6-Heppncr Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, May 1 , 1 947 FOR RALE Rrcisierrii Valrn llnp Shorthorn hull, 3 yrsrs old r.!.;n:g June. V. R. Akcrs. lone Ore 6-7p ZD r v First an your List for quality nylons You can be sure you are buying the finest when you ask for Gaymodes. Penney's own exclusm nylons superior in every way because they're made to our own rigid standards for stocking per fection! 51 and 45 gauge full-fashioned. Alluring shades. 8y2-10y3. Registered U. S. Pat Of VALUES! NEW SPRING SHADES FULL FASHIONED SILK HOSIERY Sizes 8V2 to ICP2 98c P, IN THE POPULAR SHADES OF SUN LURE and BARK 45 GAUGE FULL FASHIONED RAYON HOSIERY Sizes 8V2 to IOV2 Qtf p Spring Shades 0"v SEAMLESS RAYON HOSIERY Spring Shades AQf Sizes 8V2 to IOV2 After many months of shortages, we are proud to announce our Hosiery department is again open and hope to keep the most popular types and shades in stock at Penneys' low prices. I TO OBSERVE MOTHER'S DAY i At the rogular meeting of j Ruth chapter So. 32. Order o the Eastern Star, on May 9. there will he a Mother's Day program 1 honoring all past Electas. There urday, April 5. at the home of will also be a shower for the Rev. "and Mrs. Daniel Stevens in I benefit of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Corvallis. when Miss Miriam j Ball who lost their home and its Mover, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. : contents in a fire Monday. The E. V. Mover, became the bride Masons will participate in the Miriam Moyer Weds Jock W. Carmichael A wedding of interest to Hepp ner people was solemnized Sat- of Jack V. Carmichael. senior in education at Oregon State col lege. The bride is teaching commer shower. Mrs. Jeanne Gaines and daughter. Shirley Ann, were cial "subjects in the high school week end guests at the home of at Thilomath. Mr. Carmiehnel is1 her parents. Mr. and Mrs. eiaud a member of Delta Chi fratern- Huston in the Eightmile section, ity. j Mesdames Harold Becket and John Bergstrom entertained on LEX JUNIORS PLAN SOCIAL" Thursday evening with a miscel Members of the junior class! laneous bridal shower at the Al of Lexington high school have len Case nome honoring Miss scheduled a basket social benefit Josophine Case whose marriage Hunters, Anglers To Meet May 7 The annual meeting of the Morrow County Hunters and Anglers club has been called for Wednesday evening, May 7 at the Elks club. Election of of ficers will be held and other bus iness transacted. At this time organization of the annual crow-magpie hunt will be effected, and there will be discussion of local fishing questions. Because of the importance of the meeting, Blaine E. Isom. president, has asked for a good turnout of the members. for Tuesday evening. May 6, at the high school auditorium. Good entertainment is assured and for good measure the class will provide the coffee to go with the lunches'. MOVE TO MILTON After a residence of more than 61 years in Heppner and Morrow county, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Thompson left today for Milton to make their home. They have a daughter residing there who will help to look after them in their declining years. They have put their residence property on Gilmore street up for sale. LEXINGTON LUTHERAN SERVICES Services are held each second and fourth Sunday of the month at 3 p.m. in the Lexington Con- greeational church. Rev. E. V. Philippi, pastor of the Hermis ton Lutheran church, in charge. 1 ter during the past winter The public is cordially invited. turned to Heppner this week, to Alex Ihompson will be an event of the afternoon of May 11. Miss Dona Barnett and Mrs. Trina Farker of Lexington were shopping in Heppner Wednes day. Miss Betty Smethurst has been chosen to represent the Heppner Rodeo association at the rodeo which Is'being held in Arlington? ?? l th diy y ner Saturday morning for Eu gene, with stops scheduled at this week end. Henry Aiken is a patient at the Emanuel hospital in Port land where he underwent an op eration recently. Mrs. Aiken is in Portland to be near him. Mr. aud Mrs. Claud White of Lexington were transacting bus iness in Heppner Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Chapel who operate a farm in the Rood canyon district were shopping in Heppner Wednesday. Ed McDaniel who has been in California visiting with a daugh- re- f xuiTH THE MATHO'WATIC NOZZLE BIGGEST NEWS ONPA MANAGER HERE Arriving in time to help make up the April 24 edition of the G-T, Carl Webb, manager of the Oregon Newspaper Publishers association was an overnight guest Thursday at the Hotel Heppner. He was enroute from Eugene to La Grande and Wal Iowa lake on business in connec tion with the forthcoming state convention and was aecompani- Condon, Fossil, Prineville and Redmond enroute. Mrs. Mildred Tucker that her son. Pvt. Edwin Tucker, is re turning to the States from Jap an and is now on the road home. Mrs. Tucker's other son, Cpl. Eldon Tucker, is stationed in Germany. Here for a short visit are Mr. and Mrs. William Driscoll of Cor vallis. Their daughter, Mrs. Fred Pointer, drove up to bring James Driscoll and family home from their vacation trip and "Djid" and Mrs. Driscoll came along for a short visit with rel atives and friends. Mrs. O. G. Crawford and Mrs. C. C. Dunham left Monday after noon for Medford where Mrs. Crawford is attending the eighth province synod of the Episcopal church. The ladies will spend the week end in Ashland with friends before returning home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Keithley and children, Vernon and Lucy, and a friend, Mrs. Williamson, all of San Jose, Cal., spent from Friday to Sunday here visiting the Harley Anderson, Howard and Everett Keithley families. It was Mr. Keithley's first visit in eleven years and Mrs. Keith ley's first return to the old home soil in 22 years. IN SPOKANE CHOIR Among the members of the Salem Lutheran church choir of Spokane which gave its spring concert Sunday evening, April 27, were the Misses Jean and Ina Rauch of Lexington, There are 33 people in the choir.1 IN VACUU W CLEANING! mm It's here the one-and-only Matho-Matic Nozzle that auto matically adjusts itself, with mathe. matical precision, to any floor surface thick rug, thin rug, lino leum, or bare floor! This exclusive Premier feature means quicker, easier, more thorough cleaning but it's only one of many remark able new features that make this de luxe cleaner the finest ever built by Premier! See it, try it today! Premier De Luxe Vac 7Q.75 Price only ' HERE'S HOW IT WORKS! HANDLE UPRIGHT: The noxxlt pushes down geotlr but firmly into the oep of the ruft HANDLE IN CIEANINO POSITION: Nozzle rises to exact height for most efficient cleaning. IN OPERATION! ftag to Ttbratarf ao4 lastly bat thoroughly cleaned OA cushion of ait. SEE THE MATHO-MATIC NOZZLE IN ACTIONI Heppner Appliance Co. In Hodge Chevrolet Co. Building Phone 403 A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Warner Sunday at Eugene. He is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Barlow. Johnny Lane who underwent an operation at Heppner hospi tal this week has returned to his home. Word has been received by BLOUSE EVENT An exciting addition to your summer suit. Smoothly casual or demurely feminine. Crisp . . . cool . . . be coming Crepes - in White $7.50 White Jersey, $5.95 by Koret of California Jersey in Colors $6.50 White Sheers $5.98 & $7.50 A variety of styles and sizes Anderson & Wilson Women's Apparel WANTED Gas line motor for Maytag washing machine. Joe Kenny. v 6p ADD 4-H FOR SALE Wash Thompson res idence on Gilmore street. See Joe Devine. 6-7p GENERAL ROOFING Colors to suit your home . . . Gilsonite your old roofs. Free Estimates . Call 1282 Coiffure Capers Beauty is as beauty does and our salon beautiully styles your hair in the most becoming fash ion. Give a new life to your spirit with a new coiffure for summer flattery. FOR A LOVELIER YOU Shampoo and Wave ... Permanent ... Dermetics Cosmetics . . . Combs . . . Mist . Alice's Beauty Shop We Are Doing What We Can to Lower the Cost of Living! Every item in our stock, exclusive, of merchandise listed under the Fair Trade Practices Act, has been marked down IO percent Avail yourselves of household needs at a bonafide saving. Case Furniture Company HEAR - HERE ! BETTER 'HEARING CENTER' Heppner Hotel Thursday, May 8 T. C. DOWNS, Consultant Como In see the sensa tional new aU-ln.o S-i. otone with the "Magic Key" to double hearing comiortl No charge for examination or advice free checku for Sonotone users. SONOTONE I wish to announce that I have leased the HEPPNER CLEANERS & DYERS PLANT to Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Collins, recently from Cottage Grove, Oregon, former owners and operators of the Col lins Laundry & Cleaners of that city for 18 years, who are now in charge. I wish to take this opportunity to thank the people of Morrow county and surrounding territory for their gen erous patroange and to bespeak continued success of the Heppner Cleaners & Dyers under the new managers. MRS. ADELLE HANNAN illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllM HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES The Heppner Gazette, established March 30, 1883. The Heppner Times, established November 18, 1897. Consolidated Feb. 15, 1912. Published every Thursday and entered at the Post Office at Heppner, Oregon, at second class matter. Subscription price, $2.50 a year; single copies 10c. O. G. CRAWFORD Publisher and Editor STAR m REPORTER Sunday Matinee starts at 1 p.m.. Boxoffice open until 3:30. Evening shows, except Saturday, start at 7:30. Saturday show starts at 7:00. Boxof fice open evenings until 9 o'clock. FRIDAY-SATURDAY, BUY 2-3: ' COLORADO SERENADE Eddie Dean sines western sonps and Insures the triumph of justice in this (food western Mmed in outdoor Cinerolor; Boicoe Atea adds laughs with his comic antics. PLUS Strange Impersonation Brenda Marshall, William Oargan, K. B. Warner, Lyle Talbot Romance and fascinating mystery are combined into a more than pleasant motion pirture. Little Lulu In Technicolor SUNDAY. MONDAY, MAY 4-5 1 THE SECRET HEART Clandette Colbert, Walter Pigeon, Jane Ally on, Lionel Barrymore, Bobert Sterling, Marshall Thompson You'l love this picture as you see It. . . There Is mature romance . . . there is a young girl tortur ed by ntrange emotions . . . and there are all the emotions which color the lives of everyday humans. Admission Pices both Matinee and Evening: Adults 50c, Garde and Ilifih School Students 12 and over 40c, Children 20c, all taxes in cluded. Every child occupying a seat must have a ticket. TUESDAY, MAY 6l THE BOWERY A reissue of a icture with Just about every audienre-intfTprtinK entertainment element. In the ca.it are Wallace Beery, Jackie Cooper, Oeorge Baft, Fay Wray, WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY, MAY 7-8 1 THE LADY IN THE LAKE Bobert Montgomery, Andrey Totter, Lloyd Nolan, Tom Tally Something extraordinary in picture-making, a revolutionary innovation in film technique, and the Cast ami the Technique are terrific. See for yourself this startling method of Htory-telling. VENETIAN BLINDS 3 TYPES SLATS flexible steel flexible aluminum rigid aluminum 0. M. YEAGER 41S Tones St Phone 1483 For her day choose a gift you know MOTHER will love Delight her with fine gloves Nylons Good looking Purse -Costume Jewelry Handker chiefs House Coat Slip Gown Blouse. All designed for her to cherish and to fit in with your budget. Norah's Shop