Want Ads Heppner Appliance Co. located in Hodge Chevrolet Co. build ing. Phone 403. 4tf Heppner Appliance Co. located in Hodge Chevrolet Co. build ing. Phone 403. 4tf FOR SALE-1938 1 12 ton Chev truck, reconditioned motor, good tires. See James J. Far ley. 4tfc Heppner Appliance Co. located in Hodge Chevrolet Co. build ing. Phone 403. 4tf See Gilliam & Bisbee for com" plete line of insecticides. Kill those destructive garden and flower Insects with Pestmaster 10 pet. DDT; Weedmaster 2-4.D the amazing weed and dan dellon killer. Spray or dust. 4 Heppner Appliance Co. located in Hodge Chevrolet Co. build ing. Phone 403. 4tf See Gilliam & Bisbee for the Cold Pack canners, national 7 qt. pressure cooker, National Presto Cookers, Mirro-Matic and Revere Pressure Cookers in 1 gallon sizes for every day use. Heppner Appliance Co. located in Hodge Chevrolet Co. build- ing. Phone 403. 4tf See Gilliam & Bisbee for that Bicycle, either girl's or boy's style. 4 CALL FOR BIOS Sealed -bids will be received until the hour of 8 o'clock p.m. May 6, 1947, for one second hand electric stove and one second hand electric refrigerator. Bids to be submitted to clerk of School District 12 at Lexington, Oregon. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. 3-6 Mrs. Mary Edwards, Clerk. WANTED An elderly man to do odd jobs and handle casting. ur win consider taking a .young man for apprenticeship. Inquire at once at the Gazette Times office. IN STOCK Most sizes at old prices deep and shallow well pumps 14 to 2 h.p., gas and electric; tanks, pipe and pipe fittings; also wiring supplies for a complete installation at L. A. Moore Furniture Store, Phone 2121, Hcrmiston, Or. 2-5 Heppner Appliance Co. located in Hodge Chevrolet Co. build ing. Phone 403. 4tf LEAVE YOUR ORDERS at Gil liam & Bisbee for BENSEL'S New Hampshire White Leg horn BABY CHICKS. U. S. Cer tified, U. 3. Approved, U. S. Puilorum controlled. We guar antee live delivery of amount ordered. BENSEL'S HATCH ERY, Hermlston, Oregon. 45tf FOR SALE One RD-6 Caterpll lar tractor. Cab, lights, and belt power. Millard R. Eakin, Grass Valley, Ore. 4-5c REWARD For chain block lost between Basey canyon and Hqppner Lumber Co. Bert Kane. 4-5p FOR SALE Library table, chairs, cupboards, bedsteads and springs, and other articles. Mrs. G. W. Thompson. 4-5p LOST Between Hardman and Heppner, 7:50x16 tire and wheel for International 1939 1-ton truck. Fred Mankin, Ph 3F4, Heppner. 4-5p THE GIBSON TRACTOR Master of 1000 Jobs Will plow 5 acres daily 2 12 gal. gas for 8 hrs. use A chiM can handle and operate Power take off for mowing or wood sawing Ideal for 2 to 40 acres No clutch to burn out Complete control with steering lever Price $6-16 delivered Pendleton Mowers Rakes Plows Dozer BladesDiscs Rotary Scrapers Springtooth Harrows Furrow openers Immediate Delivery SIMMONS-TONER CO. Phone 2185 or 842 2218 S. E. Court Next to the Barrell 5-8c I am equipped and ready to do your Sand & Gravel Hauling for you Vernon Christophcrson Lexington, Oregon Flowers For Everyone A thoughtful remembrance 1 1 adds joy to the occasion . . . zest ! Such a gracious way to say Hello . . . Congratulations . . . Happy Memories . . . Sincere Sympathy, or With Love. Say It With Flowers! The Flower Shop FAY BUCKNUM 2G04 interested. $125 for ma chine and $9.95 for attachment. 5tfc WANTED Day work. Mrs. Sund quist. Phone 1215. 5-7p. Ford fertilizer in 10 and 50 pound bags. Apply it now for a beautiful lawn this summer. Rosewall Motor Company. LOST tllock or so south of court house in Heppner, brown suede purse containing driver's li cense, some other valuable pa pers and money. Please return . purse and papers to Esther V. Steinke, Rt. 1, Hcrmiston, Or. 5p Let our paint department restore that show room complexion to your car with a new paint Job. Rosewall Motor Company. Chimney Sweep All work done with a vacuum cleaner. Leave calls with fire chief. H. I. Mar- riels. 5p WE'LL CARE for your lawn or garden by hour, week, or month. Complete landscape and garden service. Grady's Greenhouse. Phone 2193. 5-6c Does your car shimmy? Free safety test at Rosewall Motor Company. NOTICE T6STOCKMEN-If you have stock to sell and don't want to bring them to the sale, call 2642 and we'll try to buy them at your ranch. Heppner Sales Yard. 5-7c We have overload springs for Ford and Chevrolet pickups. Rosewall Motor Company. WANT Housekeeper for small family. Good wages, modern conveniences. Raymond Lun dell, Ph. 3CF25, lone. 5p CUSTOM SPRAYING done Tree spraying, weed spraying and lawn spraying. Grady's Green house. Phone 2193. 5tf THERE is still time to seed new lawns; repair old ones. See Grady's Greenhouse. Ph. 2193. 5-6c FOR SALE Used electric refrig erator. Call 2492 evenings. 5c Radio power pack batteries $7.95. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE New Smer-electric portable sewing machine. Has buttonhole attachment. Call FOR SALE Brand new Premier Gen. Elect, vacuum cleaner, never been used. Mrs. O. M. Yeager, 415 Jones St., Phone 1487. 4-5c 600 x 16 and 650 x 16, six ply Deluxe Champion (ires. Buy now while stocks are avail able. Rosewall Motor Co. Legal Advertising NOTICE TO CBEDIT0R8 Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned was duly appointed by the County Court of the btate of Oregon fur Morrow County, executor of the es tate of Ltillie Aiken, deceajWKl, and all persona having claims against the es tate of aiiid d weaned are hereby re quired to present same to the under signed executor with proper vouchers, at the law office of Jos. J. Nya, at Heppner, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and flrnt published this 10th day of April. 1947. 3-7 HOWARD RRYANT, Kxrcutnr. NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION ON BUT 6TH, 1947 IN THE CITY OF EFrNE&, OREGON NOTICK Is hereby Riven that a spe cial election has been called to be held in the City of Heppner on Tuesday, the 6th day of May, 1947, The polling place for said election will be at the Council Chambers, and the polls will be open from 8 o'clock A. M. until 5 o'clock P. M. Said election has been called for the purpose of submitting to the legal voters a charter amend ment as provided in the following resolution: RESOLUTION BE IT RKSOLVKD BY THE COUN CIL Olf THE CITY OF HKPPNKR, OREGON, that the following proposed amendment to the Charter of said City be and the same is hereby proposed for submission to the legal voters of said city for their adoption or rejection at a special election to be held as In this Resolution provided. CHARTER AMENDMENT SUBMIT TED TO THE VOTERS BY THE COUNCIL, AN ACT. To amend the Charter of the City of Heppner. Oregon, by adding thereto Article authorizing the issuance of water bonds In the sum of Seventy -five Thousand Dollars tJ75.Oi0 urn. BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEO PLE OF THE CITY OF HEPP NER. OREGON that the Charter of the City of Heppner. Oregon, be amended by adding thereto Article to read as follows: Article For the purpo.se of providing funds with which to build a reser voir, and repair, extend, and im prove the water system and water pipe lilies of the City, the Council Is authorized to issue and sell wa ter bonds of the City In the sum of 8venty-five Thousand Dollars I $75.ouuon, aaid bonds shall be ! the dirnct general obligations of the ! City of Heppner. Oregon. The Council shall make an addi tional spH ial tajt levy ea:h year in a sum sufficient to pay the interest on the bonds hereby authorized and to retire the principal thereof as it matures. Neither the debt limitations nor the tax limitation contained In the Charter of the city shall apply to the bonds hereby authorized. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the fol lowing ballot title Is adopted for aaid amendment : CHARTER AMENDMENT Submitted to the Voters by the Council. Shall the Charter of the City of Heppner, Oregon, be amended by adding thereto Article , provid ing for the issuance and sale of water bonds in the sum of Seventy five Thousand Dollars ($75,000.00) to provide funds with which to build a reservoir, and repair, ex tend, and Improve the water sys tem of the city, and providing a special tax levy to pay the princi pal and Interest on said bonds? 100 YES 101 NO. RESOLVED FURTHER, that this resolution for a proposed charter am endment submitted to the voters by the Council be filed with the Record er for submission to the legal voters of said city for their adoption or re jection to be voted on at a special election, which said election Is hereby culled to be held on the 6th day of May. 1947. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the Recorder be and he is instructed to give notice of said election by publi cation of this resolution in full in Heppner Gazette Times, a newspaper published in the City of Heppner once each week for two successive weeks, the first publication thereof to be more than fifteen 15) days prior to the election-. The Recorder shall also post notices of election In at least six (6) public and conspicuous places in the City at least ten (10) days prior to said election, which posted notice shall state the time, place and purposes of the election but need, not contain the full amendment. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the 6th day of May, 1947 between the legal 'voting hours on said date, that is from 8 oMock A, M. to 6 o'clock P. M., la hereby designated as the time for holding said election, and the follow ing polling place and the following Judges and Clerks are hereby desig nated and appointed as the place and officials to conduct said election: Polling places : Council Chambers. City of Heppner. Oregon; Judges, A. W, Jones and A!ex Green, and Clerks, C. R. McAlister, S. J. Devine and R. B. Rice. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the Recorder is instructed to notify said Judges and Clerks, prepare the neces sary ballots nad other election sup plies; and takeall other action neces sary In the conduct of said election. WHEREAS, it is necessary for the pear, health and safety of the city that the election herein provided for diall be held at as early a date as pos sible and in order so to do this reso lution take effect Immediately, NOW THEREFORE. AN EMERGENCY is hereby declared to exist and this resolution shall go into force and-etfect upon its adoption and approval. Adopted by the Council this 7th day of Aprh 1947. by the following vote: YEAS: Bisbee. Dunham, Nickerson, Tibbies. Wilson and Yeager. NAYS: None. Approved by the Mayor this 7th day of April, 1947. CON LEY LANHAM, Mayor. fSEAL) Attest: E. R. HUSTON. 3-5 Recorder. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned was duly appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, administrator of the estate of Grace Linn, deceased, and all persons having claims against the eKtute of said deceased are hereby re quired to present same to the under signed administrator with proper vou chers, at the law office of Jos, J. Nys, at Heppner, Oregon within six months from (he date hereof. Dated and first published this 10th day of April, 1947. 3-7 CARL P. LINN. Administrator. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been duly appointed by the County Court of Morrow County, State of Oregon, Executrix of the Es tate of Richard C. Lawrence, deceased, and all persons having claims against the said estate of said deceased are hereby required to present the same with proper vouchers duly verifide as required by law to the said Executrix at the law office of P. W. Mahoney at Heppner, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published this 10th day of April. 1947. ISAHELLE H. LAWRENCE, Executrix. P. W. MAHONEY, Attorney at Law. Heppner, Oregon 3-7 NOTICE OF SALE OF COUNTY PROPERTY BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF THE COUNTY COURT, dated April 3. 1947, I am authorized and directed to advertise and sell at public auction at not less tnan me minimum price nere In set forth: Lots 13 to 24 Inclusive. Block 32. Irrigon, Oregon, for the minimum price of $100.00 cash. Lots numbered 4. 6, 6, 7. 9, It. 11 15. 16 17. 18. 19. 20, 21. 22. 23. 24, 25. 26. 27. 28, 29. and 30 In Block 39, Irrigon, Oregon for the minimum price of $115.00. cash. Block 20, Irrigon. Oregon for the minimum price of $l!5 00. cash. Block 21, Irrigon, Oregon for the minimum price of $25.00. cash. Block 33. Irrigon. Oregon for the minimum price of $100.00. cash. Block 34. Irrigon. Oregon for the minimum price of $100.00. cah. 60 and 81-100 acres in Sect Inn 19. 5N, Range 27. E.W.M. owned by Morrow County (Dfed record AL n:ige 84 for the minimum price of jski.ou. cash. Lola numbered 16. 17, 18, 21, 22, 23. 24. and 25 in Block 3fi. Irrigon. Ore gon f i r the mi n I mum price of Sxnnn. cash. THEREFORE. I will on tho inth day of May. 1947 ht the hour of 10:00 A. M., nt the front door of the Court House in Heppner. Oregon, sell said property to the highest and best bid- C. J. D. BAUMAN. Sheriff, Morrow County, Oregon. By FRANCES MITCHELL. Pepiit.'. 3 7 1TOTICE TO CWIDITOSS NMtri 1m lieivlty k'v1!! ttint the mi dorsiKneil vn duly appointed by the ( 'Hmtv I'nlnt of t lie Ht:tte of Oregon for Morrow County, administrator of Now That the Garden Is In and You Need A To keep it in shape-to do the cultivating. Then while it is not engaged in your garden you might help your neighbor (for a price, of course) . With all the attachments that can be utiliized on this little power unit you can do many jobs usually assigned to larger tractors or requiring several people to perform. See Us Today About This Wonderful Little Machine KHeppner Motors FRANK ENGKRAF North Main Street Heppner, Oregon the estate of Charles Knlghten, de feased, and all persoia having claims axaitiHt the estate of said deceased are oereby required to present the same w.th proper vouchers, to said admin i Orator at the law office of J J. Nys. at Heppner, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published this 17th day of April. ELMER KNIGHTEN. 4-8 Administrator. NOTICE OF STREET VACATION Notice is hereby given that Gordon Banker and Carey Hastings M Mor row County, Oregon, have presented their petition to the Common Council of Heppner, Oregon, to vacate the fol lowing portion of Street within the corporate limits of said City of Hepp ner. to-wit: All that portion of August Street lyng between Blocks 8 and 9 In Jones' First Addition to Heppner, Oregon and East of the intersec tion with Gilmore Street In said City of Heppner, Oregon; and the common council has set Mon day the 5th day of May, 1947, at the hour of 7:30 p. m. at the Council Chambers in said City as the time and place for hearing objections or remonstrances to the vacation thereof and any objections or remonstrances will be heard by the common council at said time and place. Dated this 14th day of April, 1947. 4-6 E. R. HUSTON, City Recorder. SUMMONS Equ ty No. 3688 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON For the Coun ty of Morrow. HARRY L. DUVALL. and AMANDA S. DUVALL, his wife. GERTRUDE B SIEVERS. GRACE K. ELLIS WORTH. LILLIAN K. COLLINS and LAURENCE KINCAID. Plaintiffs, vs. MINNIE BURNAM, and JOHN DOE BURNAM, her husband, whose true name is unknown to plaintiffs. J. J. STALEY and JANE DOE STALEY, his wife, whose true name is un known to plaintiffs, the unknown heirs of Oren Burnam, deceased, the unknown heirs of said J. J. Staley if deceased. Also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate described In the com plaint herein. Defendants. To the above named defendants and each and all of you: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer plaintiffs complaint filed against you In the above entitled court and cause within four weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons upon you and if you fail to so appear or answer for want thereof plaintiffs will apply to the above entitled court for the relief prayed for in their com plaint to-wit: For a decree quieting title to the following described real property sit uate in Morrow County. Oregon, to wit: The Southwest Quarter of Section twenty-six; the North half of the northeast quarter and the north west quarter of Section thirty-five; and the north half of Section thirty-six in Township one South, Range Twenty-six East of the Wil lamette Meridian, Morrow County. Oregon. and that plaintiffs be adjudged the owners In fee simple of said real prop erty and that you and each of you and all persons claiming by or under you be forever barred of and from all right, title, estate, hen or interest In 'aid real property and everv part thereof and whatever right or interest vou may claim therein be null and void and for such other and further relief as may be just and equitable. This summons is served upon you by publication. thereof in the Heppner Gazette Times, a newspaper of general circulation once a week for four suc- essive weeks pursuant to an order of the Hon. Bert Johnson. Judge of the Lounty court or the State of Oregon for Morrow County, which order is dated April 17. 1947. and the date of the first publication of this summons is April 17, 1947. JOS. J. NTS. Attorney for Plaintiffs, Residence and Post Office Address, 4-8 Heppner. Oregon. SUMMONS, Equity No. 3690 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON For the Coun ty of Morrow. James B. Nelson, Plaintiff. S. V. Hardin and Jane Doe Hardin, vs. his wife, whose true name Is un known to plaintiff, all the unknown heirs of S. V. Hardin, if deceased. Also all other persons or parties un known claiming any right, title es tate, lien or interest in the real es tate described In the compla'nt here in. Defendants, To: S. V. Hardin, and Jane Doe Har din, his wife, whose true name is unknown to plaintiff, all the un known heirs of Henry Krause, de ceased, and all the unknown heirs of S. V. Hardin, if deceased. Also all other persons or narties unknown claiming any right, title, estate. Hen or Interest in the real estate describ ed in the complaint herein. Defend ants, , Friendly Farm Credit is yours to expand tnd improve your farm, or Cor any agriculturil need. Many have won debt-free cwnerhip through this cooperative, economical loan plan. Voice In Management 10 to AO Yesrt to Repay Low Interest Rato- 1 ' Prepayment Privilge B. H. LOVELESS National Fcrm Loan Associations 113 S,E. Dyers PendUton, Orgon IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, ou and eiv n of you are ht reby required to appr and answer plaiiitiTs com plant filed against you in the above entitled court and can.: witnin four weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons upon you and if you fail to so appear or answer, for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to the above entitled court for U.e rener prayed lor m his comiilaint on file herein, to-wit: tor a decree quieting title to the following described real property in Morrow County, Oregon, to-wit: The southeast quarter of Section thirty-one 31 in Townsh.p one 1 North, Range twenty-four (24j East of the Willamette Meridian, atnl that nlaintiffs be uri luAveti th owners in fee simple of said real prop erty and thai you and each of you and ail persons claiming by or under you be forever barred of and from ail right, title, estate, lien or interest in said real property or any part thereof and whatever right or Interest you may claim therein be null and void and for such other and further relief as may be just and equitable. This summons is Berved upon you by publication thereof in the Heppner Ga zette Times, a newspaper of general circulation once a week for four suc cessive weeks pursuant to an order of the Hon. Bert Johnson, judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, which order Is dated April 23rd. 1947, and the date of the first publication of this summons is April 24th, 1947. JOS. J. NYS. Attorney for Plaintiff, Residence and Postoffice Address, Heppner, Oregon 5-9 NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the un ders'gned. administrator of the estate of Frank Sal ing. deceased, has filed his final account of his administration of said estate with the County Court of Morrow County, Oregon, and said Court has set Monday, the 26th day of May, at the hour of 11:00 o'clock A. M. in the County Court Room of the Morrow County Court House In Heppner, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing on and final settle ment of said final account. Anv ob jections to said final account are here by required to be filed with said Court on or before the date set for said hearing. F. OLNE YSALING. Administrator of the estate of Frank Sating, Deceased. J. O. TURNER, Attorney to Administrator, Address: Heppner, Oregon. 6-9 NOTICETO TAXPAYERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the second Monday in May (Mon day, May 12. 1947) the Board of Equal ization of Morrow County Oregon, will convene at the Courthouse in Heppner, Oregon, and publicly exam ine the assessment mils of said County for the year 1947-1948, and will correct any errors In valuation, description or quality of land, lota or other property, assessed by the Assessor of Morrow County. Oregon as of January 1. 1947. All persons interested or having any complaints against their assessments for the year 1947-1948. should appear at that time. Pet'tions for the reduc tion in assessment must be in writing, verified by oath of applicant or hi: attorney and must be filed with the board the first 15 days It is in session. Any petition or application not so made, verified and fik-d shall not be considered or acted upon by the board. Dated at Heppner, Oregon, April 23 1947. W. 0. DIX. Assessor, 5"' Morrow County. Oregon. NOTICE OF REFERETTTJUM ON CRE ATION OF PROPOSED BOARDMAN SOIL CONSERVATION DISTRICT EMBRACING LANDS LYING; IN ; THE COUNTY OF MORROW, IN j THE STATE OF OREGON, AND THE ELECTION OP THREE (3) DISTRICT SUPERVISORS To all owners of lands lying within the proposed Boardman Soil Conserv ation District comprising the territory described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of Morrow County, Oregon in the main channel of the Columbia River, thence following section lines as fol lows: South along the West boundary of Morrow County approximately 2 '4 miles to the Southwest, corner of Sec tion 31. Township 4 N.. Range 23 E.. W.BM.; thence East 6 miles; thence North 2 miles: thence East 18 miles to the Southeast corner of Section 24. Township 4 N.. Range 26 E.. W.B.M.; thence North 4 miles: thence East 3 miles to the East boundary of Morrow County; thence along said East boun dary North approximately 3 3-4 miles to the Northeast corner of Morrow County in the main channel of the Columbia River; thence following the North boundary of Morrow county and the main channel of the Columbia River Southwesterly approximately 31 miles to the point of beginning. Notice is hereby given that on the 5th day of May, 1947. between the hours of 4 p.m. and 9 p.m. a referen dum will be held In the said territory upon the proposition of the creation of the Boardman Soil Conservation Dis trict as agovernmental subdivision and a public body, corporate and politic, and In conjunction with said referen dum, three (3) district supervisors will be elected under the provisions of the STABILITY! LAND BANK LQAHS 30 Yavs Outstanding Service to FARMERS T1 Up . . . Heppner Gazette H t Conservation Districts Law of. this State, Chapter 3. T.tle K&. O.C.L. . an ar i-nded by Chapter 34)i, Oregon j Laws. 1945. Kvery person, firm and corporation, state, county, or municipal agency be ii g the recorded owner of. or holding ; u.i'ier coritrart or purchase, ten v,rm r more of lands lying within the said territory, Is el i gibe to vote, and only: itir n are eligible to vote. Voting divisions and polling places! f r toe referendum are as follows: t Division No. 1, polling place located it Boardman Grange Hall Division No. 2, polling place located it Irrigon Reclamation Olfice. Eligible voters who will be absent from their division on the day of the referendum may apply in person or in writing to Clyde Tannehill, Polling superintendent, at Boardman, for ab sentee ballots. STATE SOIL CONSERVATION, COMMITTEE OF OREGON. By Howard E. Cushman, Executive Secretary. Dated this 14th day of April, 1947 at Corvallis, Oregon. 5-6 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Water Works Improvement Heppner, Oregon, April 10th, 1947. Mealed proposals will be received at the office of the City Recorder of the City of Heppner. Oregon until 7:30 o'clock PM May 15th, 1947 for fur-n-shtng materials, equipment, tools and labor and constructing a Reinforced Concrete Reservoir in connection with the proposed Water Works Improve ment for the City. The proposals will be publicly open ed and read aloud at 7:30 o'clock P.M. on said date at said office. No proposal will be considered un less it is prepared and submitted on the attached form furnished by the Jity Recorder. Each proposal shall be accompanied by a deposit of five per cent of the amount of the bid either in bidder's bond or certified check on some well 'tnown. (tnlvent hank r f n mih TVia deposits vill be returned following the! signing 01 tne contract by the suc cessful bidder. A bidder's pre-qualficatlon statement must be submitted at least ten days prior to the date of opening the bids. One of the conditions affecting the decision of the City In awarding a contract Is that there must be a fav- GRAIN Buying Storage Top Market Price Archer-Daniels-Midland Company Clifford Carlson, Local Agt lone, Oregon Elevctor Phone 1011 Off. Phone 1111 Res. 4122 Chiropractic Can Help YOU Many Chiropractic patients have found relief for their suffering. Chiropractic is applicable to a wide variety of diseases. Chiropractic Hydro Therapy Electro Therapy Physical Therapy Dr. Clyde Dunham Chiropractic Physician To Morrow County LIVESTOCK & EQUIPIVI THURS All Kinds of Livestock Including Cows and Calves, Yearling Steers & Heifers, Stock Cows, etc., and possibly some horses and hogs. Two Road Graders; one 5-foot mower and other items of farm equipment. Stock must be brand inspected; mil!: cows must be TB tested, and all stock must be Bangs tested. If you have something to sell, bring it in. We'll sell it for you. TERMS CASH HEPPNER SALES YARD HAROLD ERWIN, Manager V. R. RUNNION, Auctioneer HARRY DINGES, Clerk Times, Heppner, Oregon, April 24, 1947-5 orable vote fr the i.-xuanre and sale of the nee.w.ry bonds The right is reserved to reject any and -or ali pn -p-:i or to a pt m h proposal as 1.4 detrmir-d to be to the hft interest of the City. By Order of the City Ounril E. R HUSTON. 5-7 City Recorder. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby giv-n trial the un dersigned executrix of tne estate of Stena Schleevoight. derea.ed, has fil cA vtK ih CidiMiu fV.nr i,t the Kfnie of Oregon for Morrow County, her I Final Acount of her aomir.i.jtraiion 01 the estate of said deceased and sa.d court fixed Monday the 26th day of May. 1947. at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day at the Court House at Heppner, Oregon as the time : and place for hearing objections to j rtaid final account and the settlement j of said estate and all persons having ; objections thereto are hereby required , to file the same W:th said court on or 1 before the time fixed for said hearing. Dated and first published this 24th ' day of April, 1947. 5-9 IDA COLEMAN, Executrix. I xor, : Tin: 1SE-HJNIT THOUSANDS HAVE WAITED FOit This it all you wear Xo separate batterg Xo separate battery Yes now you can wear complete comfort and ease. The tiny new &? Beltone Mono-Pac is about i size and weight of old style hearing aids actually little larger than a deck of playing cards, yet so powerful you hear even uhispers! Get helpful facts about this new "miracle"' aid in valuable FREE hook about deafness. James N. Taft & Associates, Distributors 734 American Bank Euilding Portland 5, Oregon FREE DEMONSTRATION See It Try It Heppner Hotel ' TUESDAY, APRIL 29 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Call for Evening Appointments Ask the clerk for Mr. I. G. Canary of Beginning at 1 :C0 P. ht SA Mr. ami lUs. Martin Olson of ATjam.ts. Wash., visited frlrnd i n M rn iv cv i nt y UYd nr d i V wliile cn route home from Walla Walla, wIktp they ntienMeil fun fTnl ser'irr f"r Mrs OUrm's mo Hior. Mrs. Henrietta HixlRrton. on Tuesday. Mrs. Olson will be re membered by rr.ony of the n1!rr residents here as Winnie Hods- don. Born Wednesday morning. Apr. 23, to Mr. and Mrs. Keith Mar shall at MeMinnvilie, a 9 pound six ounce boy. He has been nam ed Keith Lynn. This is the Mar shal's second child and the sec ond grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hughes of Heppner. saHBagS AM . 1 M'v i ikon. 1 pack irlrea a hearing aid with vfe M.