Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, May 29, 1947, Page 4, Image 4

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    Winning Essays on
Americanism Theme
Cited by Auxiliary
America's Contribution for a
Permanent Peace
By Tricia Lawrence
Books, rncycloedias, maga
zines, and newspapers have used
millions of words on this sub
ject so having a limit of only
f i p hundred words, this must
hp merely an outline,
America's preatest contribu
tion fur a permanent ioace, in
my opinion, is insistir.ee upon
the "democratic way." j
The word "democratic" comes
frm two Creek words meaning
"poople" and "I ule." More
than any place in the world
America has made progress in
having a country ruled by its
people. It has, more than any
other country, projected this
idea into international relations.
America is attempting to wipe
out bitterness after World War
II. We are trying to help other
people, whether winner or loser,
to return to normal living and
the pursuits by which they were
once able to enjoy life.
The settlement of the trouble
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the IV.ited States had with the
Chinese during the Boxer RObel
lion provided that they should
pay us millions of dollars for
damages. The Vnited States
promptly declared that the mon
ey should be used for the educa
tion of the Chinese people.
About fifty years ago when
Spain sank an American battle
ship off the coast of Cuba our
Army and Navy were victorious
We took away all their posses
sions that were in "our sphere
of influence," and also seized
the Philippine islands. We did
n't hold these people as subjects
as other nations have. Cuba
was given her independence a
few years later and now the
Philippines have their freedom
Hawaii became a territory and
j now statehood is being consid
! ered which will make it the
jsame as any other state in the
, I'nion.
It is this American attitude
of building up communities to
a state of civilization and free
I dom, to live according to their
own ideas as long as they do
' not impose upon others, rather
than treating them as subjects
or slaves, that makes our coun
try different from others of the
past and in some cases, now
This attitude, America is trying
to impress upon other nations
which are also trying to contri
, bute for a permanent peace.
What we are doing now is of-
, fering a helping hand to all of
them as long as the people are
allowed freedom of expression.
Our democracy has done what
no other nation ever has donr
on a similar scale or with the
; same motive.
! Democracy, the rule of the
i people, for -and by the people.
I as practiced in America, is not
Heppner Cleaners
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PHILCO 350. Needs no ipcciil aerial I Amazing
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in?y the hojvo of all informed
xwplps, hut the only force of
ering all of thorn, regardless of
color or creed, both material
ind spiritual assistance and
also inspiration to keep to the
principles of brotherhood and
he moral code of Christianity
given to the world nearly two
housand years ago.
The members of the American
Legion, by their efforts and sac
rifices for peace and democracy,
heir insistance since World War
I to "be prepared," and their
great support of the cause of
freedom, have earned the ever
lasting gratitude of everyone.
This, in itself is one of many
contributions America has made
for a permanent peace through
America's Contribution for a
Permanent Peace
By Marion Green
America is doing much for a
permanent peace in her own
land and in other lands.
In the occupation of Japan
there are about 160,000 people
in uniforms. They are to occupy
and govern. There are also
ibout 2,000 not in uniform.
These people have jobs of help
ing the people, acting as teach
ers and supervisors is another.
in Japan the main purpose is
to secure world stability for Ja
pan. The main plan is to demil
itarize and to democratize Ja
pan. As much as possible Jap
an's people will bring this about
themselves. This will make
them feel less harshly toward
the United States. The planning
is done by the Far Eastern Com
mission which is represented by
eleven countries. The adminis
tration is under the direction of
Douglas McArthur.
The new Germany will be
much different in the coming
years. It will not be corrupted
with military rule as it has been
in the last thirteen years. Ger
many will be made "fit to live
with." Many countries have
claims against Germany for
property destroyed during the
war. Most of the claims will not
be paid back, but the German
people will pay some of it back
when they get on their feet.
Th United States foreign pol
icy seeks a just and lasting
peace through political stabil
ity, economic progress and so
cial advancement. For this rea
son the United States has spon
sored and supported the United
Nations. United Nations' goal
is political stability. To have
political stability peace-loving
nations should have the right to
speak their grievances, to have
legal disputes among nations
settled, that weapons - of mass
destruction should be subject to
rigid control.
Atomic Energy Commission is
being backed by the United
States. It was voted to have this
commission in the General As
sembly of United Nations on
January There are
about twelve countries repre
sented on the commission. This
commission has been meeting
since June 11, 1916. The com
nission is getting absolute con
rol over raw materials used in
.he manufacture of atomic en
orgy. The commission must
control competition. If national
ivalry over raw materials takes
)lc.ce it will be very dangerous,
ff the power of control is given
o international groups it will
;olve the problem.
The United States along with
en other countries are in favor
f the United Nations Relief
md rehabilitation organization
which helps the oppressed of
Europe and Asia. It has survey
ed to get all surplus food and
used clothing for the terrible
winter of 1916 and 1917. During
this winter UNRRA had' brought
relief and help to thousands
who doubtlessly would have
perished from the cold and lack
of food.
The war refugee is getting
much aid from occupation forces
and the United tSates. America
'aas had clothing drives and
many other things to help the
refugees of Europe. All these
acts will create a sense of good
will towards th United States in
he minds of the people.
There still remain many
things to be done, but I believe
.ve II have peace.
4-Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, May 29, 1 947
VETERANS! Here's Gl Insurance Advantages:
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H'iX && ' 0 ,e'ns,a, yur 'rm insurance on
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V 'CV 'Psed Poy 'wo monthly
Visit your mares ' Veterans Administration office (or
u details and friendiv advice on insurance problems
will cost approximately $433,. ! bercluosis
000. The dormitory would have j $200,000.
a capacity of 50. Improvements
on the agenda for the state deaf
school include a combination
school and dormitory to cost
$300,000. An employees' dormi
tory at the Eastern Oregon Tu-
hospital will cost
Twenty-four colleges, univer
ities and other schools in Ore
gon received approximately .$60,
XX) worth of surplus laundry
wiulpment this week through
Portland War Assets adminis
tration. The allocation consist
ed of 120 unused laundry units,
once intended for installation
aboard troop ships.
A dormitory and school build
ing are planned for Hillcrest
School for Girls, Salem, which
Ford fertilizer 50 pound bags
$3.12. Rosewall Motor Co.
Four and six ply tires, used
tires and truck tires. Rosewall
Motor Company.
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To take advantage of free physical examination by one
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