4-Hcppncr Gozette Times, Hcppn c r, Oregon, January 16, 1947 lone News Items of the Week Mr. find Mrs Krcl Knh.inani i ri'ivi-j word U1..1 t.'u-ir s.n -J'.hn of the V. S ;in.y w.,s p- j jci to Yokohama, J.i ,in. J.,n. 'v j Mrs Louis IicrccMn ror.;rrsr1 ; from St. Amlior.x s l-,.s)ii:;,l I'f ndliMon, Sunday, wluro !ie unrirrvont a minor r.prr.-iTn-n. 1 Pat Iohony of thr 1". S army. , son of Mr. and Mrs. Win. 1Vht-1 ty, Ik homo on a short forieuch. I Ho slalioncii at S.m Ar.Mnio, ' Toxas. ! The TNG of the R. W'kahs w ill i meet (it 1hp homo of Mrs. M.try i Swanson Jan. 21. Klor'.ion of of-i floors for the coming year will be held at that time. i The HKC of Willows pr.ir.pel will meet at the cran.ee hall Fri day, Jan. 17. wnh politick din ner at noon. The Maranathas met at the home of Mrs. Waller I'or'oy on Wednesday afternoon, J.in. S. Th. Rctotiller in Operation Heppner Welding Service Cr Auto Repair Plow Shares Sharpened and Hardened Ben Cr Cher Props. Hager and Alfalfa Sts. HEPPNER Phone 2322 following officers for the ".I".; year were installed: Ftom. ('-!. Mrs. Noel IXihyns; ne i-r.-M.!ent. Mrs. K. M. Baker, .tn.l .Msretary, Mrs. Wm. See hnfer. It w as dixuW to have a f.vxi sale later to raise funds for tl'.e lone Memorial Improve- :r.cr,t association. Coffee and doughnuts were soned by the hosicsscs, Mrs. Soehafer and Mrs. Co: Icy. Mrs. Hershall Townsend un derwent a major operation at The Dalles hospital last week and is reported to be getting along satisfactorily. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hastriter of Nam pa. Idaho, were guests at :ho Kdmond Bristow home last week. The lone Memorial Improve ment association held their reg ular meeting Wednesday eve ning. Jan. S. at the auxiliary rooms. Ways and means fori r -isir.g money was discussed.. A j member of the soil conservation office from Heppner was present r.nd explained the levelling of grounds and the cost. A minia tuie model made by the shop class at school was on display, showing location of swimming pool, tennis court, and turfed football field. This model is now in the Swanson's store window. Several men and boys of the community aided by the tractor cleared the grounds Saturday so that the levelling outfit could start their work. The study meeting of tho Top ic club met Friday at the home of Mrs. Oscar Lundell with 14 I members and one guest present. I The books, "Daylight Moon" by j Forest and "Uncle Sam's Attic" I by Davis were reviewed Mrs. I!' it JiX. t y v N HS. The Birthday club met at the home of Mrs. Ida Coleman Sat urday with 10 members nresent The party was In honor of Mrs. wm. JNeeliater, Mrs. E. M. Baker and Mrs. Darrell Padberg, who received lovely gifts. The hos tesses, Mrs. Louis Ball, Mrs. P. C. Teterson and Mrs. Coleman served birthday cake, ice cream and coffee. Mr. and Mrs. Earl MeCabe were Tendleton visitors last week. Wm. Seehafer and Walter Cor ley are chopping hay on Butter creek. Mrs. D. W. Akers, who has- been visiting her daughter, Mrs. James Lindsay, returned to her home in Portland last week. Mrs. H. O. Ely gave a birth day dinner in honor of Mr. Ely Sunday at their home in town. The following guests were pre sent: Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Ely and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wal lace Matthews, Mr. and Mrs. Berl Akers and family, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Ely, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ely and George Ely. Those going to Hermiston last week were Mr. and Mrs. Os-?ar Lundell, Mrs. Ida Coleman and Mrs. R. C. Casselman. Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Bristow, Mrs. Ida Grabill and Mrs. Etta Bristow will leave for Walla Walla Tuesday. Mrs. Etta Bris tow will remain in Walla Walla to attend a friend's wedding there. David Rietmann is the owner of a new Chevrolet car. The American Legion boys are making much progress with their hall. They have the roof nH mnat of the siding which Us imitation. . The electricians were putting in the wiring Mon day. The farmers are. rejoicing over the snow. The lone public library re ceived a travelling library from the tate of 48 adult books. Mrs. Laxton McMurray of Salem do nated the book "Party Line" by Louise Baker. The new Kototiller farm machine, produced by Graham-Paige' Motors in the giant Willow Kun plant, prepare soil lor planting In a single operation, making unnecessary the three operations of plow, disk and harrow. The five-horsepower tillage unit, which churns and crumbles the soil to a depth of nine inches, has attachments which adapt It to a score of other farm tasks such as bulldozing, seeding, mowing, snowpiowing and other oiwratlons. Noel Dobyns. These books were about Alaska. Cake and coffee were served by the hostesses, Mrs. Wm. Seehafer and Mrs. Dobyns. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Morgan were Walla Walla visitors last week. The lone grade school lost to Heppner in a basketball game I'd I Notice to tliePublic I g An open meeting of the Heppner Rodeo As 1 sociation will be held at 8 o'clock P. M. 1 SATURDAY, JANUARY 18 1 in the council room of the Heppner City Hall. 1 1 The public is invited to attend and vote for H or against a show in 1947. 1 H Farmers, stockmen and businessmen should show their H willingness to throw in their time and work for the fun H H of seeing the Old West come alive again for a day or two. 1 REMEMBER THE TIME AND PLACE AND BE THERE. I HEPPNER RODEO ASSOCIATION 1 F. W. TURNER, Committee Chairman 1 here Friday afternoon, 13 It. The high school girls played Heppner in a volleyball game at Heppner Friday afternoon and lost. The high school basketball teams played at Heppner Friday night The first team lost and the second team won. lone plays U matilla here Friday night and will go to Fossil Saturday night. Wanted! Men And Women Who Are Hard Of Hearing To make this simple, no risk hearing test with Ourlne drops used with im P'o cringe. If you are deafened, both- wv. using, ouazing neaa noises due to hardened or coagulated wm ln.nimnt tn n,.- ; .. ., : " v" vuime jiome me thod test that so many say has enabl- en Irutm in lina ..... r r" wcl tMittin. iou musl near better alter making this simple test or you get your money back at once. Ask about Ourlns Ear Drops to day at. Humphreys Drug Company r Columbia Mattress Cr Upholstery Co. Hermiston, Oregon ALL KINDS OF MATTRESSES RENOVATED ALL TYPES OF FURNITURE REBUILT LIKE NEW Pick Up and Delivery Every Two Weeks Contact FRANK ENGKRAF Heppner Phone 2312 Anything that means as much to a woman as the ring you place upon her finger should be cho sen with great care. ...... .. . . . .We offer diamonds of unsurpassed quality at prices based on assuring utmost satisfaction. III:! Airport Meeting 7:30 P. M. Sharp Tuesday, Jan. 21 Leach Hall, Lexington The Civil Aeronautics Administration has ap propriated $7000 for the Lexington airport and ways and means must be devised to meet the port's share of match money. We believe the people of Morrow County are deeply interested in the development of a first class airport and we urge that delegations from the several com munities attend the meeting and lend their support in formulating plans.' Lexington Airport Committee Clifford Yarnell, Chairman Alonzo Henderson Frank W. Turner Kenneth Smouse Conley Lanham Archie Munkers Milton Morgan Not in 100 years ASM Mr. Charles Lyden Dupler's Fur Stylist Will be in our store TO TUESDAY Jan. 20-21 3)M from Offers Savings vy to South American Weasel Natural Kidskin Gray Dyed Caracul Brown Dyed Kidskin Black Dyed Kidskin Mouton Dyed Lamb Natural Let-out Opossum Blended Assembled Muskrat Black Dyed Russian Pony Dyed South American Muskrat Beaver Dyed Coney Seal Dyed Coney Russian Weasel Mostly one of a kind, not every fur in all sizes. FIRST COME - FIRST SERVED U c l n I iff m mm MM IP A.- Reduced jj. 15 ( " Clearance IJI ' pljsTax pi ill All other. fur Drastically Reduced! All of these furs are 1947 styles! ' 10 MONTHS TO PAY - NO INTEREST Anderson & Wil son Heppner