I --for a grand job in rebuilding your hall. Through your efforts you have made a fine home for your own activities and a center of community life. Our best wishes go with you for full realization of your plans. To the people of Morrow County and surrounding territory: The undersigned business concerns of lone join lone Post No. 95 in inviting you to attend the 'ODlfilC Pamic ATURDAY, MAIR R I.CHE Y LUDWIG'S 12-PIECE BAND from the campus of Oregon State Collage has been retained to provide the music for this big event. COME OUT AND BE lONE'S GUESTS SATURDAY NIGHT! 9 f If : If : If Standard Oil Brlstovs The Victory independent Station redo white Cafe Garage GORDON WHITE CrOCBrV A. E. STEFANI, Owner Under New Management E- R- LUNDELL O - O o Serving only the best foods STANDARD PRODUCTS obtainable on the market and GENERAL PETROLEUM DISTRIBUTOR Th itor. that gives you carefully prepared by our chefs DISTRIBUTOR faf Real Valutt for your mon.y the Victory is truly for lon District of Morrow County A" the T,me A Good Place to Eat MORROW COUNTY - . Jt Jl ) J I, i OmarRietmann Morrow County Hardwore and Implements . Grain Growers Incorporated o Authorized Dealer for Case Impements and Harris A grain growers cooperative owned Combines an operated for the mutual ben efit of the grain growers of Morrow lone Oregon county.