4-Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, February 20, 1947 HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES Tli Heppner Gwrv.e. established March SO, 1SS3. The Heppner Time, established November 1. 1897. ConsoJdated Feb. 15. 191Z PublUhrd ever' Thursday and entered at the Post Office at Heppner, Oregon, as second claiii matter. Subscription price, $2.50 a year; slnjlc copies liV. O. G. CRAWFORD Publisher and Editor WE DELIVER Wosh SAND & GRAVEL Phone 585 Umatilla Joncs-Scott Co. A STEER IS 75 WATER i ; V :' -' Stockmen, here are wo important facts about your livestock: A steer, ready for market, is b'-' mineral, 20 protein, and 75 water. A sheep, on dry feed, drinks as much as a gallon and a half of water daily. tikes a lot of voter to keep a ranch going. Livestock won't move very far away from water. They'll leave good grass untouched if it's too far from their drinking supply. To get well balanced grazing, plenty of water is needed. The Agriculture Conservation Program's range improvement practices will help you improve your water resources. Your County Agricultural Con servation Committee, heaied by Chairman Henry Baker of lone, will provide you with conservation practice details. In the interests of better soil reclamation and conservation practices, this advertisement is spon sored by THE HEPPNER BRANCH FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Portland MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE .CORPORATION 3 new ways the telephone can reach remote areas Radio telephone is already a fact between Los Angeles and Catalina Island, and soon, it may be used other places in the West to serve remote areas. Transmitters like this one beam micro-waves containing the voice impulses, and the cost of constructing a long telephone line can be eliminated. f 1i- 'X .... x-$"Jf Power-line eorricr is a new device that enables your yonc t) "hiuh-liike ' along existing power lines. One of the first tight systems constructed in the United States is now in operation in Washington and others are planned. I'owtr-line telephones are as safe as any and can be usid to ciJI any other station in the country. High-strength snci wire that cuts the number of poles mjuind almost in half is also being used to speed tele phone expansion in rural areas. For it is our purpose in an expansion program that will aggregate $330,000,000 for IDM and 1917 alone to bring telephone service to everyone who v,anis it just as rapidly as possible and to improve service in tviry way we can. An ever-improving telephone service at the least evil K,nsisfaJ uith good uaes and working condition! jut our tmf loyecs uv.d a rcmonable return to the thou lanili of ptujlc u ho have in rested in the business. The PiRui;. I jr.d Telegrcph Co. (f IRRIGON NEWS . . . By Mrs. J. A. Shoun Mrs. Fred Davis and Mrs. Joe Paul and baby daughter Sharon have moved to Dayton where Mr. Davis is building houses. He came down Saturday, re turning with them Sunday. Bill Voile and Curtis Steph ens went to Walla Walla Saturday. Don Miller and Clarke Steph ens spent Sunday in Walla Walla. The telephone men have fin ished putting in telephones and returned o Pendleton Tuesday nignt. C. W. Officer and Mrs. Bene- fiel and son Wiley arrived Sat STOP AT BRICK'S PLACE Refreshments Drinks a A. BERRY, Prop, Barber Shop L. L. TURNER Echo, Oregon urday to spend a few days with I Mrs. Benefiel's parents, Mr. and . Irs. A. E. Stephens and other relatives. Hermiston volley bull teams played Irrigon teams Monday night. The loeal boys won all three games. Arthur Edwards was in Pen dleton Mondav. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Connell and son Earl Wayne returned Monday from a trip to Yakima. William Henry has purchased 113 aeros of the William Golly 'lorn farm. The Henrys have ta ken possession and are living in a small house there until they can build. The Gollyhorns kept the house and five acres of land to retire on. Mr. Henry purchased most of the stock also. Mr. Gollyhorn has been ill for several months. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rice and ".he Lester Halstead and Van Orsdale families of Hermiston visited the Chris Strauser fam ily Sunday. Robert Rice broke his arm at the Don Kenney home and still has his arm in a east. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Swag Eker have purchased and mov ed in to the Carl Caldwell place west of the Willis Roberts place. They have been living at the Fred Carter place. il A M m WW KM A JXW0, iMJMi Mrs. Zola Yates of Yamhill is visiting at the Haberlein and Dexter homes. The C. A. Millers received 500 baby chicks Monday. Paul Haberlein and John Sabranski each got 500 baby chicks last week. Mack McCoy brought his mo ther Mrs. R. M. McCoy home from Island City Sunday. She had been visiting her daughter Mrs. Birdie Stewart and family. Mrs. Stewart has been quite ill. The Advent carpenters have the framework up for their building. One end of it will be used for a church and the oth er one for the school. They are siding it now. Ralph Carter has his garage nearly completed on the Fred Carter place west of town. The Heppner basket ball team played the Irrigon teams Friday evening and won 34 to 10 against the B team while the Heppner A team won 28 to 10. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller went to Yakima and vicinity Tuesday on a business trip. The Community Baptist mem bers have put up a bell tower and have installed the bell that the Carl Reicks procured at Goldendale a number of years ago. It was put into use Sunday. They are finishing the closed in porch now. The Assembly of God mem bers have put up their Venetian tloor ready to varnish. Miss Mary Paget who hasi spent most of the winter at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Neville Blunt, is leaving today for her home in Victoria, B. C, going ia Walla Walla and Seattle. AMERICA'S FINEST FOR CAR Am? HO IVf E MATTHEWS RADIO REPAIR & SERVICE Corner May & Chase Phone 2652 CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank all of our neighbors and friends for the beautiful flowers and cards sent us in our recent Illness. The Glenn Farrens family Don't forget the food sale at the Red & White store beginning at 1U a.m. Saturday. ANNOUNCING A NEW COMPLETE FLORAL SERVICE We wish to announce that we are now able to supply CORSAGES, FUNERAL SPRAYS, CUT FLOWERS, HOUSE PLANTS from Bernard's Peacock Florists "Flowers of Distinction" GRADY'S GREENHOUSE PHONE 2193 Heppner Oregon Let Me Do Your Worrying! about your Income Tax Reports Walter Barger Public Accountant Office ob Mezzanine Floor at CASE FURNITURE STORE Heppner, Oregon FOR SALE 1933 Plymouth sed an with practically new 1940 motor, starter, generator, etc., good rubber. Body and exter ior In good condition. Sold with or without radio, heater and other accessories. Call 16 F13 or between 8:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m.. call 523. 4Sp mm If you are a little confuted about just what vitamin you need or should take 1st ui suggest . . . COVIM-Multiple Vitamin Capsules They give you vitamins A, Bl, B2 (G), C and D at well at the B Complex factors all In required unit strength. One hundred capsules 100 day treatment for only... COfrH WHIM vnunt frfvutff Saager's Pharmacy FORD MOTOR CO. 'Genuine Ford Parts' MAILORDER 'System' Rosewall Motor Co. Morrow County! Modem Ford Dealership' Will send you "Mail Order" any part you want for your Ford and it will be genuine FORD PART. . . This applies to you, Mr. Farmer, who has a Ford broken down in your barn and need Ford Parts. Mail us a letter or phone us, 1092, telling us what part you need and it will be shipped to you Immediately if available. .. Rosewall Motor Co. STAR ED REPORTER Show Starts at Ti30. MatlnMf Brazy Sunday, 1 p. m. 3 p. m. In compliance with the Federal Tax Keqairemant, Children'! Admlaalans apply nly to friose under tha laffal age of r3. Seleotod Short Bnbjeota With Ail Pragrama Program Sabjaot to Chang a Watch local newspaper (or weekly announcement FBI.-SAT.. Feb. 21.23 'Neath Canadian Rockies Russell Haydn, Inei Cooper, Cliff Masarro, Dongl&a I'owley in a J&niea Oliver Curwood story. k AVALANCHE Produced against a mvnif background of snow capped mountains and ski-trails ... a mystery containing suspense, murder, advtmtun, romance and comedy. In Hip rait art' Bruce Cabot, Ro ooe X&rns, Helen Mowrey, Veda Ann Borg, Joe the Haven. SPECIAL! SPECIAL! SPECIAL; Saturday Afternoon, Fob. 22nd FREE SHOW I EVERYBODY WELCOME; STARTS 2F.M. Feature Picture Two Smart People with Lucille Ball, John Hodiak, Lloyd Nolan, Lenore Ulrlc Smart, with a tin hiiililit hascd on the New Orleans Mardi Grits. PLUS ONE HOUR OF PROFESSIONAL, TOP-RANK-INO VAUDEVILLE This program is sponsoml by RP.O.E. Lodge No. 358 for the people of the entire community in observance of the Fiftieth anniversary. SUN.-MON., Fob. 23-24 SISTER KENNY Rosalind Ruuull, Alexander Knox. Dean Jagffer A great contrilmtiun to finer acting achit;ve ment. A powerful story of a woman s 36-year fmht for her beliefs. TUESDAY, Feb. 26 GREAT GUY This Is the Jamet Carney film previously ad vurilxed'On a nilit when it was not possible to have a show. Also all types of high diving in "Dive Hi Champs" ami a nnycltnon In c lnr. WED-, Feb. 26, ONE DAY ONLY REBECCA Laurence Olivier, Joan Fontaine, George San den, Judith Anderion The screen's award-winning achievement re turns that you may see it again. Vaudeville! Vaudeville! Western Also GERMANY: HANDLE WITH CARE, March of Time. THURSDAY, Feb. 27 Western motion picture plus Western Vaudeville on the stage aaiai 3 Weal Willow Street Telephone lUppner I ox -ouaaz ELKS ANNUAL - - will be filled as ordered Our flowers are absolutely fresh and of great variety ALL LAST MINUTE ORDERS WILL BE FILLED Our prices are in line with all competition FAY BUCKNUM, Proprietor SLEEP RIGHT, WAKE BRIGHT- That's for you if you choose one of our sleep-happy specials - We have a big selection of - Mattresses Seeley - Sleep Master - Simmons Innersprings with matching box $81.50 to $104.00 Mattresses $23.95 to $44.50 Steel Springs-Sturdy yet responsive CASE FURNITURE CO. We invite you to enjoy our COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE for all makes of cars and trucks. Our service depart ment is a "miniature automobile factory" so to speak . . . where you can get anything from a wash job to a complete rebuilding job, without worry or care. EVERYTHING THAT 18 BEST FOR YOUR CAR AT A PRICE YOU CAN AFFORD TO PAV. LUBRICATION Yea, wt know how to completely lubricate your car. and have tha right kind oi equipment and ipecialized lubricant! to do thorough job. Don't neglect having your car lubricated at proper intenralt end the old oil changed regularly. It i the best "long life" inturine that yoo can havt for your car. BRAKE SERVICE Proper Brake Adjustment and wheel alignment ia to important not only lot SAFETY . , . but alio wear and tear on car and tires. Faulty brakes cause seri ous accidents , . . and it's not safe to drive a ear if brakes are not working properly. MOTOR SERVICE The cost of a motor tune-up ia slight compared to the pleasure and economy that it Rivea you In the operation of your car. Wo also Install new rings, new pistons or rebuild your motor if necessary. RADIATOR AND BATTERY SERVICE A I t oi grief can be caused by Radiators all being .topped up. They ihould be cleaned out thoroughly beloro you put in ANTI-FREEZE. Batteriei need water and looking after too. Elk TIRE SERVICE Rotate Tirea for longer wear. Bo sure to have breaks and holes In tlia eaalnrs vul canized and repaired. V.'e handle NEW VIRES and art clad to take care ot all your tire troubles. , Transmission, Clutch And Resr Axie When you hear a rjnndine noliie be sure to have it looked alter riulit away. Or a slipping clutch may mean a BIO REPAIR JMIX if not looked after. OUR COMPLETE SERVICE INSURES COMPLETE SATISFACTION. PAINTING AII3 I50DY SERVICE EVERYTHING THAT IS BEST FOS YO0R CSR IIP! Hodge CJhewolet Co,