Want Ads LEAVE YOUR ORDERS at Oil Ham & Bisboe for BENSEL'S New Hampshire White Leg horn BABY CHICKS. U. S. Cer tified, U. S. Approved, U. S. Pullorum controlled. We guar antee live delivery of amount ordered. BENSEL'S HATCH- ERY, Hermiston, Oregon. 45tf BEFORE placing your order for Fluorescent Lighting see Gil liam & Bisbee. 45ctf FOR SALE A pre war Kelvina tor electric refrigerator. Call 774. 45c 825 x 20 Dual tire chains. Rose wall Motor Company. FOR RENT 2-room apartment for couple. Phone 1482 or see Mrs. Mildred Tucker. 45c FOR SALE 1941 Studebaker 5 pasjlenger coupe, excellent condition, good rubber, radio and heater; also small kit chen range practically new. Cecil Hicks, Lexington 45p FOR SALE 2 3-bottoms John Deere tractor plows 14 inch with McClintock hitch in good condition ready to go. C. N. Jones, Phone 11F13. 45-46p Radio power pack batteries $7.95; 901 12 volt. Rosewall Motor Company. Electric windshield fan defrost ers with rubber blades for safety, $9.45. Rosewall Motor C ompany. FOR SALE Dry Board ends. Phone 1482. 45-4Gc Electric glow heater to warm up that cold corner. Rosewall Motor Company. Hydraulic bumper Jacks and ax le jacks, $7.45 up. Rosewall Motor Company.' WANTED Second hand wind mill. Walter Jepson lone, Ore. New chain hoist, $37.95. Rose wall Motor Company. Seal beam adapters make night driving safer in the older mod el cars. $5.45 up. Rosewall Mo tor Company. WANTED Killer horses, any number. Carl Hoffman, Spray, Ore. 45-47p FOR SALE 2 Ford flatbed trucks. Phone 2711 Lexington. Newport, Kern & Kibbee. 45c FOR SALE-1 52-gallon electric hot water tank. Phone 2711 Lexington. Newport, Kern & Kibbee. 45c Seal Beam Fog lamps for safer winter driving, In the chrome finish. Rosewall Motor Company. 1936 Ford pickup with nobby rear tires, $375.00. Rosewall Motor Company. 1931 Model A Ford coupe. 1932 Avoid Annoyance And Discomfort due to a clogged septic tank or cesspool. I have purchased a tank pump and am in position to give prompt, efficient service. Phone 702 HOWARD KEITrlLEY NOTICE! STARTING JANUARY 29, we will offer 3-day service to residents of I0NE and LEXINGTON. Agencies: JACK'S at IONE POSTOFFICE at LEXINGTON Heppner Cleaners and Dyers Box 266 - Phone 2592 Heppner, Oregon Ins - I IlL TOO HAUE A , Voo HAVJr! A ' TOOTH Am it um GO To THE OfNTlST TIre" feel wo fi JTU OAO-CALL 1 A DOCTOR m ill kmm ! II 7 m VouR wAfERpipe, (30CST- CALL TTf There is JJJi ANYTHING- with Your car (t 8RIN IT 1 Hodge Chevrolet Co. Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, January 30, 1947-3 Chevrolet sedan. Low cost trans portation. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR. SALE De luxe model lady's bicycle, 2-speed axle, excellent condition. See Wal ter Dobyns, lone. 45p CHURCHES I'enney's have a new stock of waterproof tarpaulins In three popular sizes, $7.90 & up. 700 x 20, 10- ply tires, $49.95 Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE The Horn Pastime, Condon. See Leonard Vigel, Condon, Oregon. 43 -45c FOR SALE 2 good heating stoves, wood; one small cook stove, good for sheep camp. N. D. Bailey. 41tfc VClU SAT.V Ono nair novx, fi. power binoculars; one pair 5- T,..i1 11 An Bothwell. 42-5p FOR SALE DS30 International flat bed truck in good shape with practically new rubber. V. C. Christopherson, Lexing ton 44-45p Legal Advertising MO. 60 L2 NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PKOP-EttTY IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATU OF OKEUON FOH LINN COUNTY. In the matter of the estate of NANCY E. UlLYKU, Deceased. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that the undesigned, John N. Bilyeu, as auxin n miraior ul uie estate ol Nancy E. Bilyeu, deceaiietl. by virtue of an order of sale, issued out of the Coun ty Court of the fcitate of Oregon for Linn County, duly made and entered on the 22nd day of August, 1U46, in the above entitled estate, licensing and empowering the said administra tor to sell the hereinafter described real property belonging to said de cedent, will offer for sale at private sale either for cash or on terms, at tiie front door of the Morrow County Court House In Heppner. Morrow County, Oregon, at ten o'clock A.M., on and after the 15th day of Febru ary, 1547, all of the following de sci i bed real property belonging to said estate, to-wit: The northwest quarter of Sec tion IS, in Township 1 North of Range 28 East of the Willamette Meridian. Oregon, containing 176 ares, the same being located in Morrow County, Oregon, fcaid sale will be made subject to the confirmation of the above entitled Court. JOHN N. BILYEU, Administrator of the estate of nr Mary E. Bilyeu, deceased. ROY HAIiLANl, Attorney for Administrator, tealem, Oregon. 43-47 tof first publication: January 16, Dale of last publication: February 13 NOTICE OF SALE OF COUKTY BOPEBTY VIRTUE OF AN ORJDER OF THE COUNTY COURT dated January li, 1947, I am authorized and directed to advertise and sell at public auction me uumuiuiu price herein set forth: Block 2, Sperry'a 4th addition to the City of lone for the minimum price of $26.00 cash. The East 6 acres of NW"4NW vKrtVNWi w,dtNWNEU lying North of canal in Section -13 Township 4 North, Range 25 E U'l lhe mi,num price of 35.rw. cash. 1 HKHV.kdPiri t .tn l. ------ v.., un ine ijjin 10.00 A M., at the front door of the Court House m Heppner, OreBon, sell aud property to the highest and best 4JH7 Sheriff. Morrow County. Ore. NOTICE OP BOND BEDEMPTIOH Notice is hereby given that the un ders1Kned Trustee for the bondhold ers of the Masonic Building Associa t on of Heppner. Oregon, pursuant to the provisions of that certain deed of "wuioi on ine asth day of .. . : m oaja Masonic Building Association of Heppner, Ore gon, has elected to redeem all out- """us. mat interest on said bonds will cease on the first day of February, 1947. ' " uw"er or holder of said bonds r. . uvuub 10 me un- derjigned at the Fist National Bank , .".. AAviiyiivi israncn and upon surrender and cancellation . ...v., oe pala ln par vajue thereto tmrpthr niu k n .fc., u,D MA.iui in terest. Liated and first published the 26th any of December. 1946. FRANK S. PARKER, Trustee for the Bondholders. December 26, 1946. 40.44. - . .UAM AUUVUA A i."ur is nereuy given that the un- llorMltMIA,! 0.1,.,4..ia. ..,-1- ... . I : , " , " uu 01 me es tate of Davo McAtee. deceased, has filed with the County Court of the Slate of Oregon for Morrow County her final account of her administra tion of the estate of said deceased ir'ih "V Cuurt haa "xe1 K,:,nday th hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M. of said day at the Court House at Heppner, Ore Kn, as the time and place tor hearing .' n. nam iiuai account and the settlement of said estite and all persons having objections thereto are hereby required to file the snnn ...... v,,,,,! on or oeicre me time fixed for said hearing. IlntoH n,wl fir.. .ni ... t., , , l ('""'l.llU LUIS ibtn day of December. 1946. VALLEJO MCATEE KREMERS 40-44 Admitiitrutrl NOTICE OP SALE OP COUNTY HY VIHTUE OF AN ORDER OF TUB- rVHTWTV nnttrn. . vw,.-.. vi.,uii, uateu Janu ary 3. 1947, 1 am authorized and dl- ,-...-. n, nuMiiuwB aim sen at public auction at not leas than the minimum price heroin set forth: Lot 6 in Block I, Uoyses Addition to the town of Hardlnan for the minimum price of $15.00, cash. Lots 4 and 6 In Block 20 In the or iginal town of Ix'XIngton for the minimum price of j:io 00. cash. Lots 6. 7 and 8 In Block 19 in the original town of Lexington for the mtiiliiniin price of fclo 00. cash THEREFORE, I will on the 8th dav .if h'.l.ri ...... ICiAl , tl.. 1 ... ... ,1 ... ....u.a.. ni. hut nuvil 01 lu:OU A. M. at the front door of the Court House In Heppner. Oregon, sell said property to the highest and best bid der. C. J. D. BAUMAN. Sheriff. Morrow Countv. Oregon. By FRANCES MITCHELL, Deputy. 42-46 NOTICE TO CREDITORS H Notice Is hereby given that the un derslgticd ha;i Ihh'H dulv appointed ad inlnl.ilralnr of the estate of Cora Bur roughs, deceased, by the County Court or me state ot Oregon, tor me coun ty of Morrow, and ban accepted such Irusl, All persons having claims agaiiiPt said estate nre nereny re quired to present the same to the ad ministrator with proper vourliers at taclied at the office of J. O. Turner 111 Heppner. Oregon, wlhin six months from Hie date of the first publication of this nollre. Dated and flint pub lished this !lh day of January, 194. 12-46 .1. O. Turner Administrator. METHODIST CHURCH J. Palmer Soilien, Pastor Morning worship service with sneeial music bv choir 11 a.m. Sunday Church school meets with classes for all ages also adult Bible at :43 a.m. On Sunday, Feb. 9 at 11 a. m. Rev. Carl Smith of The Dalles, a Sunday School mis sionary will be our guest speak er. W. S. C. S. meets the first Wednesday of each month. Choir practice every Thurs day at 7 p. m.at the church. CHURCH OF CHRIST Bible school, 9:45; C. W. Bar low, superintendent; Mrs. Ever ett Smith, junior Superintend ent; Mrs. Joe Jewett, primary superintendent. Morning worship, 11, commun ion and preaching; sermon top ic: "Christ Is The Answer." This is a service which will be espe daily interesting to young peo pie. Christian Endeavor meetings, 6:30: Junior-intermediate, Gayle Albert, president; Mrs. Jewett, advisor. Adult, Mrs. Willard Warren, leader. This is. to be Consecration Sunday. The topic is: "The Call to Prayer." Evening service, 7:30. Adult C.E. in charge of worship ser vice. Religious film, "The Blind Beggar of Jerusalem" will be shown. Those from other chur ches are invited. It is hoped that two missionary films on In dia will get here in time to be shown, too. Mr. and Mrs. Jewett will be in Milton Sunday evening where he will preach in the Christian church as part of the 60th an niversary celebration of that church. They are bringing back as many of their former pastors as possible to preach for them in this observance. Mr. and Mrs. Jewett left for Eugene on Tuesday morning to attend the state preachers -parliament of the ministers of the Christian churches. Mr. Jewett will also attend a committee meeting to help plan for the an nual summer boys' camps spon sored by the '99' men of the state. At a meeting in La Grande last Friday it was decided to have the Eastern Oregon con vention of Chuches of Christ in Heppner, May 6-7. ALL SAINTS CHURCH Holy communion, 8 a.m. Church school, 9:45 a.m. Holy communion, 11 a.m. Wednesday, Holy communion, 10 a.m. TIME FOR FILING CLAIMS GROWS SHORT Vernon A. Welo, manager of the La Grande field office of the Social Security Administra tion said today that many sur vivors of some 40,000 deceased war veterans will lose benefits due them unless they file ne cessary claims by February 10. The families in question are those of veterans who died af ter discharge but before Aug. 10, 19-16. Such families who are not eligible for veterans com pensation or pensions and who meet other requirements of the Social Security Act are entitled to insurance payments retroac tive to the time of the veter an's death. They still will be eligible for monthly payments after Febru ary 10, but the retroactive be nefits will be lost if application lias not been made by then. ..'ourt of the State of Oregon, for the County of Morrow, and has accepted 9uch trust. All persons having clalnir .ig,'itn:t the said estate are hereby re quired to file the same with said ad ministratrix at the office of J. O. Tur ner in Heppner, Oregon, within six months from tiie date of this notice. Dated and first published this 9th day of January. 1946. 42-46 CORA YOUNG. Administratrix. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned nilmlnlstrator of lhe estate of Alice King deceased, has filed with lhe County Court of the State of Ore gon for Morrow Comity his final ac count of the administration of the estate of said d -censed and said court fixed Monday, the loth day of Feb ruary 11147, at the Court Houso al Heppner, Oregon, as the time and pla.e for healing objections to said final account and the selllemenl of said eslate and all persons having ob jections thereto are hereby required lo file the same with said court on or before Iho time fixed for said homing. Dalcd and first published this 9th dav of January 1947. 42-46 .1. J. NYU. Administrator. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Noltce Is horeby given that the un dersigned hiu) been duly appointed administratrix of the estate of J. Glen Young, deceased, by the County HEPPNER SOIL CONSERVA TION DISTRICT NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEET ING AND ELECTION OF SUPERVISORS To all owners of land lying within the Heppner Soil Conser vation District: Notice is hereby given that on the 3rd day of Febuary, 1947, the annual meeting and elec tion of one (1) supervisor of the Heppner Soil Conservation Dis trict will be held, under the provisions of the Soil Conserva tion Districts Law of this state. Chapter 3, Section 109, OCLA as amended by Chapter 348, Ore gon Laws, 1915. The place of meeting will be In the Lexington Grange hall between the hours of 2:00 p. m. and 4:00 p. m. Every person, firm and cor poration, state, county or muni cipality being the record own er of, or holding under contract of purchase ten acres or more of land lying within the said district are eligible to vote and only such are eligible to vote. HEPPNER SOIL CONSERVA TION DISTRICT By N. C. Anderson Secretary Dated this 21st day of January, 1947 at Heppner, Oregon 4-1-45 for the occasion. Dr. Earl Cochran and Ted Roy of Pendleton who had been scheduled to take part in the nrnp-ram have notified the pro gram chairman, Mrs. Merle Mil- NEED SOAP ? - NEED A NEW KITCHEN 5INK ? YOU'LL GET 'EM 500NER IF YOU 5AVE USED FAT FOUNDERS DRY TO SZ OBSERVED FEBRUARY 12 Founder's Day will be observ ed by the Heppner Parent-Tea cher association at the regular meeting of the group on the evening of February 12. A spe cial program is being arranged NOTICE The 1947 ANNUAL MEETING of (he Lexington Oil Coopera tive will be held at the Lex ington Grange hnll at 10:00 a. m. Monday, February 3. Free lunch will be served at noon. The attendance of every shareholder is desired. ELMER HUNT, 41-45 Manager NOW ON DISPLAY! The New General Electric Home Freezer 4 cu. ft. storage capacity 140 pounds frozen food A whole month's supply of delicious frozen food MEATS, FRUITS & VEGETABLES just a fe wsteps from your dining table HEPPNER HARDWARE & ELECTRIC Floor Sander, & Edger RENTAL C OMPLETE FLOOR FINISHING MATERIALS Tum-A-Lum Lumber Company If You're Thinking Of Good Ice Cream You Are Naturally Thinking of Scotty's fresh every day in numerous tasty flavors Sold in bulk for family use Pint 30c; Quart 60c Scotty's Super Ice Cream ler they will be unable to Hp pear. Mrs. Miller is arranging suitable procnim to Include a speaker, a skit an.l a work dis play by the high school teachers. You needn't bunt for Valentines! I 0 COdWI THtvfo J Saager's Pharmacy Announcing New Offae Houn . 1 1 OUR CUSTOMERS' OFFICE WILL CLOSE SATURDAYS, BEGINNING FEBRUARY 1 Office door depository service vrifl be available all day Saturday for the cotv venience of customers who wish to make payments. Crews of linemen and servicemen wiM remain on call 24 hours a day. In case of trouble or emergency, please tele phone the company office, jut m you have always done. PACIFIC POWER & LIGHT COMPANY 36 Years of Public Service PEOPLE ARE ASKING THESE QUESTIONS ABOUT ARMY ENLISTMENT I ft6? 1 --N -V" Q. What educational btnefitt do I gel under the Ci Bill of Rightt? A. If you serve honorably on active duty for a period of 90 day1, one day of which is served between September 16, 1940, and ti e date of termination of the present war, or you are dischargud because of an actual service-incurred injury or disability in curred within that first 90-day period of service, you are, upon discharge, entitled to one year of education in the college, traJe or business school of your choice for which you can qualify, la addition, each month of active duty, including the first threo, prior to the termination of the war, entitles you to another month of post-service education, np to 43 months. Your tuition, laboratory fees, etc., up to $500 per ordinary school year will be paid by the government. Also, you will re ceive $65 a month living allowance i $90 a month if you have dependents. Q. What about family allowan? A. For men enlisting or reenlisting now, family allowances will continue until six months after the war is officially ended. Q. What arm my cAanca of going ovnoat T A. If you enlist for 3 years, you may select to serve in any over seas theater which has openings, especially Japun or Korea. Q. Con 1 itill ehoon tht branch of torvico I want to tcrvm in? A. Yes. You can pick any branch which has quotas to be filled If you enlist for 3 years. Q. thmr any way I can nonlUt in my old grade? A. Yes, you can, if you reenllst for a 3-year term within 20 day after your honorable discharge. Q. there any other way I con reenliet in grade? A. Yes, if you held one of certain military omiimtioniU spoclaUli-s, and were discharged on or after Muy 12, 1U-15, y.ti can renlit in a grade depending on the length of time you held the derniod M. O. S. VM) MM U 1 Army ttcrvtma Stalhm hr emwen to amy orKtr rov-moy hem. or hr Iwnm (toftJi on lhe ofco qoeHwm, lhta ot "iecl O0." "Werrlen ot froce." "Vole of the Army," mi "Treea. Wt Halt," row radio. Your Rerular Army Serve the Nation ind Mankind In War end Peace ENLIST NOW AT YOUR NEAREST U. S. ARMY RECRUITING STATION Foot Ofrioo Bldtf. Foadlotoa, Orogoa