Want Ads For electrical work, see or call Fred L. Meek, Phone 2555, Heppner, l-4p KOK SALK One Page & Page dual axle logging trailer. Ken neth Cook, Fossil, Ore. l-4c Hydraulic bumper jacks $13.95. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE or Trade Income property - including rooming house, 7 cabins, two lots; buildings newly papered" and painted, new roofs partly fur nished. Income $210 per mo. Will trade for ranch. Charley Fraters, Box 533, Heppner. 52-2 WILL the person who bo; rowed a 7-ft. stepladder from my shop about two years ago please return it. No hard feel ings I just need the ladder. J. P. O'Meara, lone. l-2p Radio power pack batteries $7.95. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE 70x120 foot lot in south part of Heppner; fenced, fruit and berries. Nellie An derson, lc GOO x 16 new take-off 4-ply tires $15.26 Rosewall Motor Co. WANTED Position cooking for about 6 people. Many years experience as camp cook. Ph. 2603 or write P. O. Box 697, Heppner. l-2c FOR SALE 1910 Hudson sedan. Call 554, Heppner, Ore. l-2p LEAVE YOUR ORDERS at Gil liam & Bisbee for BENSEL'S New Hampshire White Leg horn BABY CHICKS. U. S. Cer tified, U. S. Approved, U. S. Pullorum controlled. We guar antee live delivery of amount ordered. BENSEL'S HATCH ERY, Hermiston, Oregon. 45tf TRADE Income property includ ing rooming house, 7 cabins, two lots; buildings newly pa pered and painted, new roofs, partly furnished. Income $210 per month. Will trade for ranch. Charley Fraters, Box 533, Heppner. . 51-lp April 19th is the date and Hepp ner is the place. Keep this date open. FOR SALE Piano, daveno, din" ette set, breakfast set and 2 living room chairs. Call 2492 or see at 304 Court St. lp Spring time is tune-up time. Mo tor tune-up special $3.50. Rose wall Motor Company. LOST My brown saddle mare. Bears the TK brand on left hind leg. Anyone knowing whereabouts of said mare con tact Ray Heimblgner, lone. 52-lp VACANCY. Local Rawlelgh route available. Good business op portunity. Start immediately Car necessary. Write Raw- leigh's, Dept. 101, Oakland 7, Calif. 52-2 WANTED: Used pianos, organs, guitars, band and orchestra instruments in trade on spinet pianos, radios, radio-phonographs, electric guitars, band and orchestra Jaquith Music Co., 236 S. High, Salem, Oregon. 50-53c Legal Advertising HOTICE TO CONTRACTORS; WiTEK WOBI8 IMPROVEMENT H-ppu-T, Or-K"n. Munh 12, 17. Sealed proposals will be r-c'iv'i at tin- olti. (,f the City Hwonier of the City of lliipn-r. On Sii. until 7:30 oYl.rfk K M.. April 7th )it47. for fur niHhiiiB mult-rials, equipment, toola taxi ntor and construe ting a Deep Well in cuniin tion with the proposed water wrkH improvement for the City. The proposals will be publicly open ed and nsd aloud at 7:30 o'clock P. M on fluid dute at said office. No propHl will be conalred un lowa it in prepared and submitted on the attached form furnished by the Citv Recorder. I Kach prooowal ahall bo accompanied j by a depomt of five per cent of the I amount of the bid either In bidder's bond or certified check on uome wrll known solvent hank, or In cawh. The dfpoHitM will be returned following the HiKnimx of the contract by the uuccesa ful bidder. A bidder's pre-qualif Icatlon state ment ftiuHt be submitted at leaM ten (J;iv prior to the dute of opening the bids. The right in reserved to reject any or all propolis or to accept such pro posal as is to the beM Interests of the City. By Order of the City Council, 51-1 E. H. i I US TON, City Recorder. Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, March 27, 1947-5 CHURCHES LEXINGTON LUTHERAN CHURCH Services each second and fourth Sunday at the Lexington Congregational church. The pub lic is cordially invited. a ST. PATRICK'S CATHOLIC CHURCH Easter and Holy Week sched ule: Palm Sunday Mass at 9 a. m. in Heppner. Blessing and dis tribution of palms before mass. There will be no service in lone. Holy Week: Mass at 7:45 a.m. except Thursday and Iriday, when Father McCormack will be absent for the Holy Week cere monies in the Baker cathedral. Stations of the Cross Friday at FOR SALE-1937 Model D12 In ternational pick-up, first class condition, $750. Newport,. Kern & Kibbe, Lexington, Ore. 50tfc WANTED Custom farm work with tractor. W. G. Seehafer, lone, Ore. 50-lc NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice in hereby given that the lln dersmned was duly appointed by the instruments. I County Court of the State of OreKon tor Morrow couniy. executor ol uie ewttite of Margaret D. Jutua. deceased, mid all pei'Hona having claims againat Uie eatate of said deceased are here by required to present me same amy verified with proper vouchers to aaid executor at the taw office of Jog. J. Nys, at Heppner. Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and firxt published this lJth day of March, 1947. 1-4 Executor. Ford fertilizer for spring gardens and lawns now available in 10 and 50 lbs. bags. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE Dry board ends. Mrs. Mildred Tucker, 1482, or Heppner Box Factory, 782. 49-2 MALE HELP WANTED IF vou are not satisfied with working for others IF you live In this County IF you have a car YOU may be the man we want for a very desirable locality open in this section. Write J R. Watklns Comany, 4512 Hollis street. Oakland, Calif. for full details. 47-lc NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HKHtBY (JIVBiM trial the under-nigged wus appointed by the for Morrow County, Administrator of County Court ol the Btuie oi uregon the estate of Ijee A. scrltflmier. ue- '.eased, and all persons having claim against the estate of said deceased: are hereby required to present the ame with proper vouchers duly ver ified, to said administrator at the law office of P. W. Mahoney. at Hepp ner. Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated and first published this Hth day ol March, 1U47. ,F, H. SCRITSMIER, Administrator. P. W. MAHONEY. Attorney at Law. Hi-ppner, Oregon. 51-4 NOTICE OP PINAL REAING Noli' e is hereby given tliat the un dersigned. as Administrator of the E9- lale of HOHKKT L. HEARD, deceased. )ms filial his final account and report in the said estate with the Clerk of bis Court and that Irie .Judi-'p Hi 7:30 p.m. Saturday: Blessing of, CARD OF THANKS has fixed Monday. April 14h, at the hour ol lil:w o'clock A. ftl. as me time in the County Courtroom in the Court house in - rieppner. Morrow county, , Oregon, as the place of hearing objec tions to the said final atcount and the settlement thereof. C J. D. BAUMAN, Administrator of the Estate of Robert L. Beard, deceased. t W. MAHONEY, Attorney for Administrator, Heppner, Oregon. 51-4 NOTCEOPPIIIAi ACCOUNT Police iii hereby given that tho un dersigned administratrix of the estat f Milton R. Morgan. Sr., deceased fcas filed with the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County her final account of her administra tion of the estate of said deceased mri said Court fixed Monday, the vlrr day of April 147, at the hour of 10:1X1 ciock in me loreniKin oi sam aay ai the Court House at Heppner, Oregon as the t me and place lor hearing ob jections to said final account and the settlement of said est'.te and ail per sons having objections thereto are ,'iereby required to file the same with said Court on or before the time fixed for said hearing. Dated and first nubllsned this oin day of March 1917. i;t.KlliA r.r.,i.,rtujv. 50-54 Administratrix. baptismal water, blessing of Pas chal candle followed by mass at 8 a.m. Easter Sunday: First mass in lone at 8 a.m., followed by high mass in Heppner at 9:30. CHURCH OF CHRIST Bible school 9:45 a.m., Chas. W. Barlow, superintendent; Mrs. Everett Smith, junior superin tendent; Mrs. Joe Jewett, prim ary superintendent. Morning sermon, 11; commun ion and preaching; message by Evangelist Teddy Leavitt. Spe cial music by mixed quartet. I Christian Endeavor meetings, 6:30: Junior-intermediate, Mrs. Jewett, advisor; adult, Mrs. Wil- lard Warren, leader; topic, The Crucifixion. Evening evangelistic service, 7:30. Special music' Closing message of revival meeting by Evangelist Teddy Leavitt. Fellowship dinner in church We wish to express our heart felt thanks to our neighbors and friends for their many acts of kindness and words of sympa thy in our bereavement, and for!county wno will find it hard to replace a highly esteemed mem ber of the profession to which she "gave the last full measure of devotion." May the kindness and help- t THERE'S i?3 PLACE LIKE E'IY1E! That goes for Ford Service, tool) Bring your" car "back home" to us, for check ups, lubrication, for any service needs. Depend on Ford Service for four important reasons t 1. FORD-TRAINED MECHANICS who know your Ford bet. 2. FACTORY-APPROVED METHODS for a faff, thorough job. 3. SPECIAL FORD EQUIPMENT for a good job, done right. 4. GENUINE FORD PARTS made right ...to fit right ...last longer. And here's a convenient Ford Extra: Immediate service on all jobsl When you try our Genuine Ford Service, we're sure you'll agree . . . SEE YOWl IFOD DEALER NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT N'nticp in hprfihv eivn that the un doi-Hiirned administrator ot the estate if Fii'.nk P. Furn.Hworth, deceased, ha filed with the County Court nf the .State of Oregon for Morrow County, iii.i final account of his administration of the estate of said deceased and said Court has fixed Monday, the 7th day of April. 1H47. at the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said day at the Court Houne at Heppner. Oregon. ,1.1 tiie time and place for hearing ob jections to said Iinal account and inr settlement of ,aid estate and all pr,r :ons having objections thereto are hereby required to file the same with laid Court on or before the time fixfd for said hearing. Dated and first published this Oth rNy of March li47. . i M L, K. BIS11EE. Administrator. the many beautiful floral offer ings to the memory of our belov ed mother and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Aiken and family, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Corder and family, Mrs. Helen Gragg and fam ily, i Paul Aiken, Cyrus W. Aiken i and Jared Aiken, ! Maud Gragg, Betty Schub- ! ner, Hattie Sachio. ! o i A MEMORIAL j The death of Lilian Cochran, Turner has brought sorrow to ! many: to the children, who have ; lost a good and inspired teacher, j always patient and kind; to the fulness uhirh Mrs. Turner al ways taucni conunu in county which she loved. Morrow County Division of the Oregon Kducatlon Association, Mrs. Marie Clary, Chair man. Mrs. Gladys Ely, Mr. Geo. A. Corwln, Committee. parents, who will miss their un derstanding friend, to whom they could take their many prob lems: to the teachers of the Thursday evening, April 3. This will be followed by a special communion service. Avoid Annoyance And Discomfort due to a clogged septic tank or cesspool. I have purchased a tank pump and am in position to give prompt, efficient service. Phone 702 HOWARD KEITHLEY '''tHIS yTaR ITlsXoNCH FOR YOU "V KjJ 4 !f TO PAINT, YOUR HOUSE AHD f URNITURJ.TOO,I - -' 'i ST PITTSBURGH DEALER J ' I ' Jf WN THE STREET i if 9CH"AUNE 0f PA,MTS ) Pittsburgh Wallhido I Waterspar for Vx sdwortt I MPfl Qonuino oil-tnd-pij- 1 II I IMI ment P,int- R00"" mT fv I II (Jig uicd th tame day taff IJ HaK that you paint them. Gallon 5.01 7J Qrt 1.99 High-quality, one-coat, qnck-dry- mg enamel lor wooa work and furnituro. Brushes nd f:ow out to a ch:nc-lil:? os. 11 11 3CT1CE OF TIVAXm ACCOUNT .Notice la hereby given that Uie un dersigned administrator nf the ct.'.te I Carolyn Btrgfltrom, deceased, has filed with the County Court of tht .State of Oregon for Morrow County ills final acrount of his administration of tiie estate of flaid deceased and said Court fixed Monday the 7th day of April 1947 at the hour of 10:1X1 o'clock A. M. of said day at the Court Houpe ut Heppner, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objections to said final account and the settlement of .aid estate and all persons having ob jections thereto are hereby required to file same with said Court on ur before the time fixed f--r said hearing. Dated and first published this 6th .av of March. 1947. JOHM BECPTrtOM. n-M. Adir.ini. ti ator. TOriCE OP SALE OP COUKTY VEOPEETY BY VIRTt.'n OF A-. ORDER OK iliiO (OUN'I Y COL'HT. dated Febru--ir 2fS 1947. I am authorized and di- .'orti'd to advertise and sell at public luction at not leas than uie rr.niimum price herein set forth: Lots 14. 15. and 16 In Block 1 of Uie original Town of lone. Mor row County. Orepon for the. mini mom nnce of SHO 0(1 cash. THKRKKORE, I will .on the 29th 1av of March. 1917 at the hour of 10:00 A. HI., at the front door of the .'our! House ii llenoner. urciriiii. sen niit proiuity to tiie highest and best bidder. C. J. D. BAtM AN. Sheriff, Morrow Count-. C'rc n '9-r," iicputy fi;a:.,i'es mitvhell. .OTICE OP SALE OP HV VIRTl'K OF AN ORDER OF TUB COUNTY COURT, dated March i. 1917. I am authorized and directeu arivnrtian and sell at public auc lion at not less than the minimuir ij-i.A herein set forth: ' !.,.! 7 and S in Block 2. Cluff's 8th n,i.nn,m t.i the Citv of lone. Oregon for the minimum price of $20.00, t,ol S in Blink 13 South and West ,.f Willow Creek. Town of Lexing ton, Oregon for the minimum price . . Mi 00 i ns l. ,4 Half anil the Southeast Qunr ter of Section IS; North Half. North Hair of the South Han ol section in orth Half and Uie Southeast cuarter of Section 20. In Township 2 North. Range 26 E. W. M. for the minimum price of Jli.OO per acre. .iv-h THEREFORE I will on the 19th mv of Anril. 1917 at the hour of 10:00 i M the front door of Uie Court :f.,,.e iii H.npiier. Oregon, sell said :'". ocrtv to tiie highest and bel bidder. ( . .1. V. BAl'MA.V Sheriff. Morrow (ountv, Oregon FRANCES MITCHELL. :vM Ii-putys ' -tTcE OP TINAL ACCOUNT Notice is heivhv given thai the un dersigned, administrator of the estate , I, now Kilgore. deceased, has filed his final account with the county ;..t of the St'ite nf Oregon, for the uiity of Morrow, and said Court has i T n.i the time and place for he.arlna; n snid final acmint, 11:00 o'clock A. M. Monday, April 21st, 1947 In the Vu-'ty l ourt Hoim of the Morrow ;vunty Court House In Heppner. Ore it' n All persons having objections to ud final account are hereby required lo file the same with the said Court mi i r before the date set for said ., .,:i 'is J. O. TURNER. r,";4 Administrator and Attorney. t -')CE TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned was dulv appointed bv the ountv Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow Countv ad'nlntstrntrtx of the e.-tate of Walter T. Uerard. de ".i cd and all persons hnving ilniins isatlr't the ostnto of said deceased ire hen-bv required to present the same to the undersigned administra trix dolv verified as required by law t the law office of .los, J. Nys. at ifeopner, Oregon, within six months (. ni the date hereof. Hated nnd first published this 20th lay of March 1947. MYRTLE GERARD. B24 Administratrix. Longest-Lasting Paint Sun-Proof Houae Paint give yon long-Uuting protection. Enriched with "Vito- littd Oih" t remain !P( Ur; toutfi, lartic. ( Gnllnn lu p rrf.JJ 1 1 Linoleum Varnish Pittsburgh WatersparVamish pro longs lite ot linoleum protects against discolor ation and ground-in dirt. Provides tough, water proof film. Quart 1.40 HEPPNER HARDWARE & ELECTRIC SMS Keep away the early morning chill with an Electric Heater Different types and sizes $7.95 and up Heppner Appliance Co. Phone 403 therb was a little ma1i and he v00ed a little maid And he said, "Little Maid will you wed, wed, wed, . 1 Transferring & Heavy Hauling Padded Moving Vans Storage Warehouse U.P.andN.P. Penland Bros. Transfer Co. 39 SW rorion Awnue Phone 338 Pendleton, Ore. 1! tha little man had boon a smart little mom h would have fortified his proposal with the offer of a modem home equipped with the latest in household appliances. The present day housewife wants all the labor-saving aids and comforts of modem living . . . especially when the purchase of home appliances can be made so conveniently through the First National's Thrifty Pay Plan. Arrange your purchases of needed merchandise through your dealer. He can explain to you the many advantages of the Thrifty Pay Bankredit Plan. YouH be pleased with what Thrifty Pay can do for you. BANKREDIT Tho FIRST I3ATIOHM BAfJK of Portland Mtmktr r d r I Dilt lainrantt CrtraMa