Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, February 27, 1947, Image 1

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    I 'J B L I C A U J I . j K 1 'J M
Heppner Gazette Times
Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, February 27, 1947
Volume 63, Number 49
Rep. 22nd District
The few theorists of pure de
mocracy, those who hold with
the old ways and older ideas,
are constantly giving the house
some arguments against new
ways of doing things.
Saturday, for Instance, there
was long debate over three bills
that will give cities the right of
eminent domain with which to
condemn or buy parking lots. A
few years ago such a thing
would have been unheard of and
it would have been said that a
man rich enough to buy and
drive a car could jolly well park
It at his own risk. The elders
can remember toll roads and toll
bridges and younger ones know
of toil ferries, so it has not been
so very long since there were
men giving debate over, the idea
of governmentally supported
roads. Perhaps this notion of
publicly owned parking space
is not such a new or far reach
ing step.
What to do with automobiles
has been quite a question In this
session and it has cropped up
in several other bills. The free
way bill and the zoning bill all
have the automobile as a back
ground. Residents along the highways
oppose the freeway bill. Yet It
seems perfectly simple that if
we are going to have fast roads
there must be restriction about
how often cars can come onto
them and how much in the ways
of gas station, restaurants, etc.,
can be permitted along the road
side. And unless some one is
given the power to zone in the
semi-urban districts there will
be confusion worse confounded.
At the end of six weeks, 42
days, the legislature Is still
floundering around without en
ough information on the important-
things to make up its
mind. The tax picture appears
reasonably easy to figure, but
something other than reason
ableness may be used to solve it.
Excise or income tax will be
changed to bring in some five
million more per year of tax off
set money and about the same
amount raised in some other
way to put in the general fund
for needed expenses. Methods of
raising this will likely be some
luxury taxes, some gambling
taxes, perhaps a tobacco tax. A
sales tax may be passed if It is
written so as to appeal to the
school people, the pensioners,
the property tax payer and the
men who will be asked to put
up the money to carry it. That
is quite an order.
Every legislature gives more
power to government, until the
state now has power over peo
ple far beyond the dreams of the
socialists in their heydey of the
nineties. The state licenses doc
tors, dentists and all other med
ical men and controls all health
and sanitation as a means of
public safety. Nearly every bus
iness, profession or industry Is
either licensed by the state or
uses the power of the state to
license its own members. The
wheat men are now in process
of getting into that position more
definitely. However, the govern
ment has inspected wheat and
tested It and been In control of
feeds made from it for a lnB
All this may be democracy in
asmuch as the people do have
something to say about who
runs the Industry, but it is a
restriction on individualism, and
individualism was a right that
our forefathers cherished more
strongly than they did democ
racy. All of which Indicates that
legislators do make the laws al
right but have little to do with
the trends that make the new
laws necessary,
The question of how long the
session will last cannot be ad
Judged wtlh any degree of as
surance. There is little of im
portance in the hoppers except
the two, big controversial ques
tlons about which few members
have any good information. The
Rchool It'll still confuses despite
the p r " of figures that have
been i i. lributed and printed In
the p " crs. Only a few seem
satisfied with any plan so far
devised and perhaps they are
correct for no plan yet does the
things for schools that should
be done with $16,000,000. There
has been too much of an atti
tude to let the thinking be done
by others. That is hardly good
legislation and it will probably
not prevail until the end of the
Greatest Crowd Ever Entertained
By Local Lodge Attends Elks 50th
Anniversary Party Here Saturday
A crowd estimated at exceed
ing 1000 persons attended the
50lh anniversary party of Hepp
ner lodge No. 358, Benevolent
and Protective Order of Elks,
Saturday afternoon and evening.
At no time since Feb. 22, 1897,
can it be recalled that a crowd
comparable to that assembled
in the lodge building Saturday
ever gathered here for a similar
Elks were here from many
parts of the northwest. They
came by bus and by private con
veyance delegations from the
nearby lodges, car loads from
other not-so-near lodges and by
ones and twos from lodges all
over Oregon and from Washing
ton and Idaho. There were so
many visitors that the possibil
ity of getting a registration be
came remote early in the day.
The entire building now at the
disposal of the lodi was so
crammed and Jammed wtih hu
manity that there was no time
to bother with counting noses.
The program as published in
these columns last week was
carried out. Entertainment for
the ladies was provided at the
Masonic dining hall while the
men, as many as could get into
the lodge hall, attended the in
itiation ceremony when 26 can
didates were welcomed into Elk
dom. At least 400 witnessed the
initiation. Others found enter
tainment in the club rooms or in
the reading room, while still
others wandered In and out of
the building.
A feature of the lodge session
was an address by Frank Loner
gan, past grand exalted' ruler,
who is no stranger to the Hepp
ner lodge. He has visited the
lodge or delivered a memorial
address to the public on various
occasions and his talks are in
spiring. Other prominent Elks present
at the lodge session were F. W.
Garesche, grand esquire, and A.
P. Mohr of Hood River, presi
dent of the Oregon Stale Elks
Evening entertainment con
sisted of a grand ball with the
addition of a floor show by a
professional troup imported for
the occasion.
Aside from the information
relative to the organization of
the Heppner lodge contained in
the anniversary program, Les
lie Matlock, one of the three liv
ing charter members of No. 358,
produced a clipping from the
East Oregonian's 50 years ago
column which had a paragraph
from the EO of Feb. 1, 1897 as
follows: "Heppner lodge No. 358,
B. P. O. Elks, was duly institu
ted on Wednesday afternoon and
evening by D. Soils Cohen, dis
trict deputy grand exalted ruler.
A delegation from Pendleton
was present, also groups from
The Dalles, Portland, Baker and
members from Walla Walla and
Astoria. Heppner lodge has as
charter membership 35 includ
ing W. E. Brock, J. W. Morrow,
E. L. Matlock, John Horner, Les
lie Matlock, Frank Gilliam and
Of the above-mentioned char
ter members but one remains,
Leslie Matlock. He and Frank
Roberts, also of Heppner, and
Waldon Rhea of Spokane, were
present as honored members of
the lodge. Matlock was charter
member No. 8, Rhea No. 11 and
Roberts No. 17. I
It was Januay 27, 1897, that a
special train brought to Heppner
some 200 distinguished Elks
from The Dalles, Portland, Pen
dleton and other lodges to ini
tiate and organize Heppner
lodge No. 358. (We have no au
thority on the matter but believe
the ceremonial was held in the
old Knights of Pythias hall in
the Fair building, now the Case
apartment building. Later, when
the Oddfellows building was
completed the Elks rented lodge
room there until their own buil
ding was completed and ready
for occupancy. Erecting a build
ing the size of the Heppner Elks
home was a big undertaking
and the lodge had to assume a
heavy indebtedness. Faced with
a crisis a few years ago, the
lodge decided to go on a club
basis and since then all indebt
edness has been wiped out and
today" No. 358 has a complete
lodge and club home free of
debt and second to none in these
A couple of paragraphs from
the program will reveal to
those not in the know how
Heppner came to have an Elks
lodge: "It was Feb. 16, 1868 that
a small group of theatrical men
met in New York's Bowery and,
inspired by patriotic devotion
and friendly association, con
ceived and brought into the
world a fraternity based upon
the divine admonition, 'Do unto
others as ye would they should
do unto you.' It was the birth
of the Benevolent and Protective
Order of Elks.
"It is much more than a
'whoop and a holler' back to
that same year when a land
claim was established on a
small plot of ground nestled in
the bunch-grass hills of eastern
Oregon, which was destined to
be the future townsite of Hepp
ner, Oregon. The new trading
post officially received its name
in the winter of 1872. In the
succeeding twenty-five years
the progress of Heppner was in
terspersed with many historical
events. By 1896 it was the trad
ing center of an inland empire
extending over an area of ten
thousand square miles. The
principles of Elkdom had long
before penetrated the western
frontier but Grand Lodge regu
lation disapproved the establish
of lodges in cities of less than
5000 inhabitants. Pendelton and
The Dalles had been granted
charters and friendly relations
existed between them and the
inland communities, but modes
of transportation and communi
cation were slow and tedious.
In spite of these obstacles, the
brilliant rays of Charity, Jus
tice and Brotherly Love were
piercing the hinterlands. Hepp
ner must have an Elks lodge.
"A courageous group of bus
inessmen, assisted by establish
ed lodges, soon convinced the
Grand Lodge officials that the
then small town of 800 inhabi
tants was the center of a do
main great enough to support
an Elks lodge. Through their
untiring efforts a special dispen
sation was granted in July 1896
and the charter granted in De
cember of the same year. Thus
came into existence a lodge of
the Benevolent and Protective
Order of Elks in the smallest
town in the United States and
its possessions. To our knowl
edge this proud distinction still
prevails. The biggest little Elks
lodge on earth."
Course in Home
Nursing to Open
At High School
A course in home nursing will
be instituted at Heppner high
school Monday, March 3, accord
ing to Jack O'Connor, chairman
of the Morrow county chapter of
the American Red Cross. The
course is sponsored by the Red
Cross and a specially trained
Instructor in home nursing, Miss
Marian Clark, will be in charge.
The course will run for six
weeks, corning to a close on Ap
ril 11.
The student course will re
quire 30 hours and is being giv
en for junior and senior girls.
According to O'Connor, the
Red Cross would like to organ
ize an adult class for a 12-hour
course while Miss Clark is here.
Anyone desiring to join such a
class should contact Mr. O'Con
nor at once so plans can be com
pleted shortly after Miss Clark's
Everything is free in connec
tion with the courses. The only
requirement is that those sign
ing for the course take an inter
est and complete it.
Swim Instruction
Course Scheduled
Persons interested in becom-
ng swimming instructors will
be interested to learn that an
opportunity will be offered them
to take a course later this year. I
The Red Cross will conduct a
school at Portland or some coast
town for the purpose of training
instructors who may have sum
mertime jobs with swimming
To aid local applicants, the
Morrow county chapter of the
Red Cross will pay expenses at
the school. It is hoped someone
will take the course from Hepp
ner and at lone, where, although
there is no pool now it is ex
pected there will be one before
too long.
Jack OConnor, county chair
man, will be glad to talk this
school deal over with anyone in
terested in taking the course.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wells have
sold their residence properly on
Church street to Mr. and Mrs
Archie Alderman and will give
possession by March 1. The
Wells's recently bought the for
mer Hughes place from Mr. and
Mrs. John Watt which they will
occupy along with Mr. and Mrs.
Billy Cochell.
Futher progress In converting
sawdust and similar wood waste
into charcoal cither for indus
trial use or domestic fuel is re
ported by H. O. Ervin, research
engineer at the Oregon Forest
Products laboratory at Oregon
State college, in an article pub
lished in the magazine Wood.
While the wartime market foe
charcoal has dropped off con
sldcrubly, Ervin says prospect
Ive electro-metallurgical plants
In the northwest may depend on
a suitable available supply of
charcoal. Charcoal briquets as
domestic fuel are also a possi
bllity as prices of other fuels
Methods of converting Doug
las fir sawdust to charcoal have
been improved in the pilot plan
at Corvallls so that now the
yield per hour has been doub
led compared with early opera
tion. Gas developed in the pro
cess serves as fuel to keep the
retort in operation after the first
hour of preliminary heating,
tar Is also produced for which
profitable uses are being sought
At the last executive meeting
of the Rhea Creek grange it was
voted to give $100 to the Hepp
ner school band for use in the
purchase of uniforms and to
sponsor other efforts to help the
band and its leader, Billy Coch
ell, achieve the goals for which
they are working.
Former Resident
Of County Buried
At The Dalles
Funeral services were held at
2 p.m. Friday, Feb. 16, from the
C. R. Calloway & Son chapel in
The Dalles for Ralph Butler, who
passed away Wednesday, Feb.
12, at his home at 422 E. 12th
street, that city.
Butler, a native of Wasco
county, was a resident of Mor
row county for 15 years, residing
at Cecil where he had a dairy
ranch. He sold his interests here
in 1944 and moved to The Dal
les. He was born at Tygh Valley
February 23, 1879. He farmed in
Union county several years prior
to coming to Morrow county.
Surviving are two sisters, Miss
Daisy Deane Butler, The Dalles;
Mrs. Nellie M. Jones, Rogue Riv
er, and several nephews and
nieces. Mr. Butler was a mem
ber of the Old Wasco County Pi
oneers association.
P-TA Favors Early
Operation of Rural
School Measure
Early operation of House Bill
80, the rural school measure
passed at the election In 1946,
is favored by the Parent-Teacher
associations of Morrow coun
ty. This was made apparent
Wednesday evening of last week
at the February meeting of the
Heppner P-TA when visitors
from the lone and Lexington as
sociations were present
A motion was made and car
ried that the association would
fight any proposal which advo
cated postponement of operation
of the bill.
Mrs. Lucy Rodgers, legislative
committee chairman, reported
on parent-teacher endorsements
of various measures before the
state legislature. It was especi
ally recommended that the local
P-TA favor the redistribution of
House Bill 9.
The local group also favors a
bill to provide a school lunch
program under the supervision
of the state superintendent.
Mrs. B. C. Forsythe, lone, gave
a talk on leadership, stressing
that with leadership we also
need "followship."
- Under the leadership of Billy
Cochell, music instructor in the
Heppner school, the girls chorus
including Clarice Moore, Merl
ene Miller, Beverly Eberhardt,
Shirley Wilkinson, Barbara Slo
cum and Beverly Yocum sang
several numbers, with Joan Cor
win at the piano. Ramona Mc
Daniel, assisted by Beverly Eb
erhardt, Lois Key, Imogene Hen
dricks and Roy Carter, gave a
demonstration in office practice,
including typing and the learn
ing progress and methods em
ployed in the classes of Mrs. Hel
en Estudillo. Mr. Pate's physics
class showed various aspects of
the course of study. Don Gilliam
spoke on the practical learning
facts of science, with Gladwin
Hudson, Randall Peterson, Ken
neth Schunk and Betty Keeton
assisting in the demonstration.
Miss Keeton, representing Mrs.
Corwin's class in English, read
an essay.
Superintendent Corwin spoke
on the salary schedule and the
housing accommodations for
teachers in Heppner.
Miss Margaret Hughlett's
home economics class prepared
the decorative tea table for the
refreshment committee, which
consisted of Mrs. Ted Pierson.
Mrs. E. O. Ferguson and Mrs. R.
B. Rice.
Miss Glavey's room won the
room count for the largest at
tendance of parents.
The program was in charge of
Mrs. Merle Miller, chairman.
$92,000 Water
Improvement Plan
Gets Council Qkeh
At a called meeting Monday
evening the Heppner city coun
cil accepted plans for improve
ment of the town's water system
drawn by L. R. Stockman, en
gineer of Baker, and will pre
pare at once to carry the plans
into execution.
First on the list of prepara
tions is the matter of financing
the improvements which are es
timated to cost not less than
$92,000. This will require the
floating of a bond issue and a
special election will be called
for the purpose of obtaining the
sanction of the taxpayers and
water users. A certain amount
of time must elapse before the
election can be held but it will
be a matter of a few weeks.
In the meantime, work of drill
ing a new well somewhere be
tween the city limits and the
present city well,- probably on
the lower part of the Wilkinson
ranch, can be started within a
few days. The city has a con
tract with A. M. Edwards, Lex
ington well driller, but at the
regular February meeting the
council notified him that he
must get on the job within 30
days or consider the contract
void. It is understood another
contractor is prepared to move
in on short notice if awarded the
Biggest single item in the im
provement program is the con
struction of a 750,000 gallon res
ervoir. This alone is estimated
to cost $51,000. Another $24,000
will be required in the overhaul
ing of the pipeline. The council
authorized a $75,000 bond issue
to cover these two items.
The site chosen for the reser
voir willbe in the vicinity of
the county's reservoir in the
Barratt pasture. It will be low
er than the county reservoir and
yet high enough to serve the
proposed residential district on
the hill above the school pro
perty. Stockman assured the
council that steel and concrete
for reservoir construction is av
ailable, as well as plenty of con
tractors who will be willing to
take the job of building it
The one reservoir now in use
has a capacity of 250,000 gal
lons. It will remain in use and
with the new one will give the
town a total storage capacity of
1,000,000 gallons.
From an engineering stand
point it was deemed advisable
to abandon the site on the hill
side above the Monahan place.
Then, too, it is known that the
water emerging from the springs
in that vicinity is hard and it
is almost certain that well wa
ter would be of the same qual
ity. The council is considering
a new site farther up the creek,
probably on the Wilkinson
Wherever the new well is drill
ed, it will be necessary to re
place the concrete pipeline with
steel pipe, or some other dur
able material such as transite.
The pressure produced with the
additional flow of water could
not be controlled by the present
The council is faced with the
necessity of relaying some of
the system within the town's
limits. Much of the pipe in use
has been in service altogether
too long and in some cases the
mains are too small to provide
ample water for domestic use,
let alone irrigation or fire pro
tection. ,
Mustangs Capture
District Title in
Play-Off Contest
Heppner, lone and
Boardman Slated
For Tourney Play
Little Wheat League Final
Won Lost Pet
Coach Leonard Pate's victor
ious Heppner high school vars
ity basketball squad annexed
the Little Wheat league champ
ionship title Friday afternoon
by eking out a 29 to 26 victory
over the powerful lone Cardin
als at Echo, in what proved to
be a slam-bang, thriller-diller
contest from the opening jump
to the final gun. The Mustang
season record stands at this
point 17 triumphs out of 19
The top three teams of this
conference, Heppner, lone and
Boardman, automatically have
berths at the district tourna
ment at Echo Feb. 27, 28 and
March 1. Coach Francis Ely's
lone crew, will tackle the tough
Athena squad in the tourney
curtain raiser Thursday after
noon at 2 o'clock. The Heppner
outfit will be featued in the
evening's main event at 8:45,
when they battle the rugged
Boardman Yellow Jackets.
Here to attend the Elks party
was Joe Farley, son of Mr. and
Mrs. James Farley. He came to
Heppner from John Day where
he visited a week wtih his bro
ther, John Farley.
Home Boys Placed
On Duty at Army
Recruitng Office
In accordance with the new
regular army's policy of placing
qualified personnel on duty in
or near their homes, Master Ser
geant John E. Bold, the Pendle
ton army recruiting stntion com
mander, announced this, morn
ing the addition of two former
residents of this area to the local
recruiting staff.
The two new men, Master Ser
geant Jim E. Cherry and Master
Sergeant Charles H. Stonesifer,
are well-known to many resi
dents of this territory, particu
larly in the vicinity of Milton,
Freewater and Wralla Walla.
Sergeant Cherry, who was
born in Portland, attended Mc-
Loughlin high school, where he
played on the football team.
Sergeant Stonesifer, born in Spo
kane, lived in Walla Walla for
15 years and starred on the
Continued on page 6
News Briefs Around Town
Mrs. Margaret Justus, early
pioneer of the county, is crit
ically ill at her home on upper
Hinton creek. She has been ill
about two weeks, according to
her son Nels who was in town
this morning.
The Reverend and Mrs. J. P.
Sorlein were Portland visitors
the first of the week, driving to
the city Monday and returning
Mrs. Robert Walker and baby
son came home Wednesday from
St. Anthony's hospital, Pendle
ton. The P-TA study club, working
on the problem of adolescents,
met Feb. 19 at the home of Mrs.
E. O. Ferguson. Subject for the
evening was "Growing All the
Way Up." The topic for the
March 19 meeting will be "Rec
reation, Family Style."
Ruth Chapter No. 32, O.E.S.,
will meet Friday evening, Feb.
28. A good attendance is re
quested by the worthy matron,
Mrs.' Tom Wells.
lrs. Ernest Edwards arrived
in the city Tuesday from her
home at Hillsboro to look after
business matters in connection
with the estate of her late hus
Guests at the Frank Engkraf
home Friday were Mr. and Mrs
Boyd of Richland, Wash. Boyd
is an engineer and Mrs. Boyd a
laboratory technician at the
Hanford project. They came to
make arrangements for delivery
of a new Kaiser.
7 A Request That Was Granted7 Ends Life of One
Who Featured in Incident Naming Burnt Ranch
One day last spring the Ga
zette Times received an inquiry
from A. W. Nelson, roving re
porter on the Walla Walla Bul
letin staff, as to the location or
Burnt Ranch. He had learned
that It was in the John Day
country but maps he had stud
ied did not reveal the location
of the ranch. Not knowing the
location, we made inquiry of
two local women, both former
residents of John Day River sec
tions, and one of them, Mrs
Frank Wilkinson, spoke up and
said she knew the exact spot
for she had lived in that vlcin
lty. Her story was relayed to
Nelson, who in the meantime
had found an answer to his
query from another source.
Mrs. Wilkinson became inter
ested in learning the real story
behind the naming of Burnt
Ranch and after some corres
pondence with people she thou
ght should know she received a
letter from Giles French of Mo
ro, and his story is printed
herewith. Addressing Mrs. Wll-
E. L. Bucknum received word Kinson, ne wrues.
Tuesday morning of the birth The following is, I believe, the
of a nine pound son to Mr. and correct history of the early days
Mrs. Gordon Bucknum Sunday of the Burnt Ranch, information
at Riverside, Calif. is from the History of Central
Oregon, a huge volume printed
in 1903, and from private dia
ries. James N. Clark, who had been
a teamster and freighter be
tween The Dalles and Boise, set
tled at the mouth of Bridge
creek, probably in 18G5, although
some think a year or two be
fore. He was a married man
and he built well.
Late in 1865 he sent his fam
ily away for safety for the In
dians were getting bad on the
Canyon City road, which ran by
the Clark place, turning there
up Bridge creek to go south or
Mitchell to Fort Watson. In Feb
ruary 1866 Clark and his broth
er-in-law, George Masterson,
who was staying there, went
across the John Day to get a
load of wood frdm a drift.
While they were loading the
wood they noticed their horses
becoming excited and when
Clark stepped out to observe he
saw an Indian. They cut their
horses loose and started for the
house to get their guns which
they had carelessly left behind.
As they came up on the bank
they saw Indians between them
and the house. They gave chase
but when they reached the house
found that Indians were already
Inside so they made for the Ten
nington place seven miles up
Bridge creek. The Indians fol
lowed. After they had gone two or
three miles Masterson's horse
began to fail and he called to
Clark to let him get on double
with him. Clark looked back
and saw Chief Paulina, head of
the Snake Indians, who was too
close already for the while men
to make the change.
Clark told Masterson to jump
Beverly Forster of Tillamook
is visiting here this week with
her brother Lewis and sister Ad-elle.
John Parker and children, Jay
and Mary Ann, spent Sunday at
me home of Mr. Parker s par
ents, lit.. and Mrs. F. S. Parker.
Mrs. B. F. Swaggart, who was
reported improving last week,
left the hospital but after a few
days had to return for further
treatment. While she is quite ill
at the present time, it is ex
pected that she will recover and
be able to leave the hospital in
a few weeks. She is at the St.
Anthony's hospital in Pendleton.
Heppner Fg Ft Pf Tp
Mollahan, f 2 12 5
L. Rippee, f 0 0 10
Greenup, f 2 2 0 6
Parrish, c 5 1 3 10
D. Rippee, g 12 5 4
Peck, g 0 0 0 0
Corwin, g 114 3
Totals 11 7 14 29
lone Fg Ft Pf Tp
Doherty, f 0 111
Crawford, f 0 2 3 1
Herman, f 0 0 0 0
Drake, c 6 2 1 14
Bergstrom, c 0 0 4 0
Jepson, c 0 11.1
Ball, g 3 117
Pettyjohn, g 0 111
Rietmann, g - 0 0 1 0
Totals " 9 8 ' 13 26
to the road and with C. M. Lock
wood ran a stage in 1867. One
night he stayed with Howard
Maupin at Antelope and during
the night the Indians tore down
a stone fence and drove off some
Maupin told Clark, who was
driving stage, to keep a lookout
for the Indians and they were
seen' toward Trout creek from
the road that. ran over the hills
between Antelope and the John
Day river. Clark returned to
for the brush. He did and found Antelope and with Maupin and
a neep noie in me croc tinner a stnKP passenger went in pur
an overnanging root wnere ne sujt 0f the Indians.
hid lrom the Indians who stop
pod to find him Instead of con
tinuing the pursuit of Clark.
At the Pennington place Clark
enlisted the aid of seven men
who returned with him. Master
son was still in the water and
nearly chilled to death, It hav
ing been nearly four hours since
ho had taken to the creek. Mas
terson lived at Shoo Fly In later
The Indians burned the house,
which gave the place its name
of the Burnt Ranch. It later was
a stopping station on the way
to the mines of the John Day.
Clark was broke again so took
As they came up to them Mau
pin shot the chief in the thigh.
The other Indians abandoned
the stock and fled. When the
white men came up to the
wounded Indian Clark recogniz
ed him as Paulina who had
chased him and Masterson up
Bridge creek and asked Maupin
for the privilege of finishing the
Indian, a request that was
The story goes that Clark
scalped the chief with a knife
that had been stolen from his
Giles L. French.
$70,000 AAA Money
Available Here For
Conservation Work
A county conservation budget
of $70,000 for work to improve
and conserve soil and water re
sources on Morrow county farms
and ranches in 1947, was an
nounced yesterday by Henry Ba
ker, chairman of the county
AAA committee.
This is Morrow county's share
of the funds provided by con
gress to combat soil erosion and
depletion under the 1947 agricul
tural conservation program, Ba
ker explained. The 1947 alloca
tion is slightly more than last
year's conservation funds, he
The funds will be used to
share with farmers in the cost
of carrying out approved conser
vation practices, the chairman
said. Payment rates are set to
reflect about half the cost of
performing erosion control, soil
building ai.d water control mea
Although the county commit
tee has approved 35 practices for
the 1947 program, primary em
phasis will be given to the con
servation measures most urgent
ly needed and which would not
be performed in the necessary
volume without program assist
farmers and ranchers can
make out farm plan sheets at
the county office now for par
ticipation in the 1947 program
the chairman said. He pointed
out that May 1 is the final date
for filing farm plans, and stress
ed that operations need to ob
lain prior approval and specif!
cations for each practice before
the work is done, to qualify for
tne conservation payment.
Marion Palmer Gets
First Tillamook Calves
Marlon Palmer, farmer near
lone, was the first Morrow coun
ty farmer to receive dairy calves
through the Tillamook Herd Im
provement association surplus
Mr. Palmer Is looking ahead I
having some high producing
milk cows for family use In
few years.
Health Association
hooses April 16
For Annual Dinner
April 16 is the date and lone
will be the locale of the annual
banquet and business meeting
of the Morrow County Public
Health association, it was an
nounced Wednesday by Mrs.
Claude Graham, president. In
choosing lone for the meeting
center, the association is follow
ing a policy adopted several
years ago to give the people of
each community an opportunity
to attend something many
members feel unable to do if
they have to go elsewhere.
Mrs. Sadie Orr Dunbar, secre
tary of the Oregon Tuberculosis
association, will be the guest
speaker, and there will be other
numbers on the program.
To members of th association,
those whose dues are paid, the
dinner will be free. It is the
desire of the association to have
every family in the county rep
resented on the membership
roster, and anyone not now a
member but wishing to be is
asked to contact Mrs. Lucy Rod
gers, Heppner, prior to Arpil 1.
From Viennna, Austria, comes
word that Pfc George E. Tucker,
son of Mrs. Mildred Tucker of
Heppner, was recently promoted
to the rank of corporal. George
is with the 116th Airways and
Air Communications Service
squadron. He writes his mother
that there is lots of snow In
Vienna, and also lots of skiing.
Pvt Edwin Tucker, another
son, is still in Japan. He recent
ly experienced an earthquake
A marriage license was issu
ed Wednesday by County Clerk
Barlow to Clarice Virginia Moore
and Clarence Edwin Baker. Miss
Moore Is the daughter of Mi.
and Mrs. Clarence Moore of
Heppner and Mr. Baker is the
son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Baker
of Gooseberry. The marriage will
take place at 8 o'clock p.m.,
Friday, March 2X, at the Meth
odist parsonage, with the Rev.
J. Palmer Sorlein officiating.
Parents of the contracting par
ties will be the only wil tiessin.
Ray Conyers and Arnln Hug
of Boardman were transacting
business at the court houw In
Heppner Monday,