Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, February 06, 1947, Page 6, Image 6

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    6-Heppner Gozette Times, Heppner, Oregon, February 6, 1947
lone News Items of the Week
MrmU s ?! l!o r.,Mf rn Star
.-iTfTi'l.r: f',!' ( ';il srrviros
i.f Mi. Vp -i L;ri:,,:.( n al Wnl-
i W!.i;; v' !! ! . .l.muary
'. '.I iiif ' , ',r. ; !.(; Mis. am
'.."cli. .V". i i;. I. :!.; '.rorr., Mrs.
M iry ..ir'. .. Mi. Vivian
"'(-:iluiii; h, M:.v Frriafrr,
Mrs. K. it. l.-jr.dcll. Mr?. E. M.
J akor, Mrs. Ixwis Jl.ilvorson and
Mix Jar: rs l.;i,1lsiy.
Mrs. Om.ir Kii ir.n treateJ
), pupils il the third and
fourth pi ic:o riom to cake and
ire cream m the lunrh room at
thr scrKNiilitKisc Yir.osday af
crnoon, January 2:). in honor
i 1 her sun Larry's ninth birth.
cay Irvin Ritchie of Seattle spent
a few days last week at the
Henry Clark home.
Miss Melba Crawford returned
l.oaie last week In.m Portland
..tier fpomlinp a month with her
; ister. Mrs. John Yoorhoes.
Mr. ami Mis. Kdniond Bristow
pent t!ie week end in Walla
"alia and brought Mrs. Etta
liristow home with them.
The amount taken in for
'March of Times" fund is as
Allows: School $-14.12, gifts $31,
coins in cans S2S.95, sent in box
holder i.ir.-.s $110.75; after $2
cen!e was taken out left a
total of SJ1J S2.
Colle.ce students home from
O. S. C. eer the week end were
Gene r.iemiann. Donald and Eu
nice Petersen and Alice Nicho
son. Da id Binder of Helix, also
an O. S. C. student, came with
them and was a Ruest at the
Omar Itietnnnn home.
A fellowship dinner will be
piven at 6: 'Mi p.m. at the Con
gregational church February 13.
A discussion of the book, "An
atomy of Peace" by Emery Ree
ves will be Jed by Rev. Shirley.
Everyone is invited to attend
this dinner.
The Topic club will meet at
the home of Mrs. C V. Swan
son. February 14.
The Maranatha society will
meet Wednesday afternoon, Feb.
12, at the Otto Rietmann home
where Mrs. Dale Ray and Mrs.
A. Shirley will entertain.
The lone Memorial Improve
ment association will meet at
the Legion hall Wednesday eve
ning, February 12.
The Topic club sponsored a
card party at the Grange hall
Saturday night, February 1. A
CjTlthia' pump
with sling back
and high heeL
The bright new look for
Spring . . , gleaming
black for every occasion I.
Cynthia sandal
with open back,
flat heel 5 5Q
Cynthia pump
with closed
back. 5,50
Re. U. S. Pat. Off.
Sizes A QQ
12 to 20 ".O
Print Seersucker,
Some with "zip'
Rayon Satin
sizei c on
34 to 40 J yf
Tea Rose-Blue
In colorful floral
3 thread silk crepe -1 M Q
New Spring shades J-' pr.
smorgasbord luncheon was serv- 1
ed in the dinir.g roevr. which
was devvried with . 'entire'
decorations. One hundred si.ty- j
three dollars and fifty ecus was
taken in on the piny which'
will go to the memor.al fund.
l nose winning riet- w ere. for i
bridge high and jack hi;.:h. .!rs.
Blaine Isom and Vrs. Noel Dob-!
yns; low, Mrs. Bertha Severin j
and John Saager: for pinoo!tU. j
high, Mrs. Garland Swan son and
Howard Eubanks; low. Mrs. I
Wilbur Akers and Herbert Ek-I
strom; double pinotl'.io, Mrs.
David Rietmann. Prizes were
also given the younger set in
pinochle. For Chinese checkers,
nigh, Mrs. Ernest Heliker, and
low, Mrs. Echo Palmateer. The
committee having charge of the
party were Mrs. Win. Seehafer,
Mrs. Noel Dohyns. Mrs. Victor
Rietmann. Mrs. Omar Rietmann
and Mrs. C. W. Swansea.
lone high school came through
victorious in their basketball
games last week. They won
both games here from Roard
man"Tuesday night, Jan. 2S. The
score of the first teams was
42-19. They won at Lexington
Friday night 30-13 and from
Arlington Saturday night at
lone they won both games, the
i score of the first teams being
! 39-21. The grade school won at
i Lexington and lost to Heppner
last week. The town team lost
at Boardman Jan. 30. but won
from Heppner here January 29.
The ladies of the Catholic
church held a food sale at
! Swanson's store Saturday and
;took in S2S. They also "raffled
off a pair of pillow cases which
'brought S-13. Mrs. E. E. Gonty
! of Heppner won the pillow slips,
i The proceeds went to flic lone
! Memorial Improvement associ
Mr. and Mrs. Ned Carr and
daughters of The Dalles spent
Sunday with Mrs. Carr's mother,
Mrs. Alice Wiles.
Winona Miller, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Newton Miller, is
quite ill in The Dalles hospital.
Lyle (Pinky) Allen has recov-
w - , n lit f T
.12 S
Pittsburgh Paints give best
looking, longest lasting, most
economical results.
Sun-Proof House Paint
"Vitolized Oils" keep it live,
tough, elastic. Lasts indefinitely 1
It's the best paint money can buyl
Priced $15.43
eied fiom his recent illness.
Mr. and Mrs. John Voorhees
it Port ...ml are the parents of a
daughter, Peggy Lou, born Koh.
2 ai lho Emanuel hospital. Mrs.
Voorhees is the former Ruth
l raw ford. Her mother, Mrs.
Wale Crawford, is staying ia
! ortl.md with her.
Wor i w as received of the
Ceath of Clyde Stewart of Pori
1 uui. Feb. 2. Mr- Stewart was
the step father of Arthur Ritch
ie, Mrs. Clifford McCabe and
Mrs. Franklin I.indstrom.
The Ladies Aid met at the
home ot Mrs. Ada Cannon on
Thursday of last week and will
leet Thursday. Feb. 6, at the :
home of Mrs. Mary Swanson.
Janice Lydvigsen received
word of the death of her grand
father. Carl Lydvigsen of West
I'ort. Janice is, also, the grand
i aughter of Rev. and Mrs. R. L.
According to the Oregonian a
marriage license was issued to
m G. Mason and Fern E, Yo
i'um last week. Mr. Mason is
the son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Mrs. Edmond Bristow enter
tained relatives at a birthday
dinner at her home Tuesday,
Jan. 29, in honor of her mother,
Mrs. Ida Grabill.
Guests at the Edmond Bristow
j home last week were Mr. and
' Mrs. Homer Haslam and familv
of Pilot Rock.
i Lowell Clark of Ordnance
'-nent a few riavs with hie nnr.
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Clark,
last week.
Byron Ahalt of King Hill and
Mrs. Hazel Havekost of Summer
ville spent a few days at the
Barnett and Buchanan homes
last week. They were on their
way to their homes from their
I mother's, Mrs. Hannah Ahalt's.
I funeral at Toppenish, .Wash.
ihey are brother and sister of
Mrs. Buchanan, and Mrs. Have
kost is Mrs. Barnett's mother.
It is reported that Janice Gor
don, Ontario, daughter of Matt
Gordon and Mrs. Marjorie Stan
'on has recovered from her ill
ness. Mr. and Mrs. Earl McCabe en
tertained the following guests
at a birthday party Monday
mght in honor of Ernest Me
( ahe: Mr. and Mrs. Howard Eu
banks and daughter, Pete Can
non, Melvin Brady, Mary Jean
(Continued from Front
s the.
Wallhide for Interiors
Easy to apply makes possible one-
day painting durable washable! ,
Gallon $'5.01
Waterspar for New
Beauty I
Quick-drying enamel gives wood
work and furniture new beauty.
Easy to put on. Resists marrinjj.
Cleans easily. j
Get Your FREE Copy
Pittsburgh's COLOR DYNAM
ICS transforms your home Into a
brighter place in which to live. Our
new booklet quickly explains how
and why. Come in for your copy
today. It's FREE I
Heppner Hardware
& Eectric
Lei Me
about your
Income Tax Reports
Walter Barger
Public Accountant
Office on Mezzanine Floor
Heppner, Oregon
Mr. and Mrs. Don Uosnell and
Donna have moxed to Longview,
Wash., where Mr. Gosnell will
be manager of the Jackson
Mam ley Implement company.
They have lived in Lexington
three years. Mr. Gosnell was
employed lu-re by the Jackson
Implement company.
Mrs. Bert Breeding has start
ed a 4 H clothing club I with
Mis. Alonzo Henderson as her
assistant They had their first
meeting Friday alter school at
Mrs. Breeding's home. The mem
bers are Pat McMillan, Ramona
Hicks, Yvonne Breeding, Betty
Lou Messenger, Jo Anne Breed
ing, Deanna Steagall, Ailecn
Breeding, Shirley Hunt and Do
riS Grant
Don't forget our local band
concert Sunday afternoon, Feb.
lb. Come early and come hun
gry because the P-TX is spon
soring a dinner from 1 until
2:30. Prices are very reasonable,
only 75 cents for adults and 40
cents for children. That not on
ly buys you a wonderful meal
but entitles you to hear the
band concert which begins at 3
A farewell party was given
Donna Gosnell last Thursday
evening by the Camp F'ire Girls.
Hostesses were Mrs. Cecil Jones
and Mrs. Alonzo Henderson.
The evening was spent playing
games, each girl receiving two
prizes. Refreshments of pineap
ple salad and gingerbread with
whipped cream were served.
Donna was presented with an
autograph album in which was
a picture of each girl and an
accompanying verse.
Mrs. Jack Forsythe and Mrs.
Herman Green drove, to Pendle
ton Tuesday.
ine 4-H woodworking club
met Wednesday at the leader's,
Mrs. Alonzo Henderson's, home.
The members are Asa Way, Bob
and Bill Steagall, Clare Hunt
and Denny McMillan.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jackson
made a business trip, to Walla
Walla Saturday.
Friday evening lone and Lex
ington played basketball here.
There were two games with both
the grade school and high school
teams playing, lone won both
games. The high school score
was 30-13, and the grade school,
18-16. Friday, both Lexington
teams will go to Heppner to
Herman Wallace and Walt
Wallace were called to Hub
bard Tuesday by the death of
their father, Sam G. Wallace.
Ihey attended the funeral there
Friday and returned home Saturday.
The Bluebirds club met at the
home of their leader, Mrs. Elbert
Morcland, Monday afternoon.
This is a junior branch of the
lamp Fire Girls for ages seven
io twelve.
Mrs. Harry Dinges was in
Grants Pass for two weeks vis
iting her daughter and son-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Acklin,
; nd family. Mr. Dinges went
down Saturday for a short visit
and they returned home Monday.
Dr. J. P. Stewart, Eye-sight Spe
cialist formerly of Pendleton
will be at the HEPPNER HOTEL
en SUNDAY, Feb. 16. Hours 10 a.
m. to 5 p. m. 46-47c
Holy communion, 8 a.m.
Church school, 9:45 a.m.
Morning prayer, 11 a.m.
No communion on Wednesday-
as vicar's away at Bend.
J. Palmer Sorlein, Minister
Morning worship service with
the Rev. Carl Smith of The Dal
les as the guest speaker. The
choir will sing; Mrs. Thomas
Wells, director. Sunday morn-
Thursday choir practice at 7 of Union came Monday to at
tend Hie Sillf "I lumminui
equipment at Ordnance and also
to visit their Dromcr-in-iaw ami
(Continued from Front Page)
their guests over Monday night
Mrs. Root's sister, Mrs. Al Ma
comber and son Dale of Spray.
Tuesday Mrs. Root accompanied
them to Pendleton for the day.
The Macojnbers returned home
that evening. While in Pendle
ton Dale found employment at
the Little Airfield and will re
turn for work Monday.
Tuesday found several local
folk shopping in Pendleton In
cluded among them were Mr.
and Mrs. Elvin Ely and daugh
ter Ilene, Mr. and Mrs. Z. J. Gil
lespie, Mrs. Claud Coats, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Miller and dau
ghter Evelyn.
Monday night the Zombies
motored to Heppner and played
the town team on their floor.
The Zombies came home carry
ing the honors, score 45-31.
Tuesday night the Yellow Jack
ets played the Umatilla boys on
the local floor and were defeat
ed by a score of 33 to 32.
Misses Frances Foster and
iVadas Koonst were dinner guests
at the E. T. Messenger home
sister. Mr.
and Mrs. Nathan
ing at 11 a.m.
Sunday church school at. 9:45 Tuesday evening.
a.m. Classes for all ages. Lawrence and Charles Smith
Lexington I.O.O.F.
for Camp Fire Girls
ELY'S Orchestra
Show Starts at T :3C MatinMS Evtty Sunday, 1 p. nv I p m-
In compliance with the Federal Tex Requirement Children'! AdmlMlon apply
only to those under the liral age of 12.
Selected Short Subjects With JJ1 Programa
Program Snhjeet to Change Watch local newspaper for weekly announcement
PBL-SAT., Feb. 7-8
Eddie Dean sink's and fights his way through
a western drama, photographed in Clnecolor.
The Last Crooked Mile
Donald Barry, Ann Savage, Adela Mara, John
This melodrama for the armchair sleuths has
been given a brisk pare touched off by clever
flashes of diulogue.
SUN.-MON., Feb. 9-10
Two Years Before the Mast
Alsux Ladd, Brian Donlevy, William Bendlx,
Barry Fitzgerald
A rjp-roarins, he-man sph saca . . . the first
screen versum of Richard Henry Dana'i story
that has thrilled the world fur 1UU years.
Carole L an dig, Gecrge Sanders, SiRn Hao.
Akiin Tamlrulf, lma Kruger
This lavishly nvuintpd offering mingles laugh'
and su.spenwe effectively.
Also "Feminine ClaeV portraying the sporting
form of Mitut America by four leading Wumen'i
WED.-THUBS., Feb. 12-13
Three Wise Fools
Margaret O'Brien, Lionel Barrymore, Lewis
Stone, Edward Arnold, Thomas Mitchell, Ray
Collin , Jane Darwell
The star ynu djHcovered with your own heart
. . . ami an elegant ra,st ... In John McDertnott's
story of the little Irish girl who hrutiKht mm
fUinc into the lives of three hard-bitten bachelors.
V. F. V.
8 P. M., MONDAY, FEB. 10
I.O.O.F. Diring Room
All veterans ured to attend. Urgent
business to be transacted.
3 a : QCiive CANDY to
If vniir Vnlpntino hfro n
u.v yj, i i " - - -
Jjf '''"eet tooth... she'll love a
'Wf box of our luscious candy
UTA I'hVk K'i a gift. Always delicious.
You'll get a lot of fun by sending VALENTINES to
those you like as well as those you love. . .
Lacy ones, modern ones, plain and dignified ones...
ore all featured in our collection.
Humphreys Drug Co.
Bristow and Laurel Palmateer.
Bert Scouten of Heppner and
Henry Baker left Pendleton Sun
day morning by plane for Wash
ington, D. C, and word was re
ceived that they landed there
Monday morning.
Taken from lone Independent,
Feb. 9, 1923: "It will be a sur
prise to many of our readers to
learn that Omar Rietmann, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rietmann,
was married to Miss Elaine Free
land at Ashland, Dec. 17, 1922.
The bride is a most charming
young woman who once lived in
Heppner where her father was
a bank cashier. She is a student
at O. A. C. and will graduate
next June before taking up her
household duties. Omar or
'Dutch' as he is known to every
one in this section of the state,
is one of this county's largest
and most successful ranchers, a
finished baseball player, and a
prince of good fellows. The
happy couple spent a short hon
eymoon in southern California."
gazette times
The Heppjier Gazette, established
March 30, 1883. The Heppner
Times, established November
18, 1897. Consolidated Feb. 15,
Published every Thursday and
entered at the Post Office at
Heppner, Oregon, as second
class matter.
Subscription price, $2.50 a year;
single Copies 10c.
Publisher and Editor
has been recently
purchased for any
type of
Cemetery Lettering
We do not have to
remove your mem
orial from cemetery
to be lettered.
Monuments &
The Dalles Marble
& Granite Works
We invite yoa to enjoy our COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE
SERVICE for all makes of cars and trucks. Our service depart
ment ia a "miniature automobile factory" so to speak . . . where
you can get anything from a wash job to a complete rebuilding
job, without worry or care. EVERYTHING THAT IS BEST
Yei, we know how to completely lubricate
your car, and have the right kind of
equipment and specialized lubricant! to
do a thorough job. Don't neglect having
your car lubricated at proper in terra la
and th old oil changed regularly. It la
the best "long life" insurance that yoa
can have for your car.
Proper Brake Acquitment and wheej
alignment ia o important' not only lot
SAFETY . . . but alio wear and tear on
car and tirei. Faulty brake! causa aerl
oua accidenta . . . and it'a not aafe to
drive a car if brakea are not workmf
nt x:- n ijmi r 'MI4IM
VII I ITiK-agi-Sff n
-V I
The coat ot a motor tuna-up la alifht
compared to the pleaaura and economy
that It itivee you ia the operation of your
car. We alio initall new rlnca, new
piitoni or rebuild your motor If neceiaary.
A lot of grief can be caused by Radiatora
all being atopped up. They ahould be
cleaned out thoroughly before you put in
ANTI-FRKEZE. Ilatteriea need water
and looking after too.
Rotate Tlrea for longer wear. Be aura to
have breakt and holea In the caiinga vul
canized and repaired. We handle NEW
TIRES and are glad to take care of all
your tire troublea.
Transmission, Clutch
And Rear Axle
When you hear a grinding noise be aura
to have it looked after rinht nway. Or a
alipping clutch may mean a BIQ REPAIR
BILL if not looked nftcr.
Hodge (Chevsroleft Go,