County Court Proceedings for January Term The minutes for the Decem ber term were read and approv ed. The bid of the General Petro leum Company, being lower than any other bids, was ac cepted by the Court for gasoline for the year 1947. The Court selected the Hepp ner Gazette Times as the offi cial pape for Morrow County for the year 1917. The Court orders that after March 1 dog licenses shall be collected for at the rales of $2 for male and spayed female and $4 for female. The Court orders the publica tion and sale of the following County property: Lot 6 in Block I, Royses Ad- ' spemc . . CM f-;1 ;: V -' IT he flvinn Horwmowr vou tint frnm Now Moulin?. Special results from the tame ingredients that gave the superior Fighting Power to our J00 Octane Aviation Gasoline ' ' You ccrnnof pet a B277SR pasome ytrtvrpxce than Afew Mobaas Saeca. Try a GENERAL PETROLEUM CORPORATION -1 V L.-:-, -4 dition to the town of Hard man for the minimum price of $15.00, cash. LoU 4 and 5 in Block 20 in the original town of Lexing ton for the minimum price of $30.00, cash. Lots 6, 7 and 8 in Block 19 In the original town of Lexing ton for the minimum price of $30.00, cash. Block 2, Sperry's 4th Addi tion to the City of lone for the minimum price of $25.00, cash. The East 5 acres of NW'4 NWy4, NEV4NWV4 and NWy4 NEy4 lying north of the can al in Section 13, Township 4 North, Range 25 E.W.M., for the minimum price of $35.00, cash. South 50 ft. of Lot 8 in Block 2 in P. Looney's Addition to the City of Heppner for the minimum price of $20.00, cash. Warrants Drawn on General Fund Edna Hughes, Deputy Salary $ 132.30 Frances Mitchell, Dep. Salary 147.79 Adell Forster, Office Clk. 115.70 Olive B. Hughes, Deputy Saalry 140.00 0O.1", .d v oi msn" iotion 0 IS?!! Humphreys Drug Company PUBLIC SAL1 BEGINNING AT 1 :00 O'CLOCK P. M. TUESDAY, Mar. k at the ROY KEILL Ranch ON BIG BUTTER CREEK, Vi MILES ABOVE PINE CITY The following farm equipment, livestock and household equipment will be offered for sale: 2 horse-drawn mowers 6 horses, including harness 2 horse-drawn buck rakes 1 7-foot power mower 1 Over-shot stacker 1 power lift buck rake 1 12-foot John Deere hay rake Shop equipment 1 Model B John Deere tractor 3 dozen chickens 1 cow, 1 calf, 1 yearling heifer 3 wagons Bunkhouse beds and bedding 1 10-foot dump rake 1 spring tooth harrow ANYONE HAHVING STOCK OR EQUIPMENT TO SELL IS PRIVILEGED TO BRING IT TO THIS SALE. TERMS CASH S. M. STRUTHERS, Owen V. R. RUNNION, Auctioneer HARRY DINGES, Clerk Sadie Parrlsh, Supt. Asst. 58.00 Tilman Hogue, Janitor Salary Dr. A. D. Mr Murdo, Phys. Susie W. Miller, Ct. Re porter Margaret Gillis, County Nurse First Nat. Bank of Port land, Withholding Tax State Ind. Accident Com., Sher. $3.04; Sher. Sal. $0.31 ; Dep. Sal. $0.31 . .. Dr. L. D. Tibbies, Jail C. J. D. Bauman, Sheriff Pacific Stationery & Pr. Co., Sher. $7.35; Tax Col. $2.20; Assess. $5. 42; Theasurer $0.60; Co. Court $5.31; Clerk $7. 15;; Justice Ct. $12.05 Pacific Stationery & Pr. Co., Justice Court State Dept. of Agr., Dist. Sealer Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co., Cur. Expense Shepard's Citations, Dist Attorney Pac. Power & Light Co., Court House Heppner Gazette Tmes, Office Pub. $25.05; Clerk $19.45; Supt. $95.00; Assessor $32.00 National Surety Corp., Bonds Bert Johnsou, County Ct. L. D. Neil, County Court J. G. Barratt, County Ct. Lexington I.O.O.F. No. 168, Election Bert Johnson, Judge, Gen. Assistance Oregon State Agr. Col lege, County Agent $1200.00; Home Demon stration $750.00 1,950.00 Robt. S. Farrell Jr., Accountants-Audits 740.03 Children's Farm Home Juvenile Court v 5.00 Lucy E. Rodgers, Supt. $15.13; Supt. Mileage $28.01 53.14 Association of Ore. Co., same 106.78 Bert Johnson, Judge, Old Age Asst. $496.00; Dep. Children $58.80; Aid to Blind $13.00 567.80 Warrants Drawn on General Road Fund 119.30 25.00 33.33 239.31 183.G0 3.66 1.50 118.24 59.08 2.66 4.95 62.21 12.00 21.91 171.50 175.00 46.02 52.80 103.37 4.00 87.83 Jack Slocum 128.00 A. J. Chaffee 187.64 Walter Farrens 58.95 Edwin L. Bucknum 174.46 Chas. Williams 86.01 Frank Nixon 29.85 William C. Heath 193.29 W. Cunningham 195.54 Bill Harrison 155 54 Walter Gilman 174.46 Fred Booker 169.08 Robert Taylor 174 46 Austin Wilson 185.34 Harold Wilson 154.59 Ray Bailey 89.88 Darold Hams 174.46 Robert Wagner 127.33 Albert Livingston 104.86 H. Sherer 246.25 Jack Slocum 39 79 Lyle Mulkey 79.90 First Nat. Bank of Port- land 169.20 State Ind. Accident Com. 81.61 Bacus Radiator Service . 32.49 Sunset Motor Company . 136.80 City of Heppner 4.10 Jackson Implement Co. . 56.41 Rosewall Motor Co. 137.76 Standard Oil Co 24.30 Independent Garage . 347.63 Nelson Equipment Co. 30.27 Montgomery Ward & Co. 702.42 Hodge Chevrolet Co 18.40 Western Auto Supply Co. 14 51 Penland Bros. Tfr. Co. .62 Heppner Hardware & El ectric 150 Standard Oil Co 314.25 Paul Bunyan Company 31.46 Marshall Wells Store 8.17 Heppner Lumber Co. 116.59 Columbia Equipment Co. 53.49 Feenaughty Machinery Co. 17.79 Pac. Power & Light Co. 5.13 Heppner Gazette Times 19.70 Union Pac. R. R. Co. 12.01 Newport, Kern & Kibbee 4,092 40 Jack Allen Supply Co. . 73.86 H. & L. Tooth Co. 1.G5 Braden Tractor & Equip. Co 125.10 Miscellaneous Archie D. McMurdo, Coy ote Bounty 3.00 Kinard McDaniel, Coy ote Bounty 3.00 The Court drew the following names for a Circuit Court jury list for the year 19-17: Acock, Chas. W.; Adams, Eth el N. Adams; Fred Adams; Aik en, Henry; Aiken, Joe E.; Akers. Berl; Aldrich, F. C; Anderson, Frank; Anderson, Hilrr.?.; Arch er, Letha; Ayers, Cl.-iyton. Bailey, Jack; Baker, E. Mark ham; Baker, Henry J ; Ball, Ar chie; Ball, William Y.; Ball, Matthew R.; Bartholorr.e v, Chas. H.; Bartholomew, Phebr; Eark la, Beulah; Barratt, Willirm F.; Eeach, Elsie M.; Beamer, Ralph; Beard, Robert L.; Eccket, Law rence; Bergevin, Louis C; Berg strom, Ruth; Becket, Chas.; Beckner, Lee; Beckner, Tilgh man; Bennett, Lola; Bergstrom, Carl; Bergstrom, William; Bis bee, Emaline; Brace, Oran O.; Breslin, Ed; Bristow. Edmund W.; Brosnan, Jerry; Buchanan, Fred; Bunch, Alvin; Burkenbine, Lloyd; Buschke, Ed; Buschke, Henry; Buschke, Max. Campbell, May A.; Casebeer, Prudy; Carlson, Chas.; Carmich ael, Clarence; Chinn, Edward; Chaffee, Mabel . F.; Chapel, Blaine; Clark, Barton E.; Clark, Henry E.; Cohn, Helen; Conner, Albert; Cotter, Mabel Cox, Ben; Cox, Clara L.; Cox, Dee Jr.; Crawford, 'Viola D.; Crawford, Wate C; Currin, George: Currin, Hugh C; Cutsforth, O. W. Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, February 27, 1947-3 Dalzell, Arthur; Dalzell, Vern; Davidson, James F.; Devine, S. (J.; Devine, Pearl; Dick, L. E.; iDick, L. E. Jr.; Dinges, Harry; Dillon, Chas.; Dobyns, Noel; Do herty, Neil; Dolvin, Raymond M.; Doherty, Wm. J.; Drake, Cleo; Drake, Emma K.; Drake, Ray; Dobyns, Walter; Duran, Moses E.; Duvall, H. JL. Edwards, Alonzo; Ekstrom, Herbert; Ely, Fred J.; Ely, Geo. N.; Ely, H. O.; Emert, Delbert; Esteb, Sam; Engelman, Joel C; Eubanks, H. W.; Eubanks, John; Evans, Donald K.; Evans, Mrs. Geo.; Evans, Harold. Farley, James J.; Farris, John; Farley, James; Ferguson, E. O.; Ferguson, Raymond; Finch, Mar ion C; Fisk, John S.; Fitzpat rick, M. J.; Florence, N. G. Gay, Walter H.; Gertson, Cla ra; Gilliam, Leonard L.; Gilles pie, Zearl; Gilliam, Earl E.; Gordon, M. E.; Graves, John W.; Gray, Merritt; Green, Herman; Griffin, Philip S.; Grim, II. W.; Groshens, Emil. Hager, Lulu; Halvorsen, Lew is; Happold, H. C; Heliker, Er nest; Hiatt, Elma; Hiatt, John W.; Hirl, Chas.; Hoskins, Fred; Hoskins, Fred Jr.; Houghton, A. C; Howell, Lee; Hubbard, Van; Huber, Alex; Hughes, Edwin; Hughes, Elwyn; Humphreys, Le ta M.; Hunt, Elmer; Hunt, Mary; Hastings, W. C; Hynd, David; Hynd, Jack Jr. Irby, Glenn A.; Isom, Blaine E.; Isom, Anna. Johnson, John J.; Jones, Alva; Jones, Floyd R.; Jones, Ola N. Jones, Ralph I.; Jones, R. V. Keithley, Howard; Key, J. B.; Kilkenny, W. P.; Klinger, Chas.; Kristenson, Nels H. Lanham, Conley; Lindstrom, Albert; Lindstrom, Franklin; Levesque, Louis; Lindstrom, Roy; Lucas, 'Fred; Luckman, W. W.; Lundell, A. W.; Lundell, E. R.; Lundell, Rayrnond; Lindsay, James. Mackey, Hubert; Majeske, A. F.; Mankin, Beulah; Marlow, Frank; Marquardt, Chas. A.; Marshall, Kenneth K.; Martin, Myles E.; Mason, Bert; Messen ger, Truman E.; Miller, H. M.; Miller, Margaret; Miller, Rus sell; Moore, Clarence; Moore, Ellen; Moore, Russell; Moore, Mrs. Russell; Morgan, Lloyd; Mover, M. E.; Myers, Jasper E.; Mollah?n, P. A.; McCabe, Alon zo A.; McCabe, C. D.; McElligott, Chas. T.; McFarland, A. E.; Mc- Kinney, Earl; McNamer, Sara E. Nikander, Gustaf E. Olden, Grant; Orwick, Fran ces. Padberg, Darrel; Padberg, Lou is J.; Palmer, L. A.; Palmer, Marion A.; Palmateer, Ted; Par ker, Frank E.; Parker. Frank S.; Parrish, Sadie; Peck. Burton H.; Peck, Harold K.; Peterson, El mer; Peterson, J. O.; Peterson, Oscar; Peterson, P. C; Peterson, Ture; Pettyjohn, Fred. Ransier, John C; Rasmus, J. O.; Rauch, Fred; Rietmann, David; Rietmann, Juanita; Riet mann, Werner; Ring, Harvey; Ross, F. A.; Rugg, E. E.; Rum ble. Frank; Runnion. V. R.; Rut ledge, H. D.; Rice, Lloyd. Saling, F. Olney; Seehafer, Wm. G.; Shannon, Eldon; Sher man, M. H.; Smith, Hugh; Smith, Fred; Smouse, Kenneth J.; Sni der, George L.; Swaggart, Ger ald: Snyder. J. B ; Swanson, A. Thompson, R. S; Thompson, C; Swanion. Garland. Snphrona; Tash. I). R.; Thomp son, Jas. G. Jr.; Thome. CectI II.; Troedson. Carl W.; Tliorio, Kd; Turner, F. W.; Turner, Snm J.; Turner, Virginia C. Van Horn, Harry; Van Schol ack. C. H ; Valentine. Ruth; Vin son, E. H.; Vinson. G. M. Warfield, Jess; Warren. Clar ence; Wattenhurper. Bernice; Wells, Dick; Wells. Sylva; Wightman. R. C; Wlghtmnn, Hattie; Wilkinson. Dick; Wilkin son, Frank; Wilson. Robt. S.; Winnard, Frank; White, Harvey; Wright, Harold; Wright, Silas D. ATTENTION Friends and Neighbors: LUTHERAN SERVICES will be hed in Lexington at the CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH by Reverend E. Phiippi of Hermiston Beginning Sunday, Feb. 23 at 3 P. M. and every 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month thereafter. Everybody Welcome fk. From where I sit Joe Marsh, Bert Solves the Labor Problem You hear a lot about capital and labor nowadays,' as if the two could never get together. But look it Bert Childers who has 320 acrea of producing land, a fair-sized herd of cattle, and two farm hands work ing for him. If you called Bert a "capitalist" he wouldn't know what you meant, and neither would Spike and Sandy, the hired men. Bert works tide by side with both of them; and in the evenings they sit around the fire together sharing a friendly glass of beer or two. If anybody hs a beef whether ' it's about wages or hour or equip ment they talk K over at thou friendly evening Betflona. I dont aay all labor problem are as simple at Bert's. But from where I sit, the basic principle ap plies to any farm or factory or business: A principle of confidence and mutual respect, of daily talks together in a friendly and con genial atmosphere. Copyright, 1947, United Statu Brevert Foundation lis A Week You Can 08$ EGE f STOCKS YJ NOW U AVAILABLEI EL ' jf Z ' ' Mm .mm Will be held Starting promptly at 1 :00 P. M. At the eppner Sales Yaird CHECK THESE EXTRA VALUES Only Hydraulic Jacks 7.95 Bear View Mirrors 2.35 600 x 16 Chains 10.35 Fir Extinguishers 9.45 Iff 141 114 ROSEWALL MOTOR CO. Your FIRESTONE Dealer 85 HEAD Extra Good SHORTHORN and HEREFORD Cows mixed; all of one brand and one earmark These are heavy springers bred to registered Hereford bulls Just what you've been looking for in brood stockand they'll be at the sale. One 1942 Dodge Pick-up-4-wheel drive, in A-1 shape OTHER LIVESTOCK AND EQUIPMENT If you have something to sell bring it in night before the sale All dairy cattle must be TB tested. All stock must have brand inspection. TERMS: CASH RUNNION 6-ERWIN,Yard Operators V. R. RUNNION, Auctioneer HAROLD ERWIN Yard Manager HARRY DINGES Clerk I