Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, March 06, 1947, Image 2

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    4-Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, March 6, 1947
The Penalty of Speed
Burning up the road in a high powered car
may rip fun for the driver but when he fails to
negotiate a turn or hits a slick spot in the road -the
result is a sad, sad story. And stories of this
nature are appearing almost daily.
The accident at Irrigon early this week which
claimed the lives of two young men almost cer
tainly was due to high speed. There are no
dangerous curves in the road at that point.
Speed too great for the driver to have complete
control of the powerful machine should some
otherwise minor difficulty arise must have caus
ed the car to leave the road and encounter a
locust tree which resulted in wrecking the car
and killing its occupants.
Something more than mere fines or short Jail
sentences will have to be meted out. Car driv
ers, young and old, will have to be taught that
gasoline in the motor is safe as long as there is
no alcohol in the driver.
It is an uphill job to educate the experienced
driver to be careful or to refrain from driving
when under the influence of alcohol in any de
gree. Most of them will tell you, "1 know what
I'm doing," and rather than argue they are per
mitted to go ahead and drive, and all too often
a serious accident occurs.
Secretary of State Robert S. Farrell Jr. has
suggested organization of high school student
safety councils as a means of supplementing
class room instruction in driver training.
Farrell takes the view that drivers and pedes
trians must learn that safety in today's traffic
is, to a great degree, a matter of acceptance of
individual responsibility for the efficient, com
fortable movement of vehicles and walkers. One
of the best methods of teaching young people
these responsibilities, he declares, is to give them
the responsibility "for safety in their own envir
onment The secretary of state's office now is distribut
ing a series of high school safety manuals, de
signed to help student safety councils organize
and conduct traffic accident prevention pro
grams. These manuals give detailed instruction
in such fields as accident reporting, analysis and
maintenance of accident statistics, traffic engin
eering surveys, motor vehicle inspection, student
traffic courts and other related activities.
Several Oregon high schools now are making
plans to organize student safety councils and
others interested are urged to contact the traffic
safety division of the secretary of state's office.
There is enough bad driving in Morrow county
to warrant the local high schools to take advan
tage of this service offered by the secretary of
state's traffic division. Perhaps if the young peo
ple had the principles of proper driving thor
oughly inculcated as they learn their other les
sons in school they could go home and give their
elders a few worthwhile pointers.
Natural Causes Most Destructive
Man has done his full share towards the de
struction of our timber resources, yet he does
not get the credit for being the greatest destruct
ive force. Natural causes such as insects, disease
and storm damage have wrought greater loss by
far to American forests than removal of trees by
Studies indicate that in the 300-odd years since
1630, disease, insects, and storm damage took a
total of 5,426 billion board feet of growing trees.
In addition, 1,698 billion feet were lost in forest
fires. In the same 300-year period, the lumber
cut is estimated at 3,259 billion feet
Nature's own ravages were almost twice as
great as man's use of the trees for construction
material. Even clearing woodlands for farms
and cities or for fuel did not make as heavy in
roads as natural causes.
Because man has been outdistanced by natural
causes is no reason why he should relinquish his
vigilance to help preserve this great resource.
The challenge is the greater in coping with these
natural agencies of destruction as well as keep
ing closer guard on the uneconomic practices of
tmber operators and the carelessness of human
Help Keep Streets Clean
Under the city superintendent plan, Heppner's
streets have been undergoing a good cleaning
at regular intervals and the result, along Main
street, at least, is gratifying. Trash is swept up
and hauled away every day, removing the litter
that usually accumulates along store fronts and
in doorways.
The city is doing its part in trying to give our
little city a neat appearance. What are the cit
izens doing? From what the street commissioner
gathers up each day it looks like Mr. John Citi
zen is doing his best to keep the street depart
ment busy. Candy wrappers, paper bags, cigar
ette packages (empty, of course), or anything J
C. wants to get rid of is thrown on the sidewalk
or over the curb. There may be a trash can right
at hand but no one seems to be aware of tha
fact. It is much more convenient just to throw
the trash away and let the street cleaner pick it
up later.
To the thoughtless, let us say that it is as
much your town as the other fellow's. It is the
carelessness of the individual that makes it nec
essary for the city to expend thousands of dollars
annually to make the town presentable. A lot
of this expense could be avoided if the people
would become civic minded.
The next time you have something to dispose
of; look around for a trash can. There are sev
eral of them deposited at convenient spots in
the business district It is not expected that all
of the waste papers will find their way to the
cans but all that does will be that much less to
blow around and give the street an untidy ap
pearance. It requires a nttie personal courage
to become a careful citizen, but pride in the
town should prompt us to make the effort.
When mcthods of seed SELECTION were ENTIRELY
cities and counties the money!
they are demanding from the
state highway commission. At
tempts to mane one dollar do
the work of two usually result
in failure and the effort to give
additional millions to cities and
counties from highway funds
while expecting the develop
ment of through highways is en
tirely futile.
When the state permitted its
political subdivisions to organ-
Meets Every Monday Noon t tha
Lucas Place
Similarly, in the early davs of our country,
an individual, no matter how provident in
planning for his family's future security,
lacked the assurance of success wb have
today with our organized facilities for,
thrift and savings such as life insurance
and savings accounts.
Who was acting president while Mr. Truman
was visiting in Mexico? Not that it matters a
great deal, but just in case an accident occurred
and the president failed to return to Washington
is not the next person in line the speaker of the
house of representatives? And isn't the speaker
of the house of representatives a republican
Better be careful, Mr. President!
In the passing of Ms. Frank Turner, the county
lost one of its outstanding citizens. It is doubt
ful if another of our number ever did more to
ward moulding the character of those whose
privilege it was to call her their teacher. During
her forty or more years of teaching, hundreds of
young people learned to appreciate her sterling
character and her earnest zeal in preparing them
to become the citizens of the future. Hard work
meant nothing to her when the welfare of her
school children was involved. This was demon
strated most forcibly when, during the war, she
carried on correspondence with fifty-three of
her "boys" who were serving their country in
many parts of the globe. That was a job in itself,
yet she felt that she could not let them down,
To those boys the ones who returned her pass
ing is the loss of a real friend.
From Heppner Gazette Times,
March 8, 1917.
Probably the biggest item of
improvement during the present
year will be the remodeling of
the First National bank build
ing which will cost approxim
ately $10,000.
Erb Kirk this week sold his
6-JO-acre ranch located in the
head of Six Dollar canyon to
Ralph Benge. The consideration
was $12,000.
The band instruments for the
Sand Hollow Concert band will
arrive shortly and practice will
begin in earnest.
A son was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Anderson of Eight
Mile at the Heppner Sanatorium
on March 2.
Jeff Bcanier, local delivery
man, received serious and pain
ful injuries to his right eye
when that member came in
sharp contact with a locust
thorn when driving under the
locust trees at the back of the
court hous.9
Work of Improving the streets
of Heppner will be started as
soon as the weather moderates
and some of the larger mudholes
have dried up, says W. O. Min
or ol the streets ana yuunu
property committee.
Legislature adjourned with
less laws passed and less in
terference with business than
ever before.
James Carty, well-known
north-end sheepman, was trans
acting business in Heppner lu
esday. Shearing will begin in a
few days at Mr. Carty's ranch.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Webb have
returned to Heppner after an
extensive visit of several weeks
in California. Mr. Webb is much
improved in health.
E. J. Slocum, formerly engag
ed In the drug business in Hepp
ner, but now a resident of Mab
ton, Wash., near which place he
has a fine little fruit farm, was
a visitor in Heppner over the
week end.
A. A. Mct'abe, one of our
friends from the Fairview sec
tion. was doing business in
Heppner Tuesday.
The tractor and equipment
show DUt on by the Eraden
Tractor and Equipment compa
ny Thursday, Feb. 20, was
grand success both from the
standDoint of attendance and
from the entertainment provid
ed by the company, according
to Robert Grabill, manager of
the Braden store In eppner.
Two hundred farmers regis
tered for the day's activities an
the company fed 300 people at
the noon luncheon served in the
SDaeious store room. The Star
Theater was filled for the show
ing of the several films include
ed in the day's program, in all
making it a satisfactory occa
sion, Grabill stated.
Kinzua News of Week
By Klsa M. Leathers
Mrs. Marion (Slip) Wright Is
cliHirmun for the Red Cross drive
Ht Kinzua.
The basketball came between
Spray gnnle and Kinzua for Fri
day nlnht was postjiotird.,
Beth Miller has returned to
her work In the post office after
having the mumps.
Slip Wright mid Ernie Wahl
flew to The Dalles Saturday a.
m. Mr. Wright will fly his own
plane home and Mr. Wahl will
bring his back.
Kinzua organized its own base
ball team this week. At the
meeting a managing financial
committee was appointed, J. C.
Valker. Marlon Wright and
i;eorce Close. A benefit dance
Saturday night was well attend
ed. The complete line-up hasn't
been decided as yet.
Mr .and Mrs. Carl Coleman
returned home after spending
the winter In California for Mr
Coleman's health. He is woods
In attending 2G sessions of the
Oregon legislature we have nev
er observed a session where the
members worked harder, more
purposefully or longer hours.
Committee meetings are well
scheduled and frequently extend
over a fourteen hour day. How
different from the old days. At
his session there has not been
even an attempt at oratorical
ireworks. No long speeches. It
seems the old "cuit-snooting
days have gone. There is no po-
ical machine dominating af
fairs. Just a dozen potential ma
chines watching each other.
That's good for the people. The
amendatory, clarification and
other routine work is well done.
The heavy measures balancing
he budget, school financing, la
bor legislation, sales tax and
other leviathans will take up
the next two or throe weeks be
r'ore adjournment.
boss of Kinzua Pine Mills.
A farewell party was given in
honor of Mr. and Mrs. Cameron
Porter Saturday night at the E.
Ostrander home. The Porters
have long been residents of Kin
zua and Wheeler county. They
are moving to Baker where they
have purchased a home. Mr. Por
ter has a position there similar
to the one from which he resign
ed here at the office. He was
sales manager.
Owen H. Leathers Jr. and
Walter Weir Jr. spent part of
last week in Portland where
they took their physicals for the
Loretta Bledsoe and daughter
visited In Kinzua Sunday from
the ranch near Fossil.
Glen Hadley and son Stanton
of Camp 5 left this week for Cal
ifornia where they will do early
sheep shearing.
Mrs. Chas. Leichenbeig spent
several days in Portland this
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Davis
spent the week end In Lonerock
with their parents and at their
"Scotty Hughes" was taken in
the ambulance to The Dalles
hospital. Ho has been 111 for
several days.
Monday was the 50th day of
the present legislative session
and the last day for which the
members receive Iheir S3 a day
salaries. There have been SfH
bills, memorials and resolutions
introduced, which surpasses by
20 per cent the total of the 1945
session, substantiating predic
tions made in this column be
fore the legislature convened,
that this session would beat all
records for length and number
if bills.
Twenty-two bills passed by the
legislature were signed by Gov
ernor Snell the past week. Two
of the acts, House Bill 176 and
?enate Bill 21)3, carried emer
gency clauses and became law
''hen signed. The others will be
come effective in ninety days.
I1B 176 creates a wheat commis
sion of five members to be ap
pointed by the governor for the
purpose of aiding wheat grow
ers in marketing and advertis
ing wheat and wheat products.
The board is given authority to
stabilize and protect the wheat
industry of I he stale and the
health and welfare of the pub
lic. An administrator is to be
appointed by the commission at
a salary not to exceed S10.000 a
year. The funds for the admin
istration of the law are to be
derived from a tax of 1'2 cent
a bushel for all wheat grown.
SB 293, by joint ways and means
committee, transfers funds de
rived from personal property
taxes on sleeping cars, refrig
erator cars, tank lines and pri
vate companies, from the school
support fund to the general
fund. SB 123 requires the gov
ernor to call a special election
lo fill vacancies caused by death
or disability of a congressman
and also applies to candidates
for nomination to congress. SB
(iG does away with the necessity
of reading a subpoena when
served. SB's lo2, 156, 09 and 159
introduced by committee on re
vision of laws set forms for let
ters of admlnislratinn, probate,
etc. HB 51 increases fees for fil
ing action In counties under 100,
000 population. HB 62 Increases
to 10 percent of gross the am
ounts the industrial accident
commission may retain for ad
ministrative purposes and to 4
percent for its safely program.
1'B 111 gives cooperative asso
ciations right of easement In
construe:! ion of walerways. HB's
156, 157 and 159 cut Interest on
benefit claim funds, on settle
ments paid, end gives authority
lo industrial aeox.ont commis
sion to replace artificial limbs,
Rep. 22nd District
To watchers of the legislature,
if any there be, it must seem
that it goes on and on, day after
day, week after week, without
progress. It seems that way to
most of the members, too, al
though a faint, dim picture of
what may be done begins to
show through the fog some day
There will probably be a sales
tax bill, and it now appears that
it will be bad. It apparently
.ries to be all things to all tax
payers and therefore results in
being the hodge-podge that such
attempts usually are. It will
levy a three percent sales tax
with food exempted, will raise
the income tax exemptions, and
put on a property tax limita
tion. Dismissing for the moment
or until our lawyer comes along
the illegality of putting three
such divergent matters into one
tax bill, the tax is probably too
high, certainly should not make
any exemptions and property
tax limitations just don't work.
True a 40 mill limit would be
a nice drawing card for votes,
but no one in the 22nd district
has ever, as far as can be known,
paid 10 mills, except perhaps on
town property. That is an ap
peal to the city taxpayer. As in
Washington it would result in
vastly increased assessments un
til the rate was an actual 60
Furthermore, there is no as
surance that the men who must
finance any sales tax campaign
will not behind this one and
r.pend the $50,000 needed to
make it pass. The guessing is
that they will not. In any event
it is no measure with which to
settle the t; ' problems of the
Spoken of around the fringe
of the badly frustrated house as
sessment and taxation commit-
tie is a new cigarette tax of 2
cents per pack, which would
make the cost of a smoke around
ore cent.
There are rumors of a new tax
on gasoline of a cent to pay the
ze and even aided that move
ment by appropriating some
$60,000 to the bureau of muni
cipal research it led with its
chin. Now these same organiza-
ons come biennially to the lcg-
.slature trying to change the
laws so their units get more of
the tax moneys. There is now a
hill here permitting the organiz
ations of school boards into a
statewide organization which if
passed will create another pres-
ure group.
The distribution of the basic
school money bill is now in the
senate where some analysis of
it will be attempted. Its return
to the senate floor may assist
the passage by the house of
some amendments to HB 80 of
the 1915 session, inasmuch as
he financial arrangements of
districts are inescapably mixed
in the two.
The sentiment appears to be
Trowing that some recognition
of Oregon's diverse geographical
iructure, and its differences in
educational opportunities will be
considered in the senate. In the
louse the basic school matter
was considered merely in the
light of testimony of those who
passed it, and their ideas were
not broadened by much other
The senate committee has a
fine opportunity to write a hill
that will not only combine the
ideas behind the bills before it,
but will in addition, take into
consideration the needs of high
cost ' districts. As a practical
matter, one of the highest chan
ges on our education system is
inefficiency, usually in organiz
ation. Perhaps nothing that can
be written into law will ever cor
rect this.
Guessing as to when the ses
sion will end has started but it
will take three weeks more un
less the committees just throw
up their hands and go home. La
bor bills are still in the first
house, meaning that they have
lot been progressed at all. The
only thing that has indicated
life Is the passage of the edu
cational distribution bill over to
the senate from the house.
Incidentally, watch the sen
ate committees on taxation, ed
ucation and labor for what will
probably be final action
Veterans of Foreign
Meetings 2nd and 4th Mondays t
8:00 p. m. in Legion Hall
Peters Buildin. Willow Street
Heppner, Oregon
Phoae 173
Hotel Heppner Building
Heppner, Oregon
All kind of carpenter woi t
Modern Homes Built or Remodeled
Phone 1183 5 Jne St-
Turner, Van Marter
and Company
Phelps Funeral Home
Licensed Fuii-ral Directoia
Phone 1332 Heppner, Giv
Attorney at Law
Heppner Hotel Building
Willow Street Entrance
Latest Jewelry and Gift Good
Watches, Clocks. Diamonds
Expert Watch Jewelry Repairing
Heppner. Oregon
OK Rubber Welders
First elasa work guaranteed
Located In the Kane Building
North Main St. Heppner, Ore.
HeDDner City Council
. . m m
Meets First Monday Each Monti, fjr L. Q, llDDleS
Citizens having matters for discus
sion, please bring botoru
tha Council
J. O, TURNER. Mayor
Physician It Surgeon
First National Bank Building
Res. Ph. 1162 Offloe Ph. 402
Morrow County
Abstract fir Title Co.
Office in Peters Building
Merchants Credit
Accurate Credit Information
F. B. Nickerson
Phone 12 Heppner
We are deeply grateful for all
the kindnesses, the expressions
of sympathy and tenders of as
Morrow County
Box 82. Heppner, Ore.
Phone 2632
Superior Dry Cleaning
& Finishing
A. D. McMurdo, M. D.
Trained Nurse Assistant
Office in Maaonio Building
Heppner. Orefien
Dr. C. C. Dunham
Office up stairs L O. O. F. Bld
Hou; calls made
House Phone 2583 Office 2572
Elaine E. Isom
All Kinds of
tlrppnrr. On
Phone 723
Deputy Grand Master Ralph
Saylor of Hcrmiston and Lloyd
distance during the illness and I McCrae of Pendleton, senior
death of our beloved wife and 1 grand warden, made an official
mother; for the beautiful floral i visit to Heppner lodge No. 69,
offerings, and to those who par-' A. F. & A. M. Tuesday evening,
ticipated in the last rites. .They were accompanied by
Frank W. Turner and family. Frank Sloan of Stanfield who
Heppner Hospital
Beds available by reservation.
Physician & Surgeon
5 K Street Phone f)"2
held the post of deputy grand
master for several years.
Jot zf QzUxan
Remember the Veterans in Morrow County's
Ward 7 at the U. S. Veterans Hospital in
Walla Walla at Easter Time-.
Leave orders for your flower needs at any time with
Ncsh's Grocery, Cecil
Warner's Grocery, Lexington
Phone 1712, lone
Fay Bucknum
Heppner Oregon
HP. 284 abridges service of sum
mr'ns when avoidance Is contin
ual. HB 52 provides that men
tally enfeebled patients shall be
separated from mentally dlseas
ed patients at state hospital in
sofar as present facilities will
permit. HB 9!) repeals law giv
ing superintendent of banks au
thority to examine trust depart
ments of national banks. HB 152
extends law requiring name of
manufacturer, quality, etc., be
placed on containers as well as
on cheese.
Walice S. Wharton, a former
stale tax commissioner was cho
sen Saturday to succeed the late
Charles V. Galloway on the
state tax commission. He was
state budget director under Gov
ernor Martin, later becoming tax
commissioner, resigning at the
outbreak of the war to Join the
United States naval reserves,
subsequently being promoted to
The fine sense of continuity
rnd order Senator Irving Rand
used In enouncing hearings for
three measures furnished com
edy relief Tuesday for the au
gust senate. The senator said:
"They will be considered In the
following order: First the fire
works bill, then the medical bill,
and then the cemetery bill."
Pre-School Clinic
Thursday, March 27
From 2 to 4 P. M.
Under supervision of
Chiropractic Physician
Office in Oddfellows Building, Heppner