vis- ' companied their son-in-law and
it'ors in Heppner. j daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Herman
Week end guests at the home I Parker of Pasco, Wash., who
of Mrs. Kffie Morgan were Mrs. Stopped over in Heppner Wed-
Frank Kgan of Portland and
Mr. and Mrs. Riley Munkers of
Gordon and Elmer Bucknum
returned to their homes in Los
Angeles Friday after spending
a few days in Heppner visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ogletroe
motored to Kimberly Saturday
to visit at the home of her mo
ther. Mrs. Jessie Batty.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Aiken
have returned home after spend
ing some time in Portland where
Mr. Aiken underwent a major
Mrs. Emma Evans has re
turned to Heppner from an ex
tended visit to Salem. Portland
and other valley points.
Mrs. Lester Doolittle of Port
land was a week-end visitor in
George D. Smith of Condon
was a business visitor in Hepp
ner Saturday.
Mrs. O. M. Yeager has return
ed from Longvlew, Wn., where
she was called by the illness of
tier daughter,
Lexington Plans
Big Celebration
July 4 th and 5th
Annual Airport
Benefit Includes
Many Activities
Machinery was set in motion
for the annual 4th of July cel
ebration at Lexington when the
town council of that place met
and selected committee chair
men who will name their assist
ants in getting the program in
shape for a two-day observance
of the nation's birthday.
Clifford Yarnell was chosen as
general manger and the follow
ing committee chairmen were
Parade: Archie Munkers.
Air Show: Mayor Henderson
and Jack Forsythe.
Baseball: Fred Hoskins and
Lloyd Morgan.
Dance: Orris Padberg and Ed
Airshow tickets: Vernon Chris
topherson. Decorations: Ben Grant
Advertising: Leonard Munk
ers. Smoker: R. B. Rands.
Manager Yarnell is charged
with the duty of obtaining a
carnival and he reported Wed
nesday that he has already con
tacted an outfit. He also stated
that he had ordered fireworks,
which will be part of the eve
floats are already in prospect
andhat an effort will be made
to put this' year's parade out
ahead of anything heretofore
Mrs. George Allen of Lexing
ton was shopping and attending
to business matters in Heppner
Harry Munkers and son, Don,
motored to John Day Tuesday.
Mrs. Raymond Huddleston
and daughters of Valdez, Alas
ka, arrived in Heppner Monday
to spend the summer with her
, father, Frank W. Turner. She
. was met in Seattle by Mr. Tur
ner and motored to Heppner
from there,
Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Bailey re
turned Monday evening from a
week-end trip to Silverton,
Portland and Centralia.
Tr and Trc Plhort Cnv mnv.
j pd Sum,ay imo ,he hQUSe on
, Court street acquired recently in
a property trade with Marcel
, Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Jones mov-
ed Tuesday to the former Cox three, and the selection is made
farm in Donaldson canyon. The from people of extensive inter
house on Jones street vacated by ,ests. Members of this year's
them will be occupied by Mr.
and Mrs. Louis Gilliam.
Mrs. Hilma Anderson has
nuuc ..e P"i"'u
centlv from Jack Halseth. Mr.
and Mrs. D. P. Phelan have mov-
lu l"c "l" "'"" volcicu
nesday enroute to southern Ore
Week end guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. John Kenny
were Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Ken
ny and Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Ken
ny and daughter Patsy of Pen
dleton. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Breslin and
Mrs. Anna Bayless motored to
Condon Monday to attend the
funeral services of John Simmy
oti of Monument.
Mr. and Mrs. B C. Forsythe re
turned Tuesday from Ashland
where Mr. Forsythe was guest
speaker at the Ashland high
school alumni banquet.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Dick and
sons returned Wednesday from
Portland where they spent sev
eral days attending to business
Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Gonty
spent Sunday in Pendleton.
Scott McMurdo returned to
Portland Tuesday after spend
Ing the week end here with his
i parents, Dr. and Mrs. A. D. Me
I Murdo.
Failure to approve the 1917-
48 budget will result in curtail
ing essential work and projects
in the county, members of the
county court declared Wednes
day. All items must receive the
sanction of the voters if the af
fairs of the county are to be
carried on, including the hospi
tal, funds for flighting crickets
and demands placed upon the
court due to enactment of new
school laws.
'There will be no funds for
fighting 'Mormon crickets un
less the $2500 item in the bud
get is approved," Judge Bert
Johnson said. 'There is the it
em of $1000 for the rural school
board which is mandatory; an
increase in pay of county offi
cials fixed by the legislature.
and increased wages for the
county road crew. Some new
road equipment has been pur-.
chased at greatly increased
prices, and still other equipment
is needed, he said.
Speaking of the hospital fund,
the court pointed out that it
would require a special election
to vote on that item separately
and that it, along with the other
new items had to be included
in the budget. As the budget
now stands, it is a yes or no
vote, meaning all special sums
are at stake. The hospital extra
fund was included with the
hope that early constrution of
the building may be made pos
A considerable amount of road
expenditures has been drawn
from the sinking fund acquired
from sales of county property
and condemnation proceedings
on the bombing field. Opera
tional expense has been so hea
vy, due to increased costs, there
is nothing left for retirment of
road bonds.
Normal road work formerly
required from $20,000 to $40,000
a year, usually nearer the first
figure, and here again the court
referred to the greater costs of
labor and material which have
thrown the whole operation out
of gear, causing the budget
committee to place road fund
figures at $95,000 if needed re
pair and limited construction
are met. Wages for a crew of 20
men are set at $51,000; dlesel
fuel and gasoline, $4,000; tires
and repairs, $12,000; bridge re
pairs, $1,000; gravel, $4,000,
trailer, $3,750 (for which the
county owes), making a total of
$75,750 which must be included
in the amount over and above
the six per cent tax limitation,
along with the hospital, cricket
and rural school board funds.
Road equipment owned by the
county is not up to the standard
of efficient operation. The two
patrol graders are in bad shape
and it is possible that one fair
ly good one could be salvaged
out of the two by using the best
parts from each. Two patrols
are needed and that means pur
chase of at least one.
The officials called attention
to the fact that members of the
budget committee are extensive
taxpayers, men who would not
be apt to insert needless items
in the budget just to make taxes
higher. It has been the policy
for the past several years to ap
point at least five members
aside from the court personnel,
whereas the law requires only
cum.muee uesiues me i-uun a.c
.w. Hugnes, t. c. neuter, v..
I ? Jones. Frank Wilkinson and
A. C. Houghion.
Mr. and Mrs. John Saager en
joyed a brief holiday with
friends and relatives in Leban
on over the week end. They
were accompanied by Mrs. Saa
ger's little niece, Sharon Pear
son, who will visit here tor a
few days while her mother and
the new baby brother are in the
Among Hardman shoppers in
town Wednesday were Jim
Hams, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Cra-
ber, Mrs. Frank McDantcl and
Alta Stevens.
Dr. and Mrs. M. A. Leach of
Pendleton were week end guests
at the home of Dr. and Mrs. A.
D. McMurdo.
Leslie Matlock is about town
on crutches having sprained his
right knee in a fall Saturday
Mrs. Larry Ober who works on
the Lee Beckner ranch near
lone was a business visitor In
town Wedensday.
Dr. and Mrs. A. D. McMurdo
left Wednesday for Atlantic
City, N. J., where Dr. McMurdo
will attend the centennial an
niversary of the American Med
ical association. They will visit
In Virginia, Dr. McMurdo's for
mer home, before returning to
Oregon late in June. They mo
tored to Pendleton, taking the
train from there.
Among lone residents shop
ping in Heppner Wednesday
were Mr. and Mrs. Werner Kiel
mann, Mrs. Milton Morgan, Mm.
Darrell Padberg and Mm. Del
bert Emert and daughter.