2-Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, March 21 j 1947 EDITORIAL Not A One-Sided Matter The Chamtior of Commerce is not to be con jured for endorsing House Bill 476, a measure calling for a heavier allocation of state high way funds to cities and towns, yet if the step was ts!;en without due consideration of the general highway situation it might have been a bit hasty. There is no doubt about the need for repairs to streets in towns traversed by highways, and nearly every town now has a public road of one type or another, and most of those towns could do with a little outside assistance, especially since they have made a contribution to the state fund. Speaking from first hand experience, it can safely be said that Heppner needs several thou sand dollars to improve the condition of streets and the assistance received from the state high way fund the past two years has been most ac ceptable. Otherwise, a levy of some kind would have to be put on private property. The question is whether or not the League of Oregon Cities is pressing the claim a bit too far and may or may not jeopardize the state high way program. Not a few Main streets throughout the state have been paved and are being main tained by the state highway department. Hepp ner, for instance, has upwards of one and one half miles of state paving. The town has more oiled gravel streets than the average small city, too, but that is the town's own affair so f.-.r cs maintenance is concerned except for assistance already given by the highway department If it is a question of curtailing highway devel opment outside of corporate limits, we believe the Chamber of Commerce will agree that we should not seek more highway funds for the cities and towns. Many miles of highway remain to be built in the county, some of it by the county and some of it by the state. The thing the town should be most interested in is attracting trade from the outside to see that access to the town is made easier for those who would come here to patron ize our places of business. We have a highway project to the interior under consideration which means more to the town than the acquisition of a few thousand dollars state assistance to repair the streets. A substantial, steady trade will more than make up the difference throughout the years, and trade business, if you please is the life blood of a town. If w e have any bouquets to hand out this week they should, without question, go to the group of young men who are bringing to completion at lone a project which some of their elders thought would be too big an undertaking. With the same undaunted spirit and young American courage that were such dynamic forces in stopping the aggressors in the recent World War, these chaps set about to make them an organization home that they f nd their older brothers could be proud of. This they have succeeded in doing most ad mirably. and on Saturday evening of this week the public will be given an opportunity to see the results of their labors wh,en the lone Legion hall will be re-opened with a big public dance. The Gazette Times joins in extending heartiest consraiul tl:ns to lone post No. 95, American Legion upon this outstanding achievement and to wish for Post No. 95 many years of en,1ovment in the new home. With this issue the Gazette Times enters upon a new year of its existence the 64th anniversary of !" f-unBing. It is the second birthday since kas.iii. erased and we haven't accomplished some cf the things we had hoped for. But the t-A:'.t cf youth is not entirely dead in us and we h pc ,c : -...! e some kind of a showing ere anoth er year rolls around. Equipment and building materials still are run easy to obtain but we re ever hopeful that there will be a loosening up in the months to come. About the only notable thing transpiring with the newspaper since the last birthday wtl the switch from the tabloid to the eight-column size. The change was made for practical purposes and it must be admitted that there are times when the staff would feel a little bit better if the pages were smaller. But in all the change is looked upon as an improvement and that is the goal of any worthwhile business to grow bigger and better. You Can Do Your Garden Plowing Quicker and Easier with a . . ROTOTILLER See us today we have one on the floor ready for immediate delivery Congratulations to lone Legicn Post No. 95 on realiza tion of a fine organirGtion home Frank Engkraf CSf si vrva a. a m m We Have a Complete Line of Davenports Davenos & Sectionals in a wide variety of styles and colors . .. and varying range of prices O Just Put on Display Dining Room Sets in Blonde or Walnut Case Furniture So, 30 A50 From Heppner Gazette Times, i March 29, 1917 K. L. Beach and W. G. Scott, business men of Lexington, were in Heppner Monday. They re port the citizens of their section getting busy since there is evi dence of spring arriving. a a a L. W. Briggs has accepted a position bs bookkeeper with the Heppner Milling company. Nick Leathers was down from Hantaan Monday attending to matters of business. Lee Notson, oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Notson, has Join ed the Oregon National guard at Salem and has already en tered into active training. A committee of O. E. Farns- worth and N. S. Whetstone was appointed to interview our bus iness men and request that na tional emblems be displayed at all business houses. Dillard French was in Long Creek this week from his home on Butter ereek. Lexington Water company, W, G. Scott, proprietor, has just completed a well. A pumping plant is being Installed and Mr. Scott will enclose the same with a concrete building, thus insur ing Lexington a water system second to none in the county. M. H. Connie returned the last of the week froim Condon where he was called as a result of a fire which destroyed large part 01 his store mere. ' W. O. Hill, cashier of Heppner Loan & Savings bank, went to Portland this morning to spend a few days on business. J. W. Rasmus was removed to the Heppner sanatorium the first of the week for the purposl of undergoing a surgical operation. The operation was postponed, however, and he returned to his home. Frank Hopkins, the genial lone Jitneyman, conveyed a load of Egg City boys to Heppner1! Saturday evening to take in the dance given by the Parsons Nov elty orchestra. ' Rotert V. Turner was a Hopp ner business visitor Wednesday. Robert is a lumber broker these days and is buying a consider able amount of the product of Morrow county mills for ship ment east. r am equipped and ready to do your Sand & Gravel Hauling for you Vernon Christopherson - Lexington, Oregon Mrs. G. W. Thompson Is en joying a visit from her sister, Mrs. Jeff French, who is here from her home at Freewater. Mrs. French has been ill but is greatly improved. H-1 vM i!QiP,niii V. ' I" -J' fee PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY JOS. J. NYS CHAMrTEll OF COMMERCS ATTORNEY AT LAW Meets wi M"I Naaa at On P(Url BuUdlnfc wlllow street N Lucas Place Heppner, Oregon Veterans of Foreign j. q. TURNER Wan MeettiUft M and Mandava at I:M . m. tm Leajea Hall ATTORNEY AT LAW Pboa 171 Hotel Heppner Building Heppner, OreKoa '1ST Easter's Ahead A New HAT? A New TIE? SPORTS COAT and Slacks to match? A New SUIT? A New SWEATER? TIME'S A WASTING- and you'd better give your wardrobe a hgsty. glance . . . Then come in gnd look over our lines. WILSON'S MEN'S WEAR The Store of Personal Service The choice Of wise home-owners throughout the West Support the Red Cross. It knows nothing about overtime when Its services are needed. Give genet ously and give NOWi TU MALUM LUMBER CO. 0. M. YEAQER P. W. MAHONEY Attorney at Law CONTRACTOR A BUILDER ATI Lhi mM ModaralS, BaiU er fternodeled . GENERAL INSURANCE Phone 148$ tit Jenes Si. Heppner Hotel Building HEPPNER. ORISON willow Street Entrance Turner, Van Marrer and Company GENERAL INSURANCE Phelps Funeral Home tieawal Fanen) Btreotara Phene 9M Banana, Or. J.O.PETERSON Latest Jewelry and Gift Goods Witches, Clocks, Diamonds Expert Watch ft Jewelry Repairing Heprner. Oregon Earn $48.70 WEEKLY (This U the. aproxlm&te ctTlll&n equi valent of the pay of a U. S. Army prlrate.) in the U.S. REGULAR ARMY With the new high pay scale in the Regular Army a private makea the approximate equivalent of $48.70 per week. This figure takes into consider ation all the extra compensation an en listed man receives: food, clothing, medical, dental, hospital care, housing and many other trplua'" advantages. If you are not satisfied with your pre sent earnings or chances for advance ment, check with your nearest Army Recruiting ofice at your earliest con venience. Poet Office Bid. Pendleton, Oraeem Heppner City Council Meats nrrt Mavis Baft Booth CSdiena havfag awttan far discua- ataa, ranM bahwa f. 0. WjarjaUR Urrar Easter Fixings For the Little Folks SWEATERS-Assorted colors with em broidered motif coat style in sizes 3 to 6 and 7 to 14. DRESSES-in cotton eyelet embroidery and Printed Batiste-sizes 3 to 6. WHITE BLOUSES-ruffles for the jun ior Miss-Colored braid trim-peasant style-sizes 7 to 14. Beautifu, sheer LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS for ladies . . . white, pastel and colored florals Chinese drawnwork Cr embroidery Morah's Shop Ice Cream that's a treat . to eat Rich Cream, Fresh Fruit for Finest Flavor Scotty's Supercream Morrow County Abetroet Title Co. Merchants Credit Bureau Accurate Credit hfornutien F. B. Nickerson Phone U Heppner Morrow County Cleaners Box 82, Heppner, Ore. Phone 2S32 Superior Dry Cleaning & Finishing OK Rubber Weldera FRANK ENGKRAF, Prop. First efass work guaranteed Leeateal in the Kane Building North Mate St Heppner, Ore. Dr. L. D. Tibbies OSTEOPATHIC nqrsidan A Surgeon Ffaat National Bank Building Kas. Pk TIM Offlee Ph. 40 A. D. McMurdo, M. D. rOTSICIAN & SURGEON Trained Nona Assistant Offlee In Masonlo Buildmf Mmmtm. Oraaon Dr. C. C. Dunham CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN Office up stem L O. O. 7. Bid Hsus oallj made Rouse Phone 2SS3 Office 2572 Blaine E. Isom ATI Kinds at INSURANCE- Pwne 723 Bappner, Or N. D. BAILEY Lawn Mowers Sharpened Sewing Machines Repaired Phone 1485 for apolntment, or call at shop. Heppner, Oregon Heppner Hospital Beds available by reservation. W. P. BROWNE, M.D. Physician & Surgeon 5 K Street Phone 952 The EASTER Bunny Says New Dermetics cos metics for that lovely look, are again in rouge, lipstick and creams- A new permanent for the crowning touch. Alice's Beauty Shsp Phone 53 Edith-Alice-Ethel tomaa?1 ir----r-iirfiMirt a atzx and Jbh un i d Before the Christian Era, Easter used to be a pagan festival in honor of the goddess of Spring-Eastre-and every lovely gift was showered upon her in this joyous season. Spring is the time for love, and there's no mpre fitting expression of it than an appropriate gift which may be found here. You will find a selection of beautiful gifts within a price range to suit almost every price. v We suggest that you visit our store today for the gift that will win you the springtime of your lady's favor the year around.