6-Heppncr Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, May 15. 1947 BOARDMAN . . . Mm Enr! nrirgs was taken to th Walla Walla hospital last uwk In a very serious condi tion. At the last reports she is Mill very low and Is kept In an oxygen tent. Guests at the R. A. Fortner home last week were their son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Davis and daugh ters Louise and Ellen of Condon. The 'wo families were dinner puests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nickerson Thursday. Robert Hardwood, Ronald Black, R. B. Randa and Nate Macomhor went fishing at Cul- 1? r over the wivk end, and brot home the fish. Mother's day program was presented at the Community church Sunday morning, follow ed by preaching service. At the congregational meeting later Kev. Eble was voted in unani mously to fill this field. Rev. Feterson will be a full time minister at Stanficld. Mrs. C. Wordcn had her daughter. Judy Dickenson, of Portland with Iter over Mother's day. i Mr. and Mrs. Allen Billings and family moved here from i Kinzua Snuday, and are occu pying the teacherage for the summer. Mr. Billings 's em- . " ploved in I'm.itilla and Mrs. P. n ft I fry gnn BT f Billings will teach in the Board- ft. . 3 tJ E i l"3 man semxu tins uui. Home from O.S.C. to spend Mother's day with their mothers were Vernon Russell and Jiick Taylor. They returned to school Sunday evening . Clarence and Farrell Fo'-rr of Hood River were visiting friends 'on the project tins week end. , The Eckers were former resi i dents of Boardman. Lyle Tannehill of Eugene : spent the week end at the hr.-ne of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. I Clyde Tannehill. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Fortner To Our Many Friends We are again in business and invite you to come in and see us. We assure you our meals are up to our usual standard our eqiupment is new and we offer you the same type of friendly service to which you were accustomed at our former location. O'DonnelPs Cafe FLOWERS. ..FOR ON E OF LIFE'S GREAT MOMENTS She's your own favorite candidate for "girl of the year" and this is her big day. Show he how proud you are make her feel like a queen with lots of lovely flowers, the crowning touch to a perfect moment. CONGRATULATIONS GRADUATES OF '47 The Flower Shop r . . KinZUa NeWS Of Week'MuriU' lMk E- Woo,!,,:,!1 along, AN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT prossitms. we extend our heart- won .Mt: m.utliei liliu:, uu- IU liur IIUUIJ lunula wn Harry, i laire and nusseu O'Donnell. peg? mm. mm Offl i M v t J Presents Cur UrjeArray of rf?JMS vvBvK4 -i L y to ftoe rayon de-' :rs, crepes, sheers, jseys . l l? Vt Pcnnev's has summer's hi''he-t ft. fashions -n vou need them ... at A T i low. low nriccs! y " r--' - i- "A L A Vi mi 7 4 Ji.r- aiCKCH OF CHRIST Bible school, 9:43 a.m., C. V. Barlow, superintendent; Mrs. Everett Smith, junior superinten dent; Mrs. Joe Jewett, primary superintendent. Morning worship, 11; com j munion and preaching; sermon i topic, "Stewardship in the Bi ble." i Christian Endeavor meetings, 7. Junior - intermediate, Mrs. ! Jewett, advisor; adult, continu j ing study of "New Testament Church." I Evening evangelistic service. S. Song service led by Mrs. Wil lard Warren; communion ser vice; evening message, "Befote ; and After Conversion." Choir practice Thursday eve ning at 7. Everett Smith, direc tor. Bible Study at S. METHODIST CHURCH J. Palmer Sorlein, Pastor Morning worship service at the regular hour, 11 a.m. Our male quartet will sing at this service. Sunday church school at 9:45 a.m. with classes for all ages. Thursday choir practice at 7:30 p.m. Womens Society of Christian Service meets the first Wednes day of each month. ALL SAINTS CHURCH Holy communion, S a.m. Church school, 9:45 a.m. Holy communion, 11 a.m. Wednesdays, holy commun ion, 10 a.m. ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH Holy Name Rally. Sunday next a Holy Name rally will be held in St. Patrick's church with ; the H.N. men of the parish par ucipating. They will attend mass at 9 a.m., receive holy communion in a body. Break fast will be served after mass in St. Patrick's hall to Holy N'amers by the ladies of the Al tar Society. had for dinner guests Sunday Mrs. Former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lucas and Mrs. Sara McNamer of Heppner. Mrs. Lu cas remained over and is going on to Portland Monday to con ill It a physician. ' William Lilly and sons Bobby and F.ichard of Barhart were at the home of Mr. and Mrs. El uon Shannon Sunday. Mrs. Lil ly spent the week end in Corval lis as a guest of her son Eldon on Mother's day. ' Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Merker of Portland called at the-John Von ger home Friday. Mrs. Crystal Barlow received the anouncement of a baby girl : at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ! Edwin nglcs. This is the first child in the home, and her name : is Nancy Carol. Mr. Ingles was school superintendent here for ! several years. She also receiv ed announcement of a baby son ! at the home of Mr. and Mrs. i Harold Williams, Gary Harold. ' The Williams are former Board- ' man residents and are now at Mt. Etna, Iowa. j Mrs. Iiay Brown celebrated her : birthday with several friends coming in and bringing a pot luck dinner. Those rpesent were Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Ely and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. I. Skoubo, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Andcregg and daugh ter, and the Jack Mulligan fam ily. Over Mother's day guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Andcregg were Mrs. Anderegg's sons Bill and James and their families of Portland. Bill's young son Johnny remained with his grandmother for an in definite stay. The Seventh Day Adventists celebrated Mother's day with a program at the church Friday evening. o ESTRAYED from my ranch irf Dry Fork some time in April, 3 cows and one calf, Hereford stock, branded CA on right shoulder. Estrayed last fall, 12 head Hereford cattle brand ed CA on right shoulder. C. A. Warren, lone, Ore. 810c By Elsa M. Leathers Graduation exercises were held for the eighth grade class Thursday evening with 15 grad uates, ij irom Kinzua and two Mrs. Lucy Rodgers, Mrs. Pat i.om v.mip j. jne nan as ; Mollahan, Mrs. W. P. Browne, beautifully decorated with both i Mrs. Charles Hodge Jr., Mrs. lame and wild flowers. Mrs. sieve Thompson. Mrs. Harold Laura A. Stanford presented Socket , Mrs. Claude Graham, the diplomas. i Mrs. Cornett Green. Mis. Tress Fossil high school won their McClintock, Mrs. Norman Nel- game at Heppner Friday p. m., son of Lexington, and Mrs. .he final score being 13 to 8. I Frank M. Monahan of Condon. Kinzua baseball team went Tne winners of the contest lone Sunday and . plaved. i e announced at a later lone took the game 6 to 2. Al0110- large crowd of Kinzua people went over. Some of Morrow county's 4-H Mr. and Mrs. Owen Leathers j noof club members are now pent two days at Heppner vis- ' making plans and preparations row county health nurse, were, corned us back into business i the examiners. Those who as-I with such beautiflu floral ex-, I sisted were the county agent and home det mstration agent,! iting during the week's shutdown. Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Edwards tnd son made a business trip o The Dalles Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Rood spent the week end in Heppner. Mrs. John Kopta of Milton Freewater is visiting at the Hugh Samples a few days. She will also visit at Camp 5 with both the Mark and Forest Samples. Mrs. Lulu Searcy, principal of to take their fat steers to the Eastern Oregon Wheat league show and sale at The Dalles on May 27 - 28. Demonstration teams are working on their !e- j monstrations. This show, to be i held at The Dalles the first time j this year, will be the scene of fat steers, hogs and lambs fat- ! tened on a ration consisting of at least 40 per cent wheat. Fat livestock from all the Colum bia Basin counties will be exhi- , bited and judged on Mav 27 with the fat stock sale on May So Chic ... So Charming IT U - V Make your ap 0! pointment now for the loveliest and latest in '. perm prettiness. Let us style your hair for summer happiness Edith - Alice - Ethel the grade school here, moved 2S when all animals will be sold o her home in Condon for the iitmmer. The Camp Fire Girls had a picnic on Lonerock creek near Cones mill last Sunday! Mrs. Harlan Adams and Mrs. F. A. Rogers were chaperones. LaVelle Moore went to Lone rock Sunday to stay part of the vacation with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Rogers. Francis Woods was painfully injured when a chisel slipped tnd cut his upper lip. He was aken to the doctor and had two nitches to close the wound. to the highest bidder. During the show all club exhibitors will have the opportunity to compete in the fat stock judging, show manship and county herdsman manship contests. GENERAL ROOFING Colors to suit your home .'. . Gilsonite your old roofs. Free Estimates Call 1282 70R SALE Bird cage and stand. ' Blanch Brown, Heppner. 8p 4-H CLUB NEWS STAR REPORTER Sunday Matinee starts at 1 p.m.. Boxoffice open until 3:30. Evening shows, except Saturday, start at 7:30. Saturday show starts at 7:00. Boxof fice open evenings until 9 o'clock. Admission Pices both Matinee and Evening: Adults 50c, Garde and High School Students 12 and over 40c, Children 20c, all taxes in cluded. Every child occupying a seat must have a ticket. The Heppner gymnasium was .he scene of the 4-H Health day jn Tuesday, May 13, when the 1-H members of the Hardman, Lexington, lone and Boardman ;-H health clubs assembled to lave their scorinu for Mm ,'rowth and health project. An 1:1 jven one hundred boys and iris were enrolled in Morrow .-ounty's 4-H health clubs this .ear. The clubs were organized .n grades 5-8 inclusive. This club project is carried out in the schools with the teacher as the leader. The Heppner school served lunch to all the Boardman ?roup, examiners and volunteer helpers. Drs. W. P. Brown, A. D. Mc- TB-DAY-EATCEDAY, MAY 16-17! . DEATH VALLEY Bobctt Lowery. Helen Gilbert, Nat Pendleton, t?rl.ng noli o way, Russell S mpsoif, Barbara Reed A rip'roa i ig Cineculnr tale for the action west cm fans. PI-US THE FRENCH KEY Albo.t Dcltkor, Evolyn Ankers, John Eldrldffe, Mike MazarU An ent.Ttuininf; roinetty-mys-tory ptory. Popeye & Technicolor LUHDAY-MOIJDAY, MAY 18-19: Th ree Little Girls In Blue June Haver, George Montgomery, Vivian Bla na, Celeste Holm, Vera-Ellen Gay Techiiieulur musicil studded with catchy tunes and fparklinj? with lush m'ttinpf and bpaiitiul costumes. Celeste Holm, star of liroudwuy mus icals "Oklahoma'1 and "Bloomer Girl," makes an uu.-pK'ious film debut here. TUESDAY, MAY 20: SUSIE STEPS OUT ' Cleatus Caldwell, Dav d Bruce, Ann Hunter, Howard Freeman A lifeht and pi.trrtuinliiK Mory with a wealth of oi.u:i and tmi.1 ic. and the phntnKenic bmuty of Cleataa Caldwell ami Ann Hunter. Wd.;esday-thursdayh may ai-aa: APACHE ROSE Roy Rogers, Dale Evans, Olin Howlin. Bob No lan and tne Songs of the Pioneer, Tripper Wewt ern photographed in colur with music and action ;n the best we-tern tradition. n.rs LATEST inSUE OF THE MARCH OP TIME GAS & AIR . . . P.v the Kditor FIDELIS UNREIN Howdy Foll:s: We are hack again. .The telephone is one of the world's greatest inventions. It connects you with so many strangers. ! A man should be very care I hi! about marrying a tele I phone operator, though. She seldom rings true. . Her joh Is neither a trade or a profession. It's a calling. She comes close to being a saint. There's a continual hello around her head. Of course a party line keeps the neighbors well informed. The telephone has marlp a sucker out.of a nickel. It causes the poor old jitney to Ret so many wrong numbers. Jitneys saved become dol lars, you know. That's why It's good busjness to buy our body, fender, and luxurious painting service. We'd like to tell you more about this. Unrein Motor Service .IV .way A Completely New MARKET & GROCERY embracing the latest features in SANITARY FOOD HANDLING We arc proud of our plant and cordially invite the public to come in and inspect the build ing and stock. We have incorporated ideas obtained through years of experience in handling foods into making the market con venient for shopping and to give our custom ers assurance of the best food products at all times. Ample Parking Space Available (&msi Street Mai ke L. R. SCHWARZ CTS3rrTiOi7.;?r.s.:j ""' ? ."fe,"r)-i . 1