Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, February 20, 1947, Page 2, Image 2

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2-Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, February 20, 1947
"Th Biggest Little Lodge"
Heppner, with a population of approximately
1G00, is known far and wide, but how many of
us have realized that it is the smallest town In
the world with an Klks lodge? As explained
elsewhere in this newspaper, Heppner Lodge No.
358 represents a district having a population in
excess of the standard 5,000 requirement and to
day membership is well above 500 paid up
brothers with the list soon to exceed 600. For
that reason No. 358 is referred to as the "biggest
little lodge on earth."
It is with great pride on the part of the mem
bership and with credit to the substantial posi
tion of the town and community that the lodge
will on February 22 observe the 50th anniversary
of the institution of No. 35S with the opening
of one of the finest club rooms in Oregon Elk
tiom. The lodge has spared no expense where
the comfort and convenience of member patrons
is concerned and if the members of the parent
and host lodge appear a bit boastful this week
end it will be fully Justified. .
Reasonable Salary Level Desired
This column has remarked in times past that
teachers are only human and should be regarded
as the equals of their fellow men. As a matter
of fact, they should be given more consideration
than the run of the mill because they have to
know at least a little more than the average per
son, and acquiring that knowledge is neither
easy nor inexpensive these days.
It is the firm belief of the writer that the peo
plepatrons of the schools wish to see the
teachers treated fairly in the matter of pay. Any
reasonable person knows that the salary scale
in our schools has not been commensurate with
wages received in other lines. Too many of the
teachers have had to take summer work of one
kind or other in order to keep themselves clothed
and to keep from running into debt We have
concerned ourselves with the nine months in
which they are employed in teaching and cast
thorn out of our minds for the rest of the year.
This should not be the case. If we urge young
people to take up teaching as their life work
we should make provision for their keep. They
should be hired on a full-time basis, with their
checks made payable each of the twelve months
so that they could figure on going to summer
school, if necessary, and enjoying rest and re
creation that they may return in the fall refresh
ed and eager to carry on their work.
As to the rate of pay, whether a ceiling or a
floor policy be adopted, it should be sufficient
to meet high cost periods such as we are suffer
ing at the present time but not so high that the
scale could not be met in normal times. In other
words, if salary scales are boosted above a rea
sonable level now they are bound to tumble far
ther when the trend of living standards starts
downward. A balance might be struck by paying
according to a teacher's worth.
How ever, some doubt exists as to the ability of
counties such as Morrow and other thinly pop
ulated eastern Oregon sections to meet these
salary' requirements if they also have to contri
bute to the support of the larger and wealthier
counties mainly on the west side of the Cas
cades. A Project That Didn't Materialize
To those who have become residents of Hepp
ner and vicinity in more recent years, it will be
news to learn that at one time a railroad was
projected up Willow creek to the coal mines.
Indeed, rumors were afloat that the Union Paci
fic was contemplating a line through Heppner
to connect with a branch to be built from Vale
out to Brogan. In other words, the new line was
to be the main line as it would be a little shorter
tlu n the present route through to Huntington.
Substantiating local belief in the project was
the installation of a large fuel oil tank. Plans
were seen of contemplated division facilities
here. It cannot be recalled if steps were taken
by the Union Pacific (then the Oregon Railroad
& Navigation Company) to secure right-of-way
up Willow creek, but some work of that nature
was done about that time by the Heppner Rail
road & Coal Company.
Fortunately, there was no real estate boom
here in connection with the rumors and Heppner
went on its way about the same until the flood
hit in 1903.
An item in the Heppner Times of June 25, 1903,
second week after the flood, brought to mind the
above reminiscense. It explains what was in the
air at that time, and reads as follows: "Ex-Gov
ernor T. T. Greer, Walter Lyons and State Sen
ator E. M. Croisan of Marion county came up
from Salem Sunday to review the ruins of Hepp
ner. Mr. Lyons, who has visited Heppner before
and knows something of the resources back of
the town, said: 'If the O. R. & N. company will
take up the project and rush the building of the
railroad from Heppner to the coal mines through
to completion this summer, Heppner will not feel
the financial loss caused by the flood, rather it
would cause a reaction in the opposite direction,
making a town of better buildings, more sub
stantial in general and greatly increase the
The railroad was never built, although the
mines were worked a few seasons, producing a
high grade coal. But the coal is still up there in
the hills and some day, perhaps, an effort will
be made to develop them, not so much as a fuel
agent as for some of the more important by
products. It may not require a railroad to get
the products to market, what with the develop
ment of auto truck transportation, but develop
ment of the mines might lead to some of that
increase in population referred to by Mr. Lyons
nearly 44 years ago.
Livestock Leader j
At OSC Accepts
So. American Bid
R. G. Johnson, head of the de
partment of animal husbandry
at Oregon Mate college and
prioi to that county agent in
Grt nt county for seven years,
will leae his present position
A) ril 1 to take an important po-
si! ion designed to further the
livestock industry in Venezuela.
His headquarters will be at Car
acas, chief city of this South
American republic.
The olfer of the new position
which carries both greatly in
creased salary and responsibil
ity, came from Nelson Rockefel
ler, former member of the state
department staff and now head
of two international corpora
tioiu-., the $3,000,000 Intemation
al Easic Economy corporation
and tiie non-profit American In
ternational association.
Johnson will represent these
organizations m Venezuela
where he will be in charge of
al! phases of livestock develop
ment by them, including estab
lishment of a livestock program
for that country. The same or
grnizations have already start
ed a program in Brazil aimed
at increasing food production
through use of modern methods.
uecoedmg Johnson at O. S. C.
is Dr. frred r. Mckenzie, pro
fessor of animal husbandry, who
has been recommended as chair
man of the department. Dr. Mc
Kenzie is one of the top national
authorities in artificial insemin
ation of domestic animals and
in that capacity has made three
trips to South America at the
invitation of governments there
to conduct schools for native
Johnson, a graduate of Ore
gon State in 1924, has had pre
vious experience in helping plan
a livestock program in another
country. In 1942 he was selected
by the state department to go to
China to study conditions there
for the Chinese government. He
spent about 18 months on this
mission as special technical ad
viser on the staff of the Ameri
can ambassador at Chunking.
As Johnson's specialty on the
O.S.C. staff has been range and
range livestock management, a
new man with training in this
field will be added to the staff
as soon as he is available, Dean
VV. A. Schoenfeld has announced.
3 YEARS &&
From the Gazette Times,
Feb. 15, 1917.
M. H. Kopple, who formerly
conducted the Fair Store in this
city about two years ago, has
again opened up for business
here in the building just north
of the Palace hotel.
Ira Morgan, until recently
manager of the Morrow County
creamery, has resigned his posi
tion here and will move with his
family to Wenatchee, Wash.,
where he has a similar position.
H. O., George N. and Fred Ely,
B. F. Morgan, James Allen and
Wid Palmateer attended the
Oddfellows lodge at lone last
Saturday night. Morgan item.
Ben O. Anderson returned to
Heppner last Monday after
spending several days visiting
his sister, Mrs. Martin Johnson,
at Cottage Grove.
Lambing has started already
at the Vey sheep ranch on upper
Butter creek.
Mat Halvorsen, pioneer farm
er of the lone country, was in
Heppner last Saturday transact
ing business.
A wool car is coming.
Coming to opera house next
Monday and Tuesday nights
Minstrel Show.
Special price on silk and mes-
saline petticoats the Fair Store.
Heppner lodge B.P.O.E. will
hold their regular ball at the
Fair pavilion on Thursday eve
ning. According to Secy. Prewitt
Cox, Parson's orchestra from
Portland has been hired and the
holiday fete promises to be one
of the smartest events to take
place in Heppner in many a day.
Mr. and Mrs. Vavvter Crawford
and daughter Mary have return
ed to Heppner to again make
their home after having spent a
year or more in lone. Mr. Craw
ford will again be associated
with his sons in the publishing
Meets Every Monday Noon at th Pelmn Buildin(, willow Ki,..
LlJCOS Place Heppner. Oregon
Veterans of Foreign j o. TURNER
VVUIS Phone 173
Meetings 2nd and 4th Mondays t Hotel Heppner Buildup
8:00 p. m. in Lesion Hall Heppner, Oregon
Reporter Wilbur Piatt of the
"Healthy Helpers'' 4-H club at
Eoardman sends in the follow
ing report of a recent meeting:
Our club held the fifth meet
ing of the Healthy Helpers, with
Robert Fortner presiding. We
gave the flag salute and the
club pledge. The secretary call
ed the roll. All were present and
responded with a poem or arti
cle about Abraham Lincoln.
We have three new members,
Their names are Bonnie Ball,
Fred Knight and Edna Knight.
We closed by all singing Col
umbia the Gem of the Ocean,
one of the club songs.
The next meeting will be on
February 2G.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Houghton
were in Heppner Tuesday to file
assessment blanks for the West
End Irrigation district, of which
Mr. Houghton is manager.
From where I sit ... Joe Marsh,
Where Cissy Spent
Her Honeymoon
Mrs. Tom Wells and Miss Pat
ricia Kenny were hostesses at
the Wells home Wednesday eve
ning, Feb. 12, at a bridal shower
for Mrs. Emmett Kenny, nee Bet
ty Robinson. The honoree re
ceived many appropriate gifts
for her new home in Pendleton.
The hostesses served light refreshments.
1 Heppner Lodge No.358
I B. P. 0. Elks
on your 50th anniversary
"Certified Cleaning & Finishing"
Better Work Fester Service
Phone 2592 Box 266
Heppner, Oregon
Because a diamond says so well what is in your
heart, choose carefully such an important token.
. . . Here we feature finest quality lasting beauty
and a value-policy you will like.
... For quality diamonds choose confidently. . .
For Spring
Make Your Selection
The prettiest ones
The finishing touch
Black or brown . . .
Genuine Corde . . .
Plastic calf or lea
Evening B0J3S--
To complement your
gay party pretty . . .
with sequins of sil
ver, black or white
AndersG.i &
Women's Apparel
Most of the young newlyweds alone and except for occasional
in our town spent their honey- visits to the Garden Tavern for
moons at Koundstone Lake or a glass of beer, thev staved at
Jackson Falls; why the Martins home, getting used to married
even went as iar as jnpw vnrir miss.
City. My missus prefers traveling
Kut when Cissy Cupper mar- and that's her right. But Jrom
ried the young Carter bov. thev where I sit. thorn's no nlare
allowed as how thev were eoini? better for a honevmoon or sec-
iu spenu ineir noneymoon ngnt onu noneymoon tnan right at
"c'e. nome wiin your own posses-
"There's no place better than sions, good home eookine. and a
our town," Cissy says. "And I'd friendly glass of beer or two-
like to start married life at with the best companion In the
nome, witn tnings iiud and I are worm,
used to."
Makes sense, come to think of
it. Folks naturally left them
Copyright, 1947,Vrdttd Statu Brewers Founded
You'll makeN
everv rida I
All U 1 J . nf mmantr wnrk.
fUi jvii v. ... 1 -
Modern Homes Built or Remodeled
Phone 1483 415 Jones St.
Turner, Von Marter
and Company
Phelps Funeral Home
Licensed FunraJ Directors
Phone 1J32 Heppner, Or
Heppner City Council
Meets First Monday Each Month
Citizens having matters for discus
sion, please bring before
the Council
J. O. TURNER. Mayor
Morrow County
Abstract & Title Co.
Office in Peters Building
Merchants Credit
Accurate Credit Information
F. B. Nickerson
Phone 12 Heppner
Attorney at Law
Heppner Hotel Building
Willow Street Entrance
Latest Jewelry and Gift Goods
Watches, Clocks, Diamonds
Expert Watoh fc Jewelry Rupairinj
Heppner. Oregon
OK Rubber Welders
First class work guaranteed
Located In the Kane Building
North Main St. Heppner, Ore.
Dr. L. D. Tibbies
Physician & Surgeon
First National Bunk Building
Res. Ph. 1182 Office Ph. 402
A. D. McMurdo, M. D.
Trained Nunc Assistant
Office in Masonic Building
Heppner. Oregon
Dr. C. C. Dunham
Office up stairs I. O. O. F. Bldj
Housf: calls made
House Phone 2."83 Office 2572
Morrow County
Box 82, Heppner, Ore.
Phone 2632
Superior Dry Cleaning
& Finishing
Blaine E. Isom
All Kinds of
Phone 723
Heppner, On
Speed Fiend: "It's great speeding along again
like this. Don't you feel glad you're alive?"
Passenger: "Glad isn't the word; I'm amazed!"
It's much easier than falling off
a log! Just try Chevron Supremo
Gasoline in your tank. It's tailored
to your car and eauinmenr uith
the same skill that perfected Standard's war-proved
flying fuels. New blending agents In Chevron Supreme
give you fast start, smooth acceleration, pingless per
formance. It's the finest motor fuel Standard ever pro
ducedyou can bank on every trip being a pleasure
trip with Chevron Supreme!
Phone 622
Heppner, Oregon
The law provides a penalty of $10.00
for each day after March ISt for
those who have not turned in their
Personal Property return by that
W. O. DIX, Assessor
5 $n85o yBWJ
Each one has been completely
torn down and rebuilt to,
exacting specifications
'Worn parts replaced with New;
Genuine Ford Parts
Immediate Delivery... quicld