Want Ads FOR SALE 2 good heating stoves, wood; one small cook stove, good for sheep camp. N. D. Bailey. 41 tic VOH SAI.K 8 -room house newly decorated, garage, chicken house, 2 12 acres land. In quire O. II. Steinke at Heppner Hardware & Electric Co. 42p FOR SALK 193S Ford sedan. I'hone Heppner 1014. 42-41p FOR SALE Six-room house, $(j.r)00. Price includes electric stove, refrigerator, automatic hot water, oil stove and ad joining; lot. Call 2492. 42p FOR SALE One pair-new-8-power binoculars; one pair 5 power field glasses. Bruce Bothwell. 42-5p FOR SALE- 2 12 ton 6x6 GMC duck with winch, derrick hoist, air compressor, all in first class condition, $600. One 400 amp.' Lincoln electric welder with incitor, A-l condition, $200. John Proudfoot, 32F21, lone. 42-3p FOR SA LE Cattle ranch, 300 acres deeded, 3000 acres Tay lor grazing with 90 head cat tle, three saddle horses and equipment. Two dwellings, running water, elect., and phone. 30 head of cattle are high grade registered Here fords, bal. Hereford and Dur ham cross mostly 2 and 3 years old. Price $15,000. Write Batie P. Rand, Irrigon, Ore. 42c FOR SALE 1010 acres land; 700 cultivated, $15,000, $4000 cash, balance 12 crop at 4 inter est. Ray Heimbigner, lone, Ore. 41-42p FOR SALE Automatic Electric Water Pressure System. Complete with 5Z5 gallon tank. Newport, Kern 6i Kibbe, Lexington, Ore. 36tlc. FOR SALE Five-room house with bath, laundry room, gar age. Ideal location. See Mar cel Jones, 105 South Court St. Phone 843, Heppner. 41-42p FOR SALE Large house in Heppner containing three complete apartments. Good In vestment property. See P. W. Mahoney. 41-42c FOR UE.iT One 2-rootn cabin; out l room cabin. Wilson's Cabins. 42p FOR REK r 1 wo sleeping rooms by day, week or month; circu lating heater in good condi tion. Anna MciNamee, 101 Chase St. 42c BULLDOZER kn dScra per Work We specialize in land level ing and road and dam build ing. Now is the time to get your spring plowing lined up. Crum Bros., lone. Phone 32F 14. 41-45p SEE US for immediate delivery on Goodyear tires and tubes. Most sizes in stock. Hodge Chevrolet Company. SEE US for immediate delivery on Goodyear tires and tubes. Most sizes in stock. Hodge ( hevrolet Company. SEE US for immediate delivery on Goodyear tires and tubes. Most sizes in stock. Hodge Chevrolet Company. SEE US for Immediate delivery on Goodyear tires and tubes. Most sizes in stock. Hodge Chevrolet Company. Farm Scrap NHd by Steel Mills &'&TZ' mil k. v v. Farmers can belp themselves to get steel whether It be a new piece of farm macliluery, an automobile, a keg of nails, a roll of fencing or other products by promptly taking their accumulated scrap to the near est scrap dealer, the Committee on Iron and Steel Scrap of the Ameri can Iron and Steel Institute said today. A grave shortage of scrap threat ens to thwart the steel Industry's attempts to make up the 19 million tons of steel that It haB lost since V-J Day as a result of strikes and work stoppages. The scarcity of crap Is due largely to the fact that Industries which usually generate scrap In large quantities have not been operating at all or operating at low levels since V-J Day. Farms have always been a good source of scrap and during the war when drives were conducted, agri cultural areas yielded large ton nages of scrap to help win the conflict. In view of the current scrap shortage which threatens the full use of steel-making facilities, farm ers are asked to take their scrap now to town and sell it to scrap dealers. If the scrap is unusually bulky, preventing 1U coRy transpor luiiiti by the fanner, tlio scrap iioi.li i ,.u be called or arrange t:ie:..i can be made through the ' t .1 : i.i a:;cU to get It to the befuro tin titno fixed for said hearing. Hated and first buhH;hi.l tin iMih d.'ty of December, 1946. 3!M3 J 03. J. NTS. Executor. SOTIOi! OF BOND REDEMPTION Notice In hereby given that the un htisifciuU Trustee lur the b.nuhuld it the- .YiL-.iilc Hiiildiiii; AHUooiji- tton of Heppner, Orpun, pursuant to Hie proviMuna of tnal n'jta.n deed of t:u;:l eciut"l on the Mli Uav of I 'eeeinb-T. by paid Miusomc HullduiK AssiHiation of Heppner, Ure- K-n. n;ta envied lo rede.-in ail out . landlng bunds. Tiiat interest on said bonds wilt cease on the first dav of February, ly-17. l he owner or hi'lnvr ef said bonds may present such bonrls to the un dersigned at the 1-ist .National Bunk f 1'ortland, Ureu'in, Heppner Branch and upon surrender nlul cancrii.ttiun there.. f. will be paid the par value thereof together with the accrued interest. Uated and first published the Mth day of December, lli-lti. , J-KANK S. 1 AKKKK, Trusteo for the Bondholders, MiLsoiiir Building Association. Ilecember .'11, I'.HIi. 40-41. The steel which weeks ago should have gone through the processing and fabricating channel, la far be hind schedule and, therefore, tie American Iron and Steel Institute's Committee on Scrap has warned that a complete return to normal In the flow of scrap cannot occnr until the supply of new steel appro3 mates the demand. In the ten months from August 1945 through May 1946, production of ingots and steel for castings was 22,086,000 tons lower than output over the same period of 1944-1948. Presumably, better operating con ditions would have enabled at least 19,000,000 tons of that total to hT9 been made. The 19,000,000 tool would have supplied the steel for 1,000,000 small dwellings, plus tha steel for 1,700,000 automobiles, plod all the bale ties made for farmers over the last nine years, plug S0 000,000 one-quart tin cans, plus 9 washing machine and a stove for every one of the 1,000,000 homes mentioned above and still there would remain 7,500,000 tons of steel for other purposes, Including jnuoll needed farm machinery and eqnlp ment, Tha requirements for all gooJ, whether for the home, the farm, transportation, etc., will be fulfilled In direct proportion to the receipt by tha steel mills of crap. ty of Morrov, and has accepted such tru.-t. All persons having clalmb ai'.iiiist said estate are hereby re quired to present the same to the ad ministrator with proper vouchers at biched at the office of J. O. Turner m Heppner, Oregon, wihin six months from the date of the first publication of this hotirp. Itated and first pub lished lid mil day ef January. 1947. 4.'-4'i J, O. Turner. Administrator. WANTED information leading to whereabouts of a Light Vaughn dragsaw which dis appeared from old Clark place north of Heppner more than one year ago. Tarty having same please return to E. L. Young, Heppner. 42-3p WANT E D A place to live for young couple; no children, no pets. Permanent renters in lone, Lexington or Heppner. Contact Gazette Times. 42p WANTED Contract farming. W W. Weatheford, lone, Or. 42-3p NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Nollco Is hereby given that the un ltsikiic"! adniinisti atnx of the es- ate of Dave McAtee, deceased, baa fried with the County Court of the tato of un'nun lor Morrow County, final account of her udininistra- tlon of the estate of said deceased and said Court has fixed .Monday tha th dav of January. r.Ui. at the our of lUMKI o'clock A. M. of said day at the Court House at Heppner, Gre en, as the time and place for hearing biectlon to said final axnunt and he settlement of said estate and all persons having obji-ctions thereto are herehy required to file the same 1th said Court on or he.lure tho nine xed for said hearing. Dated and first liu.ill.ihed this Mth day of December, 1940. VALLEJO MCATKK KHEMKHS, 40-44 Administratrix. WANTED 30 head of bred year ling Hereford heifers. Lester Wic k, Lonerock, Ore. 42c LOST Hat ion books and 2 war bonds in brown leather case, Howard. Elmer Palmer. 42-3p KELIAHLE MAN with car want ed to call on farmers In Mor row county. Wonderful oppor tunity. $15 to $20 in a day No experience or capital re quired. Permanent. Write to day. McNESS COMPANY, Dept. B, 2123 Magnolia St., Oakland 7, Calif . 42 -3p WK HAVE a fresh shipment of S)0-volt power pack Kireslone radio batteries, $7.95. Hose wall Motor Co. PHOTO TINTING. Mrs. Alvin Bunch, phone 3F5, Heppner 42-3 Legal Advertising . . i. . 4 ... rcljy given that th un duly appointed vy tno NOTICE OF SALE OF COUNTY PROPERTY HY VIHTV: OF AN ORDER OF THE COr NTT COfRT. dated Janu ary 3 lit! 7. I .-tin authorized and dt-n-ted to advertise and sell Ht public riM ii hi Ht n.'t leys than the minimum price herein set forth: l.t (i in HI ick 1, Rnyj.es Addition to the town of Hanliiuin for the minimum price of Jlfi.fJO, cash. j s 4 and 5 in iilock 2d in the or ikIm.'iI town of Lexington f,,r the niMiimum price of in). ra.h. I,ot.M 6, 7 and 8 in Block 19 in the ont;in:il town of lxinton for tiie minimum nri o of no. riLsh. THKRKKuKK I will on the 8th day of K'l'ni.trv. VM7 at the. Iinur of 10:00 A. M. at the front door of the Court Hi. use in lleppm-r. Oregon, sell K;iid properly to tho highest and best bid tier. C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff, Morrow County, Oreptm. Hv FRANCES MITCHELL, Deputy. 42-46 NOTICE TO CREDITORS 3 Notice is herehy piven that the un eT,:ned has been duly appointed ad ministrator nf the estate nf ( urn Hur- routfhs, de-paJed, by the ( oiinty ( oiirt f the St'tte of Oreni.n for the C.tun- NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereiiv xwvn that the un dersigned udmhiistnttiir of the estate of Ali-e Klnp tie- easctl. h;u" lb'd with tiie C.iihtv Court of tiie State of Ore iron for Morrow County his final ae-,--uit of the administration of the estate of said d. ceased and said court fi.-d Mondav. the luth day of Feb in irv li47. at the Court House at Heppner. Oregon, as the time and p!. e for hearing objection? to said final a.count aini the settlement of iid estjite and all persons having ob jeetiotis thereto are hereby required to" file the same witli said court on r before the time fixed fr said hearing. I nted and tirst puiuisnea mis ui lav of Jaimary 1917. : i( .). .. NYS. Administrator. CHURCHES CHURCH OF CHRIST Bible school, 9:45. C. W. Bar low, supt.; Mrs. Everett Smith, junior supt.; Mrs. Joe Jewett, primary supt. Morning worship, 11, com- afiminlstratiix of the estate of J. Glen Young, deceased, by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Morrow, and has accepted su-h trUKt. All perHone having claim: against the said estate are hereby re quired to file the same with said ad ministratrix at the office of J. O. Tur ner In Heppner, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated end first published this 9th day of January, 1946. 42-46 CORA YOUNG, Administratrix. munion and peaching; sermon topic, "The Christian Fellow ship." , Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, January 9, 1947-5 Christian Endeavor meets at 6:30. Junior-lntemediate in high school class room; adult, in basement Evening evangelistic service, 7:30. Sermon topic, "What Is Man?" Choir practice Th.irsday eve ning at 7, Mrs. Everett Smith, director. Midweek Bible study and prayer meeting Thursday eve ning at 8. Next Monday there will be a meeting of all the members of the Christian churches who can attend from eastern Oregon and southeastern Washington at Pen dleton to hear presented "A Cru sade for a Christian World." There will be a team of nation al leaders to present the chal lenge facing the Christian chur ches in the next few years. .Sev eral carloads will be going from here. ALL SAINTS CHURCH Holy communion, 8 a.m. Church school, 9:45 a.m. Morning prayer, 11 a.m. Wednesdays, holy commun ion, 10 a.m. o L. E. Shelley of Redmond was a Heppner visitor a few hours Wednesday. He is engaged in the real estate business in the central Oregon town. REOPEN WELDING SHOP hen Halverson and Chet Kee ton have lensed the HacriT build ing at the corner of Haper and Alfalfa streets and have reop ened the welding shop and auto repair business formerly oper ated by Leonard Lindhloom Both men are experienced wel ders and auto repair men. Chorus rehearsal will be held at 7:30 Monday evening at the home of Mrs. O. G. Crawford. S. R. Bennett, supervisor of the Taylor grazing act with headquarters at Baker, was in the county this week on offi cial business. He left Heppner for Condon Wednesday. Mrs. I.ji-y Rudders w. In Boardman Wednesday on rout ine business in connection with the school superintendent's office. Mr. and Mrs. Deihert Edwards of Condon spent a few hours In Heppner Wednesday visiting friends and transacting business. CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank the good peo ple of lone and Morrow county for their thouchtfulness, tenders of sympathy and for the beauti ful floral offerings to the mem ory of my mother. Glenn V. Burroughs. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ,'..tn is hcri'l.y i:!vn that the un i!trinM Iki.s heon iluly appointed OUR DEMOCRACY- -byMat County Couil of tho State of Oregon, for Morrow County, administrator of tho eHtato of Carl F. Troednon, Uo conned, mid all persona having claiinfl AKaiimt- tho untitle of said deceased Hi'o herehy required to pronent the name to tho UiulernlKiied administrator with propur vouchers at the law office of J oh, J. NyH at lloppner, OreKon, wlhtin six months from the date here of. Dated and flint published the 10th day of Dwemher, 19-16 KKNNKTU J. RMOUHE, 38-43. Administrator. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notlen la hereby given that the un-doi-HiK'tod executor of the oatato of Herman Nellaon, deeeaaed, haa filed with tho County Court ut tho titnte of OreKon for Morrow County, Ida final account of his administration of Die estate of said deceased and said Court fixed Monday, the 2)lh day of January, 1!M7, at the hour of 10:1)0 A. M. of Hah) day at the Court House at Heppner, OreKon, as the time and place fur hnaiiiiK objections to said final necount and tho settlement of said eatatn and all persona having ob Joi llona thereto are horeby required tn fllo the same with nald court on or THE WAY OF PROGRESS IN AMERICA , ' 'V i 1 j , " ' J ft. WHEN THE STAGECOACH GAVE WAY TO THE RAILROAD TRAIN 'f ' 'h n i f't- Hi WHEN THE KEROSENE LAMP WAS REPLACES BV THB eLlCTRC U6HP- WHEN THE HORSE AND CAKRIAGS WAS SUCCEEDED BY THE AUT0M03UT- IT MEANT INCREASED PRODUCTIVE CAPACITV POR THB NATION-MORE JOBS AND MORE PRODUCTIVE US3S 'FOR THE PEOPLE. AND THE BENEFITS HAVE ACCRUED TO ALL Or US IN THE FULLER MEASURE OF LIVIN4 THAT HAS COME TO PISTWGUISH y OUR PYNAMIC PSMOCRACY. tm-: mm 0m ?J&7i E TWEET Staxiing Monday To make room for new stock, we are placing current stocks of house furnishings on sae at greaty reduced prices. Look over these prices, select what you need and then come in and enjoy some real money-saving values. EVERYTHING IN THIS SALE MARKED WITH A BLUE TICKET. We mean business, so don't put off coming in! 1 Monarch Range Regular Price $144.50 1 Bedroom Set Was 129.50 IBedroomSer (with twin beds) . Was 129.50 2 5-Piece Dinette Sets Were 76.50 1 5-Piece Dinette Set Was 72.50 1 4-Piece Sectional Davenport 199.50 1 4-Piece Sectional Davenport (in red leatherette) 359.50 1 3-Piece Sectional Davenport 244.50 1 Daveno Was 89.50 1 Davenport Set Was 241.75 1 Davenport Set Was 474.75 1 Swing Rocker : Were 49.50 3 Leatherette Club Chairs Were 69.50 Occasional Chairs Were 68.50 Occasional Chairs Were 66.50 Occasional Chairs Were 12.95 Occasional Chairs Were 10.95 Children's Wicker Chair Sets 8.45 Children's Hardwood Rockers 2.25 Children's Aluminum Rockers 2.25 Children's Upholstered Rockers 11.95 White Cloud Tuftless Mattress Regular 42.50 now SH9.50 now 99.50 89.50 59.50 49.50 179.50 299.50 199.50 69.50 209.50 399.50 29.50 54.50 52.50 49.50 9.95 7.95 5-95 .99 .29 6.95 29.50 Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Now Children's 3-Piece Table & Chair Sets from 20 to 50 off Reg. 49.50 Box Spring & Mattress Set at Half Price Occasional Tables from 10 to 20 off Magazine Racks from 10 to 50 off Table Lamps from 10 to 30 off Boudoir Lamps from 10 to 30 off Other items such as Cotton Rugs, Felt Rugs, Desks, Odd Chairs, Knick Knack Racks, Gift Items, Hampers, Clothes Baskets. Closing out Plastikote Paint at One-Third off.