Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, February 13, 1947, Image 1

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Heppner Gazette Times
Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, February 13, 1947
Volume 63, Number 41
Rep. 22nd District
It is now possible to begin
to estimate what kind of a le
gislature is this 44th one of
Oregon's. They always take
some time and is the cause of
delay in getting started. Men
who have something they want
done come down and hang
around watching and observ
ing. If the "flavor" of the as
sembly seems favorable some
bills come in, if not they go
This assembly contains a very
large number of very fine citi
zens. Most of them are respon
sible men at home, some retir
ed, some active. They are most
ly men of much legislative ex
perience. That is especially true
of the senate which has but one
or two who have not served be
fore. Many house members are in
unfamiliar committee assign
ments which gives them new
things to learn and makes the
proceedings slow. They will
learn, but it may take longer.
That would Indicate a slow ses
. sion. But also there is little leg
islation of importance on hand.
Outside of the insurance and
school bills there is little of con
sequence. These take up the greatest
part of the thinking. The state
needs some eight or ten million
new dollars if the ways and
means committee uses some
strictness in passing appropria
tions. It may not do so and any
generosity on their part, or the
part of the legislature itself, will
make a need for more money.
That poses another question:
what group is to pay the larger
part of the new taxes that will
be needed. In Oregon property
always pays if no other taxpay
er is found. If, however, the in
come tax exemptions can be
lowered to take in a few more
dollars it will raise about half
the required amount. There may
be some taxes on gambling of
one kind or another, some pick
ing up a million here and there
to make the state's budget come
out right.
The Tax Study commission
made recommendations that
would have adjusted taxes sat
isfactorily, but so far these ideas
have not had a very full hear
ing. Perhaps the powers that be
will shove them aside in favor
of something else for there
seems little inclination to get
down to hard study of so diffi
cult a subject.
Proponents of a sales tax have
finally introduced a bill to bring
about that sort of a lax. It is a
hastily constructed bill contain
ing three matters that are not
entirely compatible: a sales tax,
an income tax exemption and a
40 mill levy. It has long been
expected that such a bill would
come In. Oddly it seems to have
less support than other sales tax
bills of former years and al
though the statement is often
made that more people favor the
sales tax now than ever before,
that statement is impossible of
any proof. It Is opinion.
This legislature may be so
conservative that it will not pass
any strong labor restrictions.
(A conservative being one who
dislikes change.)
A bill Is being readied for in
troduction that will amend the
NorrlsLaGuardia act which de
fines a labor dispute and per
mits picketing, or says that
picketing is possible at most
times. Such a measure seems to
have more strength than a clos
ed shop bill. A closed shop is
restrictive and there appears lit
tle desire for more restriction.
Employers are not asking for
the anti-closed shop bill. Letters
received by its proponents fav
oring it are from working men.
Not even all labor leaders are
for the closed union which is
doing a greater harm to work
ing men than the closed shop.
The public hearing for the ba
sic school support bill, HB 9, was
a means of bringing men from
all over the slate to speak for
the equalization part of it. Not
one who spoke was going to lose
Had one added up the amounts
expectorl It would have totaled
many thousands. Only one, a
women from Eugene, expressed
any r : ipunctlon about taking
money from some one else for
the education of her children, so
far have filial, community and
county responsibility fallen.
There will be Increases in sal
aries and wages, higher pay
ments for workmen's compensa
tlon, for unemployment com
pensatlon, more pay for state
and county officials, more taxes
for the taxpayer but perhaps
nothing so sweeping as was the
civil service and retirement bills
of last session. These need over
haulingand may not get it,
From the lone Independent,
Feb. 15, 1924: "A card has been
received stating Hint Ernest Hoi
lker and family are enjoying
themselves at Fort Lauderdale,
Florida. Fine weather prevails,
fishing and bathing in the ocean
and a good time is being had.
P. P. & L. Installs
Voltage Regulator
At Dufur Station
First Step Token
In Improvement
Plan for This Area
Addition of the largest volt
age regulator ever installed on
the company's system, together
with a bank of new 7500-KVA
transformers, has been complet
ed at the Pacific Power & Light
company transmission substa
tion near Dufur as part of a
$220,000 construction program
on power facilities serving the
Heppner area, Don Fleck, local
manager for the company, an
nounced Monday.
The new equipment, which
went into operation on the com
pany's lines late Sunday after
noon, is one of a series of im
provements in a general expan
sion program scheduled for this
area five years ago, but delay
ed by shortages of materials
and by government restrictions
on construction during the war.
In addition to being the larg
est of this type of equipment
yet installed on the company
system, the new regulator has
the added advantage of 50 per
cent more range factor, Fleck
The new transformer bank,
which more than triples the ca
pacity of the transmission sub
station, includes three new
(transformers, each of which
weighs more than 44,000 pounds.
The voltage regulator weighs
21,700 pounds. A railroad tank
car of transil oil was required
to fill the insulating tanks of
the three transformers.
Fleck said work will start on
a new 18-mile transmission link
to provide increased capacity
for this area as soon as mater
ials are delivered by manufac
turers. News From
C. A. Office
Grub control demonstrations
held the past week were well
attended by interested livestock
men. Considerable interest is be
ing shown in grub control and
many attending the demonstra
tions planned to treat their cat
tle within th next few days.
Those that have treated for
grubs so far include Russell
Moore, Garnet Abercrombie, Rus
sel Cowan, Claud White, Vernon
Munkers, Kenneth Smouse, Ray
Wright, Roy Robinson, Clara
Kincaid, Steve Thompson, Luke
Bibby, Gordon McGough, Earl
McKinney, Dee Cox, O. W. Cuts-
forth, Don Ileliker, Mankin &
Bunch, Newt O'Harra, Harry
Sherman, Frank Anderson, and
all 4-H beef club members. Oth
ers may have treated of which I
have no knowledge. I would like
lo know of any others who have
treated so that these herds may
be checked or grubs next winter.
The total loss from grubs in
the United States has been esti
mated by various authorities to
run as high as $100,000,000 an
nually. These losses are caused
by less meat, milk and leather
from cattle.
The record which won Mrs.
Juanlta Rietmann of lone a trip
to Washington, D. C, as the
state's outstanding crop insur
ance sales agent also makes her
the No. 1 agent for the nation.
The Morrow county wheat
grower's wife learned in Wash
ington that her "acreage cover
ed" record of 90,000 acres sur
passed that of any other sales
tgent or committeeman in the
Charles A. Nish, Mikkalo, has
been anointed a member of the
Oregon Soil Conservation com
mission by Governor Earl Snell,
Nish will fill the unexpired term
of the late Walker Franklin. He
is recognized as one of the most
outstanding advocates or soil
conservation in the Columbia
Basin wheat area.
Nish's wheat land near Mik
kalo was one of the farms visit
ed on the conservation field day
in the Arlington area last fall.
For a number of years he has
been developing conservation
measures on this farm in coop
eration with the Gilliam coun
ty land-use committee, the OSC
extension service, the Soil Con
servation service, and the PMA.
Tour visitors were Impressed
with his trashy fallow, sodding
of gullies, and the use of crest
ed wheat grass strips alternated
with fallow strips across steep
Home Extension meetings that
will be held in Morrow county
In February include:
lone, Tuesday, Feb. 18, 10-4,
a.m. Congregational church, p.
m. Mrs. Oscar Lundcll home.
Hnrdman, Wednesday, Feb. 19,
10-4, a.m. school house, p.m
Vern Batty home.
Rhea Creek and Eight Milo,
Thursday, Feb. 20, 10-4, Claud
Huston, home.
Townies To Tackle
Colored Quintet
Tuesday Evening
They don't come too big or
too fast for "Van Marter's Tow
nie aggregation. That's the way
it looks when it comes to sign
ing up the local boys for games,
for the latest match struck up
by La Verne Van Marter is a
game between his boys and the
Harlem Legionnaires.
People who saw the game
here with the Harlem Globe
trotters know the colored boys
can play basketball as well as
pulling a lot of comical tricks.
It's an evening's entertainment
of different sort and one the
cash customers go for. In the
forthcoming game said custo
mers will have an opportunity
to see in action a team that is
tops among the colored aggre
gations traveling about the
The Harlem Legionnaires are
World War II veterans and
members of the American Legi
on. It is their second season on
the road. They won 122 games
and lost 14 last season. It is
not expected they will lose the
game here but with one meet
ing with clever ball handlers
behind them, the local boys
will be in there fighting with
all the knowledge they picked
up in the first game.
The game starts at 8 o'clock,
Tuesday night, Feb. 18. Better
be on hand early if you dont
want to stand up.
Net proceeds from this game
will go towards the purchase of
an electric score board for the
local gymnasium.
Youth Recreation
Center Revived at
Luncheon Meeting
A recreational center for
Heppner's youth and repair of
the city's dilapidated sidewalks
were topics claiming attention
of the chamber of commerce at
its meeting in the schoolhouse
basement Monday noon. High
lighting the program wag a
pleasing word portrayal of the
life of Thomas A. Edison giv
en by Miss Betty Keeton, high
school senior, inspired by the
100th anniversary on Tuesday
of the birth of the famous in
ventor. Discussion of the youth re
creation program, introduced by
Chamber President L. D. Tib
bies,, revealed that a recreation
center committee headed by
Harold Becket now has funds to
turn over to the city council to
assist in providing a recreation
hall. Tibbies explained the po
sition of the council last year
when the project was consider
ed as putting itself in the po
sition of accepting funds for im
provement of the building at
the swimming pool to put it in
condition for heating, but tak
ing no responsibility for placing
of equipment.
Francis Nickerson. council
man who took office the first of
the year, gave as his opinion
that improving of the swim
ming pool building would be of
temporary benefit, and stronelv
favored acquiring of the coun
ty fair ground property on North
Main street, for which negotia
tions with the county are being
made, and building there a gen
eral community center incorpor
ating the youth center project.
I'Jiscusslon of the sidewalk
improvement revealed that ma
terials, the shortage of which
the last few years has resulted
in aisrepair ana lacK ot new
construction, are now available,
and encouraged investigation
to see if labor may not be ob
tained to proceed with the dor
mant enterprise.
Rev. J. Palmer Sorlcin an
nounced to the group arrange
ments for observance of World
Day of Prayer with a 20-minute
service to start at 12:05 at the
Star theater, to be participated
in by the Church of Christ, Me
thodist and Episcopal churches.
extending a public invitation to
' nnrtirinntn
1 participate,
P-TA Gives $100
To Uniform Fund
At a meeting of the executive
board of the Heppner Parent-
Teacher association held at the
home of the president, Mrs. Tress
McClintock, Thursday evening,
Feb. 6, $100 was contributed to
the uniform fund of the Hepp
nor school band and an add!
tlonal sum given to the March
of Dimes campaign.
Superintendent George Corwin
gave a report on the critical tea
cher situation In this district
and suggested several remedies,
the most practical, he thought,
to set up a salary schedule as
all the schools in the Willam
ette valley are doing. The exe
cutive committee voted to go on
record that it will support the
board of school district No.
in its adpotion of an adequate
salary schedule for this school.
Corwin spoke further on this
subject at the Parent-Teacher
meeting held Wednesday eve
ning at the school building.
Heppner, lone and
Boardman Slated -For
Tourney Play
Mustangs, Cardinals
May Have to Play
For District Title
Little Wheat League Standings
Won Lost Pet.
lone ' 7 1 .875
Heppner 7 1 .875
Boardman 5 3 .625
Umatilla .. 2 6 .250
Lexington 2 6 .250
Irrigon .1 7 .125
Coach Leonard Pate's varsity
basketballers of Heppner high
school. Coach Francis Ely's Car
dinals of lone, and probably the
Boardman Yellow Jackets will
represent the Little Wheat lea
gue in the district tournament
at Echo, which will be held Feb
ruary 27, 28, and March 1. Teams
from Morrow, Umatilla, Grant
and Harney counties will par
ticipate in the single elimina
tion tourney, and the winner
will go to Arlington for the state
If Heppner and lone win their
two remaining conference tilts
a play-off for the conference
championship title will proba
bly be held on a neutral court
prior to the district tournament.
Friday the Mustangs travel to
Irrigon and the following Tues
day, Heppner's two squads act
as return hosts to the unpredict
able Boardman outfit, in their
last home game of the season.
These two contests will un
doubtedly be two of the most
decisive tests in the conference
The Mustang cagers virtually
eliminated the defending titlists,
the Umatilla Vikings, from the
loop race by handing Coach El
liott's charges' their sixth lea
gue setback to the tune of 31-22
at Umatilla Tuesday.
La Verne Van Marter's Hepp
ner Townies took the short end
of a 52-38 score here Saturday
night when the Gilliam county
squad met the local boys on the
Heppner school gymnasium
maple court. It was the second
time the Townies tasted defeat
at the hands of the Condon boys.
Life Of Power
Just a Bowl of
Trouble on the 2300 volt feed
er line in Heppner that puzzled
two electrical engineers and
kept linemen on the jump all
day Tuesday climaxed a series
of "days that shouldn't happen"
for Don Fleck and his crew t
the Pacific Power & Light com
pany. The chain of incidents that
has probably started streaks of
grey in Fleck's brown locks
started late Friday afternoon
when a target shooter went to
work on insulators of the high
voltage transmission line that
feeds the Heppner- Condon- Ar-lington-Moro
Not content with shattering
insulators, the marksman also
managed to sever one of the
22,000 volt conductors with a
bullet. Linemen worked half of
Friday night to repair the
Saturday said Fleck, was un
eventful. But on Sunday afternoon it
was necessary to open switches
on the Sherman division trans
mission system while three big
transformers and a huge vol
tage 'regulator were put into
service near Dufur as the Paci
fic company completed another
step in its $220,000 construction
program on power facilities
serving this area.
The Sunday interruption, how
ever, didn't bother Fleck. It had
been planned and announced
in advance and it meant pro
gress on the big construction
job that will increase this ter
ritory's power resources.
Came Monday and Fleck ar
ranged a talk on Thomas A.
A Typical-Case cf Soil Erosion
Court Paves Way
For County Fair
By Naming Board
Barratt, Cutsforth
And Houghton Are
Chosen to Serve
Paving the way for a county
fair in 1947, the Morrow county
court Tuesday appointed a three
man fair board to serve three
year, two-year and one-year
terms, respectively. In the ab
sence of Commissioner Ralph
Thompson, Judge Bert Johnson
and Commissioner L. D. Neill
named J. G. Barratt, Heppner;
Orville Cutsforth, Lexington and
A. C. Houghton, Irrigon. Thomp
son, who has been absent from
the county since the week of the
Oregon Woolgrowers association
meeting in Eugene, had discuss
ed the selectees with the other
members of the court and it is
quite certain their action will
have his approval.
Letters notifying the appoin
tees were to be mailed out this
evening and the court is await
ing reply before announcing fur
the plans.
Serving the three-year term
will be J. G. Barratt. Cutsforth
will serve two years and Hough
ton one year. The selection gives
good geographical representa
tion as well as securing men
well qualified to organize and
direct a county fair.
The court took this action in
response to an urgent request
from 4-H club leaders that
something be done now so there
could be a fair this fall. It is
hoped the members selected will
accept and get plans under way
Heppner Boy Scouts and their
dads will join in a father-son
dinner Monday evening at the
Methodist church. It will be a
potluck spread, with the scout
troop committee in charge.
Cliff Hansen, Pendleton, as
sistant executive for the Blue
Mountain Council area, will be
present and deliver the princi
pal address.
The lone A and B basketball
squads beat the Irrigon teams
Tuesday night by scores of 26
16nd 43-20.
Co. Manager
Cherries . .
Edison at the chamber of com
merce luncheon. Said Fleck
and next day he wished he
hadn't "When you flick your
switch tomorrow morning and
get electric service, it will be
due to the great inventor, Edi
son, whose birthday centennial
occurs that day."
Tuesday, some of the folks
that heard Fleck's talk started
flicking switches and not ev
erything happened that should
happen. In some parts of town
lights were out, and In other
sections of the city motors
would not work. At the school,
the heating system motor
would not operate.
It was the kind of trouble
that was simple enough to fix,
but hard to find. Fleck and two
of the company's electrical en
gineers, Jack Sutherland and
Paul Oldenburg, who were in
Heppner to measure results of
the new transformers and vol
tage regulators, combed the
town to find the source of the
interruption, which continued to
rocur throughout most of the
After all the usual practices
for hunting trouble had been
exhausted, linemen began to
sectionalize distribution lines
throughout the town, before the
damage was located nenr the
south city limits.
It was a bad day for Fleck
and his crew, and some of the
electric users in Heppner were
temporarily inconvenienced
but Tuesday was a red letter
day for the kids. Classes were
dismissed all day because the
school heating plant wouldn't
loll Coniirvallon Strtlrt Photo
t - - 4
Lexington News
Of The Week
By Mrs. Clarence Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hicks were
here Monday from Pendleton
visiting their children, Ramona
and Darrel who are staying at
Mrs. Allyn's.
Charles Buchanan dropped a
board on his foot while work
ing at the mill last week. He
broke two bones in his foot and
is getting 'around on crutches.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Grant were
business visitors in The Dalles
Friday. i
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Acton of'
Echo have moved onto the Cliff
Doherty ranch recently vacated
by Mr. and Mrs. Al Fetch.
Mrs. Gene Gray is here from
Stanfield to take- care of her
mother, Mrs. Davis, who is con
fined to her bed.
The Edwards well drilling will
now be known as A. M. Ed
wards and Son. Albert Edwards
has resigned his job in YarneU's
pastime to go into partnership
with his father. Hank Stotta of
Heppner has taken his place in
the pastime.
A large crowd attended the
dance Saturday evening spon
sored by the Lexington I. O. O.
F. for the benefit of the Camp-
fire Girls. The money will be
used for buying uniforms for
the girls. Refreshments were
served at midnight by the mo
thers of the Campfire girls and
by their leader, Mrs. Cecil Jones.
Lloyd Burkenbine of Heppner
is employed at the Henderson
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Scott
and family were visiting friends
and relatives here over the week
end. They came from their
home in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. McMillan
Mrs. Cecil Jones, Mrs. Lonnie
Henderson and Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Smethurst were Pendleton
visitors last Tuesday.
Eight airplanes from Trout
dale landed at the Lexington
Airport Monday. They were on
the way back to their home field
after a cross-country flight to
Boise, Idaho.
Vic Eades of Portland stopped
Sunday while enroute to Pen
dleton for a short visit at the
C. C. Carmichael home.
Miss Majo Marquardt, who is
attending Eastern Oregon Col
lege of Education at La Grande
spent the week end at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Marquardt
Jack Forsythe flew to Port
land Monday. Passengers on the
flight were C. C. Carmichael and
Mrs. Conley Lanham.
The band concert and dinner
scheduled for Sunday, Feb. 16
has been postponed until the
following Sunday, Feb. 23.
Wm. Ludwig drove to Corval
lis over the week-end on a bus
iness trip. While there he took
in the Oregon-Oregon State
basketball game.
The Lexington school basket
ball teams went to Heppner Fri
day where they were defeated
in both games.
Word has been received here
of the birth of a baby daugh
ter to Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Grant
of Roseburg. Mrs. Grant will be
remembered as Miss Wanda
Breeding. Mrs. Oscar Breeding
left Monday for Roseburg to
lake care of her daughter and
granddaughter. While she is
gone Mrs. Wm. F. Matthews
(Frieda Breeding) of Pendle
ton is visiting here to keep
house for her father.
There are two new phones in
Lexington. These were install
ed last week in the Cecil Jones
and Elbert Moreland homes.
Mrs. Trina Parker is quite ill
at her home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Way left
last week for a visit in Califor
nia. The Lexington P.T.A will meet
in the school auditorium Mon
day, Feb. 17. The executive
council met at the home of Mrs.
Cecil Jones Feb 10.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Mun
;ers have arrived home from
heir honeymoon trip to San
Mr. and Mrs. Al Edwards and
Viss Beth Edwards were Pen
Ileum visitors one day last
P-TA Study Groups
Schedule Meetings
Study groups of the Heppner
Parent Teacher association have
scheduled meetings for the
months of February and March
with the adolescent group plan
ning to meet at the Conley Lan
'iom home Feb. 19 and the pre
school study group at the home
of Harlan MoCurdy Jr. on March
Supt. George Corwin is study
leader of the adolescent group
ind Mrs. Irl Clary organizer,
Mrs. J. P. Sorlcin will lead the
discussion at the forthcoming
meeting, the topic being "Grow
ing All the Way Up." The topic
discussed at the last meeting
was "Why an Increase In dl
The pre school study group
met Feb. 4 at the James Priseoll
home, when the topic, "What do
your children fear?" was dis
cussed. Parents report these meetings
are Informative and well worth
while. Anyone Interested is wel
come to attend and participate
in the meetings.
Fire Hits Elevator
At Jordan Siding
Lumber Shipments
On Increase From
Heppner Terminal
68 Cars Shipped
Frst 12 Days of
Current Month
With wheat shipments near-
ing the end along the branch
line of the Union Pacific, lumber
is taking the spotlight at Hepp
ner. Wheat has been moving out
steadily the past several weeks
and it is expected storage bins
will be empty by the first of the
A loosening up of the car sit
uation has boosted lumber ship
ments since the first of the
year, according to Floyd Tolle-
son, agent for the railroad com
pany at Heppner. Since Feb. 1,
68 cars of lumber have left the
Heppner terminal for outside
points. The number includes
stocks of the Scritsmler, Reid
and Heppner Lumber company
plants, with the average by the
first two running four cars a
The temporary lumber yard
established last summer by the
Scritsmeier mill is beginning to
dwindle and more than likely
will be shipped out by the time
hauling can start again in the
spring. Hauling direct from the
mill is going on daily from the
Keid Lumber company plant in
the mountains. Three trucks are
engaged in bringing the lum
ber to the railroad terminal.
Stock shipments are off at this
season of the year, but with 25
cars of wheat and 68 cars of
lumber billed out of the Hepp
ner omce during the first 12
days of the month, the local ag
ent feels that business is not
too bad on the branch line. Cars
are spotted at all elevator sid
ings along the branch, making
a sizable freight train by the
time the local gets to Heppner
Due to the shipping order re
quiring 20,000 pounds to the car,
outgoing shipments of freight
other than lumber, stock and
wheat are exceptionally rare.
Tolleson said.
Hangar, 2 Planes
Damaged By Wind
A windstorm which hrnko nvpr
the Lexington aimort about
Tuesday evening left consider
able havoc in its wake. Two
planes belonging to the For
sythe Flying Service were ser-
iously damaged and the rear
wan 01 tne nangar was blown
A new Aeronca Diane Inside
the hangar was damaged when
the loosened wall fell onto it.
The hangar, a Quonset hut, had
not rjeen completed but For
sythe was keeping some planes
in it to eet them out of tho ana.
ther. It so happened that there
was dui one plane in the build
ing at the time. Another plane,
a tuscomD, was uDset bv the
wind when the moorings gave
way. orsythe is waiting for the
insurance adjuster to come be
fore examining the machine to
see what damage has been done.
World Prayer Day
Meeting Scheduled
Friday afternoon, Feb. 21 at
the hour of 2:30 has been sche
duled as the time for a special
meeting of the Union Mission
ary society to observe the World
Day of Prayer. The meeting will
be held at the All Saints Episco
pal church, with the pastor, Ne
llie Blunt, bringing the special
message. The meeting is open
to the public to which an urgent
invitation has been extended.
For the benefit of business
people and their .employes who
wish to observe the day, there
will be a noon meeting at the
Star theater.
News Briefs
Sans Souci lodge of Rebekahs
will have an old time party at
the Oddfellows hall Friday eve
ning, Feb. 14. Oddfellows, Rebe
kahs and their friends have an
Invitation to attend. Each Rebc
kah has been asked to bring a
half-dozen sandwiches.
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Jackson
and son Richard and Mr. Jack
son's father, Alexis Jackson, of
Weiser, Ida. visited at the G. W.
Thompson home the past week
end. The Thompsons are Mrs.
Jackson's parents. The party
went on to Milton to visit an
other son of the elder Jackson.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Tolleson
spent Sunday in Walla Walla
visiting their daughter, Miss
Lela Tolleson.
Mrs. Fred Parrish and her fa
ther, Guy Huddleston of Lone
Rock, returned Saturday from
Fire, apparently caused by a
short circuit in the wiring of the
elevator at Jordan Siding about
10:30 a.m. today, was still burn
ing at a late hour with damage
to be estimated when an exam
ination of the building and con
tents can be made.
The fire was discovered when
Noel Dobyns drove up on the
scales with a load of wheat and
something fell in front of the
truck. Dobyns did not stop the
truck but drove right on out
Manager Paul Pettyjohn tele
phoned immediately to lone and
Heppner for help and equipment
and in a short time upwards of
100 men appeared on the scene.
The first thing accomplished
was removal of several cars
loaded with wheat for shipment
on Friday's freight. With the
aid of jacks the cars were set
in motion and allowed to roll
out onto the main line where
they were anchored.
It is thought that ail machin
ery within the elevator has been
destroyed. The fire burned out
the windows in the "penthouse"
on top of the elevator, but the
lower floors had not been dam
aged to any extent by mid-after
noon, hose was brought from
lone and Heppner and a pump
placed in Willow creek. From
this a good stream was being
played on the lower part of the
structure. An effort was being
made to secure a hook and lad
der to enable fire-fighters to go
to the top of the elevator and
run water down into tho storage
The Jordan elevator was the
first bulk handling unit to be
put into action along the branch.
It was completed in 1918 and
has served the farmers of a con
siderable area ever since. It cost
$52,000 to build and is said to
have had the best machinery in
use in this area. Approximately
65,000 bushels of wheat is stored
at present Dobyns Bros, had
about 8,000 bushels and were
hauling in their 1946 crop. Del
bert Emert had just put in about
20,000 bushels. The elevator
company carries blanket insur
ance to cover all storage and it
will require some time for ad
justments to be made.
Ernest E. Edwards
Dies at Killsborb
Funeral services were held at
10 o'clock a. m. Monday at
Hillsboro for Ernest E. Edwards,
whose death occurred shortly
after noon on Friday, Feb. 7.
The services were attended by a
group of officers from Heppner
Lodge No. 358, B. P. O. E., in
cluding Terrel Benge, Jack O'
Conner, Frank Connor, Harvey
White and Harlan McCudy Jr.,
from Heppner, and E. Harvey
Miller from Portland, former
exalted ruler of the Heppner
lodge, who presided at the
Mr. and Mrs. Edwards only
recently moved to Hillsboro
where they had built a nice
residence. Mr. Edwards had
been ill for many months and
unable to move and was taken
from Heppner by ambulance.
Born in Umatilla county, Mr.
Edwards came to Morrow coun
ty as a young boy and spent
practically his entire life in
Sand Hollow. He was married
about 25 years ago to Mary Lar
son and to this union one child,
Don, was born. His parents, the
late Mr. and Mrs. John Ed
wards, were pioneers of both
Umatilla and Morrow counties.
Surviving besides the wife
and son are two sisters, Mrs.
Richard Thompson of Weiser.
Ida. and Mrs. Harriet Davison
of Forest Grove.
The Home Economics club of
Lexington grange will hold an
all day meeting Thursday, Feb.
20 at the home of Mrs. Norman
Nelson. At this time the club
will reline the grange hall dra
pes which have just been clean
ed. There will be two sewing
machines available and a large
attendance is desired so this
project may be completed. The
meeting will start at 10 a. m.
and there will be a potluck
lunch at noon.
Around Town
Denver where they spent a week
visiting relatives.
Miss Margaret Cillls, county
public health nurse and Mrs.
Conley Lanham. representing
the Morrow County Public
Health Association, attended
the Oregon state conference on
social hygiene, held In the Ma
sonic temple in Portland Mon
day. Miss Gillis staled It as
the finest conference of the
kind she had ever attended.
Mrs. Ethel Stewart of port
land has come to lone for ui
indefinite visit at the home of
her daughter. Mrs. Franklin
Mrs. Elmer (Iriffi'h of Morgan
was called to Hellingliarn, the
first of the week to be with her
sister, Mrs. Kitty Turner, who
Is 111.