Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon March 6, 1947-5 Want Ads Hydraulic Jacks $7.95 up. Rose wall Motor Company. Kelt back floor matt $4.95. The universal type fits most cars. Rosewall otor Company. 6-ply Firestone Deluxe Champ ion tires. Rosewall Motor Co. Chrome road lamps for safer night driving. Rosewall Mo tor Company. WANTED: Used pianos, organs, guitars, band and orchestra instruments in trade on spinet pianos, radios, radio-phono graphs, electric guitars, band and orchestra instruments. Jaquith Music Co., 236 S. High, Salem, Oregon. 50-53c FOR SALE Registered RedPoll bull calves, 6 months to 1 year of age. Ray N. Dolven, Phone 34F24, Lexington. 50p FOR SALE Two Ford flatbed trucks. Newport, Kern & Kib be. Phone 2711, Lexington. 49tf FOR SALE Complete set new Wearever cooking utensils. Walt tSanton at Hodge Chev rolet Co. 50p FOR SALET937 Model D12 In ternational pick-up, first class condition, $750. Newport, Kern & Kihhe, Lexington, Ore. 50tfc FOR SALE28puilets, laying now. Mrs. Claude Cox. 50-51c WANTED A 6-foot disc plow, A. V. Wright, Heppner. 50-51p FOR SAL&j5nekitchcn"cup board in good condition. Mrs. Alex Green. 50-51e WANTED Custom faTm work with tractor. W. G. Seehafer, lone, Ore. 50-lc Let our paint department restore that show room complexion to your car and restore its orig inal beauty. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE 20 nice turkey hens, sell one or all. Mrs. Elting Spike, Box 73, Echo, Ore. 49-50 FOR SALE Dry board ends. Mrs. Mildred Tucker, 1482, or Heppner Box Factory, 782. 49-2 unrkln? for others IF vou live in this County IF you have a car YOU may be the man we warn for a very deslranie locaiuy open in this section. Write J. R. Watkins Comany, 4512 Mollis street, Oakland, Calif, for full details. 47-lc Restore the original power and economy to your car by In stalling a new reconditioned motor. Model A, Ford 6 and V8 motors in stock now. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE-1937 Ford truck, '47 license. Darrel Vinson, Hepp ncr. Phone 582. 49-50p 1930 Model A. Coupe. 1936 Ford Pickup. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE New kitchen cabi net. Myles E. Martin, Lexing ton, Ore. 49-50p FOR SALE TD 35 tractor with 40 cylinders. Large size Papec hay chopper with side roll feeds. Contact John S. Fisk, lone, Ore., or C. E. Fisk, Echo, Ore. 49-50c SEE GILLIAM & BISBEE's com plete line of fishermen's needs. 50c FOR SALE Majestic range and 80-gallon hot water tank. Can be seen at the Church of Christ. 50p FOR SALE Soft Federation seed wheat; clean. See Cor- nett Green. 48-50p FOR SALE Several good oil burning incubators, cheap. Mrs. Addle Salter, lone. 48-50c 600 x 16 Claw tire chains $10.35. Rosewall Motor Company. WANTED A 6-inch disc plow A. V. Wright, Heppner. 49-50 ESTRAY NOTICE Wandered to my place, 10 head whiteface yearling heifers and steers. No brands visible, some have left ear under bit. One ani mal black. Lewis Halvorsen, lone, Oregon. 48-50p FOR YOUR GRAVEL and sand hauling Job see Vernon Chrls topherson, Lexington. 47-50p MALE HELP WANTED IF you are not satisfied with Avoid Annoyance And Discomfort: due to a clogged septic tank or cesspool. I have purchased a tank pump and am in position to give prompt, efficient service. Phone 702 HOWARD KEITHLEY Radio power pack batteries 7.95. Rosewall Motor lo. LEAVE YOUR ORDERS at Gil liam & Bisbee for BENSELS New Hampshire White Leg horn BABY CHICKS. U. S. Cer tified, U. S. Approved, U. S. Pullorum controlled. We guar antee live delivery of amount ordered. BENSEL'S HATCH ERY, Hermiston, Oregon. 45tf Legal Advertising HOTCE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice w hereby given that the un dersigned administratrix of the estate of Milton R Morgan, Sr., deceaRf d has filed with the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County her final account or her administra tion of the estate of said dtiard and said Court fixed Monday, the 7th day of April 1!M7. at the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said day at the Court Hme at Heppner, Oregon aa the time and place for hearing ob jection to Bid final account and the settlement of aatd estate and ail per son having objection thereto are hereby required to file the name with said Court on or before the time fixed for a;d hearing. Dutfd and fin published thin 6th day of March 1917. BLRTHA NELSON, 50-154 Administratrix. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned administrator of the estate of Ki'unk P. Karn.i worth, deceased, has filed v 1th the County Court of the Mule or Oregon for Morrow Crmnty, tun final account of his administration of the estate of said deceased and said Court has fixed Monday, the 7th day of April. 1JM7, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said day at the Court House at Heppner, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing ob- lections to said final account and the settlement of aid estate and all Der- soiis having objections thereto are hereby required to file the same with said Court on or before the time fixed for said hearing. Dated and first published this 6th aay oi naarcn is. 50-54. L E. BISBEE, Administrator. Our Complete Beauty Service includes PERMANENTS FACIALS SCALP TREATMENTS RAZOR HAIR CUTTING HAIR STYLING MANICURING Make an appointment today for one or more of these beauty aids. Alice's Beauty Shop Phone 53 Edith-Alice-Ethel NOTICE OF FIN AX ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned administrator of the estate of Carolyn Bergstrom, deceased, has filed with the County Court of tht State of Oregon for Morrow County his final account of his administration of the estate of said deceased and said Court f i xed M onday the 7th day of April 1147 at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M. of said day at the Court House at Heppner, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objections to said final account and the settlement of said estate and all persons having ob jections thereto are hereby required to file same with said Court on or before the tune fixed for said hearing. Dated and first published ' this 6th aay oi Aiarcn. iih. JOHN BERGSTROM. 50-54. Administrator, NOTICE FOB BIDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the common council of the City of Heppner, Oregon, will on the 7th day oi April 194 ai me nour oi i :m dock m the afternoon of said day at the Council Chambers in said city re- ceive scaled bius ror the purchase of Goo feet of two and one half (2M) inch double jacket waxed and gum Ireuled fire hose, with polished b rouse couplings N.S.T., F.O.B. Heppner. Said bids will be received until 7:3 P.M. on the 7th day of April li47. at which time they will be publicly open ed by the common council. All bids to be mailed or delivered to- the dersigned City Recorder at Heppner, uregon. The common council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. E. R. HUSTON, City Recorder. Styled especially for your darling daughter-we have dresses as fresh as paint, a merry medley of plaids, ging hams, stripes and print posies. . . Sizes 7 to 14 Priced $3.25, $4.25, $4.50 Merry-Go-Square ARLENE AIRESS Make plaid gingham BIG news A while dickey a swinR-on-out skirt ... rlc rac trimming where It does the most slimming. $4.50 NOTICE OF SALE OF COUNTY PROPERTY BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF THE COUNTY COURT, dated Febru ary 25, li47, I am authorized and di reeled to advertise and sell at public auction at not less than the minimum price herein set forth: Lrfis 14, lit, anu lb m uiock i or tiie original Town of lone. Mor row County, Oregon for the mini mum price of 130.00. cash. THEREFORE, I will on the 29th day of March, 1947 at the hour of 10:00 A. M.. at the front door of the Court House in Heppner, Oregon, sell said property to the tug best and best bidder. C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff, Morrow County. Oregon, 49-63 Deputy. FRANCES MITCHELL. NOTICE OF HEARING UPON OR GANIZATION OF PROPOSED BOAttDMAN SOU. CONSERVA. TION DISTRICT, E id BRACING LAND LYING IN MORROW COUN TY, OREOON WHEREAS, on the 13th day of Feb in ary. vMl. there was duty tiled in the office of the State Soil Conserva tion Committee at Corvallis. Oregon, oetitinn signed by w landowners, puisuant to the provisions of the Sol Conservation Districts Law, Chapter 3, Title UW, O.C.L.A., requesting the establishment of the Hoard nutn boil Conservation District, and WHEREAS, the lands described by said petition, and any other lands which will be considered for inclusion in the said district are located In Morrow County described substantial v as loiiows; All or parts of T 8. 4. and 5 North; k :t. 24. zi, 2K. and it tsasi. w. m NOW. THEREFORE, notice Is here by given that a public hearing will be lie d nursuant lo the said mull on, the question of the desirability and necessity, in the Interest of the gen eral welfare, of the creation of such district : on the question of the up propriate boundaries to be assigned to such district; upon the propriety of the petit lun. and of all other proceed ings taken under tne said aci; ana upon all questions relevant to such inoulries. The said oubllc heart will be held by the State Soil Conser vation Committee on Monday, the 17th day of March. IH47. beginning at 2:00 o clix'k, p.m., in the Grange Hall at Bon rd man In the County of Morrow, Every person, firm, corporation. il.it e count v. or nuuilclLi.il agency holding title to ten acres or more of land lying within the limits of the .bove-described territory, and all oth- r Interested parties are Invited to ittend and will be given opportunity to be heard at the time and place here in he tore specified. STATE SOIL CONSERVATION COMMITTEE OF OREGON, By HOWARD E. CUSHMAN, Executive Secretnry. Oit d: 24 th day of Kebru.iry. 1IM7, til Cnrviillts, Oregon. 49-50' HURCHES METHODIST CHURCH J. Palmer Sorlein, Pastor. Sunday morning worship at 11 a.m. The choir will sing; Mrs. Thomas Wells, director. Sunday church school with classes for all ages, also adult Bible class at 9:45 a.m. Choir practice Thursday at the ' church at 7 p.m. ' i Womens society of Christian Service meets the first Wednes- y of each month. ASSEMBLY OF GOD The Heppner Assembly of God to be the host church at a sectional fellowship meeting on Wednesday, March 12. The church is on the corner of 10 W. Willow. Services will be at 10:30 m., 2:3 p.m., 6:30 p.m. and 45 p.m. Guest speakers are to inister In each service. The public Is Invited and urg ed to attend these services. S. E Graves, Pastor. CHURCH OF CHRIST Bible school 9:45 C. W. Bar low, Supt., Mrs. Everett Smith, junior supt., Mrs. Joe Jewett, primary supt. Our attendance goal for Sunday is 140. Will you come and join with us in the study of God's Word? Morning worship 11:00. Com munion and preaching. Begin ning message of our evangelis tic meeting. Brother Teddy Lea vitt will bring the message on the "Christ Centered Church." Pot-luck dinner at noon fol lowing the morning service. The Athena Church of Christ will be our guests and will stay over for the evening service. Bring a covered dish and join with us in this service. Christian Endeavor meetings 30 p. m. Evening evangelistic services at 7:30. Song leader, Mrs. Lyle Moss, Sweet Home, Ore. Mes sage Brother Teddy Leavitt. Evangelistic services each evening Monday through Friday at 7:45. You are invited to come and bring a friend. ALL SAINTS CHURCH Holy communion 8 a.m. Church school, 9:45 a.m. Morning prayer, 11 a.m. Wednesday Holy communion at 10 a.m. Devotions, 8 p.m. Untroducing A Blew Featare... A Modern Retail Department NI-WI y"W?1"- -pir W'Wfww.M."JH jlm ". i i;i in in ! n "fx - - m !f . r'Li 67-Year Resident Of County Passes Uravesiae services were lieu at 2 o'clock p.m., Sunday, Mar. at the I.O.O.F. cemetery at lone for W. A. Thomas, pioneer citizen of the countv whose eath occurred Feb. 27 at the hospital in Hermiston. The lone O.O.F. lodge was in charge of the service. Born July 17, 1847, in Cleve and, Ohio, Mr. Thomas was 99 years, 7 months and 9 days of age at time of death. He came to California at the age of 19 years and In 1880 came to Oregon and settled on a farm hree miles southeast of Cecil In Morrow county. He continued farming until his health failed. He then moved to lone and lived here until he was taken to the hospital in 1945. Mr. Thomas joined the I.O.O.F. at Weston in 1882, later trans ferring his membership to the tone lodge. He was the oldest member of the order in Oregon. He wasjnarried in 1908 and to (his union were born two daugh ters, Lillian Walker of Portland and Grace of Camas, Wash., who survive. He is also survived by six grandchildren. A brother and two sisters live in California. o SEWING 2 CLUB MEETS Two of the eight members of Sowing club 2 met Friday at the home ec room in the school house. Mrs. Coxen and Mrs. Moore, the leaders, met with them. The girls brought the dish towels they had hemmed. They also looked at samples of dress-1 es and patterns and fitted pat terns on their materials. The next meeting will be held March 8 in the home ec room. Members are asked to bring pat terns and material. Rieta Graves, Reporter. Teorose Slips for the junior miss 10-16 just received. Morah's S hop NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is horehy given that the un dersigned adniiuistnitor of the estate of Dura L. Morgan, deceased. Im;t filed with the County Court of the Stnte of 0:ci;on for Morrow County his final nccount of his administmlion of the estate of fwitd deceased and said court fixed Monday the lilt d7nv of March, 1U47, at the hour of 10 oYlurk li the forenoon of said day nt the Court house at Iloiumer. Oregon as the time and place for hearing ohjeetions to said final account and the settlement of said estate and all persons having objections thereto are hereby requir ed to file the eiune with mild court on or before the time fixed for suld hearing. Dated and first published this lfltli lay of February, 1947. MILTON R. MtmCAN. JR.. 47-M Administrator. property to the highest and best bid der, C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff. Morrow Countv. Oregon. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice Is hereby siren that the un dersigned administratrix of the estate of Ralph P. L-each, deceased, has tiled with the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County her final account of her administration of the estate of wild deceased and said court f xed MonrtAV th loth tl.iv or March 1947, at the hour of 10:0o o'clock in the forenoon at the Court House at Heppner. Oregon, as the time and nlace for hearine obieetions to said final account and the settlement of said estate and a 11 nersons having ob ieetions thereto are herehv required to file the same with said court on or before the time fixed for said hearinc Dated and first published this 6th day of February 1947. 16-50 Administratrix. NOTICE OF BALD OF COUNTY PROPERTY HY VIUTUR OF AN OR1WK OF THIS County Court, dated February 4. 1547, 1 am authorized and directed to advertise and sell nt nublir ntiction at not less than the minimum price herein set forth: South 50 ft. of Lot in Work 3 in 1 Loonoy'a Addition to the iy of Hennner for the minimum price or jlh.uu, TMKKKKOHW, CASb. I will nn tbs Hth daV of March. 1947 at the hour of 10:00 A. M.. at the front door of the Court House in Heppner, Oregon, sell said Transferring r Heavy Hauling Padded Moving Vans Storage Warehouse U. P. and N. P. Penland Bros. Transfer Co. 3D SW Bnrion Avma Phons 333 Pendleton, Ore. "-Wi" 5 J i': This is a view of our newly remodeled retail department. It was designed for the comfort and convenience of those wishing to shop for materials for finishing, decorating or redecorating their homes or places of business. We are pie ased to be able to offer a better service to the community. Take Advantage of our . RENTAL EQUIPMENT Do your own sanding with our Floor Sander Cr Edger REASONABLE RENT Floor Polisher We carry a complete line oi floor , materials We feature the National Lock Co. Modern Cabinet Hardware Distinctive chromium finish 9 ALL PURPOSE HOUSE' PAINT Have you looked at your house lately? Your neighbor! dol Why not paint up? IliJW.'lflllffwfalan We Are Proud of our WALL PAPER DEPARTMENT and cordially invite you to come in and LOOK OVER THE 1947 PATTERNS Vogue Berge Colonial NOW is the Time for Planning Your Spring CLEANING and REDEC0RAT We Carry A Complete Line of W. P. FULLER Products 110 COAT HIDES EVEN LOUDEST WALL PAPERS! Tut FULLCOAT One washable wall-finish that ' really "covers anything." An oil paint not a kalsomine. Easy to apply. It's Back Again! FULLER TOP QUALITY House Paint Get it Now for Spring Painting stLMtuum BEAUTY HINT Watch your bedroom come to life when you freshen It up with a new Vogue wallpaper. You've never seen to many distinctive, colorful pattern! The loveliest paper for an entire average size room as low a.. $5 II H li ll ': 1 1 1 1 Vhetflast Have your windows measured for Burnett Venetian Blinds We give you compete service. O In Stock for Immediate Delivery Sash Cr Doors - Shakes Medicine Cabinets Tilcboard - Roofing HOMETOWN HARDWARE CO.. ADDRESS HERB Avail Yourself of Our Free Measurement Service and Helpful Hints on Interior Decorating Heppner FRANK DAVIS, Manager a Oregon