Want Ads Let our paint department restore that show room complexion to your old car with a new paint job. Rose wall Motor Company. New 600 x 16 4-ply tires, take offs. $15.26. Rosewall Motor Company. April 19th Is the date and Hepp ner Is the place, keep this date open. CALL FOR BIDS Sealed bids will be received until the hour of 8 o'clock p.m. May 6, 1947, for one second hand electric stove and one second hand electric refrigerator. Bids to be submitted to clerk of School District 12 at Lexington, Oregon. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. 3-6 Mrs. Mary Edwards, Clerk. REWARD I will cheerfully give $5 for Information leading to the whereabouts of the rumor fac tory in Heppner. So many peo ple have asked me if I am re tiring that I feel it is a duty I owe my friends and the public to state that I have not retired, neither do I contemplate retir ing. Dr. A. D. McMurdo. WANTED An elderly man to do odd jobs and handle casting. Or will consider taking a young man for apprenticeship. Inquire at once at the Gazette Times office. FOR SALE One baby car riage, like new. Mrs. Billy Co chell, or phone 582. 3-4p FOR SALE Boy's bicycle in good condition. Phone 574. 3p FOR SALE or trade, Mercury 4-door sedan In A-l condition. Good rubber. See Bob Runnlon at once. 3c FOR SALE Medium size baby buggy, like new. Vic Grosh ens, Sq.tise St. 3-4p FOR SALE 6 room house, ideal location. For information, call Marcel Jones, phone 613. 3-4p AVAILABLE: The best one-man business in this county. If you are between 25 and 55 years old, have car, and possess good reputation, you can qual ify. Write J. R. Watkins Com pany, 4512 Hollis Street, Oak land 8, Calif. 49-55c FOR SALE Registered Herefords 17 cows and calves, 6 2-year-old heifers open, 10 1-year-old heifers, 1 herd bull. Lester Barnum, Grass Valley, Ore. 2-3 Reliable man with car wanted to call on farmers in Morrow County. Wonderful opportun ity. $15 to $20 In a day- No experience or capital required. Permanent. Write today. Mc NESS COMPANY, Dept. B, 2423 Magnolia St., Oakland 7, Cal. 2-3p Can summer about 250 dry sheep. P. O. Box 115, Heppner. 2-3p Missing 5 yearling heifers, all ear-marked upper bit each ear, some branded bar through lower right side of D, right ribs. Notify A. A. Scouten at 16F13 or 523 Heppner. 2-3c For grave markers and monu ments write R. A. Bent ley, Haines, Ore. 2-3p Will the ladies who borrowed my Singer electric vacuum sweeper last fall please return It Immediately. Mrs. Ella Da vidson, lone. 2-3p HOUSE FOR SALE $3500. 5 rooms and bath, corner Shorb St. & Riverside Ave. Kenneth Vosberg. 2-4p IJI STOCK Most sizes at old prices deep and shallow well pumps 14 to- 2 h.p., gas and electric,' tanks, pipe and pipe fittings; also wiring supplies for a complete installation at L. A. Moore Furniture Store, Phone 2121, Hermiston, Or. 2-5 LOST Chain hoist between Rhea Creek and Heppner Lbr. Co. Apr. 1. Notify Wm. Maness. For electrical work, see or call Fred L. Meek, Phone 2555, Heppner. l-4p I am equipped and ready to do your Sand & Gravel Hauling for you Vernon Christopherson Lexington, Oregon COSTA MESA POTTERY Planting Dishes in cup and trouah stvles . . . Brighten a corner with a growing plant just the thing for the table in the hall. FOR YOUR OUT-0'DOORS GARDEN Calla Lily, Dahlia and Glad Bulbs. . . It is time to plant them. We have a fine assortment. Bedding Plants - Pansy Plants The Flower Shop FAY BUCKNCM FOR SALE One Page & Page dual axle logging trailer. Ken neth Cook, Fossil, Ore. l-4c LEAVE YOUR ORDERS at Gil liam & Bisbee for BENSEL'S New Hampshire White Leg horn BABY CHICKS. U. S. Cer tified, U. S. Approved, U. S. Pullorum controlled. We guar antee live delivery of amount ordered. BENSEL'S HATCH ERY, Hermlston, Oregon. 45ti FOR SALE The Albert Rea house, price $3500. For further information see our attorney, P. W. Mahoney, or write Mrs. H. C. Wood, Adm., 2907 NE 53d Ave., Portland, Ore. 3-4p FOR SALE Davenport and chair. swing rocker and footstool, kitchen stove, bedroom set, chest, dresser. See at Cecil Hicks residence, Lexington. 3p FOR SALE Malleable steel range, hot water tank, good condition. Ideal for ranch. Clara Gertson. 3p Legal Advertising NOTICE OP SPECIAL ELECTION ON MAT 6TH, 1947 IN THE CITY OP HEPPNER, OBEQON NOTICE Is hereby given that a spe cial election has been called to be held in the City of Heppner on Tuesday, the 6th day of May, 1947. The polling place for said election will be at the Council Chambers, and the polls will be open from 8 o'clock A. M. until 5 o'clock P. M. Said election has been called for the purpose of submitting to the legal voters a charter amend ment as provided in the following resolution : ABSOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUN CIL OF THE CITY OF HEPPNER. OREGON, that the following proposed amendment u me unarier oi said city be and the same is hereby proposed for submission to the legal voters of aid city for their adoption or rejection at a special election to be held as in this Resolution provided. CHARTER AMENDMENT SUBMIT TED TO THE VOTERS BY THE COUNCIL. AN ACT. To amend the Charter of the City of Heppner, Oregon, by adding thereto Article authorizing the issuance of water bonds in the sum of Seventy -five Thousand Dollars (S75,(JfK.Oli). BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEO PLE OK THE CITY OF HEPP NER, OREGON that the Charter of the City of Heppner, Oregon, be amended by adding thereto Article to read as follows: Article For the purpose of providing funds with which to build a reser voir, and repair, extend, and im prove the water system and water pipe lines of the City, the Council is authorized to issue and sell wa ter bonds of the City in the sum of Seventy-five Thousand Dollars ($75,000.00). said bonds shall be the direct general obligations of the City of Heppner. Oregon, The Council shall make an addi tional special tax levy each year in a sum sufficient to pay the interest on the bonds herehy authorized and to retire the principal thereof as It matures. Neither the debt limitations nor the tax limitation contained In the Charter of the city shall apply to the bonds hereby authorized. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the fol lowing ballot title is adopted for said amendment: CHARTER AMENDMENT Submitted to the Voters by the Council. Shall the Charter or the City oi Heppner, Oregon, be amended by adding thereto Article , provid ing for the issuance and sale of water bonds in the sum of Seventy five Thousand Dollars ($75,000.00) to provide funds with which to build a reservol r, and repai r. ex -tend, and improve the water sys tem of the city, and providing a special tax levy to pay the princl pal and interest on said bonds? 100 YES 101 NO. RESOLVED FURTHER, that this resolution for a proposed charter am endment submitted to the voters by the Council be filed with the Record er for submission to the legal voters of snid city for their adoption or re jection to be voted on at a special election, which said election Is hereby culled to be held on the 6th day of Mav. 1W7. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the Recorder be and he in instructed to give notice of said election by publi cation of this resolution in full in Heppner Gazette Times, a newspaper published in the City of Heppner once each week for two successive weeks. the first publication thereof to be more than fineen Hftl nays prior 10 the election. The Recorder shall also post notices of election in at least six (6) public snd conspicuous places in the City at least ten (10) days prior tn said election, which posted notice shall stnte the time, place and purposes "t tne election mil ncea not contain the full amendment. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the 6th day of May. 1!47 between the legal voting hours on said date, that Is from rvlork A M. to B o'clock P. M.. Is hereby designated as the time for holding said election, and the follow iiiir tvillinir nlace and the following Judges and Clerks are hereby desig nated and appointed as the place and officials to conduct snm eiecnon: Polling places: Council Chambers. City of Heppner. Oregon; Judges. A, W. Jones and Alex Green, and Clerks, C. R McAllsler. S. J. Devfne and R, B. Rice. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the Recorder Is instructed to notify snid Judges and Clerks, prepare the neces sary naiiots naa other election sup saucer or watering soft paste colors. plies, and titke all other action neces sary In the conduct of said election. WHEKKAS, it w neceasary r,r tne peace, health and safety of the city that the election herein provided (or atiall he held at aa early a date aa wa mble and In order so to do thia reso lution take effect Immediately, NOW THKRKKOKE, AN EMERGENCY la herehy declared to exist and this resolution aliall so into force and effect upon its adoption and approval. Adopted hy the Council this 7th day of April, li47, by the following vote: YEAH: Kishee, Dunham. Nickeraon, Tihhles, Wilson and Yeaer. NAYS: None. Approved by the Mayor this 7th day of April. 1SH7. CONLEY LANHAM. Mayor. (SEAL) Attest: E. R. HUSTON. 3-5 Recorder. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is herehy given that the un dersigned was duly appointed hy the County Court of the Slate of Oregon for Morrow County, executor of the es tate of Lillie Aiken, deceased, and all persons having claims against the es tate of said deceased are herehy re quired to present same to the under signed executor with proper vouchers, at the law office of Jos. J. Nya, at Heppner, Oregon, within six months front the date hereol, Dated and first published this 10th day of April. 1W7. 3 7 HOWARD BRYANT. Executor. NOTICE TO CBEDITOR8 Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned was duly appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, administrator of the estate of Grace Linn, deceased, and all persons having claims agaiimt the estate of said deceased are hereby re quired to present same to the under signed administrator with proper vou chers, at the law office of Jos. J. Nys, at Heppner, Oregon within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published this 10th day of April, 1947. 3-7 CARL P. LINN, Administrator. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been duly appointed by the County Court of Morrow County, State of Oregon, Executrix of the Es tate of Richard C. Lawrence, deceased, and all persons having claims against the said estate of said deceased are hereby required to present the same with proper vouchers duly verifide as required by law to the said Executrix at the law office of P. W. Mahoney at Heppner, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published this JOth day of April. 1947. ISA BELLE H. LAWRENCE. Executrix. P. W. MAHONEY, Altorney at Law. Heppner. Oregon. 3-7 NOTICE OF SALE OF COUNTY PROPERTY BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF THE COUNTY COURT, dated April 3, 1947, I am authorized and directed to advertise and sell at public auction at n leas man me minimum price here in set forth: Lots 13 to 24 Inclusive. Block 32. Irrigon, Oregon, for the minimum price of $100.00 cash. Lots numbered 4, 5. 6. 7. 9, 11. H 15. 16, 17, 18. 19. 20. 21. 22, 23. 24, 25. 26. 27, 28. 29. and 30 in Block 39. Irrigon, Oregon for the minimum price of $115,00. cash. Block 20, Irrigon. Oregon for the minimum price of $25.00, cash. Block 21, Irrigon, Oregon for the minimum price of $25.00, cash. Block 33, Irrigon, Oregon for the minimum price of $100.00. cash. Block 34, Irrigon, Oregon for the minimum price of $100.00, cash. 60 and 81-100 acres in Section 19. 5N, Range 27, E.W.M. owned by Morrow County (Deed record 42. page 84) for the minimum price of $90 00. cash. Lots numbered 16, 17, 18, 21, 22. 23. 24. and 25 in Block 36. Irrigon. Ore gon for the mi n i mum price of $80.00, cash. Lots 1 to 5 Inclusive. Fergerson's 2nd Addition to Hordman, Oregon for the minimum price of $12.50 cash. THEREFORE. I will on the 10th day of May, 1947 at the hour of 10:00 A. M.. at the front door of the Court House in Hennner. Oreeon. sell said property to the highest and best bid der. C. J- D. BAUHAN, SIMtttl. Morrow County, Oregon. By FRANCES MITCHELL 3-7 Deputy. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Nniic Is hereuv k I veil that ine un- dfrsinncd was duly appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, executor of tje estate of Marparet D. Justus, deceased., and all persons having claims against the estate oi saia uwobwu are mny hy required tn present the same duly verified with proper vouchers to said executor at the law office of Jos. J. Nv at Hfnnner. Orcnon. within Six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published this win day of March, 1947. 1-4 Executor. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEKEHY GIVEN that the undersigned was appointed by the for Morrow County. Administrator of Count v Court of the Stnte oi uregon the estate of Lee A. Scritsmler, de feased, and all persons having claims atminat the astute of said deceased, are hereby required to present the same with proper vouchers duly ver ified, to said administrator at ine law office of F. W. Mahoney. at Hepp ner. Oregon, within six months from the date of thin notice. Dated and firnt -published tnis in day of March. 1947. Administrator. P. W. MAIIONKY. Attorney at Law. Hennner, Oregon. 51-4 NOTICE OF PINAL HEAINO Ntillre Is hereby Riven that the lin derslKiied. as Administrator of the Es tate of ROHKRT Li. HKAKP. deceased, )Hfl file.! h s ftnnl account aim repon in the said estate with the Clerk of tills Court and that the JudKe thereof has fixed Monday. April Hh. at the hour of 10:1X1 o'clock A. M. as the time n the Counly Courtroom in the court house In Heppner. Morrow county Oregon, as the place of hearing onjec llons to the said final account and the settlement thereof. C. J. D. BAUMAN, Administrator of the Estate of Rtihert L. Heard, deceased. P. W. MAITONEY, Attorney for Administrator, Heppner, Oregon, NOTICE Or FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby Riven that the un dersigned, administrator of the estate of Lucas KIlKore, deceased, has filed his final account with the County Court of the Slate of Oregon, for th. Cuunty of Morrow, and said Court hai set, as the time and place for hearing .... ih rtnnl ncniint 11:00 o'clock A. M Monday. April 21st 1S17 In the Counly Court Room of the Morrow Cnuntv Court House In Heppner. Ore gon. All persons having objections to said final account are nereoy requireu to file the same with the said Court on or before the date set for said hearing. .T. O. TURNER 52-4 Administrator and Attorney. NOTICE OF SALB OF COUNTY PROPERTY iiv vmTrK or AN ORDKR OF THR COUNTY COURT, dated March 6, 1947. I' am authorized and directed to advertise and sell at public auc tion at not less than the minimum price herein set forth: i.ois ana s in ulik r a. v niu o mil addition to the City of lone, OreRon Transferring & Heavy Hauling Padded Moving Vans Storage Warehouse U.P.andN.P. Penland Bros. Transfer Co. 39 SW Dsrion Avenue Phone 338 Pendleton, Ore. CHURCHES CHURCH OF CHRIST Bible school, 9:45 a.m., C. W. Barlow, supt.; Mrs. Everett Smith, junior superintendent; Mrs. Joe Jewett, primary superintendent. Morning worship 11, commun ion and preaching; sermon top ic, "The Place of Faith in the Christian's Life." Christian Endeavor meetings, 6:30 p.m. Junior-intermediate, Mrs. Joe Jewett, advisor; adult Kndeavor .in the church base ment. Evening evangelistic services, 7:30; sermon topic, "Seven Eter nals in The Book of Hebrews." Choir practice Thursday eve ning at 7, Everett Smith, direc tor. Mid-week prayer meeting Thursday evening at 8:00 in the church basement ALL SAINTS CHURCH . Holy communion, 8 a.m. Church school, 9:45 a.m. Morning prayer, 11 a.m. ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH Sunday, 9:45 a.m., Sunday school. 11 a.m., Evangelist Miller will be speaking on the subject, "Hol iness." And again at 7:45 p.m., "Bara bbas Looks at Calvary." Tuesday, 7:45, Young People's meeting. for the minimum price of $20.00, cash. Lot 6 In Block 13 South and West of Willow Creek, Town of Lexing ton, Oregon for the minimum price 01 w.uu, casn. i Weat Half, and the Southeast Quar ter of Section 18; North Half, North Half of the South Half of Section f 19; North Half, and the Southeast Quarter of Section 20, in Township 2 North. Range 36 B. W. M. for the , minimum price of $6.00 per acre, i cash. THEREFORE. I will on the 19th1 day of April. 1947 at the hour of 10:00' . M.. at the front door of the Court House in Heppner, Oregon, sell said property to the highest and beet bidder. C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff. Morrow County, Oregon FRANCES MITCHELL. 52-4 Deputy. 30TICE TO CBEDITOaS Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned was duly appointed by the bounty court or the btate or Oregon for Morrow County administratrix of the estate of Walter T. Gerard, de ceased, and all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby required to present the ame o the undersigned administra-) trix duly verified as required by law t the law office of Jos, J. Nys. at Heppner, Oregon, within six months . f r m the date hereof. Dated and first published this 20th day of March 1947. MYRTLE GERARD, 52-4 Administratrix. I Why the Drive Against Cancer Deserves Your Support In 1936 there were 142,613 cancer deaths in the United States alone. There has been a constant increase in the death rate every year since. It is estimated that 184,000 of the 700,000 now suffering with cancer will die from this dread disease during the year. About 25 per cent of those who become aff I icted with cancer are now cured by surgery, radium or x-ray treatments. This percentage can be increased to at least 50 per cent by public cooperation with the program being sponsored by the American Cancer So ciety. The two-fold purpose of this program is first to make the known facts available to the public by printed pamphlets and constant encouragement for widespread read ing, and secondly to promote a wider field of research to determine new cures to fight the disease. The funds to be collected each year during April are being expended wisely. 60 per cent will be retained by the State Committee to be used for Cancer educa- tion, service and facilities. 25 per cent will be used to further National Research. 9 per cent for national educational programs. 6 per cent for administrative expense. Last year Morrow County raised $746.00. This year we are certain that with your co operation we can raise $1 ,000 without burden to anyone. Please make your donation payabe to Cancer Drive, and deliver or mail to Heppner Branch, First National Bank of Portland. Whether or not you feel able to assist this campaign with a donation, please do your part by obtaining and studying a part or all of the pamphlets made available by the ' American Cancer Society and on display at the above named bank. Read this inform ation carefully and pass along to friends, and your effort will be doubly effective in furthering this program. Let us now become fully aware of the inroads being made by cancer upon the future health and happiness of our entire country, and be prepared to fight if that dread disease strikes in our home or the homes of those close to us. B. C. PINCKNEY, Chairman, Morrow County Drive. BELANGEB SCHEDULED TO SPEAK AT LEX GRANGE Joe Bclanger, former Morrow county agricultural agent and now a JUmatilla county rancher, will be the principal speaker at the Lexington grange Saturday evening. The meeting will be in charge of the agriculture com mittee of which O. W. Cutsforth is chairman. A film will be presented show ing fire fighting with a fog noz zle, and the Lexington band will play several numbers. The evening will open with a potluck dinner at 6:30. The word is out for all grangers of the county to attend. Thursday, 7:45, Bible study and prayer meeting. METHODIST CHURCH J. Palmer Sorleln, Minister Sunday: Morning worship with music by the choir at 11 a.m. Church school at 9:45 a.m. Thursday: There will be a so cial evening with potluck supper at 6:30 p.m. for all the congrega tion honoring our choir and the 20 new members of the church. The W.S.C.S. meets the first Wednesday of each month. STOP at WESTERN Complete Stock Passenger and Truck Tires Car Batteries, Car Accessories Floor Mats ' CON Heppner Gazette News From C. A. Office Morrow County Landscaping Meeting R. Ralph Clark, extension hort iculturist at Oregon State college gave two landscape meetings in Morrow county last week. The meetings were given at Board man and Heppner before an in terested audience of men and women. The goals of landscaping, said Mr. Clark, are threefold, beauty, attractiveness and comfort. Our success in life is often judged by the appearance of our home grounds, which do not need to be large and expensive to be beautiful. Landscape the home grounds to protect the driveways and doorways from the wind. On the farm landscape the home yard from the farm yard and hide the unattractive articles by plants, shrubs or hedges. Many interesting and usable ideas were given. One very im LEY LANHAM Times, Heppner, Oregon, portant idea to keep In mind is to plan plantings to extend over at least four or five years. Improving your norre grounds through landscaping is fun. We, came home Saturday from the have too little of enjoyment in Pendleton hospital. life. Do not miss this chance. o You can do the Job. I Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vaughn The meetings were arranged in 'left Monday for Portland on a Morrow county through the home vacation trip. Avoid Annoyance And Discomfort due to a clogged septic tank or cesspool. I have purchased a tank pump and am in position to give prompt, efficient service. Phone 702 - HOWARD KEITHLEY For the Best Buy in Electric Water Heaters BUY FOWLER Sizes from 5 to 80 gallons-porcelain-lined, never rusts. . . Long life ele ments strapped to outside of tank do not corrode from hard water. LOWER OPERATING COST due to superior construction 20-year replacement guarantee Built by Oregon firm 32 years in water heater business We can make delivery and installa tion NOW! HEPPNER HARDWARE & ELECTRIC Heppner, Oregon April 10, 1947-5 demonstration agent's office. Mrs. Jack Van Winkle and ba by daughter. Patrida Louis.