6-Heppner Gozette Times, Heppner, Oregon, Morch 27, 1947- IONE ITEMS . ... Mr. And Mrs. Ivwr Timms of fvnrtieton vi-re lone i.simrs last wk. 7'lny ramp over fur the pri-r (". JYterson funeral at j Lpxincton. : Jiod Kklcborry of Hrrmiston j an lone visitor last week. Th- senior class will give a 1 dinner Sunday, March 3d. from 12 30 p.m. to 3 p.m. at the school ' house, the procwda to go toward their "skip day." The social meeting of the Top It dun will be held at the Ma or.ic hall in the afternoon, Sat urday, March 29. Mrs Fred Ely of Morgan re turned from Bremerton, Wash., lst week. She visited with her daughter, Mrs. Lester Hoak. Mrs. Walter Corley and son Walter William returned from The Dalles hospital last week. Word was received of the death of Mrs. Donald Heliker's grandfather, C. G. Wetmore of Saicm. Mr. Wetmore visited with the Ho'.ikers last winter. Mrs. Sam Ksteb was quite ill at her home last week but is re covering. Mrs .Ernest Heliker was taken to The Dalles hospital last week. Mrs. Hattie Botts is in The Dal; les hospital. Mrs. John Ransier and Mrs. Harvey Smith, who underwent major operations at the Mid Columbia hospital last week, are getting along satisfactorily. Students home from college this week are Alton Yarnell, U. of Washington; Mildred Carlson and Shirlee Smouse, University of Oregon; Donald and Eunice Peterson, Alice Nichoson, June Griffith and Gene Rietmann, Oregon State. Holmes Gabbert and son Dwight of Portland were week end visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Wal lace Matthews. Mr. Gabbert re cently returned from a trip east. The Ameca club met at the home of Mrs. Milton Morgan on Guaranteed Work on all types of Covered Furniture and Mattresses Mattress Renovation a Specialty Mattresses made to order in ell sizes COLUMBIA MATTRESS & UPHOLSTERY CO. Phone 3 187 Hermisron Oregon EASTER LILY PLANTS There's yet time to place an order for a plant to be deliv ered to the Veter ans Hospital. For your conveni ence orders may be placed for flowers at any time for any occasion with Nash's Grocery, Cecil; Gladys Drake, Lone; Warner's Store, Lexington. The Flower Shop FAY BUCKNUM 4 if';. 1 Chin-to-toe Fashions for Easter! Smart Speiiator Pumps in soft whi'o leather and t" rown calf trim. High heel- 5.50 CLOSED BACK PUMPS in hiny black patent. Comfy low heek 5.50 BRIGHT HANDBAGS in gleaming plastic patent. Top zippers, 4 Qg u$'fAX FABRIC GLOVES in tailored it j lei. Black, white, colon. 98 HIGH -NECK DICKEYS in petil-iheer riyoni. White, pastels. y Og COnON HANKIES in at- tractive, colorbriglit print. 23 Wednesday afternoon, March 19. with Mrs. Morgan and Mrs. Ray mond Lundell as hostesses. There were about twenty mem bers present and the afternoon was spent in playing court whist. Those receiving prizes were Mrs. Lloyd Rice, high, and Mrs. Ralph Crum, low. Refresh ments were served by the hos tesses. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Young have moved on to the old Allen place below Morgan. They leased the place from the Logans, who own it. A couple of birthday parties were given in the grade school last week. Mrs. Clell Rea gave a party Wednesday for the fifth and sixth grade pupils in honor of her son Richards 12th birth day, serving ice cream and cake. Friday. Mrs. Melvin Nelson and Mrs. A. C. Crowell gave a party for the third and fourth grades in honor of their son and daugh ter, Otis Nelson and Kay Crow ell, each being 11 years old. Dixie cups and cake were served. Bunchgrass Rebekah lodge held their regular meeting on Thursday evening of last week. The following were "elected as delegates to go to grand lodge 'at The Dalles in May: Mrs. Paul Pettyjohn and Echo Palmateer, and Mrs. Mary Swanson and Miss Eva Swanson as alternates. A luncheon of cake, ice cream and coffee was served in honor of those having birthdays in January, February and March. Gifts were presented to them, the ladies getting vases and flowers and the men ash trays. Those having birthdays were Mrs. Etta Bristow, Mrs. Clell Rea, Mrs. Gordon White, Mrs. Lana Padberg, Mrs. Clara Kin- caid, Mrs. Ella Davidson, Mrs. Carmina Erickson, George, Fred and H. O. Ely. Those on the serving committee were Mrs, Omar Rietmann, Mrs. Clell Rea, Mrs. Mary Swanson, Mrs. C. W, Swanson and Miss Eva Swanson. Mrs. Mary Taft of Compton, Calif., is a guest at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Joe Stevens. Mrs Gordon White attended a luncheon at the George Shane home in Arlington Friday of last week. The American Legion is giving a dance March 29 in their new hall. Music will be furnished by a student orchestra from Ore gon State college. The lone P-TA gave a semi- formal dance in honor of the high school students and faculty Friday night, March 21, in the gym. The gym was artistically decorated to represent a spring garden, with blooming trees, flowers, wheel barrows loaded with flowers and festoons of pas tel shades of crepe paper. The following program was given by the seventh and eighth grade girls: Tap dance by Barbara Jackson; song, Alice Blue Gown, Delight Biddle, and a hula hula dance and song by Delores Drake. Ingrid Hermann, Fern Jones, Jane Seehafer and Betty Lrritlin. Refreshments of cookies and punch were served with Mrs. B. C. Forsythe pouring. Ely's or chestra furnished the music. The study meeting of the Top ic club met at the home of Roy Lindsirom Saturday afternoon, March 22, with 14 members pre sent and one guest. The book, "Deborah" by Marian Castle, was reviewed by Mrs. Fannie Griffith and Mrs. Lindstrom. Pie and coffee were served by the hostesses, Mrs. Griffith. Mrs. Ce cil Thome and Mrs. Llwlstrom. Mr. and Mrs. James Fatrone and son arrived in lone last week. They are operators of the v ictory cafe. FriTi the lone Independent of March 26. 1920: The high school ediiori.-l staff for getting out the school annual is working hard on a multiplicity of details and promise to have the book ready sometime i i May. Those desir ir. a copy should get their or wr i : so -jr. f3 onlv a limited m:m! c r will be printed. In order ' 1 hein pny for getting out the publirrtion several pages are re wei! for advertisers. This work tm-Vr the management of Ve ra Engelman. In observance of Holy Week, the ('"iperstive ehtirch of lone hss fmnrjed a series of special servii es, Monday through Thurs day, March 31-April 3. Topics chosen for meditation include. MoiKUiy evening: "She hath Oone "hrt she coull": Tuesday, "V?l!::ng in the Light"; Wed nesday, "A Hew Commandment"; and a candlelight communion service on Thursday evening. All sorviers will be rtco:ional and will commence at 7:30 p m.. Eas ter Sunday services will begin with a sunrise service on the hill south of town; breakfast will be served at the home of Mr. rnd Mrs. Markham Baker. Easter program by the children during the church school hour and senior Easter service at 11 a.m. A cordial invitation is ex tended to the public to all of these services. Reginald and Alfred Shirley, students at University of Oregon and Oregon State college, are visiting their parents, Rev. and Mrs. Alfred Shirley. Eert Mason arrived home the BOARDMAN . . ,a b,rthday dinner for their son spent a couple "of days In Walla Walla this week where Mr. Mes senger was consulting a physi cian. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ball of Vanport spent a few day with Mrs. Ball's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Algy Taylor, and Mr. Ball's parents, Mr. and Ms. Roy Ball. On Friday evening at the Russell Miller home the high school girls entertained Mrs. Ball with a bridal shower. She received many lovely gifts. Refreshments of ice cream and cake were served. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kennedy and two sons of Portland are spending a few days at the home jf Mr. Kennedy's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ray birthday party. The little Miss ir.d Mrs. Brown, will motor to Walla Walla to visit other rela tives for the day. Saturday afternoon Mrs. N. A. Macomber gave her little grand daughter, Beverly Tetteys, a birthday aprty. The-little Miss wrs nine years old and those helping her to celebrate were Marie Potts, Carol Hamilton, Sharon Fussell, Charlotte Gra ham, WiLma and Wanda Hug, Delores Carlson, Connie Baker, Anna June Robertson, Quannah Cropper, Lorena Shannon, Bar bara Anderegg, Beatrice and Rose Cassidy. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Pearson en tertained Sunday evening with HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES The Heppner GavXta, jtablUh8d March 80, 1888, The Hppner Times, established November 18, 1897. Consolidated Feb. 15, 1912. Published every Thursday and entered at the Post Office at Heppner, Oregon, as aecond clasa matter. Subacrlptlon price, $2.50 a year; single copies 10c. O. G. CRAWFORD Publisher and Editor Wilbur. Those present besides the host and hostess were Wil bur, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey West and son Larry, Miss Charlotte Wooley. Donald Tannehill and Mrs. Mary of Hinkle. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Russell mo tored to Arlington Sunday and were dinner guests at the home of Mrs. Russell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey West Sr. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Stalcupp and family have taken posses sion of their new home recently purchased from Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gardner. The Gardners have gone to Hood River with view of finding a location there. Miss Dagmar Skoubo arrived home from the state university for the spring vacation and is at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Skoubo. Mrs. L. Beatrice Daniels left for Portland Sunday to attend the district Ayrshire dairy meet ing, of which she is secretary. Mrs. Frank Cole left Sunday iafDernoon for Portland to be gone a few days. . 0 BAZAAR AND FOOD SALE The Women's Society of the Methodist church will hold a bazaar from 2 to 5 p. m. Satur day, March 29 in the basement first of the week from California. Mrs. Ida Coleman, Mrs. Echo Palmateer and daughter Laurel, Miss Francine Ely and Miss Vir ginia Smith were Walla Walla visitors Tuesday. For Your Relaxing CAT'S PAJAMAS ' for lounging ... or for sleeping LUVLEE LADY GOWNS for comfortable sleeping . . . in rayon jersey. In Assorted Sizes and Colors Anderson 6- Wilson Women's Apparel of the church. Tea will be serv ed and there will also be cooked food for sale. 52-lc - . o CARD OF THANKS Wo take this means of thank- In? our neighbors and friends for their kindness and sympa thy, and lor the Deautitui norai offerings tendered us in our late bereavement. Mrs. P. C. Petersen and family. AVAILABLE: The best one-man business in this county. If you are between 25 and 55 years old, have car, and possess good reputation, you can qual ify. Write J. R. Watkins Com pany, 4512 Hollis Street, Oak- ' land 8, Calif. 49-55c FOR SALE Electric water pres sure system wtih 500-gallon tank. Newport, Kern & Kibbe, phone 2711, Lexington, Ore. 51tfc ff. X y For your friends and dear ones who cherish the deep, religious significance of Easter, we have lovely Easter cards that reflect the season's spiritual beauty. Bibles and New Testaments King James Version, American Standard Version, the new Re vised Standard Version, Good speed Translation. Bible Story Books for the Children. Humphreys Drug Co. A Great Meeting FJow Going Where? at the Assembly of God Church Across from City Hall MARCH 16 -APRIL 13, Inclusive Evang. fir Mrs. Winston R Miller of Indianapolis, Ind. will be Singing and Playing Each Evening (except Monday) 7:45 P. M. Interesting to Young People Inspiring to the Old Everyone Invited Pastor S. E. Graves STAR nn REPORTER Shew Start rt rtet. BUtlsMi ntr 8imdy, 1 p. 8 p. m. to mapdiiH Mil On 94nl Ttx mtnmmt. Children'! Atmlaatan apply totf a ftton tner flit fern g.ff 11 MMM Short Satjmti WMi MS Pimimmi Program taWMI to Chus-p Wattfi loenl nmpaper for wiettly armounosKOTt FHIDAY-SATURDAY, MARCH 28-29 Romance of the West A western dressed up with color and several musical ballads and featuring Eddie Dean, Em mett Lynn, Melodie, Cblof thundercloud. PLUS GAS HOUSE KIDS High adventures of a rugged group of New York East Side kids headed by Billit HaJop. SUNDAY-MONDAY, MARCH 30-31 My Darling Clementine Henry Fonda, Linda Darnell, Walter Brennan, Cathy Downs, Tim Holt, Viotor Matnra, Alan Mowbray, Ward Bond, Jan a Darwetl A story of the old, wide-open west built around the two famous outlaw hunters of Tombstone, Arizona: Doo Bolidaj and Wyatt Bary. We're planning to put on a very foolish program for April Fool's Day. Watch for further announcement. A v - V v A VARIETY OF GIFTS DESIGNED TO PLEASE O Boxed Chocolates Easter Cards Bunnies (Baskets Tavern & Blue Gate Candles Other Easter Novelties Saager's Pharmacy ave with our ervice $ $ $ $ $ $ (P (T tf (T (I p 4 $ p 4 THIS MONTH. a complete moto) (jJT tune-up! Only P-0 Labor only Hodge Chevrolet Co, Heppner Phone403 Spruce Up For Easter ONE WEEK SPECIAL March 31 to April 5 One 2-piece or one 3-piece rflt Men's Suit, cleaned and $1-00 pressed Congratulations to lone Post No. 95 on the re-opening of its hall after a fine jbo of rebuilding. Heppner Cleaners r Dyers Phone 259-2 2-day regular delivery 4-hour special Better work - Faster Service Certified Cleaning and Finishing