Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, May 15, 1947, Page 4, Image 4

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    4-H?ppner Corrette Times, Heppner, Oregon, May 15, 1947
fj - ' From where I sit... Joe Marsh
Industry Looks at
Our Town
Muto jroo read how t (rroup of
InduRtrUl experts hive decided that
the small town Is the place for in
dnntry not bi cities. Ucasons they
fire arc better hmiMns, pleasant er
Urine, and mote opportunity for
wholesome recreation.
Well, looking around our town
I'd aay that was about right. Most
of ni own our homes, and keep them
looking nice; we enjoy each other's
eompany: and our recreations are
mostly simple outdoor sports, and
in the evening a mellow glass of
beer with pleasant company.
As Doc Walters says, that sort of
life just naturally sets you up for
work the next day . . . whether it's
in office, mill, or field. And Doc
should know. He works fourteea
hours, but never misses his morn
ing "constitutional or his evening
glass of beer with friends.
From where I sit, any industry
could profit from being in a town
where wholesome living, temper
ance, and friendship are the rule.
lone Hews Items of the Week
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Evcrson, !
Clarence Linn and Earl Tad-1
berg of La Grande and Lowell i
Clark of Ordnance were lone
visiters over the week end.
Mrs. Cecil Thome of Morgan
received word of the birth of
a grandson. John Charles to Mr.
and Mrs. Bill Eagle. May 11. at
Spokane. Mr. Eagle is a son
of Mrs. Thorne.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Buschke
of Los Angeles spent last week
with Mr. Buschke's parents. Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Buschke at Mor
gan. The Buschkes were recent
ly married in Los Angeles and
were given a reception at the
Ed Buschke home Tuesday,
May 6. About thirty guests
were present. A wedding cake
and ice cream were served. Mr.
Buschke is on the police force
in Los Angeles.
...T6e Famous JOHN DEERE No. 5 Tractor Mower
New mower performance with
mighty low upkeep costs even after
cutting several thousand acres of hay
that's the performance the John
Deere No. 5 Mower is giving
farmers everywhere. No wonder
more farmers prefer the No. 5 over
any other mower.
Working with any make of trac
tor, the No. 5 mows from 25 to 35
acres per day ... is simple, durable,
easy to attach and detach. Strong,
well-braced frame; enclosed drive
running in oil; safety spring release
and slip clutch on the power shaft to
protect the mower against breakage
these are a few of the many im
portant features the No. 5 gives you.
Built with 4-12-, 5-, 6-, and 7-foot
cutter bars. See us for complete information.
What Makes
Telephone Jobs Good Jobs?
We believe telephone jobs are good jobs. But we'd like to tell
you something about working conditions in the telephone com
pany so you may decide fcr yourself. Good jobs are made up of
a number of things ... for example . . .
Is the work steady?
Telephone pay checks come regularly month in and month out. That's mighty im
portant to wage earners who can plan ahead and have reasonable assurance of steady
telephone work all through the year.
Are extra payments made for Sundays worked?
Yes. Double time is paid for specified holidays worked. Full pay, with a few excep
tions, is received by those who do not work these holidays. The holidays are New
Years Day, Washington's Birthday, Alemorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day,
Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Are there paid vacations?
Certainly. After a year's service, employees get one week with pay .
two years on the job . . . three weeks after fifteen years.'
, two weeks after
Are there sickness benefits, death benefits and pensions?
ts, s.nce lit 13 and provided at no cost to the employee.
S.ckmss bencf.ts range from four weeks at full pay plus nine weeks at half pay for
an employee with two years' service on up to a year at full pay for those with 25 years'
service. The spectre of illness doesn't w orry the telephone family quite as much as it
would without this plan.
DeAh bcncjtts to dependents range from four months' pay for an employee with two
years' service on up to a full years' pay for an employee of ten years or more.
Pensions A fund plan paid for wholly by the company. Money accumulated over the
past twenty years is held by the Bankers Trust Company as trustee. This money can be
used for employees' pensions only. Each employee's pension is based on his rate of
pay and length of service.
Are cafeterics provided?
Employee cafeterias, in larger offices, serving quality food at low prices ... attractive
lounge rooms . . . goqd surroundings ... are just a few of the things that make tele
phone work pleasant.
More than 16,000 people here on the coast have liked their telephone jobs
well enough to spend more than 15 years with the company.
These tilings coupled with a policy of paying wages that compare with those paid for jobs
requiring similar skill and training in this territory have made it possible to attract good
people to these jobs.
The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co.
Mrs. Clara Kincaid is in The
Dalles with her brother, Jesse
Mason, who is ill.
Mrs. Cecil Thome states that
! lie cterar.s poppies have ar
rived and will he on sale May
-1. and it is hoped everyone
will cooperate to make the sale
a success,
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ekstrom
and family are in Portland for
a week.
The De Molays held a bene
fit card ' party at the grange
hall Friday evening of last
week. !
Floyd Wiles was host to a
party at the American Legion
hall Friday night, May 9. The
evening was spent in playing
cards and dancing. Doughnuts
and pop were served by the
host. Charles Hodge of Hopp
ner presented the Legion with ;
a P. A. system.
lone high school won a base
ball game at Condan Friday.
Mrs. Ray Barnett returned
from Seattle Sunday. Her son
Jimmy met her in Portland.
Mrs. Barnett reports that her ;
daughter Mary, who recently !
underwent an appendectomy op
eration, has recovered and will
resume her studies at a bible
institute that she attends in Sc- '
attic. While there Mrs. Barnett
saw Stewart Aldrieh who is at
tending Simpson's Memorial un
iversity. The study meeting of the
Topic club met at the Congre- j
gational church parlor Friday
afternoon, May 9. The book,
"My Africa," by O. Jike, was '
reviewed by Mrs. M. E. Cotter
and Mrs. Wm. Seehafer. The
following books were given to
the library in a book shower:
"Days and Nights" and "The
Exile's Daughter," from Mrs.
Wallace Mrtthevs; "Dave Daw
son," "It's Hell To Be a Ranger"
and "A Far Country," from Mrs.
John Ransier; "Balzac." from
Mrs. B. C. Forsythe; "Reunion
of Strawberry Hill," from Mrs.
Milton Morgan; "This Is Your
America." from Mrs. Walter
Roberts; "Wild Orchard" and
"Now That April's Here," from
Mrs. Noel Dohyns; "Turquoise,"
Mrs. Victor Rietmann; "Sher
lock Holmes." Mrs. Harry Yar
nell; "How Green Was My Fa
ther," Mrs. Carl Feldman; Oth
er members will bring books
later. Luncheon was served by
the committee. Mrs, Cotter, Mrs.
Seehafer and Mrs. E. R. Lundell.
Mrs. J. E. Sampson of Lafay
ette and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene
Inskeep and children of Helix
were recent visitors at the
j Frank Lindsay home. Mrs.
! Sampson and Mr. Inskeep are
j cousins of Mrs. Lindsay,
j Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stone
and a niece of Selah. Wash.,
spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. II. O. Ely.
; Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Nickle of
Sumner, Wash., are visiting rel
atives here. Mrs. Nickle is a
'. sister of Mrs. C. W. Swanson.
Mrs. Elmo McMillan of Salem
is visiting at the home of her
j mother, Mrs. Mary Swanson.
; (Additional lone on Page 3)
with a
Runs like a New Engine
Worn parts replaced
with new Genuine
Ford Parts
Immediate Delivery
SI 13 50 plus tax
Sta.i Priced Corratpondmgty Low
Motor Co.
! 'Lid f"b
Once In place awavi l
place. No purtfna up, taking
down, palnflng, tracing or ra
pairing. lO-year guarantee
A touch of the finger . , . tni
ROI.SCREENS roll u automa
tically! . . . onto hidden roller.
Easily imlalled on your prtttni
require no cutting or fining. Incon.
jpicuoui, keep windowi and drap
eries cleaner, imcct-iighf., made w
ruit-reming, clear-viiion, AluminA
wire cloth. Aik lor t'f islimtut.
415 Jones St Phone 1483
A B C Washing Machines
Washing Machine Covers
Table, Portable and Console
Zenith, Sparton, Emerson
Radio Batteries and Tubes
Hot WaterTanks, 30 to 1 00 gals.
Frigidaire, National, Clark
Electric Irons
Steam-O-Matic Irons
Automatic Toasters
Pressure Cookers
DeLuxe Aluminum Cooking
Wall-Type Can Openers
Electric Broilers
Sunbeam Electric Razors
Universal Electric Blankets -9
Electric Heating Pads
Door Chimes
Premier Vacuum Cleaners
Floor and Tank Models
Floor and Table Lamps
Floor and Desk Model Fans
Kitchen Ventilators
Electric Heaters
Monogram and Quaker State
Oil Heaters
Kleer Klcen Oil Floor Furnaces
Delco Conversion Oil Burners
Climax Pressure Water Systems
Climax 1 1 0 volt AC, 1 000 watt
Light Plants
Brunswick Home Freezers
Eskimo Home Freezers
Frigidaire Ice Trays
Thermos Jugs
Light Globes
Flash Lights
Fluorescent Fixtures and Globes
All of the Above Items
for Immediate Delivery
Appliance Co,
Hodge Chevrolet Co. Bldg.
Phone 403