Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, May 22, 1947, Page 6, Image 6

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    6-Hcppncr Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, Moy 22, 1947
Th funeral of Mrs. Oir.a
Brif c wa be at the Burnes
Funeral home in Hirmision
Monday at 1 p m. uiih intor
ncnt In the rpndlrton oerr.o
teiv. Mrs. BrifC passer) away
In the Walla Waila hospital on
Friday, May 16. after a Inns
I'lness. She leaves her husband,
Karl Bripcs. and had resided on
the project the past four years.
Vet lonvers returned home
from Spokane where he hd
boon for several days reeeiv m
medical aid and visiting a son.
Mrs. Faul Smith of 1'ivon re- !
turned home Saturday after
spending a week with her son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. find
Mrs. Nate Thorpe. She took her
grandson Jur.mie to spend some
time with the Smiths.
YViilard Baker was the candi
date nominated Wednesday eve
ning to represent our zone on
the county five-man board un
der the new rural school liis
trict law.
Friday night the ohj'ith "r"!
ers graduated with a very at
tractive program, as follows:
Class speaker. Robert Sieard:
class history. Emsley Holers:
class will, Ora Flv: r'i ".
phecy, Anna Loy Beaver; speak
er. Ronald Black, and presenta
tion hy Mrs. Lucy Rodgers of
Heppner. Class members pre
Anna Lou Beaver, Michael Cas-
j Victoria that took them sight- Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Shoun
siving and op to a park where rii S;ewu brought his la
they played for a large crowd. !,,,,r. J A Shown, home from
They came back from Victoria Walla Walla Friday,
hy steamship, spending most of It soems like nearly everyone
Monday in Seattle, and arrived is selling some of his property
The junior class of Heppner
high school takes this means of
thanking those who contributed
help, articles and flowers for the
junior-senior prom.
'Motor Memories' of Henry Ford
nome just oelore 9 o clock p.m. down here.
ft :- : - s f I -
ft Y&m
t - trf 'dip- jtv "r:
(With this Advertisement)
ill r 1 4 ' V lv.
i , r vu
Monday, May 26 to
Saturday, May 31, Inclusive
A PHYSICAL EXAMINATION usually costing $15 to
$25. During the week we will be assisted by one of our
outstanding diagnostic secialists, Dr. R. W. Copen, D. C,
Ear, Nose and Throat
Heart and Circulatory Function
Blood Pressure
Chest, Lungs, Stomach and Colon
Local Examination for Women's Diseases
Bone and Joint Examination
Prostate and Rectal
Urinalysis (Bring Morning Specimen)
If you suffer from Asthma, Diabetes, Arthritis, High
Blood Pressure, Kidney Trouble, Neuritis, Colitis, or any
other disease, we know you will wish to take advantage
of this valuable offer, and we suggest that you phone
Examination free to you only on above dates.
Women Technicians in Attendance
DR. G. C-
Chiropractic Physician
I.O. O.F. Building Phone 2572 Heppner, Oregon
Hours: 8 A.M. to 10 P.M. Above Dates Only
5 . ' v ... - j.
4 x.
Fl J?" ; jll 'loJ fa! -
I ;:! 'Ill I'll :' 'il'-iLL -ZZZinnrit TliniliilMlhtir-Trww
I y M I Wt i 'iB I I j , HI N i ft l': I i 11,'.. .:!',
IU I li U. Ihnl mil I W M rti'SfSI
What a joy to board the Union Pacific
daily streamliner "City of Portland" . . .
to relax in solid and luxurious comfort
while you speed East to your chosen
destination I You may be headed for our
great eastern cities, for visits with
fritnds and relatives or for restful vaca
tion spots including Sun Valley, Yellow
stone, Zion, Eryce and Grand Canyon.
Select Union Pacific streamliner fast
est daily train from Portland to Chicago
running time cut to 40 hours 40 min
utes no extra fare! Finest standard
sleeping car accommodations . . . sleep
easy reserved coach seats. Take full
advantage of modern travel ease.!,
excellent food... comfortable beds...
spacious club lounge car with barber
and bath facilities ... pleasant air con
ditioning .. .truly superior service.
The warmth of 50 years' friendship attaches to this hitherto unpub
lished snapshot of Henry Ford anil F.ujene W. Lewis (right) Detroit
banker-author, taken at Richmond Hill, the Ford Georgia plantation. It
appears in print in "Motor Memories" (Alved, of Detroit, Inc.) Mr. Lewis'
new book about automotive pioneers he knew so well. The sweater and
skirt are of Mrs. Ford, "The Believer." who was constantly at his side,
"even unto the death'' of Henry Ford April 7 at the age of 83 years.
sidy, Pra Ely, Emsley Rogers,
Tim Robinson, Robert Sieard,
Keith Tannohill, Verlin While
and Dow Wortlen.
Sunday evening baccalaureate
was held at the community
church with t he Rev. Donald
Peterson preaching. The girls
glee club furnished the music.
Mrs. Lucy Rodgers, county
school superintendent, was an
over-night guest of Mr. and
P.Irs. R. A. Former, coming over
io attend the eighth grade
Grade school closed Friday.
May 16. Mrs. Mabel Montgom
ery left for her home in Weslon
Sunday, and Mrs. Catherine
Christenson left for La Grande
Monday, while Mrs. Velva Eech
dolt and George Jpross remr-in-ed
to work in the school this
Miss Jtti'y Dickinson came a
from Portl-nd Friday to rttenri
me cig.itn grace graduation, in
'" icli her brother. Dow Wordcn,
v." a grr'-'ui'.e.
!'.- rn' T.Ir.-; Lowell SY'ttuck
rno f;mi!y motored to Gnlden
'rie 5v.ni y to P''Oirj a ciuple
cf drys with Mrs. Shattack's
? rertts. Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Mr:;, fr-rr Welle and chil-i'rr-1.
rr.-r.'t md Orc-r, motor
ed to- Mob.lh to spend a week
with her p-rents. Gracia will
rem," in longer to work in berry
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Root. Mrs.
Eva W-rner on-l Mrs Adeline
Dart motored to Pilot Rock Sun
d.iy to visit the Kev. J. K. Wal
pole family.
Wednesday evening the sen
ior class of Eoardman high
school had the graduating exer
cises with the following pro
gram: Invocation. Rev. Donald
Peterson; music, girls glee club;
presentation of awards, Supt.
Gerald Fancy, and the speaker,
Professor John- R. Schroeder of
Linficld college. Members of
the class are Chloe Barlow, Neil
Carlson, Archie Jones, Kvelyn
Miller, Evelyn Pearsorrand Gun
nar Slcoubo.
High school students receiving
awards for attendance are Faye
Anderson, Kenneth Earwood and
Carolyn Sieard; for scholarship,
Mary Ann Rands, Eettie Sides,
Maxine Ely, Chloe Barlow and
Evelyn Miller.
A baby boy was born April 18
at Vancouver, Wash., to Mr. and
M;;r. Andrew Davidson of Ar
lington. Mr. Davidson is a for
mer Heppner boy and is well
known here.
Don't send out of town for any
thing automotive until you
first try Rosewall Motor Co.
News From Irrigon .
Mrs. J. A. Shoun i
Fred Davis and partner, Mr. !
Walker, are finishing the du- i
plex they have been building.
Mrs. Dolly Minnick and dau
ghter Luella have moved from
the railroad house to their home
across the street.
The school had their nicnics
Wednesday with the first four
grades picnicking on the school
grounds. The fifth, sixth, sev- j
enth and eighth went down to,
Mary Hill to the museum, and !
he high school to Bingham '
Springs. j
Tne high school cot four j
:mall medals: Eunice Miller and
Robert Brown for wi!'e.-n. ' " ,
or!; in music, and Shirley Mil- 1
!cr and David " -., fr so m ,n
s in their studies.
Mrs. Joy Smith returned horrid
Sunday from a trin to Portlmd !
nd Lebanon. Her brothers
live at Lebanon. j
Fred Crmhers v.-s fken to !
:he Pendleton hospital Satur- j
day. He is the owner of the Ir- j
vin Pierson place.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller
and daughters Eunice and Shir
ley are dinirg with their mar
ried daughter. Mrs. Norman An
deison of Hermiston.
Annie Endricp and baby of
Spokane are visiting her cousin,
Mrs. Ruth Umiker and family.
The Loyal Ladies lerfgue met
in the church basement and
quilted Friday afternoon. They
also had a bahy shower for
Mrs. Roy Marlow. She received
some nice gifts.
Miss Viola Hochhalter left for
her home in North Dakota Tu
esday. She was the third and
fourth grade teacher, also piano
player for the school.
Miss Emma Crego left for
Medical Lake, near La Grande.
She is to take a short course
at EOCE this summer.
Miss Mary Margaret Kennedy
is to go to Myrtle Point for a
visit and back to La Grande for
a summer course at La Grande.
James Shoun went to Walla
Walla Tuesday.
Leroy Darling has accepted a'
position as hand instructor for
the Sunnyside, Wash., schools.
The band and choir members,
accompanied by Mrs.- Mabel
Rand, Mrs. Marshall Markham
and Mrs. James Phillips, the
band leaders, Mr. and Mrs. Le
roy Darling, Miss Viola Hock
halter and Mary Margaret Ken
nedy, started to Victoria, B. C,
Saturday by chartered bus to
Seattle and on from Seattle to
Victoria by steamship. They
were met by a delegation at
- " x- ::x
Works with nature in keeping vegetation and "Trash" on top to
shade the land and enrich the soil from the top as nature does.
Agitates and cracks the hard pan in the bottom of the furrow to
permit the by-passing of moisture through the top-soil. No Side
draught nothing to grease all lengths now available.
Ask any of these GRAHAM IIOEME PLOW Owners.
oof Implement Company
Phone 708
Across from the Round-Up Grounds
1320 S. W. Court Avenue
Pendleton, Oregon
Daily Union Pacific Passenger Train Schedules to the East
"City of Portland" "Portland Ron" "Idohoon"
Lv. Portland 5:30 p.m. 9:10 p.m. 8:10 a.m.
For complete travel information, consult
1st IIation -1 Unn'; blc'g.
2nd and AVer 5trect3
Wall : W-U-t, 7 I hoie 30
or Loc7l Aont
b$ spttlfit-say 'Union Pacific"
Swud .flnn
Low Down
s for the best in beauty
nswinq into summer on
sjj waves f loveliness . . .
. A See us for your coiffure
C& choice and a complete
W' beauty treatment.
Our DERMETICS line is complete.
Have you tried it?
Phone 53
(likes ISvaulij Shop
Cdhh Alice Clhd
I -in in uirirMBHB
Tliat son of yours is cut out to
bo nn all-star. He'll make it loo
if he gets to college.
Junior's college education
can bo more than a dream . . .
n dream full of financial ques
tions of how you'll pay for it.
There's no need to worry if
you start planning NOW. A
savings account at the First
National Bank of Portland will
provide those swell kids of yours
with the complete education
they deserve.
A regular savings program
. . . selling aside a little of each'
week's earnings . . . will pay
mighty big dividends in years
to come.
A savings account at the First
National Bank of Portland is a;
good investment in the future.
Come in today and start your;
of Portland