f 4-Hcppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, May 22, 1947 unnr.i? rr TiTT?r nnnvri athttytuyc s-nM nn,st maintain hiKh ; i i ' ITS'?.? - -:- t r V i: i" ' ... Many of the all-time record number of tourists and vacationists who are pi.Tiiirg to tai.e to the op;n road this year are rxpicted to include Oregon's pic turesque Wallowa fountains in their itinerary. This photograph of the area is one of a series of fifty-four TIRE-TUBE COMBINATION SALE With Memorial Dey just ahead you can't afford to risk a blowout and tired, worn-out rubr is jstu "cn accident locking for a place to happen!" Now is the time to replace those thin tires with WESTERN GIANTS A new tube given with the purchase of every new passenger tire. Both for the price of the tire alone. For example A 600 x 16 4-ply tire including Federal tax lists for S17.27, tube lists for S3.92. total S21.19. You pay only S17.27 your sav ings S3.S2. Western Giants carry a 18 months guaran tee on passenger tires. Sale starts May 26th thru the 31st WE sm?,y Ima SfiffA. . mm full-color scenic views of the West that Standard cf California will distribute to remind travelers of beauty spots they should Include on their trips. Ths oil company plans to give away 27.0C0.C2J copies of the photographs through its various retail outlets. KINZUA NEWS Baccalaureate services were held at the Methodist church in Fossil Sunday evening. Dorlene Samples. Mrs. Stewart Turner i nee Beverley Bird), Layton Tripp, Norvin Adams. Uwe.i Leathers Jr. and Ross Clcmmons were the seniors from Kinzua. Miss Lillian. Schott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schott of Kinzua was recently elected vice-president of the National Honor society. This is an honor In. 1 VENETIAN r BLINDS ! 1 flexible ' ! 3 stee' 'j I TYPES' "ex'b'e 3i I I SLATS a'um'num I rigid EE I aluminum I : i es. deportment .and the best of character to lie long. Mr. and Mrs. l.es Halvorsen look their Son Arthur to Port land Friday where he will visit his frre.ndmotlior this summer. Tat Owens, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Owens, went to Port land Wednesday. He plans to stay dawn and pick cherries. i hrisiio Skinner and Mrs. Kail Jeatcr were taken to The Dalles hospital by H. B. Sande, first aid man, Wednesday. Mrs. O. D. Baker. Mrs. Stewart Turner and Mrs. Maurice Brown were hostesses for a stork show er Thursday afternoon for Mrs. Harlan Schroder. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hoover re turned from Portland Friday, whore they have been consult ing a doctor about Mr. Hoover's recent illness. Little Lee. small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Moore, re ceived a bad cut in her foot while wading in the creek last Sr.ru'.iy. Several stitches were required and she hasn't been able to walk for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Gaylen Steph ens and family, and Mr. and M.s. Jack Williamson and daughter moved to Prineville '--'-e-e they will build their new homes. Mrs. Alma Jones of Hill Mil itary academy staff, came to Kinrua S-.tf.rdry with Col. Fred rick Locmis, also of Hill's cam pus, and Mr. Jack White of Portland who was here on bus iness over the week end, Mrs. Jones was here for three years in the local office. She visited Mr. and Mrs. C. R. England and was looking after her business interests in Condon. She will return to Portland the first of the week. May queen coronation cere monies were Friday evening at St. Helens Hall in Portland. Miss Carolyn Coleman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Coleman of Kinzua, was -a princess. She al so modeled three costumes from the Bedell store at the style re view on Tuesday at the hall. Miss Coleman attended school in Portland the past term, but will return to spend the vaca tion here and work at the office. Kathcrine Patton, who has been employed at the Kinzua office temporarily, left for Port land Friday. : . J I 415 Jones St. Phone 1433 $1550 Complete price for wall designed 20x24 ft. factory built home. Also other sizes and utility buildings. Euilt to endure. M. D. Hicklin Beaverton, Oregon f'liiiiii i liiififiii liflip f . V X' 1 I - A 1 V !rt u - J V IT A r ilW 71 r h . j! 'I T TEading for the highways this J. JL Decoration Day? Then make I f. Ford-trained mechanics a j j 1 1(1 1. LA uapommoDnngyourrora uact, flK2. Special Ford equipment home" for a pre-holiday check-up B first! That way, you'll be sure your car is in tiptop 6hape for carefree, q comfortable travel. When you bring g your car to us for service, you have the advantages of: & 3 Factory-approved methods ! Genuine Ford Parts That's why Ford owners agree . . . ROSEW fi o b ra PI Phone 1C92 Heppner, Oregon Arm rat rs -a vw 3 I 3 NOTICE OF SCHOOL MEETING NOTICE IS HERr.BY RIVEN to the legal voters of School District No. 1, of Morrow County, State of On of the said district will be held at the City Hall on the 16th d av of June, 1!M7, at 2 o'clock p.m., for t ictset lor the fiscal school year, beginning July 1, 1947, and endi ng June 30, 1948, hereinater set forth, a ieing a district tax. BUDGET Oregon, that a SCHOOL MEET- he purpose of discussing the nd to vote on the proposition Schedule I JEstjmotedReceip"ts andAvailable Cash Balance Item Estimated Receipts from Delinquent Taxes County School Fund ''. Basic School Fund .'."....'.'.I State Irreducible School Fund Vocational Education High School Tuition 7. Elementary Tuition 8. High School Transportatoin 9. Elementary Transportation ... 10. Sales of Supplies.'property, or Equipment 11. Cafeteria 11'. Interest 13. Kentals - - 1 1. Other Sources 15. Estimated Total Receipts lli. Estimated Cash Balance or Deficit (Add Cash Total All Funds General Fund Est muited Total KecoiptsjmclAvailahlo Cash Balance or Defi cit Schedule II General Fund $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 3,600.00 3,600.00 22.S28.91 22,828.91 350.00 350.00 900.00 900.00 6,500.00 6,500.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 00.00 00.00 50.00 50.00 00.00 00.00 00.00 00.00 400.00 400.00 - 00.00 00.00 , T , - $ 43,628.91 $ 43.628 91 Balance Deduct Deficit) 9.000.00 9 000 00 52,628.91 52,628 91 Estimated Expenditures Item 77" I. GENERAL CONTROL 1. Personal service: 1 1 1 Superintendent $ (21 Clerk (3) Stenographers and other office assistants (4) Compulsory Education and census (5) Other services . ' 2. Supplies 3. Elections and pub licity 4. Legal service (clerk's bond, audit, etc.) 3. Other expense of general control: (1) 6. Total Expense of General Control $ II. INSTRUCTION Supervision 1. Personal service: (1) Principals $ (3) Smith-Hughes .. 2. Supplies, principals and supervisors 5. Total Expense of Supervision $ III. " INSTRUCTION- Teaching 1. Personal service: Estimated Estimated ' Expenditures Expenditures Elementary High for the for the Schools Schools Ensuing Ensuing School Year School Year ; ; Jn Detail by Totals Expenditures for Three Fiscal Years Next Preceding th8Current School Year Budget Detailed Allowance E xpenditures Second Year First Year in Detail for the last lor the Year of the Give Yearly Give Yearly Current Threeyear Totals Totals School Year Period 2,250.00 $ 2,250.00 $ 4,500 00 450.00 450.00 900.00 6-11.23 641.25 1.282.50 20.00 20.00 40.00 50.00 50.00 100.00 115.00 115.00 230.00 50.00 50.00 100.00 75.00 75.00 150.00 100.00 100.00 200.00 3,751.25 S 3,751.25 $ 7,502.50 S 7,502.50 $ 2,229.00 $ 3,089.94 600.00 600.00 1,187.50 94G.63 20.00 20.00 100.00 00 00 150.00 229.17 100.00 221.21 150.00 111.16 200.00 508.70 $ 4,736.50 $ 5,756.81 $ 4,441 83 $ 3,57960 300.00 $ 00.00 $ 300.00 00.00 230.00 230.00 40.00 40.00 80.00 340.00 S 270.00 $ .610.00 $ 610.00 600.00 230.00 80.00 910.00 600.00 156.29 100.46 856.75 868.81 176.89 (2) Handicapped Child (3) Music 2. Library supplies, repairs 3. Supplies., (chalk, paper, etc.) '4. Textbooks IS. Othr expense of teaching 7. Total Expense of IV. OPERATION OF PLANT 1. Personal service: (1) Janitors and other employees 2. Janitors' supplies 3. Fuel . 4. Light and power .... 5. Water "6. Telephone 8 Total Expense of Operation V. MAINTENANCE AND -BEPAIRS 1. Kepair and main tenance of furniture and equipment . ... 2. Repair and main tenance of: (1) Buildings , '2) Grounds .... 4. Totrl Expense of Maintenance & Repairs $ VI. AUXILIARY AGEN CIES 1. Health service: (1) Personal service (nurse, etc.) ... $ (2) Supplies and ' other expenses , 2. Transportation of pupils: - '(1) Personal service 3. Other auxiliary ag encies: -1) Hot Lunch 4. Total Expense of Auxilirrv Agencies $ VII. FIXED CHARGES 1. fmiurance $ 2. Rent 3. Other fixed charges: ( 1 ) N.W. Assn. Dues (2) Retirement 4. Total Fixed Charges $ VIII. CAPITAL OUTLAYS 3. Alteration of build ings (not repairs) .. 4. New furniture, equ ipment and replace- placements 6. Other capital out lays: II ) Library books ... (2) Band 7. Total Capital Out lays X. EMERGENCY $ 27,000.00 $ 22,400.00 $ 49,400.00 2"" 00 Ofl.OO 270.00 75.00 75.00 150.00 25.00 25.00 50.00 450.00 450.00 900.00 600.00 600.00 1,200.00 400.00 00.00 400.00 $ 28,820.00 $ 23,550.00 $ 52,370.00 $ 38,751.00 $ 32,811.61 $ 52,370.00 270.00 100.00 50.00 800.00 600.00 300.00 40,871.00 175.00 110.37 5.25 1,096.50 1,325.79 260.34 $ 35,784.86 $ 32.885.64 $ 28.979.R3 $ 2.400.00 $ 2,400.00 $ 4,800.00 500.00 500.00 1,000.00 750.00 750.00 1,500.00 310.00 310 00 620 00 75.00 75 00 150.00 100.00 100.00 200.00 $ 4.135.00 $ 4,135.00 $ 8,270.00 4,260.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 620.00 150 00 200.00 3,706.14 853.39 1,000.71 412.46 167.20 225.69 $ 400.00 $ 400.00 500 00 500.00 500.00 800.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 $ 8,270.00 $ 7,230.00 $ 6,365.59 $ 5 761.95 $ 5,508.46 500.00 $ 1,330.28 1. 000.00 2,000.00 00 00 1,582.12 1,400.00 S 1,400.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 3,500.00 $ 2.91 2 40 $ 3.513 75 S 1 697 58 . 50.00 100.00 00.00 750.00 900.00 50.00 100.00 2,000.00 750.00 2,900.00 100.00 200.00 2,000.00 1,500.00 3.800.00 S 3 800 00 00.00 160.00 1,600.00 500.00 2,260.00 00.00 1,380.00 1,733.59 500.00 3,613.59 $ 2.381 93 $ 1.89162 104 91 00.00 00 00 2,481.24 2,586.15 104 91 200.00 5.00 2,481.24 2,791.15 209 82 200.00 5.00 4.962 48 5,377.30 $ 5.377.3Q 226 80 00.00 5 00 2.307.00 2,538.80 217 56 00.00 5.00 00.00 252.56 453 20 $ 115 40 500.00- 750.00 100.00 500.00 500.00 750.00 100.00 500.00 1,000.00 1,500.00 200.00 1,000.00' $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 3,700.00 2,000.00" 1,000.00 2,000.00 425.00 00.00 3,425.00 "1,400.00 00.00 1,586.57 202.92 00.00 J.789.49 00.00" 1.596.03 $ "00.00 $ 3,700.00 $ $ 2,000.00- $ Total Schedule II General Fund Total estimated expenses for the year sum of items 1-6, II-5, III-7 IV-8, V-4, VI-4, VII-4, VIII-7, IX-3, X $ 86,429.80 $ 66,871.30 $ 57.332.05 $ 51,903.14 Schedule VI Summary Estimates of Expenditures, Receipts an d Avallabiejash BalancesTand Tax Levies" Estimation of Tax Total All General Fund m Levy Funds Total Schedule II 805.32 00.00 42,787.70 ) Total estimated expendi tures DEDUCT: Total estimated receipts and available cash bal- ances (Schedule I) 52,628.91 Amount necessary to bal ance the budget 33,800.89 Balance to be raised by taxation 33.800.89 $ 86,429.80 $ 86,429.80 52,628.91 33,800.89 33,800.89 857.76 837.76 ADD: Estimated amount of taxes that will not be collected during the fiscal year for which thisbudget is made .. Total estimated tax lev ies for ensuing fiscal year Levy to be extended Analysis of estimated tax levies: Amount inside 6 lim itation 26,274.28 26,274.28 Amount outside 6 lim- i I n I Ion 8,384.37 8,384.37 34,658.65 34,658.65 34,658.05 34,658 65 Dated this May 16, 1947. Signed: Bessie B. MeCLINTOCK, District Clerk. LET A M. HUMPHREYS, Approved bv Budget Committee May 16, 1947: JUNE SMITH, uuinui.uvi.j, junn ."SMITH, T t NV? Chairman, Board of Directors. Secretary, Budget Committee Chairman, Budget Committee