4 k. Heppner Gozetta Times, Heppner, Oregon, Februory 20, 1947-3 Want Ads FOR SALE Soft Federation seed wheat; clean. See Cor nelt Green. 48-50p FOR SALE Two formals, good as new. Gold camel hair coal in good condition. Phone 732, Heppner. 4Hc RADIO power pack batteries $7.95. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE Several good oil burning incubators, cheap. Mrs. Addie Salter, lone. 48-50c ESTRAY NOT ICEanJeTeT to my place, 10 head whiteface yearling heifers and steers. No brands visible, some have left ear under bit. One ani mal black. Lewis Halvorsen, lone, Oregon. 4H-50p l'k to 12 ton hydraulic jacks Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE Six nice turkey hens, will lay soon, and one gobler. $45 for the lot. Fred J. Ely, Morgan. Ore. 48c RELIABLE man with car want ed to call on farmers in Mor row county. Wonderful oppor tunity. $15 to $20 in a day. No experience or capital requir ed. Permanent. Write today. McNess company, Dept. B, 2423 Magnolia St. Oakland 7, Calif. 48p LET our paint department re store that show room complex ion to your car. Prewar prices. Rosewall Motor Company. NEEDED. Man to take over es tablished business distributing medicines, vitamins, home re medies, insecticides, disinfect ants, DDT, animal foods, ton ics, and food products demand in northeast Morrow county. Good profits. Write Rawlcigh's, Dept. ORB 101-187, Oakland, Calif. 48 ELECTRIC defroster fans will keep the windshield of your car clear and make driving safer. Rosewall Motor Company. BRING your Ford back home for service. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE '37 Oldsmobile se dan at Lois Winchester Apts. 48p FOR SALE New upright Ken more vacuum sweeper. Call 2235. 48-49p 600 x 15 Six ply Firestone De Luxe Champion tires, Rose wall Motor Company. FOR YOUR GRAVEL and sand hauling job see Vernon Chris topherson, Lexington. 47-50p FREE Tree wood for hauling it off. Between 4 and 5 cords. Henry Aiken. 47-48c WANTED One 4-post windmill tower, Walter Jepson. lone, p FOR SALE One-half-gallon coffee jars. Henry Aiken. 47-48 Avoid Annoyance And Discomfort due to a clogged septic tank or cesspool. I have purchased a tank pump and am in position to give prompt, efficient service. Phone 702 HOWARD KEITHLEY This Week We Offer You-- NYLONS 51 guage, $1.85 O Costume Jewelry Pins-Necklaces-Earrings o SKIRTS in bright spring tones-plaids and plain; pleats or tailored SHEER BLOUSES-New shipment just arrived Norah's Shop uu, You have a AH? TOOTHACHE StMJ GOKi THE OCNrtST JlXt AO-CALL ADOCTOPij' IKt VOOR WATER PIPE j OUBST- CALL JT? There ts JJJ anything www VITM YOlft CAft ft' sizing IT 1 IZSr Hodge Chevrolet Co. SEE GILLIAM A BISBEE for El ectric Hot Water Tanks, 20 to 66 gallon capacity; Steel Sho wer Cabinets. Spring is just around the corner. FOR SALE Young milk cows, one fresh, two to freshen in March. John Proudfoot, 32F21 lone. 47-48 FOR SALE-38 hsp. Cletrac trac tor with less than 2000 ac tual hours of use. 20-inch tracks. Tractor is less than 2 years old. J. L. Kilby, Kt. I, Pendleton, Ore. 47-48c KOK SALE Oil heater, 10-inch burner, with needle valva feed. Mrs. Bessie Everson, lone. 47-4Kp MALE HELP WANTED IF you live in this County IF you have a car IF you are not satisfied with working for others YOU may be the man we want for a very desirable locality open in this section. Write J. R. Watkins Comany, 4512 Hollis street, Oakland, Calif, for full details. 47-lc LEAVE YOUR ORDERS at Gil liam & Bisbee for BENSEL'S New Hampshire White Leg horn BABY CHICKS. U. S. Cer tified, U. S. Approved, U. S. Pullorum controlled. We guar antee live delivery of amount ordered. BENSEL'S HATCH ERY, Hermiston, Oregon. 45tf BEFORE placing your order for Fluorescent Lighting see Gil liam & Bisbee. 45ctf SEE GILLIAM & BISBEE for a complete line of Plant Foods, Viggo for gardens and lawns; also have good stock of Steel Rakes and garden tools. WANTED: Garden plowing. Place your orders now. Grady's Greenhouse. Phone 2193. 48p Legal Advertising NOTICE OP FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned administrator of the estate of Lura L. Morgan, deceased, has filed uith the County Court of the Bute of Oregon for Morrow County his final amount of his administration of the estate of naid deceased and said court fixed Monday the 1th d?ay of March, 1!H7, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of auid day at the Court house at Heppner, Oregon as the time and plate for hearing objections to s;tid final account and the settlement of said estate and all persons having objections thereto are hereby requir ed to file the same with said court on or before the time fixed for said hear ing. Dated and first published this 18th day of February, li47. MILTON R. MORGAN. JR., 47-51 Administrator. KOTICB OP SAX OP COUNTY 1ROPERTY BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF THE County Court dated February 4. Y.H1, I am authorized and directed to advertise and sell at public auction at not less than the minimum price herein srt forth: South 50 ft. of Lot 8 In Block 2 in P. Loonev's Addition to tha City of Hoppner for the minimum price of $ii(i00, wish. Hi fcJKfjFOKiS. T will on Mia Rth rlnv of March, 1947 at the hour of 10:00 A. M., at the front door of the Court Transferring & Heavy Hauling Padded Moving Vans Storage Warehouse U.P.andN.P. Penland Bros. Transfer Co. 39 SW Dorion Avenue Phone 338 Pendleton, Ore. Gloves Are Cupids Gifts Handy Valentine Thoughtful Virginia Mayo, one of Holly wood's new stars, wraps a special gift for an extra-special friend. When he opens it on Feb. 14, he'll find a man's glove wardrobe capeskins for business, grey mochas for evening, pigskins for sports all American-made. VyHEN St. Valentine's Day rolls ' ' around, it brings everyone an opportunity to remember a loved pne-with a gift. It is customary these days, as in other centuries, to exchange gifts on. Feb. 14. One of the ideal suggestions for such a present in 1947 is a pair of gloves. The idea may sound new, but, actually, the custom dates back centuries. Gloves, and particularly hand some leather ones, were always given as tokens of affection and esteem. In fact, history tells us that at one time gloves were ex changed as "seals to the truth of hearts." The ladies were so fond of their Movie star Joan Crawford is la pensive mood as she open s St. Valentine's gift of gloves from a admirer. It's a pair of American made pigskins, a welcOM addi tion to the wardrobe glares Joan maintains for fornutl, street And sports wear. fine leather gloves that ftey would roll a glove into a tiny ball and place it inside a locket to be worn around the neck. In the tarly 1500's, Queen Elizabeth of Eng land owned almost 2,000 pairs of gloves, all gifts of admirers. One doesn't have to be king or queen to wear1 fine gloves to day. American manufacturers use the world's best methods of tan ning leather. The American-made leather glove is second to none, St Valentine's Day is the ap propriate day for all of ns to ex press affection for one another: It is an Ideal opportunity so revhro the gracious custom of hrinsV gloves for Jove. CHURCHES ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH Francis McCormack, Pastor Schedule of Masses: Mass at 9:00 a.m. in Heppner .in the 1st and 3rd Sundays; 10:. a.m. on the 2nd and 4th Sundays. Mass at 10:30 in lone on the 1st and 3rd Sundays; 9:00 a.m. on the 2nd and 4th Sundays. One mass in Heppner on the 3th Sunday ef month at 9 a.m. Holy days of obligation: Mass in Heppner at 7:45; lone, 9 a.m. Lenten devotions every Wed nesday and Friday evening dur- i ing Lent at 7:30 p.m. Week-day mass at 7:45 a.m. j ... j CHURCH OF CHRIST Bible school, 9:45; attendance !!oal for Sunday is 125; C. W. Barlow, superintendent; Mrs. Everett Smith, junior superin tendent; Mrs. Joe Jewett, pri mary superintendent. Morning worship, 11:00; com munion and preaching; sermon topic, "The Great Purpose." Christian Endeavor meetings, 6:30: Junior-intermediate, Mrs. Jewett, advisor; adult, Everett Smith, leader, topic, 'The 'I Am's' of Jesus." Evening evangelistic service, 7:30. We will have as guest peaker for the evening service Edwin Dewees of Portland, field representative of the Oregon 99' men. The public is cordially In vited to all our services. Choir practice Thursday eve ning at 7:00. Everett Smith, di rector. Mid-week service Thursday evening at 8:00. ALL SAINTS CHURCH Sunday, Feb. EPISCOPAL 23: Holy com munion 8 s.m. Church school. 9 45 a.m. Morning prayer 11 o' clock. Wednesday: Holy communion, 10 a.m. Evening devotions, 8 o'clock. ORDER CiibabRe. Tomato and Flower plants now for spring planting drady's (".rwnhouw. Phone 2193. Heppner. 4-p Hair Care f vtX Is your hair lusterless you scalp dry? AWclla Kolestral steam treatment will soften and con dition that dull, unhappy state. . .A Wella Kolestral applied after a sham poo and steamed into the hair shafts with an electric cap will leave a smoother-looking hair styling. Alice's Beauty Shop Phone 53 Edith-Alice-Ethel Highways To Health By ADA R. MAYNE A HONEY OF AN IDEA It is a honey of an Idea if it involves honey! Many home makers overlook the value of this natural, unrefined, nutri tionally valuable food as a sub stitute when sugar supplies run low. Honey is made up mainly of three sugars 34 dextrose, 40'c levulose and- 1 sucrose. Levu lose, known as the queen of su gars, is twice as sweet as cane sugar and occurs naturally in many fruits. Dextrose (grape sugar) Is about half as sweet as cane sugar and is the compon ent which may cause the honey in your jar to granulate. Honey is an easily digested food and is an excellent source of readily available energy for growing children and adults, too, for that matter. It contains House in Heppner. Oregon, sell said property to the highest and beat bid der. C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff. Morrow Countv. Oregon. By FKA.NX'fcS mamur, uepuv juty. 46-50. NOTICE OF FIN AZi ACCOUNT Notice is herebv civen that the un flerpigned administratrix of the estate of Ralph Y. L,eaca aeceasea. nas iuea with the Countv Court of the State of rr, tj Mrnm- r-nnnlv hor final account of her administration of the estate of said deceased and said court fixed Monday the nun day ol marcn 1947, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock In th forenoon at the Court House at Heppner. Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objections to said final account and the settlement of RRiO estate and all persons having Ob iections thereto are hereby required to file the same with said court on or before the time fixed for said hearing. Dated and first published this 6th day of February 1947. DONA E. BARNETT. 46-50 Administratrix. Safe BEAUTIFUL FLOORS with FRANKLIN'S ANTI-SLIP WAX and RUBBER GLOSS . CLEANER Now! you can have beautiful, HIGH GLOSS FLOORS with complete SAFE- TY. FRANKLIN'S ANTI-SLIP WAX is EASY TO USE . . . NO RUBBING! It's WATER-RESISTANT, WASH ABLE and withstands wear and abuse. Keep your LINOLEUM, TILE and HARDWOOD FLOORS clean, beauti ful and SAFE ... IT COSTS NO MORE! A good wax job depends on a CLEAN FLOOR. Here's a new "NO WORK" method to make your floors sparkle. The CLEANER does the work, it cleans by saturation. Just add it to water, cover the area to be cleaned, let stand for five minutes, then mop. HEPPNER HARDWARE & ELECTRIC small quantities of various min erals and vitamins necessary for good nutrition. Since bacteria which cause diseases in human beings cannot live in honey, it is considered a safe wholesome food. And it has been recogniz ed as a satisfactory supplement to milk in infant feeding. Honey may be used in dozens of ways in the home it offers many possibilities in canning and preserving. Its advantage in being able to absorb and re tain moisture in cakes and cook ies is of great importance to the homemaker who wishes to do her baking in advance. Honey is a delicious spread for bread. It may be used on fruit and cer eals, as a sweetening for milk, cocoa, tea or coffee, and in cakes and cookies, just to mention a few ways. There are a number of deli cious, nutritious ways to com bine honey with milk, butter, cheese and ice cream to increase j the flavor and nourishment of ! both. We'd like to pa?s these honey hints on to you. For lus cious sandwiches, blond honey with cream cheese for a sand-! wich treat. To make a delicious ; spread for toast or waffles, blend 1 2 cup butter with 1 cup of honey. Let both st'.nd in a warm place to blend well then beat until smooth. S;ore the honey butter in a j: r in the re frigerator, j Milk and honey nrc every bit as good together as thi-y sound. For a between-menl pickup or a nightcap, add 2 tbsp. of honey to a glass of warm milk. Try this delicious yet simple hurry up dessert when time runs short in the kitchen: pour honey over vanilla ice cream, sprinkle nuts on top or garnish with a cherry. As for keeping, liquid honey should be kept in a dry place at room temperature. Freezing will not harm color or flavor but may hasten granulation. Do not put honey in the refrigerator. If you have storage space it is more economical to buy honey in large size containers. It's On the Way! A New EC AHSEK Sedan was shipped from the Kqiser-Frazier plant at Willow Run on February 18 and should arrive in Heppner some time next week. Watch for further announcement F-TT7: Meppneir Bfloftor Frank Engkrof cf-jijiaiation- - - We thank the HEPPNER SOIL CONSERVATION DISTRICT ENGINEERS and personnell for thtir splendid work and cooperation with farmers and contractors Cram Bros. Dirt Movers IONE, Phone 32F14 illllllllllllllllllllllllllll!llllllllllll!l!l!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHHIIIIIIIIIIIH OWNERS! Max PAY LICENSE THIS MONTH AFTER MARCH 1 THE PRICE WILL BE DOUBLE $1.00 for each MALE or SPAYED FEMALE $2.00 for each FEMALE $2.00 for each MALE or SPAYED FEMALE , $4.00 for each FEMALE C.J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff and Tax Collector STOW iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH