Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, May 15, 1947, Image 1

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hi! 1CT"P1PM
Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, May 15, 1947
Volume 6-t, Number 8
Crop Prospect At
Present Only Fair,
Reports Indicate
Lack of Rain Hits
Light Soil Areas,
Cutting Average
Considerable concern is felt
regarding the 1947 grain crop
and unless showers of rain are
forthcoming in the immediate
future this gear's production
will be light. Reports to this
effect are coming in daily and
it is asserted that some fields
in the lighter soil districts will
not be cut.
A brief inspection trip thru
the Lexington and lone bells
Wednesday was made by Murl
Cummins of the federal crop
insurance and County Agent
Nelson Anderson. They found
some poor prospects, some fair
ly good and some that seemed
to have withstood the moisture
More favorable reports come
from the south half of the coun
ty, although grain growers
would appreciate some rain
right away.
Leonard Carlson's weather re
cord for April shows nine show
ers for the month In the Goose
berry area. Precipitation for the
month was 1.29 inches, three
points better than April 19-16.
However, in May 19-16 the area
enjoyed a precipitation of 2.26
inches, whereas this year there
has been little moisture during
May. Figures for Heppner had
not been tabulated for 1947 but
in April 1916 only .70 of an
inch fell here while in May the
fall was 2.35 Inches. Rain will
have to start falling in earnest
if May 1947 is to be reeorced us
a favorable month to the wheat
Oldest Chevrolet
Truck May Bring
Owner New Machine
If you are operating a Chev
rolet truck of ancient vintage,
look up the serial number and
report it to Charles Hodge at
the Hodge Chevrolet company
in Heppner. For all you know
you may have a new truck com
ing to you.
Back of this statement is an
effort of the Chevrolet Motor
division to locate the oldest
Chevrolet truck still in active
service in the United States. Ac
cording to Hodge, the owner of
the oldest truck will be pre
sented with a brand new advance-design
truck and may
choose any standard model in
the current line of Chevrolet
commercial cars and trucks.
Trucks entered in the search
must be driven to a Chevrolet
dealership, where official entry
blanks, are available. The
search ends June 15, 1947, and
the winner will be notified on
or before June 20, 1947.
"We have a large number of
old Chevrolet trucks still in ev-cry-day
service in the Heppner
area," Hodge said, "and the
winning vehicle may be on a
farm or engaged in some other
hauling work right in our own
The winning truck must car
ry 1947 license plates. The old
est Chevrolet truck will be de
termined by the earliest serial
numbers. In cases where the
serial number is lost or illeg
ible, the number may be deter
mined by an original bill of
sale or other legal documents
showing the original serial num
ber. Entries must be filed with a
Chevrolet dealer by midnight,
June 15, it is emphasized. Only
vehicles manufactured as trucks
by Chevrolet are eligible, and
the search is open to all truck
owners with the exception of
employees of the Chevrolet Mo
tor division, dealers in cars and
trucks and their employees.
Mrs. Etta Burns, sister of Mrs.
Ralph Thompson, mid Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Moore and daugh
ters, Mary, Margurlte and Pat
ricla of Pendleton, attended the
Case-Thompson wedding In
Heppner Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hrcslin nn
nounce the marriage of their
dauirhtor. Teresa, to 'Dr. John h
Walsh. May 10, 1947 at St. Pat
rick's cathedral in New Yorl.
Mrs. W. W. Fisher and dnttgh
tor, Miss Viola Fisher, left Wed
nesday for their homo in Post
Falls, Idaho, after spending a
few days here with Mr. and Mrs,
Tom Wilson. They are mot nc
and sister; respectively, of Mrs
Wilson and came for Mother
day and a short visit. It wa
their first trip to Heppner.
John Lane, John Wight man
and Blaine Isnm attended
Shrine meeting in Walla Walla
Mrs. J. O. Turner spent Weil
nesday shopping in Pendleton
Mounting Costs Make More
Funds Necessary County
Is To Meet Its Obligations
If there were any possible way
to meet advancing costs of ev
erything entering into operation
of the county government on
persent levies, the court would
most certainly do it, Judge Bert
Johnson said Wednesday. If
there were no demand for a hos
pital, if road machinery could
be purchased at pre-war prices,
if the road crew did not have to
have more wages to meet the
high cost of living, in fact, if
postwar expenses were no great
er than prewar expenses, the
court could find the answer
without appealing to the tax
payers for assistance.
The court and budget com
mittee were able to reduce some
minor items in formulating the
expense account for the ensuing
year but the small savings will
have little effect on the budget
as a whole. Too many new
items have been added and the
six per cent limitation has been
far exceeded, the judge pointed
O'Donnell's Cafe
Opens to Public
With everything new, bright
and shining, O'Donnell's cafe
opened its doors to the public
Monday morning after months
of contending with material
shortage and wrestling with la
bor problems. Friends and for
mer patrons who had been ob
serving progress toward the ope
ning were On hand Monday to
congratulate Mr. and Mrs. O'
Donnell and son Russell upon
their return to the business life
of the community.
All available space in the
room of the former Peters build
ing more recently occupied by
lonley Lanham's Western store,
has been utilized in setting up
the cafe and bar. Stainless steel
has been used throughout on
he cafe side except the refrig
erator, and Mrs. O Donnea s
pride is the mechanical dish
washer. Aside from the lunch counter
there are boxes at either end
of the bar.
The new cafe is a bower of
flowers, gifts of friends who
welcomed the O'Donnell's re
turn to Main street.
Well Bred Sheep
Pay Off in Wool,
Lindsay Reports
Proof that well bred farm
nimals pay good returns is
found in a report from Frank
Lindsay of Morgan on results
htained from shearing his
mall flock of Rambouillet
sheep. Lindsay states that he
lelivered to tl Morrow Coun
ty Grain Growers warehouse in
Heppner, 27 fleeces of wool that
weighed 652 pounds, averag
ing 21 pounds plus.
"I have been using good rams
from the Cunningham Sheep
company and also purchased a
registered ram from John With
ors of Paisley," Lindsay said.
Mrs. E. E. Gilliam is spending
a few days in Portland attend-
ng the buyes' market and visit
ng friends.
Mrs. William Morgan and
Mrs. Milton Morgan of Monu
ment were business visitors in
Heppner Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fraters
are moving to Enterprise whore
hey will operate a ranch. They
have sold their property on Gale
street to "Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Aycrs who will take occupancy
next week.
Mr nn.1 Mw Dirk TUoAllitnr
returned Tuesday evening from
t brief honeymoon trip to Was -
co and The Dalles.
Mr and Mrs Guy Moore and j mo(Ucal tPchnk:,.,ns and' iaj;
augh er and Mr and Mrs Nealists (,f vnroug ,.imIs mnv
Knighton and children of Ath
nil were over-Sunday guests at
lie home of Mr. and Mrs. L. D.
Mr. and Mrs. Darrol Hamsjtl'o potential leaders course at
uivo announced the birth of av"n Orel, operating in conjunc-
;laughtor, May 9, at St. Anth -
my 8 hospital in Pendleton.
William Lewis received word
Wednesday of the death of his
lather, Joe II. Lewis, at Norton,
N. Dak., early in the week.
Hfro I A Tlinmiimn nnl tin
' ' 1
I.lnnie Lowden are spending a
few days in Walla Walla,
Among Heppner visitors in
Pendeton Saturday were Mrs.
Boh Grablll, Mrs. John Sanger . npolis, Minn. The Merrills for
and Mrs. Blaine E. Isom. merly resided in Heppner,
Referring to the budget, Judge
Johnson called attention to the
hospital item. The fund set up
for the hospital is S180.000. Of
this amount, $102,000 is now in
the hands of the county treasur
er, leaving $78,000 to raise.
The road budget calls for $95,
000, all of which will not be
raised under the special levy.
The county spent $75,000 on
roads and equipment during the
current fiscal year, most of
which was accumulated in the
sinking fund during the war
Additional salaries for elect
ed officials and raises granted
clerk hire, road crews and other
county employees have added
several thousand dollars. The
court set up a fund of $1,000 to
be used in organizing the coun
ty school system under House
Bill 80 and on top of these it
ems printing and advertising
costs have advanced. "Tell me
one single thing that doesn't
cost more," the judge concluded.
Baccalaureate Held
For Lexington Class
Baccalaureate services for the
graduating class of Lexington
high school were held Sunday
afternoon at 3 o'clock at the
Congregational church. Rev.
Philippi of Hermiston preached
the special sermon. The seniors
are Lavonne McMillan, Audrey
Majeske and Ronald Ansted.
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Davis of
Pendleton visited Mr. and Mrs.
George Steagall Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Hank Stotts have
moved into the house recently
moved in from the country and
remodeled by Clifford Yarnell.
Mrs. Ralph Jackson and Mrs.
Newt O'Harra drove to Eugene
Friday to spend junior week end
and Mother's day with their
respective sons and daughter
who attend the University of
Joe Way spent the week end
here visiting his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Dan Way. Joe is at
tending Vanport college in Port
land. Mrs. Ernest Fredrickson of
Salem spent last week here vis
iting relatives and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Van Win
kle . entertained a lrge group
of relatives at a family reunion
Sunday. A potluck dinner was
enjoyed by everyone. The guests
were Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Cox
and family of Yakima, Mr. and
Mrs. Ernest Fredrickson of Sa
lem, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Flv
of lone, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Van
Winkle and family of Heppner.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Palmer of
Heppner, Ray Patterson and Mr.
and Mrs. John Graves and fam
ily of Heppner, and Mr. and
Mrs. Marion Palmer and son of
lone. From Lexington were Mr;
and Mrs. Lawrence Palmer, Mr.
and Mrs. Kenneth Palmer and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Herman
Green and family, and Elmer
Hunt and son Clare.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dinges
drove to Portland on a business
trip oyer the week end.
Mrs. Leonard Munkers cut her
thumb quite badly on the elec
tric meat slicer in Yarnell's gro
cery Saturday afternoon and
went to the doctor to have it
cared for.
Mr. and Mrs. George Steagall
spent Mother's day visiting Mr.
Stengall's mother in Spray.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted McMillan
went to Pendleton one day last
week to see an optometrist.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Breeding
and family went to Pendleton
Sunday to spend Mother's day
with their daughter and son-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mat
thews. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Munkers
spent Sunday in The Dalles vis
iting Mr. Munker's mother.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Grant were
visiting in Spray Thursday.
! Oregon district headquarters
I received word this week an ex
pensive school program to train
ftltorn tn-iritiru floi-lc i.iI.-q
under wayNn the Sixth army,
according to M Sgt. John E. Bold,
station commander of the local
army recruiting office.
Latest school to be set up is
1,10,1 replacement train-
lnR comer wnn a st.nr oi v,
officers and enlisted men and
an Initial capacity of liiJ onl.;,(
1 ed trainees.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Merritt
of Hawthorne, Cal., arrived Wed
nesday afternoon to visit at the
! llOtlle Of Mr. i'lld I'll': 'to ".
' C7..I ...... n-i.
Schwarz. The women are sis
ters. A third sister, Mrs. Harry
Davis, and her husband Iwe
been guests at the Schwarz
home the pasi week, e uiuug
hero from their home In Minnc
Wascoans Humble
Heppner 12 to 3
In Sunday's Game
Early nnings Put
Locals Behind 8
Ball, Fans Report
Heppner's prospecst of even
ending the season in the first
column were further dimmed
Sunday when Wasco took the
long end of a 12-8 score. As us
ual, the opposing team got the
jump in the early part of the
game and then Heppner began
to wake up and play ball.
Witnesses at the game from
Heppner feel that an unfair de
cision by the umpire put a dam
per on Heppner's ardor early in
the game and by the time the
team recovered from that set
back Wasco was well out ahead.
Broadfoot pitched a good
game for Heppner and had good
support throughout after one
bad inning in which Wasco
scored seven runs. Wasco had
a new man in the pitcher's box
which strengthened that team's
work materially.
There will be no more games
on the local field until June 22.
Heppner plays at Arlington this
Irrigon School Ends
Year's Work Friday
Commencement exercises were
held at the school house Fri
day evening. Six graduates re
ceived their diplomas. David
Rand. Robert Brown, Elton Fra
ser, Eunice and Shirley Miller
and Arlene Russell were the
graduates. Lyle Johnson, reg
istrar at the E.O.C.E., was the
speaker, speaking on "Where
Do We Go From Here."
Mrs. Allie Haberlein was hos
tess for a wedding shower for
Ella Mae Grim Tuesday even
ing. A very pleasant evening
was spent by a good crowd of
Irrigon friends with lovely gifts
being presented Miss Grim. The
wedding is 'to be May 24 in a
Hermiston church with Earl
Watson to be the happy bride
groom. Ora Thompson returned froP'.
Baker Tuesday. He had beeh
up there for a few days.
Rev. John .Prickeit of Enter
prise preached both morning
and .evening in the Baptist
community church.
Rev. Winquist is spending
some lime in Portland with Mrs.
Winquist and son Paul. Mrs.
Winquist has been quite ill.
This" is the finishing week of
the Irrigon school. The band
is to take their final trip for
the year Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Duus
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Ben Wright and family in Pen
dleton. Henry Swaren is getting lum
ber at Heppner to build their
house on the part of the Duus
place that they purchased re
cently. Mr. and Mrs. George Swaren
and Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Swaren
of Portland spent last week at
the home of their brother Henry
and Mrs. Swaren.
James Shoun and Betty Acock
were Pendleton visitors Tues
day. There were ten eighth grade
diplomas presented by Miss
Emma Crego to Mnrlenc Mark
ham, Doyle Ivey, Iva Joan
Rucker, Freddie Acock. Beth
Warner, Geraldine Hiukloy,
Maxine Frascr, Eula Amos.
Louise Turner and George Rus
sell. Robert Brown's father, Ray
Brown, and sister Jeannie of
near Hollywood came up to see
Robert graduated. He will ac
company them back. He has
oen living at the Ruth Umiker
Mr. and Mrs. Don Smith have
purchased the Russell McCoy
house and will take possession
as soon as the Fred Davis and
loe Paul families can get mov
Fred Davis is building a du
plex on his lots In eastern Ir
W. B. Dexter Is also changing
his house into a duplex.
Avery Shoun returned home
iVMumiiy iiiit-i :H-miiMK ci iov
U veeks In Walla Walla receiving
medical treatment. James brot
him down. Miss -Betty Acock
ivas also a Walla Walla visitor
Rev. and Mrs. A. B. Turner,
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Caldwell.
Mrs. Erma Steward and Mrs.
Grace O'Brien and ohildfen at
tended a fellowship meeting of
the Assembly of God church
at Hermiston Monday.
Henry Aiken, who recently
underwent a major operation
at Emanuel hospital in Port
land, has left the hospital and
is convalescing nt the apart
ment which Mr. and Mrs. Aiken
have taken tonixrarily in the
city. They are expected home
In the near future.
New Self-Service Market Opening on Corner of Court and May
Valby Ladies To
Hold Social Friday
Attention of the county will
be focused Friday evening on
the Valby church parish house
where the ladies of the church
.,.01 v... n nnnini
.. uC I "
auction sale, receipts from.
which will be added to the lone
community center fund.
Beginning at 6 p.m. the lad
ies will serve ice cream, straw
berries and coffee throughout
the evening. The public is in
vited to attend the affair and to
bring articles to be sold at auc
tion. Heppner people wishing to at
tend the social and not familiar
with the location of the Valby
chuch are advised to take the
Condon road to a point a short
distance west of Eight Mile post
office, a mile or less, taking the
country road to the northwest
which will lead to the church.
Accoding to the Globe Times,
Condon will soon have a saw
mill. Carpenter Bros, of Bend
will move their plant to the
Gilliam county center to saw
out timber from the Lost Val
ley, Lonerock and Fossil areas.
The mill will have a cutting
capacity of 30,000 feet tipiiy anu
the total operation will employ
between 30 and 40 men. A plan
ing mill is contemplated later.
uuests oi air. ana Mrs. J. u.
llager are Major and Mrs. Clay
ton Shaw and their little son.
Robert Wesley, who wived p it- j BUYS ARABIAN COLT
!y Sunday morning from Fort I Miss Merlyn Kirk, popular
Sill, Okla., to spend two weeks young horsewoman of Heppner,
here. The Shaws' home is real- J is the proud possessor of an Ar
ly in Lawton, Okla., but the abian colt for which she recent-
major is an instructor at Fort
Sill. They came via Portland, !
instructor at Fort
bringing Major Shaw's mother sired by Islam, Arabian stallion She was attended by Miss Car
to Heppner to spend Mother's owned by Lee Everely of Salem. 'olyn Eergstrom as maid f holi
day. Mrs. Clayton Shaw is the
former Harriet Haeer. i
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cowins left glas, to Mr. and Mrs. Hugh V.
today for Portland to be gone Crawford on May 5, at Los An
several days. geles.
News Briefs
By Ruth Payne
i.tuiujog cereiiioiiit's v. . j
held at the meeting of the De- j
gree of Honor Tuesday evening ,
with four new members receiv
ing the degree. The class in
cluded Mcsdames Marie Cato,
Esther Bumside, Dolly Fraters
and Deloris Ahlberg.
Mrs. Ethel Lindholme. state
director of field work for the
Degree of Honor, and Mrs. Min
nie Davis Card, state organizer,
came from Portland to attend
the meeting. Mrs. Lindholme
made an official inspection of
the work of the local lodge on
her visit here. After the initia
tion, the drill team presented a
bouquet of carnations to Mrs.
Clara B. Gertson as a token of
their appreciation for her as
sistance during the year. Re
freshments were served follow
ing lodge.
Mrs. Alex Green has returned
to Heppner following' a visit to
Corvallis where she made the
acquaintance of her new grand
daughter, Mary Elizabeth Mc-
Caleb. Mrs. Green also visited
in Portland a few days with her
son and daughter-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Green, who brot
her home.
J. C. Payne made a business
tri to Canyon City, John Dav
and rendleton the end of the
Mrs. Jernne Gaines spent the
week end at the country home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs,
Claud Huslon in the Eightmilc
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Haves re
turned from Portland the first
of the week after having assist
ed thoir son. Homer Have;, move
his family from Hermiston to
the city to make their heme in
the future.
Mrs. Walt Ritzert spent a few
lays in Pendleton last week vis
iting friends and attending to
business matters.
Week-end housei:uests of Mr.
"nd Mrs. Allen Case Included
Mrs. Jack Grimes, Mrs. Carl
Leathers, Mr. and Mrs. John
McRoherts, Mr. and Mrs. A. L.
Kmmon, F. P. Pyle. all of Port
land and Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Miller of rendleton. They were
here to attend the wedding of
Miss Josehlne Case to Alex
Thompson, an event of Sunday
afternoon, and returned to their
homes that evening.
v i ?tsm i'wr;Vi i lr nil IJT-
l:- t f
For the convenience of voters
who wish to register for the spe
cial budget election on June 17,
County Clerk C. W. Barlow an
nounces that his office will re-
main open Saturday, May 17,
...... , A ,' x c
continuously from 8 a.m. to 8
Prospective registrapts are
urged to come in early Satur
day to make it possible for ev
erybody to be properly register
ed. Body of Max Elsey
Recovered Friday
Sheriff C. J. D. Bauman and
Coroner A. D. McMurdo were
called to Boardman Friday to
take the body of a man from
the river. The body was located
a short distance northwest of
Boardman and proved to be that
of Max R. Elsey of Freewater,
one of the victims of the triple
drowning at the McNary dam
celebration. A pocketbook con
taining a check in the sum of
$34 and three one dollar bills
was found on the body. Both
check and bills were in good
condition, the writing on the
check establishing the man's
The body of Mrs. Max Elsey,
bride of two weeks when the
tragedy occurred, was found at
the ferry landing at Arlington
earlier last wepk. The third vic-
tim's hnriv. a older woman, has
not been recovered
ly took delivery at the Dalles
ly took delivery at ine uanes.
This outstanding yearling was
The colt s name is Jaehal.
Word has been received here
of the birth of a son, John Dou-
Around Town
Mrs. Gene Ferguson has re
turned from Corvallis where
she spent Mother's day week
end with her sons, Dick and Ted.
During her absence, her moth
er. Mrs. Heiny, came up from
Fairview to be with Nancy.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Furlong
motored to Pendleton Saturday,
taking Mrs. Conser Adkins and
Mrs. Bessie Harrington of Port
land who were enroute to Hay,
Wash., after visiting in Hepp-
ner for a few davs. Thev wi
visit with another sister, Mrs. !
Fred Stark, and other relatives
in Washington before returning
to Portland. They were accom
panied by their father, J. C. Ow
ens, who returned to Heppner
Mesdames Conley Lanham
and John Saager motored to
Portland Sunday to spend a few
days shopping and visiting
friends. They were accompan
ied by Mrs. Agnes Curran who
visited her daughter, Mrs. Hel
en Green.
Mrs. May Fulkerson return
ed to her home in Salem Mon
day after several days' visit in
Heppner and Ilardman. During
her stay she was the guest of
Mrs. Corda Saling. Mrs. Fulker
son will be remembered as the
former Mrs. May Coats who re
sided in Ilardman many years
ago. This is her first visit to
Morrow county in a long while.
Mrs. Ora K. Wyland made a
business trip to Hermiston Mon
day afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Baker
spent the week end in rendle
ton and Walla Walla.
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Flower of
Monument and Mr. and Mrs.
Ray McQueen arrived in Hepp
ner the end of the week to be
wiih their mother. Mrs. Nettie
Flower Harper, who has bee-i
seriously ill at her home on N.
Chase street. Mrs. Harper's
grandson and daughter-in-law.
Mr. and Mrs. Wrex Langdnn of
rendleton visited over Sunday
with her. All the guests return-
ed to the r home Monday.
Among Ilardman shoppers In,
the city Saturday were Mr. and
Mrs. Sam McDaniel, Mr. and
Mrs. C'has. McDaniel. Mrs. Frank
McDaniel and John Hastings.
Mrs. Garnet Barratt has re
turned from St. Anthony's hos
pital In Pendleton and is con
valescing at the country home
of Mr. and Mrs. William Barratt.
4 s lu JliJ t-ti'z:zi
Social Events At
Hi School Herald
Graduation Time
Heralding graduation time for
high school seniors is the an
nual social event of the season
the junior-senior banquet and
prom. The "prom" will be held
Friday evening, with the ban
quet staged at the Church of
Christ and the ball at the school
gymnasium. The ball will be
a formal affair, with members
of the two classes and invited
guests enjoying the dancing.
The second event on the grad
uation program will be the bac
calaureate services, held ir, the
school auditorium at 8 o'clock
Sunday evening. The services
will be as follows:
Processional, "Triumphal
Grand March," school band; in
vocation, Rev. Neville Blunt;
Calmly Flow Thy Streams" and
"The Green Cathedral," girls
chorus; sermon, Rev. Francis
McCormack; "The Last Spring,"
school band; benediction, Rev.
Neville Blunt, and recessional,
"Grand March," school band.
Miss Josephine Frances Case,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allen
Case, became the bride of Alex
Thompson at an impressive
ceremony in the Heppner Meth
odist church Sunday afternoon,
May 11. with Rev. J. Palmer Sor
lein officiating, using the sin
gle ring ceremony. A large con
course of friends and relatives
were in attendance.
The bride, who entered upon
the arm of her father, was met
at me auar oy ine nnoeroom
and his best man, Don Bennett
lor. The wedding music was
! played by Mrs. C. V. k rrru. .:-
aei. Harry u uonneit Jr. ana
Dick Wilkinson were ushers.
hite tapers and baskets of
spring flowers made a beauti
ful setting for the exchange of
wedding vows. The bride wore
a gown -of white slipper saiin.
made in princess lines, with in
serts of lace extending to the
hem, and with train. Her finger-tip
veil fell gracfully flow
ing from a white halo, bhe car
ried a shower bouquet of white
carnations and rose buds and
lilies of the valley.
Miss Bcrgstrom was gowned
Un blue and carried an oldfash-
ioned nosegay. Mrs. Case chose
for her daughter's wedding a
suit of aqua with black acces
sories and wore pink rosebuds.
The bridegroom's mother wore
a watermelon pink suit with
black accessories smd a garden-
la corsage. Mrs. Ida Grimes,
grandmother of the bride, wore
a green crepe formal.
Following the wedding the
bride's parents gave a reception
at the Thompson home on Wil
low creek. The house was at
tractively decorated with spring
flowers. The spacious grounds
were a bower of beauty with a
huge lilac bush, and a yellow
rose bush each laden with
bloom. Many pictures of the
young couple were taken before
the rose bush. Tea was served
from the dining table which
was beautifully appointed. A
three-tiered wedding cake top
ped with a miniature bride and
groom graced the lace covered
table. Mrs. Harold Becket and
Mrs. John Bergstrom poured.
After the bride and groom cut
the first piece of wedding cake
Mrs. A. L. Inman finished the
cake serving.
The young couple left in the
late afternoon for coast points
where they expect to remain for
several days, t'pon their return
they will live in a Holton cabh
which was built especially t.,i
them, tor going away the bride
cnose an aqua gaberdine sun
wnn mown accessories ami
wore an orchid cot-a;;e.
Mr. ana .Mrs, i i'o::; smi ,i;c
well known young people in ih
community and hao mars
friends hero who wish tl
well. The bride is a graduate
of Portland Girls I'vr, in h'.i
and attended the I'niseisity o:
M-'iegon. ine groom is to.- s"ii
of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph 1. Tlnm
son. a graduate of
high school and a veteran of the
last war where he served in the
navy. He is the junior purtoer
in Case Furniture company.
, (
Eddie Chinn is senoudy iil st
his apartment in
Court St. Market
To Open to Public
Saturday Morninq
Latest Business
Enterprise Modern
In Every Detail
Heppner's newest business
enterprise, the Cmirt Street Mar
ket, will open its doors to the
public Saturday morning, ac
cording to announcement by
Leonard Schwarz, owner and
manager. The last bit of equip
ment, the meat case, was re
ceived and put in place last
week and has been cooled and
made ready to receive meat for
the opening day.
Mr. Schwarz and his helpers
have been too busy to plan a
formal opening and with every
thing in place will open up for
business Saturday as if it were
just another day.
The new store is located at
the corner of Court and May
streets, across Court from the
county courthouse and just east
of the May street bridge. It is
built on modern market lines
and makes an attractive corner.
It has a frontage of 60 feet and
a depth of 40 feet. The sales
room has a floor space approx
imately 30 x 60 feet.
A butcher and meat cutter for
many years. Schwarz has incor
porated many ideas about the
proper handling of food pro
ducts into the arrangement of
the market and grocery. His
meat storage room is designed
to handle carcasses and heavy
sections of beeves at a minimum
of lifting. An overhead track
runs from one end of the room
to the other and on out to the
loading platform at the rear of
the building, making it possi
bfe to fasien a caro3ss on to a
hook connected with the track
pulley and move it to the end
of the track with very little ef
fort. Lockers for butter, milk, soft
drinks ant! other items are lo
cated at a convenient spot. The
meat counter sits in the west
end of the room with but a step
or so from it into the storage
The grocery department is
laid out on approved help-your-self
lines, vi;'u all articles plain
ly marked and easy to reach.
l.li. Srh'.-Exz wiil be assisted
by .Mrs. Schwarz and Mrs. R.
B. Ferguson. Ky Ferguson has
been me ri3ht hand man in get
ting t!:e pioject put through and
doubtless will be on hand to
assist whenever needed.
Riding Club Plans
t n , n
At tiie regular meeting of the
c:ub Tuesday evening, the
Wranglers. Morrow county
horseback riding organization,
voted to hold a rodeo on Sun
day, June 8, at the Art Hughes
ranch. The club will rent the
grounds and stock and Hughes
will stage the show for them.
The Wranglers acceped an in
vitation from Mr. and Mrs. Luke
Bibby to ride to their ranch
Sunday and have luncheon
A report on the drill team
showed that that group is shap
ing up fine. Next practice has
been set for Wednesday eve
ning. May 21.
With Mrs. Lucy Rodgers act
ing as installing nit :, lead-
rs of the Heppner P-TA for the
ensuing year were installed on
Wednesday evening at the
school house: Edmond Gonty,
president; Mrs. Claude Graham,
vice president; Mrs. Blaine Is
om, secretary, and Mrs. Leonard
Pate, treasurer, were the offi
cers installed.
The program included several
solos by Mrs. Willard Warren, a
style show by the homemaking
classes under direction of Miss
Margaret Hughlett, a report on
the Oregon congress of parents
and teachers by Mrs. Ted Smith
"nd Mrs. R. B. Rice, who were
the local delegates to 'hi- meet
ing held in Portland the last of
Mrs Stephen Thompson pre
sented Mr. and Mrs. George
c-rv.in u.'h ,( ;tt of .tiiprecia-:-n
from .! !Iepi:er P T. for
I be s ; '.i' i i1 1 yt!- '. I' v' hay e
dene for the school arid Hepp-
J. J. N.-s w is so'i.i'ted as a
' oid: b't'- ' - '-p. i oq i,(. conn
v board to be set up under
''. on--.' SJjil s:i, :tmi a certificate
was aw
don by
ba in :
bib :
:i Slor a
ii s- r .
V !.- d on.,.
roil congress for
t In ;;o.Is for
P.eune't, Mrs. Paul
Mi'.. I .-.'id. Wilkin-
r.'.h ' o id, .,;m-i the ct..
ft to Times '.: ::mil Torre
Mood. ' . ; a CI .-ippiciiticp. He
b is I I-, r. v. oi k ; n; a: llermWtotl
"a! I'- i smro I .st fall and
Is aheady aliiorlin,)' printer'
r 'i, ( ;. . oi-s it,. j. it ,, ion
M'--:. M 'hie Davidson of Ion
anil : (;. 1 1 it ol i , .ii;m li.. . i.
son, Richfield station operator
.:l id 1', ".or.