J 1 ghuays To ialth ByADA R. MAYNE OUR MILK homcmaker realizes the C milk in the dally diet )ws that all growing chil eed at least - a quart a 4i'dical research proves that adults also need milk a minimum of a pint a day. If your family frowns on milk as a baby food don't try to force them to drink the milk; if they won't drink it, let them eat it. ly Clerk's Semi-Annual Report, July 1, 946 to Jan. 1, 1947 t General Fund Account Warrants outstanding $ 2,812.86 Total of 354 claims allowed by County Court Warrants issued for above claims 24,143.09 $26,955.95 24,743.36 btal warrants paid by Treasurer $24,738.76 arrants cancelled by County Court 4.60 Seneral Fund Warrants Outstanding $ 2,212.59 I General Road Fund Account Warrants outstanding .$ 53.31 etal of 114 claims allowed by County Court Warrants issued for above claims 11,936.32 I . L $11,989.63 Jfotal warrants paid by Treasurer 8,925.27 $ 2,956.43 .. 40,647.61 Jeneral Road Fund Warrants Outstanding $ 3,064.36 i Road Sinking Fund warrants outstanding Total of 153 claims allowed by County Court Warrants issued for above ims 1 $43 604.04 Total warrants paid by Treasurer 43,604.04 j $ County Hospital Fund Total of 4 claims allowed by County Court Warrants issued fur above claims $ 808.00 Total warrants paid by Treasurer 808.00 D09 Fund Account Total of 2 claims paid by County Court Warrants issued for above claims $ 57.00 Total warrants paid by Treasurer 57.00 Rodent Fund Account One claim allowed by County Court and warrant issued $ 1,400.00 Warrant paid by Treasurer 1,400.00 Fair Fund Account One claim allowed by County Court and warrant issued $ 258.75 Warrant paid by Treasurer 258.75 i Coyote Bounty Account One calim presented and warrant issued $ 3.00 Warrant paid by County Treasurer 3.00 icial Statement of Morrow County, Ore on, Jan. 1, 1947 Less County Owned Properties. Assets hands of Trea- I $435,191.29 j States War ! 41,000.00 ieceivable (De alt) 19,415.13 tccivable (Cur- 49,878.90 $545,485.32 Liabilities and Surplus Warrants Outstanding (Gen. Fund) $ 2,212.59 Warrants Outstanding (Gen. Road) 3,064.36 Estimated Revenues (Taxes) 69,294.03 Current Surplus (Am ounts due all funds, including School Dis ticts) 470,914.34 $545,485.32 ding Road Bonds $167,500.00 Respectfully submitted, C. W. BARLOW, County Clerk. urer's Semi-Annual Report, July 1, 1946, Jan. 1, 1947 on hand July 1st, 1916 d from $227444.59 Assessor's collections jffice fees . foes and mileage temporary auto permits rentals id rentals Road Department nd forfeited bail ;hool Support Fund on War Bonds Jcense Funds ble School Fund Interest for Fair Fund fund on Motor Fuel tneous refunds Jhool District Clerk on Time Deposit at Bank Beverage Tax tent Device Tax rom Umatilla County Ire Protection District donations lenses uieous isements I County Expense $ l' County Roads irking Fund I School Fund Dstrict Specials gh School Districts District Bond & Interest KTials Bonds redeemed Bond Interest paid On District Orders Fire Patrol . Control Hospital, Location and surveys Bounty - lnd claims paid tate Game Commission und nt on War Bonds redeemed How do you eat milk? Why in the numerous delicious dishes which may be prepared with it everything from soup to dessert! Milk is truly a wonder food because it contains invaluable minerals and has an alkanizing effect on the body, drinking plenty of milk regularly will produce happy results for every one. It promotes healthy growth In children and is a necessary requirement for the formation of strong teeth and bones. And la dies, please note; it exerts a sof tening effect on the skin, helps to clear the complexion and even will help make the hair more glossy and the fingernails less brittle. You see milk is rich in vitamins, minerals, carbohy drates, protein, fat and muscle- building materials the ele ments which go far toward pre serving the characteristics of youth. And now to the eating... For breakfast try using milk instead of water in cooking cereals; use it in making omelets and In scrambling or shirring eggs. Serve your morning coffee tne Continental way; half hot milk and half coffee. For luncheon serve hearty cream soups often, or tasty creamed foods on toast or bis cuits. Make your vegetable soup with one-fourth vegetable cook ing water and three-fourths milk. Use milk in oyster or clam chowder, in escallopihg vegeta bles or eggs, in souffles or fondues. For dinner serve your vegeta bles creamed for a change. Try baking veal cutlets, ham slices or fish filets in milk. Use milk gravies with fried chicken, veal or sausage. Introduce milk des serts such as creamy rich pud- $364,732.59 243.68 1,512.85 114.80 92 50 1,969.56 965.45 1.587.75 .. 18,793.23 637JS0 " 8,878.09 1,053.78 9,755.56 648.95 291.42 2.009.22 1,000.00 150.00 212.20 245.04 967.05 711.91 10.00 327.00 $416,910.13 $644,054.72 24,738.76 10.166.55 43,604.04 593.84 41,6-13.14 7,359.27 1,035.00 2,097.33 19,000.00 4,427.64 4,914.87 3,553.24 1,400.00 808.00 3.00 57.00 65.00 258.75 2,138.00 $167,863.43 Balance on hand January 1st, 1947 $476,191.29 LEON W. BRIGGS, Morrow County Treasurer, 115.83 iff's Semi-Annual Report July 1, 1946 to on. 1, 1947 TAX COLLECTIONS Receipts x June 30, 1946 1946-1947 $360,778.62 1945 1946 10,829.29 1941 1945 1,326.57 1943-1914 153.50 1HI2 1913 337.70 1942 60.16 1939 ' 3.12 1935 and Prior 4,044.86 1930 and Prior 42.88 Land Sales 675.85 Total Receipts ; Total on Hand and Received .... $378,252.55 $378,398.38 Disbursements over to County Treasurer $364,718.25 On Deposit in Bank, Dec. 31, 1916 ... $ 11,705.49 nn iinnrt nnrnmher 31. 1946 1,962.71 13,668.20 Under Collections 1193 Iler Kitelien Saves Time and Effort Ji m-.m-' "'. ' J tHmm . - t t ' . i ''' 1 :rT:'j s w .X . -Ik- m ' I I it f k V--i . .J. f I IMAGINE the pride of this Port land, Oregon, housewife whose recently completed kitchen is so attractive and convenient. Well planned and well lighted, It gives her every facility for carrying on her daily kitchen tasks in the shortest time and with the least possible fatigue. Those cabinets along the wall provide all the storage space needed for dishes and utensils she uses at her electric range. Her refrigerator, also electric, stands at the left of the kitchen, just outside the picture. In the basement, be low the sink, Is an electrlo water heater. In which Its owner take special delight The number of home owners who are taking advantage of complete electric service In the kitchen Is rapidly Increasing In all sections ot the country, the Modern Kitchen Bureau reports. With cooking, water heating, refrigeration, dish washing, ventilation and lighting, and dozens of other kitchen tasks all performed by electrical equip ment, most ot it completely auto matic, today's homamaier Is fast learning to save time In the kitchen so as to have more time for other interests. Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, January 30, 1947-5 Approximately 3,000 Veterans were patients In Veterans Ad ministration hospitals In the Pacific Northwest at the end of 1946. DOES ANYONE KNOW ALEXANDER RANKIN? The following clipping was received this week from a cor respondent in southern Califor nia, a person who formerly re sided here who thought the 2 tablespoons flour 3 cups milk 1 teaspoon salt 1 cup baked beans Saute onion in bacon fat until transparent. Add flour, blend well. Add milk and cook until thickened, stirring constantly. Add salt and mashed baked beans. Heat to boiline and serve. Grand for the children's' lunch with a salad, bread andj butter, fruit and milk. I party in question might be known in this vicinity. The clipping, a classified ad ap p arinj; in the Los Angeles Times, reads as follows: Missing Beneficiary Alexan der Rankin, last known ad dress: Heppner, Ore.; ne phew of William C. Rankin of Glasgow, (deceased), should communicate with Findlay, McClure & Co.; So licitors, 68 St. Vincent St., Glasgow, Scotland; he will hear something to his ad vantage. By the end of 1946, 19,559 Pa cific Northwest veterans had re ceived guaranteed loans total ing $86,355,718. Veterans Administration Is paying monthly pensions or compensation to nearly 120.000 veterans of the Spanish-American War under various Congres sional acts. Almost a half-million veter ans filed applications with the Veterans Administration during the first 10 months oi 19-16 to convert their G.I. insurance to permanent policies. ding, Indian pudding, bread cus tards or baked custards. Before retiring, drink a cup of hot chocolate, or try milk the East Indian way, hot or cold with one-fourth the quantity of or ange juice. It's delicious! Baked Bean Soup 2 tablespoons bacon fat 14 cup chopped onion i $378,398.38 Temporary Auto Permits Receipts Disbursements $92.50 $92.50 1 Civil Fees and Mileage I $115.00 $ir.oo IFsree Pire-School Clinic Thursday, February 27 From 2 to 4 P. M. Under supervision of DR.C. C. DUNHAM Chiropractic Physician Office in Oddfellows Building, Heppner For Longer Wear! MOSUL TERES Mobil Tires are the product of the makers of Mo bilgas and Mobiloil. The same high type service typifies the tires as that of the gasoline and oil products-long known as leaders in the field of oil products. We now have these sizes in sock: 600x16 700x16 550x17 650x16 The Mobil Tire More Care Behind It Longer Wear Ahead of It O. K. Rubber Welders Frank Engkraf Ayeibi Sale on Livestock Milk Cows, Beef Cows & Calves Registered Bulls Hogs of all kinds Thursday, Feb. 6th Beginning at 1 o'Clock P. M. HEPPNER SALES YARD Also the following equipment will be sold: 1 8-ft. John Deere disc plow, 26-inch discs, in good shape 1 10-foot Globe disc plow in good shape 1 Monarch range stove with oil burner 3 Hoe drills 1 3-ton 1942 Dodge pickup, 4-wheel drive, 8 ply 9 x 16 tires, plywood panel box 1 sheep wagon and camp outfit-a good one 1 1942 KS5 International Truck, 7:50 tires, 2-spced axle, stock and grain bed 1 press drill and bits 1 upright vise Milk cows will all be tested As usual we have a good selection listed for sale of every thing you would want to buy. Anyone having anything to sell can bring it in the day before or early the morning of the sale. TERMS CASH HEPPNER SALES YARD RUNNION & ERWIN, Owners & Operators V. R. RUNNION, Auctioneer HARRY DINGES, Clerk THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE HOME. . . . (That goes for Ford Service, fool) For lubrication, check-upSj for any service your Ford will be right at home with our Factory-Trained Mechanics.. . . Ford-Approved Methods . . . Special Ford Equipment . . . Genuine Ford Parts. And Genuine Ford Service gives you this time- saving extra: immediate service on all jobs ! Try it. See for yourselfl 1 1 SS 1 SEE YOUR FORE) SEALER i i