11 r Want Ads CALL FOR BIOS Sealed bids will be received until the hour ol 8 o'clock p.m.. June ,a l!H7, for one second hand electric stove. Bids to be submit ted to clerk of Sch No. 1 at Ileppner, Oregon. The ooara reserves tne riht to re ject any or all bids. Mrs. Tress McClintock, 81 Clerk. New 600 x 16 take-off tires $15.- jo. Kosewall Motor Company. Ileppner Appliance Co. located In Hodge Chevrolet Co. bulld- Ing. Phone 403. 4tf FOR SALE Dry board pml $2.50 a Dick -U I) load Mri mer Tucker, phone M82 or 8-Dp FOR SALE 3-inch galvanized pipe 140 feet, used well pipe, good for hitches, etc. Sam McMillan, Lexington, Oregon. . 8-llp FOR SALfc Lots on Gale street. Write Everett Crump, Lexing ton, Oregon. 8-10p Don't send OUt Of town fnr anv thing automotive until you nrst try Kosewall Motor Co. OK SALK 20-ft. John Deere combine. Rubber-tires, bulker, good mechanical condition. $.1500. John Proudfoot, lone, Ore., phone 32F21. 8-10c FOR SALE One Westinghouse electric motor, 34 h.p., 1750 RPM, single phase, 110 or 220 v. Perfect condition, like new. Unrein Motor Service. 8n rOR SALE Combine, 3 year old Harris, 20-ft. cut, rubber tires, straw spreader, V-bells, bulker, sackcr. Guaranteed good condition. Reasonable price. Ernest Woods, Moro, Oregon, Phone 671. . 8c Ileppner Appliance Co. located In Hodge Chevrolet Co. build ing. Phone 403. 4if Transferring Cr . Heavy Hauling Padded Moving Vans Storage Warehouse U. P. and N. P. Penland Bros. Transfer Co. 3 SW Darion Avenue Phona 338 Pendleton, Ore. SEE US BEFORE HAULING YOUR Have two dump trucks on the job at all times ready to give ycu satisfactory ser vice. Eliminate hand shoveling. Will deliver where you want it. Rates are very reasonable Vernon Christopherson LEXINGTON Avoid Annoyance And Discomfort due to a clogged septic tank or cesspool. I have purchased a tank pump and am in position to give prompt, efficient service. Phone 702 HOWARD KEITHLEY A h j I if X ' ' 1 FOR A FAVORITE GRADUATE You'll find a dream gift in our selection. Beautiful Lingerie. . .Pretty Costume Jewelry . . . Gay Scarf or Chiffon Handkie . . . Gloves . . . Kerchiefs Hose . . . Purses . . . Blouses . . . Sweaters FOR SALE Bedroom suite; practically new range; break fast table and chairs; oil heat er; radio and washing mach ine. Tommy Schoolcraft. Call t Lillian Clogston place. 8p FOR SALE Davenport and chair. Albert Freauff, Hepp- 8p WANTED: Man for Hawleigh ousiness in Northeast Morrow and west Umatilla counties. Permanent if you are a hus tler. For particulars write Rawleigh's, Dept. ORE 101 103, Oakland, Calif. 8p UTAH WOOLEN MILLS -"Jack frost salesman. Ernest Ghor mley, salesman, 516 Main St., Hermiston, Ore., will call soon. 7-10p FOR SALE-New power take-off ior jj-4 Caterpillar and 8-ft John Deere power binder. Mel- vin Moyer, Phone 2F12. 6tfc Brand new Jaeger concrete mix er and rubber tired wheel barrows for rent. O. M. Yeager, Phone 1483. Hydraulic jacks $7.95. Rosewall Motor company. FOR SAI.K OUTSTANDING WHEAT RANCH IN MORROW COUNTY IONE DISTRICT Total 2000 acres, 600 acres ex cellent fall wheat. 1100 acres summer fallow, balance pasture. Modern 7 room residence, mod- ern machine shed, good well wa ter, windmill and reservoir. Price, $110,000.00 cash, price in cludes wheat crop representing approximately $35,000.00.' Not for lease or trade. Call or write Gro ver Pound, G. F. HODGES AG ENCY, Box 612, Pendleton, Ore gon, Phone 477 or 960 evenings. Let our paint department re store that show room com plexion to your car with a new paint Job. Estimates free. Rosewall Motor Company. FOOALE1938 TT2 ton Chev truck, reconditioned motor, good tires. See James J. Far Icy; 4tfc FOR SALE Small house, 3 rooms and large sleeping porch. Full length basement. Good garden, fruit trees. Good location. Cor ner N. Main and K. $3500. Some terms. See Cloy W. Dykstra. 7-9 Heppner Appliance Co. located in Hodge Chevrolet Co. build ing. Phone 403. 4tf Supreme quality white house paint $26.75 for 5 gallons. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE-1931 Model A, 5 tires, no bre'aks and good head; doesn't use oil; good gas mile age; good all around purpose car. See Dave Eberhardt at CCC camp or Phone 1212. 7-8 FOR SALE 200 pounds Grim alfalfa seed. High germination test. Bill Barutt, phone 16F2. Phone 3311 Heppner Appliance Co. located in Hodge Chevrolet Co. build ing. Phone 403. 4lf THE GIBSON" TRACTOR Master of 1000 Jobs Will plow 5 acres daily 2 12 gal. gas for 8 hrs. use A child can handle and operate rower take off for mowing or wood sawing Ideal for 2 to 40 acres No clutch to burn out Complete control with steering lever " Price $646 delivered Pendleton Mowers Rakes Plows Dozer Blades Discs Rotary Scrapers Springtooth Harrows Furrow openers Immediate Delivery SIMMONS-TONER CO. Phone 2185 or 842 2218 S. E. Court Next to the Barrell 5-8c CUSTOM SPRAYING done-Tree spraying, weed spraying and lawn spraying. Grady's Green house. Phone 2193. 5tf Does your car shimmy? Free safety test at Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE New Singer electric portable sewing machine. Has buttonhole attachment. Call 2604 interested. $125 for ma chine and $9.95 for attachment. 5tfc Heppner Appliance Co. located in Hodge Clfevrolet Co. build Jrig.Phone 403. 4tf Legal Advertising NOTICE OP FINAL ACCOUNT iNutiCe IS hereby uivrn Lum tun nn- dersjned, administratrix of the estate of ilmer Uiiftun, deceased, has filed with tne County Court ut the Mate of Oregon for Morrow Uountv. hr finni Accuunt of Jier administration of tne estate of said deceased and said court naa f.xed Mouday'the ytli day uf June, ioi ai me nour 01 ig u clock in the lorenoon of aaid dav at the court noue at Heppner, Oregon as the time diid place tor hearing objections to said final account and the settlement of said estate and ail persons having objections thereto are hereby required lo tile tne same with said court on or oefure the t.me fixed for said healing. iuted and first published this Bin day of May. 1047. FANNIE G. GRIFFITH, 7-11 Administratrix. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS WATER WORKS LU VEIAii'igENT rieppner, uieguu. May bin, y-i7. Sealed biua will be received at the oflice of the City Recorder of the City oi Heppner, Oregon, until 7:30 o'clock f. M., June 2lia. 1947 for urni.xi.ni:: 1.3O0 linear leet of 12 inch. Clans Iiju. Traiiflite water works pipe, f.o.b. cars at Heppner, Oregon. lth each joint ui nine tner shut? be included one Transit e coupling rnanutactured of the same material as is used in tne manufacture of the p pe and two rubber gaskets all adapted to properly withstand the same operating pressure as the Class luu pipe. Ali pipe, pipe couplings and gaskets shall ne delivered ut Heppner, Oregon on or before July 15, lb47. J he right Is reserved to reiect anv and-or all bids or to accept such bid aa is drtcrnnned to be to the best in terest or the city. By order of tne City Council. 7-9 K. RHJJriTON. City Recorder. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice ia hereby given that the un dersigned, as Adni.nistmlnr of th Estate of Ferdinand Le Sot a Kmberger. deceased, has filed his Final Account and report m the said estate with the c lerK oi this Court and that the Judge thereof has fixed Monday. June inh, at the hour of 0:uu o'clock A.M. as the time in the County Courtroom in Heppner. Morrow County. Oregon, as the place for hearing object :ona to the aaid Final Account and the set tlement uiereoi. C. J. D. BAUMAN. Administrator of the Estate of Ferdinand DeSota Eniber ger, deceased, P. W. Mahoney, Attorney for the Administrator,- Heppner Oregon. 7-11 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been duly aimoinled ad ministrator of the estate of James O. I Archer, deceased, by the County Court i of Morrow County. Oregon. All per- i UNREIN MOTOR SERVICE Announcing Our NEW Body and Fender Car Painting Service , We have Mr. Jim Ruttage of St. Louis, Mo., in charge of this de partment. Mr. Ruttage has over 18 years experience in Body, . Fender and Paint work. Come in and meet Jim for a free estimate. No job too large or too small For a more luxurious paint job, see us first. ALL WORK GUARANTEED Band Sat., May 17 Heppner Fair Pavilion LUNCH SERVED GOOD MUSIC son having claims aKalnut the aaid es tate aie hereby ruired to file ttte .-mie Hith the ailmiiu.-ftrator at Uie ol lH.e of J. O. Turner in lii-ppner, Ore K'n. on or before m.x moiitlia from me d:.te of the firal pubhcaUon of Una notice. Dated and firt published the l.tt 'lay ol May. 1!)47. I'UAKl.k.S R. M.ALISTER 6 -!'t Adiiamalralor. NOTICE TO CREDITOR Notice iti hereby given that the un dersigned was duly appointed by the County Court of ttte ftlate of Oregon for Morrow County, administrator of the estate of Charles Knighlen, de ceased, and all persons having claim against the estate of said deceased are hereby required to present the same w,th proper vouchers, to said admin istrator at the law office of J' J Ny, at Heppner, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Lfeted and first published this 17th day ol April. ELMER KNIGHTEN, 1-8 Administrator. SUMMONS Laatv No. 3688 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE KTA'IE OF OREGON For the Coun ty of. Morrow. HARRY L. DL'VALL, and AMANDA 6. HUVALL, his wife, GERTRUHE i. H IK VERS, GRACE K. ELLIB WOKTH. LILLIAN K. COLLINS and LAURENCE KIN OA ID, Plaintiffs, vs. MINNIB BURN AM. and JOHN DOE liU K.N AM, her husband, whose true name is unknown to plaintiffs, J. J. STALE V and JANE DOE STALE V, his wife, wnose true name is un known to plaintiffs, the unknown heirs of Oren Burnam, deceased, the unknown heirs of sa;d J. J. Staley. if deceased. Also ail other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate described in the com plaint herein, Defendants. To the above named defendants and each and ail of you: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer plaintiffs complaint filed against you the above entitled court and cause within lour weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons upon you and if you tail to so appear or answer for want thereof plaintiffs will apply to the above entitled court for the relief prayed for in their com plaint to-wit: fur a decree quieting title to the f lowing descri bed real property sit uate in Morrow county, Oregon, to- wit : The Southwest Quarter of Section j twenty-six; tiie North half of the northeast quarter and tne north west quarter of Section thirty-five; and the north half of Section thirty-six in Township one South, 1 Range Twenty-six East of the Wil lamette Meridian, Morrow County, Oreeon. and tnat plaintiffs be adjudged the , wners in Ice simple of said real prop rty and tlmt you and" each of you and all persons claiming by or under you be forever barred of and from all right title, estate, lien or interest in mi u real properly and every Dart thereof and whatever right or interest you may, claim therein be null and void and for such otner and further elief as may be just and equitable. This summons is served upon you y publication thereof In the HeDDner Gazette Tunes, a newspaper of general circulation once a week for tour suc esKive weeks Dursuant to an order of tiie Hon. Bert Johnson, Judge of the bounty Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, which order is dated April 17. 1947. and the date of the first publication of this summons is April i, 1947. JOS. J. NTS. Attorney for Plaintiffs, Residence and Post Office Addrss. 4-8 Heppner, Oregon. SUMMONS, Equity No. 3690 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON For the Coun ty of Morrow. James B. Nelson, Plaintiff, vs. S. V. Hardin and Jane Doe Hardin, his wife, whose true name is un known to plaintiff, ail the unknown heirs of S, V. Hardin, if deceased. Also all other persons or parties un known claiming any right, title, es tate, lien or interest in the real es tate described in the complamt here in. Defendants. To; S. V. Hardin, and Jane Doe Har din, his wife, whose true name is unknown to plaintiff, all the un known heirs of Henry Krause, de ceased, and all the unknown heirs of S. V. Hardin, if deceased. Also all other persons or part.es unknown claiming any right title, estate, lien or interest in the re-al estate describ ed in tiie complaint herein, Defend ants, IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer plaintifs complaint filed against you in the above entitled court and cause within four weeks from the date of the Benefit first publication of this summons upon u and if you fail to so appear or aitswer, for want thereof plaintiff w.ii apply to the above entitled court lor u.k relief prayed for lit bis complmt "ii file herein, to-wit: For a decree quieting title to tiie fallowing described real nrooerty in Morrow County. Oregon, to- it: '1 ne southeast quarter of Section thirty-one t31 In Township one (1 Nortn. iWnge twenty-lour i'Mi East of lite Willamette Meridian. and that plaintifis be adjudged the owners in ie simple ol said real prop el ly and that you and each of you and ail persons claiming by or under you oe lorever narrea ol and from all right, title, estate, lien or interest in said real property or any part thereof and whatever right or interest you may claim therein be null arid void and for such other and further relief as may be just and equitable. This summons is served upon you by publication thereof in the Heppner Ga- i irnes. a newspaper of general circulation once a week for four suc cessive weeks pursuant to an order of the Hon. Rert Johnson, judge of the County Court of tiie State of Org:,n for Morrow County, which order is dated April 23rd, 1547, and the date of the first publication of this summons is April 24th, 1147. JOS. J. NYS. Attorney for Plaintiff, Residence and Postoffice Address, Heppner, Oregon 5-9 NOTICE OP FINAL ACCOUNT "" Notice la hereby given that the un der; gned, administrator of the estate of Frank Sahng, deceased, has filed his final account of his administration of said estate with tiie Countv tv.urt ui morrow county, Oregon, and said Court has set Monday, tiie 26th day of May, at the hour of 11:00 o'clock A. M. in the Countv Court Room t.f the Morrow County Court House in Heppner, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing on and final settle ment of said final account Anv ob jections to said final account are here- oy required to be filed with said Court on or before the dat st ft.r said hearing. f. OLNJSy SALING. Administrator of the estate of Frank Saline. TpcrakpH J. O. TURNER, Attorney to Administrator, Address: Heppner, Oregon. 5-9 NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby mven that the un dersigned executrix of the estate of Stena Schleevoieht deceased, has fif ed with the County Court of the State oi uregon for Morrow County, her Final Acount of her administration of the estate of said deceased and sa.d court fixed Monday the 26th day of May, 1947, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day at the Coutt House at Heppner. Oregon as the time and place for hearing objections to said final account and the settlement of said estate and all persons having objections thereto are hereby required to file the same w th said court on or before the time fixed for said hearing. Dated and first published this 24th day of April. 1947. 5-9 IDA COLEMAN, Executrix. ft'in"!"!'" E MjjiijJ..' For the Graduates -GIFTS that take 1 1 r Congratulations CLASS OF 1947 Come In and See Us For Those GRADUATION GIFTS SAMS0N1TE LUGGAGE-America's Most Popular Luggage-Overnight Bags $13.50 - Two-Suiters $20.00 - Pullmans $24.00 HICKOK WALLETS -$5.00 to $10.00; Key Cases $2.00 to $3.00 HICKOK BELTS - $1.50 to $5.00 YOUNG MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS IN FOPULAR COLORS-$5.50 to $7.50 COLUMBIAKNIT SWEATERS-$5.95 to $6.95 JANTZEN SWIM TRUNKS-$2.95 to $4.50 ARROW TIES - $1.00 and $1.50 WILSON'S MEN'S WEAR The Store of Personal Service Heppner Gazette MATOB'8 PROCLAMATION I I, tite undeM-gned. Mayor of the j City of Heppner. OfeKuii Uo hereoy j proclaim lha-l at the p ial city eiec lion duly called and held in said city 1 oi the Mh uay of May. 1147. at whi.n tnere wa submitted to tne legal vot ers of the City f-r adoption or rejec tion a certain charter amendment the title of which Wad as loiloWn; CHARTER AMENDMENT: SULMI'I'IEU TO THE VOTERS IS THE COUNCIL Shall the Charter of the City of Heppner, Oiegon, be amended by ad d t hg theret o Article , pro vide for the issuance and sale of water bonus m tne sum of Seventy-five Thousand Dollars (75, OOO.uO) to provide funds with which to build a reservoir, and repair, extend, and improve the water system of tne City, and pro viding a special tax levy to pay tiie pi lncipal of and interest on said bonds? loo ies lul No. There were cast 128 votes as follows: In favor of said proposed Charter Amendment 118 votes; Against said proposed Charter Am endment 10 votes; Majority in favor of said proposed charter amendment 108 votes. AND I DO HEREBV FURTHER PROCLAIM that said Charter Am endment was duly adopted by the legal voters of said city and is in full pllilllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllH . SEE THE NEW I AIRWAY SANITIZOR 1 Of! DISPLAY AT j Henderson's Garage ( FOR FREE DEMONSTRATION I WITHOUT OBLIGATION 1 Make your selections today - A Fountain Pen and Pencil Ser- Sheaffer, Parker '51' or Eversharp A Camera Argus or Ansco with a beautiful Photograph Album for those trea sured pictures. A Billfold of Natural or Brown Saddle Leath er, English Morocco or Hand-tooled Steerhide They will be delighted with a box of Personalized Stationery or Book Plates from our . Large Assortment HUMPHREYS DRUG CO. Times, Heppner, Oregon, May 15, 1947-5 i Dorothy Worden, daughter of ;ir. ana Mrs. rioya woraen 01 Light Mile, has been invited to join Sigma AJpha Chi, honorary ! sorority at Eastern Oregon col f lege. Doris Worden, sister of Dorothy, was previously a mem ber of the sorority. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Anderson drove to Portland Tuesday to spend a few days on business. force and effect u a part of the Charter. CONLEY LAX HAM. Mayor. Attest; E. R. HUSTON. Recorder. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that tha un dersigned, as Administratrix of the Ebtate of ALBERT H. REA. deceased, lias tiled her Final Account and re port in the said estate with the Clerk of this Court and that the Judge thereof has fixed Monday, June ifih, at the hour of 10:00 o clock A.M., as the time in the County courtroom in Heppner, Morrow County. Oregon, as the place for hearing objections to the said Final Account and tha settlement thereof. MARY M. WOOD, Administratrix of the Estate 6-12 of Albert H. Rea, deceased. Phone 3211, Lexington Crown the glory of their day with handsome, long - lasting gifts from HUMPHREYS UCENSE EXAMINER CONING A drivers license examiner U scheduled to be on duty In Heppner, Tuesday. May '20, at the courthouse between the hours of lua.m. and 4 p.m., Ac cording to an announcement received from the secretary of state's office. Persons wishing licesnes or permits to drive are asked to get in touch with the examiner well ahead of the scheduled closing hour in order to assure completion of their applications with a minimum of delay. Mrs. L. D. Neiil is again ahle to be about after a two months illness which kept her confined to her bed a great deal of the time. She is grateful to her many friends for their calls, flowers, cardg and other mani festations of their interest in her welfare. She was up town Saturday. NORAH'S SHOP