Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, May 22, 1947, Page 8, Image 8

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    8-Hcppner Gozette Times, Heppner, Oregon, Moy 22, 1947
M'-n now cetrd for the reg
ular army undr new high phy
icl end intclliconre require
rnrnts are a M-lort croup con
slstinK t approximately the top
fifty torrent of all applicants,
am rdiiic to a statistical report
from the war department receiv
ed at the Pendleton army re
cruiting headquarters, Station
Commander John E. Bold an
nounced today. Sixteen percent
of rejections resulted from fail
ure of applicants to pass pre
liminary aptitude and inteili
conce tests. Eleven percent were
unable to meet the physical
standards. Moral and literacy
requirements proved the stum
bling block for the remainder,
the sergeant stated.
To assist the army in securing
applicants of the calibre necd-
Swimaways for Everyone
Women's Swim Suits, One-piece, 32-3S 5 9Q
Teen-Age Suits (not shown Novelty knits J
Teen-Age Two-piecers Rayon 4,
Girls' one and two-piecers. Sizes 8-14 J 98
Juvenile Girls' trim little" suits. 2-6x 1.98
Men's Swim Trunks. Prints and solids 2.98
Boys' Swim Trunks. Styled like men's J 98
Business Houses May
Close Friday and
Saturday, May 30-31
The suggestion has been
made that the business houses
of the city take advantage of
the Pecoration day week-end
by closing for a doubla holiday.
The idea has not spread far as
yet but it is understood some
thing definite will be undertak
by the first of the week.
ed. Sergeant Bold said he is
calling upon local civic gild fra
I tornal organizations to form
"Kecommendation Committees."
These committees will be turn
' ished with "certificates of rec
ommendation" entitling the men
;of their selection to a qualifica-
tion interview, the sergeant ex
j plained. For those who qualify,
the regular army now offers
; starting pay equivalent to $211.
: 50 per month exclusive of the
;cash value of the army endow
l ment policy and of the educa
j tional benefits under the G. I.
Bill of Rights, according to Ser
: geant Bold.
Qualification interviews for
men who have rerreived a rec-
i ommendation notification (or
1 any other young men who be
lieve that they have above av-
erage mental and physical abil
ity) will be held daily at the
army recruiting headquarters in
ihe U. S. Postoffice building,
Pendleton, Sergeant Bold added.
Oregon State College A num
ber of faculty members widely
i;nown thoughout the state are
included among 44 here who
will be retired July 1 under
terms of the new state program
which requires all state employ
ees to retire at age 65.
Among the 26 still on active
duty who will end their service
are Dr. U. G. Dubach, dean of
men; Dr. F. A. Magruder, pro
lessor of political science and
! author of many books on gov
ernment; H. L. Beard, assistant
professor of mathematics and
,40 years leader of the O.S.C..
band; E. B. Beaty, professor of
mathematics and head of the
Oregon Masonic order; Helen J.
j Cowgill, assistant state 4-H club
j leader; Dr. W. H. Dreesen, pro-
fessor of economics and tax au
' thority; Professor Paul Petri,
head of the department of mu-
sic, and Mrs. Petri, professor of
; music; Dr. Carl W. Salser, as
sistant dean of education; Har
! ry Seymour, state 4-H club lead
'. er; and M. Clyde Phillips, pro
' fessor of mechanical engineer
ing, just completing 50 years of
(staff service.
I Agricultural leaders listed for
retirement are Fr C. Reimer, su
perintendent southern Oregon
branch experiment station; R.
G. Fowler, Jackson county ag
ent, and George A. Nelson, Col
umbia county agent.
Pauit Ijoui (Demi Juxnituxz
Get the pleasure our of doing
your own job on unpointed
furniture ...
and save money, too.
Case Furniture Co.
News Items of Interest Around Town . . . .
Vacation And Harvest
Yes, the busy season is here-the time when you
want to go places, and get things done on sched
ule. You can go places and start your harvest
without having your tire needs carefully checked,
but it is far more business like to have it done
before starting. Nothing is more disturbing to
one's travel pleasure than tire trouble, and if
your truck tires are in poor condition valuable
time is lost in the farmer's busiest period.
We have the answer to your tire problems-New Zenith
or Mobil Truck and Passenger Tires, and OK Welding
service for your used tires.
Yours for Good Tire Service
Heppner Motors
North Main Street Heppner, Oregon
By Kuth Payne
The Big Four Lumber com
pany under the proprietorship
of t'armel Broadfoot began op
erations on Wednesday of this
weok. The mill is located on
upper Willow creek above the
artesian well and is completely
new and modern being diesel
powered. It is expected that
40.000 feet of timber per day
will be cut when full produc
tion is reached later in the week.
At present, the Justus timber, a
high grade ponderosa pine, is
being run through the mill.
James Farley Sr. has return
ed from a two weeks' visit in
Pendleton at the home of his
son and daughter-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. James Farley Jr. Dur
ing his stay there Mr. Farley
received medical attention.
Miss Kathleen Sherman, stu
dent nurse at Providence hospi
uil in Portland, is spending a
three-week vacation here with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Sherman at their country home
on upper Willow creek. The
Shermans live on the former
Bruce Kelly ranch.
Mrs. William Lewis has re
urned from Oregon City where
she spent some time" in a hos
pital following a major opera
on earlier in the month.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Miles
eturned the end of the week
"rom Kansas where they spent
the past three weeks visiting
Miss Mary Lou Ferguson, stu
ent at Whitman college in
Valla Walla, spent the week
end here with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. R. B. Ferguson.
Mrs. Hershal Townsend of
lone and her mother, Mrs. Ella
leakmrn. were shoning in
Heppner Saturday afternoon.
Mrs. Ida Bleakman oi i.unu
lent was a week-end visitor in
Heppner. While here she was a
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Mrs. Earle E. Gilliam return
ed Saturday from Portland
ahere she spent several days
attending to business matters.
W. C. L. Jutley motored to
Burns Friday afternoon to at
tend the graduation exercises of
the class of 1947 of which his
son, Westley, is a member.
Mrs. Ben Phillips of Portland
was a week-end houseguest at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Claud
Huston in the Eightmile district.
The Methodist church Sunday
school entertained with a wein
er roast on the church grounds
Wednesday evening, honoring
Miss Joan Corwin, a member,
vvho is leaving soon.
Mrs. Maude Robison has re
turned from Olympia, Wash.,
where she had been visiting for
a few weeks with her brother,
William Brookhouser, and other
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Ayers
of Pine City were shopping in
Heppner Wednesday.
Mrs. Harold Wilkins of Butter
creek was in town Wednesday
visiting her mother, Mrs. Isabel
la Corrigall who is seriously ill
at her home.
Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Singer
of Corvallis have announced the
birth of a daughter at a Corval
lis hospital on May 20. Mrs.
Singer is the former Mary Kay
Blake of Heppner. Mrs. Earl
Blake is in Corvallis with her
daughter at the present time.
Scott McMurdo, who attends
school in Portland, visited over
the week end here with his par
ents, Dr. and Mrs. A. D. McMur
do. He returned to the city Tu
esday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rowley and
family departed this week to
make their home in Portland.
Mr. Rowley has been connected
with road construction in this
vicinity and has heen residing
:n Heppner for quite some time.
His mother, Mrs. A. J. Rowley,
who recently lost her husband
in a truck accident, has just
recently arrived from California
to make her home with her son.
Mr, and Mrs. Claud Huston of
Eightmile were transacting bus
iness in the city Wednesday.
Mrs. A. D. McMurdo and Mrs.
o 'lie Blunt motored to Pen
dleton Tuesday .to meet Mrs.
Blunt's sister, Mrs. Grubbe, who
Mtre from Victoria, B. C. to vis
it at the Blunt home for a time.
Among Eightmile shoppers In
town Wednesday were Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Becket and Mr. and
Mrs. Phil Griffin.
J. R. Huffman arrived Monday
from Hermiston to manage the
local office of the Pacific Power
and Light company. As soon as
housing is available, Mr. Huff
man will bring his wife and
six-year-old son to live in Hepp
ner. Joe Meek, who has been
operating the local office, has
been transferred to Astoria and
expects to leave for that post
the end of the week. Wilbur
Neve, lineman, also previously
stationed at Hermiston, began
work in that position here Mon
day. Mr. Neve, too, is looking
for housing for his wife and
two small sons.
Berny Allstott of Kelso, Wash.,
is a business visitor in Heppner
this week.
R. V. Turner spent the week
end in Portland with his family
and attended the opening of
Portland Meadows.
Ed Clark was over from Her
miston Wednesday attending to
business matters and visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Howk are
the parents of an 8-lb. daugh
ter born May 13 at the Corda
Saling home. She has been
named Isabel Marie.
Mrs. Louise Ritchie returned
Tuesday from an extended visit
to her former home in Okla
homa. Mrs. Ritchie returned by
way of California and visited
in Glandale with her grandson
and daughter-in-law,. Mr. and
Mrs. Charles William Bucknum,
and other relatives. Mrs. Fred
Ross met her in Arlington Tu
esday afternoon.
Mesdames Effie Morgan and
Preliminary referendum peti
tions were filed with the state
elections department which was
the first legal move to put the
repeal of the 2-cents a pack on
cigarette which was adopted by
the 1947 legislature. The mea
sure was devised to raise an es
timated $2,000,000 a year and
would become effective July 5
had not the referendum petition
been filed.
If 11,856 signatures are ob
tained by petition, the referen
dum measure will go on
Under veterans educational
benefit regulations, schools
sanctioned by the U. S. Office of
Education are able to obtain
this equipment virtually free.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gordon of
Portland are spending part of
their vacation visiting friends
in Heppner. They arrived here
Wednesday evening.
We cannot see and tlwnk each
one personally for all the many
the kindnesses and exnressions of
ballot at the special election Oc- I sympathy and the beautiful flo
tober 7. The measure will not 'ml trihule tn the memorv of
Richard, Henry, Victor and
Elmer Peterson.
now be legally operative until
decided by the vote of the peo
Now that the state board of
control has converted its think
ing to accept higher building
costs they are rushing plans
and requests for bids at an av
erage rate of three quarters of
a million dollars a week.
Plans have been completed
and accepted and bids will be
called for this week for build
ings at Fairview home, estimat
ed to cost $825,000. They are
for a patient's cottage for 96
persons and for six dormitories
our beloved Ture, and take this
means of telling you that we
thank you from the bottom of
our hearts.
Mrs. Ture Peterson and chil
dren, Mrs. Francis McReynolds,
Mrs. Walter Dobyns,
Plus Tax yi 7
Grace Hughes, accompanied by t0 accommodate 16 persons each,
Don Munkers, Jerry Waters, Ju- anu a 'aunary Dunning, utlier
nior Hughes and Bob Gammell, plans approved are for a nurses'
notored to Pendleton Saturday nome and 3 ward building at
vnere tney spent the day shop- i ule sleUe nuspuai l0 cost aou,-
ww. me nurses DUUUing WOUlu
accommodate 100 persons and
the wards 900 patients. Accent
ed plans Include an admission
building with a capacity of 114
patients at the Eastern Oregon
State hospital estimated to cost
ping and visiting friends.
4- !
4e a "-in air,, a.
Western industrialists are al
armed. Electric power in this
part of the United States may
; Approval was made this week
" bV thp St.lto hnarrt In. f,,.,l, .
G.I. courses in flying. The new
ly approved schools are located
at Salem, Sutherlin and two at
Astoria. The board has accent-
" He0d to Lnkeside airport
Located adjacent to Courrier's
village and Tenmile lake, this
airport will provide access to
excellent fishing and vacation
Sunday Matinee starts at 1 p.m.. Boxoffice
open until 3:30.
Evening shows, except Saturday, start at
7:30. Saturday show starts at 7:00. Boxof
fice open evenings until 9 o'clock.
have to be rationed. Western 'rom the state forestry di
inausiry is growing faster than
power development. If congress
makes proposed drastic cuts in
appropriations for western self
sustaining power dams there
will be a serious curtailment in
western industrial development
with consequential employment
Appropriation cuts demanded
by senate subcommittee mem
bers from eastern states (nearly
all republicans) are obviously
sparked by eastern industrial
ists who observe rapid growing
competition in these parts.
When western governors went
to Washington, D. C, this month
they got more encouragement
in their restoration-of-power-funds
from far-sighted republi
can leaders outside of congress
than from congressmen. "We
will be selling out GOP strength
in the west if cuts in western
development funds are made,"
said a nationally famous repub
lican figure.
"We argued before the sub
committee for western develop
ment in its entirety an idea we
developed at the Seattle confer
ence of western governors," said
Governor Snell.
Governor Earl Snell expects
an order to come from Washing
ton, D. C, at any time to keep
the Chemawa Indian training
school, the second largest in the
country, in operation. Nearly 100
orphan children will be home
less unless the order arrives be
fore May 24th when the 'school
is scheduled to close.
4-H Fat Stock Show
And Sale
Eastern Oregon Wheat League
and 10 other Eastern Oregon Counties
The Dalles
May 27 6-28
All events at The Dalles Auction
Yards . . . one mile west of The
Dalles on Highway 30.
Admission Pices both Matinee and Evening:
Adults 50c, Garde and High School Students
12 and over 40c, Children 20c, all tiuccs in
cluded. Every child occupying a seat must
have a ticket.
The Plainsman And
The Lady
WiUlam Elliott, Vent Balrton, 011 Patrick, Jo.
eph SchUtiliraat, Andy Clyde, Donald Barry,
Raymond W alburn
A fast-moving action film centprlng around the
establishment of the nation's first pony express.
Joe Tale. Renie Bi&no with cartoonist. George
A riotous film version of Maggie and Jlggs. or
iginal newspaper feature.
SUN.-MON.-TUES., MAY 35-26-27 Three Dayt
Larry Parka, Evelyn Koyoa, William Demarest.
Bill Qoodwln
The Jolsun Ktory Is a cnviilrrulp of glorious en
tertainment . . .a heart story told w.lh h loveil
music-. . . .ip.irklluK with the mafic of TV' hniiol
or! You won't w;uit to miss The Johon Story
with Its Antilemy Award wiimlnj; Music . . .
ltK-ordiiiK . . . Te, hiiioolur.
Marahal Thompion, Georffe Tob ai, Clom Bevana,
Donald Cnrtia, chill Willi, Bon
A hoy
heart .
and his liorao p ..tr:ilnht Into your
. photoKniphed In Natural Color.
Get Rid of Them!
Loathsome Cockroaches
Silverfiih, Splde", Red
Bugt, Cricket! and many
One Application of
ConfoAi Vcfileef !04t
Killi and leaves a film which remalm deadly
to crawling Iniecti, for many weeks
TENSITE, effective, economical, easy to Via.
Cenci Compaq
for Salt by
We Aire Truly GrafefiE
to the people of Morrow County for the grand recep
tion given our market and grocery on opening day, Sat
urday, May 17. We knew we had a nice place but were
overwhelmed with the expressions of delight from those
who visited us during the day.
We wish to make special mention of the beautiful
floral gifts and to thank each donor.
It is our purpose to give the people of this vicinity the
very best food service at consistent prices. We want to
merit your trade and will have your interests at heart
at all times.
Yours for the Best in Foods