f Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, Moy 29, 1947-3 lone News Items of the Week Daily vacation biblo school will start Juno 2 if the material comes In time. Several young people from here went to Bingham Springs Sunday. b lone lost In the ball game at Condon Sunday. J"rs. Ma hp n'lif.r-. .i.. the graduation exercises last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Heliker and daughter, Mrs. Harriet Lun dell, left Friday for Michigan where they will visit Mr. Helik er's home state. Miss Gladys Seehafer of Cor vallls is visiting her parents, Mr. the Junior Endeavor at a weiner roast at her home Sunday eve ning. The evening was spent in playing games. Wieners, buns and punch were served. The, social meeting of the Topic club met at the Masonic hall Satuday afternoon, May 21 with Mrs. E. R. Lundell, Mrs. Wm. Seehafer and Mrs. M. E. Cotter as hostesses The after noon was spent in playing bridge. Prizes were won by Mr.s. Victor Kietmann and Mrs. Ella n..n -,,-'"" "i ine, ama is visaing ner part Dulles visited hr i,r..n,. m i ...i -.. n- .. . , c, ... j , uuun im jna. wm. aeenaier. bmltn and family and atten,i,.H t i- KIOTirr ftc pl'-rf""'ainea Davidson, high; Mrs. Wallace NOTICE OF NONHIGH SCHOOL DISTRICTBUTlARING of the NonhilV7S "1-1244 O.C.L.A., to the lega. voters various school houses of the ' Morrow rnuntv nhi.? R "', V11?1 3 m('p,i"B w" be held at the at 2:00 o'clock p.m. for the t?urr,ose of .h" St;hoo, IJlstriet. " t"e 16th day of June, 1947, iieS r lhe "scal year bfnni"g Juy 1' BUDGET ESTIMATED BECEIPTS inniiiii ii ii in i i i Total caau on nana ai beginning of the year for winch this budget is made $j.009..".6 Item Tu it ion : Transportation Personal Service (Clerical-Legal) Travel " Interest on Warrants or Other Indebtedness Emergency Totals .. Z ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES Expenditures for Three Fiscal HXP!n',!UreS and Years Next Preceding the B"dge' Aowan ' Curent School Year Sl Mo.nt.hB ,ofvCur- rent School Year Exendl- Budget ture. Allowance $13,000.16 $15,800.00 1,076.49 $5,009.36 1943-1944 1944-1945 1945-1946 $11,583.35 1,941.92 15 46 12.70 $ 9.149.23 2,058.48 17.53 21.70 $11,537.50" 2,205.97 23.54 25.90 28.86 3,500.00 50 00 50.00 Estimated for 1947-1943 $iTsooM 4,500.00 30.00 50.00 73.89 $13,555.43 $11,246.94 $13,8C6.80 $14,165.51 555 00 $19,955.00 1.500.00 $21.880 00 SUMTAX,LEVY ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES, RECEIPTS, AND AVAILABLE CASH BALANCES AND Total estimated expenditures $21 880 00 Deduct total estimated receipts and Available cash balances 5.009 36 Amount necessary to balance the budget 16,870.64 S"" '" " raiseu oy taxation I681O 11 16.870.61 Tojajjgtjmatod taxjevy for the ensuing fiscal ye 7" AnaFysrs of K.strmalp(TTa"x Levies": Amount inside 6 limitation $1181110 Amount outside 6 limitation 51)29 54 Dated May19, 1947. Signed: LUCY E. RODGERS, Clerk; ELMER PALMER, Chairman, Board of Directors. , Matthews and Mrs. Mary Swan 1 son, low; Mrs. Omar Kietmann, ! jack high, and Mrs. Bert Mason, grand slam. Refreshments of cake, ice cream and coftee were served. I The lone school enjoyed their annual picnics in the following i places: The high school in the ! mountains, seventh and eighth trades at Mary Hill museum in Washington; fifth and sixth at the Franklin Ely ranch; third and fourth at Garland Swan son's, and first and second at the Bailey home in town. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Davis of I'm.itilla were guets of Mr. and Mrs Gordon White last week. Mrs. E. R. Lundell is in Port lan.! this week. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Call left on a vacation trip. George Ely and Mrs. A. A. Mc Cabe left last week on a fishing trip to the coast. Miss Virginia Eagle of Seattle is visiting her mother, Mrs. Ce cij Thome. New books at the public lib nrv -re "Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep" by Bemelmans, and "c'r.zy Weather'' by McNichols, both donated by Mrs. Roy Lind strom and "Clinic Nurse" by Morris, purchased by the lib- ' rary. I Dates to remember: The Am erican Legion and auxiliary will sponsor a Memorial Day pro gram at the Legion hall Friday afternoon, May 30, at 2:30 p.m. Everyone is invited to attend. . . The Maranathas will hold a ' food sale Saturday afternoon, June 7, at Bristow's store The PNG of the Rebekahs will meet at the home of Mrs. L. A. . McCabe, June 6. Mrs. Echo Palmaleer and Mrs. , Wallace Matthews attended the I Rebekah assembly at The Dal , lest last week where Mrs. Pal I mateer was a delegate from Bunch Grass Rebekah lodge and Mrs. Matthews a guest. They reported a very enjoyable time. There v.ere around lX) register ed. Mrs. Mary Swanson and daughter Eva and Mrs. E. R. Lunucll also attended the mi-ding one day and E. R. Lundell attenued the Odd Fellows meet ing. School closed Friday with most of the teachers leaving for their homes. Elmer ShiUer left Saturday morning for his home in Twin Falls, Idaho. Miss Mary Bracked left Sunday for her home at Lufus. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Ely left the first 01 the i.e. on a trip. Mr. Ely will attend summer school at Uillarnette university which be gins June 23. Melvin Nelson and family plan on going to Colton, Wash., on a tup. Mrs. Robert Severin left fof her home 111 I'aisley. Miss Nel lie Shaffer went to her home in Seattle. Mrs. Algott Lundell and Mrs. Franklin Ely who have been living in town moved back to the, country. Mrs. Ely plans to attend Eastern Oregon Col lege of Education this summer. Due to oversight of ye corres pondent Mrs. Delia Corson's name was omitted from among those who cut cake at the Re bekah anniversary May 15. Mrs. Corson has been a Rebekah for nearly fifty years and has al ways been very active in lodge work. Mrs. Anne Smouse who has been staying in Portland is vis iting relatives here and her daughter, Mrs. Orlo Martin, in Moro. Mrs. John Voohees and daugh ter of Portland is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wate Crawford. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Parker of Dundee visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Thome last NOTICE OF 1947-48 BUDGET MEETING ml.'" alance with the provisions of the "Local Budget Law" (Sections 110-1201 to 110-1215 O.C.L.A, as amended), notice is hereby given that the budget com mittee of Morrow County Oregon, in compliance with said law, prepared and adopted on May 9, 1917, the budget estimates for Sow Countv Oregon for the SSne T947SCa lMlyfn',H917r, 3?' S"! W 'he accomparyin g schedulesAll persons are hereby noticed that on Thursda?,' thelh day'o? in" i,l i ' a , M;,, lhe Coun,y JudPes offlc0 81 'he Court House in Heppner, Oregon. s;-itl budget estimates will be discussed with the County Court the or -ZZ or aVpart thereof U'Uy' rL'Kn' PerS" l th PImei ,aX 'Vy 0r t3X leVicS wl" be heard in favor of or agafnstid taxSevy weeK. Mrs. rarKer n i . j Thorne are sisier and brother, j The following program was given at commencement, May : 22, at the high sc.iool gym: Pro cessional by Mr:;, tli-o Drake; invocation. Rev. R. L. Cassel man; talk to the eighth grade graduates, Mrs. Lucy E. Rod cers; presentation of eigh'h grade diplomas by Mrs. Bertha .Severin; clarinet solo, Louise Carlson; salutatory address by Barbara Smith; spcciil music, school band; presentation of aw ards, Mr. B. C. Forsythe; citizen ship cup to senior class, citizen ship plaque to Barbara Smith and Harlan Crawford; journal ism, Clifford Aldrich; athletics Itobcrt Drake; dramatics, Louts Carlson; sportsmanship, Ross Doherty; scholarship to Eastern Oregon College of Education, Robert Drake; valedictory ad dress, Robert Drake; vocal se lections, high school glee club; commencement address, Dr. Vir gil Bolen, "Wanted, Riders for a Billion Horses"; presentation of class of 1947, Mr. Forsythe; presentation of diplomas, Oscar Peterson; benediction, Rev. Mr Casselman; recessional, Mrs Drake. From the lone Independent May 30, 1927: "E. R. Lundell went to Portland Sunday for a new Star car for Lewis Bail. 'Bill' Swanson acocmpanied him to- see about some roofing ma terial for his building. We have installed a new Stewart-Warner Electronic wheel balancer and we are prepared to balance your wheels to pro long tire life and make your car safer to drive. See us if your car shimmies. Rosewall Motor Company. Heppner Appliance Cb. located in Hodge Chevrolet Co. build ing. Phone 403. 4tf The outstanding indebtedness of Morrow County, Oregon, at May 1. 1917, consisted of S1G7.500.00 in Serial Road Bonds. BERT JOHNSON, Chairman Budget Committee W. E. HUGHES, Secretary Budget Committee. E. C. HELIKER, Member Budget Committee C. N. JONES, Member Budget Committee. L. D. NEILL, Memlier Budget Committee. RALPH I. THOMPSON, Member Budget Committee. FRANK WILKINSON, Member Budget Committee A. C. HOUGHTON, Member Budget Committee. SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES, RECEIPTS AND TAX LEVIES FISCAL YEAR 1947-48 1947-48 Tax Levy Total General Calculation All Funds Fund Total Estimated Expenditures . $411,380.00 $ 76,680.00 Deduct Est. Receipts other than 47-48 taxes 132,050.00 10,350.00 Est. Tax Lew Jul 1, 1947 to June 30. 1918 inside fi" Mm Est. Tax Lew. Julv 1 1917 to June 30, 1918 outside 6 lim. . 35,500.00 Est. Tax Low Jul 1 1947 to June 30, 1918 over (ro lim. Total Lew Julv 1. 1917 to June 30, 1918 as Estimated 279,33000 General General Road Bond Bond Schools Roads Sinking Sinking Interest Fund Fund Fund Rodent Fund Dog Fund Taylor Grazing Fund Coyote Bounty Fair County Fund Hospital Fund $ 12,000 $95,000 13,500 $27,500 $ 8,000 81,975.00 34,253.00 161,855.00' 32.077.00 12,000 33,072 48,428 27,500 3,000 $ 7,000 1,000 2,650 3,330 $ 1,000 1,000 I 200 200 $ 4,000 4,000 $180,000 102,000 78,000 To be voted on by tjTeJegalvotors of the Coimtv for t heir approval or rejection. June 17. 19AZ SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES, RECEIPTS AND TAX LEVIES FISCAL YEAR 1946-47 $ 12.000 $30,000 $15,000 $27,500 $ 9,000 $ 4,500 $ 500 $ 200 $ 1.000 $ 4,000 $100,000 500 200 1,000 1S46-4 lax Levy Tola) General General General Road 'Bond Bond Rodent Dog Taylor Fair Coyote County Calculation All Fundi Fund School. Roads Sinking Sinking Interest Fund Fund Grazing Fund Bounty Hospital fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Total Estimated Expenditures $292,110.00 $ 58,410.00 Deduct Est. Receipts other thanl94fi-47 Taxes 106,275.00 26,775.00 Estimated Tax Levy July 1, 1916. to June 30, 1917, inside b7o lim. Estimated Tax Levy July 1. '46 to June 30 1947 outside 6 lim. 108,500.00 Total Levy from July 1, 1916 to June 30, 1917 as Estimated 185.835.00 77,335.00 31,635.00 4,800 12,000 25,200 39,000 6,000 27,500 5,000 1,000 3,000 1,500 3,000 1,000 20,000 80,000 EXPENDITURES Actual for Fiscal Year July 1, 1944 to June 30, '45 $ 650.00 2.000.00 1,500.00 274.31 51.45 817.10 2,400.00 1,500.00 271.34 41.40 2,000.00 G33.10 90.78 627.00 415.00 2,400.00 49.00 123.00 261.49 35.00 205.34 161.11 71.15 169.63 351.05 250.00 73.80 1,200.00 198.75 394.06 856.26 639.00 147.66 1,304.21 5,500,00 300.00 1,127.50 391.96 2.4O0.00 3,395.49 394.10 825.40 100.00 Actual for Fiscal Year July I, 1945 to June 30, '46 $ 201.30 2,000.00 1,615.18 291.50 107.90 1,112.99 2,100.00 1,680.00 291.80 39.20 2,000.00 800.68 100.78 394.00 450.00 2,400.00 42.00 125 00 350.00 48 00 272.73 219.31 61.10 164 20 377.75 ' 25000 70.20 July 1, '46 to June 30, '47 Budget for Year FUND AND CLASSIFICATION Est for Fiscal Year July 1, '47 to June 30, '48 Approved by Budget Com. FOR SALE Bicycle, almost new good tires, horn and other accessories. Cheap. See Jim mie Smith, or call 2452. 9-10c Rheumatism and Arthritis Doctors differ as to the merits of NUE-OVO. Many users Bay it has brought them relief. If you suffer from Rheumatism or Arthritis why not write for literature on NUE-OVO from Research Laboratories, Inc., 403 N. W. 9th, Portland, Oregon. Pd. Adv. LkJj One plat afwovt ta place. No puffing p, totlia dow, painting, tterlnq or r. pairing. 10-yaar (uaraafe. A touch of the finger . . . to4 ROLSCREENS roll tutom tically! . . . onto hidden roller. Easilf installed on your prntmt windows, PELLA ROLSCREENS require no cutting or fitting. locoo spicuous, keep windows and drip, eries cleaner, insect-tight, oiadt of rust-resisting, dear-vision, AlumiaA wire cloth. Ask for fm tsthuf. j ROLSCREENS, 0. M. YEAGER 415 Jones St Fhoae 1483 1,311.67 511.00 31 1 .30 103.97 774.49 176.70 611.32 5,500.00 300.00 1 ,345.00 399.78 2,400.00 3,288.03 284.79 974.69 100.00 450.00 2.000.00 1.6KIUH) 320.00 200.00 1,500.00 2.100.00 1,800.00 300.00 100.00 2.000.00 1,000.00 100.00 1.000.00 ' 450 00 2,400.00 50.00 125 00 1,500.00 200.00 50.00 600.00 250 00 200.00 200 00 400.00 250 00 60.00 50 00 100.00 25.00 1,500.00 500.00 350.00 1,000.00 800.00 200.00 200.00 750.00 5,500.00 300.00 2.2'.0.00 780.00 2.400.00 3.615.00 250.00 1,000.00 100.00 Accountants Audits $ Assessor's Office Salary of Assessor Salary of Deputy Books & Incidentals ... Field Work Circuit Court Witnesses, jurors, bailiff, reporter, incidentals Clerk's Office Salary of Clerk Salary of Deputy Books & Incidentals Coroner Jurors, mileage and fees County Court Salary of County Judge Salary per diem & mil. of Com. & incidentals County Expenses and Contributions Association of Oregon Counties Bangs' Disease Control Bonds County Agent . Fire Patrol Federal Tax Committee Home Demonstration Agent Expense Insurance Insane Expense Jail Board and Expense Justice Court Jurors, fees, witnesses, etc. Juvenile Court Library Ol'fcial Publications and Tax Foreclosure Publicity & Advertising Sealer of Weights & Measures Water Master Traveling Exp. & Incidentals Weed Control Wind Erosion Control Public Employees Retirement System Court House Salary of Janitor Fuel Light & Power Incidentals Current Expense Postage, Stationery, Telephone1, Telegraph, etc. District Attorney Rent & Incidentals County Liw Library Election Expense Emergency Health Department Salary of County Physician Salary of County Nurse County Nurse Travel Expense & Incidentals Sheriff's Office Salary of Sheriff .' Salaries of Deputy & Office Clerk Tax Collections Books, Incidentals and Travel Stamps & Envclpoes Actual for Fiscal Year July 1, 1944 to June 30, '45 Actual for Fiscal Year July 1. 1945 to June 30, '46 July 1, '46 to June 30, '47 Budget for Year FUND AND CLASSIFICATION 950.00 2.400.00 1,860.00 320.00 200.00 2,000.00 2,880.00 1,860.00 500.00 150.00 2.100.00 2,000.00 100.00 1,000.00 600.00 2,800.00 50.00 125.00 1.500.00 200.00 50.00 400.00 250.00 150.00 200.00 700 00 250.00 tiO.OO 50.00 100.00 25.00 5,000.00 1,680 00 (iOO.OO 300.01) 1,000.00 ' 900.00 200.00 200.00 2.00'.) 00 7,500.00 300 00 2.100 no 1.100.00 2.880.00 3,720.00 300 00 1.100 00 100.00 2.000.00 2.000.00 2.000.00 '515.68 366.70 450.00 408.49 5S6.61 350.00 687.50 806.33 750.00 150.00 1 50.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00. 1,600.00 1,600.00 1.600.00 53.83 30.35 75.00 505.20 549.60 1.000.00 119.60 136.80 160.00 702.92 1. 480.68 2.000.00 5,022.10 5.928.20 6.500.00 236.00 1S8.55 500.00 2,228.34 2,012.00 4,500.00 75.00 200.00 4,000.00 43,532.22 47,280.91 30,000.00 27,500.00 27.500.00 27.500.00 11.632.72 1 0.077.69 9.000.00 17,913.10 15,471.17 12.000.00 100.000.00 Estimated Cosh Bala 5.687.75 8.902.79 15.000 00 218.31 213.01 300.00 198.75 206.50 mo 00 2,249.60 2.689.35 2,200.00 959.00 1.0S0.20 1.000.00 1.109.10 325.00 700.00 1.092.89 2,385.32 1.000.00 2,762.12 3.288.47 2.000.00 3,381.18 2,581.43 2,500.00 77.00 50.00 598.09 608.73 500.00 1110.00 275.00 275.00 275.00 1,050.00 9.027.21 4 377 97 2.338 71 1.860.79 1,000.00 1,537.80 1.280.73 500.00 739.45 711 45 1,000.00 211.00 626.75 300.00 801 62 1.874.82 1,000.00 3.602.38 3,321.43 500.00 Est. for Fiscal Year July 1, '47 to June 30, '43 Approved by Budget Com. Superintendent of Schools Office Salary of Superintendent Books & Incidentals Travel Expense Assistant 411 Club '' Teacher's Institute Rural School Board Expense Treasurer's Office Salary of Treasurer Books & Incidentals Relief Aid to Dependent Children Blind Assistance General Assistance Old Age Assistance Dog Fund Rodent Fund Taylor Grazing Fund Covote County Roads & fridges Repairs, Labor, Materials Incidentals Road Bonds Sinking Fund Bond Interest County School Appropriation County Hospital Fund 2.400.00 650.00 400.00 1.860.00 150.00 150.00 1.000.00 1.920.O0 75.00 1,080.00 135.00 4.200.00 5.250.00 1. 000.00 7,000.00 200.00 4.000.00 95.000.00 27.500.00 8,000.00 120.101)0 180,000.00 nces and Receipts other than Taxes General Fund Estimated Cash Balance Sheriff's Fees Sheriff's Auto Sticker Sales Clerk's Office Fees Justice Court Fines Rentals County Lands & Houses Land Sales ... Delinquent Taxes Interest Jail Rent from City of Heppner Alcohol Control Fund (Relief) Weed Control County Health Association . State Board of Health General Road Fund Estimated Cash Balance . . Delinquent Taes Forest Reserve Rentals, Gasoline Refunds Justice Court Fines . Land Sales Sales & Rentals 1944-45 1945-46 6mo.'46 '47 Bud.'46-'47 Motor License Fund $10,411.28 $11,376.35 $ 8,878.09 $ 8,000.00 Receipts from Secretary of State Rodent Fund 5,486.10 3,697.45 4.250.59 3,000,00 Estimated Cash Balance . .. 3.0O0.00 Covote Bounty .. 45700 333 00 10.00 500.00 Dog License i 96.99 105.19 200.00 Taylor Grazing Fund 20,000.00 County Hospital Fund Balance 00 00 300.00 loo.oo 2 f10 00 1,000.00 700 00 1.000.00 00.00 2.500 00 50 00 500 00 ion no 275 0.) 1,225 00 oo no 00 00 500 no l.()i)i) no 5 on no l.OiXI oo 500.00 Important!! AIL ORESON DRIVER'S LICEXSES NUMBERED 5H-1 TO 511-33,000 EXPIRE THIS JUHE. Apply NOW lor rnwal OKIY II jom drlTU't li nns Is below SB 33.000. Q: Where? A: Any driver's Hrerm clerk or examiner la your area. J: How? A: On the regular form ONLY. Q: Take an examination? A: No! Q: w:-en do yon renew if y o n r number U OVER 33.000? A: See table at right. Oregon Drivers' Licenses will Iiplr ThtM Moat. Bearing Tir. .Number! SR 1 to 5R raw 5R r.3A1 to SR 6MM SR t.n-;i u 5U !W9 SR Vf O .l B1H ! jH C I to SKI WO Stttl. O"! to 5K1!'8IM SHI: MM to .)R2:llotlO SKJ Ifr.l U -R254MH) 5Ki..'l I to 5R2i;MI S' OJl to 5K3'00i 5F3 Ml 'I to5r.3l.3W Sh U 'lnl to IHM 5KI:.)-Ml to ilUl:HWi SRI' ''0 I to 3P4,?0 ShlOHi'l to SKIMM. Shir '! to Ski.SWK) SPii fO I to SPPWl SHSHO 'l to 5R.VI4IWK) 5;iV-'0-tl to 5R62tOn 5RS: 'f to 5RSS0OMI SK'id.OOl to 5R130O SR? 3001 to 5R72flO 5R72FO'! to 5R719MXI SR75S001 to SK7920M Moalka Jnai IMI July 141 Aug. 1M7 Sent. Oct. Not. 14? Dm. UM? Jam IMi Feb. IMI Mar. lt-U Apr. IMI May 141 June IMI July 1M1 Aug. l4a gept. 1M Oct, IMi Noy. 194 Dm. 141 Jan. 14I Feb. 1M Mar. tl Anr. 1Mb or ovtr May 1949 ROBERT S. FARRELL, Jr., Sec'y of State SSirVJw?sas: i.ViT..'4'W hixe PREMIER MATHO-MATIC NOZZLE Si TUP BltJw N VACUUM ClEANINOi It's here the one-and-only Matho-Matic Nozzle that auto-' matically adjusts itself, with mathe matical precision, to any floor surface thick rug, thin rug, lino leum, or bare floor! This exclusive Premier feature means quicker, easier, more thorough cleaning but it's only one of many remark able new features that make this de luxe cleaner the finest ever built by Premier! See it, try it today! HERE'S HOW IT WORKS I rl sag WHOLE UPRIGHT: Tb. noailt puthti down gently but firmly into the nap of the rug. I r j" HINDU IN CLEANING POSITION: Nozzle xitm to cxaa hdffat for mom efficient cleaning. IN OPERATION: Rug if Y. braced tad gently bat thoroughly clean til o a cushion of ait. SEE THE MATHO-MATIC NOZZLE IN ACTIONI HEPPNER APPLIANCE CO. Hodge Chevrolet Co. Bldg. Phone 403 THE FACT IS By GENERAL ELECTRIC CAN GO 120 MILES PER HOUR NEW DIESEL ELECTRIC LOCOMOTIVE BUILT BY GENERAL ELECTRIC AND ALCO IS DESIGNED TO OPERATE ONE MILLION MILES WITHOUT MAJOR OVERHAUL. LIKE THE FAMOUS B-29 BOMBERS; IT HAS A 5-E TURB0-SUFERCHAR5ER. FLUORESCENT LIGHTS HELP PLANT GROWTH! contribute to sturdy amd luxuriant plant development: lamps l'ke these are one op iQeoo different KINDS MADE B1 GENERAL ELECTRIC FO EVEXV USHTIKS NE mm w WINS teOGO FOR SUGGESTION G-E EMPLCV'cES HAVE BEEN AWARDED) iz,coo,coo S KCB 1Sc2 FCR WCRXA3. IDEAS UNDER SUGGESTON SV'STEM. 10,000.00 ; 1 .000.00 I .l.oot") on ; l.fMooo 2')0 00 I 102,000.00 1 GENERAL 0s ELECTRIC