6-Heppner Gozetfe Times, Heppner, Oregon, April 17, 1947 4-H CLUB NEWS Trie 4 II club council will moot In the county scent i office at 1:30 p.m.. Saturdoy. April 19. All nvmN'rn are requested to be leent. 4-H TRAILER SCALES NEAR COMPLETION On Saturday, April 12. some of the Morrow county 4-H beef club parents, members, and the coun ty agent undertook to complete their trailer sea W. which is needed in all 4-H lbeef and breeding clubs. This is a trans portable trailer scales which makes its use available to every 4-H beef member in the county. This scales can also be used for weighing other 4-H livestock. A few minor details are to be completed before it is ready for use at the next 4-H beef club meeting on Sunday, April 27, at 1:30 p.m. at the Elmer Palmer ranch. This meeting was pre viously scheduled for April 20. me 4-H members who are showing their befe calves at 4-H beef show in The Dalles, May 27-28, will have the privilege of the first weighing. 4-H club parents who turned carpenters last Saturday were Elmer Palmer, John Graves, Markham Baker, Harry Sherman, Oscar Peterson, G. Hermann. Dick Wightman and Ralph Bea mer. Jimmy Wightman, Ronald and Duane Baker were the help ing 4-H club member. Mrs. Graves and Mrs. Markham Ba ker contributed their assistance by running errands. The soles were made avail able through the contributions of the Heppner Branch of the First National Bank of Portland by B. C. Pinckney, manager; Morrow County Grain Growers and Hodtre Chevrolet company who donated the wheels. 4-H TAKES PART IN HOMEMAKERS DAT 4-H club leaders and members contributed to the success of Homemakers day in lone on Tu esday in various ways. Leaders brought any finished project by their club members. From the Heppner Wood- chucks came an exhibit by Terry Thompson and Jimmy McClin- tock of their woodworking pro ject on a squared board and pointed tool box. The Heppner Homemaking II club had an exhibit of a laundry bag made by Sally Cohn. Sally chose a deep green shade of material trimmed with a deep rust shade of bias tape and em broidery. The harmony of the colors selected and the work manship made a very effective exhibit. Mrs. L. A. McCabe's cooking II club of lone displayed si sponge cakes. The cooking I club at Hardman, consisting of Ida Lee Chapel, Ivan McDaniel and Patricia Ann Wright, each displayed cookies. Carolyn Bauman Idaho's Youngest Beauty Operator A communication from Mrs. Harvey Bauman of Nampa. Ida ho, informs the Gazette Times that her daughter, Carolyn, is now the youngest licensed beau tician in that state. Carolyn re cently successfully passed the state examination, being one of 90 applicants to receive a license unaer the Idaho state occupa tional license bureau. Carolyn will graduate from Nampa high school in May with straight one's, Mrs. Bauman states. She intends to work at her profession during the sum mer and enter the University of Idaho in the fall. She is a nixo of Sheriff C. J. D. Bauman and attended Hpnnner hinh crhnnl until the family moved to Idaho tnree years ago. Complying with the new optical regu lations calling for a five day week, the following optical offices will be Closed All Day on Saturdays starting this Saturday, April 12, 1947. Dr. Wm. C. Strom, Optometrist Dr. L. C. Ritchie, Optometrist JOSEPH COWBOY HERE Delbert (Cot) Dorisnn one. time winner of th northwest championship at Pendleton and for many years a Derformpr at the Heppner Rodeo, has been a Heppner visitor for several days. He came here to assist Harold Ervvin with some corral work at the Heppner Sales Yard, expect ing to be here three or four rtav but doesn't know how long he'll oe here. The veteran cowhand who did some of his earlier pv. hibition riding on the old school grounds in JoseDh when hist a chunky kid, took a fling at the Art Hughes rodeo Sunday, tak ing nrst place but doing so at a price of sore muscles. Guaranteed Work on all types of Covered Furniture and Mattresses Mattress Renovation a Specialty Mattresses made to order in all sizes COLUMBIA MATTRESS & UPHOLSTERY CO. Phone 3 187 Hermiston Oregon SHRINE CLUBS SPEND PLEASANT EVENING AT PINOCHLE AND BRIDGE At the regular meeting and social hour of the Morrow Coun ty Shrine club and auxiliary Sat urday evening at the Heppner Masonic hall, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Worden captured first honors at pinochle and Mr. and Mrs. Oden Havves of Arlington were accord ed high in bridge. Hosts and hostesses were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Duvall and Mr. and Mrs. John Lane. Refresh ments were in charge of Dr. and Mrs. L. D. Tibbies and Mr. and Mrs. Harley Anderson. Guests from Arlington were Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Lemon. Mr. and Mrs. Oden Hawes and Mr. and Mrs. Marion Weatherford. o Postmaster James Driscoll is on vacation and he and his fam ily have gone to the Willamette valley to spend part of it Higher Parity on j Farm Commodities Affects Taxpayer The upward trend of the "par ity index of farm costs is of concern to taxpayers as well as farmers, says U R. Breithaupt. Oregon State college extension agricultural economist, who points out that the 49-polnt (27 percent) rise in that index the past 12 months means that the 'support price" level is just that much higher than a year ago. Taxpayers are interested be cause the government price floor guarantee of 90 percent of par ity for the basic and "Steag all" commodities must be chang ed up or down under present laws to keep pace with the par ity index until the last day of 19-18, two years after the end of the war was officially proclaim ed. Other commodities may or may not be given price support Farmers are also concerned because the parity index is a general indicator of the trend of farm production and living ex penses. The 27 percent advance in the index from mid-March 1946 to mid-March 1947 signifies that much increase in the ex penses for an average farm. Be cause some farms use more than others of some of the cost items, expenses of some have increased more and others less, however, Breithaupt explains. It is especially significant that the parity index rose 16 points during the first quarter of 1947, four times as fast as during the same period of 1946, he adds. The rapidity of the rise was due principally to higher prices be ing paid by farmers for commod ities used in production and fam ily living. The average cost of production goods at mid March was 28 percent higher and rural living costs 31 percent higher than a year ago. Although farm costs for inter est, insurance and taxes have not increased as fast as prices for goods, all are higher than a year ago. Farmers are borrow ing more and paying slightly higher average rates of interest. Higher replacement costs for building have resulted in in creased insurance costs for many farms. Tax levies on farm prop erty generally over the nation are 10 to 15 points higher than a year or two ago. THREE DROWN IN RIVER DURING DAM CELEBRATION An unhappy ending to an oth erwise happy day occurred at Umatilla Tuesday evening when three persons, residents of Free- water, lost their lives by drown ing in the Columbia river. Dead are Mrs. Lynn Grogan, Mrs. Max Elsey and her husband of two vnrrns who uieu in a vain at I TUB uA7Aone rtc vn io i-o i Diana Van Horn, Sharon Beck .f, Harriet Isom and Kathleen )rwick from the Heppner home naking I club led by Mrs. Har lld Becket displayed pillow tops .ad embroidered vanity sets. jeven 4-H girls from olne very -'rls who served were Joan Colo .'Jiciently served the noon lun ian, Lola Ann McCabe, Carletta -'eon to over 100 people. The Uden, Ruby Ann Rietmann, lne Seehafer, Patricia Drake and Delores Drake. etty Graves and June Vai Vinkle of Lexington took par. n the style revue, when trie., ach modeled an attractive co. .3n dress. Betty is in both th. nothing and beef ciuw. Jon't forget, beef club men. uers meet at 1:30 n.m . Sunriai April 27, at the Elmer Palme." i ranch. CURTAINS I and DRAPERY FABRICS kt Practical Penney Prices COTTAGE SETS-Cheerful as morning in novelty marqui sette . . . with colorful trim, deep ruffles, tie backs, assort ed red, green and blue dots 2.98 Ecru lace net pair panels, size 36" x 78". A spring formula for attractive windows 3.49 pr. Marquisette curtain yardage 35c II r THE HA7AR0S OF YOUR JOB WILL NOT PEE VENT YOU FROM keeping or reinstating your gi insurance; tempt to rescue his wife. The ac cident was the result of a mo- torboat being dashed against a barge, and overturning. Grogan and Elsey swam to a nearby buoy. Mrs. Elsey came to the surface immediately- and when she screamed her husband dove to the rescue. Both disappeared into, the swirling waters and wiwi seen no more. The bodies had not been re covered when the latest dispat ches were sent out Wednesday. many beautiful floral offerings to the memory of Mother Kate RusselL Ed Russell, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maddock, Mr. and Mrs. John Monahan, Mrs. Lottie Kilkenny. Band Fund Growing But Goal Far Short Donations to the uniform fund for the Heppner school band are coming in slowly and while some generous amounts have been given, the goal appears to be afar off. The fund at present is $513, which is approximately one-fourth of the sum needed to equip a 40-piece organization. Of the total amount to date, $105 has been given ,by individ uals and the balance by organizations. METHODIST CHURCH ' J. Palmer Sorlein, Pastor Morning worship at 11 a.m. Sunday school at 9:45 a.m. Thursday choir practice at 7 p.m. W.S.C.S first Wednesday of each month. Annual nteeting of the congre gation and fourth quarterly conference with Dr. Gill, district superintendent, as speaker, Sun day, April 27, at 7:30 p.m. For correct information contact your nearest VETERANS AD MINISTRATION offict. , STRETCH Your DRY CLEANING Dollar TRADE where your clothes are cleaned, cleaner finished better and look right longer. Your Satisfaction Is Our Aim Pick-up and Delivery Service MORROW COUNTY CLEANERS Phone 2632 Heppner, Ore. GSM all day FRHEDAY fosr repairs Heppner Cafe Harvey White SERVEL ELECTROLUX I Kerosene Refrigerators H Martin Bauernfeind H Morgan, Oregon 5 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiw CARD OF THANKS To those we cannot reach per sonally we wish by this means to express our heartfelt thanks for their beautiful floral offerings. M. D. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riggs, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ridings. CARD OF THANKS We are very grateful to friends and neighbors for their expres sions of sympathy and for the PICK-UP SCHEDULE CHANGED Notice to lone and Lexington customers! Pick-up will be made on Tuesdays and Fridays hereaf ter, maintaining a three-day de livery service Instead of a two- day service. Heppner Cleaners & Dyers. FOR SALE One RD-6 Caterpil tar tractor. Cab, lights, and belt power. Millard R. Eakin, Grass Valley, Ore. 4-5e REWARD For chain block lost between Bssey canyon and Heppner Lumber Co. Bert Kane. 45P FOR SALE Library table, chairs, cupboards, bedsteads and springs, and other articles. Mrs. G. W. Thompson. 4-5p LOST Between- Hardman and ': llrppnM, 7:50x16! tire and wheel for International 1939 1-ton truck. Fred Mankin, Ph. 3F4, Heppner. 45p FOR SALE-Brand new Premier . Gen. Elect, vacuum cleaner, never been used. Mrs. O. M. Yeagcr, 415 Jones St., Phone 1487. 45c WANTED Service Station Attendant No Experience Necessary Attractive Salary Opportunity for Advancement Apply STANDARD STATIONS, INC. Main Cr Center Sts. Heppner, Oregon HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES The Heppner Qaeettc, Mtabllihad March 30, 1301. Tha Heppner Times, established Vovambwr 18, 1897. Consolidated ftb. 15, 1912. Published every Thurfday and entered at the Pott Offloa at Heppnar, Oregon, as wand class matter. Subscription price, 3.30 a rear; single copies lOe. O. G. CRAWFOID Publisher and Idltar 1. There's Spring in Every Line ... New Costume Jewelry Slacks $4.25; Shorts $3.75; Jackets $4.25-1 n Sanforized Apparel City California Denims-Range of sizes '12 to 20. New arrival of Blouses-Rayon Jersey, Koret of California Slack Suits in Rayon Poplin . Koret of California, $8.75 Sun Maid Jantzen Shorts $5.95 and $6.95 in smooth cool Tegra cloth and Pinwale corduroy Luscious shades and wide range ' of sizes oAnderson & Wilson Women's Apparel 1 n ...j ;.v...-j - v''- f ' PREMIER $ mAtHO-MATIC NOZZLE THE B v"' IN VACUum mm It'i here the ooe-and-only Matho-Matic Nozzle that auto, matically adjusts itself, with mrthe matical precision, to snj floor lurface-thick rug, thin rug, lino ' leum, or bare floor! Thil exclusive Premier feature meant quicker, easier, more thorough cleaning but it's only one of many remark able new features that make this de luxe cleaner the finest ever built by Premier! See it, try it toiUy! Premier De Luxe Vac ?Q.75 Price only ' HtRS'S HOW IT WORKS f v lAHOlf VPRIQVTt Thf enl paihti dowa Itattf ! Armlf iaio MNDII III CLtANIM POSITION: Noute rim o nact htJght foe moM tflbdai ctaaaiaf- IN OH RATION! ftt to vibrato! aad fatly bat fboroughhf claaaad M a cusbJoo of alt. ill THI MATHO-MATIC NOZZLI IN ACTIONl Hoppner Appliance Co. In Hodge Chevrolet Co, Building Phone 403 N NOW IN STOCK " if MATTHEWS RADIO REPAIR and SERVICE STAR CD REPORTER rw Itartu m m araoam twf tatar, 1 p. I p. m. mmM wh nijMti wm an Fnim Profiwai NHwl o CtMWr WIMk iMtfl new for wMVIy tnnounctment FRIDAY-SATURDAY, APRIL 1819i Joe Palooka, Champ Jm Xtrkwood Jr., BIjtm Knox. Xon Brrol, ad. nardo ClanMlll, Jo Lovli, Hnrf Arautitmf, Manuel Ortli and Ctttrlao O arc La Characters from Ham riahar'a widely read comlo strip "Joe Palooka" make up the cast of thla good prlzeflKht melodrama with authenticity added by appearances of ring champlona of the sporting world, PLU8 FLAMING BULLETS Rapid pace, exciting situation and a couple of good song numbers make up this Tea Bitter western. , i SUNDAY-MONDAY, APRIL 20-21 1 UNDERCURRENT Bobert Taylor, Bobert Mltohun, Katharine Hepburn, Edmund Owenn, Marjorle Mala This la dramatic screen at Its beat and, we think, you'll find It one of the most exciting films you've seen In a long time. TUESDAY, APRIL 22: I've Always Loved You A story about music and musicians with Arthur Bublnsteln playing the works of Baohmaalnoff, Chopin, Beethoren, Mendelsohn, Wagner, Iilast and Bach,,, In addition there are rich si-tUng. colorful backgrounds and Technicolor photogra phy. In tlie excellent cast are Phillip Dorn, Catherine MoLeod, Maria Ouspenskaya, Tellx Bressart, Frita raid, Elisabeth Patterson. WED. THURS- APRIL 23-24: , The Mighty McGurk Wallace Beery, Dean Btookwell, Edward Arnold, Aline MaeMahon, Dorothy Patriot An audience delight packed with heart-throbs and howls, PLUS Latest Issue of the March of Time 10 :l t C OKTt