Heppner Gazette I mes, Heppner, Oregon, Moy 15, 1947-3 IONE ITEMS 'Peterson went to Corvalli s over tiler's day festivities at O.S.C. Mrs. Henry Peterson spent the week end in Portland. Mrs. L. A. McC'abe. Mrs. M. E. Baker and Mrs. Wallace Mat thews attended the program (Additional lone on Page 4) Mrs. C. W. Swanson left 'or Portland Monday morning with Mrs. Bern ice Harris. Mrs. Omar lueunann, Mrs. Fred Nlchoson and Mrs. Oscar OPENOPEN P South of Pendleton via Ukiah Hotel Cabins Swimming Fishing Mineral Bcrth for Rheumatism Arthritis Neuritis Eczema Write 316 NW 3rd St., Pendleton, Or. planning day at Board man on May 6. Bob Drake, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Drake, has infection In his hand but is reported to he better. Mrs. Harriet Lundcll of Los Angeles is visiting her parents. Mr. und Mrs. Ernest Helikei. Mrs. Lundell flew up from Los Angeles. Mrs. Robert Severin, Mrs. R. L. Casselman and Mrs. Delia Corson were Pendleton visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Hughes of Portland spent the .week end at the home of Mrs. Ada Can- 1 non. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Pot'vfohn entertained at a family reunion dinner at their home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Cfsselman attended a fellowship meeting i of the Assembly of God church ' Monday at Hermiston. Mrs. Goldie Bromley spent a i couple of days in The Dalles last week. i The lone town team won the ball pame from Kinzua Sunday. Dates to remember: H.E.C. of 'willows grange will meet at ! Mrs. Wate Crawford's Friday, j.May 16, with potluck dinner at ! noon Regular grange meet ing Saturday night, May 17 Supper and auction at the Val j by parish hou.'e in Goosehe ry I Friday, May 16, at 6 o'clock. Everyone is urged to bring some thing for the auction. Proceeds to to the IMIA. ...Social meet ing of the Topic club, May 24, at the Masonic hall. ... Commence ment exercises at school house May 22 at 8 p.m. .. .Clean-up day May 24. CONGRATULATIONS to the Court Street Market which is opening its doors to the public Saturday morning We are proud of our part in furnishing materials for your very modern grocery and marketlatest addition to the business life of Heppner. Here's wishing you a long, happy and successful business career. Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. MR. A MRS. CONSUMER MR. SHIPPER A MR. FARMER MR. & MRS. PASSENGER You would foot the bill! Look out! There's another big rail road wage demand headed your way I The non-operating unions alone whose members do not actually operate trains are demanding a flat increase of 20 cents an hour. These demands would cost the rail roads of the country five hundred lixly-eight million dollars a year! Last year these employes had an increase of 18'2 cents an hour. This was their third major wage increase si lire 1939. Their average weekly pay has gone up 15, as against a cost-ol'-livi::g rise of 54. Since 1939, railroad wage and material costs have gone up n c ) than three times as much as freip. t rates, and five times ns much as passenger fares. That is why in 1946, with the largest peacetime traffic in history, the net income of railroads went down to the equiva lent of only 2J of the net prop erty investment. What About 1917? Even with the recent freight rr.le increase, preliminary figures indi cate that the railroads will ma' o only about the same low return in 1947 as in 1946. This will be beca : the wape increase made in 1C 10 will be in elluct for all of 1!M7; special payroll taxes on railroadi have recently been increased; and passenger traffic has declined. Where Would the Money Come From ? V,'e can't pay out what we don't lake in. And we arc not taking in enough ) ).v lo meet present costs and to f .; !e;e the improvements in serv . ii..:t you need and that we want to t von. Jon Would Foot the Rill! 109 WEST ADAMS 8TI1EET CHICAGO a, ILLINOIS ' We arc pulilMiinij I.' in nnd other nilvn linr-mpnfs to (nlk with you lit 11 8t until nm.iit ni;, to h w!i I'll mo imjuii innt to everybody. j A stork shower wis given at 'the home of Mr;, ti.irlim; Swanson Friday afK-rw.n. M y ,9, in hon'ir of Mrs. Liavid Lak er. The following were present: 'Mrs. Delbcrt Krricrt. Mis. pirh j;.rd Lundr II, Mrs. Jioirv B .Ver. ! ?.:rs. Clarence Cl.er, !J.-s. H.-i-!ry Yar.ncll, Mrs ('has. O'Connor, Mrs. Mel'. in Nelson, Mr.;. Paul O'Meara and mother, Mrs. Ilieiii. ji'iid Mrs. David L; ker. ( ake, i 'llo and coffee vcir sen (-! b 1 ie hostesses, Mrs. Emert, Mrs. ; Lundell and Mrs. Swanson. The Girls League of the I in-' ; high school gave a Mother ; Itea Friday afternoon. Sandwich es and open-faced sandwiches snd tea an-1 Cuiie.; i-rr- s r i from a table decorated with yellow carnations riirt vv. '. , with Mrs. Neil Doherty and Mrs. V.'ate f t l 'i rj ... ; following program was given: wcloir.f Doherty, president of Girls Lea gue; reading, Lola Ann Mccaue; song, Patricia Drake; reading, Barbara Smith; reading, Ruby Ann Rietmann. The lone public library has purchased and received the fol lowing books; "Alw; ys Vouni? and Fair," "Deborah." "Snoon handle," "The Middle Sister," "Manners Can Be Fun," "Spring Comes to Meadowbrook Farm," "Johnny Crow's Garden," "Flip," "Your Manners Are Showing." "Deep Forest," "Mistress Mash am's Repose." "Desert Gold, ' "Buckaroo's Code," "Case of the Backward Mule." The lone-Cecil home exten sion meeting will present their May project on Tuesday, May ! 20, at the Congregational church parlor at 11 a.m. with a potluck i dinner at noon. The subject j will be flower arrangement and ; corsage making. Beauty through nature appeals to every home- ! maker. If you want some ideas ! on flower arrangement or cor sage making, -don't forget to at tend this meeting. Bring your friends and neighbors. This year at homemakers' day in some Oregon counties the wo men used the ideas from this project to make an exhibit of corsages while other counties offered a prize to the home ex tension unit with the most at tractive original flower arrange ment. Baccalaureate services for the graduating class will be held Sunday, May 18 at 11 a.m. Rev. W. W. Head of Cathlamet, Wit., will deliver the sermon. Members' of the graduating class are Eleanor Aldrich, Divid Barnett, Arthur Bergstrom. Har lan Crawford, Rosemary Doher ty, Robert Drake. Laurel Palm ateer, Billy Joe Rietmann, Bar brra Smith, Lorraine Ball and Donald Ball. Commencement exercises will be held at the high school aud--itorium Thursday evening, May 22. The eighth grade graduation rer sis'er. Mis Cynthia Coch home over the week end were mi, an'! Mr.-,, t'nas. I.u:-e end Mr. and Mrs. Brenner Piese, all i.t Yakima. 1 hey .-pent Sun-;-y at Loi:ercfk with their sis-i-i, Mrs. r.-;rri Cason. Mr. and Mis. Fi .i.r v. ;,r, f rn- i ; an'. Mr. ar.d Mrs. Everett V.i iti.ii ; :.r.' f r:,!!y of I!ep.,e.--i-0 v t -m i.'a.e "o- k. A l.i.; '; : r'v '.'.as gi.ei h the ."r'i .'-id '.'h (?,;;!" t'yir.i for Wayne Rietmann Tuesday, i'OK May 13. in honor of his tenth cr--i t.irthd.-.y. ? : Mr. and Mrs. Ed Buschke and ns M.ss M'ry Lrncket? spent Sun- to day at V. c hofle of Jli. Br.ic-: pit s parei'ts at f:i:fi!.s. ' Mr. and Mr.. Lot 'is Bill h-ivi R .! tf V.'-n r.ver the Victory cafe arjain. ' Mrs. L:iih Odori of Saletn is n.., visit in" xt 'he hor. -e of her son no'. Foster C lorn, at JTo.-Ran. M ' LLnnnnniiniiiisiiSiisniniiiiinniui;!! iin:n:ii:ri:irin:ri::i:n:!nini!nni:ini I'll Kiir i v Kiics r.'s. :.U :u-.-. r- b..; i ti-.-'i land. ti in f i . i. r1 ir ,e ' ,i .; a ii;ssiii!!!ry everctr.es ?ld Thursday oning, May 22. Fron Io . ....'i.p-,t!pnt. May !S 1923: "The curfew ordinance cms to h,"e become a dead e'ter. Young children may be ;eon rnd he rd on t!'e streets it arr.p-t ry hour of the night. v. 'rsh:;;; ; "l : th:-';: tt en- c; cement l-y jre it for one man ; o linnfile without help from n;; rents." Garland Swmon flew to Sa : 'em r nd Foul' nd last week villi J ck "ornytho. The sprinkling sysiom for the MIA h; s rrri' e'.i and it is hop ; d that -,ot e of the dust can be i titled. Mr. and Mrs. Foster Odom of Morgan are the parents of a lriiRhtcr horn Wednesday, May 7, at The Dalles. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lun dell are the parents of a daugh ter born May 9 at Ppndleton. A group of young folks went : to Lehman Springs Sunday for a picnic. ! Guests at the Ida Grabill GRAIN Buying Storage Top Market Price Archer-Daniels-Midland Company Clifford Carlson, Local Agt. lone, Oregon Elevator Phone 1011 Off. Phone 1111 Res. 4122 INSURANCE COMPANIES RECOGNIZE CHIROPRACTIC Today there are over 200 Insurance companies which accord Chiropractic Physi cians recognition. This number is :;te:ilily growing larger. ciiiro?ract:c Pliynic 71. f. tpv riactro Thosap,' ":l;C:o "ivtr.pf U Of:-.- .i:t;' ,'i-.o:; ymir i '1 ''i; pi bli" .s with me.) Dr. Clyde Dunham ( liiro;-i !!!" rh;.-; iei.n I.O.O.F. I I.' : H."!'.-r. Ore. may m fi H il AND HIS 14-PIECE ORCHESTRA AMERICAN LEGION HALL IONE, OREGON HANDLING TIRES IS OUR BUSINESS. . . Whether you warjt new ones or need to have the old ones repaired, this is the place to get the best tire service. EITHER MOBIL OR ZENITH TIRES are built to stand the kind of wear demanded in this region. And when they do finally wear down to the point of needing repair, remem ber you can get OK Rubber Welders guaran teed service at FRANK ENGKRAF North Main Street Heppner, Oregon A Little Farther Down the Streer-Bur It's Worth the Extra Distance SEARCH FOR THE OLDEST CHEVROLET TRUCK A O F F I C I AL RULES 1. Chevrolet Motor Division, General Motors Corpn., is searching for the oldest Chevrolet truck in service. 2. Chevrolet Motor Division, General Motors Corpora tion, will award the owner of the oldest Chevrolet truck in service now a new "Advance-Design" Chev rolet truck. 3. The award to the winner will be made at the Chev rolet dealership where the entry was filed. 4. The owner of the oldest Chevrolet truck in service may select any standard model from Chevrolet's current line of "Advance-Design" commercial cars and trucks. 5. Entries are limited to Chevrolet vehicles manufac tured as trucks and carrying truck serial number. 6. The Chevrolet truck in service bearing the oldest serial number will be declared the winner. (A) Where identification plate is lost or illeg ible, serial number may be established by original bill of sale or other legal docu ments showing serial number. Chevrolet trucks entered in the "SEARCH FOR THE OLDEST CHEVROLET TRUCK IN SERVICE" must have 1947 license and be in operation. Trucks must be driven to a Chevrolet dealership for official entry. Entries must be filed with a Chevrolet dealership before midnight, June 15, 1947. New Chevrolet truck will be awarded to the owner of the oldest Chevrolet truck in service on or before June 20, 1947. Any Chevrolet truck owner is eligible to enter the search except-(A) Employees of Chevrolet Mot-r Di'sicn, (B) Dealers in cars and true!'" ! C' r"m Hcyoes of dealers in cars and trucks. :f Yur OFFICIAL ENTP.Y niA-'f:? ! 7 8 10 !i J ? ! ! 'I ( 8 U,7 Heppner, Oregon Phcnc 403