,i; HISTORICAL SOCIETY PUBLIC AUDI TOT. v: pc:.:la::d, one. azette Times PPN Or Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, March 6, 1947 Volume 63, Number 50 ER Ordinance Passed Placing License On Punchboards Each Board Must Carry City Stamp, Council Ordains Hereafter, places operating punchboards will be obliged to visit the city treasurer and pur chase stamps to place upon each and every board or have same confiscated. The town fathers of Heppner so ordained Monday night at the regular monthly business session. Regulations governing secui Ing the licenses, cost of each lype of license, and penalty for violation are set out in the ord inance. Boards costing 50 cents to play carry a license fee of $7.50. Twenty-five cent boards require a $5 license; a 10-cent board requires a $2.50 license and a 5-cent- board a dollar license. Councilman Nickerson, street and sidewalk chairman, report ed making a survey of a con siderable portion of the city's sidewalks and regretted to state that some of them are in a sad state of repair. Cork elm trees came in for some condemnation by members of the council. This type of shade tree, of which there are a good many, are cred ited with causing much of the breaking up of the concrete sidewalks. Mayor Lanham ask ed Nickerson to continue his in spection, offering the services of Superintendent Orve Rasmus in checking the districts where im provement is badly needed. Names of property owners whose walks are in bad repair will be taken down and reported to the council. There was some discussion re lative to building walks along parts of streets now having them on one side only, but nothing definite was done as the coun cil is more concerned about re pairing existing walks to make them safe and protect the city against damage suits. Monday night's session was adjourned to Wednesday evening to meet with L. R. Stockman, en gineer for the proposed water Improvement program. Stock man later informed Mayor Lan ham that he could not get here before Thursday and the meet ing will be held this evening. Mayor Lanham announced that E. R. Huston had resigned as bookkeeper for the water de partment and asked for sugges tions about collecting the water bills. Several suggestions were made and the matter will not be settled until some of the propo sals can be thoroughly investi gated. Mr. Huston felt he could no longer do the work due to failing eyesight. City Attorney J. J. Nys acted as recorder at Monday's session. o Easter Lilies For Veterans Sought Generosity of the people of Morrow county Is again being counted on to provide Easter lil ies for the veteran patients of Ward 7 at ihe veterans hospital in Walla Walla. Mrs. Ralph Thompson, chairman of the Mor- row county chapter of the Blue Mountain Camp and Hospital council, reports that many of the patients expressed their pleas ure at receiving the lilies last year. Those desiring to participate in bringing this bit of cheer to the Ward 7 patients are asked to leave their orders with Fay Bucknum at The Flower Shop In Heppner. Mrs. Bucknum states that orders should be left at an early date as the lilies are scarce. Each donor's name will be sent with the gift. The Flower Shop does this work on a very small profit to the concern, making It possible to nlace more flowers in the ward. BULLDOZERS SAVED WOHK FOR FIRE DEPARTMENT A fire alarm shortly aflcr noon Friday called the Heppner fire dennrtment truck to the Heppner Limber. company plant The rm proved unnecessary in ns n1' ' 'i as the company's bull dozer 'd everything under con trol by ;he time the town equip ment arrived. A highway crew was burning grass and weeds In the vicinity of the sawdust pile on me easi side of the highway which turn porarlly go out of control and was facing for Ihe sawdust. An alarm was put in to the lire do mirtment which quickly respon ded and in the meantime Ihe company's bulldozer removed the dancer by plowing a trench between the grass fire and the sawdust pile. H. J. Delameter was placed under $250 ball to appear before the liiHllce of the peace at a later date, when arrested by chief of Police Dean Gllman Thursday on a charge of opcr atlng fl motor vehicle wnue un der the influence or. aiconoi. Theater Benefit Show Will Boost Band, Clock Funds On Tuesday, March 11, the Star Theater is staging a bene fit program for two very worth while high school projects. Net proceeds from this night of en tertainment are to be divided equally between the fund for the purchase of uniforms for the school band and the funds for the purchase of an electric time clock and score board for the gymnasium. The high school band will play several selections and oth er home talent is being lined up to make the evening one of par ticular enjoyment. The feature picture "Rolling Home" is one especially suited to an endeavor of this kind as it is clean, whole some entertainment suitable for every member of the family, the story of a man, a boy and a horse. This is your opportunity to actually kill two birds with one stone: buy a ticket to this pro gram and enjoy some really su perlative entertainment as well as doing a good deed for your school. Mustangs Garner Third Position in District 7-B Finals By nosing out Umapine, the Heppner high school Mustangs won third place in the 7-B tour nament held at Echo last week end. Grant Union qualified for the state B tourney at Arlington by defeating Athena, 47-35. Heppner nosed out Umapine by a score of 28-27. Of ten all-stars chosen, two were from Heppner. Jack Par rish, center, was one of three players receiving a unanimous vote, the other two being Nibler of Umapine and Johnson of Ath ena; Greenup, Heppner; Van Leuvan, McKenna and Willey, Grant Union; Wilson, Pilot Rock, and March, Umapine. In the awarding of trophies after the final game the tourn ament sportsmanship award was given to the Pilot Rock quintet. o More 4-H Clubbers Needed in County More young folk participating In 4-H club activities in the county Is the immediate need, Miss Katherine Monahan, home demonstration agent told the luncheon group of Heppner chamber of commerce at Mon- lay's luncheon. About 200 children are engag ed in club activities at the pre sent time, Miss Monahan stated, and this number should be in creased if full benefit of the work is to be obtained. The in crease will come by enlisting he grade school youngsters those just old enough to take up the work she pointed out. Older children, those of junior high school age may retain an interest for a year or two and hen they suddenly become too grown up. The child starting n at an early age usually re mains up to high school and many of them 'until finishing high school. There are projects to Interest any child and it is hoped to se cure enough leaders in the county to give all the children who wish to take up club work the right type of leadership. Don Heck, retiring manager of the Pacific Power & Light company in the Heppner dis trict, bade farewell to the cham ber of commerce, which he stat ed had been a source of enjoy- men to him In his nearly a year s residence here. Ho Is leaving this week to make his home in Seattle. Dr. L. D. Tibbies explained he proposed improvements to the city's water system, using the engineer's map to point out where changes will be made and msslblc site of new well. It was announced that the club will eat at the school house for the next three weeks. Dinner Party Fetes Two Office Girls Two court house employees, Miss Edna Hughes and Miss Ad"- ell Forster, were honored Friday with n dinner given by the of ficials and other employees. Mrs. Luey Rodgers and Mrs. Frances Mitchell were hostesses and the dinner, filed chicken with Ihe proper accessories, was served in Mrs. Rndgers' office. Guest list was confined lo the regular occupants of the courl house. Miss Hughes, deputy county clerk, will terminate her job with the county on March 31 she plans to go to Portland to enter a different line of work Miss Forster will leave her Job with the tnx-colleeting depart ment at the same time, planning to get married In the near fu ture. There was a bride's cake In her honor, and both girls re celvod nice gifts from their as' soclates. Land Practices in 1947 Laid Down by AAA Committee Local Projects to Be Benefited by Expenditures Bulletins outlining land prac tices in 1947 under the agricul tural adjustment administration have been mailed to farmers by the loofll office. These practices the community committees a were adopted at a meeting of few weeks ago. The bulletin says that to earn a payment in 1P47 you must; Have your farm plan complet ed before May 1. Get prior approval of all prac tices before work is started. Regarding wheat, there is to be no burning. It will disqual ify the whole field for a trashy fallow payment. To earn a payment for plow ing under stubble (D-8-c) the field must' be Inspected before plowing. There is no payment for con tour drilling alone. Practice D-3 requires that all tillage opera tions be on the contour. Work the headlands first so as not to destroy the effect of the contour. Payment is 75 cents per acre. If you require help In determin ing contour lines or if technical assistance is needed, apply to Heppner Soil Conservation dis trict. The service is free. The soil conservation service likewise offers free assistance in leveling land for irrigation. Plans must be submitted to the county office for approval. Also, green manure crops must be in spected before plowing under. In conclusion, the bulletin says the purpose of the program is two-fold to save the soil for ourselves and for those who come after us and at the same time to get the greatest bene fits from our farming operations. Ice Coated Snow Makes Travel Easy A timely cold snap in latter February made easy travel over solid drifts to the North Jones Prairie snow course for Joe Gjer tson, assistant ranger for the Heppner dUitriet and -Mr: Ben-' nett, water master from Pendle ton. Bennett was a bit perturbed because of the frozen condition at ground level as a heavy snow fall at this time could lead to rapid runoff and possible floods. Average snow depth at this recording was 13.6 inches with 5.9 inches water. Gjertson stated it is encour aging to note how the seeming ly worthless stands of young lodgepole, fir, and larch, cover ing the steep slopes, still clutch to a considerable blanket of snow. The interwoven, sponge like mass of roots, with the pro tection of overhead shade, regu late spring runoff supplying a more even, continuous stream flow, so essential to land man agement, he staled. The danger lies in areas now denuded of protective cover by fire or man-caused reasons, the forester said. The speed of their return to productivity will de pend upon good management. One of the prime objectives of the Forest Service is to protect and maintain an adequate ground cover lor watershed re gulation. "We can protect wa tersheds through public cooper ation in fire prevention," Gjert son concluded. Buddy Blakely was a week end visitor in Heppner, stopping here enroute from his home in Boise, Ida., to Portland to visit his mother, Mrs. Frances Blake ly and sister Jeahnette. Til- 11 rt niimn t m mi . One of the brightest corners in Heppner is the Tum-A-Lum Lumber company'! plant. Under the management oi Frank Davis, the front of the building was worked over and additional space built on to- make room for an up-to-date and attractive retail tore to properly display the company's lines In building materials. Davis has demonstrated what a little paint will do in erasing a landmark. The fcont Is white trimmed with a deep blue at the top and a light orange at the bottom. The lettering on the sign Is made of wood, in keeping with the business represented. February Rainfall Light in County Gooseberry rainfall during the month of February was a little more than three times that recorded in Heppner, fig ures released by Leonard Carl son and Len Gilliam show. Out in the wheat country west of Heppner a rainy spell begin ning on Feb. 11 and extending to Feb. 16, a total of .79 of an inch fell. This was .17 of an inch better than Feb. 1946, the re cords show. In Heppner, where rainfall re cords have on the average been slightly better than the Goose berry section, Observer Gilliam was able to show only .26 of an inch for the month. Most of the last half of the month was cold. Temperatures were low at night and raised considerably during the day, but nothing occurred to cause much damage to fall sown grain the wheat raisers inform us. Legion Preparing To Enter Team in Baseball League The Heppner post of the Am erican Legion is preparing to enter a team in the Wheat-Timber league for the 1947 season. This was decided upon at a reg ular meeting of the post Tues day evening and another meet ing" of the post will be held next Tuesday evening for the purpose of choosing a manager and dis cussing schedules, uniforms and other matters relating to the season's activities. It is expected the league will include the same towns as those participating in the 1946 sched ule. These were Wasco, Fossil, Condon, Arlington. lone and Heppner. It is understood that Kinzua has formed a ball club of its own this year which m.y affect the set-up at Fossil. Noth ing official has been disclosed relative to Kinzua's plans and it is not known whether or not the club will want to enter the league. Public Sale Draws Outside Bidders Numerous buyers from outside points are in "Heppner today at tending the auction sale at the Runnion & Erwin yards. Most of them, as well as a majority of the county people, are interested I in livestock and as the sale open- i eu more man luo bead ot cattle inu puis detailing irans- t io new owners. , iim-muck uuvits were present from neighboring counties, pre pared to pay a good price for the right type of beef animals. Little interest was shown in minor articles offered before the livestock bidding started. o Healthy Helpers Meet at Boardman Our 4-H club, the Healthy Helpers, held its sixth meeting Wednesday, February 26. Robert Former presided. We began the meeting with the pledge to the flag by the club members, then sang America. Under the order of business, the secretary, Ellen Cassidy, called the roll and members re sponded with memory gems. Af ter this we had discussions by the members about the work they are doing and we finished with singing. The next meeting will be Mar. 12. Wilbur Piatt, reporter; Ma bel C. Montgomery, leader. Mrs. E. Harvey Miller is spend ing a few days in Heppner vis iting relatives and friends. inteMiMlibiMi '.Wifcin wniitff' Willi "m, Sixteen States Plant 12 Million Acres to Timber With the addition of six new states,' 108 tracts, and 1,787,281 acres to the 'Tree Farm" move ment, 1946 chalked up an im pressive and encouraging con tribution! to the, nation's future supply of trees. Certification under the Tree Farm program insures the man agement of woodlands accord ing to the enlightened forestry standards prescribed by its in dustry and state forestry group sponsors. The participation of Tenne see, Florida, South Carolina, Wisconsin, Ohio and New Jer sey In the nation-wide program added 45 new tree farms and a total of 540,611 acres to the Tree Farm program, which is coordi nated by the Ameriorn Forest Products Indurtries. Incorporat ed. Texas led all other stages in State Fish Truck Delivering Trout Morrow county anglers are chafing at the bit to get out and cast a line in the waters of Willow and Rhea creeks for in the- past week the fish truck from the hatchery at Maupin has made several trips here bringing trout to stock up these streams. An allotment of 12,000 legal size trout was recently made by the fish and game commission and the disciples of Izaak Wal ton are looking forward to some worth while fishing ere the little mountain streams recede to the summer flow. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Turner, Mrs. Ethel Adams and Jasper Crawford spent the week end in Portland, going Friday and re turning Sunday. News Briefs Around Town Mr. and Mrs. Allen Case and Alex Thompson drove to Port land Saturday, being called there by the serious illness of Mrs. Case's father, Jack E. Gri mes, who is in the Emanuel hospital with a heart ailment. Mrs. Case remained with her father and the men returned to Heppner Sunday. Mrs. Farris Prock and daugh er ?Sena Ra and .Mrs- E. R. eLur"ed ' Fnd fr0m Klamat,h Falls, where ley 1,ed relatlves for a week- Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Bailey re turned- the last of the week rom EIgin where they spent several weeks while Mr. Bailey was completing a house for their son-in-law, Jack Parsons. Mr. and Mrs.. Dick Buzzard have moved from Dayville to Ordnance where Mr. Buzzard is connected with the soil con servation service. Former resi dents of Heppner, they spent the week-end here with their friends, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wil son. Mr. and Mrs. John McRob erts of Portland visited over the week-end with relatives in Hep pner, returning home Sunday. Micky Lanham, son of Mayor and Mrs. Conley Lanham, is ill with rheumatic fever at the fa mily residence. The little boy is confined to his bed and is slow ly improving. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bailey who returned from Hutchinson, Kan., have gone to Elgin where Albert is employed in a sawmill. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Akcrs drove up from Portland Sunday to attend the funeral services for Mrs. F. W. Turner Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Akers, an or dained minister and long time friend of Mrs. Turner, assisted in the services. , I wt. R If PRRi 1... . mm ifl '1 "' ;"Wi:S. growth by certifying 16 new Tree Farms with a total acre age of 615,474 acres under ap proved management practices. Approximately one out of ev ery four privately owned acres is under Tree Farm Management The present national box score for the Tree Farm move ment is 1,053 Tree Farms, to talling. 12,922,231 acres in 16 states. This is divided among the re gion as follows: South, 854 farms totalling 8,057,802 acres; West, 186, 4,602, 408; Lake states 6, 257,411; Cen tral states, 4, 1,110; Eastern states, 3, 3500. In addition to the 16 states which already have certified Tree Farms, programs are now getting under way in Louisiana, Virginia, West Virginia, Mary land, Kentucky and Pennsyl vania. AERIAL CENSUS TAKEN OF ANTELOPE HERDS Aerial census of Oregon ante lope has been conducted during the past month on the major antelope ranges of Deschutes, Crook, Harney ana Lake coun ties by the game commission biologists of the Central and Harney districts. The use of the airplane in determining condi tions of big game herds has be come an important method in modern game management. The high open terrain of south I central Oregon and the habit of antelope herds to range widely in this type of country provides an ideal situation for aerial ob servation as to herd sizes and distribution. Data obtained from the aerial census is used to sup plement that obtained on the ground later in the year, and all of it then is jised to determine annual hunting regulations. Mrs. J. G. Cowins and Mrs. Melvin Moyer spent Wednes day in Pendleton having dental work done. O. M. Yeager and his crew of carpenters started work Mon day on the E. Markham Baker residence eight miles southwest of lone. Baker Jjad started the building and carried tt as far as he could. It will be one of the nicer farm residences of the county when completed. Yeager and his men finished up an al teration job on the Lottie Kil kenny residence on upper Hin ton creek last week. Among former residents of Heppner to attend the Turner funeral Monday were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Moore of Pendleton. Miss Leta Humphreys is In attendance at the gift shop buyers week in Seattle pnd Portland. Mrs. Josephine Mahoney is spending a week or so in Port land. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Reed of Spray were business visitors in Heppner today. Reed is in the stock business and was looking in at the auction sale with a view to buying some calves. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar George and sons Kit and David are spending the week in Portland on business. o TEACHERS BACK COUNTY SUPERINTENDENTS SALARY The teachers of the Lexington public school have gone on rec ord as favoring a raise in sal ary for our county superinten dent as others have done. They believe that their county super intendent should have a salary at least equal to that of the av erage school superintendent in the county. Signed: Lexington Teachers. Theater Folk. Win Year's Cig Supply But If it were not that they feel fully compensated in having done the job well, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar George of the Star Thea ter, might feel there is a bit of irony in the awarding of a prize they received last week in con nection with the recent March of Dimes campaign. The Star was entered in a mo tion picture contest and rated fourth place in the nation. A telegram received last Thurs day is self-explanatory. Dated New York, N. Y. Feb. 27, it reads: We are delighted to inform you that you have won fourth prize in the March of Dimes motion picture division contest No. 2. Your prize is a carton a week of Regent cigarettes for a year which will be presented to you shortly by Mr. Francis Nick erson, your March of Dimes county chairman. Your effort in this contest pffers the best illus tration of exhibition generosity at work. Congratulations and oest wishes. Signed Jack Ali coate, chairman committee of judges; Jay Emanuel,, Abel Green, P. S. Harrison, Chick Le wis, Martin Quigley, Herman Schieier, Ben Shylen, Mo Wax. Contest No. 2 is based on per centage over 1946, according to Nickerson. The payoff on this story is that neither Mr. nor Mrs. George j smoke. Red Cross Drive Scheduled fo Open Monday Morning Opening of the American Red Cross annual membership cam paign is set tor Monday morn ing, March 11, it was announc ed Monday bv Jack O'Connor county chairman. This cuts the time a nttie short, inasmuch as the drive officially opened on March 1. but O'Connor feels that much can be accomplished m m days n tne committees get on the job in earnest A feature of this year's pro gram of the Red Cross is the ex penditure of several hundred dollars on local oroiects. During I the war local programs except iur proaucuon ior tne war el fort were abandoned. Now that war necessities are no loneer in demand the society Is in posi tion to resume pre-war activi ties. Two local projects already an nounced are swimming instruc tion in those towns having tanks or are preparing to put them in. So far, this includes Heppner, with a tank, and lone where a war memorial program embraces installation of a tank. A total of $700 will be spent for this purpose and the conduct ing of home nursing courses. In answer to the query, "Why do we still need to support the American Red Cross, Chairman O'Connor answers: Because your Red Cross is a bulwark of humanitarian relief right in our own home town. Because here, in our communi ty, the Red Cross provides wel fare and information, counsel and financial assistance to ser vice men, veterans and their families. To build a safer and health ier America, the Red Cross teaches nutrition, home nnri. ing and first aid, water safety and accident prevention. It gives service to men in army, navy. ana veterans hospitals. With your continued support. it reaches whereever there are people and problems. in flood and fire, accident md epidemic, vour Rert there to aid. It is there to aid oecause of you. It is your con tributions in cash and voiun teer effort which keep it go ing . . . keep it always alive . . for those in hnsnitatv fnr co- vicemen, for veterans and for you ana your family. AUXIUARY PLANS ntVNrn TO OBSERVE ANNIVERSARY nans were made Tnesil.iv evening by the America n I.erinn auxiliary ior a potluck suppe i me i. u. u. p . hall at 6.; p.m. March 15. This is the da of the anniversary of the fnnn ing of the American Legion. Fo lowing me super there will be Joint initiation at 8 o'clock The auxiliary met at tho h,r.,.. 01 Mrs. Kicharrf. tt'oti. r.-.. dent, Tuesday even I n 11 u.- Mrs. Earl Evans assisting the uusiess. O ANOTHER BOY Don Grady, emulovp nf n,- oLiiiuaro. (.in company distribu lion plant at Henmier. h.i r eclved the following messa uom nis wire, who Sund gave birth to a baby boy ay at vooonurn, Ure.: Richard N !el on Grady, born March 2, 111 17 ni-ijjiu six pounils three ou un ces; length 20 inches; hungry, '",ci n,i, cnuony, and other good boy to add to collection. Mommy Frieda This is their third child, boys. an our all Last Rites Held Tuesday P. M. For Lilian C. Turner Large Concourse Pays Final Tribute To County Figure Funeral services were held at 2 o'clock P. m., Tuesday, at the Heppner Church of Christ for Mrs. Frank W. Turner, whose death occurred Saturday after noon, March 1, at the family residence. A large concourse of people, completely filling the spacious auditorium and over flowing into the street turned out to pay this last tribute of respect to one who was held In high esteem throughout the county. The service was in charge of the pastor, Joe Jewett, and he was assisted by Mrs. Spencer Akers, who read the scripture : lesson. Mrs. O. G. Crawford sang "One Sweetly, Solemn Thought" and the Heppner Women's cho rus sang "Softly Now the Light of Day." Mrs. C C. Carmichael of Lexington presided at the pi ano. Interment was made in the Heppner Masonic cemetery, with arrangements in charge' of the Phelps Funeral home. The church was banked with flowers, indicative of the re spect and affection which Mrs. Turner was accorded. Active pallbearers were form er students under Mr3. Turner and included Danny Dinges, Joe Way, Albert Edwards, Sam Mc Millan and Vester Thornburg of Lexington, and Paul Brown of Heppner. Honorary pallbearers were J. O. Rasmus, Len Gilliam and R. I. Thompson of Heppner and Harry Dinges, Orville Cuts- forth and H. E. W'arner of Lex ington. Lilian Cochran was born Oct 2, 1884, on Shutler Flat near Ar lington, the daughter of Samuel and Teressa Couch Cochran, eas- tern Oregon pioneers. While she was a small girl the family mov ed to Top, near Monument, where she received her grade school education with the excep tion or the eighth grade, which she completed in Heppner, going on through the high school here to graduate in 1905, being one of a class of five. School records show that she was employed in tne tail of 1905 to teach in the Heppner grade school, being the first graduate from the local school to be put back in as a teacher. Responding to her insatiable desire for more learning, she en tered the University of Oregon Dut illness forced her to give up college life after a few mon ths and she returned to her local teaching position, remaining in the Heppner school until 1909, when on December 25 of that year she was married to Frank W. Turner. Children came into the home and teaching was dis pensed with for a few years, but when the children were of school age she resumed her work in the schoolroom. After teaching a few years in the Heppner school she accepted the position of principal of the eighth grade at Lexington and with the excep tion of one year spent at Hard man, remained there until three years ago when ill health forced her to retire. She taught 18 years at Lexington in all. It was recalled by members cf her fam ily that her earliest teaching ex perience was at Gooseberry in this county and Deer creek in Grant county. Another accomplishment of her busy life was tlu 31 year record as secretary oi Sans Sou ci Rebekah lodge of Heppner. She was also a member of the Heppner Church of Christ from 1004. taking an acti.e part in church affairs, as a singer in the choir and Sunday school class teacher. In all of this activity she managed to keep her home neat and tidy, study a great deal and even sr.-silwiehed in several summer sc'.'.o.;! terms in Portland and at the KLvU'Tn Or egon College at L i Or ie. Mrs. Turner was ope of the prime movers In opt mixing the Women's Choral rluh :.r. was faithful with her a'tiv t Mice at rehearsals until lieu!:h condi tions no longer permitted. Surviving beslles t.ie husband are three children. Hubert W. Turner. Portland: Mrs. Raymond Huddlestnn, Valdez, Alaska, and Mrs. Fred Allison, Portland; a brother, Lawrence Cochran, and a sister, Mrs. Ann Payliss, both of Heppner, rnd cig'it grand children. tIERE FOR FUNERAL Members of the Turner and Cochran families coming lo Heppner for the funeral of Mrs. Frank Turner Tuesday Included Mrs. Waller LaDuslre of Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Swlek of Monument, Mr. and Mrs. John Turner of Maker, and Robert Swick of Monument. Sans Solid Heliekah lodge will hold a service to the memory of Mrs. Frank Turner Friday eve ning, March 7. Mrs. Turner wan secretary of the lodge for 31 years. The service will mart ut 8 o'clock.