2-Hcppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon,J947 EDITORIAL Study the Budgets In the tioxt issue of ihe Gazette Times will pprar Ihe county budget and the School District No. 1 budget It will be well worth the taxpay er'! time to sit down and study those budgets closely. Particularly is this so vith the county budget, which calls for a large increase over the six per cent limitation. The court and budget committee have tried to meet demands placed upon the court for in creased salaries and wages cf county employees, increased road costs, and the condition that has arisen relative to the financing of the county hospital. Current levies are short of needs more than $161,000, which is the sum the voters will be asked to approve at a special election June 17. Of this amount the hospital will require nearly one-hall It should be understood that the vote is on the budget in its entirety and not on separate items. It would require separate elections to vote by item, calling for the amount required in each case. Proponents of the hospital have asked that the $80,000 item be included in this year's bud get and it is the general feeling that the budget as a whole will be approved. Approval will wcrk more or less of a hardship on some taxpayers 3 YEARS AOT but taking a long-range view of the situation it appears less expensive than to obtain the funds elsewhere or to go on year in and year out sending our sick and injured to outside hos pitals- Regardless of whatever arguments or view points finding expression in these columns, the advisable thing to do is study the budgets and find out for yourself what the money is sought for. Vocation Time Here Vacation time is at hand and this raises the question of where to go and how to get there. There are advertisements aplenty in the larger newspapers and the national magazines, and we think from what we have seen that Oregon and the northwest abound in scenic attractions to a far greater extent than other regions widely ad vertised. First of all, if one has not seen Oregon there is no better way to spend a fortnight or a month than riding about over the state enjoying the magnificence of scenery brought to view through a system of well located highways. Be it coast, valley, desert or mountains, Oregon has all of it in constantly changing panorama, combined with a variety of climatic conditions to make travel a joy. Heppner Post No. 6100 announces a DANCE Jwne 1 Fair Pavilion Remember this date ! i SHRINE AND AUXILIARY HOLD NO-HOST MEETING I The' Morrow county Shrine club and auxiliary held a no- host meeting Saturday evening at the Masonic hall in Heppner. A shower for Mr and Mrs. A. C. Ball brought forth numerous individual gifts and the Shrine auxiliary presented them with a blanket. A feature of the evening's en tertainment was the showing of pictures of the Shrine hospital bv B. C. Forsythe of lone. From Heppner Gazette Times. May 17, 1917 A regular cloudburst visited Eightmile last Saturday eve ning. The storm apparently centered itself on the Frank Fraters ranch and swept on down the lower country. "On Sunday morning our camp was visited by YV. G. Scott, my father and brother Charles. They brought along a supply of fried chicken, veal loaf, pies and other food not usually found in a soldier camp. Mr. Scott also presented us with baseballs, tips, etc." Lee Kot son, Co. M, 3rd Ore. Inf. Two lives were lost in the worst wreck ever recorded on the Heppner branch of the O.- V. R. & N. Co. when engine No. 1716 crashed through a long trcss'.e bridge in Horse Shoe bend one mile this side of Mor gan Saturday. Engineer Sam Hanson, who had been on the branch run only two weeks, and Frank Habelt, for many years section foreman on the Heppner line, met their death when the locomotive turned turtle into the raging waters of Willow creek. Every man between the ages if 21 and 30 years inclusive, must register on the day soon to be proclaimed by President Wilson for the wnr census. There vill be no exception to this rule. Pr. H. T. Allison of this city 'eturned last night from Van couver where he completed ex aminations for the medical of ficers reserve corps of the U. S. HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES The Heppner Gazette, established March 30, 1S83. The Heppner Times, established November IS. 1S97. Consolidated Feb. 15. 1912. Published every Thursday and entered at the Post Office at Heppner, Oregon, as second class matter. Subscription price, $2.50 a year; single copies 10c. O. G. CRAWFORD Publisher and Editor Heppner Cleaners UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Try us -- compare us and we will gladly refund your money or re-do the garment at no expense to you if you are not satisfied. WILLIAM C.COLLINS Jox tfjout 'JavoiLtz xaciuah Graduates agree that, whether it marks the climax of years of study or another step in a scholastic career, Grad uation is somet h i n g 'very special. . . . As a reward for work well done, your favorite graduate deserves a gift, something that your favorite graduate may cherish through the years. What better reward-what better graduation gift can you think of- than Jewelry? We can show you a variety of things of sparkling beauty at prices to fit your purse. . . . For your favorite graduate make Graduation Day an event truly memorable. Pzt army. He dms not expect to be called for a few months yet. ... C. A. Minor this week con tracted for Sept. 25 delivery 3000 head of half-blood Lincoln lambs at SS.tX) per head. He al so purchased 700 head of 2 year old ewes and their lambs for immediate delivery for $11 and $t.30. ... Henry "Ole" Peterson, well known high school student, has purchased Martin Reid's Chal mers car. . . Heppner has a sure enough street car service. E. H. KeJ lugg has introduced the auto street car into the town. It is a pay-as-you-enter car the same as the regular street car. ... Mrs. Sarah Jennings Osborne lied May 11 at her home near t'edl. Funeral services were held at the home and she was buried at the Morgan cemetery. he is survived by her husband. Joseph W. Osborne. . . Grover Curtis, who has been suffering from a broken leg, is able to be at home again al though his locomotion is not too good. ... Lee Cantwell has goae into the wood sawing business with a novel engine. The gas engine produces the power of locomo tion as well as running the saw. W. B. Finley, Sand Hollow farmer, was a business visitor in the city the first part of the week. Mr. Finley has been bringing that part of Morrow oountv to the front in recent ears through his thorough "arming methods. Crop condi- ions in his locality are good. M. O. Bennett, state highway engineer, was in Heppner Tues day interviewing tkhe Morrow county court on the proposed highway for this county. Mr. Bennett and his crew of survey -rs will begin their work on the east side of town ami proceed from here to Nye. The survey has already been completed from Nye to Pilot Rock. Upon completion of this part of the survey, Bennett announces that he will begin the survey from Heppner down Willow creek to the Morrow county line over the route proposed by the state highway commission. and son, Jack Scott of Seattle. Mrs. Flora Moyer of Hermiston, Mr. and Mrs. Thil Griffin and daughter of lone. George Mead of lone, David Duffey of Ever ett, Wash., Mrs. Nina Burken bine and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Griffin and children and Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Britts, all of Heppner. Honoring her mother, Mrs. George Mead, on Mother's day, Mrs. Sie Walker entertained with a family dinner ttt her home -on Water street. Guests included Mrs. Etta Doll.arhide A& -aI. ..... iA ,t,. ,,a.t..,r:,a For Live Paint Protection and BeautyJ 53 I . -a 8. SBK-7&89F HCySE PAiHTi Down go painting costs when you use Pittsburgh's Sun-Proof Two-Coat House Painting System. It equals the performance of three coats of old type paint while saving you the extra material and labor costs of a third coat. Sun-Proof is extra durable because it's made with "Vitolized Oil" which stays in the paint film keeps it Uve, tough and elastic. War time discoveries have been utilized to make Sun-Proof, in many respects, better than pre-war quality. $5.48 Gallon Get your FREE Copy of COLOR DYNAMICS for the Horn. HEPPNER HARDWARE & ELECTRIC CO. i f i Lincoln Batteries I W 3 I i f ( f If I MILEAGE GUARANTEED ZENITH VTAC FORTIFIED TIRES are backed by a guarantee that's second to none! A written guarantee for a specific period . . . against ALL road hazards. New VITAC processed Zertith tires run cooler, last longer , . are tougher, more durable than ordi nary synthetics. Buy with confidence, Buy ZENITHS! Stop in today. 1. Shock-ply withitandl road Impacts 2. Neo-strand cord rfjiiti heat 3. Flat tread givet extra wear, safety 4. Reinforcing cord-lcck comtructloA 5. Ejttra Itror.g ;toe wire hnd nnii EXACTING TESTS Battery quality originates within grids... plates... separators . . . post straps, etc.. ore dependent on the quality of the lead, the ox ides, the wood, and the rubber used. That's why Lincoln bctteries undergo fifty-five exacting labora tory te:;ts in the process of construction. Plate materials are let chemi cally to roslnt vibration and thereby lengthen battery 111". Lincoln Batter ies are built right.'. . to give you Dependable Service! Available Now Marshall-Wells Store VENETIAN BLINDS 3 TYPES SLATS flexible steel flexible aluminum rigid aluminum HERE'S A TCAm rEADY TO WORK FOR j ( YOU FREE! s These free pamphlets will help you tackle the tough johs the right way. They go all-out to save you time, money. Check the ones you need and ak us today ! Gear I.nbrl'atit Farm Guide Traitor lubrication Guide Tractor Roller Lubri cant Pamphlet Wheel Bearing Sen it t Booklet n Pamphlet I I Fleet Serrlce (charts, records, cosl-joinn for operating tract' and trail on nUuiij'nullj). L. E. (ED) DICK Phone 622 Heppner, Oregon 0. M. YEAGER 415 Jones St. Phone 1483 Eiimiiiiiiut mi i. niii.. i.iyW.aij,iiyipuuWiiiiiwipii.iitJpfWI" .,1. . . , fti l M ..... .- Case & Nikander for the Class of '47 For the Boys Shick Shavers o Billfolds Fountain Pen Stationery Sportsmen Toiletries Toiletry Kits For the Girls Perfume Compacts Jewelry Jewel ite Brush & Revlon & Peggy Sage Comb Dorothy Gray Figurines aa 3 zx 1 zawiaci 0 UK) GIVE I2ER 21 Lane Cedar Slope Chssl As advertised in SEVENTEEN r ttrrTT?"' r,:d riu,s ,mlay kn,,w wl1 V mSMf SEm, . tf'jfA ful , il,,c U"t And no rMM SPCiprl'i 1 rr r:,man,Sc fiift l(,cs s" m the Girl Graduate S49.95 at they bcauti wonderl h to oo.se one of our popular Lane Cedar Chests for ynur girl graduate. It will have all th exclusive features that make a Lan a lifetime possession. Come in, soon. 1. 1 L J nkhi CASE FURNITURE COMPANY