Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, February 06, 1947, Page 4, Image 4

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    4-Heppner Gozette Times, Heppner, Oregon, February 6, 1947
Doily Streamliner
Service Starts Feb.
15 on Union Pacific
Floyd Tollcsnn, local aprnt.
hn rev-rived official notification
from President C. F. Ash by that
daily streamliner service be
tween Portland and Chicago will
be inaugurated by I'nion Paci
fic railroad on February 15.
"Union Pacific," said Mr. Ash
by, "was the first railroad to
provide streamliner service to
Portland and the Tacific north
west and now it will be the first
to place this service on a daily
The Streamliner, Mr. Ashby
said, will leave Fcrtland every
day at 5:30 p.m. and reach Chi
cago the second day at 1:10 p.
m. in ample time to make all
important eastern train connec
tions. Westbound the Stream
liner v il liv.v p C., ..-:' -I p.:;;.
and arrlv e in Port '.and at S c'
ciiM k 1) c . . '",.i r.:-. : !:: :,
'St ri i:: i' c. 'y'y '. srr o
the nv;r ..r.7 j-u! ic" s.iij Mr.
Ashby. Tr.:..:i 1' . ::. V. - c ;
:rrr.y i:s s::i.:":i-
er sMlir.f. ,.s well cs kecpir.c
pace v ith c j:v-.vr.t l e.is .is
fast as new an.! i .-.-proved
equipment Nvvtrr.o ;i..;:..r;e.
"Thc.-c strr.vtr.'.inors will give
to Portland the fi-.est r.:id t.--est
re.cul.ir daily train service
hitherto aivotf.piished between
Chicapo and Portland, and with
out extra fare.
"Fach streamliner between
Portland ami CkkuiM will offer
sleeping car aocvtr.t-'.Oih-tions in
cluding drawing rootr.s. cvr,
partiv.ents. bedrooms, roomettes,
and berths and wili nisi have
reserved e;t ac.Mtn.r.iodations
in co.iehs of the tv.c-st medorn
desi.cn with rcv'inir.jT seats and
other facilities."
(As a service- to veterans in the
community, this newspaper will
pub!ih a weekly column of news
briefs from the Veterans Adminis
, tration. For further information,
; veterans should contact or write
i their nearest VA contact office at
j U. S. Nafl Bank Bldg, Rooms 11
i and 12. 157 S. Main St., Pendleton.)
immn'axa&fsszivz - .v-t'-tst?:--- -
i Veterans who received ovcr
; payment of subsistance allow-
.itioes will be able to repay the
government without undue
hardship, the Veterans Adminis-
tration announces,
j Instructions to that effect
jhavo been sent to all VA field
; offices. In addition, any veter
an whose subsistence allowance
has been suspended to balance
i prior overpavments, and who
I can show resultant hardship,
jmay apply for readjustment at
ihis VA regional office.
The overpayments resulted
! from wage ceilings for veteran
: trainees established by the last
i congress and which provided
, that combined earnings and sub
sistence could not exceed $200
i for married veterans. S105 for
I single veterans. Each trainee is
: required to report earnings ev
!ery three months to the VA.
; Veterans who rceived overpay-
men! of subsistence were warn
j ed. however, that they would be
irenuired to remit all such am
; o. mts to t:ie government.
Q. I hav two dependent chil
i (iron. I am a World War I vet
eran and would like to know if
I can get a nonservice-connect-
ed pension?
i A. If you believe you are per
!rtt;inent!y and totally disabled,
i you should contact the veter
ans administration regional of
, rice having jurisdiction over
'your ."''dress and forward to
that VA Form S-426b. (obtain
: able at the nearest VA contact
i office' toiTother with evidence of
your condition.
Compensation to widows and
Description Monthly pay
ments. Widow alone, S60; wid
ow and one child. $78; each ad
ditional child, $15.60; no wddow
but one child, $30; 2 children,
S l.v6ti; oaoh additicnal child,
$12. '-
Kequirements Veteran must
lave served during war period
and died in service or been dis
charged under conditions other
than dishonorable. Death after
discharge caused by service-connected
disability. Widow must
have been married to veteran
within ten years after termina
tion of war. Widow's payment
stops if she remarries. Payments
to children continue while they
are under IS. or longer under
certain conditions.
Compensation to dependent
Description Monthly pay
ments. Mother and father, $30
each. Mother or father, $54.
Kequirements Veteran must
have served during war period
and died in service or been dis
charged under conditions other
than dishonorable. Death after
discharge caused by service-connected
disability. Dependency
of parents must be established.
(Note: This is the second in
a series of brief summaries of
benefits administered by the VA
under various laws for World
War II veterans, their depend
ents and beneficiaries. We sug
gest that it may be useful to
clip this portion of the column
for future reference. Next week,
we will cover Pensions to Vet
erans, Widows and Children.)
The junior-intermediate Chris
tian Endeavor society of the
Church of Christ is having a
Valentine party Friday evening,
Feb. 14. at 7:30. in the church
basement. Billy Hughes is
chairman of the recreation com
mittee. All members and those
interested in the society are in
vited. There will also be a bus
iness meeting.
At 6:30 Sunday evening, Feb.
16, the junior-intermediate C. E.
society of the Church of Christ
is having a special meeting. The
center of attraction will be a
large cake, which will be cut
and served at the close of the
Mrs, Nellie Anderson is in
Portland this week on a buying
trip for the Anderson & Wilson
Women's Apparel shop. While
in Portland, Mrs. Anderson will
meet her daughter, Mrs. Willis
Roller, who is flying from Oak
land, Calif., who will accompany
her mother to Heppner for an
extended visit.
J'' When Cupid lets his arrows fly, filtk.
is j;. His daris can' help but stick;
And prove to her that you're
. : the guy, P3f
'j ' ' If flowers are sent to do the
i -
YES. whila the cost o! some
commodities has gone up
100 or more, the prices of
Firestone Do Luxe Champions
average only 9.1 above 1941.
And they are better in quality
end in value than pre-war tires.
Right now. when winter
weather makes driving more
difficult, when accidents caused
by unsafe tires are Increasing,
equip your car wilh a set of new
Firestone De Luxe Champions,
the safest and longest-wearing
tires ever builtl
Only 9.1 Increase
Over ftp -War Priceil
Mm prkt
3.30.6.... $14.33
6.00-16 16.10
6.30-15 19.05
6.256.50-16 19.55
7.00-15 21.60
7.00-16 22.15
f r
Valentine Specials for Feb. 13-14
Special Reductions on Mixed Bouquets
and Potted Plants
The Flower Shop
j cs!;ed for iljtJR
Grandma will tell you that PEARL OIL was a kcroiene
leader in her d.15 just as it is now. It doesn't give off smoke,
soot or gases that might smell up rooms. It gives more heat
with bright steady flame that won't creep up to scorch piel,
cakes. And ITARL OIL is jmreh all burns no wast I
I se it in all your kerosene appliances.
Phone 622
Heppner, Oregon
m erica m,
ill welcome the
1 1 I r
See it and you see
now made even bisser-looldns, even better-looking
even more beautiful and desirable in every way
Today, we and all other Chevrolet dealers are displaying the newest
creation of America's largest producer of automobiles the new Chevrolet
for 1947 offering you an even greater measure of BIG-CAR QUALITY
See it and you will agree that it's the higst-hekmg and best-looking Chev
rolet ever built. It's more beautiful in every way, both inside and out. It's
designed to out-style, out-value, out-save all other cars in its field. And above
all, it reveals that sterling Big-Car quality in every phase and feature, in
every part and pound of material which buyers agree is exclusive to
Chevrolet in its price range. Yet here's the lowest-priced line in its field!
Make it a point to see this newest Chevrolet at our showroom today!
dlgje IhewIleft (So
to our friends and
NEIGHBORS of Morrow County:
After 12 years of pleasant business relations with
you it is not easy to announce our retirement from the
commercial life of the county. Nevertheless, it is an
obligation that must be met and we wish to tell you that
the business of the Jackson Implement Company has
been sold to Mr. Mervin Leonard of Walla Walla, Wash.,
who assumed the management on February 1 .
It is not the intention of the Jackson family to leave
Morrow county. We have other interests to claim our
time and we hope to be counted among you for many
years to come. This is the land of opportunity and it is
our desire to participate in the development of the rich
agricultural possibilities.
In parting, let us speak a word in behalf of our suc
cessor. You will find him fully qualified to carry on the
International sales and service as he comes from a man
agerial position with one of the larger International
houses of the Inland Empire. Your continued patronage
will be deeply appreciated.
Sincerely yours,
By Ralph Jackson
Your Firestone Dealer
-VW'Wr .Jl. I.,II.HW.H1!