f -Lexington News . . . .' Mrs. Clarence Hayes I Commencement exercises were held for the graduating class of j Lexington high school Thursday! evening, May 15, at the school auditorium. Three seniors re ceived diplomas. They were La I Vonne McMillan, Audrey Ma Jeske and Konald Ansted. The eighth graders held their grad uation exercises at the same time. These were Carol J; cl's .n, Beverly Haycroft, Pat Majeske, Ray Papineau, John Edwards, David Buchanan, and Orville Cutsforth Jr. Honry Tetz was the princial speaker of the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Oris Padberg and Mrs. Annie Keene and Truman Messenger left for The Dalles to attend a state convention of the Oddfellow and Rebekah lodges. A. M. Edwards spent several days in Spokane and vicinity last week on business. Kenneth Way, who Is attend ing Multnomah college in Port land was a week-end visitor at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Way. The Lexington high school and the eighth grade students went to Lehman Springs Tues day for their annual school pic nic. Mrs. Bert Darnielle and chil dren of Portland are visiting at OPENrCOPEN South of Pendleton via Ukiah Hotel Cabins Swimming Fishing Mineral Baths for Rheumatism Arthritis Neuritis Eczema Write 316 NW 3rd St., Pendleton, Or. the Carl Breeding home. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Edwards were business visitors in Pasco last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hawks and family and Arthur Wells were week-end visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Emery Burnside. Mrs. Elsie Beach has return ed from a month's vacation in California and way points. She spent some time in San Francis co and Los Angeles, besides vis iting her three sons. She saw Lawrence in Salt Lake City, Harold In Phoenix, Ariz., and Laurel in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dinges made a business trip to Condon last Friday. Archie Nichols took a group of Boy Scouts to Pendleton Sat urday night to attend a scout jnmboree. Those attending were Ray Papineau, John Edwards, David Buchanan, Orville Cuts forth Jr., Kenneth Cutsforth and Dale Papineau. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Way spent Sunday at Lonerock visiting their daughter, Mrs. Dallas Mc Daniel. Miss Edith Edwards of Spo kane, sponsor of Eta chapter of PI Kho Zeta, international bus iness girls group, has been elec- News From C A. Office HEPPNER SALES YAR Announces a Weekly n I man E . of Livestock Until Further Notice May 22 First Sale Thursday, At the May 1 5 sole, 250 head of cattle were sold, many animals bringing the Portland price. Bring in your livestock and any items of farm equipment, household or other articles we'll sell 'em for yo j. HEPPNER SALES John Varncr, Auctioneer HAROLD ERWIN Yard Manager HARRY DINGES Clerk Morrow county farmers and ranchers who have good stands of crested wheat grass might well plan to harvest seed from the grass this year it a good set of seed develops. Crested wheatgrass seed Is very scarce at present and there are pros pects for pretty good prices this fall. Last year there was a big demand for seed and not too much produced in the state of Oregon. The seed is around 40 cents "S"pound now and we nave some fields in this county where growers could make good money growing seed at that price. Of course, all fields will not make seed, but there are fields that will make seed even with a limited amount of rain from now on. Neils I. Neilson, agricultural statistician, bureau of agricul tural economics, who is making a tour through Columbia Basin counties for statistics on crop prospects, called at this office Tuesday. Mr. Neilson stated that crop reporters in Morrow county reported prospects for a , crop as good on May 1. How- ever, he believes that prospects I have deteriorated since then and tie is waiting to see what Dort will reflect conditions as the next reort will be. This re of June 1. Mr. Neilson is quite anxious to get a true picture of crop conditions and do so only through reports from farmer op erators in all sections of the county. He also stated several farmers in the county received reporting schedules for the first time on May 1. The reports from these farmers were grati fying and it is his hope that farmers will cooperate on the next report which they will re ceive within a few days. Last reports are that the Mormon cricket infestation, that has been baited and fought s.nce early March, has reached the wheatfields on the south edge of the Boardman bombing range. At the same time crick ets have broken into the Board man project at three different points. Bureau of entomology baiters and crews are working ted a delegate to ''the interna tional convention to be held in Elkhart, Indiana, June 27-29. Edith is the daughter of Mr. nd Mrs. A. M. Edwards and is a graduate, of Lexington high school. She is now teaching ' ookkceping in the Kinman ! usiness university in Spokane. Mrs. Emma Breshears was a i usiness visitor in Pendleton 1 -st Friday. Mr. fmd Mrs. Carl Breeding . isited in Spray Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Ler.ch and ::r. and Mrs M. II. Dopplmier :.f Portland, and Mrs Virginia liller of Salem were visiting at t!ie Barnctt home Wednesday. They own considerable farm 1 nd around here and came to . ispect the crops, (lark J.ickson and Fred Ree- y of S.-leni were visitors in Lexington !;st- week end. Mr. am; Mrs. Leonard Munk i is, Miss Estelle Led better. Kenneth Wny r-.nd Bud M.irshMI '-ent sv.-i:;iming in Sand lai cs : r. Ii'rriis! in Sunday. Bud Marshall, machinists m..to '.'lint class, returned to duty with the navy at San Diego Tuesday. in cooperation with the county courts and cooperating farmers j in Muiiovv, Gilliam and Slier- man counties in an organized j effort to keep crftp damage to a minimum. A power baiter was i put into operation on the wheat fieids infested Wednesday mor ning, first bailing was to lie i inane at the Josiin ranch at Alpine. Celebrating its 13th anniver sary, the state home economics I extension council, representing !ail counties, will meet to elect j officers and report tne annual findings of eight eommitice:, IJ-ine lu and 11 on the Oregon State college campus. The ex- ecutive committee will attend a dinner at the Benton hotel Mon day evening, June 'j, tad ci.ooit personnel lor the conieiente tummkites. A progress report on the re search in tooth oecay in Ore gon will be given by Dr. Deme tiios ilaiij;i..aikoo and Mrs. June Sullivan. A report on the lise of the electric range in ru rjl communities, by ulrs. Mar garet Tuller, is also c;.pec-ied to be of special inte.esi to tiornc makers. Mrs. Stanley Coates will re view developments on tiie pro posed 4-H cooperative house on the O.S.C. campus. Members of the state council building fund committee last year recom mended that approximately 315,000 be raised per year on a voluntary basis and that the' building of the house be deferr ed until at least $-15,000 has been accumulated. Pres. A. L. Strand of O.S.C. will extend greetings at the opening session Tuesday. Mrs. Anne Montgomery, Coos Bay, president of the council, will preside. Mrs. Sager will evalu ate the conference at the close of the meetings Wednesday af ternoon at which time new of liters will be installed. Miss Corrine Hanson of Van couver, Wash., received the council scholarship of S50. This award is presented to the junior or senior in home economics who stands high in scholarship, is outstanding in ability and interested in becoming a home demonstration agent. Approximately five women will represent each county at the conference. Active and past committee women in home de monstration aeent counties mm .iltend and chairmen of the home and rural life commit tees in non HDA counties. o Heppner Gazette f mes, Heppner, Oregon, May 22, 1 9473 Sales Yard Plans ;Crow-Ma3pie Hunt Weekly Schedule iifar!s Over County For Next Few Weeks ! opening of the crow I magpie hunt in Morrow county ; Harold Erwin. owner and has been announce-! bv B'i-" manager of the Heppner Sales Isori, president of the Mor Yard, announced Monday that row Comity S;xrt.rr:en's associa for the next few weeks there tion. The movement e'H tm.'.er will te a sale at the yards each way last week and vvi.l !e c-r- Thursday, beginning with day. This change in the sched ule has been made to enable : or-k rr"i tit cnll thi.ir .attlo In. cally during the period when ount for each egg of those birds I ' r'i' :t--iJiiiK nt:o it--,.. Will Oe pHIU Cy I f - 1 Erwin reports that 230 head as bounty. Committees will be of cattle were sold at the yards named in r;c. , , , . May 15, much of the stock bring- ley, lone, Lexington and Hopp ing the Portland market price. .ier, the ni.rnf.-s io bs announce 1 .Packer buyers came here from soon. Portland, Seattle, Pasco, Grand-. fjrs( Soeond and thr- rr!-e i view, Pendleton, Walla Walls j..viIi be a -.varied by hardware valley, Condon and The Dalles. ' concerns oi Hepi.ru .-. and bidding is quite spirited, i . , Shipments are made direct from j Mr , Mrs "chsrW Thomp. he Heppner yards to the pack- lgon an(J baby d,wli.,.r Ke., -;ing plants, he oca 1 stockmen spending Mr. Tr-nrnpsnns i getting the benefit of the com-. .caUo visfu at the 'home L'Ti oi"r.se wou. of Mrs. Thompson's be taken by the larger commis- (. T sion houses. , i to- ried on until Julv 1". Isotn star- I ? "Vl J fT. f ' ched- ed. t I. . : A -Y-X'tjk nable The usual fee of five cents per r & 'A V le lo- crow or i , ;;,, or , o - ?, V-U VV- riD when ount for each egg of tho e bir !s I - . ', ' r-r.Tj :.er, 0c j plact afwoyi ( plc. Mo p.H, ap. tkl,t dawn, palittitq, ifariaa or r. palritf. 0yac fuarant. A much of the finger . . . tnA ROI.SCRttNS roll up tutoma. ticallv! . . onto hidden folleri. hrnily inilalled on join prnrnt wtndoui. PtLLA ROLSCREENS require no cutting or oiting. Incoo. sptcuou, keep windows nd drap eri cleaner, inwt-tight, made of rust-rcsming. clear-vmon, AluminA wire cloth, ti for tret titimuu. r4 A WORD OF APPRECIATION To those who in any way as sisted with the band dance nd supper Saturday evening, we wish to express out warmest ap preciation and thanks. The af fair was a great success due- to your cheerful cooperation. Mrs. John Bergstrom, chair man finance committee, Mrs. liufus Piper, chairman uniform committee, The Heppner School Band. Mr. and Mrs. Will Davis have received word of the birth of a seven pound five ounce son to Mr. and Mrs. James Davis Jr. at Eend. ROLSCREENS 0. M. !S Jc;is St. Y EAGER Phone 1483 June Van Winkle, Vesta Cuts forth, Lorene Mitchell, Ora Ely, Patricia Drake, Lola Ann Mc- 1 tabe, Carlotta Olden, Ruby Ann I Rietmann were those selected : to represent home economics I clubs while Faye Cutsforth, Jo Anne Graves, Betty Graves and j Ingrid Herman are beef club ' members to attend the 1947 j .juuuiit;. OLIIUOI. Beef club members who are to exhibit 4-H beef animals at The Dalles show next week are reminded that a committee will check their projects and give them details for attending the show. All animals should be fitted and in tip-top shape on Friday afternoon, May 23, when this committee makes the inspection. Look! It's kautuul Listen! It's radio's ricks t voice 7T ?T?'n Club Jews i SUNDAY MAY 25 V ESermiston ROBE GROUHD. Zm Admission: 60c Adults; 30c Students; Children 12 years and under admitted free THIS IS NOT A LEAGUE GAME Morrow county 4-H club members of the champion beef club aie centering attention on the Eastern Oregon Whe.t Lea gue Fat Stock snow ana saie to be held at The D.iiles on Ma;, 2'. -28. Four-H ciuo exhibitor-. I leuve with tl.tir i.it btt'I siccrz ion Monday cfieuio-in, Mr.v and will h ive thetn i:i pi. c- at tie show pour.us by p. r. ! that c-verii-.g. A:! ts I weighed TuesUr.y ::,.o.-..;,.g, M.. 2V with livestock jn.'tjiiig co.. Wests beginning at 'a a m. L..i ' hog and sheep sv;. , contests will take tne ic...ni ; i.i-r of the day. ! Judging of aiiin.als begin at 9 a. m. May 2t. T"ne aiteraooii will be s;;cm in p.ep;;ring for the fat sale that will bt-jjia at 7 p. m. that day. Club members Jo Anne Grav es, Betty Graves, Ingrid Her man, Vesta Cuislonn, Ida Lee Chapel, Neil Beamier, Ronald and Duane Raker will exhibit 11 Morrow county bred fat steers. Breeders of these calves are Sherman & Ferguson, with five of their Shorthorn bred steers to be shown; O. W. Cuts forth, one hereford; Frank An derson, one Hereford; Claude White, one Hereford; Roy Rob inson, two Herefords, and Alex Green, one Shorthorn. We are all proud of these fat steers and club member exhib itors are quite anxious to sec these breeders and interested people attend the show and sale and lend their support. We be lieve you will rr.-jiy the show. O. W. Cutsforth, Cutsforth Corners Ranch. Lexington, is offering a beef breeder s special award of $.50 to the most out standing 4-H club member ex hibiting a Hereford fat steer at 1 the EOWL fat stock show and sale to be held next week. Con gratulations to Mr. Cutsforth for this interest in 4-H club work. The Morrow county 4-11 club council met at the county agent office Saturday afternoon, May 17. Those present were Mrs. I Jean Iels,in, ciiainn.m; Louis Carlson, viiv-chtiirmiMi; Jo An- S ne Graves, secretary; B. C. i I inckney, tierMiier, i n.i Mir. ' Lucy Rodgers, Mrs. Ron;:hl ; - I. C?:, ..u. i M:. ;ilc. John '!r."0:; c ! A;;ii::; K tlhcrine , II'iiv : n t .! ; C. Ati-Uv.um. Included in the business tak n v , i v., I c .-cuvtion of del i gates to '. '. i :r, : c ' ;'S- I i i hel ; i : . r i: . ' "it' '7 L1 . 'i l e i-rir.: . i- .n.-;inn cf i eleg.-i-u's ' ' 'b members over tho ago of 1 I, Willi U,, ; , lub work. Only members that i-how aehicvrn cni an.- : t t il club weil. were selivie.l f.y : t 'lis year's trip, club tneinheis I Kit were i,ol members lmt ,vear wore :,(' fiij-.'Me t aiii'i--I, GRAIN Buying Storage Top Mar'cet Price Arc'ier-Danisls-Miclsnd Company Cliff; CcrUon, Locrl Agt. I-'j:i8, Oregsn Elevctor Phor.e 1011 pff. Ph-ine 1111 . Res. 4122 The Secret of Health Long before Galen and Hippuiates were setting down rules for disease pre vention, the East Indians had k-nned that many ailments could be relieved by 1: -.i.ig their -backbones man,piuted. NORMAL NERVE FUNCTION has always been the secret of health. While it is a far cry from those primitive methods to the health builuing pn-ctices oi sci entific Chiropractic, the principles have been prov ed for many centuries. CHIROPRACTIC Physio-Thocapy Electro Therccpy Hydro Therapy (Come in and discuss your health problems with me.) Dr. Clyde Dunham Chiropractic Physician I.O.O.F. BIdg. Heppner, Ore. IM ' J-' .;,- ?M 'us; 'i .1 ."W--A 3J I 'S , if This brautttul npir Super Sparton Railio-Phonograph is trailing or you. Model lll-lW'ub-PA in fine ualnut veneer. Alio finuhed in natural mahogany veneer. 0 j? Sew Snper Radio-Phonagraph See it at our showroom. Inspect tlie beautifully de-iancil and built cabinet of the finest furnituro veneers. Listen to radio's richest voice with full tonal values for recordings or radio programs. Check the price! From SiO to $30 less than yon'J pay for comparable modilj thanks to an exclusiva Sparton polling plan with only one dealer in each community. ."on't you stop for a demonstration soon? 8 tul.es, PLCS rrctiliiT and tuning eye, 3 wave Iiamls FM, Stai.iliii-tl llroadcast pTuf short wave. FM (Frequonry Modulation) Static-fre reception Trouble-free automatic record changer. Almost ft solid hour of continuous flavins;, "ltoll-oat" pllounfiraih drawer. Ample record storage. SPAR ION'S AHtZlSC. LOW PRICE! "itiidio's Richest 1 uic Silica 1026'' heppner co. HODGE CHEVROLET CO. CLDG. Phone 493 l' m m ispiii i iiiiniuiii i ji . i n i il i n.in..in.s.n.iiim - - - .h - - T'-' -' " ' " - riHIIIIIIiliiili!!!!!!!!'!'!'!!"''!'' "M!""'",:j;;!!n see we mw IP y tm Ml en n Q r, r 1 ran vmi uztazv--;--' Phono Lc;tii:gLt : iiiii::;;!;;!:iiii::i!iii!iiii:!iiii;;ii!:aii!!ii:ii::;iB !:,iilnlilll7,