Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, March 13, 1947, Page 5, Image 5

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    Want Ads
VOR SALE New unused DeLuxe
Model Premier vacuum clean
er latest model. O. M. Yea
gen 51c
We have Kord V-8 and Kord 6
cylinder motors in stock for
immediate installation. Kose
wall Motor Company.
NOTICE to My Customers I will
return March 21 to finish my
work. M. M. Saunders, piano
tuner. 51c
Let us give your car a scienti
fic motor tune-up. Spring time
is tune-up time. Rosewall Mo
tor Company.
LOST Female Airedale dog in
Hcppner Sunday. Please noti
fy Kalph Beamer, Hcppner. 51
Buy in Heppner, Kosewall is
never undersold.
KOK SALE 40 head grade Here
ford cattle cows, calues,
steers. C. A. McCarty, Spray,
Ore. 51-52p
600 x 16 Claw tire chainsv$10.25.
Rosewall Motor Company.
WANTKD A C foot disc plow. A.
V.JWright, II.-ppner: 50 51p
KOIt SALE One kitchen cup-j
board in good condition. Mrs.
Alex (Jrcen. 50-51c
Hydraulic jacks, $7.'Jr up, kose
wall Motor Company.
WANTED Custom farm work
with tractor. W. G. Scehafer,
lone, Ore. 50-1 c
foK SALE Dry board ends".
Mrs. Mildred Tucker, 1482, or
Heppner Box Factory, 782. 4!)-2
Mrs. Frances Blakely announ
ces the engagement of her
daughter Jeanetle to Will F. He
i icrt, son of Mr. and Mrs. James
I). Hehert of Sacramento, Calif.
The wedding is planned for
March 21. The Blakelys former
ly resided in Heppner where
Jeanetle was a student in high
throne rear view mirrors for
passenger cars. Rosewall Mo
tor Company.
IK you are not satisfied with
working for others
IF you live in this County
IF you have a car
YOU may be the man we want
for a very desirable locality
open in this section. Write J.
R. Watkins Comany, 4512
Hollis street, Oakland, Calif,
for full details. 47-lc
Dr. and Mrs. L. D. Tibbies left
Monday aflernoon for Portland
on a commneu Business aim
pleasure trip. They were accom-
lanied by Mrs. H ittie uieaK-
cxwut'ir at the l;.w omce ol Jus. J.
Nv'M. at llt-phfu-r. Orison, willuil mx
months fium the dute ln:rjl.
Uiiti-d unci flint uublwlieu mis uin
duy of llanh. 1W7.
-,I4 Executor.
TRADE- Income property includ
ing rooming house, 7 cabins,
two lots; buildings newly pa
pered and painted, new roofs,
partly furnished. Income $210
per month. Will trade for
ranch. Ch'arlcy Fraters, Box
533, Hcppner. 51-lp
1931 Ford coupe. Here Is low
cost transportation. Rosewall
Motor Company.
WANTED: Used pianos, organs,
guitars, band and orchestra
instruments in trade on spinet
pianos, radios, radio-phonographs,
electric guitars, band
and orchestra instruments.
Jaquith Music Co., 236 S. High,
Salem, Oregon. 50-53c
Let our paint department re
store that show room complex
ion to your old car. Rosewall
Motor Company.
FOR SATE--TwoFo1fralT)e(l
trucks. Newport, Kern & Kib
be. Phone 2711, Lexington. 4!Mf
liam & Bisbee for BENSEL'S
New Hampshire White Leg
horn BABY CHICKS. U. S. Cer
tified, U. S. Approved, U. S.
Pullorum controlled. We guar
antee live delivery of amount
ordered. BENSEL'S- HATCH
ERY, Hermiston, Oregon. 45' f
600 xlG, 6-ply Firestone Deluxe
Champion tires, $21.56. Rose
wall Motor Company.
FOR SAX.E 1937 ModoOTSMn
ternational pick-up, first class
condition, $750. Newport, Kern
& Kibbe, Lexington, Ore. 50tfc
90-voltl 12 volt power pack
radio batteries, $7.95. Rosewall
Motor Company.
FOR SALE 28 pullets,
now. Mrs. Claude Cox.
Legal Advertising
Sealed proposals will be received at
Hi.- .jiii..- i iifl. i it r.tco.iler 't the
t'ity of Hi'pp'MT, UriL.in, until 7:30
M i k R M , April 7lh. Ki47, for fur
nishing niateriulrt. (H)uiptaent, tu'Js and
liili'r and C'ii.-tnir tin;; a Lt ,f w" .-II
in cnriiM tion with the prnptel wr:t;r
works improvement fur the (Jity.
The proposal will he puUiily opc:i
cil and rtrad aloud at 7:.'lu o'i:I'x:k P.
M. itn Haid ilul at Haiti office.
No proposal w ill b. tinl1; d un
it1 it in prtp:ind and HMhnuttt'd on
the attached form furnishi-d by Li ie
Citv Kconh'r.
fctyh proposal shall he accompanied
by a d p.it of five per cent of the
amount of the bid either In bidder's
bond or (.crtiiii d click ci .o:.,j v -11
Known solvent h.'ii.l.. or hi r;'h The
dfpofdts will be relit nu-d following the
fignttiK of the i-uiitrml by Hie Huccrra-
ful bidder.
A biddt-r's prf-qii;Jifittion state
ment nmrt be mihinitted at lejmt tt-n
oivs piiur to the date of opening tiie
DIG 3.
'I hn riKht In n i vd hi n j ct an;,
or all proposal.- or to accept iirii pro
posal as ih to tjie bf-Ht jntmwlH of th
liy Order of the Citv Council,
Ml F. U IlfSTON' ntv Jj -r-ortfr
N'niiie is herehy iiivi-n that the un
dcrsiKned w;w duly appointed by the
('unity Court of (he .Slate of Ort'K'Mi
lor ftlon-nw ( unity, executor of the
tate oi Marraret 1 1. Justus. deceased
and all pernmi.H having claims against
the estate of situi dneased are her
by required to present the same dulv
verified with proper vouchers to said
Avoid Annoyance And Discomfort
due to a clogged septic tank or cesspool.
I have purchased a tank pump and am in
position to give prompt, efficient service.
Phone 702
TilK COUNTY COURT, dated March
ilt-17, i ujii authorized ana anecieu
advertise and sell at public auction
at not Jew tlian the minimum price
herein set forth:
Lota 7 and 8 tn hiwk a, uiun a
8th Addition to the City of lone,
Oregon for the nunmium price of
Ut 5 In lilo'-k 13 South and Went
of Willow Creek, Town of lexing
ton. Oregon for the minimum price
of So.uo. a.sb.
Went Half, and the Southeast Quar
ter of H'Mtioii 18; Nnrth Half,
North Half of the South Half of
Section 1!; All of Swtiun 1. , in
Township 2 North. Itange 2ii E.
VV.M. tor the minimum price of
i'.ti 'XI p'-r acre, cash,
'i HiCKKOKiY 1 will on the 12th
lay of April. 1H-17 at the hour of Hi Ml
. M., at tlie front dor ui tlie Couit
House in Heppner. Oregon, well Haid
;ir-ipeity to the highest and best bid
der. C. J. IX BAUMAN, Sheriff, '
Morrow County, Oregon.
fil-4. Deputy. Frances Mitchell.
NOT1CK IS ilhKKBY fiiVKN th:t
he undersigned wa.s appointed by t ie
for Morrow (.'ount Administrator "f
i'ounly Court of Die StJite of Oregon
the estnte of Lee A. S'ritsniier. de-
i-aed, and all persons having claims
ugaitiMt tiie estate of Haid deceased,
ne hereiiy required to present tiie
iine with putper vouchers duly ver
ified, to Paid administrator at the
law offire of 1'. W. Mahoney. at Hepp
ner. Oiegoii. within six moiitlia from
i:f date ! this notice.
D-ibd a id f.r.'t published this 13th
Jay of March. 1147.
y. ii. scp.rrsMiKR,
!.'. V. MAHONKY, Attorney at Law.
IlVppner, Oregon. 51-4
Ni.lne is hereby given that the un
'h'ijgned. a Administrator of the Ks
tute of holiKKT L. HKAllD, tit
-as filed his final account and report
in the faid enutte with tlie Clerk of
tins Court and that the Judge thereof
hart fixed Monday, April 14h, at the
hour of 1iim.ni oV-l-M'k A. M. art the time
hi the Co.inty Court nm in the Court-i-ou.-te
in Heppner. MorrfW County,
urecon, a." the place of hearing ohjw-
:i "iin to thr said final account and the
ttlt.nn.-iit thereof.
Administrator of the Estate of
l;o)n"-t It- JVard. decea.sed.
Vtt M'tiev for Administrator,
Hi ppner. Oregon. 51-4
I am equipped and ready to do your
Sand & Grave! Hauling
for you
Vernon Christophcrson
Lexington, Oregon
:jotce op rnJAi. account
.Notice ifi h'Tehy given that the un
h-iiL-ned administratrix of the i-. t it
f y..!tn!ill Mori:. in. h'r.. dece;tce ha
filM with the Cotintv Court of the
-i.tto tf Origin for Morrow County
tier firal lU'Ciiiiit of her adnu:;i.i-tr;i
'ion of the e.date of iid d-'eaed
md said Court fixed Monday, the 7Ui
lav of Apnl 1H47 at the hour of in n
- clo, k in Ih" forenoon of said day at
the 'our t Hou-e at Heppner. Oregoj
i.s the tune and place for hearing oh
sections to paid final f.oeount and the
a-tllement of paid e.-tate ai;d all p
'oiim having objections thereto are
ocrehy required to fili the same with
aid Court on or before the time fixed
for said hearing.
Dated and first published this 6th
day of March 1P17.
"i- T.4 Administratrix
Rep. 22nd District
The -l(!isl;iture is still beset
with the problem of how to raise
rt.oi.cy for the next biennium.
The state's method of handling
its financ.es is one that is diffi-
ult to understand and explana-
ion of it requires a bit of time.
What is needed is general fund
money, which means new taxes
for regular levies nie a property
tax which may or may not be
offset by income. and excise tax
es. It may be possible to effect
tr-n-fer. tt w.ll fettle the
So far it has not been solved
and few new taxes have been
devised. The lowered income tax
exemntions, the increased excise
tar hill's ha' e been laid on the
ta' 'c in the hcr.s? fXEtlon on-
m'.:':.-: 1 u1 t!:ry r.-.rry 'ive to be
lned. The ten percent tax" on
liquor would raise around $4,-
000,000 which would help, but
that bill is also on the table.
The business tax has also been
y-passed and it may be needed
ns well.
It now appears that the taxa
ion worries of the legislature
will be the thing that prolongs
he session. Yet there are other
.vorries. For instance the wel-
re situation is not good and
he job of getting that budget
lown to the limits of the state's
finances is not getting along
very well. The people who get
their money from the state in
memployment compensation,
.vorkmen's compensation, wel
fare or from the federal govern
ment in social seruriiv
mdgeting very hard. They con
stantly get more money nnd it
is constantly harder to im-
loads and many other public
activities are curtailed in costs
iccause of these.
School costs have to battle
with them for money but this
situation was relieved by the
npssage of the basic school t,i;i
The effect will be temporary for
he teachers are going to get all
he extra money and leave nolh
ng for school boards to builti
now buildings or provide better
The school hill for distribution
if the $15,750,000 is now in the
senate .committee on education
together with the congressional
istric' hill. Another house bill's
iiovisions are also receiving at
tention. What may come out of it can
vt be foretold, but it is likely
. . . with SPRING in the air . . .
Milady's thoughts naturally turn to
her wardrobe and we have just the
right accessories to complete her
Kid & fabric
Notice in liffcly Kiven t'n;it t lit
ItT: K-'lll'.i ;illim)!!':ti:it"l' nf the ostrttc
'1 t-rimk I', F.iniHwoi'th. ii-rf'iLTtl. h
filial wllh Hi,' Ci.u.uv Court of tin
lili, of Ori'p'ii for Morrnw enmity
is fui.il iininint of lu.s mlminislnilii'!
f tho I'vtute f s.mi lc iiM-(i till'! Hitiil
"in.rt li.i." f:i'd Moiuliiv the 7th (1v
t April 1H47. at the hour of 10:00
'i Iih k in the furi'ii' - ii .suiii day at
the ( tmrt H.ni:-e at Hi ppner. (henii.
is the time mxl lilare tur he;irini; uh
.ifitiiiiifi tn said final account ami the
iH'tllemi'ift of :ii(l estate anil all per
mis huuiu: ooieilnm.s iiiercln
hereby leiniiteil to file the same with
.tul tciiiil on or Iteloie the tune Iix
for s;inl healing.
li.il.il nml fir .-t tiublisheil this 6tli
hiy of Man h 11H7.
.11 r.l I,. K HISIIKl-:. Administrator.
that a less drastic method of
equalization will be found. Cer
tainly the senate committee is
not so set on millage equaliza
tion as was the house commit
tee. The needs of educational
equalization are now being con
sidered for the first time in the
I he legislature has uassed
SB99, which gave the Idtho Pow
er company a chance to build a
plant on the Snake river, but
the house committee on utilities
still has two other bills, one to
equire a certificate of necessity
any convenience before any new
electrical installation could be
made, and another to provide for
iissolution of PLDistricj.s.
The throughway and zoning
bills have passed the senate and
will likely pass the house. Some
parts of the state need them but
there is much opposition to them
-rom some sources. To the resi
dents of the 22nd district they
are pretty much an academic
subject but folks around Port
land, Eugene, Salem and Kl-m--th
F?'.7j tin?, them most im
portant. The b'.z true!; b.'I! .ve.it .-..,i;:;ig
.htough the S2nate wluj very Hi
tie debate and not a sineie WO
until the last name on tne roll.
Iow comes the bill, that will Dr. and Mrs. A. D. McMurdo
provide a new tax on trucks, and i received word this week of the
while it passed the house easily birth of a son to Dr. and Mrs.
enough it may be amended up-! Bernard McMurdo, Saturday,
wards in the senate. T.ie scnle March 9. at San Mateo, Calif,
of payment stops at 48,000 The child weighed in at five
pounds although 72.000 pounds pounds 14 ounces.
Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, March 13, 1947-5
are now permitted. Fur may fly
over this before the end.
There has been little activity
along the liquor front and the
ex peel rd bills to reduce the au
thority of the commission are
not being pushed. A recent su
preme court decision which said
clearly and positively that the
selling of liquor was a privilege
and not a right may have help
ed to stop this kind of legisla
tion. The horses and the dogs are
getting ready to square off
against one another as the horse
men want a harness meet. The
state also wants a bigger cut of
the racing money. It seems the
boys realize that there may be
on end to the supply of betting
money and don't want too much
competition for it. Time may
soon come when the racing take
is back to $70,000 to $100,000
again which will seem like small
pickings to the purse proud pro
ducers of racing.
The state salary bills are be
ing considered by the senate
where each kind of officer has
his advocates. Anyway, taxpay
er salaries are going up. The
only question is how much.
Eilly Hynd is 1,'l.ing a sort of
a postman's holiday this month
by helping with lambing opera
tions at the Cecil ranch. He was
in town for a short time Mon
day but had to hurry right back
to the ranch.
Mrs. A. D. McMurdo drove to
Portland Saturday to spend the
week end. Returning home Tu
esday she was accompanied by
her granddaughter. Peggy, the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ted
Clifford Aalberg of the Hepp
ner bakery is spending the week
in Portland. He went to the city
Krink l tidi'in. em p iovee at
the Kirst National b.ink the p.ist
two ears has transferred to an
other branch of the First Na
tional in Portland. Koport ha
it that he will tie married short
ly. His place here has been tak
en hy Don Bennett. World War
II voieran and son of Mr. and
Mrs. Kd Bennett.
Les Knowlcs and son Don. In
town Tuesday from Camp Five,
reported secn inches of snow In
their vicinity last week.
Mrs. Minnie Card, state organ
izer ff.r the Degree of Honor,
spent the past week In Heppner
on lodge business.
."."nticc is liT"liy jdven Unit the
h-i.-iumM itilii.tiiiunttor of the estate
f i jirolyn Ht ir;sli'oiti, (lire.ir-iHt, Ins
tih.t witli the County I'mirt of tin
St:ite of Orison (or Morrow County
ins fin;.! account of his Hiiniiiiitnition
of the t'M.ite of j;tni cie t luM Hint suni
Com t fixed Moiulny the 7th day of
April liM7 at the hour of hi ini o lot k
. M. of r'uul duy at the Court House
.it Hejipiii r, uncoil, as the lime and
place for he;inntf objection? to m
final account and the settlement of
;iid estate and nil persons haviliK ob
jti tioim thereto are hereby required to
file Hiimi' wilh sud Court on or before
the time fixed for said luariiiK.
Dated nnd fir.-1 published this 6th
d;ty of Marth, li'tT.
-M. Ailimnisti :ibr.
I ht! common council of the City of
lb ppner. Oregon, will on the 7th day
of April 11M7 at the hour of 7:1W o'
clock in the afternoon of Haid day at
the Council Chambers in said city re
vie sealed bids for the purehiise of:
runt feet of tuo ami one half k21v)
inch double Jacket waxed and tfiun
tie;, ted fire ho:U with pi lishetl
bron;;e couplings. N.S.T., K.O.H.
Said bids will be received until 7:30
I'M. on the .'Ih day of Autl HM7. at
which tune thev will be publiclv open
I by the common council. All bids
i he mailed or delivered to the un
dcrsif;ned i ity Recorder at Heppner,
The common council reserves the
nfchl to reject any or all bids,
City iiecorder
5 a. If 3rf,
. KOi r.UTi
ui'l'lti; OF AN OUlKH OF
ii.. u;;..i,y iot:i;r. iinti-a bvi
,ii v :Ti. I!i 1 ' t Miii luitniii ii il nml ill
. , li .l In m:v-iti:u "ml wll nt pulilic
.im linn nt nut li .s.i tiinn llin tnlnlnintn
. H i lli'i cili M't fu! Ih ;
I. nla 14. Id. nml Mi In Itl.ii'k 1 of
II. o luminal Touii uf luni', Mur
tnw t I'lnily. tiii'f:"ti for tlu1 tnlnl
i.iun. priro nf V.lmiO. tiisli.
'iiii;i:i:k(iui:. i will nn iiu- Mth
il.,v ul liliurli 111 17 at tne himr of
M ml A M . nl Hip front 'loot' of tin"
t'uiirl IlmiHi' In Ht'ppiu'r, Ori'Kon, bi-U
.-;ill pinpi'I'lv to tllo llilllCMl 1111(1 bt'Ht
C. .1. I. 11AUMAN, Klii'l'lff.
Mi'iTnw Omintv. on'u.ni.
ill W lli piily 1' H.Wc'K.i MI'l'CltKhU
N.iliro la hi'ri'liy Kivon thnt llio tin-
iliTSllHMl nilnilnl .lr;itor nt lilt' l';'t ill p
nf llul'il 1.. iMnruan. it 'n.-a'tl, him filoil
Willi llio t'onnty t'liiirt nf thotiil" of
oii'Kon fur Morrow t'outity IiIh flnitl
.ii'iniinl of IiIh niliiilnlstriitlnn nf tho
i'.-.liitn of Kllil dnt oiisiMl nml nulil cnnl't
fiwd Moliiliiy the 1th il7ay of Mimll,
I!'I7. nt tin' hour of Ul oYkiilt In I lit"
I'oirniHin of Hiihl day ill llio t'nuit
h.HlHn at llrppniT. OromMi an Un' tlnu'
anil pliii-o for hoariiiK ol.)iil Inn.i In
sultl flnnl ai'i'iuinl nml (hp tn'ttli'iniMit
of Hiiiil CHlaln unit all pprnoiif havltiK
ohjpiilon.i llit'rnto am liprpliy riMiulr
pil In flln tlin Hiuno with until court on
or In'foro Hip time flxoil for mild hpiir-tllK-
luili-il ami flrnt puhllHlipil tills lath
ilav nf I'Vlininl v. Hi 17.
' MlI.TON It. MOtt ft AN. JR.,
47-C1 Ailmlnlntmtor,
Bible school, 9.5; C. W. Bar
low, superintendpnt; Mrs. Ever
ett Smith, junior sti)erintendenl;
Mrs. Joe Jewell, primary super
intendent. Our Bible school attendance
loal for Sunday is 130. Wo want
at least 2"i men in our men's
class to be taught by Teddy Lea
vitt. Morning worship, 11:00; com
munion and preaching; message
bv Evangelist Teddy l.eavitt.
"christian Endeavor meetings,
6:30 p.m. Junior-intermediate,
Mrs. Joe Jewett. advisor; adult,
tnliert Walker, leader.
Evening evangelistic service
led by Mrs, Lyle Moss, evangel
istic song leader.
Heart stirring evangelistic
nessage bv Teddy cLavilt. Come
ind share with us in this great
spiritual feast.
Evangelistic services every
night during me urn i i '
xcopt Saturday.
J. Palmer Sorleln, Minister
Morning worship, with music
iv the choir. Mrs. Thomas Wells,
ureetor. will be at the regular
hour, 11 a.m.
Sunday chiuch school at va.i
i.ni., Mrs. Lucy Rodgers, super-
Thursday the choir meets for
rehearsal for our Easter canta- i
ta at 7 p.m. 1
March 29 is the date set lor
the bazaar sponsored by the Wo- j
mens Society of Christian Ser- j
W.S.C.S. meets the first Wed- ;
nesday of each month.
Holy Communion, 8 a.m.
Church school, 9:45 a.m.
Holv communion, 11 a.m. -
Wednesday Holy communion
10 a. m.
The blessing of the children
and the confirmation classes
.vill lie held on Friday instead
if Wednesday.
Transferring Ct
Heavy Hauling
Padded Moving
Per.land Bros.
Transfet Co.
39 SW Porion Avenue
Phone 338
Pendleton, Ore.
Formerly Keithley Blake Shop
If it can be made of wood, I make it.
First Class Workmanship
Lawn Mowers Sharpened
Sewing Machines Repaired '
Phone 1485 for appointment,
or call at shop.
Heppner . Oregon
Start out right by
getting the best
seeds your money
can buy.
We Have
In bulk or packaged.
Also-tor the yard r,J
Bluegrass &
Creeping Fesque
Complete line of
T 3
We Buy
mpty Bottles
By the Case or Loose
And when you step out
to meet the bright, new season you
want to be sure you look your best.
You will when you send your wear
ables to us for a perfect dry cleaning
Ladies' Dresses, Suits, Coats 1.25-
Men's Suits, Topcoats .........1.25-1.50
Hats Cleaned and Reblocked 1 .25
Box 266 Phone 259-2
Hcppner, Oregon
Better Work - Faster Service
Certified Cleaning & Finishing
To Our Made-to-Measure
Suit Customers:
SIT., Hilt. 22
Display Sale of made-to-measure
suits by Ed V. Price & Co.
Our allotment for this sale is only 16
suits. Realizing that this is insuffi
cient to take care of our made-to-measure
customers, we suggest that
you drop in before this date and make
your reservation.
The Store of Personal Service
spring time almost upon you-or you
won't have any early "garden sass."
IF you need new garden tools stop in
to the Marshall-Wells Store and take
your choice.
POULTRY FENCING of all sizes
It is also PAINT TIME. . . We have a
complete line of paints and enamels
for outside and inside. .
Marshall-Wells Store
Case & Nikander