Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, May 22, 1947, Image 1

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    EGO N H I S T i C A L
B LI C A U D I T . i J
;tte T
Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, May 22, 1947
Volume 64. Number 9
Death Takes Ture
E. Peterson Early
Sunday Morning
Sudden Demise Is
Shock to Family
And Many Friends
Death came to Ture E. Peter
son at the family home shortly
before 6 o'clock Sunday morn
ing, apparently due to a blood
clot which terminated his life
suddenly, He had been annoy
ed by asthma and his physician
had been with him the evening
before to help make him com
fortable for the night. Mrs. Pet
erson learned what had happen
ed when she went to her hus
band's room to see if she could
help him.
Mr. Peterson had been in Wal
la Walla Walla a few days ear
lier, where he. took reaction
tests for asthma. He was up
town each day until Saturday,
intending to matters of busi
ness and visiting with his
mends along the street. No al
arm was fett about his condi
tion but the physician was call
eu as in times past to help make
him comfortable.
funeral services were held at
2:30 p.m. Tuesday at Valby
Lutheran church in Gooseberry,
with the Rev. Carl W. Sodergren
of Portland officiating. Hymns
were sung by Mrs. Walter Rob
erts and Mrs. Charles O'Connor,
accompanied by Mrs. Clco
Drake, all of lone. Active pall
bearers were Waller Roberts,
David Rletmann, Victor Riet- I
maim, Cornet t Green, Oscar Pet
erson and. Earl Blake. Honor
ary pallbearers, J. J. Nys, Frank
S. Parker and Joe Hughes.
Interment was in the family
plot in the Valby church ceme
tery. The church was completely
filled with sorrowing friends
and relatives, while many wait
ed outside throughout the ser
vice. The chancel was banked
with floral tributes to the de
ceased who was held in high
esteem by all who knew him.
Ture Kfraim Peterson was
born November 19, 1887, at
Gooseberry, the son of Aaron
and Ida Marie Peterson, pioneer
settlers of that section of Mor
row county who came from Swe
den in March of that year and
homesteaded. He spent his ear
ly life in Gooseberry, attending
the Rocky Point school and lat
er attending business college in
Salem. Upon attaining manhood
he took up life in lone where he
engaged In the meat business
for many years. He later mov
ed to Heppner where he was
connected with the Central mar
ket meat department, retiring
from that occupation last year
following an automobile acci
dent at Hermi.ston which slow
ed him down.
Surviving are the widow, Lucy
Marian Peterson; four daugh
ters, Mrs. Francis McReynolds,
Alice, Ruth and Ma'rtha Peter-
son; one sister, - Mrs. Walter
Dohyns, lone; and four brothers,
Richard of Corvallis, Henry of
lone, Victor of The Dalles, and
Elmer of Portland, besides other
relatives and a host of friends.
O :
Wranglers Enjoy
Ride in Country
Mr. rmd Mrs. Lulc Ribhy
were luncheon hosts Sundry to
members of the Wrnglcrs, Mar
row county hnrsebrck riding
club, at their hnre o.i E'l.-i
fork. The Wranglers c Tried
sandwiches end o! her et'l' les
and the host': provided coffee.
Twenty-four horses were In
the trek, nnd after the lunch
con hour wns over the group
resumed the ride, taking anoth
er route to return to town.
Harold Gaines . of Portland
was a week-end visitor in
Wheat League Show of 4-H
Livestock Scheduled for
May 27-28 at The Dalles
The largest fat livestock show
nnd sale ever held in eastern
Oregon will draw a record num
ber of buyers to The Dalles, May
27 and 2S, to bid on more than
300 head of wheat-fed steers,
hogs nnd sheep entered by 4-H
club members from Morrow nnd
ten other eastern Oregon coun
ties. Sponsored by I he Eastern Ore
gon Wheat league to promote
wheat-fed slock this first nnntt
nl show nnd sale at The Dalles
is scheduled to become n yearly
event on a 2S-aerc Irnet of
grounds that has been develop
ed Just west of the Wasco coun
ty seat town. Wheat league
members from all parts of Ore
gon nro expected to attend.
There will be no admission
chnrge nnd lite public Is cor
dlnlly Invited to see the results
of this 4-II project,
Highlights of the program In
Exercises Will Draw
School Year to Close
School is just about over for
the young folks and teachers of
Heppner all over, in fact, but
senior class gaduation exercises
which are scheduled to take
place at 8 o'clock Friday eve
ning. The exercises concluding the
activities of the 24 young peo
ple to receive their diplomas will
be held in the gymnasium-auditorium
and include the follow
ing numbers:
March, Military Escort," the
school band; processional, "Tri
umphal Grand March," school
band; invocation, Iiev. J. Palmer
Sorlein; "Impromptu," piano
solo, Joan Corwin; 'The Joys of
Spring," trumpet trio, Jo Anne
Graves, Karl Gabler, James Or
wick; introduction of speaker,
George A. Corwin; address,
"Wanted, Riders for Fifty Bil
lion Horses," Mr Virgil Bolen,
Eastern Oregon College; "The
Oracle," overture, school band;
presentation of class of 1947,
Principal Leonard L. Pate; pre
sentation of diplomas, Leta M.
Humphreys, chairman board of
education; awards, Leonard L.
The class of 1947 will be the
fifth class graduated from
Heppner high school under the
upervision of George A. Cor
win, who is terminating his ser
.ice here. He will work in the
..est service during the sum
mer months, having accepted a
job in the state of Washington.
o '
Memorial Service
Program Arranged
Final arrangements for a
memorial service to be held at
11 o'clock a.m. Friday, May 30,
are being completed and the
committee has announced the
following program to be given
at the Star theater:
Invocation, Rev. Francis Mc
Cormack. Group singing led by Mrs. O.
G. Crawford.
Gettysburg Address, Carol
"Lift Thine Eyes" and "Pre
lude," Heppner Women's Chor
us. Eulogy to veterans who have
passed on, Frances B. Nickerson.
"Twenty-third Psalm" Ma
lolte. Mrs. C. "C. Dunham.
Address. Rev. J. Palmer Sor
lein. Group singing, . "God Bless
Benediction, Rev. Joe Jewett.
Dr. C. C. Dunham will be in
charge of the program which is
sponsored jointly by the Veter
ans of Foreign Wars, the Amer
iican Legion and the American
Legion Auxiliary.
Food Sanitation
Conference Held
Sponsored by the Morrow
county health department in
cooperation with the Oregon
stale board of health, a food
sanitation conference was held
in the rending room of the Elks
emplp Wednesday afternoon.
Two sessions were, held, one
rt 2 p m. and one at 8 p.m.
The program, under direction
of Willi.-m B. Culham, R. S.,
rt-Mo sanitarian, included pre-p-t
tion and discussion of the
(1-ril-ili.ty ' of the public
' 'ep-rtr"ent in restaurant
V!on. lei by Verne C. Rier
S, strip sanitarian,
f" 1 -- "Hash; lingin' and
ri'lirg." was shown for
. 1 e efit of those in attend
ee. 'o reo('hnnr!lor nnd Food
'' pitrtlon wfs the subject dis-f-TPfl
by Roscoe E. Miller,
'p-'lth education consultant of
'n" st le bond of health.
V ein w.-s a discussion per-'-h!
during which local food
handlers, asked questions and
offered suggestions.
clude livestock Judging begin
ning at fl a.m., Tuesday, May
27; bpet showmanship at 1 p.m.
nnd hog nnd sheep judging at
2 p.m. with a river bont trip
through the Celllo locks and n
recognition bamiurt for 4-11
clubbers later that afternoon
and evening. Beef judging will
begin at 9 a.m., Wednesday,
May 2S, pens nnd singles in
three mnjor breeds Judged and
graded, with the miction sale of
stock at 7 p,m. that pvpning.
Frank Wink, widely known
eastern Oregon auctioneer, has
donated his services and exten
sive stile yard nnd all other ex
pense is being paid by The Dal
les chamber of commerce nnd
other public nnd civic organiza
tions In order that total pro
ceeds of the auction will go to
the 4-II club exhibitor. The pre
mium tiwnrds will bo furnished
by the Eastern Oregon Wheat
Heppner Smothers
Arlington Under
Cloud of Dust'
Wind Stops Game
After Score Soared
To 15 to Nothing
Won Lost
Wasco 5 1
Fossil 5 1
Heppner 3 3
Condon 5 1
lone 1 5
Arlington 1 5
Kinzua 1 5
Heppner is right in the mid-
ule ox Vv neat-umber leaiiue
oiunuings as tne result ot sua:
ng Arlington bunuay auer- t
ourt in a game eaiieu at me
dm ol live innings oue to a
ic'uvy wiiiiibioiiu. 'ine local
uaibmen nuu succeeueu in pil
ing up a scoie oi io runs m mat
ioil uiue wane Keeping tne
uingioii Oiineis uvvuy lioul
u no, lie piuit ucopiie ineir live
Mssey, in die box for
ntvpiaer, neiu l,ie luveimen lo
t- luiS ana sauc-iv oul six 'of
;ui; lie aiiovea two wais.
vjn iop Oi Lnai, iluppiier snowed
liO OCliUulC btiCnttil at but UV
uniting uui lo lins Oil ldAOilC
U VveintiCU, AllnigiOn CuUCii-
oeven of the 15 runs were
icuieu in me linn inning wnen
; iiep.it'i' buiiers swung lor
e inii( v, eie accuiued unee
vains and two btiunicii weie
sauciv by piicneu bans, ljuidiiu,
iioppiier saorisiup, retained his
lecuiu of "naru iuck' by being '
lut oy pitched blis twice in ine !
game, slopping ine very Inst I
uan puciieu bunday aliernoon
and ' connecting ' later on. He 1
las hau tne miaioiiune of uemg I
liu at least once in each game in Pendleton at 6:35 Monday af
uunng the season. ternoon. He had been ill of can-
A. iwassej, iuuer, Hoyt and
lruuuloot were ilie big guns at !
oat lor Heppner, Ma"ssey and j
Miller collecting three lor four,
iiol and Kroautoot two lor
Van Horn, Heppner second-
sacKer injured in the game
against Fossil, is recovering and
snould be in Sunuay s line up.
Heppner will meet Hermiston
on tne local lielu at 2:30 p.m.
bunuay in a non-league game,
Manager Willaru BlaKe is trying
to gei out tne full strength of
his team as it is not known
wnat Hermiston will have to of-
Parole Violator
Taken To Prison
Sheriff C. J. D. Bauman left
Wednesday morning for Salem
to deliver a prisoner, James A.
Clark, to the stale prison auth
orities. Clark, convicted on a
count of "robbing by force and
violence not armed with a dan
gerous weapon," and paroled on
condition that he enter a hos
pital for treatment of an ail
ment said to have been contrac
ted during service with the arm
ed forces, violated the
and was returned to the Mor
row county sheriff for commit
James A. Clark and hie hro-
tlier, Walter, were convicted in
I lie Morrow county circuit court
. bout one year ago and paroled.
Complaining witness was Jam
es Doherty. Walter Clark ap
parently is abidingby the terms
i f the parole while James will
nave lo serve the six years im-
I'Wtl on him by the late Judge
i a I'.in L. Sweek.
This office acknowledges re
eipt of a copy of the Standard
if California company's book,
Sec You West," which was pre
pnlpd at Hip editorial desk in
crson Monday by M. E. Harris,
Ustrict manager with head
.piarters at Condon.
The 1917 edition of the com-
panys famous "Scenic Vievy"
ravel promotion program will
let under wny Monday, May 20,
vhen the oil company and its
mhsldiaries begin free dislribu
ion of 27,000,000 full-color "See
Votir West" pholographs.
The hook received by the Ga
zette Times is of the northwest
irea nnd includes the following
lews which will bo distribut
d: Mount Baker, Wash.; Crater
'.ake Rational Park, Haceta
Mead, McKenzle River, and Wal
lowa Mountains, Oregon; Pond
Oreille Lake, Idaho; Grand Cou
lee Dam, Mount Rainier Nation-
il Park, Washington; Yosemlte
National Park, California; Grand
'nnyon National Park, Arizona;
Diamond Head nnd Waikikl
Bench, Hawaii; Yoho National
Park, British Columbia; Mesa
Verde National Park, Colorado
Aeoma Pueblo, New Mexico, and
Sltkn, Alaska.
Mrs. N. D. Bailey spent the
first of the week in The Dalles
in attendance at the Rebekah
grand lodge of Oregon as n del
egate from San Soucl Rebekah
lodge of Heppner.
Juuge Calvin L. Swoek
East Oregonian Photo
... y
I Services For Judge
Sweek Held This
P. M. in Pendleton
Prominent Jurist
Was Resident Here '
For Many Years
Funeral services for the late
uiiga C;.l in L. Sweek were
.elu at Folsom s chapel in
I'eiuiieton at 2 p.m. today, bur
ial following in the Olney cem
etery. Active pallbearers were
Thomas Vaughan, Walter
..loore, E. B. Aldrich, Lester
.luist, Ernest Young, Roger Kay,
i nd Jack Ailen. Honorary pail
Learers included business and
professional men and friends
irom Morrow, Union and Baker
counties. Going from Heppner
were Ralph Thompson, Dale
Crown, P. W.' Mahoney, J. J. Nys
and J. O. Turner to serve in
that canacitv.
Judge Sweek died at his home
jeer for many months and his
recovery was classed as hope-
less. Death finally came as a
consequence of a revolver wound
the judge inflicted upon him
self in a spirit of despondency,
."s stated in the East Oregon
ian. A native of Grant county,
where he was born at Hamilton
March 3, 18S6, he was 61 years
of age. He first attended Ok:-"
gon State college at Corvallis,
then spent three years at the
university ot Oregon at Eugene,
and was graduated from the
University of Michigan law
school in 1913. He practiced law
in Heppner from 1915 to 1931,
being associated part of that
time wtih the late C. E. Wood
son. He was a leader in civic
work here and also served on
the school board. He moved to
Pendleton when he was ap
pointed to the circuit hpneh.
He was a member of the Ma
sonic, B. P. O. Elks and other
fraternal organizations, a mem
ber of the Episcopal church a
former chancellor of the Episco
pal diocese of Eastern Oregon
and an enthusiastic sportsman,
a skillful golfer, fisherman and
In the official tribute of the
:j,h judicial district written into
the records May 2, these words
"Jia.ge Sweek leaves the
. ench after 16 years of devoted
ervice with the thanks, admir-
tion, love, affection, and re
. pect of all who admire indus-
ry, grticioiiEr.ess, ch; racier and
. otind judgment, and in panic-
I: r leaves tiie . bench with
: hanks, admiration, love and af-
icction and respect of those of
s who had the outstanding
irivilege of practicing law bc-
rore him."
j urge Sweek married Pearl
Iawthome at Eugene June 27.
DM. Survivors are his widow,
i son, J;!ck Sweek. and a (laugh
er, Mrs. James (Marie) Rogers,
i grandchild, Lawrence Lawson
jweek, all of Pendleton, and his
.nother, Mrs. Emily Sweek of
.lomiment; also five sisters and
'tie brother.
, o
DcMolay Adjourns
Until September
The Morrow county chapter of
DeMolny held a meeting Rt thr
Masonlc hall in Heppner Mon
day evening at which it was de
Ided to ndlmirn further meetings-
until September.
Both degrees were given te
vvo candidates Monday eve
ning with the assistance of Jer
ry Stimmerhays and two Do
Molay team members from Free
vvntpr. There was a good turn
out, the boys had a fine mooi
ng and the evening closed with
the serving of refreshments.
The chapter now has a mem
bership of 50 boys. Us jurisdic
tion includes Morrow county
and Arlington.
Judge Bert Johnson left for
Portland Wednesday forenoon
In response to n call slatinf
that his sister. Miss Olga John
son, is 111 and again confined
to her homo. Miss Johnson only
recently returned to her teach
ing duties nfter nn absence of
.several months due to Illness
one Improvement
Fund Boosted By
Women's Activity
The Women's Missionary so
ciety of the Valby church in
Gooseberry gave a dinner and
auction sale Friday evening
May 16, at the parish house, the
proceeds going to the Ione Mem
orial Improvement association.
The dinner was well patronized
by people of the community and
from Ione and Heppner, the lad
ies realizing $6 from that
source. The auction sale which
followed brought an additional
S280, making a total of $.366 to
be tuned over to the improve
ment association.
Top bids of the evening were
S30 for five pounds of sugar and
a like amount paid for a set
of pillow cases and a sheet.
Articles ranging from a horse
collar to subscriptions to the
Gazette Times brought good
prices, the spirit back of the
bidding compelling bidders to
offer good prices in behalf of
the community enterprise at
Kev. Alfred Shirley of Ione
opened the way for the auction
with a talk on the importance
of the recreational center in
Ione. Edmund Bristow, Ione
merchant, was the auctioneer.
one Lodge Passes
50th Anniversary
By Echo Palmateer
Bunchgrnss Rebekah lodge
No. 91 of !o-:e cr'brnted their
o'Jth anniversary Thursday eve
ning at the American Legion
The following program was
given: Invocation, Rev. W. W.
Head of Cathlamet, Wash.; Star
Spangled Banner by audience;
welcome, Mrs. Wallace Matth
ews, noble grand of Bunchgrass
lodge; response, Mrs. John Berg
Strom, noble grand of Sans Sou
ci lodge of Heppner; vocal solo,
'The End of a Perfect Dy,
Patricia Drake; history of lodge,
Mrs. E. R. Lundell; address.
Hon. Bert Johnson; presentation
of 25 year jewels to the follow
ingMrs. E. R. Lundell, Mrs.
Etta Bristow, Mrs. Mary Swan
son. Mrs. Walter Roberts, Mrs.
C. E. Swanson, Mrs. Minnie
Forbes and Mrs. Bernice Black
well; brothers who were mem
bers for 25 years who received
gifts were Ernest Lundell, C. E.
Shaver and Of to Rietmann;
clarinet solo, Louis Carlson; tri
bute by Rev. Head. A candle
lighting ceremony was perform
ed by ten members with read
ing by Mrs. Ernest Heliker fol
lowed by a song by all, "Auld
Lang Syne," led by Mrs. Rob
erts. Ten of the oldest lodge mem
bers each cut a piece of the
large three-tiered golden anni
versary cake which set on a
candle lighted table in front of
the stage. They were Mrs. Lu
visa Louy. honored member, cut
by Mrs. Sam Esteb; Mrs. Clara
Kincaid, Mrs. Lana Padberg.
Mrs. Ella Davidson. Mrs., Echo
Palmateer, Mrs. E. R. Lundell.
E. R. Lundell. Mrs. Etta Bristow,
Mrs. Mary Swanson and Mrs
Walter Roberts - This was fol
lowed by the benediction by
Rev. Head.
Bunchgrass Rebekah lodge
was instituted May 11. 1S97 by
Silvia Shaner of Hardman, now
Mrs. S. P. Devin of Heppner. The
hill was burnjd in January,
1918, and all records were los:
There were 31 charter members.
17 brothers and 14 sisters. Mrs
Luvisn Spcrry Louy of Hermis
ton is the only charter member
living who hns been a continu
ous member for thp 50 vorrs.
Sapphire lodge of Morgan
consolidated with Buncligiasj
last year. The Ione lodge hn:
1 1 10 honor of having one of their
members, Mrs. Gladys Dnko
3 an officer In the Rebekah as
sembly of Oregon as musician.
After the program lunch of
ice cream, -cake, punch and cof
fee was served in the dining
room with Mrs. L. A. McCahe
md Mrs. Francis Ely serving
the cake and Mrs. David Riot
mann and Mrs. Milton Morgan
pouring the coffee and punch
rt a meeting of the non-high
school board Monday at the of-
: ce of Mrs. Lucy Rodgcrs, su
perintendent, it was voted to
raise the transportation pay-
lonts for pupils from one and
one-naif cents -per mile to two
md one-half cents per mile.
Mrs. Helen Green is hero from
. ortland visiting with . her mo
iher, Mrs. Agnes Curran.
Mrs. B. C. Pinckney. Mrs Prod
'.ticas and Mrs. Louis Gilliam
have returned from Portland
where they spent a few days
:he end of the week visiting and
attending to business matters,
Mr. and Mrs. Evvlng Hvnd of
Ukiah were week-end business
visitors in Heppner.
Mrs. Joe Meek is n patient at
St Anthony's hospital In Pendleton,
194? Rodeo Queen
Chosen Wednesday
By Show Directors
Merlyn Kirk Will
Head Royal Court
During Fall Show
At the annual meeting of the
board of directors of the Hepp
ner Rodeo association, held
Wednesday evening at the of
fice of Turner, Van Marter &
Co., Miss Merlyn Kirk, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Merl Kirk
of Heppner was named queen of
the 1947 show. Attendants had
previously been selected by the
four granges of the county and
include Shirley Wilkinson, Lex
ington grange; Frances Hisler,
Lena; Laurel Palmateer, Wil
lows, and Corabelle Nutting,
Khea Creek.
Miss Kirk, a bud of blushing
beauty to quote a line from
Gilbert and Sullivan was born
Sept. 5, 1926. She graduated
from Heppner high school in
1944, being prom queen that
year, attended Oregon State
college one year and is now in
partnership with her father In
raising polled Herefords.
A horsewoman of no mean
ablity, Miss Kirk is a member
of the Wranglers and recently
acquired the Arabian colt Jae-
hal to add to her string of hor
ses. She is a member of a nio-
neer family, and secretary of
Sans Souci Rebekah lodee of
Mrs. Frank Wilkinson and
.Mis. Paul Hisler have been cho
sen as chaperones to the queen
and her attendants.
Harley Tucker will again fur
nish the stock for the Rodeo.
Harold Erwin will do the an
nouncing, and Frank Chitwood
of Amarillo, Tex. has been re
tained to do the bullfighting
and clowning. Efforts are be
ing made to secure Monty Mon
tana and his troupe of trick
riders and ropers.
September 5, 6 and 7 are the
days chosen by the directors for
the 1947 show. The dances.
which will be in charge of the
junior 'chamber of commerce,
will probably start the latter
part of July.
This year's 4-H club show will
be held at the Rodeo grounds.
mere will be exhibits of live
stock and crops, as well as an
open show for' anyone desiring
to make exhibits. Nelson An
derson, county agent, is in
charge of the 4-H affair.
Lee Beckner heads the show
as president; Jim Valentine is
arena director, Cliff Dougherty,
grounds director; Ray Ferguson,
stock director, and Cladue Bu
schke, dance director. Jack
Loyd is secretary; Harlan Mc-
-urdy Sr., parade director, and
Tom Wilson in charge of pro
grams and advertising.
Churches Schedule
Vacation Bible School
The Union Daily Vacation Bi
ble school will begin Monday
morning, May 26, at 9 in the
Jhurch of Christ. This is for
.he' children of all the churches
i those who attend no church
school. The four protestant
:hurches of the community are
jooperating in the school with
loe Jewett as the director and
telpers from all the other chur
:hes. The school is for all chil
dren ages four to 14. It will be
livided into four departments:
-eginners for 4, 5 and 6 year old
Mildren; primary for those who
tvere in the first, second and
bird grades during the school
,-ear; junior for those who were
in the fourth, fifth and sixth
grades in school; intermediate
for those who were in the sev
enth and eighth, grades during
he school year. There is no reg
istration charge. An offering
will be received each day and
will be sent for helping to re
neve sintering in the Eroupean
countries. Sound motion pic
utres will be shown each day
as part of the curriculum. The
day's work will be divided into
times of worship, Bible study
pictures, recreation and hand
work. Many of the faculty have
already been chosen but there
are still some helpers to be se
cured. There will be a program
md demonstration of the work
done in the school on Sunday
evening, June 8.
Small Fire Hits
Former Mill Site
Ranger Glenn Parsons of the
I'SFS reports a small fire at the
former mill site of the Big Four
Lumber company this week.
Originating around the millsite,
the flames moved out Into sla
shings before being put under
Parsons called attention to
the season ruling on permits.
No burning of any nature may
be done within the forest boun
dary without first obtaining a
Mrs. Marcellus Morgan is here
from San Francisco to spend a
month with her sister, Mrs. L.
E. Bisbee.
Can you Imagine a freight
train ISO miles in length?
That would be something like
the distance from Heppner to
the Bonnerille dam. Quite a
string oi cars, indeed I
A little item coming in with
Mrs. Elsa Leathers' Kinzua
news this week could be de
veloped into a long and inter
esting story if there were time
to do so, but briefly, the story
is this:
A check at the office of the
Kinzua Pine Mills Co. reveals
that this concern has shipped
15,836 cars of lumber from
November 1928 to May 10,
1947. These cars went to al
most every state in the Union
and the freight charges am
ounted to nearly seven million
Cemetery Hill Road
Widened, Paved By
Construction Firm
Improvements Also
Made to Streets in
Need of Repairing
Taking advantage of the pre
sence in the county of a tem
porarily idle road construction
crew, the city council employed
the Newport, Kern & Kibbe com
pany to do some road surfacing
and repair work to city streets
the first of the week. Chief im
provement was widening and
surfacing the cemetery hill
road. The road is now 12 feet
wide with an oiled gravel sur
Other new work done by the
crew was the surfacing of one
block taking off of the cemetery
road east and then north to the
intersection between the Phelps
Funeral Home and Mrs. Grace
Nickerson's residence.
Repair work and resurfacing
was done to South Court street
out to the city limits on the
Balm Fork road. This section of
street was broken up and full
of chuckholes but is once more
in good condition.
Residents along G 1 1 m o r e
street are gratefuf to the city
for putting new surface on that
thoroughfare. The work was
carried on from the Devine cor
ner to the rear of the Harry O'
Donnell place.
More work will be done to the
streets during the summer when
another road crew will be in the
vicinity, it was announced.
Funds accruing to the city from
state highway finances are us
ed to repair the streets.
Poppy Sales Set
To Open Saturday
"Honor the w-ar dead and aid
the war's living victims" will be
the theme for the annual obser
vance of Poppy day here Satur
day. Every person in Heppner
and vicinity will be asked to
wear a memorial poppy and to
make a contribution to the wel
fare of disabled veterans, their
families and the families of the
The poppies to be distributed
here have been made by disabl
ed veterans at Portland. Auxil
iary workers will ail be unpaid
volunteers, permitting the full
amount of all contributions to
go into the auxiliary's rehabili
tation and child vveltar? work.
Bailey Family,
Asssmblas For
Reunion in IS
Shades of Teddy Roosevelt! j
flic era of big families is not j
-ntircly gone, at least not en- I
irely, because right here in
Heppner last Sunday gathered
me of the . mothest arrays of
progeny seen in these parts in
many a day when the children
of Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Bailev
issembled under the parental
roof for the first family reunion
n 19 years. The 11 sons and
daughters with their respective
nisbands and wives, and 22
grandchildren, 44 in all and the'
.wo elder Baileys malting 4b,
made up quite a party lor the
ine-day reunion.
In addition to the immediate
ramily, Mr. Bailey's oldest bro
ther, Levi Bailey, and his wife
of Oregon City, Don Twitchell,
a grand-son-in-law of Kelso,
Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. Al Macom-
ber and three children of Spray,
and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Clark
of Centralia, Wash., also were
guests, making a party of 5-1
persons seated at two long ta
bles in the Oddfellows hall
where the reunion dinner was
Mr. and Mrs. Bailey will cel
ebrate their -10th wedding anni
versary on August 7. They were
mamoa in Miverton and can
to Heppner 18 years ago, May
(19, 1929, to be exact. He has
Council Seeking
New Location For
Proposed Reservoir
Site in Monahan
Field Now Under
Confronted with too expensive
construction costs at the site
irst selected in the Barratt pas
ture, the city council is now
considering a location at the
outh part of town on land in
cluded in the Frank Monahan
nch. The new site is about
100 yards above the rock bluff
near the confluence of Balm
'ork and Willow creek, on the
west side of Balm fork. It will
e safely out of the way of the
ileppner flood control dam, If
;nd when that is bulk.
Bids received by the city on
construction of a reservoir on
the Barratt site were far in ex
cess of the engineers estimate.
I'.eason given for the variance
was the excessive amount of
rock to move. After considering
the bids and rejecting them the
council set about to find a more
lavoraDie location irom a con
struction standpoint. The snot
elected in the Monahan field
will represent a difference in
the laying of pipe and in light
er construction. It wiil require
SCO feet less pipe to reach the
new site than the original loca
tion. The council met Wednesday
evening to take up the reservoir
site and will meet again this
evening to give it further study.
Local Jaycees To
Affiliate With State
And National Units
Plans are under way by the
local junior chamber of com
merce to affiliate with both the
Oregon and national units, it
was announced today following
a meeting held Wednesday eve
ning in the basement of the
Methodist church. Here for the
purpose- of lending assistance
and advice in the procedure
were four members of the Wal
la Walla junior chamber of
commerce, Al Bradford, presi
dent; Bill Kelley, past president.
Art Hawman, state director of
the Washington state chamber
of commerce; and Gerwyn Jones,
past state president of the Wa
shington junior chamber of
An indication meeting will be
held in June, date not yet decid
ed, at whieh time the Walla
Wallans and members of the
official board of the Oregon ju
nior chamber of commerce will
be present.
Main item of business trans
acted was acceptance of respon
sibility for the Rodeo dances.
The juniors will be working
with their civic building pro
ject in mind, hoping to make a
few hundred dollars to add to
the building fund.
Permits Necessary
For Burning Rubbish
Fire Chief Blaine E. Isom an
nonced Tuesday that it is now
necessary to obtain per" its for
burning trrsh on ,-pei fires
v i;h:r v
all g'trbr;
end that
!- hauled
se regulations
- v iei.-'-tor to
minted out,
:er rr.it per
! cf men fire.
..f '
-n k f
' t. Z ' '1; fr-i If
r! Ii '.!-.- c ir; entry and
c-ntr."-.''i:t: '-its nv- .'tn-l rvnt
1 .- oivrcv i p a c .hinet shop.
I'even of she ehil iipa attended
t:;e I!pppi:oi- schools. Only one
' reak lias ivcu rred in the f m-..-,
the ip.'lh of a grandchild
a few ye,::s ag.
Member;; of the f.imily. listed
oner, if a;V. and their chil
liren inelt-.le .Vr. and Mr Arlo
P.ailey and children, Noreen,
Glen and W.:n : i. ; tnl Mr -ind
Mrs. Event! Stout and children,
I-i'is. Jiiii'i and Noreen, the lat
ter new Mrs Pn Twitclirll, all
ef Ke'so: Mr. .ml M: H.irold
: iiev end children, Becky and
! II. er Centralia; Mr. and Mrs.
' ei.-"" li i!ey .Ir. and son i;i,h
, r.l. I re;'en City; Mr. and Mrs.
!-"ar!'c-;i Johnson and daughter
r'ranees end Judy, Monument;
Mr. and .Mrs. Don llmvers anil
children, Ralph, Miry and Eve-
Ivn, Si .i nf ii'hl ; Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Parsons and sons Larry
md Kim. Elgin; Mr. and Mrs.
Elwyn Ilucjies and children,
Key. Margaret, Jean and Dunny,
Ileppner; Mr. and Mrs. Francis
Bailey and son David, Central
la; Mr. and Mrs. Earl lialley
and son Kenneth, Ileppner, mid
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Halley and
daughter Car In lle.in, Kelso.
(A picture of the group will
tie seen in next week's Gazette