LJ u U U 3 r-J w w r'JBLIC AUDITORIUM PORTLAND, ORE Heppner Gazette Times Hepppner, Oregon, Thursday, February 6, 1947 Volume 63, Number 46 French Reviews! The Legislature ji By GILES FRENCH Rep. 22nd District The third week of the legisla ture resulted in little action, at least apparent action. Most of the bills are in or are in process of being written, so they are be ing discussed. The tax program so far re volves around the proposals of the state tax study commission and except for a sales tax,. which is being written, and one or two minor measures it is the only program before the legislators. Whether it will be adopted or not cannot be foretold as the committees are now getting ac quainted with the provisions. Hearings started the first of the week, the first bill to be consid ered being the resolution for a popular vote on changes, in "the six per cent limitation. The tax commission suggested thai the constitution be amend ed to make certain that the lim itation applied' only to property taxes and to permit municipal bodies to establish a new tax base by a vote of the people. Further hearings are being held on the basic school bill dis tribution bill, which has had a hard week. Portland school board members and taxpayers discovered, belatedly, that the bill will multiply their tax prob lems. Had they known as much last November, there would have been no bill at all. In reality Portland can hardly get along with the amount it would get under the basic bill now under discussion. Portland's tax levy for schools is not high, be ing 10.9 mills, smaller than many districts up-state. The district has not made full use of its six per cent increase each year and has trouble get ting enough money. Voters there generally defeat any special tax levies and the school population is much greater than it was before the influx of workers from the east and south. As it stands at this writing it seems unlikely that the bill would pass in its present form. There are many things about it that are Incompletely worked out and it definitely gives the bigger schools a break in some things. Any employee who must have a teacher's certificate is considered a teacher, which would include those who teach kindergarten, adult classes, night classes and so forth, none of which the small schools can have. Little progress has been made on the budget, that is little that shows up. The ways and means sub committees are working ev ery day and when their final re ports are in and the entire com mittee gets them added up something will begin to Jell. Band Invited to Play February 27 At Echo Tourney Heppner's school band has been invited to play during the district basketball tourney at Echo and has been scheduled for the evening of February 27, states Billy Cochell, director. In vitations have been extended to all school bands of the district to play on different evenings. Not only will the band go to Echo, but the newly organized team of baton twirlers will be Introduced to the tournament audience. Both organizations are working faithfully ' to be able to give a good account of themselves. Both band and twirlers club will perform this Friday eve ning at the basketball game be tween Heppner and Lexington. The organizations will put on a special drill at half time. Donations for the band uni form fund amount to $175 to date. Of this the fire depart ment Rave $100, the Rebekah lodge $15 and private contribu tions total $70. News Briefs MrsT Edwin Bucknum return ed Thursday night from Los An geles where she went the pre vious :: turday to attend her son's wedding. She returned two ('.. ys ahead of her original plans. On the trip south the plane from Pendleton was rout ed via Salt Lake instead of Portland due to weather condi tions. It was rough going but Mrs. Bucknum says she didn't perform any differently to the rest of the passengers and some of the crew members. The trip home was made under dif ferent conditions and her faith In air travel was restored. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Leathers and son of Kinzua were in Hep- pner Monday to attend the fu neral of Mr. Leathers' brother, "Mit" Leathers. The Altar society of St. Pat rick's Catholic church, will have a card and bingo parly in the parish hall Tuesday evening, Feb. 11. The party will start at 8 o'clock. Many Youngsters Given Awards at Achievement Party 4-H. Clubs Show Progress in Work During Past Year Activities of 4-H club young sters during the past year were recognized Saturday " evening during the annual achievement party held at the Lexington grange hall. First year pins, second year cards, third year pins, fifth and sixth year pins were awarded and one girl, Jo Anne Graves, received a gold pin for completing nine years of 4-H club work. A polluck dinner opened the party at 6:30 p.m. It being the young people's own affair they were fed first. When 'the de mands of the inner man had been met everybody assembled in the grange hall where the 4-H'ers did most of the enter taining. The beef club group sprang a surprise by introduc ing an orchestra made up of the club's members and assisted by Mr. Nelson, music supervisor of the lone school, and Mrs. Mark ham Baken at the piano. The group played several numbers. Later, the Baker brothers, Ron ald and Duane, played two num bers, Duane soloing on clarinet and Ronald accompanying on the piano. A group of lone club girls sang a song learned at the 411 summer school at Corvallis. Cal Monroe, former Gilliam county agent and now assistant state club leader, was the speak er of the evening and three films of 4-H summer school life were shown in addition to one film on soil erosion and what is being done about it. Miss Katherine Monahan, the home demonstration agent, and Nelson Anderson, county agri cultural agent, made awards to the following 4-H club members: First year pins Walter Ger ard, Clair Hunt, Sally McLough- lin, Yvonne Breeding, Ins Bloodsworth, Larry Lindsey, Ter ry McLoughlin, Florence Schoon over, Dianna Steagall, Patricia McMillan of Lexington; Patsy Albert, Bernice Huston, Glenda Davidson, Wanda Hodge, Bever ly Burnside, Dorothy Snow, Ro bert Buschke, Jerry Buschke, Nancy Eberhardt, Eleanor Rice, Dorothy French, Beth Ball, Har riet Isom of Heppner; Eileen Biddle of lone; Donald Dweak and Jack Smith of Irrigon; Jan et Wright and Rita McDaniel of Hardman; Ronald Baker, lone; Duane Baker, lone; Allen Hugh es. Heppner; James Wightman, Heppner; Pat Cutsforth, Lexing ton. A list of awards will be pub lished next week. LEATHERS FOLK GUESTS AT CARMICHAEL HOME At the C. C. Carmichacl home the first of the week were many out-of-town guests here for the funeral of Eugene Milton Leath ers. From Vancouver were Mrs. N. H. Leathers, Mrs. Elden Em ery, Mrs.. Joy Lund and Otto Leathers. Mr. and Mrs. Ladd Sherman and daughters came from Hermiston and Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Eubanks from Ar lington. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Leathers and son Junior came from Kinzua. Here from Port land is Vernon Leathers. Veterans Urged to Claim Exemptions Veterans having 40 percent or more disability rating are en titled to $1000 exemption on their property taxes. The same ruling applies to widows of vet erans, this newspaper has been informed. Veterans' organizations are urging all ex-GI's qualifying under the ruling to secure ap plication blanks, fill them out and turn them in at the asses sor's office prior to April 30. The county assessor's office has the blanks. Around Town Mr. and Mrs. John Brosnan returned early last week from a vacation trip which took them to Tucson, Ariz., home of Mrs. Brosnan's sister, Mrs. Zilpha Cor ral. They left homo December 19. spending seven weeks in tne south seeing many sights and looking up old friends. Ort the return trip two days were spent with Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Well meyer at Vista, Calif., nnd on the way south they spent two days with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fleet at their home In Klamath Falls. The Fleets formerly llv od here, Mrs. Fleet being the former Margaret Wlnnard. Mr. Fleet was at one time employed at the Humphreys Drug com pany. The trip south was made over highway 97 and the return by 101, the coast highway. John reports that ho picked his first orange on this trip. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace D. El dred of Mosler, parents of Mrs Wlllard Warren, spent the week end at the Warren home In Heppner. COSTS REAL MONET TO MAIL A LETTER IN CHINA Stamps cost dollars lots of 'em in China. No three cents or anything like that will get a piece of mail into the postoffice. Eddie Chinn has been receiv ing some letters from the old country and the postage bill would be stupendous if Chinese dollars rated the value of Am erican dollars (albeit- the letter don't rate so much any more). One letter required $300 to mail, another $400 and the third now hold your breath $1800. The force at the local postof fice is trying to figure the dis crepancy in the first class mail rates, inasmuch as the letters were practically the same weight and all sealed. Site for County Fair Offered By lone City Council While not making an open bid, the town fathers of lone have assured the county court that they will provide a site if the court and the to-be-appoint ed county fair board should de cide to establish the fair grounds outside of Heppner. Following the stalemate reached between the court and the city of Heppner last fall, the Morrow county farm bureau, in terested in seeing a county fair inaugurated in 1947, asked other communities what they could and would do towards providing sites. lone responded with an offer of suitable ground within the limits of the town. In addi tion the mayor and council as sured the county court that they would cooperate in every way possible to make the project a success. The lone council's letter was read at the meeting of the farm bureau in the Willows grange hall Monday evening. Ther was some discussion which brought out the point that if Heppner is not interested or if Heppner and the county court can't get together on their much discuss ed trade, a move should be made to locate the fair else where. Tom Wilson, director of the Heppner Soil Conservation ser vice district was the featured speaker at the farm bureau meeting. He gave a most en lightening word picture of the causes for conservation prac tices and with the aid of pic ture slides revealed many glar ing samples of sou erosion in our own county. Showing what the older countries of the world are doing and have been doing for ages to combat soil erosion, Mr. Wilson displayed pictures he took while stationed in Ger many two years ago. The views not only revealed beautiful farm country but graphically de picted the type of farming which has proved successful in combatting erosion. As a summary to the first pail of his talk, Mr. Wilson stated that this country's road back from Pearl Harbor is as nothing compared to the long road back in rebuilding our topsoil, with out which we cannot survive. The ladies of the farm bu reau served lunch at 9:30, fol lowing which a business session was held. The bureau passed a resolution supporting House Bill 176 and another seeking to have airplane owners pay a gasoline tax rather than a direct tax on the machines. Marshall Swearingen, execu tive secretary of the Oregon Farm Bureau federation, and W. A. McClintock, Umatilla county rancher, responded to introduc tions by making talks. McClin tock told of some phases of the work done at the national farm bureau convention in San Fran cisco, reports on which were given by George Peck and Or ville Cutsforth. Swearingen making his first appearance In the county in his official capa city, made a pep talk on mem bership and the objectives of the federation. The evening's program open ed with several numbers by the lone school band and the glee i 1..L 11UU, An Invitation from the Goose berry people for the bureau to meet in the parish hall of Val by church was accepted. The meeting will be held the first Monday In April. NOT TOO LATE TO REMIT FOR CHRISTMAS SEALS It Is not too late to remit for Christmas seals, according to Mrs. Oscar Ripioe, seal sale chairman. Those having seal; for which the money has not been sent in should do so with out further delay, she urges. Remittances should be made to Mrs. Harley Anderson, treas urer of Morrow County Public Health association, Heppner. Mr. and Mrs. Al Fetch and family are moving from the Cliff Dougherty ranch near Lex ington to Mr. Dougherty's Sand Hollow ranch, known as the B;vrratt place. Their son, Larry will stay at Mrs. Allyn's and finish this year of school here Mr. and Mrs. Ed Acton of Echo will move on to the ranch vacat ed by the Fetch's. lone and Heppner In lie for Little Wheat League Lead Improved Cardinals Stop Mustangs at lone 23 to 18 By Bob Mollahan Little Wheat League Standings Won Lost Pet lone 5 Heppner 5 Boardman 3 Umatilla 2 Lexington 1 Irrigon 0 .833 .833 .600 .400 .200 .000 As a result of their 23-18 tri umph over the Heppner Mus tangs Tuesday Coach Francis Ely's hard-driving, much-improved Cardinals of lone high school are now tied with the Mustangs for the No. 1 spot in Little Wheat League standings. Since there are but four con ference games apiece left they will be crucial ones in the race for the title. February 7, Friday, Heppner plays Lexington at Heppner and the 11th, the following Tuesday, the Mustangs travel to Umatilla. Last Friday the HHS varsity crew unleashed a pulverizing scoring attack in the opening half and then staved off the Boardman Yellow Jackets' as sault in the final half to ring up a 23-19 victory at boardman. This win marked the Heppner outfit's twelfth triumph out of 13 starts so far this season. The score: Heppner (23) (19) Boardman Mollahan 7 f 4 Brower Greenup 9 f 8 Jones Parrish 4 c 7 Carlson Corwin g Beaver Padberg 1 g Carpenter Substitutes for Heppner: L. Rippee, D. Rippee 2; Boardman: Robertson, Ball. The Colts defeated the Board- man B squad 29-25, coming back in the final period drive fter trailing jor three quarters. Kenny Schunk, Bud Peck, Bob Bennett scored 12, 8 and 6 points respectively for Heppner. The lone lineup: Heppner (18) (23) lone Mollahan 2 f 8 Drake Greenup 3 f 3 Xtoherty Parrish 5 c 4 Bergstrom Padberg 5 g 6 Ball Corwin g 2 Rietmann Heppner substitutes: L. Rip pee 3, D. Rippee. Man Injured When Car Leaves Highway wayne u. Lewis ot The Dalles suffered several fractured ribs and injury to one foot Monday morning when his car upset a short distance south of Jordan. Lewis was enroute to Heppner hen the accident happened. A short distance this side of driveway into the Clel Rae place Lewis took his eye off the road for an instant only to find the car leaving the road. Due to the soft shoulder of the highway he lost control of the car, resulting in injuries to himself and ser ious damage to the car. Lewis is milk inspector for the state department of agricul ture and was on a routine in spection trip to this section of is territory. He was brought to the Heppner hotel where ris injuries were taken care of. An other department car came for him this morning to remove him to his home in The Dalles. BOARDMAN . . The final meeting of the Ad ult Home Economics class is scheduled for Thursday, Feb. 6. At this time there will be a style show of finished dresses and some instruction on the care of clothing. Mrs. Grace Tyler came from Portland Tuesday and was call ing on friends, returning home on Saturday. Her daughter Hil ma Lee came up on Saturday to attend the "March of Dimes" dance, going on to Kinzua to spend a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Alan Billings. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Billings were also here to attend the 'March of Dimes dance Satur day. They were at the Dewey West home. Mrs. Root, the local commit tee chairman reports $219.90 for the "March of Dimes" from this district. This is much more than could be reported last year. Mrs. Adeline Baker and sons Harold and Willard and his fa mily were shopping in Walla Walla Saturday. Mrs. Mabel Montgomery, a grade teacher spent the week end in Prosser, Wash, with her daughter and family. An 8-pound son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Cropper Sunday, Feb. 2 at the Walla Walla hospital. Mother and son are reported to be doing nicely This is the third child for the Croppers. Monday night a miscellane ous shower was given at the grange hall for Mr. Reese whoso house and all Its contents burn ed Tuesday of last week. Mr Reese received many useful gifts which will aid him in set ting up housekeeping again. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Root had as Continued on page 8 Fire Department Aids Uniform Fund The Heppner Volunteer Fire department started the ball rolling for new uniforms for the Heppner school band this week by donating $100 to the cause. This is the first donation receiv ed from an organization and it is expected that other groups will follow suit with various amounts. Fire Chief Blain Isom stated that the gift is more meritorious when it is remembered that the fire department has no source of revenue other than through entertainments or dances and and that nothing has been done to augment the finances of the firemen since Christmas time 1942. GOOSEBERRY SECTION HAS 1-10 INCHES RAINFALL Moisture in January 1947 was 25 of an inch better than in the same month 1946, ac- Coding to Leonard Carlson, co operative weather observer for the Gooseberry section. In 1946 precipitation amounted to .85 of an inch while in 1947 a total of 1.10 inches was recorded at the Carlson station. January 12 one inch of snow fell and on the 13th three inches fell, making a total of four inches of the beatuiful which had disappeared by the 16th. Heaviest rainfall was Jan. 13 with .25 and lightest was the 10th with .06. o Money Still Coming In For Polio Fund Last week. Francis Nickerson had arrived at a state where he was willing to place himself in the mediocre class as a fund campaign manager. The polio drive was over and he was far from his goal. He just knew that the quota he had set would mg ones would say, "that Nick not be filled and that the know isn't so hot when it comes to raising money." He was not talking in such vein this week, and although he could not release final figures he admitted that he is sleeping well at nights and that his ap petite has been restored to nor maland that's saying quite a lot, (the appetite, that is). "Nick" wishes to call to the attention of late donors the fin al date of the polio campaign. While the official closing date wss Jan. 30, there is still time to turn in contributions before the books on the 1947 campaign close. His final report and re mittance to the National Foun dation for Infantile Paralysis go in eb. 15. Robinson-Kenny Vows Taken Friday A high school romance started when the contracting parties were students of Heppner high school several years ago was culminated Friday morning when Miss Betty Robinson and Emmet Kenny took the marriage vows at St. Patrick's Catholic church in Heppner. The service was held at 10 o'clock, with Rev. Francis McComack officiat ing. The bride, granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Shannon, wore an aqua suit with black accessories. She was attended by the groom's sister, Miss Pat ircia Kenny, who wore a brown suit. The bride's corsage was pink and white gardenias and the bridesmaid's was white gar denias. The altar was banked with pink carnations. White candles were used. The bridegroom was attended by his cousin, Jack Healy. Mrs. Eddie Kenny of Pendleton play ed the wedding music and Billy Kenny, brother of the groom, sang Ave Maria. The bride was given in mar riage by Tom Wells. Only im mediate families were present. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wells served wedding breakfast at their home following the ceremony. The newlyweds are honey mooning in Spokane and will probably make their home in The Dalles where Mr. Kenny is employed by the Pacific Tele phone and Telegraph company. Mr. Kenny, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Kenny of Heppner served three years in the arm ed forces. Mrs. Kenny has been employed the past five years at the plant of the Certainteed Products company, Richmond. California. Both arc graduates of Heppner high school. o Forester's Sister Morse's Secretary Joe Gjertson, assistant rang er in the Heppner forest area. has a pass to the United States senate and he's not too sure he will get to use It. As a matter of fact, he is Inclined to con sider the card more In the na ture of a souvenir, but at least he can show it to his friends and say he could attend a sen ate session or two if he wished. The truth is that Gjorson's sister is a secretary In the office of Senator Wayne Morse and she wanted the big brother to know- that she could do a little wire pulling on her own account In Confusion on the Potomac," Final Rites For Dr. Lawrence Held Sunday Afternoon Capacity of Elks Hall Taxed With Sorrowing Friends A crowd of sorrowing friends that taxed the capacity of the Elks hall gathered Sunday af ternoon to pay a final tribute to the memory of Dr. Richard C. Lawrence, whose death resulted from an accident on the Ever green highway a few miles from Washougal, Wash., Thurs day, Jan. 30. The Elks funeral service was used, with Rev. Francis McCormack reading the scripture passage and deliver ing the eulogy. Miss Marguerite Glavey sang an Ave Maria, ac companied by Mrs. C. C. Car- michael. Interment followed in the Heppner Masonic cemetery where the American Legion graveside service was used. Richard Curtis Lawrence was born Nov. 27, 1902, at Pendle ton, the son of Richard Curtis and Ada Carter Lawrence. He attended grade and high school in Pendleton and spent one year at Washington State college, Pulman, going from there to North Pacific Dental college, Portland, from which he grad uated in 1927 and established a practice in Pendleton the same year. On Dec. 12, 1930 he was married to Isabella Heffern, the ceremony taking place in St. Mary's rectory, Ft. McKenna. Two children were born to this union, Elizabeth Ann, 15 and Tricia Louise, 13, who, with the mother survive. The family moved to Heppner March 17 1934 and Dr. Law rence entered into the fraternal and civic life of the community. Having joined the Officers' Re serve in 1927, he was called to active duty Aug. 4, 1942 and re mained in the service until May 25, 1945 seeing service with the medical corps in the United States and England. He held the rank of captain. He saw much of the bombing and straf ing of England by the Germans. Returning to his home in the lit tle town he loved so well he once more established his den tal practice and at the time of his death was the only dentist here. Wednesday evening, Jan. 29, accompanied by Dr. S. E. Allen of Pendleton, Dr. Lawrence started for Seattle to attend a dental meeting. About seven miles below Washougal, Wash., the car left the roadway and plunged over a high embank ment. The time was given as 1:30 a.m. Dr. Allen, seriously injured but able to extricate himself from the wreckage, found his way to the highway where he was discovered in an unconscious state. Taken to a hospital he rallied sufficiently to tell part of the story and of ficers were directed to the spot where the car containing the lifeless body of Dr. Lawence was found. He was driving when the accident happened and ap parently became drowsy. Leathers Services Held Here Monday Funeral services for Eugene Milton Leathers, who passed away in Bakersfield, Calif., Jan. 29, 1947, were held at the Phelps Funeral Home chapel, Heppner, Monday afternoon. Rev. J. Pal mer Sorlein, pastor of the Meth odist church, officiated. Inter ment was in the I. O. O. F. cem etery at Hardman. Mr. Leathers, familiarly known as "Mit" to his many friends, was 61 at the time of his death. Born in Lawrence burg, Kentucky, the son of Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Leathers, he came to Morrow county at the age of seven. With his parents and two sisters he settled on a farm in Eightmilc. Later they moved to Hardman where Mr. Leathers completed his educa tion in the public schools. On Jan. 28, 1906, he married Golda Ashhaugh and to this un ion three children were born. Mit was an ardent lover of na ture and music, and his friends always found his home a center of musical entertainment. He mastered the violin at an early age, and will long be remember ed by the people who knew him for his individual style. He is survived by a son, Loren F. Leathers, now with the Mer chant Marine service, and s daughter, Mrs. Ladd Sherman of Hermiston. Besides his two children he leaves his mother Mrs. M. H. Leathers of Portland; three brothers, Otto E. Leathers, Vancouver, Wash., Owen Loath ers, Kinzua. Vernon R. Leathers of Portland, and three sisters Mrs. Joy Lund and Mrs. E. Don Emry of Vancouver, and Mrs. C C. Carmichacl of Lexington. CHANGE IN SCHEDULE A change in the schedule of visits by the Veterans Adminis (ration representative has been announced. Hereafter there will be a representative In Heppner on the first and third Tuesday: of each month rather than each week. Graves-Munkers Wedding Event of Sunday Afternoon By Mrs. Clarence Hayes The wedding of Miss Edythe Adele Graves and Mr. Leonard Lee Munkers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Munkers, was solem nized Sunday afternoon in the Congregational church at Lex ington. The ceremony was per formed before a lattice covered with ivy, white stock, and yel low acacia. The bride was given in mar riage by her brother, John Graves. She wore a bright net and lace dress with a fingertip veil. She carried a prayerbook and a" white orchid with a show er of fresia. Mrs. Orville Cutsforth, the bride's sister, was matron of honor. She wore an aqua voile dressed and carried talisman roses. The Misses Jo Anne and Pauline Graves, nieces of the bride, were bridesmaids, wear ing similar dresses of pink and blue net. They carried match ing muffs of blue iris, pink car nations, white gardenias and white and yellow daisies. Kay Yarnell was flower girl in blue net and carried a colonial nose gay. Michael Graves was ring bearer. Joe Way was best man and Vernon Munkers and Archie Munkers, brothers of the bride groom, were ushers. The double ring ceremony was performed by the bride's brother, Rev. Shelby Graves, of the Church of God of Heppner. The bridegroom's mother was attired in a henna suit with black accessories and wore a corsage of white gardenias. Preceding the ceremony, Mrs. Vernon Munkers sang "Because" and "I Love You Truly," accom panied by Miss Louise Hunt, who also played the wedding march. The candles were lighted by Miss Estelle Ledbetter. Immediately following the ceremony a reception was held in the church parlor. Mrs. Elsie Beach cut the cake, and Mrs. LawTence Palmer and Mrs. Dee Cox poured. Assisting about the room were Mrs. Gus McMillan, Mrs. George Allyn, Mrs. Roy Campbell and Mrs. George Peck. Mrs. John Graves and Mrs. George Graves were in charge of the gift table, and Mrs. Ar chie Munkers attended the guest book. After the ceremony the young couple left on a two weeks hon eymoon, destination unknown to others. Mr. and Mrs. Don Gosnell and daughter Donna were called to Elma, Wash., last week by the death of their brother-in-law, Lewie Fezer. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Graves of Bliss, Idaho, were visiting at the Orville Cutsforth and George Graves homes a few days last week. While in this county they also visited John Graves and Shelby Graves in Heppner. From here they were going to Salem and on to California. Edward Hunt, son of Alex Hunt, is taking a course in tel egraphy in Spokane, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jones of Union are spending the winter here with their son and daugh- ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Cecili Jones. The elder Mrs. Jones has not been well and was taken to Heppner one day last week to see the physician. Mrs. George Steagall is a pa tient in the St. Anthony's hos pital in Pendleton. Miss Louise Hunt has joined the choral society of Heppner. She drives up each Monday eve ning with Mrs. Nelson and Mrs. Carmichael who also belong to the society. Tuesday evening, February 2S the Amacetia club met at the home of Mrs. Jack Forsythe. Af ter a short business session, the evening was spent in playing pi nochle. Mrs. Al Fetch won high prize and Mrs. Cliff Yarnell won low. Those present were Mrs. C. C. Carmichael, Mrs. Archie Munkers, Mrs. Ed McFadden, Mrs. Randall Martin, Mrs. Or ville Cutsforth, Mrs. George Graves, Mrs. Ed Grant, Mrs. Ro ger Anderson, Mrs. Al Fetch, Mrs. Cliff Yarnell, Mrs. Clar ence Hayes and Mrs. Jack For- Light Snowfall Worry to Forest Officials Quantities of snow will have to fall in the Blue mountains between now and the first of April if the forest areas are not to be subjected to serious fire conditions during the summer. Not only must there be snow fall but the white blanket must remain on at least until winter officially ends (whenever that is) if the demon fire is to be held In leash during 1947. The present situation definitely has the forest officials worried. Returning from a snow meas uring excursion to Jones prairie the first of the week, Ranger Glen Parsons stated that the snow covering in the mountains would scarcely average more than four inches. On Jones prai rie where measurements ar tak en to ascertain the moisture con Jackson Company Announces Sale of Implement Store Me rvin Leonard of Walla Walla Buys Lexington Plant One of the most important deals in recent years took place at Lexington last week when Mervin Leonard, former mana ger of the White Bros. Imple ment company, Walla Walla, purchased the implement store and machine shops of the Jack son Implement company. Mr. Leonard at the same time ac quired the International Harves ter franchise in the county which has been a substantial part of the Jackson Implement company's operations. The new owner has named his establishment the Lexington Implement company. Ralph Jackson, owner and op erator of the Jackson Implement company, started the business on the 25th of January, 1935, and ran it a few days more than 12 years. He had been a resident of the county for 11 years before entering the business and was thoroughly familiar with the needs of the farmers. The pre sent location of the concern was built in 1943 when a complete and modern line of hardware was installed and an up-to-the- minute machine shop put in. The building is a block long and especial attention was given to arranging and equipping the machine shop for the handling of all kinds of machinery as well as the repair of automo biles and trucks. Jackson has stated that he and his family have no inten tion of leaving Morrow county. He has ranch interests which will occupy his time and besides, as he put it, why leave a section that has done so well by him and which he knows will con tinue to be kind to him. Mr. Leonard took over the management of the concern on February 1. He has been with the White Bros. Implement company for a number of years and is thoroughly familiar with the International line since the Whites have the franchise in the Walla W'alla district Sentence Passed On Wayward Youth Millard Ray Schooley, 20, was sentenced to two years in the Oregon penitentiary Wednesday when the youth appeared before Judge Calvin L. Sweek and pled guilty to a charge of theft of an automobile. Schooley was ar rested following the theft of a car at Boardman, near where he was arrested by state police. He has been in the Morrow county jail several weeks awaiting sen tence. Schooley once served a 12 months term in the Preston school of Industry at lone, Calif., a detention home for wayward youth. It is understood he has a charge of some kind hanging over him in California. o Um,--,-L 1 1 nomemaker UnitS dChClUle MeetinQS The first February home ex tension unit meeting on "Kit chens More Livable'' will be held in Boardman, Tuesday, February 11, 1947. at the Nate Thorpe home by Mrs. Mabel C. Mack, assistant state home de monstration leader of Corvallis. This meeting is scheduled from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. with a potluck lunch at noon. Every homemaker of the Boardman community is invited to attend. The same meeting will be given in Irrigon on Wednesday, Feb. 12, at the A. C. Houghton home from 1:30 to 4 .m. by the home demonstration agent, Ka therine Monahan. Every home maker in the Irrigon community is invited to come. On Thursday. Feb. 13. ail the women of the Heppner commu nity are invited to a potluck luncheon at the Gene Ferguson home at 12 noon. The homem.ik ers are asked to bring cit'irr salad or sandwiches to the Heppner meeting. In Mountains tent, the snow ran in dept'i from 21) to 2S inches, or an averige depth of 25.2 inches. The snow was melting while Parsons and Marvin Bennett of the district office at Pendleton were in the mountains and as much as four inches had run off while they were up there. The foresters are hopeful that February will he a stormy month and thai, while it may be raining In the open country snow will fall in the timbered areas. They not only have the elements to deal with but have to figure how I hoy ran prepare to meet the fire hiird on a curtailed financial budget. Out side of these major worries, the life of a forester Is I'Jsl a howl of cherries, the boy In the ran ger's office admit.