Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, December 19, 1946, Page 3, Image 3

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Highways To
Heppner Gozette Times, Heppner, Oregon, December 19, 1946-3
CHRISTMAS COOKIES ed product, can be developed
! Christmas is cookie time. You from a simple basic recipe. If
cannot have too many cookies at you have a favorite sugar, re
Christmas. Crisp or soft, sugared frigerator or butter cookie recipe,
or filled or gingered to suit ev- half the cookie-Jar battle is won
ery whim, they may not last to begin with. All you need then
very long but they give pleasure is a supply of colored sugar,
to everyone. nuts, raisins, and chocolate nibs
One nice thing about cookies for decoration, and a lot of en
practically all of them, no thusiasm. Cookie making can
matter how elaborate the finish- be fun invite the whole family
to help make a party of it And
keep different shaped cookie cut
ters on hand and use them often.
Good cookie makers know that
certain rules must be followed
if their results are to be good.
Remember to have the Ingredi
ents at room temperature and
combine them quickly. Chill the
dough for at least 12 hour be
fore rolling It. Work with about
one quarter of the dough at one
time and on a cold board with a
little flour. Dip the cookie cutter
in flour each time before using
and deposit cookie on baking
sheet directly from cutter. Bake
in a fairly hot oven (375 deg.)
on a buttered baking sheet
Ihis year, may all my light shine down
On happy homes... both farm and town,
To all I serve, both far and near,
A Cliristmas wish of peace and cheer.
Her are two Christmas cookie
recipes that will have small eyes
sparkling "and grown-ups raid
ing the cookie jar at midnight
Cut in fancy shapes and decor
ate with colored sugar or nut
meats, these cookies are equally
delicious with the milk jug or
beside the eggnog bowl.
Before we forget we would
like to wish all our friends Good
Health, Good Cheer, Merry
Christmas and a Happy New
Kringel Cookie
2 cups butter
1 cup sugar
6 egg yolks, beaten
6 cups flour
Egg white
Granulated sugar
Cream butter and sugar; add
egg yolks. Add flour and flav
oring. Chill; roll, out in strips
12 inch wide and 3 to 4 inches
long. Roll and cross like a
Christmas wreath. Dip in egg
white and sugar. Bake in a
moderate oven (350 degrees) un
til light brown. (Make 5 dozen.)
Sprite Bakelse
1 cup butter
34 cup sugar
3 egg yolks or 1 whole egg,
2 12 cups flour
Pinch of salt
12 tsp baking powder
12 tsp almond extract
Cream butter and sugar thor
oughly, add eggs. Add sifted
dry Ingredients. Chill. Put thru
cookie press In various patterns.
Bake in a moderate oven (350
degrees) 10 to 12 minutes.
Aproximately 350,000 women who
served in World War II are eligible
for benefits from the Veterans Administration.
More than 33 percent of World
War II veterans already have ap
plied for education or on-the-job
training under G. L Bill provisions.
To Learn Good
Trade Offered
Feeling the need of trained
men in the building industry, O.
M. Yeager, Building Contractor,
announces that he intends to
form a class of from 10 to 20
boys from the ages of 12 to 20
years that might be interested
in wood-working and allied
building trades. The subjects to
be studied are, viz:
The care and use of the tools.
How to correlate the brain and
the hands.
How to read and use archi
tect's blue prints in relation to
the building of fine furniture
and the construction of homes
and other buildings.
How to use short cuts in esti
mating and figuring not usually
taught in the ordinary schools.
How to ask, and how not to
ask for a job in the building
How to design and build beau
tiful furniture and home built
ins and how to appraise the val
ue of buildings already con
How to read and use the mod
ern steel square in general roof
Mr. Yeager has had 47 years
of actual building experience,
having served his apprenticeship
in Heppner while still a young
boy, and since that time has
constructed and built hundreds
of homes and other buildings all
over the West, and has had years
of study and research pertaining
to the building trades, and has
studied under one of the leading
technical schools, and several of
the West's master builders.
There are no charges or ex
pense to this except the actual
supplies each boy uses.
Any boy that thinks he would
like to make this his life work,
or wishes to train himself to
build his own furniture, etc.,
please get in touch with Mr.
Yeager at his home at 415 Jones
St. or phone 1483 for appointment.
Use our new com
mercial type
Vacuum Cleaner
It does the job for
only 75c
or we will clean it
for you.
Select the Job
You'd Like
If You Can Qualify for
Enlistment in the New
Regular Army You May Be
Placed Immediately in
the Job You Wish.
And MOWE tiicKaiser
Automatic Dishwasher
So simple to operate, a child can learn in sec
onds everything there is to know about the
mechanism and how to make it work Just
two connections, no instal ling-one to the hot
water supply and one to the drain.
In price, too, the Kaiser has been designed for you. Its
low cost-a cost you can af ford-will be repaid many times
over in hours saved, in freedom from one of housework's
most drudging chores.
See the Machine on Display at
Heppner Motor
Frank Engkraf
The Army, Navy, Marine or Coast
Guard Veteran with an MOS rat
ing (held for a period or six
months or more) now can cash
very advantageously on his
former training and experience
by enlisting in the Regular
The high school graduate may
complete a lifetime of schooling
as an enlisted man in the Army.
The man who nas not gradua
ted from high school may com
plete his high school education
and receive his diploma while
in the Army.
The combination of earning
and learning makes the Army an
ideal career for you. And, don't
forget, all Army men may now
wear civilian clothes for every
off-duty and off-the-post activ
ity if they choose.
By investigating the many im
portant advantages of a career
in the new Regular Army. For
further details call or go to your
nearest Army Recruiting Station.
",tw .wt -.tMr -.rw
May All the Blessings
of the Yuletide Season
be yours this Joyous
Holiday Time
Frank Davis, Manager
H to extend every one our sincere
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