Heppner r - otte Times, Heppner, Oregon, May ' ' " 17-5 InnO NoilJC llorMO t lL llfl, 'grid Hermann, William Hub- Keep I Have"; benediction. Rev. two instrumental musical num lOne lieWS ItCmS Ol th6 Weekibard, Rodger Kincaid. Harlan! Shirley; recessional, Mrs. Drake. ; btrs; r.H-..at.on Larry Ku-tmann " Nelson. Wesley Russell, and! Melvin Nelson Jr. of the U. S. ! ? ' J on educanon by Pv r i.. , ....... .., . !...-',. i... f... i , furloiinh Alfred Shirley. Ice cream, cake Commencement exercises will eludes Eleanor Leora Aldrich. Jane Seehafer be held this evening, Thursday, i Donald Jay Ball, David Lee Baccalaureate May 22, at the school gymna sium. Dr. Virgil Bolen, profes sor of chemistry at Eastern Or- Burnett, Arthur Olaf Bergstrom, Harlan l'aul Crawford, Rose mary Doherty, Hobert Cleo egon college, will give the ad-' Drake, Robert L. Everson, Laur- aress. Mrs. Lucy Kodsers, coun- el Ann Palmateer, Billy Joe ty superintendent, will address Kietmann, Diana Lorraine Sher man, and Dorothy Barbara Smith. Eighth grade graduates re ceiving diplomas will be Ron ald Baker, Delight Biddle, John ny Brlstow, Gene Doherty, In- services were held at the Cooperative church Sunday with the following pro gram: Prelude, Mrs. E. M. Bak er; processional, Mrs. Cleo Drake; scripture reading, Rev. Alfred Shirley; hymn "O, Beau tiful for Spacious Skies"; pray er, Rev. Shirley; anthem, "Out in the Fields With God," the choir; sermon, Rev. W. W. Head; anthem, "Led by His Light," the choir; hymn, "A Charge to I ' " ..'...," and coffee were served in the Irom Maryiana ana is vbib . . . r .,., hiD r,raJa Mr nrt Mrs. Mel-, 'unci rm by Mrs. Forsythe vin Nelson. Thp Innirir rlass had a food sale Saturday and took in about ---ng the eighth grade class, which will receive diplomas from Mrs. Bertha Severin. Barbara Smith is salutatorian and Robert Drake, valedictorian, of the senior class which in- NOTICE OF NONHIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT BUDGET HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, In compliance with section 111-1214 O.C.L.A., to the legal voters of the Nonhigh School District of Morrow County, Oregon, that a meeting will be held at the various school houses of the Morrow County Nonhigh School District, on the 16th day of June, 1947, at 2:0(1 o'clock p.m. for the purpose of discussing the budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1947, and ending June 31st, 1948, hereinafter set forth and Mrs. Victor Rietmann The IMIA held their regular Wednesday evening, BUDGET ESTIMATED RECEIPTS Estimated available cash on hand at beginning of the year for which this budget is made Si 009 "0 Total $5,009.36 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES " Item Expenditures for Three Fiscal B d P , Allowance or Years Next Preceding the SixyMonlhs of Cur. Curent School Year rent Schoo, Year 1943-1944 1944-1945 1945-1946 Estimated for 1947-1943 Tuition Transportation Personal Service (Clerical-Legal) Travel Interest on Warrants or Other Indebtedness Emer"eney Totals $11, 585.35 $ 9.1 19 23 1,911 92 2,058 48 15vlf 17.53 12.70 21.70 $11,537.50 2,205 97 23 54 25.90 73.39 Exendi- Budget tureg Allowance A '$13,060.16 $15,800.00 $15,800.00 1,076 49 3,500.00 4.500 00 28.86 50.00 30.00 50.00 50.00 $13,555.43 555.00 $11,216.94 $13,866.80 $14.165.51 $19,955.00 1,500.00 $21 880 00 $25. The HEC of Willows grange held an all-day meeting Friday at the home of Mrs. Wate Craw ord with a potluck dinner at noon. The regular meeting of the Eastern Star was held Tuesday evening. Mrs. Bert Mason ' and Mrs. B. C. Forsythe served re freshments of angel food cake, ice cream, strawberries and cof fee. Mrs. Sadie Olson of Spokane is visiting her brothers, H. O., Fred and George Ely. The Maranatha society met at the home of Mrs. Walter Dob yns Wednesday. Refreshments of pie and coffee were served. Mrs. Noel Dobyns assisted. Mrs. Osenr Lundell gave a birthday dinner Wednesday eve ning ot hist weeK m aoaur oi Mr. Lundell and his twin sister, Mrs. Mary Swanson, on their umhdays. Dates to j-emember: The Mar-.-nathas will hold a iood sale June 7 The PNG club will meet at the home of Mrs. L. A. Mcf'abe, June 6. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lindstrom no son Stephen, returned last week from a trip. They visited friends and relatives in Salem, Motorloggers Go Daep Sea Fishing With Rod and Reel at Depoe Bay SUM""""' ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES, RECEIPTS, AND AVAILABLE CASH BALANCES AND Vernoni. Portland and Seattle TAX LEVY The lone PTA held their ree- Total estimated expenditures $21.880 00 ,1; ,r meeting at the schoolhouse visitors Sunday. were discussed. Mrs. Verda Ritchie of Port land. Mr. and Mrs. Kalh Kaiser j of Maupin and Mr. and Mrs. j Roy Brown of Hermiston attend j ed the Rebekah anniversary! Thursday evening of last week, j Mrs. Fred Nichoson stated that their daughter Alice, stu dent at O.S.C., will be installed in the new chapter, Beta Up silon the 44th, on the Alpha Phi roll. Installation will be Sat urday, May 17, at the Tau chap ter house, University of Oregon. One of the oldest business houses in lone is being razed on Main street by Omar Riet mann who is going to put in a new building. The old building was formerly used for the Moore furniture store. Gravelling and oiling of Sec ond street will start this week The sprinkling system has been installed on the IMIA pro ject. Rod Wentwnrth is building a new blacksmith shop in the low er end of town. Rev. and Mrs. Alfred Shirley left Sunday for Corvallis where they will attend the 90th state conventoin of the Congregation al church. Mr. and Mrs. Robert DcSpain and son of Pendleton were lone :' ' '- - f - ... r ' ' .. - -i . : . ;.. : t .'-,n 'if t .-: 4 Ki.S'O' Deduct totnl pstimfled receipts an !vi)lible cas'i balances Amount necessary to balance the budget Balance to be raised by taxation Total est i in at ed tnx levy for th e ensuing fi seal ye i Analysis of Estimated Tax Levies: Amount inside 6 limitation ' $11,841.10 A"int outoiHo 670 limitation 5,029.54 DatedMayl9, 1947. Signed: LUCY E. RODGERS, Clerk; ELMER PALMER, Chairman, Board of Directors. 5.009 36 fJtArt$.(ai pvpnitlfT. Mav 14. f'S-The following officers were ln- 1 C OTA C 1 SldUL'U 1UI 11 ie y-'-J- 1 1 K ! 5SJ Mrs. Victor Rietmann: Presi dent, Mrs. B. C. Forsythe; vice president, Mrs. Omar Rietmann, and -secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Francis Ely. For the program tend the Rebekah conveniior Ronald and Duane Baker played there tins week. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Heliker entertained the town baseball team at a dinner Sunday eve ning. Mrs. Echo Palmrteer and Mrs Wallace Matthews left for The Dalles Monday morning to at- NOTICE OF 1947-48 BUDGET MEETING In accordance with the provisions of the "Local Budget Law" (Sections 110-1201 to 110-1215 O.C.L.A, as amended), notice is hereby given that the budget com mittee of Morrow County. Oregon, in compliance with said law, prepared and adopted on May 9. 1947, the bui get estimates for Morrow County, Oregon, for the ensuing fiscal year July 1, 1917 to June 30, 1918. as set forth in the accompanyin g schedules. All persons are hereby notified that on Thursday, the 19th day of June, 1947, at 10 A.M., in the County Judge's office at the Court House in Heppner, Oregon, said budget estimate may be discussed with the County Court, the levying board for said Morrow County, Oregon, and any person subject to the proposed tax levy or tax levies wilW be heard in favor of or against said tax levy or tax levies or any part thereof. The outstanding indebtedness of Morrow County, Oregon, at May 1 1947, consisted of $167,500.00 in Serial Road Bonds. Here is the narrow gateway between Depoe bay and the Pacific ocean, with the Trade winds Kingfisher shown in a typical passage on returning from a cruise. The finest seamanship is required to put the boat, with its 13-foot beam, through this surf -pounded 30-foot channel. BERT JOHNSON, Chairman Budget Committee W. E. HUGHES, Secretary Budget Committee. E. C. HELIKEH, Member Budget Committee C. N. JONES, Member Budget Committee. L. D. NE1LL, Memter Budget Committee. RALPH I. THOMPSON, Member Budget Committee. FRANK WILKINSON, Member Budget Committee. A. C. HOUGHTON, Member Budget Committee. SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES, RECEIPTS AND TAX LEVIES FISCAL YEAR 1947-48 1947-48 Tax Levy Total Calculation All Funds General Fund General Schools General Roads Road Sinking Fund Bond Sinking Fund Bond Interest Fund Rodent Fund Dog . Fund Taylor Grazing Fund Coyote Bounty Fair Fund County Hospital Fund Total Estimated Expenditures $111,380.00 Deduct Est. Receipts other than 1947-48 132.050.00 other than 47-48 taxes 132,050.00 1947 to June 30, 1918 Inside 6 11m. 81,975.00 Est. Tax Levy, July 1 1947 to June 30, 1918 outside 6 lim. 35,500.00 Est. Tax Ley Jul. 1 1947 to June 30, 1948 over 6 limit 161,855.00 Total Levy July 1, 1947 to June 30, 1918 as Estimated 279.330 00 $ 76,680.00 $ 12,000 10,350.00 10,350.00 34,253.00 32.077.00 12,000 $93,000 13,500 33,072 $27,500 $ 8,000 $ 7,000 1,000 2,650 $ 1,000 1,000 $ 200 200 ; 4.000 4,000 $180,000 102,000 27,500 48,428 !,000 3,350 78,000 (To he voted on by the legal voters of the County for their approval or rejection. Junp 17, 1917) SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES, RECEIPTS AND TAX LEVIES FISCAL YEAR 1946-47 This U a ctmdt'ttaattoa f noirtwf i article appearing im Tlx SuBdar Ore- 1 mlaa f Ma 18. Th artkle la one f a )! prr-parrd by The Orrguniaa In ea-epe-raUoa rita Uregaa Stat Motor auortatio. BY MERVIN G. SHOEMAKER Sl&H Writer. Tbe Oregoa,aa YOU ARE treating yourself to a motor tour with a special fillip when you have made the short drive to Depoe Bay as this writer did the other day for The Oregonian and the Ore gon State Motor association and boarded one of the staunch and comfortable boats of Trade winds Trollers for a deep sea fishing trip or a short pleasure cruise on the high seas. CaDt. Stanley Allvn. founder of the firm, is at the helm of the 46-foot Tradewinds King fisher as it heads for the tricky. naiTow channel under the U. b. 101 bridge at Depoe Bay. His partners. Victor Dietz and Rich ard Wisner. are manning the other two vessels of the busy little fleet, which soon will be augmented by two new 40-foot cruisers. Sea Fishing Grows Allyn deftly twirls the wheel and manipulates the controls of the powerful twin engines as the boat reacnes tne critical point between surf - pounded rocks only 30 feet apart and then there you are. with more than the engines contributing to the motion of the boat. You have left what would be only a fair-sized log pond and now you are on the Pacific, though only on the edge of its 32,000,- ore miles. Deep sea sports fishing is growing asset as an Oregon tourist attraction.' However, it has not been available in its present form in these parts long enough for more than a com paratively few Oregonians to recommend it from personal ex perience. Deep sea iisning and off-shore "cruising are something else again. auch cruises may De made from Newport and Astoria and other points along the coast. However, nowhere else in Ore gon is deep sea sports fishing as well organized and as exten sively carried on as it is at Depoe Bay. This is no accident. The story of Tradewinds Troll ers is one to intrigue the free enterprise advocate as well as the sports fisherman. The com- sTT- PORTLAMO) 1946-47 Tax Levy Calculation Total Estimated Expenditures $292,110.00 Deuuct Est. Receipts other thanl946-47 Taxes 106,275.00 Estimated Tax Levy July 1, 1916, to June 30, 194 1, inside OVo lim. Estimated Tax Levy July 1. 1946 to June 1947 outside ( lim. 108,500 00 Total Levy from July '1, 1946 to June 30, 1947 as Estimated 185.835. 00' $ 58,410.00 $ 12,000 $30,000 $45,000 $27,500 $ 9,000 $ 4,500 $ 500 $ 200 $ 1.000 $ 4,000 26,775.00 7,335.00 31,635.00 12,000 4,800 25,200 39,000 6,000 27,500 8,000 1,000 3,000 1,500 500 200 1,000 1,000 3,000 $100,000 20,000 80,000 Willows grange held their regular meeting Saturday night with an interesting program. Mrs. Fred Ely and Mrs. Ed Bus chke served the rerfeshments. The lone town team lost to Condon Sunday 6 to 7. The Con don high school played here Friday of last week and Icr.e won by default. pany has some $70,000 invested in boats and other equipment, representing the growth in eight years from Allyn's half interest in a 28-foot Columbia gillnet boat, powered by a com bination of ketch-rigged nil and eight-horsepower motor. The history of the firm, how ever, is far from the minda of passengers as the boat climbs an endless succession of swells i toward an ever-receding hori zon. "Break out the rods. Bob!" The skipper's sudden order goe to Bob Swain, the cheerful and efficient first mate and Una tender. . Sea Bit Rough ' The lines carried yellow feat nered sea bass lures on trip made late in April by the author and his wife and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Beck of Eugene. The sea was a bit rough from a storm the day before, Allyn explained ("just a normal Pa cific swell with a light chop on I top," said Bob airily), and the fish were still deeper than usual. Having the fish deeper than usual involved extra wallowing from one likely spot to another, and the skipper had searched most of the fish pastures off Depoe Bay before a herd was located in the north 40. Ten times the lines Jerked and seven sea bass were hauled aboard, the author losing two ' of the three not landed and still batting .500 for the trip. It was too early for salmon, expected in numbers in May. and tuna, scheduled to show up in August. Phi, all-school scholastic honor Charley Fraters and family society. She reoeived $30 for ' are prcranr,j to leave Monday leadership from the Lipman of Entorpri.,e. near which place Wolfe prize for juniors. i . Helen Blake, junior in home : tlic-v recently bought a farm, economics, won distinction thru They will be located about one her pledging by Orange O. ath-jfnd or,e-n:'ii mips from Enter letic club. prise on lower Aider slope, where o i t'-o soil is rich and deep and SPECIAL I.O.O.F. MEETING the water is plentiful. A special meeting of Willow v.'ANTTD Eeliob!" r lodge No. 66, I.O.O.F., has been ear to c- on f r:--or it y K''fillOt BAY ) Depoe Bay is best reached from Portland by way of the McMinnville a i " :.t njteff, EXPENDITURES Actual for Actual for Fiscal Year Fiscal Year July 1. 1944 July 1. 1945 to o '"- 30, '45 Tune 30, '46 July 1. '46 to June 30, '47 Budget for Year FUND AND CLASSIFICATION Est. for Fiscal Year July 1. '47 to June 30. '48 O.JO.OJ 2,000.00 1,500.00 274.31 51.45 847.10 2,400.00 1,500.00 271.34 41.40 2,000.00 633.40 90.78 627.00 445.00 2,400.00 49.00 123.00 261.49 35.00 205.34 161.11 71.15 169.63 354.05 250.00 73.80 1,200.00 198.75 394.06 85C.2G G39.00 147.66 1,304.21 5,500.00 300.00 1,127.50 391.96 2,400.00 3,39549 394.10 825.40 2)4.o0 2.000.00 1.615.18 291.50 107.90 1,112.99 2,400.00 1,680.00 291.80 39.20 2.000.00 800.68 100.78 394.00 450.00 2,400.00 42.0(1 125 00 350.00 48.00 272.73 219.31 61.10 164. 20 377.75 250.00 70.20 1,311.67 511.00 311.30 103.97 774.49 176.70 614.32 5,500.00 300 00 1,345 00 399.78 2,400 00 3,2X8 03 284.79 974.69 450.00 7$ 950.00 Uvuunun its Audits Assessor's Office 2 000 00 Salary of Assessor 2.400.00 L680.00 Salary of Deputy 1.860.00 320 00 Books & Incidentals ... 320.00 200.00 Field Work 200.00 Circuit Court 1,500.00 Witnesses, jurors, bailiff, reporter, incidentals .... 2,000.00 Clerk's Office 2 400.00 Salary of Clerk 2.8S0.O0 1 800 00 Salary of Deputy 1,860.00 nnrt 11. ...I... P. 1 .. J .1 I n t ., hi OUu.UU douis mi. mc-maia Coroner 100.00 Jurors, mileage and fees County Court 2.000.00 Salary of County Judge 1,000.00 Salary per diem & mil. of Com. & incidentals County Expenses and Contributions 100.00 Association of Oregon Counties 1,000.00 Bangs' Disease Control 450.00 Bonds 2,400.00 County Agent 50.00 Fire Patrol 125 00 Federal Tax Committee HEPPNER GIRLS RECEIVE HONORS AT STATE COLLEGE lis. May 23.-f-o students from Ma' 2S' accMn t0 RalPh Heppner received honors and Eeamer. neble grand All mem awards at recent convocations, t ers ?ie ii'-pe-i c" rw r"--ont a? Marie e Mms was one oi 1- , business of importance demands women piecigeu oy wort a r rtteir.ion. Board, senior wemen's honor so ciety. This is the third Sir.i. i sister in succes.-ion to re ho:i ored by this society. Miss Sim. was nisi i s'iciigc i by Phi K:ipp: ;n with in Mor row coi-"'". W- Vf-jl ODpor tunity. $15 to $20. in a day. No cv;c: :v- c -y c. I' re.jUir-e-1. Trr' r-i-o -!. Write today. :-!- .r?H i nyp.v-v. Dept. B, 24-" M.:";ir.!:.i St., Oakland. T!. 9-10p Actual for Fiscal Year Actual for Fiscal Year July 1, '46 to June 30, 500.00 150.00 2.400.00 2,000.00 100.00 1,000.00 6tX1.00 2,800.00 50.00 125.00 1,500.00 Home Demonstration Agent Expense 1,500.00 200.00 Insurance 200.00 50.00 Insane Expense 50.00 600.00 Jail Board and Expense 400.00 250.00 Justice Court Jurors, fees, witnesses, etc 250.00 ninoo .liivnnilo Court 150.00 200.00 Library 200.00 400.00 Official Publication & Tax Foreclosure 70000 Publicity & Advertising .w.uu Sealer of Weights & Measures 60.0(1 Water Master Traveling Exp. & Incidentals 50.00 Weed Control HW-00 Wind Erosion Control 2a.00 Public Employees Retirement System 5,000.00 Court House Salarv of Janitor 1','!'n Fuel Light & Power Incidentals - Current Expense Postage, Stationery, Telehone, Telegraph, etc. District Attorney Itetit & Incidentals -,,., 1 mu T.ihrarv Election Expense 2'n!!"-!S V (,JUW.WU 250.00 60.00 50.00 100.00 25.00 1 ,500.00 500.00 350.00 1,000.00 800.00 200.00 200.00 750.00 5,500.00 600.00 300.00 1,000.00 900.00 200.00 200.00 to to for Year June 30. '45 June 30, '46 "ioaoo loo.oo 100.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2.000.00 515.68 366.70 450.00 408.49 5S6.61 350.00 657.50 806.33 750.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 1,600.00 1,600,00 1,600.00 53.83 30.35 75.00 505.20 549.60 1.000.00 119.60 136.80 160.00 702.92 1,480.68 2,000.00 5.022.40 5,928.20 6.500.00 236.00 188.55 500.00 2.228.34 2,012.00 4,500.00 75.00 200.00 4.000.00 45,532.22 47.2S0.91 30,000.00 27,500.00 27.500.00 27.500.00 11.632.72 10.077.69 9.000.00 17,913.10 15,471.17 12,000.00 100,000.00 5,687.75 8,902.79 15.000.00 248.31 213.01 300.00 198.75 206.50 loloo 2.249.60 2.689.35 2,200.00 959.00 1,086.20 l.OOO.(K) 1,109.10 325.00 700.00 1,092.89 2.385.32 1.000.00 2.762.12 3,288.47 2,000.00 3,381 48 2,581.43 2,500.00 77.00 50.00 598.09 608.73 500.00 100.00 275.00 275.00 275.00 1,050.00 9.027.21 4,377.97 2.338.71 1.860.79 1.000.00 1,537.80 1,280.73 500.00 739.45 711,45 1,000.00 211.00 626.75 300.00 801 62 1,874.82 1.000.00 3,602.38 3,321.43 500.00 FUND AND CLASSIFICATION Est. for Fiscal Year July 1, '47 to June 30, '43 Stamps & Envelpoes " Superintendent of Schools Office Salary of Superintendent Books & Incidentals Travel Expense Assistant . 4-H Club Teacher's Institute Rural School Board Expense Treasurer's Office Salary of Treasurer Books & Incidentals Relief Aid to Dependent Children Blind Assistance General Assistance Old Age Assistance Dog Fund Rodent Fund Taylor Crazing Fund Coyote Bounty Roads & Bridges Repairs. Labor, Materials & Incidentals Road Bonds Sinking Fund Bond Interest County School Appropriation County Hospital Fund General Fund Estimated Cash Balance Sheriff's Fees . . Sheriff's Auto Slicker Sales Clerk's Office Fees Justice Court Fines Rentals County Lands & Houses Land Sales Interest Jail Rent from City of Heppner Alcohol Control Fund (Relief) Weed Control Countv Health Association ... State Board of Health General Road Fund Estimated Cash Balance fi-, From where I sit ... Ov 7, ,.r t Marsh Gasoline Refunds Justice Court Fines Eniercencv u.Jth nnnnrtmnnt 300.00 Salary of County Physician .-J 780 00 County Nurse Travel Expense t incuu-mms Sheriff's Office ooonno 2.400 f)0 Salary of Sherllf , , -on'nn ' 3.015.00- Salaries of Deputy & Office Clerk 250.00 Tax Collections , ' 1,000.00 Books, Incidentals and Travel l.iw.w Sales & Rentals 1944-45 1945-46 6mo.'46-'47 Bud.'46-'47 Motor License Fund $10,414.28 $11,376.35 $ 8,878.00 $ 8,000.00 Receipts from Secretary of State Rodent Fund 5 486 1 0 3,697.45 4,250.59 3,000 00 Estimated Cash Balance 3,000.00 Coyote Bounty 457 00 333 00 10.00 500 00 Dorr Licenses noon 10519 200 00 Taylor Grazing Fund 20,000.00 County Hospital Fund Balance 100.0a 2.400 0.1 650 400.00 l.Sua 00 150 00 150 00 1.000.00 1.920 00 75.00 1.080 00 135 00 4 200.00 5.250.00 1 .000 90 i 7.000 oo : 200 00 4,000,00 95.000.00 27,500 00 8,000.00 1 2.01X1.00 180.000.00 00 no 300.00 100 oo 2 too 00 1.000.00 700 00 1,000.00 00 00 2,500.00 50.00 500 00 100.00 275.00 1.225.00 00.00 00 oo 500.00 1,000 00 500,00 1.000.00 500.00 10,000.00 1.000.00 4,000 00 1.000 00 2'V1 00 102.000.00 When Ed's C i-'z ; F-r.ihd Three years ago Ed Smith's luck went bad. His crops failed, and it wasn't long before Ed's home and furnishings were up for auction. Half the town turned out, ar.-.l Ed must have thought his r.e:;'i bors were a bunch of hungry vul tures buying up all his precious possessions for a song. When it was over, and the auc tioneer had left, Sam Abcrnnthy turns to the crowd and says: "All right, folk9, let's tale time out for a glass of beer, and then put tUi-s stuff back where it belnno!" T.-d.iv. i b;;.; .11 1 .-lac r,-,r:,-. ; i ". r-.-i :!-l ... v.: J 111 p-'S- , ..: 1 K-.1' f l' y ' : f L' -:r i rr.c i his lit an- r cf tlx ie I sit Heppner Post No. 6100 announces a DANCE Fair Pavilion Remember Ihis date !