Want Ads FOR SALE 2 good heating stoves, wood; one small cook stove, good for sheep camp. N. D. Bailey. 41Uc BULLDOZER and Scraper Work We specialize in land level ing and road and dam build ing. How is the time to get your spring plowing lined up. Crum Bros., lone. Phone 32F 14. 41-4Dp FOR SALE General Electric range. See Kemp Dick, phone 23GZ 41p FOR SALE 1040 acres land; 700 cultivated, $15,000, $4000 cash, balance 12 crop at 4 inter est. . Ray Heimbigner, lone, Ore. . 41-42p FOR SALE 80 acres; 45 acres wheat land, 10 irrigated, 7 in alfalfa. Mower, rake, Ford tractor, drill, plow, steel wag on, double disc, springtooth harrow, spike tooth harrow. Three wells and running wa ter. On Rhea creek. $3,500. See Turner, Van Marter & Co. 41c SEE US for immediate delivery on Goodyear tires and tubes. Most sizes in stock. Hodge Chevrolet Company. FOR SALE 2 1932 ModeTB Ford pickups. Good condition. $225 each. Newpot, Kern & Kibbe, Lexington, Ore. SEE US for immediate delivery on Goodyear tires and tubes. Most sizes in stock. Hodge Chevrolet Company. WANT TO TRADE Briggs-Strat-ton gas engine for washing machine, -for 14 or 13 110 volt electric motor. N. D. Bal- . ley. 40-4L SEE US for immediate delivery on Goodyear tires and tubes. Most sizes in stock. Hodge Chevrolet Company. SEE US for immediate delivery on Goodyear tires and tubes. Most sizes in stock. Hodge Chevrolet Company. FOR SALE 1942 34-ton Dodge pickup; panel box, 4-wheel drive, A-l condition, excellent tires. Phone 2632 Heppner, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., Morrow County Cleaners. 40-41c LOST At Masonic hall, a light gray hat. Initials R.S.T. in side band. Stephen Thomp son. 40-41c FOR SALE Automatic Electric Water Presur System, Complete with 525 gallon tank. Newport, Kara St Kibbe, Lexington, Ore. 35Uc VETS' MAIL BAG (As a service to veterans in the community, this newspaper will publish a weekly column of newi briefs from the Veterans Adminis tration. For further information, veterans should contact or write their nearest VA contact office at U. S. Natl Bank Bldg., Rooms 11 and 12, 157 S. Main St., Pendleton.) Veterans Administration Reports on Past Year During 1946, more, than 736, 500 personal contacts with Vet erans Administration offices in the Pacific Northwest and Alas ka were made by veterans and their dependents, an average of slightly over one contact for ev ery veteran In the area, the VA reports. Figures for the year just end ed show 19.G98 veterans receiv ed loans for homes, farms and businesses at a total value of $87,881,281, of which the govern ment guaranteed $42,101,359. . National Service Life Insur- Highways To Health By ADA R. MAYNE VEGETABLE MEDLEY Vegetables take to milk, but ter and cheese like a duck to turnips, beets or celery root. Makes 1 cup sauce. Cauliflower with Cheese Sauce water. There is something mag- i is an old favorite. Soak a head . tr ic in a creamy white sauce, gol den melted butter and of cauliflower in salted water 30 minutes, drain, and cook in an zosty i uncovered kettle containine a melted cheese that brings out! arge amount of water until Just the glamor in the commonest ! tender. Make a cream sauce of vegetable. 2 tbsp butter, 2 tbsp flour, and Mothers know that fresh green 1 1 cup milk. Melt butter, blend and yellow vegetables are a, until smooth with flour. Add "must" in the family diet, nutri-! milk slowly and cook, stirring tionally speaking, and when until thickened. Add 34 cup combined with milk, butter or; grated American cheese and salt cheese, they are doubly delicious ! and pepper. Cook, stirring con and nourishing. Because many 'stantly, over very low heat un homemakers have trouble coax- j til cheese melts. Pour over head ing their families to eat veget-iof cooked cauliflower in casser ables, we offer a variety of pre-'ole dish and bake in moderate paration ideas to give those "olejoven until browned, carrots, beets and beans appe- j . Here is an easy Hollandaise tile-appeal." 'Sauce that makes broccoli, spin- First off comes a Savory Veg-1 ach or asparagus company fare, etablc Sauce, guaranteed to Combine 14 cup butter, 14 cup Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Uregon, January , Soldiers See the Sights of Pom Major topics with which these January 21: Baker, J.imi.iry IS; committees are concerned tn!lrhutes. January 2; Clatsop, most counties include land Me!Fehru.i,r" Till.im.-k. Fobru- ary r.t; Lincoln, renruary A. Little did these two Army Regulars dream that tome day they would fc riding down the famed Avenue de Champs Elysees in Paris, but Hit travel, adventure, and comradeship offered by the Regular Army has mode it a realization. Qualified young men between IB and 34 years of 090,1 inclusive, will be interested in seeing the sights of the world. Bottled condiment sauce 14 tsp salt Pepper 1 cup grated American cheese make any vegetable taste spe- lemon juice, 4 egg yolks, dash J Soak onions in boiling salted a Rniito 9 then minnpH nninn inf rnvonnp and 1 tfin salt in a nutnr until ianAnr Firkin inA ance policies of more than 400,- ;in 2' tbsp DUtter 5 minutes. Add measuring cup. Set cup in a place in shallow baking dish. UOU Veterans Were moved to Se- i ,o ,,,,n fjnp Kr,ft hrearl mimhs. small sanronan rnntaininf? pent- r,,t a ,.1Hq ir, tr, f ,l attle In July as a part of Gen eral Bradley's decentralization program, giving more efficient service to veterans of the North west. At the end of the year, 73,900 ' wcie lading training i hnano uinoer provisions 01 the U.l. Bill, More than 54,000 were in educa tional institutions and almost 19,500 were taking job training. Almost 50,000 more had at some time during jhe year, been enrolled in training courses. A total of. 1G6.598 disability claims were filed during the year by Northwest veterans. Ap proximately 80,000 monthly dis ability or death benefits were being paid to veterans of all wars and their dependents at the end of 1946. current agricultural trends and to establish policies to guide Oregon farm development in the years immediately ahead. The current series of county conferences is particularly im portant, Teutsch pointed out saute until light brown. Add 1 ly boiling water. Cook, stirring onion. Sprinkle a few drops of! because it is concerned with the cup milk, 12 tsp salt, dash or i constantly until thickened condiment sauce in each cross. popper and perhaps a pinch of i about 7 minutes. Makes 23 Then sprinkle each onion with marjoram and thyme. Simmer cup sauce. Serve at once. a little salt and pepper. Press 10 minutes, stirring frequently. with cheese 2 tbsp of cheese into each cross. Legal Advertising HOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that ths uil' derslgned was duly appointed by the County Court of tiie blste ot Oregon, fur Morrow County, adniimatralur of Uie eaute of Carl F. Troedaon. de ceased, and all persona having claiuia against Uie estate of said deceased are hereby required to present Uie same to the undersigned administrator with proper vouchers at the law office of Jos, J. Nya at Heppner, Oregon, wihun six months from Uie date here of. Dated and first published the 19th day of December, 1JM8 KENNETH J. SMOUSE, 89-43. Administrator. HOTICB OF FIHAL ACCOUNT Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned executor of the estate of Herman Neilson, deceased, has filed with the County Court of the Slate of Oregon for Morrow County, his final account of his administration of the estate of said deceased arid said Court fixed Monday, the 20th day of January, 1947, at Uie hour of 10 00 A. M. of said day at the Court House at Heppner, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objections to said final account and the settlement of said estate and all persons having ob jections thereto are hereby required to file the same with said court on or before the time fixed for Raid hearing. Dated and first published this lath day of December, 1946. 39-43. JOS. J. NY3. Executor. More Protection Given Vet Home Buye's Added protectio'n for veterans purchasing real estate in the present high market is being of fered through new procedures to be effective January 2, the Veterans Administration an nounced. Under the revised system, the Veterans Administration, not the lender, will pick the apprais er of property under considera tion for purchase by veterans. Appraisers will be designated by name for each piece of prop erty under consideration. For the past 15 months, a lender was allowed to choose any ap praiser from a panel whose gen eral qualifications had been approved by the VA. A tendency of some leaders to select "obliging" appraisers ex clusively and consequently, get higher appraisals to meet the asking price, necessitated the change, the VA says. Question of the Week Q. Is there a provision for to tal disability income in Nation al Service Life Insurance policies? A. Yes. Total disability In come hencflts authorized by re cent legislation can be added to any plan of National Service Life Insurance upon application with proof of good health and the payment of an extra premium. Serve over cooked carrots, green broccoli, cabbage, diced ; 8 large peeled whole onions Radar and Loran at Sea readjustment of farming to peacetime basis. In each county, from 7 to 11 committees have been appointed by the local and soil conservation, farm crops, livestock, poultry, dairy- Curry. February 21; I'nmk and Hood Hivcr. February 2."; Doug las and Klamath, February 26; and Lake, February 27. ing, rural youth, veteran's guid ance, and farm home and com munity life. Some counties have separate committees on horti cultural products and other spe cial tome ,,f lu-al Im-mlanm . .,.,, ,, ,1 Jones, daughter of Mr. In most cases, a report ol the ' , i. .v,-. ,1C. N. Jones. i.ae atten ference will be published in booklet form as a reference and guide both for established far mers and new settlers, Teutsch stated. Counties holding confer ences and the dates scheduled are as follows: Wasco, January 22; Umatilla, January 23; Coos and Wallowa, Bake in overt, 375 degrees, for i conference chairman to draft about 40 minutes or until cheese I detailed reports to be presented is golden brown. .at the county-wide meeting. Transferring Cr Heavy Hauling Padded Moving Vans Storage Warehouse U.P.andN.P. Penland Bros. Transfer Co. 39 SW Ben Avenue Phone 338 Pendleton, Ore. Among students spending the holidays at homo is Loma Mae and Mrs. ds North west Christian college In Eugene. Dance Willows Grange Hall IONE SAT., JAN. 4 Auspices lone Post No. 95 American Legion Half of Proceeds go to lone Memorial Improvement Association Admission SI. Ladies 50c (Including Tax) Refreshments to v be Served i Mm ffA ' Sr W " lit V J AW !t fOUe TO PECFaT, . RADAR W'LL NAVE i.k'EAT . (VAc'ICAL VALUE TO AMECICM NEWREET CCAS60 AND lev YxK z NO LCSiER Nf Et P5 AT E FEAC FOGS. ia8E(M Oft OTHER VEttElMHimTO EADAR. L -"tAsv I r- i ! w . tl., , Ki .1 ( LOHAN TRANSMITTING T 1 ? 1 L vmf 7f I " : , . II RETUWNC S rA.il "!', rCpTV fV E U)Wi LIN Of V9TI0N rtf,.?jt,,. TCh' i-fZTAt p;aw.i?js!iAfi4TioN, I Of ASH! fOSITION AT SEA, 1 KAN0TEEAllMlRACtE WWlCH WILL K OF 6CEAT I FfACEfME VALUE I -J-L i3 ' i ; It F - ff WIT tf A'.'SAN M-C.W MASiNE 10 ilfEiT AFLOAT . - FOOTSTOOLS MADE FROM CAR SEATS AT WORKSHOP Building nine footstools from 56 springs of old car seats in one day was a project directed by Miss Jean Starker, home dem onstration agent in Clatsop county. Eighteen women living at the government housing project just south of Astoria built stools at one workshop session, reports Mrs. Azalea Sager, state home demonstration leader at Oregon State college. Vurpose of this project is to teach women what to look for in new furniture and how to repair worn out. springs and underpinning. Footstool projects began in Umatilla county last yeai whore 300 stools were constructed. Oili er ' counties where demonstra tions on footstools were held this year include Baker, Clackamas, Union, Crook and Douglas. 16 MORE COUNTIES TO HOLD FARM CONFERENCES Fifteen Oregon counties ar making preparations for county agricultural program planning and outlook conferences from late January through FeDruary, it was announced this week by Wm. L. Teutsch, assistant direc tor of extension at O. S. C. i Similar conferences hav; been held in most Oregon ouunties at intervals of approximately 10 years since the middle 1920's, fifteen being held last year. Their purpose is to evaluate Announcement: Matthews Radio Sales & Service are pleased to announce the opening of a NEW STORE IN HEPPNER 'EVERYTHING IN RADIO' Floor Model Combinations Table Model Combinations Car Radios etc., Plus A completely Modern Service Department We Cordially Invite Your Inspection Corners May & Chase Heppner, Ore. Phone 2652 OSC TO ENTERTAIN WEST'S DIRECTORS OF EXTENSION Corvallis will he host to the extension service directors , of the 11 western states at their 1 a.nnial conference next August 4 to 7, it was decided during the recent meeting of the Associa tion of Land Grant Colleges Jind NOTICE OF BOND REDEMPTION Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned Trustee for the bondhold ers ut the Masonic Building Associa tion ui Hcpuner. Oregon, pursuant to I tin..prsi. j.,s ('hloni'O At that lh ,,r..v i !,,. of thai certain dred of " " " 1,1 1 '.M- t Ul.n trust eucuted on the 2Mb day of meeting. K. I,. B.nllnrd, associate Ite'cmber, 1K36 by .aid Masonic , f Px)pnsn nt 0 s C Building Ass.K-'iatlon of Heppner, Ore- Koll. luu elccleu lo ri'Ut'eiu an oui- t v ,-m-,- i iimum m mi- fctuudlng bonds. That Interest on said ! bomla wnl ceane on uie nrsi uay of Kebruary, 1H47. The owner or holder of said bonds may present such bonds to the un dersigned at the Kist National Bank of Portland, Oregon. Heppner Branch and upon surrender and cancellation thereof, will be paid the par value thereof together with the accrued In terest. Jjated and first published the 26th day of December, 1946. FRANK S. PARKER, Trustee for the Bondholders, Masonic Building Association. December 26. 1946. 40-H. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned administratrix of the es tate of Davo McAtee, deceased, has filed with the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, her final account of her administra tion of the estate of said dt'roased nnd said Court has fixed Monday the 27th day of January, 1947, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M. of said day at the Court House at Heppner, Oro gon, as the time and place for hearing objections t .aid final account and I . .eltlrnu 1 of said eslito and all l ..miis hn .. objections thtxelo are .nod to file the sanu BASKETBALL western stptes directors for the comiiiR year and will serve as chairman of the conference pro pram committee. Ballard also was named as a member of the national extension committee on farm labor. Wm. L. Teutsch, assistant di- rector of ex'eiision, represented Orepon at the Chicago session.! He reports that the meeting in Corvallis next summer w;M be devoted especially to discussions of older rural youth problem1!, soil conservation, and market ing, and that extension special ists In these fields will attend, together with directors from the states concerned. with said Court on or before the time fixed for said hearing. Dated and first pu.ill.il ed this 2Glh dnv "f Pecemlier. 194H. VAt.LK.IO , MC ATKK KltEMKHfl. 10-44 Administratrix. Get Those Plow Shares Treated This Winter Hardsurfaced (hares save time, tractor fuel; last lots longer, and do a bettor plowing Job. Most big wheat farmers are using them. H you have not tried them, ask your neighbor how he likes hli. Successful on both new and old shares. HAROLD BECKET Blacksmithing Gr Welding Original iasrlem lobe Trotters Basketball's Best LORENZO 'PIPER' DAVIS Forward and Captain ... Home City, riper, Alabama; Height 6-4; Weight l!Kr). Davis, a member of the Birmingham Black Barons base ball club of the Negro American League, rated the greatest second baseman In Negro baseball, is serving his sixth year with the Trot ters. A former Alabama Stale College baseball and basketball star, by reason of his leadership ability, he was moved to the western unit to handle the squad, and is doing an admirable job. A great Doorman and good shot from the court, he is proving the backbone of the Trotters' offense. 9 K f 'k i .j"iiii'iI111 nilt Wl 1M r j! ) SAM s l-rrs; I sharpe Jf&J cuard IT JMf , ( ' I vs. . rwww wnmsiWE-yiir nt.iii sho;bsssmsb A'll&jjil- SAM SHARPE 1 ' wttwJWS SSeppner Townies Fast ex-college and high school stars LORENZO "PIPER" DAVIS Forward and Captain Forward .. .Home City: Denver, Col.;Ilt. 6-3; IVt. 200. Sharpe joined Trotters from Wiley College, Texas in 1941; joined army after one season. Recently returned from Tokyo. The boys have named him "Joe College." FLOYD BATES Center. .. Home City: Flint, Mich.; Ht. 6 3 12; Wt. 100. Bates played the season of 1940 with Trotters; entered navy for four years. With colored squad at Great Lakes Training Station developed into one of best driving players in basketball. High jumped 6 ft., 5 In. w. .. ., -.,m nBSSBM HEPPNER SCHOOL GYMNASIUM 8 P. M. ADMISSION: Adults 83c, Tax 17c, Total $1.00; Students 42c, Tax 8c, Total 50c A Great Sports Treat ! - - - Laughs Aplenty ! FLOYD k BATES Jt Center I J