Want Ads KOK SALE-Gusoline MVV wash ing machine, BricHsStratton 1,4 horse motor. New last year, had very little use. $N0. Sec Mrs. Jamison In trailer house behind Union Oil Co. in Heppner. 10p Power pack radio batteries $7.95, Rosowall Motor Company. FOR SALE 5-piece limed oak suite. Used less than year. Inner spring mattress box springs. Over-size chest of drawers. Vanity with full length round mirror. Perfect condition. $250. Inquire Mrs. Jamison in trailer behind Un ion Oil Co. In Heppner. lOp We have mufflers to fit 90 per cent of the passenger cars. Rosewall Motor Company. FOUND String of car keys. In quire at Gazette Times office and pay for this advertise ment. 10c FOR SALE One new Chevrolet stake body for pick-up. Rea sonable. Unrein Motor Ser vice, 10c We have reconditioned and new Ford motors for immediate in stallation. Rosewall Motor Co. SPINET PIANOS The Baldwin Aerosonic, Lester Betsy Ross, Wurlitzer. See and hear them at the PENDLETON MUSIC HOUSE, Pendleton, Ore. 10-Mc MAGNA VOX Radio-Phonograph 10 models to choose from. See and hear them at the PENDLETON MUSIC HOUSE, Pendleton, Oregon. 10-Mc Now is the time to have your truck overhauled for harvest. See us for an appointment. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE5-year-olOFBrmvn Swiss cow, to freshen soon; lawn mower in first class con dilion. N. D. Bailey. 10c FOR SAlEHerefortT registered bull, 3 years old. Price S-ITf), f.o.b. Portland. Write N. Web ster, co J. K. Gill, Portland. 10c FOR SALE Choice city lot. Sealed bids will be received up to June 10 by Tom Wells, member board of trustees of Methodist church, Heppner, Ore. The church board reserv es the right to reject any or all bids. 1011c WANTED Silk finisher at Heppner Cleaners. Good wag es for dependable person. Steady work. 1011c FOii"SAI.E- f"t. McCormfck Deerlng combine, only cut about 200 acres, in first class shape. Good motor. Cash or will trade for "cattle.-IIaroldA. Wright, Heppner, Ore. l()-12p FOK SALE-Uswi GaT tVoodhy draulic dump hoist with sub frame complete with three new universals and power un it for Ford truck. Price $235. Phone 3iF3, Nelson Bros., Lexington. 10-12p Hydraulic picks $7.95 up. Rose wall Motor Company. FOR SALE My ranch on Rhea creek one mile below Rugg's consisting of 720 acres. 31 ac res under ditch, 25 acres bot tom land, GO acres bench land. Stock and equipment to go with ranch if wanted. Lotus Robisnn. Rtfc Brand new Jaeger concrete mix er and rubber tired wheel barrows for rent. O. M. Yeager, Phone 1483. Heppner Appliance Co. located in Hodge Chevrolet Co. build ing. Phone 403. 41 f Transferring r Heavy Hauling Podded Moving Vans Storage Warehouse U.P.andN.P. Per.land Bros. Transfer Co. 39 SW Dnrinn Avenue Phone 338 Pendleton, Ore. SEE US BEFORE HAULING YOUR Sand and Gravel Have two dump trucks on the job ot all times ready to give you satisfactory ser vice. Eliminate hand shoveling. Will deliver where you want it. Rates are very reasonable Vernon Christopherson LEXINGTON Avo!d Annoyance And Discomfort due to a clogged septic tank or cesspool. I have purchased a tank pump and am in position to give prompt, efficient service. Phone 702 HOWARD KEITriLEY Hi-liable man with car to call on farmers in Mor row county. Wonderful oppor tunity. $15 to $20 in a day. No experience or capital requir- ir... i II iiidllt Ml. tviiiir IUU.1V. .l I. . ir.;. ......... MeNESS COMPANY, Dept. B, i 2l''5 M-icmilia fV.kl-tnri ' Magnolia St., Oakland, 1 Hi. 9-10p I tUlt SALE 3-lnch galvanized : pile 110 feet, used well pipe, good for hitches, etc. Sam McMillan, Lexington, Oregon. 8-llp FOR SALE Lots on Gale street. Write Everett Crump, Lexing ton. Oregon. 8-10p FOR S A LE S I a b wood . See Har ry Owen, or call 2151. 9-12c FRYERS II. H. dressed or alive. Place your order at Alice's Beauty Shop in Hepnper or call Mrs. G. Herman, 37F14, lone. 9-llc FOR SALE 3 late model 12 ft. Calkins weeders with tiller bars, $150. John Proudfoot, Phone 32F21, lone, Ore. 9-llc FOR SALE 20 ft. John Deere 3G-B combine with 150-bushel Feltberg bulker. Frank Holub, Heppner. 9-llp WANTED Woman for dry cleaning work. Heppner Clean ers and Dyers. Heppner Appliance Co. located in Hodge Chevrolet Co. build ing. Phone 403. 4tf CUSTOAI-SPRAYING done Tree . spraying, weed spraying and lawn spraying. Grady's Green- house. Phone 2193. 5tf FOR SALE New Singer electric portable sewing machine. Has buttonhole attachment. Calf 2004 interested. $125 for ma chine and $9.95 for attachment. 5tfc WANT combine cutting. Have 35 John Deere. Woodrow Hus ton. Phone 13F-1, Heppner. 9-llp Heppner Appliance Co. located in Hodge Chevrolet Co. build ing. Phone 403. 4tf UTAH- WOOLEN MILLS "Jack Frost" salesman. Ernest Ghor mley, salesman, 51G Main St., Hermiston, Ore., will call soon. 7-10p FOR SALE New power take-off for D-4 Caterpillar and 8-ft. John Deere power binder. Mel- inMoyerL Phone 2F12. 6tfc FOR SALE1938"i" 12 ton Chev truck, reconditioned motor, good tires. See James J. Far ley. 4tfc Heppner Appliance Co. located in Hodge Chevrolet Co. build ing.Plione 403. 4tf FOR SALE 200 pounds Grim alfalfa seed. High germination test. Bill Barratt, phone 1GF2. FOR SALE OUTSTANDING WHEAT RANCH IN MORROW COUNTY IONE DISTRICT Total 2000 acres, GOO acres ex cellent fall wheat, 1100 acres summer fallow, balance pasture. Modern 7 room residence, mod ern machine shed, good well wa ter, windmill and reservoir. Price, $110,000.00 cash, price in cludes wheat crop representing approximately $.".5,000.00. Not for lease or trade. Call or write Gro- ver Pound, G. F. HODGES AG ENCY, Box 612, Pendleton, Ore gon. Phone 477 or 960 evenings. CALL- FOR BIDS Sealed bids will be received until the hour of 8 o'clock p.m.. June ,9 1917, for one second hand electric stove. Bids to be submit ted to clerk of School District No. 1 at Heppner, Oregon. The board reserves the right to re ject any or all bids. Mrs. Tress McClintock, S-ll Clerk. Legal Advertising NOTICE Or SCHOOL ELECTION ni'ON QUESTION OF INCREAS ING TAX LEVY OVER AMOUNT LIMITED BY SECTION 11, MTi. CLE XI, STATE CONSTITUTION NiiIh i' in lii'l'i'liv Kivt'ii that an eleo i ,,ii will In- hi'l'ii in Si-luml Distrii't N'.i 1 nf Murrnw County, State if un pin. at the City Hal! in Paid school ill tint tor me niii".-e oi minimi ti,... In tlie leiral voters ot Haul ill i ., ii. ,ni, -.1 ion of inoleaMinU the i,.v low for tlie vear 1III7-4S over tlie amount' liiiKteil l!y weelion 11, article VI ..r I l, l iimjIlIiiII' II of i l ,'Loli The reasons for Increasing such levy are lm-n-.'e.l m l in ration. The amount of tax. In excess of the fi iienent limitation, propo'U to Lie levied f..r kiiiiI ve.ir Is :M m. Imle.l this llllh day of May. 1S17. Attest: 111 INN I N H MrCl.I.VTOCK, District Clerk. I.KTA M 111 .Ml IIHKYS. Clialnnan Hoard of Directors. Phone 3311 WANTED ,p s?O0.L emctio LNO TAJt LEV OVEB AMOUMT CLE XI, STATE CO JSTIi UTIOJ will ! tlt; uiihigh I'l.xttl't Of lluriuw Couhly, II. .. ...r .. ..........i w,.,ti. ... ... i imim In nni' Nimli.eh .luil L,a- trl l- "r tl,J puip'..-e i( hulmuUii.K ,. ,..KJ, vt,., , Mlj dln, t tjic qesllllnli ul illrl'ett.-llit; the tax ly I'll" Uie yi-ar I'rth ovtir tlie aiifyujit Jiimti-d iiy hwiion 11. m-u.le XI, ul the Cuii- alilulioii of Orefc'ili. The muuniii for increasing sui-h levy are: '1 in; ..niilunh .- Iiuul til-ti n t lias a levying hue of Kn.17U.ho. Tins am ount lm.Teuheii by b percent will not give a BuflK-ient amount to balance tlie budget. The amount of tax, in excess of the 6 percent limitation. propuM-ii to bt levied for Ban! year in fi,UJl 04. Ualed thm 19th day of May, 1947. Attest: LUCY E. KODiiKRS. District Clerk. l-.l.ilhK j'Af.MKR. Chairman lioard of IjIi wturfl. SOTICE OF ANNUAXi SCHOOL MEETING noiliK IS HEREBY fllVEN, in compliance with He:. 111-90K, O.C.L A., to tlie Ityal voters of School District No. 1, ul Morrow county. Slate of Oregon, that the ANNUAL SCHOOL MEETING of said district will be held at die City Hall; to bctfin at tlie hour of 2 o'clock p.m. on tlie third Monday of June, being tiie lljth day of June, A D. li)47. Tins meeting is called for the pur pone of ejecting one director and voting on the budget and the trans action of business u.ual at such meet ing (In districts of tlie second and thud (lasses Hie ballots shall not be counted until one hour after tlie time set for tlie meeting to begin. Until tne count begins, any legal voters ol the district shall be entitled to vote upon any business befole the meet ing.) Oated this 16th day of May. 1947. Attest: BONNIE H. McCLlNTOCK. District Cleik. LETA M. HUMPHREYS. Chairman Board of Dlectors. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Not:i:e ia lien-by given that tlie un dersigned, adniinirsti atrix of the estate of EJiiir Gnflilh. defeated, haa filed with the County Court ut the State of Oregon for Morrow County, her 'inal Account of her administration of the estate of said deceased and said court nas fixed Monday the 9th day of June, iU47 at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of Buid day at tiie court hoime ut Heppner, Oregon as tiie time and place lur hearing object ions to naid final account and the settlement of Bald estate and all persons having objections thereto are hereby required to file the name with said court on or before tlie t.tne fixed for naid homing. iJaled and first published this bill la of May. 11H7. FANNIE G. GRIFFITH. 7-11 Administratrix; NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT jNolne is hereby given that the un dersigned, as Administrator of the kulate of Ferdinand Le bola Kmbergei, de eawed, has filed his Final Account and report in tiie said e.-tate with tiie Clerk of thi.i Court and that the Judg thereof has fixed Monday. June i)th, ;tt the hour of lU.ttU o'clock AM. as tlie time in the County Courtroom in Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, as the place for hearing, object tjiis to the aid Final Account and the set tlement thereof. C. J. D. BAUMAN. Administrator of the Fstate if Ferdinand LeSota Einber ger. deceased. P. W. Mahoney, Attorney for the Administrator, H'ppni-r. Oregon. 7-11 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Nulice is heieuy that the un- (Jeisiriiied has been auiy appointed tul-ininir-triitur of the ehUte at Jain"' O, AivImt. deteajH-d. by the County O-urt t Morrnw County, Oregon. All per-j ,nti Inning cluinia aK;mi. l tlie said es tate are hereby required tu file thir , -mine uiili tbt Hdnum.Uratur at the at fire uf J. U. Turner ut Hcpjiner, t)re tlati, on or bi-tore s.x months fum the date of the first publication ul UiiH iiuiiie. Dated and first published the 1st day of Way. 1147. CJiAKLfeiri R. MeALISTEH. I G-10 Admunstiator. NOl'ICE OP riHAL ACCOUNT Nutntf ia hereby tiiven tnal the un- Jersinned. un Atinunistratrix of the rotate of ALBKKT It. K hA. deceased. nvi I lied her Kinal Aeeount and re port in tlie sa;d estate with the Clerk I i iii.-) t.ouri anu mui me juue thereof has tixed Monday, June lfih, at the hour ol 10:lHj o'eloek A.M., as the time in the County courtroom in Hpnuer, Morrow County, unmi, as tin phtre for heariiiK t-hjpt'tions to the sud Kinal Account and the settlement thereof. MARY M. WOOD. Admtnistratr.x of the K.-tiite 8-12 ol Albert H. Hea, dweaaed. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ;olne is hereby Kiven that the un lersijned wan duly appointed by tlie Ouii.ty Court tf the State of Oregon, for Morrow County, administratrix ol the estate of Ture K. retersun. de- eaied. and all persons having claims against Hie estate of said deceased, ic hereby required to present the ame to tlie undersigned adininistra- tiix with proper voueners an required I iy law at the law ol i ice ot J t .s, J , .js. at ueppner, ureon, wuinn six months from the date hereof. l'.itcd and first published the 22nd day of May. 1147. Ll'CY M. PKTKRSON. Administratrix. Krank Spttle Astoiuu uregon, and .los. J. Nys, i !r niwier, Oregon. Attorneys for Administratrix. 9-13 SUMMONS: Equity No." 3692 l.N THK CIIUVIT COl'HT OF THE STATU OK OKKUON For the Coun iy of Morrow. Kwssell McCoy, Plaintiff vs. ileorge H. Smith and Jane Doe Smith his wile, whose true nunie is un known to plaintiff, and all the un known heirs of said George II Smith, if lie is deceased. Also all othrr persons or patties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or inleiest m the real estate deseri bed in the complaint herein. Defendants To the above named Defendants and ea h and all of you: IN Till-; NAM K OF TTIK ST ATT' OK OKKiJON, you and each of you ire hereby required to appear and itiMver plaintiff's complaint filed inainst you in the above entdled court uid cause within four weeks from the dale of the first publications of this summons upon you and if you :iul to so appear or answer for want thereof niaintiii win apply to me ibove entitled court for the relief luaved for in his complaint, to-wit l-'or a decree quieting t.tle to the following described real property sit uate in Morrow County. Oregon, to wit: All of Lots eleven (11) and twelve (12) In Block twenty -seven (27) In the town of Irrigon. Morrow Countv. State of Oregon. jnd tint plaintiff be adjudged the owner in tee simple or sti.d real prop erty and that you and each ot you and all persons claiming by or uud voii he forever barred of and from ill right, title, estate. lieu or Inter in Hitid real properly or any part thereof and whatever right or Inter you may claim therein be null and vo-d and for such other and further relief as may be just and equitable This summons Is served upon you ny publication thereof in the Heppne (iaette I lines, a newspaper of gen enil circulation once a week for four successive weeks pursuant ti an or der of the Hon. IhMt Johnson, judg' of tlie County Court of the stale of Oregon for Morrow County, which order Is dated May 21st. 1!M7, and lhr date of the first publ catlon of this summons is Mav H7, .JOS, J. NYS. Attorney f'r Plaintiff. Residence and Post Office Address Heppner, Oregon. 9-13 NOTICE OP SALE OP COUNTY FBOFL'RTY BY VlliTPK OF AN OUDKU OF TU K COUNTY COVltT. dated May UM7. 1 am authorized and directed to advertise and sell at public auc tion at not less than the minimum price herein set foilli: Lots t to H. Inclusive, and SI. to 44 inclusive, in Block 17. Ir rigon Morrow County, Oregon, for tlio minimum price of $140.00, cash. Lots 6 to 11. Inclusive, and 17 to 137 Inclusive. In Block 1S Irri gon, Morrow County, Oregon for the minimum p' i. e of $UMH cash. Lots 1, 2, 3. 9. 10. 11. 13. and 13 In UltH'k 1 of the Original -Town of lone. Morrow County ,Oretou CHURCHES CHUHCH OF CHRIST BiWo schcxjl, 9:15, C. W. Bar low, supprintendent; Mrs. Ever fit Smiih, junior superintend ent; Mrs. Joe Jewett, primary superintendent. Children's Day offering: The offering in the Bible school will be a special offering. It is the first offering to be used toward the Living Link Support of Mar tin Clark, missionary recruit to Japan. The local church will supply one half of his support and one of the other churches in eastern Oregon will take the other half of his support. Morning worship, 11, commu nion and peaching; sermon top- What Shall We Give Our Children?" (Children's Day mes sage.) Christian Endeavor, 7. Adult Endeavor, concluding the study on The New Testament Church. Evening evangelistic service, Mr. B. N. Hicks, Portland, will be the speaker, bringing a pecial message concerning the program of the Anti-Liquor Lea gue of Oregon for the Young People. METHODIST CHURCH J. Palmer Sorlein, Pastor Special temperance service on Sunday, June 1, Rev. B. N. Hicks, superintendent of the Anti-Li quor league of Oregon will be the speaker for the special ser vice at 11 a.m. Sunday school at 9:45 a.m. Women's Society of Christian Service first Wednesday of each month. ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH Rev. Francis McCormack, Pastor Schedule of services: Heppner mission 1st and 3rd Sundays at 8 a.m.; 2nd and 4th at 9:30. Ione Mass on 1st and 3rd j Sundays at 9:30; 2nd and 4th at 8 a.m. Mass on 5th Sunday, one only in Heppner at 9 a.m. Holidays of obligation: Mass ; in Heppner at 7:30, lone at 8:30. j The above schedule begins June 1 and ends September 30. ALL SAINTS CHURCH Trinity Sunday. Church school, 9:45 a.m. Holy communion, 11 a.m. News From Irrigon . . Mrs. J. A. Shoun Miss Ella Mae Grim, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh W. Grim, and Earl Scott Watson were i married Saturday evening at the Methodist church in Hermis-1 ton. Miss Golda Mumma play- j ed the wedding march and Rev. Philippi of Stanfield sang "Be-1 luse" and "The Lord's Prayer," ith Mrs. Philippi accompany- ing on the piano. Mrs. June Kahl was matron of honor andj Miss Delpha Markham and Miss Muriel Gayle, bridesmaids. VYr- j non Richards was best man and Eilly Allen, brother of the bride, and Rex Casper were ushers. i It was a candlelight ceremony ith Nancy Jo Wines and Shu-i ley Simmons lighting them. j The bride was lovely in a; bite nylon dress and floor- length veil, with a grrueii i bouquet. The reception w.is hold in the reception room with the bride and groom cutting ihe first piece of a three-tiered white ike. Mrs. Felthouse cut the rest. Barbara Todd, Ann Pier sol, Lulu Dell Warren served the ake and ice cream to a full house. They went on a honey moon trip to Portland and Sea side. They will be at home soon in a new house in Hermiston with scores of presents to go in it. Mr. Watson is employed it the co-op creamery. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Swarm went up to Milton Wednesday to help in pea harvest. j Herbert and David Rand and Dean Acock went to Walla Wal la Monday to help with the peas. Irrigon had two real dust storms Monday and Tuesday. E. S. Pelton lost most of his fur the minimum prire of SS0.00. Thorpfnro. I will on the Mil itnv nf July, 1I147, nt the hour of 1 f! : IX) A. M. 'l ti'o trout tl.'-ir of tho t'ourt House in Hisppner, Oregon, poll snid prnp- riy to tlie liiBhesl and best bidder. C. J. D. BAUMAN'. Sheriff, Morrow Counlv, Oregon. H- KUANl'KS MITCHELL. Dcputv. 10-12 Ys! We're Still Talking Tires! Because Tires Is Our Business We now have in stock a complete new line of 6-ply tires for passenger cars in the popular 6:00 x 16 and 6:50 x 16 sizes 6-ply commercial tires and 7:00 x 20 and 7:50 x 20 truck tires When you need new tires or your old tires need repairing, remember you can get the kind of service you want at Heppner Motors FRANK ENGKRAF Lexington News Mrs. Clarence Hayes i Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones are parents of a baby arm, Kenneth LePoy, born May 22 at Corda Saling's home in Heppner. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dinges spent the week end in Portland on a business and shopping trip. Mrs. Cecil Hicks was honored with a stork shower Thursday afternoon at the Ladies Aid room. Many guests were pre sent and the honoree received many lovely gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Grant and family spent Sunday in Kinzua visiting Mrs. Grant's parents. Mrs. Etta C. Hunt of Portland is visiting relatives and friends here now and will remain over Memorial day. Mrs. C. C. Carmiehael and Mrs. Roger Anderson were co hostesses to the Amicitia club Tuesday evening at the Carmi ehael home. The evening was spent playing pinochle and Mrs. Herman Green won high prize. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Cutsforth flew to Columbia, Mo., leaving Saturday, to bring their daugh ter Dorothy home from school. stack of hay Tuesday. It caught fire. Mr. Pelton could not get anyone on the telephone, so he drove in. The fire truck was taken right on. Although it was close to the barn, it and all of the buildings were saved. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Sparks and daughter Clare are spend ing this week on the coast. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Browning and daughter Delores went to Ontario to get Mr. Browning's mother who has been living with a daughter, Mrs. Emery Bedwell. They have sold out and are moving to Elgin. Mrs. Browning will make her home here until they get moved. Ora Thompson was a Pendle- ton visitor Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Darling and five children and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Golden and two chil dren left for North Dakota. The Darlings will visit Mrs. Darling's relatives and the Goldens to vis- it their home state. M. D. Weisflock spent a few days in Portland Nine Harris of Portland spent from Friday until Wednesday with her mother, Mrs. Martha Ferril, and other relatives. Rev. Wallace Winquist left for Portland Tuesday. Mrs. Win quist is ill there. Miss Seneca Hodges is prea ching in the Assembly of God church. She has been in Pales- tine for 21 years as a mission- ary. Mr. and Mrs. Lou Abken and family of Kcnneu'ick spent Sun- day with his brother Mart and family. Mart Abken went to Kenne- wick Tuesday. S E R ENGINE TUNE-UP LUBRICATION BRAKE & CLUTCH SERVICE STEERING u- WHEEL ALIGNMENT TIRE ROTATION Warning! Hero's c frfertd'y rem!nder from your Chevrolet dealer. Every car needs thsse vital services regularly. For !c- motorinn eff iciencv for lencer life rfrive in todnv for Chev rolet Surr-Servire, the service that saves and satisfies! HODGE CHEVROLET CO, Heppner Phone 403 Heppner Gozette Mrs. Kenneth Gibbs and baby AVIATION CADET PILOT of Hermiston are visiting Mr. TRAINING AVAILABLE and Mrs. Ed MrFadden this j Aviation cadet pilot training week. Mr. and Mrs. Leno Ml- js now available to civilian chicli and Mrs. Frank Mill of young men. M Sgt. John E. Bold, Hermiston were also week-end station commander of the I'en guests at the McFadden home. r,.,n army recrui'ing service Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Carmich- i ;lnnfjUnced this morning on re ael drove to Portland Wednes- j c(,j)t f word from the com-dav- mandine rreneral. AAF. mi. ana .-irs. luii larnen ana family spent last week in New berg visiting her father and al so relatives from Toronto, Can., who were there at that time. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jackson and Cecil drove to Salem Thurs day where they visited friends and relatives and Mr. Jackson attended the trap shoot. B0ARDMAN George Jaros, 7th and 8th grade teacher, took six of the boys on a fishing trip Tuesday returning Wednesday. They went over Into the John Day country and returned via Here ford and Baker. Boys going were Tim Robinson, Max Fussell, Donald Gillespie, Peter Cassidy, Verlon White, Robert Sicard. Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs. Frank Cole Wednesday with a good attendance. Mrs. Verona Shattuck, missionary chairman, announced ladies were to bring their hobbies at the next missionary meeting on June 18. This meeting will be in the church basement at 2 p. m. Young Carol Hamilton, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hamil ton, left Wednesday for Gresh am to spend a month with her cousin, Mrs. H. R. Crockett (Lou ise Hamilton). Dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Black on Thursday evening were Gerald Fahey, George Jaros, Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Bechdolt and Miss Ann Jones. , Albert McLouth and family were Wednesday visitors at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gus McLouth. School closed Friday and the teachers are all leaving for their homes and vacation spots. Miss Ann Jones left Friday for Pen dleton to remain for a few d"v with her sister, Mrs. Roy Lever enz before leaving for her home near Dallas, Tex. Ger-p j left for his home in Walla Wal la, and the Bechuol ? ing soon for their home in the mountains. Mrs. Bechdolt wiU teach in the Heppner sc.uui1 this next year and Mr. Jaros will return to Boardman. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Robert son and family left buitu.:,, Helena, Mont., to be gone a few weeks where Mr. Robertson will shear sheep. Carol i.ocriij.. will spend the summer with up uint, Mrs. Robertson, at Pilot Rock. Mrs. Ed Kunze left Monday for Portland to be gone a few VICE Times, Heppner, Oregon, Previously aviation cadet training was open only to en- listed personnel serving with the armv. Sergeant Bold ex-, "- j days visiting her son and fam-1 ily, Mr. and Mrs. Ed McClellin. She will also see the Nick Fal- er family while av.iy. :: ."a.!''. A. Skoubo motored to Hepp- A.V-' i x- mining bor-rds are lo ner Mon;-' y. . Ciite-1 at rrntcr-ic fcir bses thru Mrs. Claud Coats spent the ':t tl c r ity and will exam week end in Heppner v.ith u.t ; re . at the lnstalla Chas. Barlow family. I tion re art si his home. Swing info Summer on waves of loveliness . . . A HELENE CURTIS COLD WAVE is your answer to your hot weather hair problems Make Your Appointment Today c-j-ticzs, Beauty Phone 53 Edith - Alice - Ethel regu J0mWkz r-J v MIXES AND THINS WITH WATER DRIES IN ONE HOUR NO UBJ ECTION ABLE ODOR EASY TO APPLY WASHABLE liiu'! 'mi 1 1 y ewamQ c5 ( i It I i ; NU-ENAMEL PORCH, FLOOR & DECK ENAMEL For interior or exterior use 10 beautiful colors. 4.95 GAL. mmmmm no-enamel CASE FURNITURE COMPANY May 29, 1947-5 plained, but -N-t.vl group of civilians ,;re nmv ix'n mown fur AAF's W'reilnp sTrnglh. Fligibility for o:n'.ct pilot training will bo cYvrmined on te following points, the recruit ing commander states: AppU- nts must be unm irried and . rre to remain ting during the tninin:: period: t- between IS an I Jb I z e:ir t aire. nae e-rr.el at lens one h. If of the credits le i. ling to r. fi.rroc at an ere i eo r i.'ge or te able to pnss a comparable educational evaminti m. In addition, men must l.e sound p! if excellent character, ys: j';e an.l in -good iy - x mi .1 IKJggJ NU-ENAMEL MODERN FINISH You can paint a largo Adirondack chair. for $f!0 jr 0ME COAT COVERS