4-Heppner Gozette Times, Heppner, Oregon, March 13, 1947 lone News Items of the Week Mr. and Mrs. Virnr Ilirlmann. Mr nd Mrs Werner Kieimann. ( UTisr ni i:o l.ntmann from lore fcrii Mis. Virtnr IVtrrson of The Dallrs Mtrnd.'d the funeral nf lr. ,'ihn B;. is;pT at While Simn. Wash., Sunday. Mar. 9. Pr. B.ilsipr was a rmisin of the Riotmann's and leaves a wife md two daughters and two bro thers. Faul and Fred, who are well known here. He was 71 ears of age. A sprinkling system has been ordered for the recreational pro ject, also the city plans on in- Si f If KIDDIE KRAFT MMKETS BRACELETS CROSSES MXGS RET TBi Cold-filled and 10K gold from 1159 PERFECT CIFT FOR ALL LITTLE GIRLS PETERSON'S stalling another pump the same size as the one thev now h ive. Mr. and Mrs. Tom White re turned last week from a six weeks trip to California. Mexico and Reno, Nevada. The grade school played bas ketball at Boardman Wednesday afternoon of last week and lost, Boardman town won in a bas ketball game here Wednesday evening. March 5. lone high school lost to the lone town team in the preliminary game. Hew and Mrs. Alfred Shirley were visitors in The Dalles the first of the week. Other visitors at The Dalles last week were Mrs. Gordon White. Mrs. John Eubanks and Mrs. Clarence Brenner. Mr. and Mrs. John Turner of La Grande visited at the home of Mrs. Turner's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Engelman. last week. They attended the funeral of Mrs. Lilian Turner at Heppner. Don't forget the Rohekah din ner Sunday, March 16. at noon at their hall. The proceeds will go to the lone Improvement as sociation. Rev. and Mrs. V. W. Head of CnthlDnct. Wash., came here for :he funeral of Mrs. Grace Linn ind rh-o visited their daughter. Mrs. Cnrl Linn. Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Bristow are spending a few weeks at De Poe Bay for the benefit of Mrs. Bristow's health. The 4-H club girls held a tea at the Rebekah hall Saturday afternoon and took in around $14 which goes to the improve ment asscoiation. lea, conee and cookies were served from a table decorated with flowers and candles. The following program was given: Piano solo. Carletta Olden; reading, Ruby Ann Riet mann; two vocal solos by Patri cia Drake: reading, Carletta Ol den, and song by all the 4-H girls. Miss Esther Bergstrom of Heppner is working at the Jam es Lindsay ranch. The Social club of the Eastern Lexinoton News 0." TUs Week By Mrs. Cl.uence Hayes Miss Nckia Brown of Walla 'Valla, who is uistrict superin endent of the Camp Fire Girls, .ill be in Lexington, March 1C nd 17, to meet with the local roups and their parents. Miss Irown will be guest speaker at he P-TA meeting the evening of March 17 and will show motion nictures of Camp Kiwanis in connection with her talk. There .vi'.l be a display of the work dore so far by the local Camp "ire Girls and the Bluebirds. The public is invited to this meeting and parents and ctnl ..ren interested in this work are tnTe.l to attend. The business rre.ing will follow the program nd refreshments will be served. '!'. -x "o'.icrt Wheeler and Mrs. Vv'i.li m Bel! of Pendleton were iurol.eon guests of Mr. and Mrs. yv r.M Wednesday. Mr. .".nd Mrs. Cecil Jones drove o Chion Friday accompanied by rr.d Mrs. Charles Jones, who ,;re returning to their home there rfier spending the winter nence of North Powder ; -7 a few davs here vis iting his sister. Mrs. W. E. Mc Millan. rt it u v -wit v ' ti u w . ,m a - r die i:,a i & i, .mrnmm a it mi mm p ' HERE'S NO PLACE LIKE HOME! That goes for Ford Service, tool) For any Ford service, you'll have the assurance of a good job, done right for 4 important reasons; 1 Factory-Trained Mechanics; 2 Ford-Approved Methods; 3 Special Ford Equipment; Genuine Ford Pdrts; And you'll pel this convenient "extra" immediate service on all jobs! Drive in for Genuine Ford Service. We're sure you'll agree . . . -.;.-r r-.et rt ti e home of Mrs. srr- Uaeb Wednesday, March 5. H clr ne:t meeting will be at he heme nf Mrs. Rod Wentworth he firjt Wednesday in April. A conference was held at the Cooperative church Tuesday eve ning, JItrc'a 4. with t'ie follow ing speakers: Rev. Paul Davies if Portland, Ivliss Lcla Anderson, M.AB.D. field secretory of the "ongrerTr.iionrl church from Yankton, S. D., and Miss Lois Harrier, director of religious ed ucation from Salem. A - potluck dinner was served at 6:30 p.m,. at the Congregational church. Mr. and Mrs. Rod Wentworth were Walla Walla visitors Sat urday. ( Several from here went to the "lv.trch of Christ at Heppner Sunday evening to hear Teddy keavitt, evangelist, who is hold ng meetings there. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon White md Mrs. Jiick Davis were Port- 'rnd visitors a couple of days "St wee';. Mrs. E. P. Day of Lawrence, Kansas, spent a few days with her husband, E. P. Day, depot "gent. She left Monday for Cal !fornia to visit a wool; then wil ;top here reain on her w.-y to Lawrence where the D.iy;;. htve purchased a new home. The study meeting of the Top c club has been postponed un il a later date. Mrs. Cleo Drake will take or 'ers for the flower shop in Heppner. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fettyjohn md Mrs. Cleo Drake relumed from Portland last week. They ;aw Rev. and Mrs. H. N. WaJ 'ell rnd son Richard while there. The Waddells live at Falls City vhere Rev. Waddell is pastor. Other Portland visitors last week vere Mr. and Mrs. Herbert K'.i- trom. Mrs. Carl Bergstrom and :ric Bergstrom. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Corley re the parents of a son, weigh ng 7 pounds 12 ounces, born .I.-Tch 10 at The Dalles hospital. The Ameca club will meet ,'ith Mrs. Milton Morgan Wed esday, March 19. A home demonstration meet ng will be held at the home of Mrs. Omar Rietmann, Tuesday, March 18, with a potluck lun- heon at noon. The subject wil! e "Color in the Home." P. J. Linn left with his son-n-law and daughter, Mr. and '.Irs. Joe Howk, Monday after--loon, to visit with them at their ome in Troutdale. Guests at the Don Heliker tome Monday were Mr. and Mrs. Pierson and Vortus Higgins of Hermiston. Rev. and Mrs. Joe Stevens and on Jimmy left Tuesday for 'ortland. Charles Dane received very nainful injury to his ihand vhile .working on a tractor at he Weatherford ranch near Ar lington last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Yarnell re turned Sunday from a trip-east, n.ey report a very enjrtyable rip. Mrs. Mary Swanson returned vlf-nday from Salem and Port and where she visited relatives he past few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Mat hows gwve a dinner at their iome in honor of the birthday if their uncle, Fred Ely of Morgan. A group of interested people met Friday evening to form an organization to . promote the Lexington band. The meeting was held at the schoolhouse with Mrs. Ludwig as temporary chairman. It was decided to call the organization, 'The Lexing ton Band Boosters." Mrs. W. E. McMillan was elected president. Truman Messenger is vice-pres ident, and Mrs. Alonzo Hender son is secretary-treasurer. Meet ings will be held the fourth Thursday of each month. Dues will be one dollar a year. This organization is not limited to parents of band members, al though they are urged to join, but to anyone interested in pro moting the band. Mr. and Mrs. Leno Michieli and son Barney and Frank Null of Hermiston were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed M Fadden. The P-TA benefit olJtime dance given in Leach hall Sat urciay evening was a big suc cess with everyone reporting a good time. One clay last week Johnny Wallace, small son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wallace, lell. and broke two bones in his rigiit forearm. He was taken to a doc tor in Heppner and is now wear ing his arm in a cast. Orville Cutsforth bought the new Stinson Voyager that Jack Forsythe flew from Detroit last week. Mr. Forsythe is leaving uy uuiifu ir ionics inursuay for Detroit to fly another new . plane back. j Mrs. Herman Green. Mrs. Jack ; Forsythe find Mrs. Don Camp-1 bell drove to Pendleton Tu"clr.y. Mr. and Mrs. Harry D!n-,3 drove their sno Dan baci :d school at Eugene lr.st wcok. D.".a came home to be a pall bearer at Mrs. Lilian Turner's funeral. Glen Griffith of Spray was in town on business Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Al Edwards spent the week end in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Underwood and Mrs. Tcmpa McCoy of For est Grove were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Don Campbell over the week end. Mrs. Campbell is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Un derwood and the granddaugh ter of Mrs. McCoy. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Breeding and family were visiting rela tives in Spray Sunday. o Mrs. Blanche Moore of Port land is a house guest of her sis- Grant that were well received by a full house. Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Rand. 82, passed away Monday afternoon at the. Hermiston hospital where she had been since Friday. Mr. George Rand, her husband, pass ed away in January, 1942. The Rands came to Irngon in lixu. the first settlers on the projectJ Two small daughters died in in- fancy and two sons. Earl of Port' land and Bade of Irngon. also three grandsons, Earl of Seattle, and David and Herbert of Irri- gon. She Joined the Methodist church early in life and was a life-long member. She was bur ied in the Irrigon cemetery Fri day after services in the Assem bly of God church, Rev. A. B. Turner officiating. A large crowd attended the last rites with beautiful flowers. E. S. Pelton, Mr. Murtishaw and H. H. Smunk are putting in four tons of potatoes. Mr. and Mrs. William Golly horn spent Sunday with the Or tells of Umatilla. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Glen and had a moving picture of the Mr. and Mrs. Bob Avert and Missing Christian, and some daughter of Ordnance spent shorter historical films Saturday Sunday at the William Golly- evening presented by Rev. Nat horn home. IRRIGON NEWS . . . By Mrs. J. A. Shoun The fire ladies had a turkey dinner with all the fixings Wed nesday evening beginning at 6:30. They cleared $107.50. The band gave a concert that same evening that was well received by a good crowd, as was also two numbers presented by the choir. James Shoun came up from Pleasanton, Calif.; Monday mor ning and left Saturday for that place after spending the week in Walla Walla and Irrigon Mr. and Mrs. Billy Rutledge of Walla Walla spent the week end with his mother, Mrs. Lil lian Rutledge. Fred Houghton spent Friday in Heppner. Mr. and Mrs. Junice Rucker and family moved to Patterson Thursday. They have been liv ing in the railroad cabins. Mrs. Wallace Winquist and son Paul went to Portland Mon day for medical care and rest The Assembly of God church Arthur Edward is building a five-room house over the base ment that has been completed for more than a year on the Howard Gollyhorn farm. This Is an addition to me two rooms al ready built. Harry Smith and Lyle Mulkey poured the cement for the Mul key basement Sunday. They are putting it under the house al ready built. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Shoun and son James went to Heppner Fri day and on out to the Roy Stamp place. The carpenters on the Advent ist church are putting in their crops, so are not working on the church at present. The outside walls and sheeting on the roof are up. It is quite a large build ing. Mr. Pelton and Mr. Collins are the main builders. Mr. and Mrs. John Raburn and two small children of La Grande left Sunday after visiting at the P. D. Cosner home. She is a daughter. Reese Burkenblne came Tues day from the veterans hospital in Portland where he had been taking treatments for several weeks. ter-in-law, Mrs. Sara McNamer. Mrs. McNamer will take . her hrck to Portland Sunday. Fsree Psre-School Clinic Thursday, March 27 From 2 to 4 P. M. Under supervision of DR. C. C. DUNHAM Chiropractic Physician Office in Oddfellows Building, Heppner .'' 4. l ti i 1 it SEE YQUR t?OE10 DEALER Jack s?rst could eat NO TAT HIS WIFE COULD EAT NO LEAH... Si si j mm STOP AT BRICK'S PLACE Refreshments Drinks C. A. EERRY, Prop. Berber Shop L. L. TURNER Echo, Oregon This would have constituted no problem at all if Jack and his wife had been smart folks. A home freezer or a roomy new -refrigerator would have offered an easy solution to their divergent diets. Either Jack or his wife could have dashed down to their home appliance dealer and purchased a home freezer unit. The First National Bank's Thrifty Pay Plan would have taken care of the financing. Enjoy the comforts of modem living the Thrifty Pay way. Select the merchandise you want through a dealer of your own choosing and pay for it conveniently over a period of time under the First National's Thrifty Pay Plan. Come in to the nearest branch of the First National Bank of Portland and talk it over. You'll be surprised and pleased at what Thrifty Pay can do for you. Then tell your home appliance dealer you want Thrifty Pay Plan financing on vour new home equipment. WE DELIVER Wash SAND & GRAVEL Phone 585 Umatilla Jones-Scott Co. BANKREDIT The FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Portland Mimbir P4rl Dapoilt Imuran Crrtl