Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, May 08, 1947, Page 2, Image 2

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    2-Hcppner Gozette Times, Heppner, Oregon, Moy 8, 19-47
People Wont More Water
lieppner people showed that they are not afraid
ti face additional taxes for something that is
h;-.c';y needed when they went to the polls Tues
day and voted to grant authority to the city coun
cil to issue bonds in the sum of $75,000 for the
puipose of building a new reservoir and repairing
and extending the pipe line. The vote for the
resolution was so favorable as to be considered
almost unanimous and this is the assurance the
council needed in carrying out the Improvement
Next step in the procedure will be the adver
tising for bids on the work. It is understood the
council wiil be called in special meeting to take
care of this matter and other details so that the
work may be started at the earliest possible date.
While there has been no unusual building go
ing on, such as whole additions, there is evidence
of expansion in both residential and business
districts, with promise of much more growth in
the immediate future. County and city owned
lots are being sought by persons wishing to put
up residences and the town is being scoured for
private lots for that purpose.
All this is not to be taken as a boom. It is a
natural demand occasioned largely by the lack
of normal residential construction and altering
during the war period and heightened somewhat
by the addition of numerous families connected
with the sawmill operation. It is estimated that
100 new living units would be taken up in a
short time. Of this number, between 25 and 50
new residences would be required to meet the
What has all this talk of new building to do
with the water bond election? Simply this: that
it would be unreasonable to talk building ex
pansion if the present inadequate water supply
were not to be increased. The council is looking
ahead to a town of at least 2,000 population and
it is not out of the bounds of reason to anticipate
a town of 2500 to 3000 people. Whether these fig
ures are attained or not, the fact remains that
Heppner is growing and additional water supply
is badly needed and it now looks like it will
be forthcoming.
Who Pays Federal Grants
During the past decade there has been so much
government spending for local enterprises that
we have come to think we c?n't put through a
project of any kind without government assist
ance. Without giving thought to where the mon
ey was coming from we have sought assistance
in building our schools, municipal buildings,
hospitals, and what not, while all the time fed
eral taxes have been mounting to the point where
even new dealers have begun to give tax reduc
tion a little consideration.
It is beginning to dawn on us that federal
grants are more expensive in the long run than
direct tax for certain enterprises, that an erst
while paternal government is something other
than it appears to be on the surface. The ma
chinery for providing grants is expensive. Ad
ministrative costs eat up a liberal share of the
money set aside for buying the good will of the
voters. And after the money is "given," the re
cipient usually finds a string attached which the
government can pull at its discretion.
We have seen a bureaucratic government built
up, with government agencies seeking and in
many instances obtaining virtual control of cer
tain enterprises usually delegated to private or
corporate business concerns, and all the while
the cost of running the government has been
Morrow county is concerned with the construc
tion of a hospital. Since the tax was levied, and
most of the funds allocated..it has developed that
material and labor costs have advanced to a
degree that original estimates were about two
thirds of the estimated cost today. Application
was made for a federal grant which would pro
vide one-third of the total cost. This would be
nice, and it would be acceptable if obtainable in
the immediate future. It seems, however, that
before we can get this assistance, a special com
mittee appointed by the governor following pass
age of an act by the legislature appropriating
more than $20,000 to defray expenses, must can
vass the entire state to find out how many places
are contemplating hospitals and how much as
sistance will be needed. Could our local officials
have foreseen the skyrocketing in building costs
they might have provided for more funds, but at
the time the levy was made it seemed adequate
for a county of this size, and would be plenty for
anything like normal times. Then came along
the proposal that the court apply for federal as
sistance, which seemed a reasonable course since
the government had the money for that purpose,
and hopes were aroused that the hospital could
be built at an early date. These hopes have been
dashed for the present, so far as a federal grant
is concerned. It will take a year or more for the
governor's committee to complete its task.
It has been proposed that red tape be cut and
the court ask approval for another levy sufficient
to construct the hospital building. This may not
appeal to the voters. Of that we are not sure.
But we are sure that if the taxpayers will look
this federal grant business square in the face
they will conclude that in the long run it will be
more economical to pay an outright tax for the
hospital and know where the money is being
spent than to pay all the taxes, visible and invis
ible, that go to make up the federal tax bill.
State Needs Camp Hospital
The legislative assembly, expressing the will
of the people, passed a measure authorizing the
state board of control to purchase the Camp
White hospital. Governor Snell vetoed the mea
sure, house bill 443, but signed senate bill 361,
the original Camp White hospital bill, which
authorizes and empowers the board of control to
acquire the federal facility for state purposes.
It is now the law of the state of Oregon, having
carried the emergency clause, and has been since
March 6, the date it was signed.
Under this sleeper bill, says the Oregon Jour
nal, which was the first of a series of four Camp
White hospital measures adopted by the legisla
ture, and which was rediscovered April 29, the
state board of control can proceed at any time
with acquisition of the $7.5 million facility. And
while State Senator Lew Wallace, who headed
the fight for Camp White, is proceeding with pre
paration of intiaitive petitions, authorizing and
directing the board of control to acquire the hos
pital, it may not be necessay to strbmit the acqui
sition Issue to the people at the next general
election unless the board of control fails to act
under the legislative authorization. Senator Wal
lace is making a formal demand for action upon
Governor Snell, Secretary of State Farrell and
State Treasurer Scott, individually, once more
calling their attention to the "tragic emergency"
which exists at the state's three existing hospit
als for the mentally ill.
The Journal concluded with the opinion that
regardless of what prompted the governor to veto
the house bill and sign the senate bill, the board
of contol should reopen negotiations with the
War Assets Administration and avoid junking of
this priceless facility. One of the best ways to
insure action is for the people to let the gover
nor know that they want and need Camp White
hospital. They cannot be denied.
Acting Governor Marshall Cor
nett has had one busy day,
Thursday of last week, when he
made a good buy, was robbed,
attended a brave man's funeral,
received a gift from the gover
nor of Hawaii and let high gov
ernment officials cool their heels
in the capital waiting room.
The deal was the transfer of
Klamath marine barracks, with
its 80 buildings situated on 734
acres about four miles from
Klamath Falls, to the state for
SI. The barracks are valued at
$5,781,320 and personal proper
ty of the barracks at $443,207 or
a total of $6,224,527. The prop
erty will be used as a vocational
school. Acting Governor Cornett
had not been informed that gov
ernment officials were ready to
close the deal and had gone to
The Dalles, to attend the funeral
services for State Police Officer
Rondeau when located by state
police who escorted him to the
capital. When he entered the
waiting room, where government
and state officials had been
waiting for an hour, he was
widow, two sons, Dr. W. G. of
Milton and Percy Hughes of
Heppner, and two daughters,
Mrs. William Whitfield and Miss
Helene Hughes of Portland.
The wedding of Jesse O. Tur
ner and Virginia E. Crawford
was solemnized by Turner Mc
Donald, pastor of the Christian
church at an early hour Sunday
morning at the home of the
bride's parents.
Chief of Police Frank L. Nash
died Sunday at a Portland hos
pital and he was buried Tuesday
afternoon in Pendleton. He is a
former resident of Heppner
where he lived for 15 years, and
was deputy sheriff. Mrs. Nash
is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
W. E. Walbridge of this city.
Hugh Neill, foreman of the
Mountain Valley Stock Farm of
W. O. Minor, is now in the mid.
die west gathering up a carload
of Shorthorn bulls for shipment
to Heppner.
N. S. Whetstone and wife de
parted Tuesday for their Grant
county ranch and will be absent
some time looking after their in
terests there.
The city council has designat
ed May 17 and 18 as clean up
days, according to a proclama
tion signed by S. E. Notson, may
or and J. P. Williams, recorder.
All Oregon is now organized
for vigorous prosecution of the
United States and Oregon coop
erated food preparedness campaign.
From Heppner Gazette Times,
May 10, 1917
Because almost all of the boys
of the high school, including the
members of the graduating
class, have gone either to war or
to work in the fields, the direc
tors have decided it would be
unwise to hold the regular com
mencement exercises this year.
Miss Lucille Culbertson and
Arthur McAtee were married
Monday evening at the home of
Judge C. C. Patterson, in the
presence of a few relatives and
Manager Sparks of the Star
theater has installed a couple
of ventilators in the rear of the
theater building and promises
his patrons will be supplied with
plenty of fresh air during each
William Hughes died at his
home in Portland Saturday mor
ning and his funeral service was
held on Monday at the Episcopal
church in Heppner. Mr. Hughes
was a pioneer stockman of this
country, having settled here
in 1878. He is survived by his
Saints, thz, Clcrn of 47
Be it high school or col lege-wherever youth stands
ready to venture into the world-a salute to the Class
of '47. ...
With a gift of radiant, bautiful jewelry to testify
to your approval of work well done, help make this
graduation a memorable one for some young person
whose interests you have at heart
We can help you select the gift that will be sure
to please.
Let Us Help You Salute the Class of '47
Ralph Yeager, son of Mr. and
Mrs. J. L. Yeager of this city,
who has been making his home
in Pendleton, has enlisted in the
navy as an engineer. He has
gone to Portland to report for
J. J. Wells, county assessor,
made an official visit to Lexing
ton Tuesday.
handed a telegram informing
him of the robbery of his bus
iness office in Klamath Falls
w here $3000 was taken. His next
official business was the accept
ance of a lei from Governor
Stainhack which was delivered
by Miss Virginia Hanks, repre
senting the United Air Lines. The
flight from Hawaii was made in
9 hours and 19 minutes which is
believed to be a record.
Suplus property at Klamath
barracks that was not included
in the sale of the institution to
the state was acquired this week
by the state educational agency
for $18,000. The property sold
had a purchase invoice of $80,-
(XX). Another lot of surplus equip
ment will be made available to
the home economics departments
of Oregon schools and educa
tional institutions without cost
by the army and navy donation
program. The war assets admin
istration has submitted a long
list of equipment available to
schools and educational institu
tions at a 95 per cent discount.
Included in this list is kitchen
and office equipment and school
furniture. Fifteen motor power
ed boats have been allocated to
Oregon without charge to be giv
en without charge to any educa
tional institution that can justi
fy need for such a boat for in
structional purposes.
The lowest bid for construction
of a new treatment hospital at
the state institution for the men
tally ill which were opened this
week were 50 per cent higher
than the architect's estimate and
the lowest bids or a custodial
building for the institution were
27 per cent higher than the bids
rejected by the board of control
and the emergency board a year
The state board of control will
meet later in the week with the
state emergency board to con
sider emergency action on bids. '
The buildings are to be of con
crete construction with brick fac
ing. The treatment hospital is
to be located at the main insti
tution just east of Salem, while
the custodial building is to be
located at the Cottage farm
south of Salem.
Oregon's superintendent of
public instruction Rex Putnam
now on an extended eastern trip,
presided at a meeting of the ex
ecutive committee of the coun
cil of chief state school officers
at Chicago May 3 and 4. Follow-
this meeting he attended a joint
meeting of state superintendents
and directors of vocational edu
cation to consider revision of the
vocational educational program.
Following the Chicago meetings
Superintendent Putnam will go
to Washington, D. C, where he
has been invited to confer with
the national commissioner of ed
ucation on various subjects.
Many states including Oregon
are confronted with new educa
tional problems as a result of
recently enacted laws. New laws
changing the age limit when a
boy or girl can quit the class
room from 16 to 18 has left an
other problem of delinquency to
be solved. It is generally accept
ed that unemployment and de
linquency are-tangent to a great
degree and the responsibility of
the state in guiding and assist
ing in employment has been in
creased as a result of new laws.
Newest 4-H agricultural clubs
member in Morrow county is
Mike Stalcupp, Boardman. Mike,
along wtlh his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Vern Stalcupp, have just
recently moved to Boardman
from LaGrande. Mike has a
registered Poland China swine
project with sow and litter. His
is the first swine project in Mor
row county for several years and
Mike is looking for other club
members who may be interested
in the same project.
Plans -are rapidly shaping up
for 4-H summer school to be
held on the Oregon State cam
pus, June 17-27. Dormitories,
sororities, fraternities, and coop
erative houses are rapidly being
reported as available.
N. C. Anderson, county agent,
will broadcast over KWRC, Pen
dleton, on Satuday, May 10, 11:-30-11:45
a.m. This will be a 4-H
club item broadcast and all club
members are urged to listen to
the broadcast on that date.
Latent Jewelry and Gift Goads
Watches, Clocks, Diamond
Expert Watch It Jewelry Repairiaa
Heppner. Oreron
Veterans of Foreign
Meetings 2nd and 4th Mondays at
8:00 p. m. in Lenlon Hall
Peters Building. Willow Street
Heppner. Oregon
Ihow 173
Hotel Heppner Building
Heppner, Oregon
AH kinds of carpenter work.
Modern Hones Built or Remodeled
Phone 1483 411 Jones St.
W. G. Scott,
banker, was in
city Tucs-
Scheduled for June 15 hearing
on the proposed increase of rates
sought by the Pacific Telephone
and Telegraph company will be
j $ '
V --
Patsy Albert of Heppner enter
tained the 4-H clothing I club at
her home a few days ago. The
Heppner 4-H clothing I group
holds four regular business meet
ings every month. One of the
meetings is devoted to a social
hour and discussion while the
other three meetings are devoted
to actual work of their club. The
club members along with their
local leader, Mrs. Laurel Van
Marter and the home demonstra
tion agent discussed their club
requirements and plans. All
members displayed their well
done needle cases. Carla Whil
lock, treasurer, reported a few
dollars in their fund from two
successful popcorn sales. The
club members voted to buy sev
eral pairs of anklets each for
Beth and Nancy Ball, two mem
bers of their club, whose home
was totally destroyed by fire. Af
ter this the meeting adjourned
Patsy Albert assisted by Beth !
""11 served ice cream and cook-
Nancy Ferguson entertained
the Heppner homemaking II
clubs at her home on May 2.
Mrs. Alva Jones was an invited
guest, who gave an interesting
discussion on flower arrange
ment to the club members. After
the discussion the club members
made several beautiful original
flower arrangements from flow
ers brought by Mrs. Jones from
her yard. Sally Cohn reported
she had finished making her ar
ticles for the club. Jo Jean Dix
received assistance from the lo
cal leader, Mrs. Gene Ferguson,
and the other club members on
how to make a chair and daven
port set. The girls brought out
I that the main point to observe
in making articles for a living
room is to obtain a harmonious
color scheme. Nancy Ferguson
has started the making of hand
towels which she will embroider
in attractive colors. One of the
requirements of the club is the
daily and weekly care of their
bedroom for one month along
with the responsibility to be car
ried for a six week period of the
daily and weekly care of the
bathroom or living room.
Jerry Beaver, Lynn Gillespie
and Robert Former, officers of
the Boardman Woodcraft and
Art club, report that all their
members have practically finish
ed their club project.
Mrs. Mabel C. Montgomery,
fifth and sixth grade teacher
wio is their local leader has
given the boys some special in
struction in making hammered
copper articles. Mrs. A. R. Fort-
Turner, Van Marter
and Company
Phelps Funeral Horn.
Licensed Funeral Directors
Phone 1332 Heppner, Ort.
Heppner City Council
Meets First Monday Each Month
Citizens having matters for discus
sion, please bring before
the Council
Morrow County
Abstract & Title Co.
Office in Peters Building
Merchants Credit
Accurate Credit Information
F. B. Nickerson
Phone 12 Heppner
Attorney at Law
Heppner Hotel Building
Willow Street Entrance
OK Rubber Welders
First class work guaranteed
Located in the Kane Building
North Main St. Heppner, Ore.
Jack A. Woodhall
Doctor of Dental Medicine
Office First Floor Bank Bldg.
Phone 2342 Heppner
Dr. L. D. Tibbies
Physician It Surgeon
First National Bank Building
Res. Ph. 1162 Office Ph. 492
A. D. McMurdo, M. D.
Trained Nurse Assistant
Office in Masonic Building
Heponer. Oregon
Dr. C. C. Dunham
Office up stairs I. O. O. F. Bld
Hou calls made
House I'hone 2583 O'fice 2572
Morrow County
Box 82. Heppner, Ore.
Phone 2632
Superior Dry Cleaning
& Finishing
Blaine E. Isom
All Kinds of
Phone 723
Heppner, Or
Cabinet Shop
Lawn Mowers Sharpened
Sewing Machines Repaired
Phone 1485 for apolntment,
or call at shop.
Heppner, Oregon
ner will be the acting leader at
the close of school.
Time to Enroll for 4-H Food
Club members, local leaders,
and other interested girls a-e
beginning to ask about the 4-H
Heppner Hospital
Beds available by reservation.
Physician & Surgeon
5 K Street Phone 952
general rules for national con
tests are followed.
Henry Schwarz is reported im
proving after being confined to
his bed for the past week. He
was cheered Monday with the ar
rival of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dav-
food preservation projects for the I is from Minneapolis who have
held at the offices of the public
utilities department in Salem.
The proposed monthly rate in
creases asked for by the com
pany range from 25 cents to $1.
15 for business service, and from
25 to 75 cents for residence service.
late spring and summer months.
The food preservation project in
cludes both freezing and can
ning. No jams, jellies, or pre
serves are required this year due
to sugar restrictions. Since all
girls are equipped to can food
and not all to freeze it, we are
not setting up a strictly frozen
foods project. For example in
division one, 25 quarts of fruit
are required 12 12 quarts of
this must be canned and the
other 12 1. 2 quarts or less may
be frozen. There will be awards
for frozen foods at the state fair.
Girls who decide to put on spe
cial emphasis on frozen
come for a month's visit. Mrs.
Davis is a sister of Mrs. Schwarz
and it had been 32 years since
the families had seen each other,
when the Davis's visited here be
fore. The visitors will return
home via California.
Billy Schwarz and family of
The Dalles spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Schwarz.
are eligible to compete in the
national frozen foods contest if '
We wish to express our heart
felt thanks and appreciation
to our wholehearted friends and
neighbors in Morrow county for
their timely assistance at the
foods, time of our recent fire.
and Mrs. A. C. Ball
, and family.
IN onael-cool comfort, In far leil nrne,
your hair li gently coaxed Into wavei mo, or.
longer-lasting becauie fhey ort unfoucned by Ine old
fajht'oned "neufralirer."
The new len.atlonal Rayell. SAFE-WAVH So com
fortable, iwift, and afe, wfe, SAFQ
You'll be enchanted with your new hair beouty . . .
a for th. new, Roy.tt SAf E-WAVE Penoi
Alice's Beauty Shop
C7t d)uzcLaL JD
i ii
1 TOT a x VEXU Z32
oj Candy
Whatever her taste in
candies, we've got it .
boxed attractively . .
Hard, Chewy, Creamy, Crunchy,
each comes in its own box or in a tasty