Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, January 23, 1947, Page 4, Image 4

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4-Hcppncr Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, January 23, 1947
lone Woman Heads
List Selling Crop
Insurance in State
; ;.-.yil i! o town teams The
jcsd.-iy nii;!,t of last vk. ! o'in'UM
won ov.c tame and lost i moir.lvrs: Mrs. Krank Kngolman
nnd Mrs Dale Kay with Mrs
lone hi eh school iVfonuM i ni. hivhalt-r as aiu-m.uo. Hie
i.i i,i a loac'.a1 eaii-o hi
will lo;,f f..r
.y t),e ::.
where Y.s.
tend a rrnji
Her rm's'.iM:
county .!. 1
ian Mrs. 1,
wi'.inR rr.
S a-
rr l: ::r..i
i at-1
i '
f .: -n- '
r of I..r,i
! -v V:
Ross Poh-
ints and Bob
score o( the sec
was 36-U in fav-
Mrs. r.ayr.i, L
hirihriay y,:; ;n
Iarreil r..riVr,: .
!! M irgan c In
of last w-rk. 1
f.irsts vctc pros
Mrs. JV-vwi Fad!
Yrs. Miihm Morsan. Mr.
Mrs. V !-!or.d Enstow.
The Amoca cMi net at
home of Mrs. Waiter '
Wcane'.iay. J.i n. 1 with
Gone Norrrtoy-e r.r.j Mrs. C
as hostesses.
The hich school baske
- iofoated Fossil Sat
:tt at Fossil, but the
s.-c li.i team lost.
Kau.oe lV.erson. daughter of
Mr. ,.:..t Mrs. Oscar Peterson,
v. ..s 5-.e,!f.-.l to Alpha Thi. an
: sor irity f-r women.
1 . "...v a s : hor.iore at O. S. C.
c -.-r.s:r..:ion at the Con
il'.urch was postpon
t i . .wur.t of illness of Miss
K : . " r.c Mar.ahan, home dem-
V.r. Mrs. Tom White plan
to a, a e for California the last
of the week.
' Mrs. I'ershall Townsned is
; i'. ..r.,e from The Dalles hospital.
A r.arse from Klamath Falls
is c,-.r:rc for Mrs. Alice Wiles
during her iiir.css.
At a mooting of the members
of the Cooperative church Sun
day, the Christian church group
Saietti this week.
Ao'r Back Talk -
Hatter your femininity .
in lines sleek 'n clever to
intrigue the most fastid
ious taste...
Let your glamour go to
your head and visit our
shop today.
Phone 53 for appointment
Alice's Beauty Shop
Expert Hair Styling
people if lone are sad- the lone Memorial Improvement!
the following hoard association.
Mrs. Delia Corson entertained
the Ladies Aid of the Coopera
tive church at her home Thurs
day afternoon of last week. She
served angel food cake, jello and
A number of young people as
sembled at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Doherty one night last
week for a party in honor of
their son Tat who has been home
on a short furlough from San
Antonio, Texas.
There has been considerable
illness in the community during
the past week. Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Pettyjohn took their daugh
ter Diana to The Dalles hospit
al last week.
Lind, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Lewis Halvorsen, spent a
few days in The Dalles hospital
last week and Sunday the Hal-
vorsens took their baby to the
hospital, but brought him home
again. They were suffering from
ear and throat infection.
lone town team lost one game
to Lexington here Saturday
night and won one.
The high school will play at
Irrigon Tuesday night and will
play Culver here Saturday-night.
Word has been received that
Mrs. Louvisa Louy, who is a
patient at the Hermiston hospit
al. recently fell from her bed
and broke her leg.
The -t-H club girls met at the
home of Mrs. Victor Kietmann
iouis uorgevin attended the
funeral of his father, Louis Ber-
gevin Sr., last week.
The HEC of Willows gran
met at the home of Mrs. Oscar
Lundell Friday, Jan. 17, with a
pot luck dinner at noon. The
new officers were installed- Thov
are, chairman, Mrs. Wate Craw
ford; vice chairman, Mrs. Sam
Esteb; secretary, Mrs. Berl Ak
ers. .
The junior class held a food
sale at Swanson's store Satur
day afternoon. They cleared over
Rev. and Mrs. R. L. Casselman
are attending a conference of
the Assembly of God church at
dened to learn of the serious
illness of Janice Gordon of On
tario. She is the daughter of
Mat Gordon and Mrs. Marjorie
Stanton, former residents of
'other groups will elect their
board at a later date. The fol
low me. were elected by the Co
operative church: Kldors. Mrs.
Frank Kngelman. llev. Alfred
Shirley and K. M. Baker; dea
conesses. Mrs. Cleo Drake. Mrs.
; Victor K-.etmann, Mrs. Delia Cor-
son. Mrs. Alfred Shirley and
; Mrs. Echo Palmateer.
I Mr. and Mrs. John Kay are
the parents of a daughter, Shir
ley Ann, born recently in Hepp
ner. Wallace Coleman and a
friend. Pat Gilkey of San Anton
io. Texas, both of the U. S. army
and stationed at Fort Lewis, are
spending their furlough at the
home of Wallace's mother, Mrs.
Ida Coleman. The boys will
leave the 2Sth for Camp Stone
man, Calif.
Mrs. Ida Coleman received
Word of the death of a nephew.
jimmy nansteaa. age J, son 01
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hanstead
of Xewberg. The Hansteads
have visited in lone.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert DeSpain
of Pendleton were week-end
guests at the Edmond Bristovv
Verner Troedson had the mis
fortune of losing his car by fire
Tuesday night of last week. The
cause was unknown.
Willows grange held then
regular meeting Saturday night.
The following program was pre
sented: Songs by all, demonstra
tion of presenting the flag; song.
"You're a Grand Old Flag," by
Don Heliker accompanied by
Mrs. Gene Normoyle; reading.
Mrs. Ernest Heliker; a toast for
1947, Mrs. Oscar Lundeil, and
a report on the wheat league at
La Grande by Don Heliker.
Creamed chicken and biscuits
and coffee were served by Mrs.
James Lindsay and Mrs. Wm.
Miss Gladys Seehafer finished
her nurse's training at Pendle
ton and will spend a short time
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Seehafer, before continu
ing her nursing profession.
The Topic club will give a
benefit card party and refresh
ments at the Grange hall Feb.
i 1 at S p.m. Proceeds will go to
Holy communion, 8 a.m.
Church school. 9:1") a.m.
Morning prayer. 11 a.m.
Wednesday holy communion,
10 a.m.
Bible school, 9:15; C. W. Bar
low, superintendent; Mrs. Ever
ett Smith, junior superintend
ent; Mrs. Joe Jevvetl, primary
Morning worship, 11; com
munion and preaching; sermon
topic, "Christian Education the
Hope of the World." Our morn
ing offering, placed in the Lord's
treasury, will be used entirely
for the purpose of enlarging the
fund for the dormitory room at
Northwest Christian college, Eugene.
Christian Endeavor meetings,
6:30: Junior-intermediate. Patsv
Albert, president; adult endeav
or, Mrs. Yeager leading the dis
cussion on Great Missionaries.
Evening evangelistic services.
7:30; sermon topic. "At One With
Choir practice Thursday eve
ning at 7, Everett Smith, direct
or. Mid-week bible study and
prayer service Thursday evening
at 8.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jewett are
leaving for La Grande Friday
;-.iternoon to attend a meeting
of the Eastern Oregon conven
ts n of Churches of Christ pro
gram committee and also to
help plan for the young people's
summer conferences to be held
in Cove this summer. They will
return Saturday afternoon.
educational excellence instead
of financial inability or incom
petence. Under the "official"
hill the district with the least
money would reap most. The
second proposal would give the
greatest aid to the disirict with
the best schools.
There are two proposals to tax
gambling devices. One is of the
oft tried constitutional amend
ment to . eliminate the lottery
section and the other is to levy
an excise tax on the money ob
tained from such devices. Nei
ther will have much chance, the
people of Oregon not being in
clined to realism in such mat
ters. We kid ourselves by think-
ingjh a t if we do not admit that
issue of The March of Time deal
ing with adoption and "black
market" babies. Star Theater,
January 29th and 30th.
are such iniquitous things as
slot machines there won t be.
Sheriffs and police officers and
district attorneys and others.
A special meeting of Rhea
Creek grange has been called
for Friday, Jan. 31, according to
Francis Nickerson, master.
is he
re for
n-up of Odds and Ends, Broken Sizes .
this merchandise our season is over!
Repriced for a Quick Clean-up!
You're season
Ray Hekmbigner reports the
sale of his house and lot to Mr.
and Mrs. Art Jackson of Hepp
ner. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson are
the parents of Mrs. Ed Berg
strom. Taken from the lone Inde
pendent, Jan. 16, 19120: "Some
vandal devoid of as much sense
as a louse or tne decency of a
Digger Indian, maliciously cut
with a diamond or some glass
cutting instrument, two of the
large panes of glass in the post
office front and cracking them
in several places. See offer of
reward elsewhere in this paper."
The offer: "$20 Reward: I will
pay $20.00 reward for informa
tion to convict the party who
has been cutting the glass in
my store front. Bert Mason."
A car containing 22 mules and
four horses was shipped from
lone to St. Louis last week.
28 only
Smart Street Dresses . .$1 b $2
Not all sizes
8 only
Women's Coats . . $7.50 Cr $10
20 only
House Frocks $1 Cr $1.50
Odd lots
9 only
Quilted Robes $2.50
1 6 only
Wrap Around
Dickey Blouses 75c
Jerseys or Crepes
1 1 only
Sheer or Crepe
Dickeys 75c
12 pair
Misses' Slacks $2 & $3
6 only
Misses' Wool Skirts $3
23 pair
Misses' White Fur Mitts
40 pair
Women's Sport Shoes .$1.50 pr.
61 pair
Women's Dress Shoes $2 pr.
Child's Sheeplined Slippers . . .$1
3 only
Snow Suits .Less than half price . $6
7 only
Poplin Sport Jackets $2
14 only
Tots' Print Dresses 50c
Tots Knit Caps . . .25c, 50c, 75c
1 1 only
Tots' Suspender Skirts $1
4 only
Top Coats, 36 to 40
4 only
Wool Pile Jackets . 36 to 42 $15
15 only
Boys' Robes, 8 to 14 $1.50
Men's Knit Brt'efs 49c
All Elcstic Waist
Pure Silk Crepe
HOSIERY $1.49 pr.
Sheer 3 thread-Spring shades
Steven's Pure Linen
TOWELING 59c yd.
Boys' Elastic Top
Crew Socks 33c pr.
Boys' sizes, 35c
Men's White T Shirts 69c
Sizes 34 to 42
Sanforized shrunk
PAY DAY Bib Overalls . . .$2.69
Union made
Due to the fact that
we want to accommo
date all buyers, we will
hold our next sale on
This date will not con
flict with other sales
scheduled in this area
and will permit buyers
to come to Heppner
for the choice livestock
r r
We want to thank the many
friends and relatives for the
beautiful gifts received at the
shower given for Mrs. Burt Win
ters at her mother's home Jan.
16 to the ones who could not
be there and to the ones who
came: Mrs. Mabel JJUrKenDine,
Mrs. Walter Wright and daugh
ters Patty and Janet, Mrs. Glenn
Karrens, Mrs. J. C. Olson, Mrs.
Art Long, Mrs. Wm. Kochford,
Mrs. Vestal Hams and sons Ba
by Lee and Wayne, Mrs. Orval
Matheny, Mrs. Marry Owens and
children Karen Joyce and Jerry,
Mrs. Wm. Beck and daughters
Phyllis and Donna, Mrs. Ken
neth Vosburg and children Dona
and Dixie, Mrs. Lizzie Wood,
Mrs. Bill Olson and Sherrl Lee,
Mrs. Floyd Gearhart and Mary
Ellen. Mrs. Burt Winters.
Purebred Arabian horses pho
tographed 8600 feet up in the
Rockies at th Lazy VV Ranch,
Star Theater, January 29lh and
Floral Designs . . .
We do our own designing of
Corsages Wedding Arrangements
Funeral Pieces
Just tell us what you want and when
you want it. We'll do the rest-even
to delivering your order.
The Flower Shop
SLEEPING ROOM for two. Heat
and bath. L. J. Eurnside, So.
Gilmore street. " 41p
FOR SALE One 100 amp Lin
coln electric welder with ex
citor, A-l condition $200. John
Proucifuot, 32F21, lone. 4-1 p
ROSE BOWL, Sugar Bowl, Or
ange Bowl, football finale high
lights plus 80th Congress... Re
publicans take over. In the
Newsreel, Star Theater, January
29th and 30th.
The Heppner Gazette, established
March 30, 1883. The Heppner
Times, established November
18, 1897. Consolidated Feb. 15,
Published every Thursday and
entered at the Post Office at
Heppr.er, Oregon, as second
class matter.
Subscription price, $2.50 a year;
single copies 10c.
Publisher and Editor
Transferring &
Heavy Hauling
Padded Moving
Penland Bros.
Transfer Co.
39 SW Dorion Avmne
Phone 338
Pendleton, Ore.
Let Me
Do Your
about your
Income Tax Reports
Walter Barger
Public Accountant
Office on Mezzanine Floor
Heppner, Oregon
For Longer Wear!
Mobil Tires are the product of the makers of Mo
bilgas and Mobiloil. The same high type service
typifies the tires as that of the gasoline and oil
products-long known as leaders in the field of
oil products.
We now have these sizes in sock:
600x 16 700x16
550x 17 650x 16
The Mobil Tire More Care Behind It
Longer Wear Ahead of It
O. K. Rubber Welders
Frank Engkraf
Have You SEEN Them?
CHROME TABLE with genuine Plastex top
Highly resistant to chipping, cracking and burning
With reasonable care Table should give long and
satisfactory service
Four Chairs with wide variety of colors in
Choose Your Own Color Scheme
continues throughout the month
Case Furniture Co.
Show 8trtl ftt Tf80 MatlziM. Jtntf Bud.;, 1 p. nu 4 p. m.
In miplianoe with tho Federal Trt Rrnlfi!t CIMrii-i Admlulons apply
nly to thone under th. Utimi met of 11
Belaeted, Short lobjMt. With An Program.
Program Subject to Chfcnff. WtA local wmiiMur lor weakly announcement
Friday-Saturday, Jan. 24-25
Eddie Dean, Al Larue, Jennifer Holt, Emmet
A western In color.
Tom Heal, Margaret Ltndaay. Melodrama and
liiUHic jiltitt a dtiHh of comedy,
Saturday, Jan. 25
Matinee I P. M.
Admlnlon 20o and 40c; All children tnunt have
Five Little Peppers and How
They Grew
Amateur Talent on the
Sunday-Monday, Jan. 26-27
Anna and the King of Siam
Irene Dnnne, Bex Xarrlion, Linda Darnell, Lee
J, Cobb, dale Bondergaard, Mikhail Bcwumny,
Dennli Roey, Richard Lyon (win of famuua
aclora iion Lyon and Belie Danlcle).
Nothing la epared In the way of hrnnlh-Uiklnit
a!.", exotic contumne and export ranting; thin
rilntinKulnhed production la baaod on the book
by Margaret Landoa.
Tuesday, Jan. 28
Gary Cooper, Jean Arthur, Jamea Elll.on, Char.
le. Blckford. A rolnnun of tho grrait romanUn
drama of the Went fmlurlng mir.h rhirarlnr an
Wild BUI Hlokok, Calamity Jane, Buffalo BIU
and General Qn.ter.
Wednesday-Thursday, Jan. 29-30
Anna Sewell'i clnsslc about a girl and her love
for tho horao ahe brought up la preferred fnro
tor all horse lovora... and do bring tho klddlna.